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Showing 36,151 through 36,175 of 36,669 results

The Happiness Revolution: A Manifesto for Living Your Best Life

by Andy Cope Paul McGee

A new book by two of the biggest powerhouses in positive psychology and personal development – Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee Happiness. We chase it, we crave it…it’s so in demand… yet so scarce and fleeting. But here’s the good news. In The Happiness Revolution: A Manifesto For Living Your Best Life, bestselling authors Dr Andy Cope and Professor Paul McGee deliver a page-turning self-help book of the times, for the times. As the world wakes up to a new kind of normal, The Happiness Revolution challenges readers to sign up to an uprising of wellbeing and to making the most of the privilege of being on this planet. The book outlines a 10-point Happiness Manifesto. Grounded in the science of human flourishing and the reality of life, the principles are simple, do-able and above all make a difference not only to yourself but to others too. Let the fight back to mental wealth start right here. Welcome to global domination of the happiness kind! Discover: How to regain your sanity, clarity, and wellbeing, even when your smartphone, kids, spouse, job, and possessions seem to be conspiring to keep you from doing just that. Why it can be so hard to maintain a happy outlook when the outside world has never been so fast, complex, and unpredictable. How to be at your best in a world that is doing its worst. Happiness is the #1 thing you want for yourself and your family. The Happiness Revolution is an indispensable guide for everyone trying to live their best life and to spread some happiness whilst doing so. Rise Up and Be Happy! Vive la revolution!

Happy Accidents: The Transformative Power of "Yes, and" at Work and in Life

by David Ahearn Frank Ford David Wilk

Stop saying 'no' to opportunity, and start saying 'yes' to possibility Happy Accidents is your personal guide to transforming your life. As we take on task after task, responsibility after responsibility, we lose sight of who we are and why we're doing what we do; we rush through the day completing a to-do list, but we never really seem to accomplish the things that are most important. What goals do you have for your life? What steps have you taken toward them today? Consider this book your guide to getting back on track to your dreams and help inspire those around you. It's not about doing more or doing less, it's about making what you do worthy of the effort. From forging new relationships, stepping out of your comfort zone, and reframing your work—start valuing these as empowering choices you get to make toward a particular goal every day. To preserve our precious time and energy, we often default to 'no,' yet this only closes the door to our growth, while a 'yes' opens up a world of possibilities. The secret is adding 'yes, and' to our lives. This seductively simple turn of phrase opens the doors to better collaboration and positive relationships, and invites self-sustaining opportunities into our world. 'Yes, and' helps you get from where you are, as an individual or organization, to where want to be. No person or organization is an island, and none of us reaches our goals alone. This book shows you how to build on the power of open-mindedness, cultivate supportive relationships, and adopt a win-win mindset to reignite your purpose and unleash your best. Harness the power of team collaboration, cooperation, and creativity Reframe 'mistakes' and 'bad ideas' into 'Happy Accidents' that lead to opportunities Communicate more effectively by learning how to listen actively and build on the pertinent information Relinquish some degree of control to allow for more growth and discovery Children have a natural inclination toward curiosity. As we grow into adults, our curiosity gradually takes a back seat to obligations, responsibility, and duty—but that spark remains, and can be reignited. Don't spend your life adrift in a sea of 'could've, would've, should've'—take back your sense of purpose, positivity, joy, time, and energy with the power of Happy Accidents.

The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout

by Vu Le Beth Kanter Aliza Sherman

Steer your organization away from burnout while boosting all-around performance The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit presents realistic strategies for leaders looking to optimize organizational achievement while avoiding the common nonprofit burnout. With a uniquely holistic approach to nonprofit leadership strategy, this book functions as a handbook to help leaders examine their existing organization, identify trouble spots, and resolve issues with attention to all aspects of operations and culture. The expert author team walks you through the process of building a happier, healthier organization from the ground up, with a balanced approach that considers more than just quantitative results. Employee wellbeing takes a front seat next to organizational performance, with clear guidance on establishing optimal systems and processes that bring about better results while allowing a healthier work-life balance. By improving attitudes and personal habits at all levels, you'll implement a positive cultural change with sustainable impact. Nonprofits are driven to do more, more, more, often with fewer and fewer resources; there comes a breaking point where passion dwindles under the weight of pressure, and the mission suffers as a result. This book shows you how to revamp your organization to do more and do it better, by putting cultural considerations at the heart of strategy. Find and relieve cultural and behavioral pain points Achieve better results with attention to well-being Redefine your organizational culture to avoid burnout Establish systems and processes that enable sustainable change At its core, a nonprofit is driven by passion. What begins as a personal investment in the organization's mission can quickly become the driver of stress and overwork that leads to overall lackluster performance. Executing a cultural about-face can be the lifeline your organization needs to thrive. The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit provides a blueprint for sustainable change, with a holistic approach to improving organizational outlook.

