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by R. W. Alley Ted O'Neal Jenny O'Neal

Childhood is the time for virtues to be taught--or, more accurately, "caught." And the virtue of respect is one sorely needed in a world more and more diverse, congested, and interdependent. Just what is respect? "It's a good way to be--and a way to be good," say the authors of this helpful, yet entertaining children's book. "It's a way to care about others, ourselves, and our world. When we have the virtue of respect, we try to treat people and our whole world with extra love and kindness."

Rich Minds, Rich Rewards

by Valorie Burton

A rich mind nourished with positive thoughts, learning, and encouragement can indeed reap rich rewards, writes dynamic author Valorie Burton as she offers 52 simple but powerful ways to enrich your everyday life and do those things that will bring you the rewards you so richly deserve, such as: • Count Your Blessings • Change Your Ways to Change Your Life • Create a Vision Statement • Mind Your Own Business • Create Your Own Opportunities • Listen to Your Inner Voice

Right and Wrong and Being Strong

by R. W. Alley Lisa O Engelhardt

Kids aren't born knowing right from wrong. But, somehow, over the years, we hope to help them become caring, responsible, respectful adults. This practical how-to book for kids is an invaluable tool in guiding children on the journey of moral development. Through concrete language and interactive examples, it addresses such topics as honesty, peer pressure, and how to tell right from wrong. Even more, it shows kids how to go beyond doing right to doing good.

The Road to Success Is Paved with Failure: How Hundreds of Famous People Triumphed Over Inauspicious Beginnings, Crushing Rejection, Humiliating Defeats and Other Speed Bumps Along Life's Highway

by Joey Green

Down on your luck? Don't despair. You might still be headed for a life of riches and renown. After all, consider the experiences of: * Marilyn Monroe, who in 1947, after one year under contract, was dropped by 20th Century-Fox because Darryl Zanuck thought she was unattractive * John Grisham, whose first novel, A Time to Kill, was rejected by sixteen agents and a dozen publishing houses * Walt Disney, whose first cartoon production company went bankrupt * Barbra Streisand, who made her stage debut at age 19 in a show that opened and closed in a single night * Edgar Allan Poe, who was expelled from West Point * Adlai Stevenson, who at age 12 accidentally killed a visitor to his parents' home on Christmas day This inspired compendium of pop culture and historical trivia will amuse and delight readers of all ages. It's a perfect gift for graduates, for moms and dads, and for anyone whose cheese has recently been moved.

The Rough Guide to Flute and Piccolo

by Hugo Pinksterboer

Teaches how to play flutes and piccolos, and many other things readers want to know about them.

The Rules for Marriage: Time-tested Secrets for Making Your Marriage Work (The Rules)

by Ellen Fein Sherrie Schneider

The authors of the bestselling "The Rules" and "The Rules II" offer relationship advice for women who have the ring and want to create the most satisfying and fulfilling marriage possible.

Rules for the Unruly

by Marion Winik

Rules for the Unruly is a distillation of surprising life wisdom from National Public Radio commentator and writer Marion Winik -- a woman who has seen it all, done it all, and would never exchange her experiences for the security of a traditional life. Winik's amusing tales of outrageous mistakes, haunting uncertainty, and the never-ending struggle to stay true to her heart strike a powerful chord with creative, impassioned, independent-minded free spirits who know they're different -- and want to stay that way. Winik's seven Rules for the Unruly are: THE PATH IS NOT STRAIGHT · MISTAKES NEED NOT BE FATAL PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ACHIEVEMENTS OR POSSESSIONS BE GENTLE WITH YOUR PARENTS · NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT MOST LEARN TO USE A SEMICOLON · YOU WILL FIND LOVE Rules for the Unruly shows us how taking risks, living creatively, and cherishing our inner weirdness can become the secret of our happiness and success, not our downfall.

