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Gogoetak: Hiritarren eta estatu gizonaren brebiarioa

by Charles Louis de Secondat Felipe Juaristi Galdos

Zoriona edo zorigaitza, on edo gaitz ote den, barne-organoak nolakoak diren. Onean, istripuek, aberastasunek, ohoreek, osasun-kontuek, gaixotasunek ematen edo kentzen dute zoriona. Haatik, gaitzean, istripuek luzatzen edo laburtzen dute zorigaitza. Zorionaz edo zorigaitzaz mintzatzen garenean, tronpatu egiten gara beti; egoerak aztertzen baititugu, eta ez gizonak. Egoeraren bat ez da sekula zorigaiztokoa izango, baldin eta gustukoa bada; eta, esaten dugunean gizon bat, halako egoeraren batean egonik, zorigaiztokoa dela, ez dugu esan nahi gu ere, dauzkagun organoak edukirik, zorigabekoak izango ginatekeenik haren tokian bageunde. Gogoetak

Los ojos del otro: Encuentros restaurativos entre víctimas y ex miembros de ETA

by Esther Pascual Rodríguez

«Personalmente, pensaba que el encuentro no me aportaría gran cosa, pero no fue así. Cuando él apareció en la salita donde nos encontramos y, después de las presentaciones, nos miramos a los ojos, me di cuenta de lo mal que lo estaba pasando. Creo que estaba como avergonzado... Estuvimos hablando y preguntándonos durante casi tres horas. No quiero entrar en detalles, pero lo que más me impresionó durante la conversación fue lo que repetía una y otra vez; tenía la autoestima por los suelos, no veía nada bueno en él y decía: ?Todo en mí es malo?, ?No hay nada bueno en mí?. Le dije que eso no era cierto: ?Si lo fuera, no estaríamos aquí ninguno de los dos?. Y añadí: ?Creo que has sido muy valiente en reconocer todo el daño causado, has sabido comprender que todo lo que hiciste en el pasado fue un gravísimo error y has pedido perdón por ello; pero, lo más importante, has recuperado tu libertad y el derecho a ser un ciudadano?. Las personas que hemos colaborado en los encuentros restaurativos, tanto los victimarios como las víctimas, lo hemos hecho de forma voluntaria. Nadie nos lo ha impuesto. Sin embargo, entiendo, sobre todo desde el mundo de las víctimas, la crítica, que a veces ha sido desproporcionada, hacia las personas que hemos decidido participar. Así como nosotros respetamos su decisión, su postura de no querer participar, me gustaría pedir que también nuestra opción sea respetada; nosotros no nos sentimos mejores ni peores, simplemente actuamos según nuestra forma de pensar» (Tomado del Prólogo, de Maixabel Lasa). Han colaborado en el presente volumen: Alberto José Olalde Altarejos / Francisca Lozano Espina / Esther Pascual Rodríguez / José Luis Segovia Bernabé / Julián Carlos Ríos Martín / Eduardo Santos Itoiz / José Castilla Jiménez / Luis María Carrasco Asenguinolaza / Xabier Etxebarria Zarrabeitia.

Adoption, Emotion, and Identity: An Ethnopsychological Perspective on Kinship and Person in a Micronesian Society (Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific #8)

by Manuel Rauchholz

Exploring adoption in the Pacific, this book goes beyond the commonplace structural-functional analysis of adoption as a positive “transaction in parenthood.” It examines the effects it has on adoptees’ inner sense of self, their conflicted emotional lives, and familial relationships that are affected by a personal sense of rejection and not belonging. This account is theoretically rooted in ethnopsychology, based on field work conducted across multiple research sites in the Chuuk Lagoon, its neighboring Chuukic-speaking atolls, and persons from neighboring Micronesian island communities.

The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance: Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America (Protest, Culture & Society #29)

by Lisa Bogerts

Effective visual communication has become an essential strategy for grassroots political activists, who use images to publicly express resistance and make their claims visible in the struggle for political power. However, this “aesthetics of resistance” is also employed by political and economic elites for their own purposes, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish from the “aesthetics of rule.” Through illuminating case studies of street art in Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Caracas, and Mexico City, The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance explores the visual strategies of persuasion and meaning-making employed by both rulers and resisters to foster self-legitimization, identification, and mobilization.

After Corporate Paternalism: Material Renovation and Social Change in Times of Ruination (Integration and Conflict Studies #24)

by Christian Straube

In this ethnographic study of post-paternalist ruination and renovation, Christian Straube explores social change at the intersection of material decay and social disconnection in the former mine township Mpatamatu of Luanshya, one of the oldest mining towns on the Zambian Copperbelt. Touching on topics including industrial history, colonial town planning, social control and materiality, gender relations and neoliberal structural change, After Corporate Paternalism offers unique insights into how people reappropriate former corporate spaces and transform them into personal projects of renovation, fundamentally changing the characteristics of their community.