Happy Money Happy Life: A Multidimensional Approach to Health, Wealth, and Financial Freedom

by Jason Vitug

Transform your relationship with money into one that powers true wellbeing. Money can buy happiness when you spend it on wellness. In Happy Money Happy Life: A Multidimensional Approach to Health, Wealth, and Financial Freedom, celebrated writer, speaker, and entrepreneur Jason Vitug delivers an exciting and practical discussion at the intersection of our mental and emotional health and our money. You’ll explore the importance of physical and spiritual wellbeing, the interconnectedness of environmental comfort, meaningful work, and social connections as you learn to live a healthier, wealthier, and happier life. With insightful takeaways from happiness research, you’ll understand how money weaves itself into every aspect of your life and how you can masterfully use it to choose happiness. In the book, you’ll find: Descriptions of the 8 dimensions of wellness and a hands-on framework you can use to achieve your financial and life goals 4 key principles to living a happier life A holistic strategy for transforming your relationship with money into one that improves every aspect of your wellbeing An indispensable roadmap to mental strength, physical health, financial success, and emotional intelligence, Happy Money Happy Life is ideal for professionals, managers, workers, executives, and other business leaders ready to explore the possibility that life is about joy and happiness, not merely titles and salaries.

The Hard Hat: 21 Ways to Be a Great Teammate

by Jon Gordon Jeremy Schaap

Great teammates don't just impact you today; they impact you for the rest of your life. From the moment Jon Gordon heard about George Boiardi and the Hard Hat he was intrigued and captivated. Over the years he visited George's coaches, attended several "21 Dinners" held in his honor, met his family, talked to his teammates and observed how he inspired all who knew him. The Hard Hat is an unforgettable true story about a selfless, loyal, joyful, hard-working, competitive, and compassionate leader and teammate, the impact he had on his team and program and the lessons we can learn from him. The book features: A True Story about George Boiardi, his Team and their Legacy. 21 Lessons to be a Great Teammate Insights from George's Teammates and Coaches that Bring the Lessons to Life. 21 Exercises to help you Build a Great Team Infused with practical insights and life changing lessons, The Hard Hat will inspire you to be the best teammate you can be and to build a great team. *100% of author's royalties go to support the Mario St. George Boiardi Foundation

Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals

by Steven Stein Paul Bartone

Learn to embrace the 3 C's of psychological hardiness to overcome stress and increase personal growth Life is full of questions. How you answer these questions can determine which path your life takes. Think about how many questions you are faced with every day. It can be overwhelming. From the mundane to the profound, questions help you navigate everything from your daily routine to your career choices and relationships. Sometimes, asking the right question is just as important as the answer: What do you want out of life? Is it financial success? A loving family? Career achievement? Maybe you are coping with a serious illness. Whatever your goal may be, you have undoubtedly encountered barriers that slow your progress. One of the biggest of these barriers is stress. Scientific research has found that your ability to resist the damaging effects of stress—your hardiness—can reduce stress-related illness and strengthen your ability to thrive under pressure. Hardiness, written by respected clinical and research psychologists, will help develop your psychological hardiness which, in turn, enables you to enjoy more of life’s rewards. Mastering the 3 C’s of hardiness—commitment, control, and challenge—is essential to increasing hardiness and responding effectively to stressful situations. This invaluable guide provides exercises and activities, based on 30 years of research, specifically designed to increase your hardiness in all areas of your personal and professional life. This book will help you: Understand how hardiness is assessed to evaluate and improve your response to stress Unlock your new potential made possible by a better understanding of hardiness Examine real-life examples and case studies of psychological hardiness Increase your engagement in the surrounding world Capitalize on opportunities for your personal growth Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals can help you move toward becoming healthier, more self-actualized, and increasingly satisfied with your life and future.