Rules for the Unruly

by Marion Winik

Rules for the Unruly is a distillation of surprising life wisdom from National Public Radio commentator and writer Marion Winik -- a woman who has seen it all, done it all, and would never exchange her experiences for the security of a traditional life. Winik's amusing tales of outrageous mistakes, haunting uncertainty, and the never-ending struggle to stay true to her heart strike a powerful chord with creative, impassioned, independent-minded free spirits who know they're different -- and want to stay that way. Winik's seven Rules for the Unruly are: THE PATH IS NOT STRAIGHT · MISTAKES NEED NOT BE FATAL PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ACHIEVEMENTS OR POSSESSIONS BE GENTLE WITH YOUR PARENTS · NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT MOST LEARN TO USE A SEMICOLON · YOU WILL FIND LOVE Rules for the Unruly shows us how taking risks, living creatively, and cherishing our inner weirdness can become the secret of our happiness and success, not our downfall.

Sabiduría cotidiana del monje que vendió su Ferrari: Una fábula espiritual

by Robin Sharma

¡Aprende las cinco lecciones básicas para equilibrar y combinar los aspectos profesionales y personales de nuestra vida! Julian era el monje que decidió vender su Ferrari: abogado de éxito, un buen día abandonó todo y se trasladó al Himalaya. Allí inició un proceso de aprendizaje con los sabios de Sivana, que le abrieron las puertas a nuevas formas de abordar la vida y los negocios. En este tercer libro Julian Mantle va a ayudar a su hermana Catherine, que se recupera de un gravísimo accidente de avión en el que ha perdido a sus dos socios. Ella está pasando por una crisis: no sabe equilibrar las exigencias de su vida profesional como empresaria y su vida familiar, y pide a Julian que le enseñe todo lo que sabe para descubrir su felicidad personal y familiar. Con su estilo ameno y divertido de siempre, Sabiduría cotidiana del monje que vendió su Ferrari nos enseña las cinco lecciones básicas para equilibrar y combinarlos aspectos profesionales y personales de nuestra vida, a educar correctamente a nuestros hijos y a tener una familia unida y feliz. Reseña:«El monje que vendió su Ferrari es una historia fascinante que nos enseña y entretiene a la vez.»Paulo Coelho

Sacred Thirst: Meeting God in the Desert of Our Longings

by M. Craig Barnes

Jesus once said, "Whoever drinks of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty." So why are Christians still thirsty? We throw ourselves into church work, Bible studies, prayer, missions, fellowship. Yet still we search restlessly for something more. What are we missing? Perhaps the answer is, more of Jesus. Church meetings and programs, ministry, Christian counseling, and home groups are all good, but they are not him. It doesn't matter how devoted we are to these wonderful activities; they are not the same thing as communion with Jesus. Our souls crave him alone. In Sacred Thirst, author and pastor Craig Barnes brings us face-to-face with our desperate longing for God. Like the woman at the well, we have tried to satisfy our parched souls with so many other things—even religious things. But when we get to the bottom of our desire, we find Jesus quietly waiting with his living water—intimate communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This book is filled with unique insights into human experience and the character of God. With his keen understanding of the needs of contemporary Christians, Barnes points to the only way our thirst will ever be satisfied. Drawing from his rich background in the Bible and his tender insights as a pastor, he leads us into a new understanding of ourselves and the uncontrollable but gracious God we seek.

Sales Dogs: You Do Not Have to Be an Attack Dog to Be Successful in Sales (Rich Dad Advisor's Series)

by Blair Singer Robert T. Kiyosaki

SALESDOGS reveals how knowing the characteristics and interactions of the five basic 'breeds' of people will be sure to help anyone improve their business and selling savvy. Different workers have the personality traits of different breeds of dogs. This is the idea behind SALESDOGS, a clever business book in which sales expert Blair Singer reveals how anyone can learn what their natural strengths and weaknesses are in order to achieve best possible results. With information on a variety of sales topics-from dealing with 'big dogs' to protecting one's territory-SALESDOGS is a fun new way of looking at the sales game.

The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature

by William Buhlman

In this remarkable book, William Buhlman, author of the bestselling Adventures Beyond the Body, offers the reader a comprehensive guidebook to understanding and exploring the fascinating phenomenon of out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Learn how you can:Explore your true spiritual self and attain profound transformation in your awareness and knowledge of the universe.Gain life-changing benefits as you break free from mental and physical limitationsContact departed loved ones using OBEs to move beyond the current limited understanding of death.Filled with engrossing stories based on the testimonies of people from all over the world, and offering forty new, easy-to-understand techniques, The Secret of the Soul will prepare human beings everywhere for the next major leap in the evolution of consciousness.

