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Showing 47,426 through 47,450 of 47,771 results

The Scale Model: How to Set Up and Run a Successful Enterprise

by Andy Clayton

The Scale Model does one thing: makes it easy for business entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. Using a proven methodology that is easy to understand and implement, business teams can learn how to diagnose and solve barriers to growth.The Scale Model equips CEOs and senior leaders with a framework to assess where the pain points lie in their business, and easy-to-use templates to help them work out the solutions to enable continued growth. The Model has been used by high-growth companies around the world to achieve industry-beating growth in sales and profits, with engaged and aligned teams. In a complicated business environment, the straightforward advice and practical structure of the Scale Model provides for business planning.When you're busy running your business, you want just one place to go to fix it. This is that place. Pick up The Scale Model today, work through the tools inside, and watch your business grow. That's how easy it is.

Scale-up-Navigator: Das Handbuch für nachhaltig skalierende Start-ups - vom Start-up zum Outlier

by Dietmar Grichnik Manuel Hess Michael Greger Andreas Goeldi Florian Schweitzer

Mit Case Studies von Scale-ups wie DeepL, SumUp, 1KOMMA5°, Frontify oder Ledgy! Europa hat mit seinen über 700 Millionen EinwohnerInnen einen großen Binnenmarkt, auf dem aber keine Technologieunternehmen vom Kaliber globaler Big Techs wie Apple, Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Meta/Facebook oder Microsoft gelistet sind. In der ersten Digitalisierungswelle des Internets genossen die USA durch ihren homogenen Heimatmarkt einen klaren Wachstumsvorteil. Dies mag sich durch maschinelle Übersetzungstools und weitere KI-unterstützte Lösungen ändern. Hierzu muss die Skalierung von europäischen Unternehmen erlernt werden. Sie ist eine entscheidende Fähigkeit in einem Spiel auf Zeit: Start-ups müssen wachsen, bevor ihre Konkurrenz aus anderen Start-ups oder etablierten Unternehmen an ihnen vorbeizieht. Dazu gilt es, den gestiegenen Anforderungen an die soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit sowie Unternehmensführung (ESG) gerecht zu werden. Dieses Buch vermittelt Leitlinien für GründerInnen, Mitarbeitende, Investoren/Investorinnen, Mentoren/Mentorinnen und weitere Stakeholder von skalierenden Start-ups, sogenannten "Scale-ups", die sie beim schnellen und nachhaltigen Wachstum unterstützen. Sie entwickeln damit ein besseres Verständnis für verschiedenste Herausforderungen bei der Skalierung ihres Unternehmens und meistern diese besser, wie beispielsweise die Entwicklung und Führung ihres Teams, die Bewertung von Wachstums- und Finanzierungsoptionen sowie die Implementierung effizienter Organisationsstrukturen und Kommunikationsprozesse. Die LeserInnen profitieren konkret von: - einer Strukturierung der Skalierung, basierend auf einem iterativen Prozess-Framework; - einem durchgehenden Fokus auf für den Kapitalmarkt relevante ESG-Kriterien; - Handlungsempfehlungen inklusive digitaler Tools, welche sie bei der Skalierung ihrer Unternehmen unterstützen.

Scenes and Communities in the City

by Marta Klekotko

​This open access book addresses the problem of creation and reproduction processes of contemporary urban communities, as well as cultural mechanisms and factors of these processes. Rejecting both the environmental determinism, and cultural reductionism of community studies, the book assumes that the postmodern city is a space of diverse urban communities that go far beyond the traditional concept of neighbourhood as well as personal and imagined communities, and thus proposes to comprehend urban community as social practice embedded in urban space. The book applies the Theory of Social Practice and the Theory of Scenes and develops the concept of socio-cultural opportunity structures in order to explain how cultural practices of individuals and symbolic dimensions of territory interact, leading to (re)production of various forms of urban community. It is assumed that culture in general and symbolic meanings of territory in particular, play a crucial role in the process of (re)production of urban communities, that this process takes place in collective cultural consciousness and is mediated by territorially embedded cultural practices of individuals. The book overcomes theoretical gaps in classical community studies and develops a new perspective on urban communal processes based on the analysis of social practices in urban cultural scenes.