Haushaltstipps für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Karolin Küntzel

Sagen Sie Dreck und Chaos den Kampf an! Lernen Sie, welche Putzmittel Sie wirklich brauchen und auf welche Sie getrost verzichten können. Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes zur Hygiene, zur Raumgestaltung und zur Fleckentfernung. Lernen Sie ein cleveres System zur Entrümplung kennen und erhalten Sie Survival-Tipps für Ihren ersten eigenen Haushalt. Damit "das bisschen Haushalt" nur so wenig Aufwand wie nötig in Anspruch nimmt und Sie sich in Ihrem gepflegten Zuhause wohl fühlen können!

A Head Full of Everything: Inspiration for Teenagers With the World on Their Mind

by Gavin Oattes

Welcome to life. Teenage life. The most awkward 7 years you’ll ever have; 84 months of change, 364 weeks of weird and 2,555 days of scrolling and inconvenience. In the grand scheme of life, it’s not a lot. Unless you’re an actual teenager, in which case, it’s EVERYTHING! “It’s the best years of your life!” they tell us. And yet, while it should be, for so many it just doesn’t feel like it. For most it’s an emotional assault course of acceptance, stress, anxiety, heartbreak and peer pressure, all whilst navigating the ‘hashtagony’ of social media. Misunderstood by society and misrepresented by the media, teenagers have it tough. A Head Full of Everything demonstrates that being a teenager doesn’t have to suck. And when it does, there’s some cool things you can do to make it suck a little less. This book will challenge you to embrace your inner weird, to never grow up, be true to yourself, protect your mental health and be sure that for your 7 glorious teenage years, you act your age. Literally. Bestselling author, award-winning comedian and international keynote speaker, Gavin Oattes has written a personal development title for teens with a difference – there’s no waffle, no dad chat, no fluff. Full of hilarious, real-life inspiration and a few crazy ideas along the way, A Head Full of Everything will leave you feeling motivated, energised and reassured that nobody has life all figured out.

Heal to Lead: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing

by Kelly L. Campbell

By taking radical responsibility for your own healing, you unveil the high-conscious leader within that our world needs right now. You don’t outrun or outgrow the formative experiences that have shaped who you are. So, it makes sense that your emotional history would also be the foundation of your leadership style. If what got you to this point may now be the very thing that is holding you back, then Heal to Lead was written for you. Everything you’ve read about conscious leadership is based on self-awareness and personal growth, yet the missing link has been trauma healing. If you want greater collaboration with your people, the confidence to inspire growth in your organization, and a more meaningful connection to yourself, your community, and the natural world, it’s time to do the inner work. This book shows you how to develop high-conscious leadership, rooted in deep introspection, vulnerability, compassion, and reciprocity with all beings. Inside, former CEO turned trauma-informed leadership coach Kelly L. Campbell walks alongside you as you unpack and process what’s been buried within your psyche. Integrating your past trauma is the key to unlearning the maladaptive strategies that have kept you subconsciously safe until now. With the resources, personal anecdotes, and reflection questions in this book, you will be better able to regulate your emotions and feel more enlivened as you lead from a place of reclamation. As an indicator of your commitment, your organization will ultimately realize greater stability and success. Discover how trauma lives in the body and can hinder you from accessing your potential. Break strategic patterns in your life that keep you automated, and gain clarity about what you are here to contribute. Develop greater compassion for yourself and others so you can co-create healthy workplace culture and respond productively in difficult situations. Make a lasting, positive impact within your organization and augment your bottom line. Disrupt the default of extractive, patriarchal, and supremacist business practices. Commit to taking part in the restoration of our societal tapestry and global environment. Heal to Lead is a radical departure from the myths that emerging and established leaders like you have been fed for so long. By healing your core wounds, you shed other people’s stories about who you are, releasing the pain and scarcity mindset that keeps you feeling stuck. This liberation finally gives you access to your innate gifts as a leader, and you feel empowered to do the right thing by all as a generative force in the world.

Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way

by Nancy Liebler Sandra Moss

Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way shines a new light on the darkness of depression by presenting specific antidepression strategies designed to help you unleash your innate healing potential. The time-tested advice presented in this book is based on the latest theories of modern science and the practical wisdom of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine. This unique book offers a comprehensive step-by-step program for eradicating the root of depression from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being. Through detailed questionnaires about your psycho-physiological profile and elemental imbalances, you will identify an archetype that most represents your experience with depression. Then, you will design a tailor-made health program to regain balance in your mind-body. You will learn to undo depression by: Identifying your unique manifestation of depression based on elemental imbalances Using yoga, exercise, and breathing techniques that are in sync with your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs Using food and meditation as medicine Whether you are battling a depressive episode or need support coping with the problems of daily living, this book will help you awaken the "physician within" and embark on a pathway to a life of balance and renewal.

Healing Your Emotional Self

by Beverly Engel

Healing Your Emotional Self "Emotionally abusive parents are indeed toxic parents, and they cause significant damage to their children's self-esteem, self-image, and body image. In this remarkable book, Beverly Engel shares her powerful Mirror Therapy program for helping adult survivors to overcome their shame and self-criticism, become more compassionate and accepting of themselves, and create a more posititve self-image. I strongly recommend it for anyone who was abused or neglected as a child. " --Susan Forward, Ph. D. , author of Toxic Parents "In this book, Beverly Engel documents the wide range of psychological abuses that so many children experience in growing up. Her case examples and personal accounts are poignant and powerful reminders that as adults, many of us are still limited by the defenses we formed when trying to protect ourselves in the face of the painful circumstances we found ourselves in as children. Engle's insightful questionnaires and exercises provide concrete help in the healing process, and her writing style is lively and engaging. This book is destined to positively affect many lives. " --Joyce Catlett, M. A. , coauthor of Fear of Intimacy The Emotionally Abusive Relationship "Beverly Engel clearly and with caring offers step-by-step strategies to stop emotional abuse . . . helping both victims and abusers to identify the patterns of this painful and traumatic type of abuse. " --Marti Tamm Loring, Ph. D. , author of Emotional Abuse Loving Him without Losing You "A powerful and practical guide to relationships that every woman should read. " --Barbara De Angelis, Ph. D. , author of Are You the One for Me?

The Healthy Hundred: 100 Ways to a Healthier, Happier and Longer Life

by Peter A. Larkins

From sleep to exercise, gut health to immunity, caffeine to sunscreen, red wine to family time . . . in The Healthy Hundred, you’ll learn how everyday choices impact your wellbeing. Growing older is inevitable. But you might be surprised to learn just how much control you have over your own future health! Today we have a better understanding of just how much we can do to slow down the negative impacts of time — and to prepare for a healthier, happier and longer life. Dr Peter Larkins is one of Australia’s most trusted physicians. In The Healthy Hundred, he draws on his many years of experience to share 100 tips and lifestyle decisions that can influence your rate of biological aging. With this book, you’ll learn how you can feel better and get more out of every day. Get the facts on how lifestyle and aging affect your mind and body Understand why healthspan is more important than lifespan — and quality is more important than simple longevity Get moving, keep busy, and stay positive: learn how your level of activity and productivity, your attitude, and your environment all impact your daily health Raise your awareness of common health issues like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and mental health — and learn simple, proactive measures for the long term Discover 100 facts and tips in 5 essential categories that influence your long-term health and wellbeing: Exercise, Nutrition, Habits, Mindset, and Social When it comes your future health, the truth is that surprisingly little is determined by your genetics. The rest is all about how you choose to live! Packed full of practical advice, The Healthy Hundred will show you how to look after your mind and body, starting from today — for a lifetime of happy years ahead.

