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Glaucoma: A Guide from Dr. Harry Quigley

by Harry Quigley

If you or a member of your family has been told that you have glaucoma, or, if you have glaucoma and want to be sure that the treatment you're receiving is right for you, this patient-oriented guide was designed to answer the many questions you may have. The guide gives authoritative answers, easily understood explanations, helpful suggestions, and life-style advice. It won't matter if you are not a medical specialist, since it is written in plain English. Most glaucoma patients retain good vision and live a normal life. The solutions given can take the stress out of dealing with glaucoma and should maximize the chance that no further injury to your ability to see will occur. There is good evidence that patients who try to learn more about their medical care do better in the long run. The author is Dr. Harry A. Quigley, Director of the Glaucoma Center of Excellence of the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He has 40 years' experience caring for glaucoma, researching its treatments, and has performed 10,000 medical and surgical procedures for this disease. His 350 published papers on glaucoma represent the work that is most quoted by other eye doctors in the last 30 years. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the premier vision research journal, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. No other living ophthalmologist has received the Friedenwald Award (ARVO), the Doyne Medal (Oxford Ophthalmological Congress), the Jackson Lectureship (AAO), and the American Glaucoma Society Lectureship. The guide has quick "Take Home" summaries at the start of each section with the most important information. For those wishing to know much more, detailed explanations, drawings and photographs follow. The sections are designed to answer the questions that patients ask, as well as the questions that they should have asked. For those who know little about their glaucoma, it begins with a simple introduction to the disease. However, those who want in depth information will find discussions of how the disease is diagnosed, what the treatment options are, and how to live a normal life with glaucoma. There are not perfect answers to every question about glaucoma. Where there is controversy, the different sides of the issue are presented to help you and your doctor to make the better choice. There is consideration given to alternative approaches to therapy. There is no cure for glaucoma, and we cannot yet restore vision once it is lost. The guide presents ways to continue life at a high level, whatever the stage of glaucoma.

Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution

by Louis Kriesberg Bruce W. Dayton

With a framework for analysing diverse social conflicts, this book covers all aspects of a conflict right from how they are waged, involvement of social media and how to foster constructive ways to resolve them.

Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time

by Rick Hanson

[from the back cover] "big changes start with just one thing." You've heard the expression, "It's the little things that count." Research has shown that little daily practices can change the way your brain works, too. This book offers simple brain-training practices you can do every day to protect against stress, lift your mood, and find greater emotional resilience. Just One Thing is a treasure chest of over fifty practices created specifically to deepen your sense of well-being and unconditional happiness. Just one practice each day can help you: -- be good to yourself -- enjoy life as it is -- build on your strengths -- be more effective at home and work -- make peace with your emotions"

On Course: Strategies For Creating Success in College and in Life (Seventh Edition)

by Skip Downing

ON COURSE: STRATEGIES FOR CREATING SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND IN LIFE empowers students with the tools they need to take charge of their academic and lifelong success. Through distinctive guided journal entries, Skip Downing encourages students to explore and develop their personal responsibility, self-motivation, interdependence, and self-esteem, and to make wise choices that create successful results. "Wise Choices in College" sections in each chapter help students develop the study skills they need to excel in their other courses. The 7th edition features expanded coverage of diversity, emphasizing the many ways in which people are different and how these differences often influence the choices they make. Other new topics include a discussion of academic integrity, how to thrive in the college culture, and a research-based section on the importance of developing a growth mindset.

Your Soul's Gift: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born

by Robert Schwartz

A sequel to "Your Soul's Plan" - this book provides interesting and surprising insights into the mysteries of existence through pre-birth planning.

Unplug Every Day: A Journal

by Chronicle Books

This inspiring journal offers 365 achievable ways to take small breaks from technology with simple suggestions that encourage journalers to unplug from electronics and appreciate their surroundings. With a year's worth of digital-detox prompts, it also offers readers time to reflect on the power of unplugging.