Schoolishness: Alienated Education and the Quest for Authentic, Joyful Learning

by Susan D. Blum

In Schoolishness, Susan D. Blum continues her journey as an anthropologist and educator. The author defines "schoolishness" as educational practices that emphasize packaged "learning," unimaginative teaching, uniformity, constant evaluation by others, arbitrary forms, predetermined time, and artificial boundaries, resulting in personal and educational alienation, dependence, and dread.Drawing on critical, progressive, and feminist pedagogy in conversation with the anthropology of learning, and building on the insights of her two previous books Blum proposes less-schoolish ways of learning in ten dimensions, to lessen the mismatch between learning in school and learning in the wild. She asks, if learning is our human "superpower," why is it so difficult to accomplish in school? In every chapter Blum compares the fake learning of schoolishness with successful examples of authentic learning, including in her own courses, which she scrutinizes critically.Schoolishness is not a pedagogical how-to book, but a theory-based phenomenology of institutional education. It has moral, psychological, and educational arguments against schoolishness that, as Blum notes, "rhymes with foolishness."

Schools and Society During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Education Systems Changed and the Road Ahead

by Fernando M. Reimers

This open access book provides an analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on diverse education systems, and of the results of the policies adopted to sustain educational opportunities. Through a series of diverse national case studies, the book examines the preexisting fragilities and vulnerabilities in educational structures which shaped the nature of the varied responses, around the world, to teaching and learning during the worst crisis in public education in recent history.The chapters in the book take stock of how educational opportunities changed in various education systems around the world as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, answering the question of what did education systems, and societies, learn about education as a result of the pandemic.The book covers diverse education systems, with varying levels of resources and facing distinct education challenges, including Brazil, Chile, Finland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, and the United States.

Schools, volume 21 number 1 (Spring 2024)

by Schools

This is volume 21 issue 1 of Schools. Schools: Studies in Education provides a forum for classroom educators to describe and meditate on the complex experiences of school life. The journal publishes scholarly articles, reflective essays, and stories that convey how human relationships, thoughts, and emotions shape the meaning of what happens when learning actually occurs. Historical documents in “From the Archives” feature intriguing excerpts from works that provide insight into contemporary issues. Opinion pieces in “On the Horizon” feature arguments about the future of education planning and policy. Reviews critically evaluate books, films, art exhibitions, concerts, and other events that have some bearing on the meaning and value of education.

The Science of Esports

by Craig McNulty Remco Polman Matthew Watson Kabir Bubna

The Science of Esports draws from contemporary research and coach expertise to examine esports athlete health and performance from a range of disciplinary perspectives, including physiology, psychology, sociology, and nutrition. The rapid expansion of the esports industry has elevated competitive video gaming into the realm of high performance, requiring players, coaches, and practitioners to implement interdisciplinary approaches to performance support. The book covers key topic areas such as: What esports is and similarities and differences to sport Game-specific training Physiological and psychological consideration for esports athletes Social aspects of player performance and the social environment of esports Esports coaching and structure of esports performance environments Technology and its use in esports Safeguarding, cheating, and gambling This book includes worked examples and case studies to allow immediate implementation into practice for esports athletes and coaches. It summarises the current state of research to inform researchers and identify gaps in knowledge. This book is critical reading for students of esports and related courses. It serves as the first scientific resource designed to provide athletes, coaches, and practitioners with interdisciplinary insights into esports health and performance.

