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Showing 101 through 125 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Leaving Home, A Memoir 10540 Art Buchwald 9780399138645 1993
Confederacy of Silence: A True Tale of the New Old South 10519 Richard Rubin 2002
Disguised as a Poem: My Years Teaching Poetry at San Quentin 10131 Judith Tannenbaum 9781555534530 2000
A Boy I Once Knew: What a Teacher Learned from Her Student 10602 Elizabeth Stone 9781565123151 2002
The Darwin Awards: Evolution in Action 10621 Wendy Northcutt 9780525945727 2000
Black Pilgrimage to Islam 9970 Robert Dannin 9780195147346 2002
It's a Crime: Women and Justice, Second Edition 10491 Roslyn Muraskin 9780135120897 2000
The Lobster Chronicles 10671 Linda Greenlaw 9780786866779 2002
Let Freedom Ring 10675 Sean Hannity 9780060514556 2002
The Life God Blesses 10380 Jim Cymbala Stephen Sorenson 9780310242024 2001
War Without End: Cultural Conflict and the Struggle for America's Political Future 10692 Robert Shogan 2002
Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences 8353 W. Paul Vogt 9780803952768 1993
Assistance Dog Providers in the United States: A Complete Guide to Finding a Guide, Hearing, or Service Dog 10861 Carla Stiverson Norm Pritchett 1996
Girlfriends for Life 10742 Carmen Renee Berry Tamara Traeder 9781885171320 1998
Affirmative Acts: Political Essays 10421 June Jordan 9780385492256 1998
Final Gifts: Understanding The Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying 10766 Patricia Kelley Maggie Callanan 9780553378764 1997
Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Transformation 10177 Michael Albert 9780896086623 2002
The New Disability History: American Perspectives 10787 Paul K. Longmore Lauri Umansky 9780814785638 2001
Chaos Or Community? Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics 10916 Holly Sklar 9780896085114 1995
The Fifteen Biggest Lies In Politics 10896 Major Garrett Timothy J. Penny 9780312182946 1998
Eat First -- You Don't Know What They'll Give You 11119 Sonia Pressman Fuentes 9780744302318 2000
Theogony, Works and Days, Shield 10808 Apostolos N. Athanassakis Hesiod 9780801829994 1983
Giovanni and Lusanna: Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence 10472 Gene Brucker 9780520063280 1986
Gay Cuban Nation 11195 Emilio Bejel 2001
Pompeii... Buried Alive! 11233 Edith Kunhardt 9780394888668 1987

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Showing 101 through 125 of 100,000 results