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Marathon Sex: Incredible Lovemaking Experiences Hotter and Longer Than You've Ever Done It Before

by Sonia Borg

"Sonia Borg knows how to put the fun back in sex. Playful, provocative, and practical ways for lovers to put more 'don't stop' into date night." - Lisa Schrader, author of Kama Sutra 52 and founder of www.AwakeningShakti.comGet the toe-curling sex you’ve been dreaming of! The only thing that makes a good thing better is more of it. Marathon Sex gives you scenarios for prolonged lovemaking sessions that deliver incredible techniques and positions that make sex last longer and build to incredible orgasms. From seduction to foreplay to positions one, two, and three, each of these multi-hour scenarios provide a sex date hot enough to put the sizzle back into any relationship.- She Comes Again...and Again...and Again: Blow her mind with multiple intercourse and oral techniques that hit all of her hot spots.- It’s a Tie: Use sensate focus and the coital alignment technique have simultaneous orgasms.- Sexalicious: Spice things up with savory sex techniques that will make your kitchen the second sexiest room in the house.- Going (and Coming) Out on the Town: Build sensation and excitement all night long with your hottest pub crawl ever.Every scenario gives you hours of moves and lets you explore a different side of sex and intimacy from playful to kinky. Marathon Sex gives you inspiration, techniques, and positions from start to finish line.

Magical Moments: Discover How to Easily Create More in Your Daily Life

by Deborah Borgen Kim Bjørnqvist

Magical Moments: Discover How to Easily Create More in Your Daily Life reveals a step-by-step manual to make sure that everyone gets access to their innate resources. Included in these steps are simple exercises and techniques you can use to improve and create smooth flow in daily life. You will see the importance of having life visions to stretch towards and setting clear goals. In order for humans to choose happiness we must know how we function and how we can rid ourselves of worries, release stress, old fear and phobias---creating lasting changes. Near-death experiences showed Deborah Borgen that humans have many unused resources within. She wants everyone to have access to these enormous, undreamed of possibilities that lie within every human. Deborah has dedicated her life to showing people how they easily can improve and enrich their lives. A scientific research project on Deborah Borgen’s course, which this book is based on, reveals a great leap within mind development.

The Worst-Case Scenario Pocket Guide: Retirement

by David Borgenicht

Drive a golf cart in a hurricane; dock your yacht in a typhoon; treat a knitting needle injury; and get your grown kids to move out.

The God Who Gives: How the Trinity Shapes the Christian Story

by Justin L. Borger Kelly M. Kapic

Many Christians wonder what the Christian life is all about. They hear about “grace” but struggle to rightly understand it, much less live it. They are taught about God, but their vision of him does not always reflect the full biblical portrait of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When this happens Christians struggle to know the ways of God and how to joyfully participate in his work. The God Who Gives provides a compelling vision of Christian faith and life, helping readers discover the uniqueness of the gospel—that God's kingdom comes not by taking, but by giving—God gives Himself! We are invited into the fullness of life that can only come through the gift of God’s divine generosity.Taking readers through the grand biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and kingdom author Kelly M. Kapic helps us see our story in and through the story of Scripture. He shows that everything belongs to God, and yet because of our turning and taking from him we experience a kind of suffocating bondage to sin. So how does God reclaim us? God gives again. The God who gave in creation restores by recreating us through his Son and by his Spirit. The kingdom of God is an overflowing measure of divine generosity that we are invited to participate in.The God Who Gives calls readers to discover that the whole Christian story is founded upon the Triune God’s self-giving and our belonging to God. Fully embracing this truth changes how we view God, ourselves, and the world. Living in God's gifts, we are freed to give ourselves and truly experience life.