Against Better Judgment: Akrasia in Anthropological Perspectives (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology #14)

by Patrick McKearney Nicholas H.A. Evans

Anthropologists have long explained social behaviour as if people always do what they think is best. But what if most of these explanations only work because they are premised upon ignoring what philosophers call 'akrasia' – that is, the possibility that people might act against their better judgment? The contributors to this volume turn an ethnographic lens upon situations in which people seem to act out of line with what they judge, desire and intend. The result is a robust examination of how people around the world experience weaknesses of will, which speaks to debates in both the anthropology of ethics and moral philosophy.

The Age of Capitalism and Bureaucracy: Perspectives on the Political Sociology of Max Weber

by Wolfgang J. Mommsen

The historian Wolfgang Mommsen was one of the foremost experts on Max Weber as well as an insightful and accessible interpreter of his work. Mommsen’s classic book, first published in 1974 under the title The Age of Bureaucracy, not only concisely explains the basic concepts underlying Weber’s worldview, but also explores the historical, social, and intellectual contexts in which he operated, including Weber’s development as an academic, his relationship to German nationalism, and his engagement with Marxism. Supplemented with a new foreword, a bibliography that includes recent studies, and a postscript by Volker Berghahn that surveys the most important debates on Weber's work since his death, this short volume serves as an excellent resource for scholars and students alike.

Alfred Cort Haddon: A Very English Savage (Anthropology's Ancestors #5)

by Ciarán Walsh

An innovative account of one of the least-understood characters in the history of anthropology. Using previously overlooked, primary sources Ciarán Walsh argues that Haddon, the grandson of anti-slavery activists, set out to revolutionize anthropology in the 1890s in association with a network of anarcho-utopian activists and philosophers. He regards most of what has been written about Haddon in the past as a form of disciplinary folklore shaped by a theory of scientific revolutions. The main action takes place in Ireland, where Haddon adopted the persona of a very English savage in a new form of performed photo-ethnography that constituted a singularly modernist achievement in anthropology. From the Introduction: Alfred Cort Haddon was written out of the story of anthropology for the same reasons that make him interesting today. He was passionately committed to the protection of simpler societies and their civilisations from colonists and their supporters in parliament and the armed forces.

Ambiguous Childhoods: Peer Socialisation, Schooling and Agency in a Zambian Village

by Nana Clemensen

Growing up with social and economic upheaval in the peripheries of global neoliberalism, children in rural Zambia are presented with diverging social and moral protocols across homes, classrooms, church halls, and the street. Mostly unmonitored by adults, they explore the ambiguities of adult life in playful interactions with their siblings and kin across gender and age. Drawing on rich linguistic-ethnographic details of such interactions combined with observations of school and household procedures, the author provides a rare insight into the lives, voices, and learning paths of children in a rural African setting.

Ambiguous Pleasures

by Rachel Spronk

Among both male and female young urban professionals in Nairobi, sexuality is a key to achieving a 'modern' identity. These young men and women see themselves as the avant garde of a new Africa, while they also express the recurring worry of how to combine an 'African' identity with the new lifestyles with which they are experimenting. By focusing on public debates and their preoccupations with issues of African heritage, gerontocratic power relations and conventional morality on the one hand, and personal sexual relationships, intimacy and self-perceptions on the other, this study works out the complexities of sexuality and culture in the context of modernity in an African society. It moves beyond an investigation of a health or development perspective of sexuality and instead examines desire, pleasure and eroticism, revealing new insights into the methodology and theory of the study of sexuality within the social sciences. Sexuality serves as a prism for analysing how social developments generate new notions of self in postcolonial Kenya and is a crucial component towards understanding the way people recognize and deal with modern changes in their personal lives.

America Observed: On an International Anthropology of the United States

by Virginia R. Dominguez Jasmin Habib

There is surprisingly little fieldwork done on the United States by anthropologists from abroad. America Observed fills that gap by bringing into greater focus empirical as well as theoretical implications of this phenomenon. Edited by Virginia Dominguez and Jasmin Habib, the essays collected here offer a critique of such an absence, exploring its likely reasons while also illustrating the advantages of studying fieldwork-based anthropological projects conducted by colleagues from outside the U.S. This volume contains an introduction written by the editors and fieldwork-based essays written by Helena Wulff, Jasmin Habib, Limor Darash, Ulf Hannerz, and Moshe Shokeid, and reflections on the broad issue written by Geoffrey White, Keiko Ikeda, and Jane Desmond. Suitable for introductory and mid-level anthropology courses, America Observed will also be useful for American Studies courses both in the U.S. and elsewhere.