The Science of Romantic Relationships

by Theresa DiDonato Brett Jakubiak

Why do people fall in love? Does passion fade with time? What makes for a happy, healthy relationship? This introduction to relationship science follows the lifecycle of a relationship – from attraction and initiation, to the hard work of relationship maintenance, to dissolution and ways to strengthen a relationship. Designed for advanced undergraduates studying psychology, communication or family studies, this textbook presents a fresh, diversity-infused approach to relationship science. It includes real-world examples and critical-thinking questions, callout boxes that challenge students to make connections, and researcher interviews that showcase the many career paths of relationship scientists. Article Spotlights reveal cutting-edge methods, while Diversity and Inclusion boxes celebrate the variety found in human love and connection. Throughout the book, students see the application of theory and come to recognize universal themes in relationships as well as the nuances of many findings. Instructors can access lecture slides, an instructor manual, and test banks.

The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 (New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies #5)

by Borbala Zsuzsanna Török

The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was a complicated process, challenged by the integration of widely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the history of statistics as an overlooked part of the sciences of the state in Habsburg legal education as well as within the broader public sphere. By exploring the practices and social spaces of statistics, author Borbála Zsuzsanna Török uncovers its central role in imagining the composite Habsburg Monarchy as a modern and unified administrative space.

Science of Valuations: Natural Structures, Technological Infrastructures, Cultural Superstructures (Green Energy and Technology)

by Salvatore Giuffrida Maria Rosa Trovato Paolo Rosato Enrico Fattinnanzi Alessandra Oppio Simona Chiodo

This volume collects the best papers presented at the 2019 Conference SIEV (Italian Society of Appraisal and Valuation) on the Science of Evaluation foundations, actuality, and prospects. The book consists of twenty-six papers and is organized into four parts: the first one collects reflections on the nature of the value judgement, on the truth of the evaluative statement, and on the authenticity its contents, the values; the next three present operational experiences in the three fields of natural, urban and cultural heritage where the knowledge of the value of the human space, supports decisions and policies, highlighting feature concerning: value and valuations in the dialectic between earth and the city; the value bearers between heuristic and normatively; the role of valuation for the complementarity of rules and creativity. The book is being published in the midst of the new radical transformations of the equilibrium between social system and environment generated by the serious and unexpected crises of the third decade of this century. Reflections on the reality that fills evaluative statement with truth – the reality of values – is more topical than ever in a historic phase in which the role of democracies and the destiny of civil coexistence is called into question, claiming the order of unamendable values like truth, justice and beauty. The book brings together experiences that focus on the “intentional evaluative consciousness” as a condition for the responsibility of the subject - individual and collective - concerning the saliences and urgencies most significantly contributing to the formation of orderly communities.

Science, Religion, the Humanities and Hope: Essays in Honour of Willem B. Drees (Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology #8)

by Anne Runehov Michael Fuller

This book collects a multidisciplinary range of contributions focusing on the prolific and seminal work of Willem Drees in the fields of philosophy of religion, philosophy of the humanities, and science and theology/religion. Trained in both theoretical physics and theology/philosophy of religion, Drees holds doctoral degrees in both theology and in philosophy and, amongst other distinguished positions, held professorships at the University of Leiden and at the University of Tilburg. Drees was also Editor-in-Chief of Zygon, Journal of Religion & Science, between 2008 and 2018, and served as President of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) between 2002 and 2008. In 2018, he was elected as member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW). This contributed volume builds on Drees’ expansive and provocative scholarly contributions, notably around the concept and meaning of naturalism and the humanities to the fields of science and religion, as exemplified by his works Religion, Science and Naturalism (1996) and What Are the Humanities For? (2021). In a time where more and more young people across the globe are entering higher education such cross-disciplinary explorations and (re-)evaluations are vital to the field. Accordingly, by approaching his work from a variety of disciplines this collection illuminates the broad reach of Drees’ work and provides scholars from various fields with many new and rich opportunities avenues for research.