Designed for Success: Better Living and Self-Improvement with Midcentury Instructional Records

by Janet Borgerson Jonathan Schroeder

A charmingly illustrated history of midcentury instructional records and their untold contribution to the American narrative of self-improvement, aspiration, and success.For the midcentury Americans who wished to better their golf game through hypnosis, teach their parakeet to talk, or achieve sexual harmony in their marriage, the answers lay no further than the record player. In Designed for Success, Janet Borgerson and Jonathan Schroeder shed light on these endearingly earnest albums that contributed to a powerful American vision of personal success. Rescued from charity shops, record store cast-off bins, or forgotten boxes in attics and basements, these educational records reveal the American consumers&’ rich but sometimes surprising relationship to advertising, self-help, identity construction, and even aspects of transcendentalist thought.Relegated to obscurity and novelty, instructional records such as Secrets of Successful Varmint Calling, You Be a Disc Jockey, and How to Ski (A Living-Room Guide for Beginners) offer distinct insights into midcentury media production and consumption. Tracing the history of instructional records from the inception of the recording industry to the height of their popularity, Borgerson and Schroeder offer close readings of the abundant topics covered by &“designed for success&” records. Complemented by over a hundred full-color illustrations, Designed for Success is a wonderfully nostalgic tour that showcases the essential role these vinyl records played as an unappreciated precursor to contemporary do-it-yourself culture and modern conceptions of self-improvement.

Meditação: 7 técnicas para meditar mais profundo do que os monges Zen!

by Juliana Dias Borges Akshat Agrawal Tao Zen

Como meditar: 7 técnicas para meditar mais profundo do que os monges zen !! Querido Amigo, Pense na alegria que você sentiria vivendo uma vida rica, completa e abundante. E se todos os dias você cultivasse um sentimento maravilhoso de paz, calor, bem-estar e satisfação completa? Esse livro demonstra 7 técnicas poderosas de meditação que vão tornar você um profissional rapidamente. Esse livro não é como qualquer outro livro de meditação que apenas falam sobre as filosofias e não dão passos realmente úteis. Esse livro lhe tornará um "monge Zen" se você tiver uma hora para gastar todos os dias. A Meditação é uma coisa realmente simples a qual qualquer pessoa pode fazer para melhorar suas performances cerebrais e felicidade. Você é um desses que - -Quer ser realmente feliz... não só fingir sorrisos mais? -Está cansado de se sentir entediado e cansado com a vida? -Está passando pela vida sem aproveitá-la? -Está tão deprimido e negativo que ninguém gosta de passar tempo com você? Bem, se ao menos um desses soa familiar, esse livro veio a seu resgate. Esse livro é um curto, simples e sem enrolação guia para a meditação. Eu vou ensiná-los algumas das poderosas técnicas como: - A Nova Meditação Visual Técnica Mundo Matrix ( Essa técnica pode aumentar seu QI além de 180 pontos) A Meditação de Total Concentração Nunca Antes Falada A Muito Poderosa Meditação Respiratória Exercícios poderosos de concentração e muito mais!! Você deve perguntar para ele ... P. Quero saber como é ser amado? P. Quero saber como é o amor? P. Quero saber como é a paz? P. Eu quero ter uma experiência de como é a prosperidade? P. Eu quero uma experiência disso? P. Eu quero uma experiência de manifestação em minha vida? Eu coloquei as obras da minha vida juntas, estudos e prática

70 Frases Inspiracionais e Motivacionais

by Juliana Dias Borges Wael El-Manzalawy

"Fracasso é uma experiência. Quem pode se beneficiar da experiência será o ganhador."-Wael El-Manzalawy Uma frase pode mudar a sua vida. Sua vida não está estagnada. Você pode mudar a sua vida. Esse e book contém setenta frases inspiracionais e motivacionais escritas por muitos pensadores internacionais.

Presença Plena

by Paulo Borges

«Façamos desta leitura uma viagem de peregrinação pelo território sagrado que somos, descobrindo e deixando irradiar a liberdade, consciência, amor, abundância e criatividade que já existem em nós, como os nossos mais profundos e desconhecidos recursos.» «Presença» é muito mais do que apenas estar. É um não-sei-quê que nos envolve, impossível de expressar e definir plenamente. Com isto em mente, Paulo Borges leva-nos aqui numa jornada pelos cinco aspectos fundamentais da experiência da presença: a presença aberta, a presença consciente, a presença amorosa, a presença abundante e a presença criativa. Um livro que deve ser lido e vivido de um modo diferente, prático e experiencial, com disponibilidade e entrega para com os exercícios propostos, como se se tratasse de um retiro ou workshop presencial.Porque, no final, o mais importante não é exclusivamente a compreensão intelectual, mas sim aprofundar a prática, parando sempre que necessário para realizar as experiências meditativas