The Secret To Low Carb Success!: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Low Carbohydrate Diet

by Laura Richard

Low carbohydrate living is easier than you think, and the results can be impressive. But the sheer volume of reduced carbohydrate diet programs can make it difficult to discover which is the best for you. Finally, there's help! Author Laura Richard is a registered nurse who struggled for years to find her own solution to constant dieting. In this well-researched and informative book, updated to include the latest expert advice and diet resources, she discusses all the major programs available, guiding you through the benefits and pitfalls of each and showing you exactly how to create a low carbohydrate lifestyle that works for you. She tells you exactly what to expect from your low carb diet, and relates advice and personal success stories from low carb dieters who have changed their bodies and their lives forever. She teaches you how to harness the power of the Internet for valuable support and insight, and provides you with the research that confirms the benefits of the low carb life. Find out how simple changes to your sleep habits, fluid intake, and daily habits can speed weight loss, and learn how to use the power of low carb dieting to eat less, prevent binges, and break those inevitable plateaus. Not just another diet book, THE SECRET TO LOW CARB SUCCESS! sets you on the road to healthy weight loss, while giving you a better chance for long-term success.

Secrets of the Vine: Breaking Through to Abundance

by Bruce H. Wilkinson

"Abundance-that beautiful overflow of true worth in a person's life-is exactly what you and I were born for. No wonder we so deeply desire it! Yet millions of Christians settle for less because they misunderstand and resist Gods ways of bringing it about. In The Prayer ofjabez, I showed readers how to ask for a life of abundant impact and significance for God. In Secrets of the Vine, I want to show you how God works in your life to answer that prayer-and what you can do to cooperate with Him to make it happen. You'll be surprised to discover how much God wants abundance for you. And you'll be relieved to know that you never need to misread His ways in your life again." An excellent devotional.

Seeds of Grace: Reflections on the Spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous

by Molly Monahan

Sister Molly Monahan had been drinking, quietly and compulsively, for years when she finally decided to attend her first AA meeting. There she found the emotional support that AA is famous for-but she also found a surprising source of spiritual strength.<P><P> In this unique book, she reflects on how a nonreligious group brought about such a powerful reawakening of faith-and explores gratitude, community, forgiveness, prayer, and many more subjects of interest not only to alcoholics but to anyone on a spiritual quest.

Seeing The Wider Picture

by Charlotte Parnell

Meditation is often seen by those who do not practise it as something mysterious, something foreign, even something 'hippy', yet many of us have experienced a meditative state without even realising it.There is an ever-increasing body of opinion, let alone evidence, that meditation is good for you and particularly helps in dealing with stress.This book helps to break down the mystery, by making the practice more accessible, and by giving you a series of simple-to-follow exercises: a step-by-step, how-to guide to meditation. Even experienced meditators should find something to enjoy in the exercises within.This book helps you to start to access a different dimension and a new perspective on what is going on in your life and beyond it. It will start a process in you of looking afresh.It will help you to open your eyes - by closing them - so you can begin to see the Wider Picture.

Self-Hypnosis: Easy Ways to Hypnotize Your Problems Away

by Bruce Goldberg

Here is a revolutionary approach to coping with habits| Phobias' chronic pain, and other issues using easy-to-use techniques of self-hypnosis. The effect of techniques presented within, like making self-hypnosis tapes to reprogram the subconscious, is to put the "self" back in self-help and eliminate the many dependencies and co-dependencies that complicate and take the joy out of life. Both theory and scripts are presented in this book to help you reach your goals and give you viable solutions for: Increasing self-confidence. Weight reduction. Quitting smoking. Relieving chronic pain. Dealing with phobias and fears. Improving concentration and memory. Slowing down and even reversing the aging process. Enhancing creativity. Sexual dysfunction. By devoting a mere 20 minutes each day to this approach, you can literally take charge of your life. Hypnotic suggestions are effective because they bypass the conscious mind's natural resistance to change and to reprogram the "computer" we call the subconscious to permanently effect these changes. Self-Hypnosis is a compelling book that will change the way you view your life. This is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring self-awareness and taking control of his or her destiny.

