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Stress Less: A Little Guide to Finding Peace of Mind

by Hannah Bowstead

With practical tips and soothing affirmations, enjoy a sense of peace wherever the day takes you with the calming influence of this beautiful bookAs our lives become increasingly busy, it may feel like stress is controlling you, rather than the other way around. Stress Less will help you to take back control and tackle your worries head-on by introducing lasting and positive changes in the form of simple calming techniques and handy tips to ease your everyday stresses.Guiding you to create a trouble-free mindset, inside this book you will find: How to practise mindfulness to ground yourself Ways to introduce self-care and regular "me" time Fun ways to spend time in nature in order to experience its calming influence Actionable tips to wind down before bed to ensure a good, restful night's sleep Stress Less also includes powerful affirmations and mantras that can motivate and inspire you. Pause to find calm in the everyday with this handy guide.

How Your Story Sets You Free

by Heather Box Julian Mocine-McQueen

Everyone has a story to tell. Sharing that story can change you, your community, or even the world. But how do you start? This inspirational guide invites readers to unlock their truth and share it, whether in a TED talk, a blog post, or a conversation with their loved ones. Storytelling coaches Heather Box and Julian Mocine-McQueen reveal how to embrace the power of personal storytelling in a series of easy steps. Their practical and motivating advice fills this charming ebook and serves as a powerful reminder that stories matter.

Fishing (Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Series)

by Boy Scouts of America

This pamphlet will tell you a lot about fish and how to catch them. You might catch them for fun and "sport," or to eat. Fishing can become a lifetime pursuit, like golf or tennis. Many kinds of fish are described here, along with many ways to catch them--there are always new challenges in fishing, and always more to learn. This is one merit badge you are sure to enjoy earning from the very start. Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting movement, offers this advice to the young fisherman: "Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish." It's no surprise that fishing remains a favorite pastime on Scout outings.

Primal Leadership, With a New Preface by the Authors: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

by Richard E. Boyatzis Annie Mckee Daniel Goleman

This is the book that established "emotional intelligence" in the business lexicon-and made it a necessary skill for leaders.Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership. Its influence has also reached well beyond the business world: the book and its ideas are now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, and professional training programs, and by a growing legion of professional coaches.This refreshed edition, with a new preface by the authors, vividly illustrates the power-and the necessity-of leadership that is self-aware, empathic, motivating, and collaborative in a world that is ever more economically volatile and technologically complex. It is even timelier now than when it was originally published.From bestselling authors Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, this groundbreaking book remains a must-read for anyone who leads or aspires to lead.Also available in ebook format wherever ebooks are sold.

The Remedy Box

by Carol Boyce

The Remedy Box is not intended to replace medical care when it is warranted. The intention is to provide readers with a simple, efficient system of caring for themselves and loved ones in a nonemergency, first aid situation using natural remedies. If, however, symptoms persist, seek the advice of a health professional and always contact your health care professional for chronic conditions. The clear guidelines and straightforward information found on the Remedy Cards make the process of home prescribing for minor ailments simplicity itself. The accompanying book is written in a friendly, accessible style that includes a wealth of advice and experience Amy has collected over the years. The range of choices for dealing with minor ailments at home using gentle, natural methods is enormous and immensely satisfying. Merely having the cards in your possession is empowering. You now have options. As you become familiar with the material, your increased confidence will help to allay much of the fear and anxiety that surround being ill. Empowerment of the patient is a fundamental aspect of the healing mechanism.

Addicted to Busy

by Brady Boyd

We are all spread too thin, taking on more than we can handle, trying to do so much--almost as if we are afraid that if we were to take a moment of rest, we might discover that all our busyness is covering up an essential lack in our lives.But God never meant for us to be so busy. God desires for us to have rest and peace. Brady Boyd shows you how to live a life that embraces stillness and solitude, so you can find the peace that God wants for you.