Etiqueta: O Guia Moderno de Etiqueta para Homens e Mulheres

by W. L. S. Borges Mylene D. Post

Aprenda as regras da Etiqueta Moderna Nos dias de hoje, os bons costumes parecem estar em baixa. Entretanto, você pode ser a exceção dessa regra, aprendendo a se comportar no mundo moderno. Esse livro irá lhe ensinar pequenas regras conhecidas de etiqueta moderna. Ele inclui dicas e estratégias da etiqueta do dia a dia que seus pais lhe ensinaram quando você era pequeno, como a educação normal, os modos à mesa e as habilidades de conversação adequadas. Descubra como você pode ser educado usando tecnologias modernas, como celulares e e-mail. Você também aprenderá a ser educado em situações cotidianas, como durante uma entrevista de emprego, no trabalho e em eventos sociais. Aprender a se tornar uma senhora ou cavalheiro moderno irá beneficiar você e outras pessoas em sua vida pessoal e profissional. Deixe este livro mostrar como aprimorar suas qualidades modernas de etiqueta agora! Índice: Capítulo 1 - A etiqueta do dia a dia Capítulo 2 - Modos à mesa Capítulo 3 - Conversas cara a cara Capítulo 4 - Celulares Capítulo 5 - E-mail Capítulo 6 - Procurando emprego Capítulo 7 - A etiqueta no ambiente de trabalho Capítulo 8 - Eventos sociais Deixe este livro lhe mostrar como aprimorar sua etiqueta para os dias atuais!

¿Cómo le digo?: Una guía para adultos que quieren hablar en familia de sexualidad

by Cecilia Borghetti Julia Santecchia

Las autoras impulsan a sensibilizarse con la educación sexual, a llamar a las cosas por su nombre, hablando con el vocabulario adecuado desde siempre sobre género, consentimiento, el sexo, la menstruación, la orientación sexual, las emociones, los cuidados en general y las precauciones que hay que tomar en las redes sociales y en el mundo digital en particular. ¿Cuáles son las partes íntimas? ¿Cómo nacen los bebés? ¿Es normal que una nena de 4 años se toque todo el tiempo? ¿Qué son las relaciones sexuales? ¿Por qué ella tiene dos mamás? ¿Y por qué él dos papás? ¿Hay que dejar que vaya a una pijamada mixta? ¿Cuándo llega la menstruación? ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para hablar de anticonceptivos? ¿Qué pasa si un chico de 13 años se despierta con la cama mojada? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de evitar el grooming? Estas son preguntas que Cecilia Borghetti y Julia Santecchia, psicólogas especialistas en sexualidad y creadoras de la cuenta de Instagram Sexología Actual reciben en esa red social y en sus consultorios. Este libro es una invitación a repensar la educación sexual en casa, a través de la revisión de conceptos para dar respuestas y herramientas concretas a madres, padres y cuidadores de infancias hasta los 13 años. Por eso, las autoras impulsan a sensibilizarse con la temática, a llamar a las cosas por su nombre, hablando con el vocabulario adecuado desde siempre sobre el género, el consentimiento, el sexo, la menstruación, la orientación sexual, las emociones, los cuidados en general y las precauciones que hay que tomar en las redes sociales y en el mundo digital en particular. ¿Cómo le digo? es una guía perfecta para cualquier mamá, papá o cuidador que los ayudará a criar hijos e hijas que sean conscientes de sus cuerpos, de lo que les gusta y de lo que no, de su privacidad e intimidad. Esta guía ayudará a que puedan confiar en nosotros pero también en sí mismos, y a que se sientan seguros para vivir su sexualidad plenamente.