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

by Phillip C. Mcgraw

A guide to self exploration and greater personal growth

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

by Phillip C. McGraw

In Self Matters, Dr. Phillip C. McGraw helps you to demystify your self-concept, and learn how to reclaim your authentic self.What if there is a You that has never seen the light of day, has never got to say, "Hey, what about me?"What if there is a You that you have never even met and certainly never permitted to just be, without fear of judgment or condemnation?What if you live your life on the sidelines in constant fear of failing to please those who forever seem to stand in judgment of you and your life?What if you discovered that you had settled for what life has served up instead of what you really wanted and needed?What if you really think and feel things you have never allowed to come out, and certainly never acted on?What if your marriage is not at all what you really emotionally want and need, but you silently stay the course anyway, selling out your hope to be happy?What if you are allowing days to turn into weeks and weeks to turn into months and months to turn into years, all adding up to a lifetime of being what some nameless, faceless world has assigned you to be? If any of these "What ifs" are true, then it's time to step back and reevaluate your life. There's some good news and bad news. The bad news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance; the good news is you are making the choices that have put you in this life circumstance. Now is the time to make the biggest choice of your life. Through Self Matters, Dr. Phil will help you do just that.

Self-Promotion for the Creative Person: Get the Word Out About Who You are and What You Do

by Lee Silber

Are you a creative person who desperately wants to tell the world about your talents and your art but lacks the time, money, and know-how?Self-Promotion for the Creative Personis full of clever and creative ideas you can use to successfully get the word out about who you are and what you do quickly, easily, and cheaply. Everything you need to know about marketing yourself is included in this book. Self-Promotion for the Creative Personis packed with proven techniques that will work for you whether you are an author, actor, artist, or accordion player who wants fresh, off-beat, and cost-effective ways to build a business or develop a successful and fulfilling career. Full of winning strategies, innovative ideas, and proven sales and marketing techniques, Lee Silber will show you how to go from starving artist to superstar status with smart advice, including: * How to market without money * How to create marketing materials that will sell you even when you're not around * How to build a buzz using word of mouth * How to use the Internet in ways you never thought of to promote yourself * How to get the leaders in your field to endorse and help you Self-promotion is one of the most difficult things a creative person must do. It is also the most critical. Open this book to any page and chances are you will find something that can help you overcome this hurdle and get the attention and recognition you and your talents deserve.

Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit

by Alice Walker

Now more timely than ever, Alice Walker's Sent By Earth reflects on the tragedy of September 11, 2001, and addresses the anger many Americans felt at the presumed perpetrator of the attack: Osama bin Laden. In powerfully reflective, nuanced, and above all heartfelt prose, Walker explores the seeds of hatred and resentment around the globe, and advances a surprisingly controversial theory: that hatred can never be defeated by hatred, but only by love.

Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: A Worktext with Readings

by Kelly Brandon Lee Brandon

From the book: The text's three parts and the appendixes cover the full array of topics needed for developmental writing. Part One: Writing Sentences includes parts of sentence structure, phrases and clauses, kinds of sentences, sentence combining, sentence problems, pronoun use, modifiers, punctuation, and spelling. Part Two: Writing Paragraphs and Beyond covers the writing process with instructions, examples, demonstrations, and exercises in freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, topic sentence writing, outlining, revising, and editing. Part Three: Connecting Reading and Writing provides guidance in reading critically and writing summaries; practicing reading-related responses; and recognizing patterns such as process, cause and effect, and exemplification. Reading selections by students and professional writers are dually grouped by pattern and theme. Appendixes cover parts of speech, taking tests, writing a letter of application and a resume, and a guide for ESL students.