Know What You Believe (Fifth Edition)

by Paul E. Little Marie Little

What does Christianity have to do with anything? What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What do I need to know about angels, Satan and demons? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? With these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into a greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring you into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Introduction by James F. Nyquist

Mindful Way through Depression (Enhanced)

by John D. Teasdale J. Mark Williams

If you've ever struggled with depression, take heart. Mindfulness, a simple yet powerful way of paying attention to your most difficult emotions and life experiences, can help you break the cycle of chronic unhappiness once and for all. In The Mindful Way through Depression, four uniquely qualified experts explain why our usual attempts to "think" our way out of a bad mood or just "snap out of it" lead us deeper into the downward spiral. Through insightful lessons drawn from both Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy, they demonstrate how to sidestep the mental habits that lead to despair, including rumination and self-blame, so you can face life's challenges with greater resilience. This e-book includes an audio program of guided meditations, narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn, for purchasers to stream or download from the Web.

Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Take Hold and Others Come Unstuck

by Chip Heath Dan Heath

What is that makes urban myths so persistent but many everyday truths so eminently forgettable? How do newspapers set about ensuring that their headlines make you want to read on? And why do we remember complicated stories but not complicated facts? In the course of over ten years of study, Chip and Dan Heath have established what it is that determines whether particular ideas or stories stick in our minds or not, and Made to Stick is the fascinating outcome of their painstaking research. Packed full of case histories and thought-provoking anecdotes, it shows, among other things, how one Australian scientist convinced the world he'd discovered the cause of stomach ulcers by drinking a glass filled with bacteria, how a gifted sports reporter got people to watch a football match by showing them the outside of the stadium, and how high-concept pitches such as 'Jaws on a spaceship' (Alien) and 'Die Hard on a bus' (Speed) convince movie executives to invest vast sums of money in a project on the basis of almost no information. Entertaining and informative by turns, this is a fascinating and multi-faceted account of a key area of human behavior. At the same time, by showing how we can all use such cleverly devised strategies as the 'Velcro Theory of Memory' and 'curiosity gaps', it offers superbly practical insights, setting out principles we all can adopt to make sure that we get our ideas across effectively.

Narrating Karma and Rebirth

by Naomi Appleton

Buddhism and Jainism share the concepts of karma, rebirth, and the desirability of escaping from rebirth. The literature of both traditions contains many stories about past, and sometimes future, lives which reveal much about these foundational doctrines. Naomi Appleton carefully explores how multi-life stories served to construct, communicate, and challenge ideas about karma and rebirth within early South Asia, examining portrayals of the different realms of rebirth, the potential paths and goals of human beings, and the biographies of ideal religious figures. Appleton also deftly surveys the ability of karma to bind individuals together over multiple lives, and the nature of the supernormal memory that makes multi-life stories available in the first place. This original study not only sheds light on the individual preoccupations of Buddhist and Jain tradition, but contributes to a more complete history of religious thought in South Asia, and brings to the foreground long-neglected narrative sources.

Motivation: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental

by Lambert Deckers

Well-grounded in the history of the field, Motivation combines classic studies with current research, while promoting the idea that motivation stems from physiological states, psychological motives, and environmental incentives and goals. Motivation provides an overarching organizational scheme of how motivation (the inducement of action, feelings, and thought) leads to behavior from physiological, psychological, and environmental sources. The material draws on topics that are familiar to students while maintaining a conversational tone to sustain student interest.

Go Only As Fast As Your Slowest Part Feels Safe To Go: Tales to Kindle Gentleness and Compassion for Our Exhausted Selves

by Robyn L. Posin

This book helps transform hyper-self-criticism into a gentle and caring self acceptance and thereby opening readers to a more kind-hearted relationship with themselves.

Breaking Intimidation

by John Bevere

[I TOOK THESE QUOTES FROM THE BACK COVER OF THE BOOK.] "Everyone has been intimidated at some time in life! Do you really know why it happened or how to keep it from happening again? John Bevere exposes threats and pressures, breaks the fearful grip, and teaches you to release God's gifts and establish His dominion in your life." The author augments his explanations with Biblical quotations and stories. Bevere also highlights his points by giving examples from his own life. "JOHN BEVERE is a best-selling author and popular conference speaker. He and his wife, Lisa, also a best-selling author, founded Messenger International in 1990. The ministry has grown into a multifaceted international outreach, including their weekly television program, The Messenger, which broadcasts in 214 nations. Bevere has written numerous books, including The Bait of Satan, The Fear of the Lord, and Under Cover. He and Lisa live in Colorado with their four sons."