The Healthy Workplace Nudge: How Healthy People, Culture, and Buildings Lead to High Performance

by Phillip Williams Rex Miller Michael O'Neill

Discover how healthy buildings, culture, and people lead to high profits Organizations and employees now spend an average of $18,000 per year per employee for health costs, a 61% increase in 10 years. Every indicator projects these costs will double before 2030. This is an unsustainable path. These costs are the tip to an even bigger iceberg, the hidden costs of time out of the office, distraction, disengagement, and turnover. The Healthy Workplace Nudge explains the findings of research on 100 large organizations that have tackled the problems of employee health costs and disengagement in five fresh ways: Well-being leads to health and high performance Wake up to the fact that 95% of traditional wellness programs fail to improve health or lower costs Behavioral economics has become a new powerful tool to nudge healthy behavior Healthy buildings are now cost effective and produce your strongest ROI to improving health Leaders who develop healthy cultures achieve sustainable high performance and employee wellbeing In addition to proving highly effective, these approaches represent a fraction of the cost sunk into traditional wellness and engagement programs. The book explains how to create a workplace that is good for people, releases them to what they do best and enjoy most, and produces great and profitable work. • Find actionable strategies and tactics you can put into use today • Retain happy, productive talent • Cut unnecessary spending and boost your bottom line • Benefit from real-world research and proven practice If you’re a leader who cares about the health and happiness of your employees, a human resource professional, or a professional who develops, designs, builds, or outfits workplace environments to improve employee health and wellbeing, this is one book you’ll want to have on hand.

A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life

by Parker J. Palmer

In A Hidden Wholeness, Parker Palmer reveals the same compassionate intelligence and informed heart that shaped his best-selling books Let Your Life Speak and The Courage to Teach. Here he speaks to our yearning to live undivided lives—lives that are congruent with our inner truth—in a world filled with the forces of fragmentation. Mapping an inner journey that we take in solitude and in the company of others, Palmer describes a form of community that fits the limits of our active lives. Defining a “circle of trust” as “a space between us that honors the soul,” he shows how people in settings ranging from friendship to organizational life can support each other on the journey toward living “divided no more.” This paperback edition includes two new and useful features. Circles of Trust is a DVD containing interviews with Parker J. Palmer and footage from retreats he facilitated for the Center for Courage & Renewal ( Bringing the Book to Life, by Caryl Hurtig Casbon and Sally Z. Hare, is a reader's and leader's guide to exploring the themes in A Hidden Wholeness. The DVD illuminates and illustrates the principles and practices behind circles of trust. The guide includes questions that connect the DVD to the book, offering "a conversation with the author" as well as an engagement with the text. Together, these features give readers new ways to internalize the themes of A Hidden Wholeness and share with others this approach to sustaining identity and integrity in all the venues of our lives. Inspired by Palmer’s writing and speaking—and challenged by the conditions of twenty-first century life—people across the country, from many walks of life, have been coming together in circles of trust to reclaim their integrity and help foster wholeness in their workplaces and their world. For over a decade, the principles and practices in this book have been proven on the ground—by parents and educators, clergy and politicians, community organizers and corporate executives, physicians and attorneys, and many others who seek to rejoin soul and role in their private and public lives. A Hidden Wholeness weaves together four themes that its author has pursued for forty years: the shape of an integral life, the meaning of community, teaching and learning for transformation, and nonviolent social change. The hundreds of thousands of people who know Parker Palmer’s books will be glad to find the journey continued

High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture

by Martin Rooney

Harness the power of Martin Rooney's acclaimed "Culture Coach" philosophy to build the culture of your dreams Building a great team culture doesn't happen overnight. Culture is hard to create, and even harder to change. Great culture is a key component for success at home, on the sports field, and at the workplace. In a time when people seem to be more divided than ever, leaders who can build strong and lasting cultures are essential. No one knows this better than internationally-renowned coach, in-demand speaker, and bestselling author Martin Rooney—dedicating his life to coach elite athletes, Fortune 500 executives, military leaders, and every kind of team imaginable to their highest level of performance. In High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture, Martin draws from his extensive experience developing top-level teams around the world to help leaders of all kinds foster and sustain winning cultures. This engaging, easy-to-read parable shows you that every business, sports team, and family has a culture. Whether you deliberately created it or not, it's always there and it didn’t come with a manual. That's where High Ten comes in. This must-have book is your personal leadership manual. Stop spending your day unhappy or complaining about a dream that hasn’t come true. High Ten will help you: Create an environment where your people work towards common goals with friends they trust—have fun doing it Develop clarity about the culture you want and put the processes in place to make it happen Ensure your culture reflects core values and aligns with your organization’s mission and vision Transform your culture into the "immune system" for your team or business Learn about the "3 Cornerstones of Culture" and eliminate the "5 Culture Killers" High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture is an invaluable resource for all coaches and leaders striving to achieve the highest level of culture—one where everyone feels like a valuable part of the team and consistently produces exceptional results.