An Anthropological Toolkit: Sixty Useful Concepts

by David Zeitlyn

Presenting sixty theoretical ideas, David Zeitlyn asks ‘How to write about anthropological theory without making a specific theoretical argument.’ “David Zeitlyn has written a wryly engaging, short book on, essentially, why we should not become theoretical partisans—that, indeed, being a serious theorist means accepting precisely that principle.”—Michael Herzfeld, Harvard University To answer, he offers a series of mini essays about an eclectic collection of theoretical concepts that he has found helpful over the years. The book celebrates the muddled inconsistencies in the ways that humans live their messy lives. There are, however, still patterns discernible: the actors can understand what is going on, they see an event unfolding in ways that are familiar, as belonging to a certain type and therefore, Zeitlyn suggests, so can researchers. From the introduction: This book promotes an eclectic, multi-faceted anthropology in which multiple approaches are applied in pursuit of the limited insights which each can afford…. I do not endorse any one of these idea as supplying an exclusive path to enlightenment: I absolutely do not advocate any single position. As a devout nonconformist, I hope that the following sections provide material, ammunition and succour to those undertaking nuanced anthropological analysis (and their kin in related disciplines)…. Mixing up or combining different ideas and approaches can produce results that, in their breadth and richness, are productive for anthropology and other social sciences, reflecting the endless complexities of real life. …This is my response to the death of grand theory. I see our task as learning how to deal with that bereavement and how to resist the siren lures of those promising synoptic overviews. This book is relevant to anthropology, communication studies, cultural studies and sociology.

Anthropology, Nationalism and Colonialism: Mendes Correia and the Porto School of Anthropology

by Patrícia Ferraz de Matos

A major contribution to the history of European anthropology, this book highlights the Porto School of Anthropology and analyses the work of its main mentor, Mendes Correia (1888-1960). It goes beyond a Portuguese focus to present a wider comparative analysis in which the colonial empire, knowledge of origins, ethnic identity and cultural practices all receive special attention. The analysis takes into account the fact that nationalism, as associated with an ethno-racial paradigm, decisively influenced discourse and scientific and political practices.

An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions and Ethics in Asia and Beyond (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology #15)

by Jacob Copeman, Nicholas J. Long, Lam Minh Chau, Joanna Cook Magnus Marsden

Dialogues, encounters and interactions through which particular ways of knowing, understanding and thinking about the world are forged lie at the centre of anthropology. Such ‘intellectual exchange’ is also central to anthropologists’ own professional practice: from their interactions with research participants and modes of pedagogy to their engagements with each other and scholars from adjacent disciplines. This collection of essays explores how such processes might best be studied cross-culturally. Foregrounding the diverse interactions, ethical reasoning, and intellectual lives of people from across the continent of Asia, the volume develops an anthropology of intellectual exchange itself.

The Anti-Social Contract: Injurious Talk and Dangerous Exchanges in Northern Mongolia

by Lars Højer

Set in a remote district of villagers and nomadic pastoralists in the northernmost part of Mongolia, Højer introduces a local world, where social relationships are cast in witchcraft-like idioms of mistrust and suspicion. While the apparent social breakdown that followed the collapse of state socialism in Mongolia often implied a chaotic lack of social cohesion, this ethnography reveals an everyday universe where uncertain relations are as much internally cultivated in indigenous Mongolian perceptions of social relatedness, as it is externally confronted in postsocialist surroundings of unemployment and diminished social security.

Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective: Essays on Morality, Achievement and Modernity (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology #16)

by Susan Bayly

Contemporary Asian societies bear the imprint of the experience and afterlives of colonialism, revolutionary socialism and religious and secular nationalism in dramatically contrasting ways. Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective draws together essays that demonstrate the role of these far-reaching transformations in the shaping of two Asian settings in particular – India and Vietnam. It traces historical and contemporary realities through a variety of compelling topics including the lived experience of India’s caste system and the ethical challenges faced by Vietnamese working women.

Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family, and Identity (Asian Anthropologies #11)

by Mariske Westendorp Désirée Remmert and Kenneth Finis

Comparing first-person ethnographic accounts of young people living, working, and creating relationships in cities across Asia, this volume explores their contemporary lives, pressures, ideals, and aspirations. Delving into topical issues such as education, social inequality, family pressures, changing values, precarious employment, and political discontent, the book explores how young people are pushing boundaries and imagining their future. In this way, they explore and create the identities of their local and global surroundings.

Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family, and Identity (Asian Anthropologies #11)

by Mariske Westendorp, Désirée Remmert and Kenneth Finis

Comparing first-person ethnographic accounts of young people living, working, and creating relationships in cities across Asia, this volume explores their contemporary lives, pressures, ideals, and aspirations. Delving into topical issues such as education, social inequality, family pressures, changing values, precarious employment, and political discontent, the book explores how young people are pushing boundaries and imagining their future. In this way, they explore and create the identities of their local and global surroundings.