Extravagant: Discovering a Life of Dangerous Generosity

by Brady Boyd

From the senior pastor of New Life Church, a revolutionary book that redefines the notion of extravagance by using the parable of the Good Samaritan to demonstrate how to live a truly compassionate and selfless life of giving freely without expecting anything in return.We all know people in our lives who have &“yes&” faces. They are calm but energetic, present but still purposeful with their time. They are curious. They ask questions. They&’re genuine in their desire to know about you—how you&’re doing, what you&’re up to, how you feel. Even with full lives of their own, they somehow still have the energy to inquire about others. These are extravagant people. In Extravagant, Pastor Brady Boyd shows us that by constantly offering up our time, talents, and hearts we can live life more like these exceptional people. Drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, he encourages us to stop living a life driven by selfish desire and start building lasting relationships that will be spiritually fulfilling. Discover how to begin this transformation by ceasing to be a passerby and become one who pauses in the course of daily life. By embracing the spirit of generosity, Pastor Boyd shows us that the path to a happier life is by living closer to God&’s vision and building a community that will be there in times of need. Timely, thought-provoking, and inspiring, Boyd&’s uplifting message of reclaiming your connections to others and being a good neighbor is just the remedy we need in today&’s fractured culture and troubled times.

Fear No Evil: A Test of Faith, a Courageous Church, and an Unfailing God

by Brady Boyd

In the years following the senseless and tragic shooting on the campus of New Life Church in northern Colorado Springs, Colorado, senior pastor Brady Boyd has received countless questions from the faith-filled and faithless alike. As the nation watched the suffering congregation reel from the gunman's rampage and, later, steady their stance once more, the one question on everyone's mind was, "How has New Life weathered such a horrible storm so well?"In Fear No Evil, Boyd answers with eloquence and grace, paving a path toward hope for anyone who is walking through the "valley of the shadow of death" and is tempted to camp out there. This story of tragedy and triumph will release you from life's common traps of doubt and despair.Whether you are a parent who has lost a child, a single mom who feels overwhelmed, a middle-aged man starting over after bankruptcy, a student trying to make sense of life and the world at large, or simply someone who wonders where God is in the midst of your suffering, the considerations and counsel offered here will serve as a lifeline for your soul.

Remarkable: Living a Faith Worth Talking About

by Brady Boyd

Senior pastor Brady Boyd draws parallels between the early church at Corinth and today’s culture to illustrate how Christians can stay true to their beliefs and live a loving and faith-filled life—demonstrating a new way to interact with the modern world.Lead pastor of New Life Church Brady Boyd encourages us to look beyond the archetypical pitfalls Christians historically have fallen victim to: Instigators hold an “us-against-you” outlook towards anyone whose beliefs differ from theirs; Isolators go into holy hiding and choose to associate exclusively with those who think like them; and Integrators slide so seamlessly into the surrounding culture that they become ingrained in it. Instead, as Boyd illuminates here in Remarkable, Paul the Apostle proposes a new approach, one centered on God’s wisdom rather than societal temptations and popular culture. Through Paul’s teachings, Boyd shows us how we can not only learn to hear the Word, but also live it, reclaiming the peace, the freedom, and the joy that we lost by imitating the modern world. Remarkable reminds us that by embracing the vision Paul held for followers of God, we can begin leading truly remarkable lives by letting love guide us every step of the way.

Sons and Daughters: Spiritual orphans finding our way home

by Brady Boyd

Using practical, firsthand stories that offer helpful, portable takeaways, Pastor Boyd looks at the interweaving of his journey from spiritual orphan to treasured son, offering candid stories and freeing insights for every Christian still longing to come home. The truth is, many of us as Christians still strive to “fit in” with God even when our Father offers us the identity of beloved daughters and sons. We’ve already been admitted, approved, and accepted—but we aren’t living that way. In Sons and Daughters, Pastor Boyd looks at the interweaving of God’s grace and our daily lives: How do those who know they are God’s children think, speak, and act differently? How do they function as leaders and friends? How do they walk through pain? You—and the purposes God has for you—are a cause for celebration, a reason to be both fearless and faithful. Come discover how to live like you belong.