The Holistic You: Integrating Your Family, Finances, Faith, Friendships, and Fitness

by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Family. Faith. Finance. Friendship. Fitness. Learn to balance and integrate these five critical areas of life. In The Holistic You: Integrating Your Family, Finances, Faith, Friendships, and Fitness, sought-after speaker and writer Rabbi Daniel Lapin delivers an inspiring and insightful discussion of how to bring joy and confidence to all of life’s many challenges. Rabbi Lapin introduces you to his unique 5F system, weaving together family, faith, finance, friendship, and fitness. He demonstrates how to organize your life so that you’re not neglecting one area to achieve success and connection in another. This book will show how happiness for most is found in family structures and the sexual relationships at their heart along with productive work and the money it creates. It reveals how to defeat false ideas that are projected into our brains about sex, gender, money, and health, both mental and physical, which imperil every aspect of our happiness. You’ll discover how to stop treating life like a zero-sum game and how to apply your efforts in each of the five elemental areas in ways that support your efforts in all the other four. A recipe for balance and well-roundedness, the book also provides: Universally applicable insights and strategies that have worked effectively for generations of enthusiasts of 3000 years of Jewish wisdom. Strategies to achieve, peace, and tranquility in your daily life through balance and connection Ways to benefit by strengthening unsuspectected connections between seemingly disparate parts of your life Steps to improve life by integrating humanity’s most fundamental institution and its most fundamental ambition An essential roadmap for sculpting our lives in an increasingly challenging world, The Holistic You will benefit anyone who hopes to simplify and integrate all the most important parts of their life.

The Holistic You Workbook: Integrating Your Family, Finances, Faith, Friendships, and Fitness

by Rabbi Daniel Lapin Susan Lapin

An essential companion to The Holistic You In The Holistic You: Integrating Your Family, Finances, Faith, Friendships, and Fitness Workbook, the renowned Rabbi Daniel Lapin delivers a practical companion and accompaniment to his widely read The Holistic You. If you were inspired by the idea of holistic life renewal but aren’t sure of the next step, this book is for you. In the workbook, you’ll find practical strategies for implementing the 5F crosslinks into your personal and business lifeplans. Exercises include Explorations and descriptions of how characteristics such as punctuality, zeal, and humility can be used to enhance every aspect of one’s life. Additional study materials for readers who wish to become 5F trainers Developing each F even when one is introverted or otherwise handicapped. Restoring relationships after years of neglect. Replacing passivity with ambitious activism Implementing the power of partnership into every part of life.An indispensable and hands-on resource for people who want to get the absolute most out of the already powerful The Holistic You, this workbook is a can’t-miss source of wisdom perfect for investors, entrepreneurs, , parents, and anyone looking for applicable and relevant advice they can apply immediately at home, at work, at school, and anywhere else.

The House that Cheese Built: The Unusual Life of the Mexican Immigrant who Defined a Multibillion-Dollar Global Industry