The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale and Improve Bottom-line Performance

by James A. Autry

Servant leadership is leadership the right way--a better way of being a manager and part of organizational life. Servant leadership will produce fulfilling emotional, psychological, and spiritual rewards for everyone involved. It will enhance productivity, encourage creativity, and benefit the bottom line. In The Servant Leader,top-selling author, former Fortune 500 executive, and business consultant James A. Autry shows you how to remain true to the servant leadership model when handling day-to-day and long-term management situations. You'll learn how to manage with respect and honesty and how to empower employees to achieve new levels of satisfaction. Plus, you'll learn why servant leadership can be the guiding light to becoming the kind of leader and person you want to be. You'll discover how to: Maintain your spiritual focus while dealing with such challenging issues as firing, harassment, substance abuse, and performance problems; Provide guidance during conflict and crisis; Assure your continued growth and progress as a leader; Train managers in the principles of servant leadership; Transform a company with morale problems into a great place to work; And more. Real leadership begins on the inside with your own commitment to inspire the best in others. But it's one thing to make the commitment; it's quite another to develop the skills to make that happen. If you are an executive, a manager, or someone who aspires to be in a leadership role, you will find the servant leadership philosophy to be a valuable, refreshing, and rewarding approach to leading others and to business life. "This is an awesome book. James Autry's gift is that he brings lofty ideals down to earth with general illustrations that make them easy to understand and apply. I highly recommend it!" --Jack Canfield, coauthor,Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work. "The Servant Leader illuminates a clear path to personal, spiritual, and material actualization, which, in return,creates an infinite circle of prosperity." --Tom Gould, retired chairman and CEO, Younkers, Inc. "Quite simply, this is an extraordinary book. It is a classic already and the first truly great leadership book of the new century." --John Noble, director, Greenleaf Center, UK. "The Servant Leader is really the best field guide I've seen for helping managers transform themselves into true leaders." --Doug Greene,CEO, New Hope Group. "Servant leadership is key to surviving and thriving in the twenty-first century. Let both Jim Autry and his book, The Servant Leader, be your guide." --Ken Blanchard, coauthor, The One Minute Manager.

Sexo sabio: Cómo mantener el interés sexual en la pareja estable

by Antoni Bolinches

Un valioso manual para reavivar el erotismo en la pareja, para hacer de la relación sexual un constante camino de descubrimiento. La convivencia en pareja implica muchas dificultades, ya que en cuanto el vínculo amoroso se consolida empiezan a actuar los tres enemigos del amor: los celos, la rutina y la infidelidad. El problema que subyace a todos ellos es la pérdida del interés sexual. Esta obra ofrece las claves para mantener la atracción por el objeto amoroso, para reavivar el erotismo en la pareja y para evitar que el deseo se convierta en una obligación y la sexualidad en el débito conyugal. Pretende establecer las pautas del sexo sabio, es decir, un sexo hecho para perdurar y seguir siendo gratificante, un sexo para quienes deseen convivir en amor sin consumir la pasión y para hacer de la relación sexual un camino de descubrimiento constante.

The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress: Secrets of the Female Taoist Masters

by Hsi Lai

• Reveals how the sexual practices of the White Tigress can preserve and restore a woman's physical youthfulness and mental energy.• The first modern guide to White Tigress techniques, the only sexual teachings exclusively for women.• Reveals for the first time in English the hidden teachings of immortaless Hsi Wang Mu, a White Tigress from 3,000 years ago.• Provides Western medical correlations to substantiate White Tigress practices.White Tigress women undertake disciplined sexual and spiritual practices to maintain their beauty and youthfulness, realize their full feminine potential, and achieve immortality. Revealed here for the first time in English are the secrets of the White Tigress that have all but disappeared from the world. Under the guidance of Madame Lin, the matriarch of a distinguished White Tigress lineage still in existence in Taiwan, Hsi Lai was given the privilege to study these practices and record them from a modern perspective so they will be forever preserved. The vast majority of Taoist texts on alchemy, meditation, and sexuality are directed at male practitioners. The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress presents traditions that focus on women, traditions that stem from a long line of courtesans and female Taoists. Translations of the ancient teachings from a rare White Tigress manual dating back 3,000 years explain the sexual and spiritual refinement of ching (sexual energy), chi (vital energy), and shen (consciousness)--the Three Treasures of Taoism--the secret to unlocking eternal youthfulness and immortality.

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