Assembling Financialisation: Local Actors and the Making of Agricultural Investment

by Zannie Langford

Farmers, Indigenous organisations, government and private-sector intermediaries from remote Northern Australia often negotiate with private finance capital to gain funds for agricultural development.The concept of financialisation is used to explore the drivers and effects of agrifood restructuring in the area, while assemblage theory is applied to position local actors as potential sites of power in negotiating connections between local spaces and global finance. This book demonstrates that while financialisation is a useful signifier of patterns of global change, it is assembled by a diverse range of often contradictory work.

At the Edge of the Wall: Public and Private Spheres in Divided Berlin (Contemporary European History #26)

by Hanno Hochmuth

Located in the geographical center of Berlin, the neighboring boroughs of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg shared a history and identity until their fortunes diverged dramatically following the construction of the Berlin Wall, which placed them within opposing political systems. This revealing account of the two municipal districts before, during and after the Cold War takes a microhistorical approach to investigate the broader historical trajectories of East and West Berlin, with particular attention to housing, religion, and leisure. Merged in 2001, they now comprise a single neighborhood that bears the traces of these complex histories and serves as an illuminating case study of urban renewal, gentrification, and other social processes that continue to reshape Berlin.

An Australian Indigenous Diaspora: Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition

by Paul Burke

<p>Some indigenous people, while remaining attached to their traditional homelands, leave them to make a new life for themselves in white towns and cities, thus constituting an “indigenous diaspora”. <p>This innovative book is the first ethnographic account of one such indigenous diaspora, the Warlpiri, whose traditional hunter-gatherer life has been transformed through their dispossession and involvement with ranchers, missionaries, and successive government projects of recognition. <p>By following several Warlpiri matriarchs into their new locations, far from their home settlements, this book explores how they sustained their independent lives, and examines their changing relationship with the traditional culture they represent.</p>

Back to the Postindustrial Future: An Ethnography of Germany's Fastest-Shrinking City (EASA Series #33)

by Felix Ringel

How does an urban community come to terms with the loss of its future? The former socialist model city of Hoyerswerda is an extreme case of a declining postindustrial city. Built to serve the GDR coal industry, it lost over half its population to outmigration after German reunification and the coal industry crisis, leading to the large-scale deconstruction of its cityscape. This book tells the story of its inhabitants, now forced to reconsider their futures. Building on recent theoretical work, it advances a new anthropological approach to time, allowing us to investigate the postindustrial era and the futures it has supposedly lost.

Berlin, Alexanderplatz: Transforming Place in a Unified Germany (Space and Place #1)

by Gisa Weszkalnys

A benchmark study in the changing field of urban anthropology, Berlin, Alexanderplatz is an ethnographic examination of the rapid transformation of the unified Berlin. Through a captivating account of the controversy around this symbolic public square in East Berlin, the book raises acute questions about expertise, citizenship, government and belonging. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in the city administration bureaus, developers' offices, citizen groups and in Alexanderplatz itself, the author advances a richly innovative analysis of the multiplicity of place. She reveals how Alexanderplatz is assembled through the encounters between planners, citizen activists, social workers, artists and ordinary Berliners, in processes of popular participation and personal narratives, in plans, timetables, documents and files, and in the distribution of pipes, tram tracks and street lights. Alexanderplatz emerges as a socialist spatial exemplar, a 'future' under construction, an object of grievance, and a vision of robust public space. This book is both a critical contribution to the anthropology of contemporary modernity and a radical intervention in current cross-disciplinary debates on the city.

Bishkek Boys: Neighbourhood Youth and Urban Change in Kyrgyzstan’s Capital (Integration and Conflict Studies #17)

by Philipp Schröder

In this pioneering ethnographic study of identity and integration, author Philipp Schröder explores urban change in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek from the vantage point of the male youth living in one neighbourhood. Touching on topics including authority, violence, social and imaginary geographies, interethnic relations, friendship, and competing notions of belonging to the city, Bishkek Boys offers unique insights into how post-Socialist economic liberalization, rural-urban migration and ethnic nationalism have reshaped social relations among young males who come of age in this Central Asian urban environment.

Boaters of London: Alternative Living on the Water (Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories #5)

by Ben Bowles

London and the Southeast of England is home to an alternative community of people called 'boaters': individuals and families who live on narrowboats, cruisers and barges, along a network of canals and rivers. Many of these people move from place to place every two weeks due to mooring rules and form itinerant communities in the heart of some of the UK’s most built-up and expensive urban spaces. Boaters of London is an ethnography that delves into the process of becoming a boater, adopting an alternative lifestyle on the water and the political impact that this travelling population has on the state.

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