by Miguel A. Leal

A quintessential American dream story from a Mexican entrepreneur who shares the tale of building a multi-million-dollar business from scratch, complete with both success and failure, and always a vision of hope. Leal came to the U.S. penniless as a teenager, speaking almost no English; he literally slept in the boiler room of a Wisconsin cheese factory for months before he was caught. Through hard work, grit, and ingenuity Leal would go on to launch his own business. He is widely credited with introducing Mexican cheeses to the U.S. market and grew his company to a multimillion-dollar success story that defined an industry. Yet, like many successful entrepreneurs, Leal’s great successes were matched by personal failures: the end of a marriage; trouble with law enforcement; and the deeply felt sense that there must be something more to life than great wealth. Read the astounding memoir of a Mexican immigrant who worked his way to success in the American cheese industry Find inspiration in Miguel Leal’s determination and refusal to give up on his dream See how Leal persevered in the face of obstacles and setbacks in his personal life Follow Miguel’s story as he finds peace, purpose, and grace—and realizes that money isn’t everything Leal’s memoir, THE HOUSE THAT CHEESE BUILT, is both a quintessential immigrant success story, one that beautifully illustrates the immigrant experiences: isolation, fear, and ambition for a better life and assimilation, as well as a thoughtful personal account of entrepreneurship and all its benefits and costs.

How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life: Powerful Lessons on Belongingness, Healing, and Mental Health

by Jeanie Y. Chang

Discover the power of how K-Dramas can improve your wellbeing and provide a sense of belonging Love K-Dramas and want more permission to binge watch them? In How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life: Powerful Lessons on Belongingness, Healing, and Mental Health, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jeanie Y. Chang explores what K-Dramas can teach us about our own well-being and how we can use the lessons they teach us to live better and more meaningful lives. She also touches upon the powerful interrelationship between K-dramas, mental health, and belongingness. Topics covered include: Using K-Dramas as a roadmap to life, showing you how to navigate speed bumps, roadblocks, twists, turns, and dead ends Building cross-cultural relationships that you otherwise may not have without being a K-Drama fan Processing grief from the loss of a loved one to a loss of anything—a job, your physical safety, a relationship, or something else Harnessing the idea of Jeong, which is innate in Korean society and refers to the emotional sentiment of affinity, affection, kinship, and connection which is the thread throughout Jeanie's community Working the author’s trademarked mental health framework, Cultural Confidence®, to build up your mental health, identity, mindfulness, and resilience For K-Drama fans and enthusiasts and anyone curious about the influence of pop culture, How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life is an entertaining and educational must-read on how this enormously popular global phenomenon can help us become the best versions of ourselves.

How to be a Coffee Bean: 111 Life-Changing Ways to Create Positive Change (Jon Gordon)

by Jon Gordon Damon West

Create positive and lasting change in your life with proven concepts from The Coffee Bean In How to be a Coffee Bean, bestselling coauthors of The Coffee Bean, Jon Gordon and Damon West, present 111 simple and effective strategies to help you lead a coffee bean lifestyle—one full of healthy habits, encouragement, and genuine happiness. From athletes to students and executives, countless individuals have been inspired by The Coffee Bean message. Now, How to be a Coffee Bean teaches you how to put The Coffee Bean philosophy into action to help you create real and lasting change in your life. How to be a Coffee Bean presents thought-provoking ideas to help you create positive change, including: How to fuel your mind, body, and soul to energize yourself and others How to make a difference in the lives of others every day How to look for opportunities to be a messenger of hope and perseverance through your background, experiences, successes, and failuresEasy to implement, practical, proven, and highly effective, How to be a Coffee Bean shows you how to put the powerful lessons from The Coffee Bean into practice. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to live their best life and impact and transform the people and environment around them.

How to Be a Well Being: Unofficial Rules to Live Every Day

by Andy Cope Sanjeev Sandhu James Pouliopoulos

Make the Most of Every Single Day Uncertainty, instability, pressure, anxiety and now pandemic pandemonium . . . the world is hell bent on robbing us of our wellbeing. It's time to fight back. Twenty-Two Rules for Life that Just work It's time to ditch the tired, old wisdom, and take life into your own hands. We've all fallen for the mantra that 'you only live once,' but it's a big fat lie. The truth is that you get to live – really LIVE – every single day of your life. Based on the wisdom of Positive Psychology, How to be a WELL BEING teaches you to: Strive toward your true potential Stop wasting time and start achieving Focus on what's truly important Rethink your thinking Find meaning and fulfillment Upgrade to YOU 2.0 It's time to raise your personal bar from mental health to mental WEALTH. 'Memento mori' – remember death. No more messing around. No more wasting time. A new world calls for new rules. It's time to re-focus on what's most important and to take massive strides towards your true potential. 'I forget what came before sliced bread, but whatever it was, this is better than that.' —Mylee from Swindon