The Princess Who Believed In Fairy Tales

by Marcia Grad

The Princess Who Believed in Fairy Tales is an enchanting and inspiring modern-day story set in olden times that symbolizes the journey we all take through life as we sort out illusion from reality, come to terms with our childhood dreams and pain, and discover who we really are and how life works.

Know Why You Believe

by Paul E. Little James F. Nyquist

In 2006, Christianity Today voted this title to be one of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals! Have you ever asked, "Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?" These questions need solid answers. That's what a million people have already found in this clear and reasonable response to the toughest intellectual challenges posed to Christian belief. This edition, revised and updated by Marie Little in consultation with experts in science and archaeology, provides twenty-first-century information and offers solid ground for those who are willing to search for truth. Including a study guide for individuals or groups, the classic answer book on Christian faith has never been better!

Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life

by Dina Colman

Living healthy doesn't need to be complicated. Four Quadrant Living shows readers how to take responsibility for their own health by providing logically organized and easily implemented ideas and suggestions for nourishing the "four quadrants" of our lives. The book includes ways to reduce stress, live mindfully, eat well, exercise more, sleep better, engage in healthy relationships, and detoxify environments. Many people worry about getting cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, or heart disease because it "runs in the family." This attitude encourages a passive, out-of-my-hands approach. Instead, Four Quadrant Living offers a new prescription for health, one that emphasizes positive steps readers can take to make healthy living a part of their daily routine. Four Quadrant Living provides simple, effective, and natural ways to help readers take control of their health so that they feel empowered, beat the odds, and live radiantly. We may be eating well and exercising, but we cannot truly be healthy if our mind is stressed, our relationships are toxic, and our world is sick. Every day we make choices that impact our health-the foods we eat, the products we use, the exercise we get, the stress we allow, the people we surround ourselves with, and the environment we live in. Four Quadrant Living guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to abundant health, vitality, and happiness.

Store It!

by Mervyn Kaufman

STORE IT is the comprehensive guide to making, finding and organizing space in your home from the entryway to the attic.

52 Weekend Decorating Projects

by The Editors of Woman's Day

A wide range of easy, creative and inexpensive decorating projects that will add personality and style to your rooms at very little cost.

I (Heart) My Dog!: The Guide to Choosing, Training, Grooming and Caring for Your Best Friend

by The Editors of Woman's Day

More than half of America 's pet owners consider their pet as much a part of their family as any other member and it's a fact that caring for animals improves our emotional and physical health. This puppy and dog reference manual from the experts at Woman's Day contains information on lifelong care for your dogs, including: Favorite, popular and unusual names for dogs, as well as how to choose the right breed for your lifestyle; The Ins and Outs of housebreaking, grooming and keeping your dogs healthy and happy; Puppy health care, including information about insurance and choosing the right vet; Essential tips for traveling with your dog; Green pet care, from making your own dog food to natural treatments for ailments. I Heart My Dog is your all-in-one reference for caring for your trusty companion. If you're just thinking about getting a dog or want to learn more about protecting the one you have, this reliable source will teach you everything you need to know to make doggy care affordable and easy!

The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain The Rise And Fall Of Cultural Groups In America

by Amy Chua Jed Rubenfeld

"That certain groups do much better in America than others—as measured by income, occupational status, test scores, and so on—is difficult to talk about. In large part this is because the topic feels racially charged. The irony is that the facts actually debunk racial stereotypes. There are black and Hispanic subgroups in the United States far outperforming many white and Asian subgroups. Moreover, there’s a demonstrable arc to group success—in immigrant groups, it typically dissipates by the third generation—puncturing the notion of innate group differences and undermining the whole concept of 'model minorities.'"<P> Mormons have recently risen to astonishing business success. Cubans in Miami climbed from poverty to prosperity in a generation. Nigerians earn doctorates at stunningly high rates. Indian and Chinese Americans have much higher incomes than other Americans; Jews may have the highest of all.<P> Why do some groups rise? Drawing on groundbreaking original research and startling statistics, The Triple Package uncovers the secret to their success. A superiority complex, insecurity, impulse control—these are the elements of the Triple Package, the rare and potent cultural constellation that drives disproportionate group success. The Triple Package is open to anyone. America itself was once a Triple Package culture. It’s been losing that edge for a long time now. Even as headlines proclaim the death of upward mobility in America, the truth is that the oldfashioned American Dream is very much alive—butsome groups have a cultural edge, which enables them to take advantage of opportunity far more than others.<P> • Americans are taught that everyone is equal, that no group is superior to another. But remarkably, all of America’s most successful groups believe (even if they don’t say so aloud) that they’re exceptional, chosen, superior in some way.<P> • Americans are taught that self-esteem—feeling good about yourself—is the key to a successful life. But in all of America’s most successful groups, people tend to feel insecure, inadequate, that they have to prove themselves.<P> • America today spreads a message of immediate gratification, living for the moment. But all of America’s most successful groups cultivate heightened discipline and impulse control.<P> But the Triple Package has a dark underside too. Each of its elements carries distinctive pathologies; when taken to an extreme, they can have truly toxic effects. Should people strive for the Triple Package? Should America? Ultimately, the authors conclude that the Triple Package is a ladder that should be climbed and then kicked away, drawing on its power but breaking free from its constraints.<P> Provocative and profound, The Triple Package will transform the way we think about success and achievement.