El arte de innovar para no morir

by Mario Borghino

19 estrategias de éxito para competir en mercados saturados ¿Está por iniciar su negocio y no sabe cómo? ¿Su negocio no está creciendo como antes? ¿Las utilidades de su negocio decrecen día con día? ¿Su mercado se ha saturado de competidores? ¿Ya no sabe cómo controlar la guerra de precios? ¿Sus competidores copian día con día sus estrategias? ¿Su negocio ya no es negocio? ¿Ya no deja lo mismo? ¿La guerra de precios está sangrando sus utilidades? ¿Nacen nuevas empresas día con día haciendo lo mismo que usted? ¿Cada día es más difícil lograr sus metas? ¿Sus productos ya no son tan rentables como antes? ¿Los competidores copian sus productos? ¿Ya no sabe qué hacer para incrementar sus ventas? ¿Su producto estrella ya dejó de serlo? ¿No se le ocurren nuevas ideas para crecer su negocio? ¿Ha intentado nuevas estrategias y no crece? Este libro puede salvar su negocio: ¡No puede dejar de leerlo!

Disrupción: Más allá de la innovación

by Mario Borghino

Si eres un joven que anhela abrir un negocio, un emprendedor, empresario o presidente de una compañía que quiere encontrar la forma de crecer y revolucionar el mercado, Disrupción es para ti. Con este libro: - Aprenderás qué estrategia han usado los grandes emprendedores para crecer y cambiar el mundo. - Conocerás a detalle los secretos que hay detrás de una DISRUPCIÓN y las herramientas que necesitas aplicar. - Identificarás por qué las nuevas empresas crecen a través de la disrupción y las grandes sólo crecen comprando más empresas por el mundo. - Comprenderás el rol que tiene la tecnología digital para el crecimiento en productos y en tu diseño de negocio. - Verás que cuando integras tecnología y resuelves un problema del consumidor, evolucionas. - Descubrirás por qué los disruptores transforman sus negocios en empresas millonarias en pocos años. - Podrás ver tu negocio y las oportunidades del mercado desde una perspectiva como nunca antes la habías visto. - Recibirás consejos para pensar como LÍDER DISRUPTOR y transformar tu empresa. - Aprenderás el algoritmo que debes construir para obtener una DISRUPCIÓN y cómo aplicarlo en tu empresa. Durante los próximos años habrá un mercado más complejo y difícil de conquistar, por eso este libro no es para aquellos que quieren mejorar, es para aquellos que quieren cambiar y reinventarse. ¡Atrévete a cambiar las reglas del juego! Por el autor del bestseller El arte de hacer preguntas.

Recetas para crecer en tiempos de crisis

by Mario Borghino

El autor ahonda en los efectos de la actual crisis económica y entrega recetas y fórmulas probadas para que las empresas de cualquier tamaño, los profesionistas, los empleados y los emprendedores en general no sólo sorteen estos tiempos difíciles sino que tengan resultados positivos. El mundo ha cambiado y para entenderlo usted también tiene que cambiar radicalmente el modelo de cómo se hace dinero en su negocio... o morirá en el intento. En sus múltiples trabajos de asesoría, Mario Borghino ha descubierto "Cuatro Tendencias" que las empresas exitosas han aplicado en medio de la crisis para poder crecer. Los triunfadores han dejado atrás la guerra de precios, que destruye sus utilidades, para ahora vender conceptos y no productos. Con ello también han redefinido el concepto de su empresa. En el presente libro usted podrá encontrar la receta exacta para su negocio y al aplicarla crecerá a pesar de la adversidad. Se trata de cambiar las reglasdel juego del pasado. No importa el tamaño de su negocio, comercio o empresa, si tiene problemas de crecimiento por la crisis, la lectura de estas páginas es obligatoria. Sin duda, uno de los grandes aciertos de esta obra son las entrevistas que Mario Borghino ha realizado a los directivos de empresas que han crecido significativamente durante la crisis: Bimbo, American Express, Mexichen, Grupo Grisi, Farmacias del Ahorro y El Tizoncito. Todos ellos comparten con los lectores sus modelos de éxito. El estado de crisis que muchos esperan termine más pronto que tarde, es el nuevo modelo de vida de los negocios. Y quienes comprendan esto, sabrán que la crisis no es otra cosa que una oportunidad de cambio y de crecimiento. "No innove para mejorar, innove para cambiar las reglas de juego del mercado"

Snowflakes in September: Stories about God's Mysterious Ways

by Ernest Borgnine Corrie Ten Boom Caterine Marsall

Corrie Ten Boom, Ernest Borgnine, and Elizabeth Sherrill are among the contributors to this unique collection. As they stir in the reader a sense of awe for the divine ways of God, the stories offer dramatic proof that God is an active part in the everyday lives of ordinary people.