The Scottish State and European Migrants, 1885–1939: Managing Foreignness (Palgrave Studies in Migration History)

by Terence McBride

This book examines the efforts of the government in Scotland to manage the increase of migrants travelling to Britain at the end of the nineteenth century. Focussing on the period between 1885 and 1939, the book explores how the Scottish machinery of government handled the administration of ‘foreigners.’ The author uses a comparative, thematic approach to analyse migrant experiences, identities, and relationships with state institutions. Drawing from state records held by the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh, the book argues that Scottish officials in semi-autonomous boards began to recognise, describe and enumerate the presence of the ‘foreigner’ in the early twentieth century, framing their handling of foreignness in accordance with the Aliens Act of 1905. The author goes on to explain that institutions operating in Scotland developed a distinctly Scottish approach to alien matters, which continued up until the Second Word War. Therefore, an increasing number of importantdecisions affecting migrants were taken by a distinctly Scottish machinery of government, impacting on how Scottish officials understood foreignness, and how those identified as foreigners understood their identity in relation to Scottishness. Contributing significantly to current heated debates on migration and identity amongst researchers and the general public in Europe and beyond, this book provides essential insights into the ways in which a ‘sub-state’ began to develop practices, processes and attitudes towards migration which were not always in line with that of the central government.

Scrutinising Elites and Schooling in Post-Communist Poland: Globalisation, European Integration, Socialist Heritage, and Tradition (Routledge Research in Education)

by Alexandra Margaret Dunwill

This book offers new insights and methodological tools to improve our understandings of how prestigious schools in Poland navigate the major political, social and cultural crosscurrents. The range of choice for elite schooling in Poland has expanded during its post-communist transformation. However, while elite education in countries such as the US, Australia, UK, France, and Switzerland has been extensively studied, post-communist countries have been largely neglected. This book explores the emergence of such schools within a context influenced by a range of different and often conflicting social forces. In doing so, the study elucidates how the socio-historical processes since 1989 diversified Poland’s egalitarian education system and facilitated the emergence of schools for elites. The book demonstrates that social and political changes in Poland triggered the emergence of new elites with different political and social outlooks, leading to a variety of types of elite schools that reflect and reproduce the elites’ positions and idiosyncrasies. A bespoke theoretical arrangement scrutinises extant and generated data from elite schools’ websites, online readers’ forums, and interviews with elite school principals. The book contributes new insights into elite schools in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, enriching the existing body of knowledge on elites and elite schools around the world. It will be of interest to researchers and postgraduate students investigating elite education, sociology of education, education policy, and education and international development.

Sea-Time: An Ethnographic Adventure (ISSN)

by Helen Sampson

This book is an ethnography that draws upon 25 years of qualitative research and shipboard fieldwork in the merchant cargo shipping sector. It explores the lives and work of seafarers and how these have changed over time. Change over time and the experience of time on board are organising themes throughout the text. They are contextualised with accounts of transformation in the regulation of the shipping industry and technological innovation.The book begins with a unique account of a voyage on a container ship. In this, the author details both the research process and the daily activities and shared thoughts of the seafarers who are on board. The narrative is further enhanced with illustrative examples taken from other voyages to illustrate continuities and change over time.The book will be of value to individuals, scholars, and researchers interested in ethnography of all kinds. Sociologists, anthropologists, maritime studies students, seafarers, ship operators and policy makers will find the text engaging and revealing. It provides a vivid account that will appeal to academics interested in the study of work, workplace change and time. It is accessibly written and will be enjoyed by readers interested in the contemporary shipping industry, and the life and work of seafarers.

Second Handbook of Academic Integrity (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

by Sarah Elaine Eaton

The book brings together diverse views from around the world and provides a comprehensive overview of academic integrity and how to create the ethical academy. At the same time, the Handbook does not shy away from some of the vigorous debates in the field such as the causes of academic integrity breaches. There has been an explosion of interest in academic integrity in the last 20-30 years. New technologies that have made it easier than ever for students to ‘cut and paste’, coupled with global media scandals of high profile researchers behaving badly, have resulted in the perception that plagiarism is ‘on the rise’. This, in combination with the massification and commercialisation of higher education, has resulted in a burgeoning interest in the importance of academic integrity, how to safeguard it and how to address breaches appropriately. What may have seemed like a relatively easy topic to address – students copying sources without attribution – has in fact, turned out to be a complex, interdisciplinary field of research requiring contributions from linguists, psychologists, social scientists, anthropologists, teaching and learning specialists, mathematicians, accountants, medical doctors, lawyers and philosophers, to name just a few.Because of this broad interest and input, this handbook serves as the single authoritative reference work which brings together the vast, growing, interdisciplinary and at times contradictory body of literature. For both established researchers/practitioners and those new to the field, this Handbook provides a one-stop-shop as well as a launching pad for new explorations and discussions.