How to Bounce Forward: Change the Way You Deal with Adversity (Be Your Best)

by Sam Cawthorn

How to transform crisis into success At just 26 years old Sam Cawthorn experienced a serious car accident that resulted in the loss of his arm and was told that he may never walk again. At this critical moment he realised he had an incredible opportunity to create a better life. His experience drove him to uncover the mechanics, tools and strategies to not just bounce back, but to bounce forward and live a greater life with greater focus and greater success. How to Bounce Forward gives you the tools you need to successfully navigate crisis and use it to your advantage.

How to Breathe While Suffocating: A Story Of Overcoming Addiction, Recovering From Trauma, and Healing My Soul

by Bruce W. Brackett

Let go of negativity, rediscover your inherent worth, and unlock your true potential How To Breathe While Suffocating is your antidote to the all-too-common tendency to surrender, giving up on your life’s ambitions. You don’t have to give up! For anyone who has gotten caught in the trap of “I can’t do it,” this book reminds you that you are enough, you possess value, and your unique ability to engage with the world can and will get you to where you want to be. Through simple positive affirmations, unflinching first-person stories, and insightful analysis, author Bruce W. Brackett helps you focus on the positive and keep moving forward. Society today is experiencing a hidden pandemic of loneliness, disconnection, and resistance to recovery. After the life-altering shutdowns of COVID-19, many of us have simply remained in shutdown mode. This book uses universal concepts, expressed through engaging narrative, to help you grapple with issues like mental health, isolation, gender identity, disconnection, and the overwhelming sense of negativity for our collective future. By the end, you’ll learn to turn it around and get back to the business of living. The message of How to Breathe When Suffocating is simple—spread love, inhabit joy, and embrace the power of positivity. · Gain the inspiration you need to seize your potential, find confidence, and step into your authentic self · Change your outlook on life with simple slogans and mantras for developing a healthier, more positive attitude · Realize that you aren’t alone in your struggle, and see how others are finding the strength to move forward in difficult times · Read the compelling story of one man who overcame insurmountable odds and found salvation from negativity and self-doubt After a two-decade healing journey of intensive trauma therapy, psychiatric treatment, and rehab, Bruce W. Brackett has emerged a survivor. Anyone in the midst of their own healing journey will resonate with benefit from his lived experience, portrayed here with intimate vulnerability and universal appeal.

How To Change Your Life

by Benjamin Bonetti

Find your purpose. Make a change. If you're not happy, not fulfilled, feel empty and lack motivation, make a change. Don't exist. Live. Turn things around and live a happy, successful, fulfilling life. Go on, you deserve to. Hypnotist and celebrity life-coach Benjamin Bonetti is an expert in addressing limiting beliefs, unlocking purpose and driving success. In How to Change Your Life he shows us how to uncover our 'thing' - how to discover what we should be doing with our lives and how to make that happen. With Benjamin's help we can leap over hurdles, bash through barriers and drive forward towards successful and fulfilment. You will learn; How to discover your 'thing' - your purpose How to unleash your true potential by clearing out past beliefs and barriers. The secrets of high achievers and how to implement them yourself The real reasons why people underachieve

How To Deal With Difficult People

by Gill Hasson

DON'T LET PROBLEM PEOPLE GET TO YOU!Whether it's a manager who keeps moving the goal posts, an uncooperative colleague, negative friend, or critical family member, some people are just plain hard to get along with.Often, your immediate response is to shrink or sulk, become defensive or attack. But there are smarter moves to make when dealing with difficult people. This book explains how to cope with a range of situations with difficult people and to focus on what you can change.This book will help you to:Understand what makes difficult people tick and how best to handle themLearn ways to confidently stand up to others and resist the urge to attack backDevelop strategies to calmly navigate emotionally-charged situationsDeal with all kinds of difficult people - hostile, manipulative and the impossibleKnow when to choose your battles, and when to walk awayWhy let someone else's bad attitude ruin your day? How to Deal With Difficult People arms you with all the tools and tactics you need to handle all kinds of people - to make your life less stressful and a great deal easier.

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