You Can't Screw This Up: Why Eating Takeout, Enjoying Dessert, and Taking the Stress out of Dieting Leads to Weight Loss That Lasts

by Adam Bornstein

FOREWORD BY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.What if the healthiest diet included the foods that were enjoyable and respectful of our stressful, overbooked lives? You couldn’t screw it up! Here’s a can’t-miss plan that will build unbreakable habits by incorporating mindset changes, easy restaurant options, and more from “the perfect person to blaze a better path” (Arnold Schwarzenegger).The diet industry is great at making you follow more diets, not making you leave dieting behind. You don't need another restrictive, unrealistic plan; you need tools that help you enjoy what you eat (including takeout!) and be healthier at the same time.Adam Bornstein is a bestselling author, and has consulted health icons including Arnold Schwarzenegger, LeBron James, Cindy Crawford, and Lindsey Vonn. He’s one of the most trusted voices in health because of his ability to get results without gimmicks, supplements, or suffering. In this easy-to-follow book, Bornstein shows how upgrading your health and losing weight for good requires you to turn your back on the typical dieting culture by following successful habits and frameworks not typically seen in nutrition and fitness. It includesA 6-week plan that allows you to eat the foods you prefer without counting calories or stressing macros. Take-out options from the top fifty most visited restaurants in America (so you can eat anywhere guilt-free)Thirty satisfying, nutritious recipes for all meals, including cinnamon-raisin French toast sticks, nachos, and sweet potato mac & cheese with baconQuick and easy meals, and effective workouts that can be done in as little as 15 minutes.Once you learn a better way to build healthy habits, you can leave behind the shame and guilt of most plans and make the healthy lifestyle changes you’ve been chasing.

Wear It Well: Reclaim Your Closet and Rediscover the Joy of Getting Dressed

by Allison Bornstein

Define your style and use fashion as a tool for self-discovery using the Three-Word Method and AB Closet-Editing System.Personal stylist Allison Bornstein has mastered the art of helping people look good and feel good. In Wear It Well, she shares her philosophy and outlines systems that will bring your style into alignment and create a wardrobe that delights your spirit and reflects your most authentic self.Use the viral Three-Word Method to discover and define your personal style. Curate your closet with the AB Closet-Editing System, eliminating items that don’t fit or work for your lifestyle to build a safe and inspiring space that is filled with only clothes that bring you joy, confidence, and empowerment. Create new, sustainable looks by shopping your closet and mixing and matching with the Nine Universal Pieces.Filled with client stories, gentle guidance, and expressive photography, Wear It Well will inspire you to identify, articulate, and develop your personal style, and dress with ease.UNIQUE BLEND OF WELLNESS, SELF-CARE, AND FASHION: The only "Joy of Dressing" book there is: no other book merges fashion, wellness, and self-care. In a time when many of us are at home or beginning to venture back out professionally or socially, this book will help take away the stress and anxiety around dressing. It is also a refreshing take on self-care that can easily be added to morning routines.A PROVEN PROGRAM: The AB Closet Editing System and Three Word Method are simple ways to organize your closet and your mind that Bornstein has successfully used with hundreds of clients.A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO BODY POSITIVITY: Wear It Well discusses how to combat and banish the voices of shame that permeate fashion culture and our own heads when we buy clothing. This will appeal to readers passionate about body positivity, and fans of The Body Is Not An Apology, Body Talk, and More Than A Body.PROMOTES SUSTAINABLE FASHION: Bornstein's program is based on shopping our closets rather than going out to buy an all-new wardrobe. She demonstrates how to choose ten versatile pieces to mix and match within our wardrobe. She also encourages readers to donate "never going to wear" clothes and to dress intentionally.Perfect for:Fashion and style enthusiasts interested in capsule wardrobes and intentional stylingFollowers of home organization, decluttering, and hygge trendsWomen and men who simultaneously hate and love getting dressedYoung professionals, new moms, and women over 50 looking to redefine their styleAnyone interested in sprucing up their closet or establishing new personal care habitsPractitioners of body positivitySelf-purchase or thoughtful gift for anyone seeking inspiration for self-care, happiness, wellness, and stress relief