The Secrets of Mindful Beauty: Revolutionary Techniques in Anti-Aging and Self-Care

by Elizabeth Reid Boyd Jessica Moncrieff-Boyd

If you think the answer to anti-aging and looking good comes from a jar, a salon, or a surgical procedure: think again. The best beauty treatment is in your own mind.Did you knowDepression can give you wrinklesInsomnia can cause sagging skinAnxiety can increase reddening and skin rashesStress can result in acne and hair lossand much more?Discover the secrets of mindful beauty. Lose your permanent frown. Smooth your worried brow without Botox. Turn your sag lines into smile lines. These age-defying techniques have been specially created for a happier, more beautiful you.Mindful beauty is a way of applying the practices of mindfulness to our physical health and well-being. Many of our routines around beauty lend themselves to mindfulness, and this will not only enhance the experience, but also have ongoing positive beautifying effects by reducing the stress and anxiety that can affect how we look and feel.

Present Perfect: Finding God in the Now

by Gregory A. Boyd

A "Holy Habit" That Will Change Your Life!Experience true spiritual transformation: invite God's presence into your life! Popular author, theologian, and pastor Gregory Boyd shows you how--simply, practically, and effectively--in this thoughtful and accessible book. Discover:How to pray continuallyWhat it means to "take every thought captive"How to wake up to God&’s ever-present love God is closer to you than the air you breathe.He is present in every given moment. Wake up to his presence! Turn off the mental chatter that keeps you from seeing his glory. Embrace the holy habit of inviting God's presence into your life, and be transformed!We long to be transformed. Yet our minds are filled with endless trivia and self-centered chatter. To-do lists. Worries about the past. Speculation about the future. We forget to live in the present moment . . . and to invite God to be with us there.After reading classic contemplative authors Brother Lawrence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, and Frank Laubach, theologian and pastor Gregory Boyd longed to experience the presence of God for himself. For two decades, he's attempted to implement the "practice of the presence of God" in his own life . . . sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. What he's learned as a fellow pilgrim on his spiritual journey can help you find true spiritual transformation as you begin to practice the discipline of inviting God into every moment."I've become absolutely convinced that remaining aware of God's presence moment-by-moment is the single most important task in the life of every follower of Jesus," Boyd writes. "I'm convinced this challenge is implied in our commitment to surrender our life to Christ, for the only real life we have to surrender to him is the one we live moment-by-moment." Join Boyd on this transformational journey of a lifetime!

A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today

by Gregory A. Boyd Bonnie Kristian

BONNIE KRISTIAN shows that a vibrant diversity within Christian orthodoxy-which is simply to say a range of different ways to faithfully follow Jesus-is a strength of our faith, not a weakness.It is all too easy to fail to grasp the diversity of the Christian faith-especially for those who have grown up in one branch of the church and never explored another. We fail to realize how many ways there are to follow Jesus, convinced that our own tradition is the one Christian alternative to nonbelief. A FLEXIBLE FAITH is written for the convinced and confused believer alike. It is a readable exploration of the lively theological diversity that stretches back through church history and across the spectrum of Christianity today. It is an easy introduction to how Christians have historically answered key questions about what it means to follow Jesus. Chapters will include 17 big theological questions and answers; profiles of relevant figures in church history; discussion questions; single-page Q&As-profiles of more unusual types of Christians (e.g., a Catholic nun or a member of an Amish community); and a guide to major Christian denominations today.As Bonnie shares her wrestlings with core issues-such as who Jesus is, what place the Church has in our lives, how to disagree yet remain within a community, and how to love the Bible for what it actually is-she teaches us how to walk courageously through our own tough questions.Following Jesus is big and it is something that individual believers, movements, and denominations have expressed in uncountably different ways over the centuries. In the process of helping us sort things out, Bonnie shows us how to be comfortable with diversity in the Body. And as we learn to hold questions in one hand and answers in the other, we will discover new depths of faith that will remain secure even through the storms of life.