Second-in-Command (2iC), First in Excellence: An Organization's Secret to Achieving Phenomenal Success

by Kristina 'KP' Powers, PhD

Why do some departments, divisions, and organizations soar while others struggle? Watching another team achieve the success you feel yours more rightfully deserves can be incredibly frustrating. However, they might have something you don’t: Seconds-in-Command. Given how many Seconds-in-Command exist in the workforce, it is stunning that there are so few books about them. Organizations can and often do have more than one 2iC; large ones may have hundreds. KP Powers focuses on essential skills that individuals in these positions already possess and can enhance to become an organization’s key to achieving phenomenal success. This book introduces the groundbreaking concept of linking multiple 2iCs to form a Second-in-Command chain. This game-changing technique increases the positive impact that 2iCs can have on organizational and leader success. In today’s world, leaders no longer have the luxury of hiring more people to keep up with a growing workload. The labor shortage and the need to cut costs because of looming economic issues make that impractical. It makes more sense to consider a new organizational framework that includes 2iCs, thus multiplying existing team members’ contributions. This is especially critical in highly regulated fields such as higher education, finance, and health care, where the stakes and penalties are high and unforgiving. Second-in-Command, First in Excellence invites readers to think differently about this critical role. Geared toward leaders who have or want a 2iC as well as 2iCs themselves, this book both demonstrates the value of the 2iC position and serves as a tool for professional development.

The Secret Mind of Bertha Pappenheim: The Woman Who Invented Freud's Talking Cure

by Gabriel Brownstein

The story of a patient who changed the world, and the mystery of her illness. In 1880, young Bertha Pappenheim got strangely ill—she lost her ability to control her voice and her body. She was treated by Sigmund Freud&’s mentor, Josef Breuer, who diagnosed her with &“hysteria.&” Together, Pappenheim and Breuer developed what she called &“the talking cure&”—talking out memories to eliminate symptoms. Freud renamed her &“Anna O&” and appropriated her ideas to form the theory of psychoanalysis. All his life, he told lies about her. For over a century, writers have argued about her illness and cure. In this unusual work of science, history, and psychology, Brownstein does more than describe the controversies surrounding this extraordinary woman. He brings Pappenheim to life—a brilliant feminist thinker, a crusader against human trafficking, and a pioneer—in the hustling and heady world of nineteenth-century Vienna. At the same time, he tells a parallel story that is playing out in leading medical centers today, about patients who suffer symptoms very much like Pappenheim&’s, and about the doctors who are trying to cure them—the story of the neuroscience of a condition now called FND.The Secret Mind of Bertha Pappenheim argues for the healing art of listening and describes the new &“talking cures&” emerging out of neuroscience today.

Segmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter Acquisition: First Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14539)

by Antonio Pepe Gian Marco Melito Jan Egger

This book constitutes the First Segmentation of the Aorta Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, which was held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023, on October 8, 2023. The 8 full and 3 short papers presented have been carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They focus specifically on robustness, visual quality and meshing of automatically generated segmentations of aortic vessel trees from CT imaging. The challenge was organized as a ”container submission” challenge, where participants had to upload their algorithms to Grand Challenge in the form of Docker containers. Three tasks were created for SEG.A. 2023.