Motivating Cooperation and Compliance with Authority

by Brian H. Bornstein Alan J. Tomkins

This volume explores the various ways in which trust is thought about and studied in contemporary society. In doing so, it aims to advance both theoretical and methodological perspectives on trust. Trust is an important topic in this series because it raises issues of both motivation and emotion. Specifically, notions of trust and fairness motivate individuals to behave in a manner they deem appropriate when responding to governmental authority. On the emotions-related side, individuals have emotional responses to institutions with authority over their lives, such as the city government or the Supreme Court, depending on whether they perceive the institutions as legitimate. The public's trust and confidence in governmental institutions are frequently claimed as essential to the functioning of democracy), spawning considerable research and commentary. For those in the law and social sciences, the tendency is to focus on the criminal justice system in general and the courts in particular. However, other public institutions also need trust and confidence in order not only to promote democracy but also to assure effective governance, facilitate societal interactions, and optimize organizational productivity. Not surprisingly, therefore, important research and commentary is found in literatures that focus on issues ranging from social sciences to natural resources, from legislatures to executive branch agencies, from brick and mortar businesses to online commerce, from health and medicine to schools, from international development to terrorism, etc. This volume integrates these various approaches to trust from these disciplines, with the goal of fostering a truly interdisciplinary dialogue. By virtue of this interdisciplinary focus, the volume should have broad appeal for researchers and instructors in a variety of disciplines: psychology, sociology, political science, criminal justice, social justice practitioners, economics and other areas.

The Holy Thief: A Con Man's Journey from Darkness to Light

by Mark Borovitz Alan Eisenstock

Mark Borovitz was a mobster, gangster, con man, gambler, thief, and a drunk. He's seen it all. In this inspiring memoir, he takes you on a journey from the streets to discovering his soul in a prison cell.When Mark was fourteen, his father died and his world came crashing down. He stole, gambled, and drank, beginning a twenty-year life of crime, all the while trying to be the good son, the good brother, the good boy, but his life only spun more out of control until the mob put a hit out on him.After his release from prison, the drinking and thieving continued until, at the edge of oblivion, he experienced a moment of true divine intervention, a startling revelation that saved his life.Mark Borovitz proved that you can change your life -- profoundly. He is now the rabbi at Beit T'Shuvah in Los Angeles, the House of Return, a rehabilitation facility for addicts of all kinds.The Holy Thief is the remarkable memoir of an amazing man. It is a true-life gangster story, a passionate love story, and a case of study in redemption. Regardless of your faith, you will find his story tragic, funny, uplifting, and inspirational.

Who Moved My Soap? The CEO's Guide to Surviving in Prison

by Andy Borowitz

They threw the book at Madoff. Now here's the book he needs. While many books are offered for the CEO who aims to survive the cutthroat competition of the corporate jungle, not a single one offers to help those same CEOs when the law catches up with them. That is, until now. This book offers valuable advice for those executives who have cooked the books, and now find themselves paying the price. Borowitz covers all aspects of prison life, from exit strategies (prison-break tips) to ways of keeping the business acumen sharp (how to make the Warden your most valuable employee) to prison cell feng shui and even self-defense (how to use this book as a deadly weapon). Convicted corporate executives should look at this time spent in prison as an opportunity, rather than a disadvantage. New business contacts can be established, new management strategies tested-time can even be spent working on the golf game so it says sharp for ten, twenty, however many years. Direct from Bernie Madoff's cellmate,Who Moved My Soap? The CEO's Guide to Surviving in Prison is loaded with helpful tips, including: Complete Corporate-Speak/Prison Slang; Glossary; How to earn $$$ making vanity license plates; Trophy wives, and how to avoid becoming one; How to avoid getting back-stabbed literally. Don't forget, Who Moved My Soap? will be both small enough to fit in the pocket of your prison uniform, but also thick enough to hollow out and hide cigarettes in! Who Moved My Soap? is a must read for any white collar criminal. CEOs headed to the Big House will now have something to read to help them pass the time. It's also a must read for those of us who were fleeced by them.