My Husband Betty: Love, Sex, and Life with a Crossdresser

by Helen Boyd

Boyd, a journalist, knowingly marries a crossdresser. This book is her stated unbiased overview of crossdressers, their partners, and various issues in their relationships. However, she is very clearly biased in many areas. She often presents conflicting perspectives of her own, which can be confusing to those new to gender studies. If you are new to transgender study, start with her own glossary in the back of the book to see how this author uses specific labels---which may be different from other authors. She stresses need for CD people as a group to "come out" and align themselves with great transgender acceptance movement in order to gain society acceptance and be including in non-discrimination laws. There is also a list of resources: books, groups, websites. Her next book, "She's Not the Man I Married: My Life with a Transgender Husband" (already on Bookshare) is more personalized and answers many of her own questions from this first book. Photos are noted by the word photo within brackets.

Réponses à vos questions de santé mentale

by J. Lucy Boyd

Réponses à vos questions de santé mentale contient plus de 70 réponses aux questions indiscrètes que vous vous posez depuis toujours. La populaire rédactrice de textes médicaux J. Lucy Boyd a interviewé une vingtaine des meilleurs psychiatres et psychologues, posant à chacun d’entre eux une ou deux questions ayant trait à leur spécialité, de l’anxiété à la sexualité en passant par la dépendance. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez à reconnaître si votre enfant se drogue, à savoir que dire à une amie qui a fait une fausse couche, si c’est une bonne chose de fréquenter une personne atteinte d’un trouble de la personnalité et ce que la pyramide de Maslow peut vous apporter. Riche d’information pratique et de faits que vous aimerez découvrir en espérant ne jamais en avoir besoin, ce livre est une vraie FAQ pour le cerveau humain. « Il est rare de voir autant des meilleurs docteurs contribuer à un ouvrage. Je ne pourrais être plus satisfaite des résultats de cette ambitieuse entreprise ! Joignez-vous à moi pour en apprendre davantage sur vous-même, votre famille et vos ami(e)s, et la femme excentrique d’en face. Ce livre unique saura à la fois vous divertir et vous donner le pouvoir d’agir. » – J. Lucy Boyd, IA, B.Sc.Inf. Contributions de Jeffrey L. Brown, D.Psy., Madeleine M. Castellanos, M.D., Matthew Clark, D.Psy., Patricia Farrell, Ph. D., Jennifer L. Fee, D.Psy., Joann Paley Galst, Ph. D., Nzinga Harrison, M.D., Leon Hoffman, M.D., Aimee Kotrba, Ph. D., Gary W. Lewandowski, Junior, Ph. D., Carole Lieberman, M.D., Ronald L. Mann, Ph. D., Samuel Mowerman, M.D., Steve Orma, D.Psy., Simon A. Rego, D.Psy., Karen Sherman, Ph. D., Marcia Sirota, M.D., Ashley L. Solomon, D.Psy., Tina B. Tessina, Ph. D. et Mentwab Wuhib, Ph. D.

Risposte alle tue domande sulla salute mentale

by J. Lucy Boyd

Contiene risposte a molte domande alle domande pressanti che ti sei sempre posto. La popolare scrittrice di ambito medico J. Lucy Boyd ha intervistato venti tra i maggiori psichiatri e psicologi, ponendo a ciascuno di loro delle domande che riguardassero la loro specializzazione, dall'ansia al sesso. in questo libro imparerete come riconoscere se vostro figlio si droga, cosa dire a un'amica che ha perso il bambino in gravidanza, se uscire con qualcuno che soffre di disturbi della personalità e cosa può fare per voi la piramide di Maslow. Questo libro è pieno di informazioni pratiche e fatti che vi divertirete ad apprendere anche se speriamo non dovrete mai averne bisogno. "Non troverete altrove così tanti dottori che contribuiscono alla realizzazione di un solo lavoro. non potrei essere più soddisfatta del risultato di questo lavoro ambizioso! Unitevi a me e imparate di più sul vostro comportamento, quello della vostra famiglia e dei vostri amici, o dell'eccentrica signora dall'altra parte della strada. Questo libro unico vi intratterrà e vi renderà più forti".