Segregierte Quartiere – segregierte Freizeiträume: Eine Studie zu Freizeitverhalten und Aktivitätsräumen Berliner Jugendlicher (Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft)

by Moritz Merten

Dieses Open-Access-Buch stellt vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmenden sozialen Segregation in deutschen Städten die Frage nach den Auswirkungen dieser sich verschärfenden räumlichen Polarisierung auf die Sozialisation von Jugendlichen. Die Arbeit geht dabei über den quartiersfixierten Ansatz der Nachbarschaftseffektforschung hinaus und untersucht, welche Räume in der Stadt von Berliner Jugendlichen in ihrer Freizeit tatsächlich genutzt werden und damit für sie sozialisationsrelevant sind. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Einfluss, den einerseits individuelle Merkmale, wie Geschlecht und sozialer Status, und andererseits die Stadtstruktur auf das räumliche Freizeitverhalten der Jugendlichen haben. Zentral ist dabei die Frage, ob sich die soziale Segregation der Wohnquartier auch in den Aktivitätsräumen der Jugendlichen widerspiegelt. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, werden Daten mit einer eigens für diese Arbeit entwickelten innovativen räumlich-quantitativen Befragung erhoben, vor dem Hintergrund der physischen und sozialräumlichen Struktur Berlins ausgewertet und durch qualitative Leitfadeninterviews ergänzt.

Selbstorganisation mit Holakratie: …eine Frage der Kultur! (essentials)

by Andreas Hertel Jeanette Herzog Dominik Grolimund

Formen der Selbstorganisation wie Holakratie ermöglichen es Unternehmen, den dynamischen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit agiler zu begegnen. Der Fokus der Organisation richtet sich auf Sinn und Wirkung des Handelns – ohne zentrale Steuerung. Mit dem Buch erleichtern wir den Leser:innen den Einstieg in die Welt der Holakratie auf Basis einer Organisationskultur, die geprägt ist von resonanten, vertrauensvollen Beziehungen, psychologisch sicheren Teams und inklusiver Führung. Zudem weisen wir auf kritische Aspekte hin und geben praktische Beispiele.

Senior Leadership Teams and the Agile Organization (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series)

by Stephen J. Zaccaro Nathan J. Hiller Richard J. Klimoski

Senior Leadership Teams and the Agile Organization builds on existing knowledge in the leadership, teams, and strategic management literatures to examine and explore how senior leadership teams drive the dynamic capabilities of organizations. Organizational agility is a key dimension of organizational performance. This volume focuses on senior leadership team processes and attributes that facilitate organizational agility and the organization’s capacity to perform and rapidly pivot in response to shifting strategic demands. Chapters summarize the current state of knowledge, examine past research and theory, define research and theoretical gaps, and consider how to address these gaps. In so doing, they offer an understanding of how senior leadership teams drive and enable organizational activity. The book is essential reading for researchers and professionals looking to understand the intersection of leadership, team dynamics, organizational psychology, organizational psychology, and strategic management, particularly in relation to organizational agility and the senior leadership team.

Service-Learning: Theory and Practice

by Iqbal Ahmad Rani Gul

This book examines key concepts, principles, and applications of the service-learning approach. Service-learning is a community-based educational approach to improve a student’s academic, personal, leadership, civic, and professional development through civic engagement. Unlike other traditional approaches to education, service-learning students can use their classroom-based knowledge and skills in a real-life context in collaboration with community organisations and residents. This volume explores the theory, research, and practices of how service-learning is understood, implemented, and evaluated in different contexts. It provides essential guidelines to implement and integrate service-learning at educational institutions through extensive discussions on the principles, philosophical challenges, opportunities, and its applications. Key themes include: • Theory of service-learning • Concept of service-learning • Challenges to service-learning • Applications of service-learning • Service-learning as professional development • Service-learning as communication Accessibly written, this book would be of interest to faculty, students, community organisations, and researchers working in the areas of education, pedagogy, sociology, and social work.