Live, Laugh, Love Again: A Christian Woman's Survival Guide to Divorce

by Michelle Borquez Connie Wetzell Carla Sue Nelson Rosalind Spinks-Seay

After divorce, you may feel forced to "go it alone"-to struggle with what happened and try to rebuild what's left-but now four women are determined to make the journey with you!

Liferider: Heart, Body, Soul, and Life Beyond the Ocean

by Julian Borra Laird Hamilton

International fitness icon, nutrition expert, and professional big-wave surfer, Laird Hamilton, offers his take on human resilience, relationships, business, technology, risk-taking, and the importance of respecting the natural world, all through the lens of his life both in and beyond the ocean. This inspirational book is perfect for anyone looking to elevate their ordinary, landlocked life to do extraordinary things. While the world increasingly seeks happiness in fads and self-help books—millions of us reaching upward every day toward some enlightened being that we wish to be—surfing icon Laird Hamilton is more intent on looking inward and appreciating the brilliant creature we already are. In LIFERIDER, Laird uses five key pillars – Death & Fear, Heart, Body, Soul, and Everything is Connected – to illustrate his unique worldview and life practices, offering inspiration to anyone who wants to elevate their ordinary, landlocked life to do extraordinary things. This is Laird Hamilton in his own words—raw, honest, and unvarnished--on topics he has rarely explored before. Based on extensive interviews and conversations between Laird and his cowriter, Julian Borra, with additional insights from Laird’s wife, pro-volleyball player Gabby Reece, LIFERIDER takes on human resilience, relationships, business, technology, risk-taking, and the importance of respecting the natural world, all through the lens of Laird’s extraordinary life both in and beyond the ocean.

The Well Life: How to Use Structure, Sweetness, and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace

by Briana Borten Dr Peter Borten

Three simple principles for creating a balanced and satisfying life! The secret to living an exceptional life--with fulfilling work and leisure, meaningful relationships, and time for oneself--is finding balance. Briana and Dr. Peter Borten have the strategies you need to achieve this all-important balance in your life--even in the face of chaos. The Bortens focus on three fundamental principles of a satisfying life:Sweetness: Learn the importance of feeding your life, body, and soulStructure: Find out how intelligent structure can give you more spontaneity and freedom, and liberate you from an excessively busy existenceSpace: Carve out purposeful space, which allows for perspective--an understanding of the big picture and your place in itBy adding and maintaining sweetness, structure, and space to your life, you will be able to let go of the stress and tension that gets in the way of being happy, authentic, and fully present--living The Well Life. "Briana and Peter are passionate creatives dedicated to helping others achieve clarity, productivity, and a life filled with blissful joy. Their work is a gift." --Marie Forleo, Founder of B-School and MarieTV "Health is wealth and if you're ready to start living your most prosperous life, Briana and Peter are the leaders you want to learn from. This book is packed with lessons, stories, and tips that will change the way you live your life. Dive in and join the well life revolution." --Natalie MacNeil, Emmy Award–Winning Producer and Founder of "The Well Life is a beautiful guide to living the good life, mind, body, and soul from two people who walk the walk. Peter and Briana Borten integrate knowledge of ancient healing traditions, the realities of our modern lives, and their own practical experience to unlock what it truly means to be well. This book is a healing journey." --Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story "The Well Life is a powerful primer on living as we were intended to live--under grace, all systems go, and in love. A great platform for living deliberately and creating consciously." --Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling Author of Infinite Possibilities "Many of us find that we have come to a place in our lives where we have 'checked all the boxes'--career, home, family--and yet we feel sad, unfulfilled, anxious, or depressed. Good news: The Well Life is your medicine. The Well Life is not just a book, it is a roadmap--a poignant interweaving of personal stories, professional anecdotes, and crystal clear and implantable tools to help you live a life of abundance, balance, and happiness. The Well Life is an honest, nurturing, and inspiring inner travel guide for those on the road to seeking their highest purpose and most balanced and happy self. Read this book and apply its 'architecture' and you will see amazing results." --David Howitt, CEO of The Meriwether Group and Author of Heed Your Call "The Well Life is a balanced approach that will lead you to find a happy, satisfying life without feeling like you are making sacrifices. Briana and Dr. Peter Borten have mined their knowledgeable backgrounds to share health and wellness advice that aims to recognize signs of dis-ease before they become imbalances, helping to lay a foundation that will keep you well no matter what is happening in the world around you." --Linden Schaffer, Founder of Pravassa and Author of Living Well on the Road "If you're looking to break out of the excuses and experience more vitality than ever before, read this book! With their background in Eastern medicine and love of Western strategy, Briana and Peter lay out a beautiful prescription for more ease, joy, balance, and fulfillment in The Well Life. Quite frankly, if you put even just 5 percent of this book into practice, you'll create incredible results!" --Alexi Panos, Leader in the Emergent Wisdom Movement and Author of 50 Ways to Yay! and Now or Never "This is such an important book, and a must-read for anyone who feels like the sweetness of living has been replaced by struggle, exhaustion...