Finding Freedom in Constraint: Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life

by Jared Patrick Boyd

The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free. Practicing spiritual disciplines can seem difficult, especially when we undertake them as isolated individuals. But we were never meant to practice them alone. Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints practiced in Christian community shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors the practices of constraint within the ascetic tradition of monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers. Boyd writes, "The constraints of a rule of life are what make life together, lived for one another, possible. A rule of life is not meant to be primarily personal, but communal. It's not primarily meant to guide my life. It is meant to describe our way of life together." Constraint is the practice of learning to pay deeper attention to the things in our inner world that prevent us from progressing in the school of love. Discover a deep conversation on freedom and constraint with six core practices of constraint that can form in us a greater freedom to be and become people who love as God loves. Enter into this vision with your local community (in small groups, church leadership teams, or families), and learn to make greater room to experience the love of God.

Produtividade: Torne-se um mestre em Gerir o seu Tempo para Aumentar a memória e obter Melhor Produtividade

by Randy Boyd

Este livro contém etapas e estratégias comprovadas de como melhorar sua produtividade, independentemente de você estar trabalhando como buscateiro independente, como empresário ou como funcionário. Este livro também se destina a torná-lo mais produtivo em suas rotinas diárias. Você aprenderá diferentes abordagens holísticas para se tornar mais produtivo em todos os seus esforços, definindo sua mente em suas responsabilidades e objetivos, aumentando sua energia, maximizando seu tempo e informando sobre os hábitos contraproducentes que o tornam menos eficiente em suas tarefas. O livro ajuda você a se tornar uma pessoa sábia e confiante, capaz de lidar com situações para se tornar um sucesso em sua vida cotidiana. É o livro inspirador perfeito para ficar ao seu lado em sua mesa por momentos de procrastinação e dúvida e também é o presente ideal para o empreender em sua vida. Se você pode dizer para si mesmo que está realizando todas as coisas que precisa, não será necessário fazer o download deste livro.

My Grief Is Not Like Yours

by Theo Boyd

A daughter's heartbreaking and tragic story of losing her parents—and hope for those walking their own journey through grief.Theo Boyd had always been close to her parents. Her father was a Texas peanut farmer, rancher, and preacher; her mother, deaf from a young age, was the glue that held them all together. Then one summer day in 2019, everything changed when Theo&’s mother died in a tragic accident on their family farm. As Theo began to process this loss, her marriage started to unravel, adding another painful layer to her grief. Meanwhile, Theo continued to care for her father who was shaken to his core by the tragedy. Nothing could erase the agony he felt from losing his love and soulmate of over fifty years, and one night he chose to escape his pain by ending his life. Theo suddenly had to learn to live without the two people who were her constant love and support—her parents. In My Grief Is Not Like Yours, Theo gives an unforgettable account of how quickly life can turn to grief. Beautifully woven, this book is threaded with memories and raw emotions that are seldom discussed. Theo shows readers how she endured the unimaginable. She walks beside anyone navigating through their grief, helping them feel less alone and guiding them to hope and healing. &“We are all unique, in life and in death. We are born, we live, we die, and we grieve, but my grief is not like yours.&” —Theo Boyd

The Wealthy Teacher: Answering the Question "What's Next?"

by Victoria Boyd

What’s next? A common question asked by those in change. Are you asking, What’s next? You could possibly be on an employment roller coaster or facing layoff or dissatisfied with your current career and thinking, “I need more!” or you've always dreamed of starting a business. Get started answering your What’s next? Learn to shift fear to excitement, reignite your passion, honor your values and use your skills to create a life you love. Get off the roller coaster, go to the next level and start THRIVING!! Written from an educator’s perspective, yet applicable to anyone, Dr. Boyd uses her past experiences and skills to help others find their path and explore the world of entrepreneurism. Let her guide you through a new journey—a solid foundation and path grounded in passion and values.