Serving Military and Veteran Families: Theories, Research, and Application

by Karen Rose Blaisure Christina M. Marini Tara Saathoff-Wells Catherine Walker O’Neal Mallory Lucier-Greer Amy Laura Dombro Colonel Angela Pereira Shelley M. MacDermid Wadsworth

Serving Military and Veteran Families introduces readers to the unique culture of military families, their resilience, and the challenges of military life. It reviews the latest research, theories, policies, and programs to prepare readers for understanding and working with military and veteran families. It also offers practical knowledge about the challenges that come with military family life and the federal policies, laws, and programs that support military and veteran families. Boasting a new full-color design and rich with pedagogy, the text also includes several boxed elements in each chapter. "Spotlight on Research" highlights researchers who study military and veteran families with the goal of informing and enriching the work of family support professionals. "Voices from the Frontline" presents the real-life stories of support program leaders, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and most importantly service members and veterans and their families. "Tips from the Frontline" offers concrete, hands-on suggestions based on the experiences and wisdom of the people featured in the text and the broader research and practice communities. Third Edition features: Streamlined focus on theories and the addition of the contextual model of family stress and life course theory, including an interview with Glen Elder in which he shares his perspective on the development of life course theory and how it can be applied to understand development across individuals and cohorts. Personal accounts of 70 program leaders, practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and, significantly, service members, veterans, and family members who offer insight into their personal experiences, successes, and challenges associated with military life. 20 new interviews with service members, veterans, family members, researchers, and clinicians that bring important topics to life. Updated demographics and descriptions of service members, veterans, and their families. Expanded descriptions of mental health treatment approaches with an emphasis on including family members. Updated exercises focused on providing services to military and veteran families. New online resources designed to further enrich discourse and discussion. Serving Military and Veteran Families is designed as a core text for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses on military and veteran families, or as a supplement for related courses taught in family science, human development, family life education, social work, and clinical or counseling psychology programs. Providing a foundation for working with increased sensitivity, knowledge, and respect, the text can also be a useful resource for helping professionals who work with military and veteran families.

Settlements and Displacement in Turkey: Struggle and Rejuvenation (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Society)

by Özlem Erdoğdu Erkarslan Ela Alanyalı Aral

This book explores the complex relationship between urban space and displacement in Turkey. It evaluates how the displacement of people and cultures has affected the spatiotemporal landscapes of the nation at different periods of contemporary Turkey, with an emphasis on various narratives of the relocating population and their relationship to the environment. Contemporary cities are constantly changing due to the movement of people from different regions, resulting in shifting population patterns globally. Understanding displacement and its effects on space are crucial in studying this phenomenon, as it not only involves the physical relocation of individuals, but also the transfer of cultural practices within a condensed timeframe. This process changes the destination of settlements irreversibly. This book takes a methodological approach and disclinary approach, examining the migration and displacement of people and its effects upon art, architecture, culture and politics in Turkish cities. This book will be of interest to students and scholars interested in migration and its effects on cities, urban planning and architecture.

Seven Bad Habits of Safety Management: Examining Systemic Failure (Innovation and Creativity in Health and Safety)

by Murray Ritchie

Occupational Health and Safety has been a growth industry for several decades and has moved beyond the realm of the human resource department and workers’ compensation claims. However, the methodologies utilized and taught within the profession have changed little since the 1930s. The industry continues to operate in a "comfort zone" and, as such, has reached an improvement plateau. This important book examines seven of these antiquated comfort zones from their conceptions to implementation and explores why they fail to achieve the desired results and what alternatives are available. Seven Bad Habits of Safety Management: Examining Systemic Failure delivers seven focused chapters outlining the comfort zones they create and their impacts on new initiatives. Each critically analyses common safety practices exploring where they came from, why they fail, and a few alternatives being discussed around the world. Case studies underpin learning that will allow the reader to revisit and revise their current programs and campaigns to realise a better return on their safety investment. The book will allow the reader to better understand the root causes of systems failures faced daily in the management of health and safety and how to confront them. This readable and exciting text from an author with over 40 years of experience in occupational health and safety will appeal to students, researchers and professionals of process safety, occupational safety, safety engineering, human resources and business management.

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