Be the Best Bad Presenter Ever

by Karen Hough

If you're like most people, the phrase "You'll be giving a presentation" is on a par with "It looks like that molar will have to come out. " Well, let's be honest: you'd prefer the surgery, wouldn't you? One reason most people regard public speaking as a nightmare is that they have to be "perfect. " They drive themselves crazy trying to conform to all sorts of handed-down rules that tie them up in knots and put their audiences to sleep. But Karen Hough knows that by throwing out those rules, relaxing, being yourself, and even making "mistakes," you'll connect with your audience much more effectively than the guy with the impeccable PowerPoint presentation. Hough has used her unique approach to take the anxiety out of one of the greatest fears in business. It's authenticity and passion that win people over, she says, not polish. It's why people trust vlogs more than commercials and user reviews more than ads. But you can't be authentic if you're following constraining rules that drain the life and personality out of your presentation. Hough debunks over a dozen myths about presenting to make it more fun and natural for everybody. She explains why mirrors are evil, why you should never end with questions, what the real purpose of any presentation should be, and much more. You'll discover how to embrace and develop your own style and communicate your message in a way that's all "wrong" according to the experts and that your audiences will find compellingly right. If presentations really didn't matter, we'd all just send memos. There are a million ways to share information out there, but the more we digitize, the more we long for human connection. By following Karen Hough's wise and witty advice, you'll avoid being forced to become one more robot behind a podium and be freed to be a living, breathing, occasionally clumsy real person whose passion is powerful and infectious.

Gone from My Sight: The Dying Experience

by Barbara Karnes

"Each person approaches death in their own way, bringing to this last experience their own uniqueness. What is listed here is simply a guideline, a road map. Like any map, there are many roads arriving at the same destination, many ways to enter the same city. Use this guideline while remembering there is nothing concrete here; all is very, very flexible. Any one of the signs in this booklet may be present; all may be present; none may be present. For some, it will take months to separate from their physical body, for others, only minutes. Death comes in its own time, in its own way. Death is as unique as the individual who is experiencing it."

Lord, I Want to Be Whole

by Stormie O'Martian

Briefly describes the author's difficult childhood and the choices that led her into a destructive lifestyle that eventually left her empty and alone, then presents seven steps for living the Christian life in obedience to God. Includes a discussion of how to release the past, confess sins before God, seek deliverance from past bondage, and stand strong in freedom from pain. Offers ways to seek emotional, physical, and spiritual wholeness following abuse or trauma.

The Convoluted Universe: Book Two

by Dolores Cannon

Buckle your seat belts and get ready for another roller coaster ride that will present new concepts and either threaten or expand your belief systems. Dolores Cannon continues to uncover complicated metaphysics, creating the need for sequels. Included in this book: Hidden Underground Cities; Energy and Creator Beings; Time Portals for Travelling Between Dimensions; Life on Other Planets; The Universal Language of Symbols; Splinters and Facets of the Soul; Raising of Vibrations and Frequencies to Shift into the New Earth; Characteristics of the New Earth.

Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct

by P. M. Forni

In this modern era where people connect with each other electronically rather than in person with conviction, this book highlights a basic set of 25 rules to enhance the quality of our lives as well as of the ones around us.

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