Death... And How To Survive It: A unique, practical and uplifting guide to coming to terms with the loss of your partner

by Kate Boydell

'He passed away', 'She's gone', 'He died'...As anyone who has ever lost a loved one will know, the wording doesn't affect the meaning. Nothing can shield you or prepare you for the brutal reality and crippling pain of a death and its repercussions.Kate Boydell was widowed at the age of 33. She felt that her life had lost its purpose and she wanted it to end. But she got through it - and so can everyone. In this down-to-earth, practical, insightful and often humorous guide, Kate draws on her own experience of bereavement to offer frank advice on coping with every aspect of the grieving process. Including:- coping with the initial shock- telling your children- organising the funeral- shopping and cooking- getting back into dating

The Heart is a Noisy Room: Your inner voices, why they matter – and how to win them over

by Dr Ronald Boyd-MacMillan

Your heart, my heart, everyone's heart, is a noisy room full of voices. These voices can come deep from childhood, or from our culture, or from habits embraced in adulthood. These voices run our lives. They can even ruin them. But if we face them, they can also save us.We all have inner stories we tell ourselves - voices that seem inseparable from who we are. They can be crushingly negative, telling us we'll never amount to anything. Or they can be positive - and keep us addicted to achievement. Either way, if we stay oblivious to them, these inner voices will run our lives. But when we know how to relate to them, they can become our friends and our guides.In this ruthlessly practical and inspiringly visionary book, Ronald Boyd-MacMillan teaches us how to identify our inner voices - whether negative or positive - and gives us five tools to engage with them, leading us into lives of deeper freedom, fullness and joy.

Asian Face Reading

by Boye Lafayette De Mente

Imagine how much you could learn if you knew how to evaluate a person's character, health, fortune, social status, sexual charisma, and life expectancy from a careful reading of his or her face. <P><P> In China and Japan, face reading is a respectable analytical tool used to make business decisions, arrange marriages, and evaluate partnerships and friendships. Asian Face Reading offers a quick, practical, easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply introduction to the basic principles of face reading. The book is fully illustrated with dozens of examples readers can use to learn this increasingly popular practice-and to analyze their friends, colleagues, and loved ones.

Just Give Me Meaningful Work: Escape Your Exhausting Job and Start Making a Difference

by Julie P. Boyer

Just Give Me Meaningful Work is the indispensable guide to getting unstuck and creating a meaningful career.Afraid of letting another year go by in a job that drains the life out of you? What if you had a clear vision for work that would tap your natural strengths, allow you to be yourself, and make a difference? Just Give Me Meaningful Work helps those who are stuck escape being trapped in the wrong job and find their callingand finally feel great about themselves.Certified Co-Active Coach Julie Boyer helps readers go from hopelessly stuck to being able to see what's stopping them and successfully create change. Her tools have helped numerous people land their dream job, negotiate a better title at work, or even start their own business, even when it first seemed impossible. Just Give Me Meaningful Work reveals how to take current frustrations and use them to reveal true purpose. It helps readers stay focused and above the fray, so they can get off the hamster wheel and move forward. Boyers gentle guidance leads to a conviction to get the dream job, not just the one readers think they can get. Boyer guides readers towards getting their energy and optimism back and feeling alive and inspired once again.,

Powering Social Enterprise with Profit and Purpose: The Tandem Hybrid

by Scott Boyer Jeremy Gudauskas Mike Hamel

Trail-blazing social entrepreneurs are tackling the world’s most pressing problems that government, business, or charity have failed to solve. They are creating businesses with a primary mission of social change. Scott Boyer is one such social entrepreneur. This 28-year veteran of Big Pharma left a six-figure salary to start OWP Pharmaceuticals and the ROW Foundation. This commercial business and non-profit organization exist in a symbiotic relationship we call a "tandem hybrid social enterprise." This model combines a multimillion dollar business with a foundation that’s on track to become the largest funder of projects serving people with epilepsy and associated psychiatric disorders in the world. The tandem hybrid incorporates the principles learned by Scott and others for building a truly unique social enterprise from the ground up; one that is: Driven by a compelling social mission Financed by commercial success Structured to retain control Scalable and sustainable for the long haul Powering Social Enterprises With Profit And Purpose offers a detailed blueprint that has proven commercially and philanthropically successful and that can be replicated in most business sectors.

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