On Point: A Coach’s Game Plan for Life, Leadership, and Performing with Grace Under Fire

by Pam Borton

On Point gives you a seat on the bench with one of the nation&’s top women&’s basketball coaches. Distilling a 27-year coaching career into crucial lessons, On Point drives home the essence of effective leadership under pressure, stress and times of chaos. On Point delivers the practical knowledge and skills leaders need to achieve success in life and business, using stories from business, the courts, locker rooms, and press conferences. From leading a Big 10 basketball program to coaching high-performing teams in business, leader-focused chapters provide a holistic view of attributes crucial for On Point leadership. On Point leaders will learn to:Master the Front Court – establish the fundamentals that set leaders on the path to winningBuild A Strong Bench – develop a team with the right attitude, skills, and strengthDominate At Center Court – integrate the core values of On Point leadershipLeverage the Locker Room – influence and motivate individual successDefend Your Back Court – finish strong in your life and your work

The Roadmap to 100: The Breakthrough Science of Living a Long and Healthy Life

by Walter M. Bortz II Randall Stickrod

With a baby boomer turning sixty every ten seconds, we are rapidly becoming an aging society. But cutting edge research on the connection between age and disease shows us that many of the preconceptions we had about how to grow old need a second look. This groundbreaking book is full of take-away prescriptive advice which the nearly seventy-five million boomers in this nation will value. Top gerontologist and Stanford medical school professor Dr. Walter Bortz and co-author Randall Stickrod draw on new science and a thirty-year longitudinal study of centenarians to show that:• Genetics plays a smaller role in aging than previously thought• Senility, dementia, and other diseases of the elderly, are largely preventable and not an inevitable consequence of aging• Engagement, through sexual relationships, social interaction, and professional activity, is a key factor in long, healthy lives• Physical fitness can recover at least 30 years of aging Filled with in-depth insight and practical advice, The Roadmap to 100 gives you the power to control your own destiny and live well beyond 100.

Meditação: Um Guia Para Iniciantes Para Descobrir O Poder Da Meditação

by Melody Borucki

Quanto mais e mais pessoas Ocidentais buscam a ioga em suas diversas formas, seja em centros tradicionais, na atmosfera altamente poderosa de clubes de esporte, ou por si sós, elas começam a perceber que longe de ser simplesmente uma rotina de exercícios qualquer, a ioga é uma disciplina do corpo e da mente. Seja feito pela manhã para ajustar o tom do dia, durante o exercício de ioga, ou no fim do dia, durante a reflexão do anoitecer, as reflexões diárias na Meditação no Tapete ajudará e aprimorará a jornada de ioga de todos. O que você está esperando? Não espere mais! Dê um scroll up e clique no botão de comprar agora para começar a jornada pela vida dos seus sonhos.

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