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Showing 47,626 through 47,650 of 47,771 results

Metropolitan Regions, Planning and Governance

by Karsten Zimmermann Daniel Galland John Harrison

The aim of this book is to investigate contemporary processes of metropolitan change and approaches to planning and governing metropolitan regions. To do so, it focuses on four central tenets of metropolitan change in terms of planning and governance: institutional approaches, policy mobilities, spatial imaginaries, and planning styles. The book’s main contribution lies in providing readers with a new conceptual and analytical framework for researching contemporary dynamics in metropolitan regions. It will chiefly benefit researchers and students in planning, urban studies, policy and governance studies, especially those interested in metropolitan regions.The relentless pace of urban change in globalization poses fundamental questions about how to best plan and govern 21st-century metropolitan regions. The problem for metropolitan regions—especially for those with policy and decision-making responsibilities—is a growing recognition that these spaces are typically reliant on inadequate urban-economic infrastructure and fragmented planning and governance arrangements. Moreover, as the demand for more ‘appropriate’—i.e., more flexible, networked and smart—forms of planning and governance increases, new expressions of territorial cooperation and conflict are emerging around issues and agendas of (de-)growth, infrastructure expansion, and the collective provision of services.

Vereinbarkeit und Schwangerschaft: Psychische Belastung durch Antizipation? (essentials)

by Okka Zimmermann Lina Kolonko

Schwangerschaft sowie Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie werden in der Soziologie in den letzten Dekaden verstärkt sozialwissenschaftlich erforscht, bisher jedoch nicht zusammengebracht. Die Studie arbeitet daher heraus, dass bereits in und vor der Schwangerschaft die grundlegenden Weichenstellungen für Vereinbarkeit gestellt und verhandelt werden; dabei kann die Antizipation von Problemen und Konflikten eine große psychische Belastung darstellen.

Bewegter Unterricht – reloaded!: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Effekten lernzeitwahrender und lernzeitschonender Maßnahmen zur Sitzzeitreduzierung in der Grundschule

by Robert Zimmermann

Übermäßiges, ununterbrochenes Sitzen und wenig körperliche Aktivität sind Risikofaktoren für zahlreiche Zivilisationskrankheiten. Bereits im Kindesalter wirkt sich das sedentäre Verhalten negativ auf die Gesundheit aus und bedingt nachweislich Adipositas. Den Großteil der täglichen hohen Sitzzeiten verbringen Kinder in der Schule. Nationale Interventionsstrategien versuchen derweil den Schulalltag bewegungsfreundlicher zu gestalten, stoßen jedoch in der Praxis häufig an ihre Grenzen. Grund hierfür ist häufig die fehlende Zeit, um Bewegung in Lernphasen des Unterrichts zu integrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert den Blick zur Gestaltung des bewegungsfreundlichen Unterrichts um zentrale Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden für die Entwicklung praxisnaher, lernzeitwahrenden (Nutzung aktivierender Sitzgelegenheiten) und lernzeitschonenden (bewegungsförderliche Methoden) Interventionen zur Sitzzeitenreduzierung im Unterricht herangezogen. Neben der ausführlichen Evaluation der beiden Interventionsstrategien mittels moderater Technik (u.a. activPAL® Sensoren) werden ausblickend wertvolle Tipps für den praktischen Einsatz formuliert.

Der Klimaschutzdiskurs der „Neuen Rechten“: Eine ideengeschichtliche Analyse des Periodikums Die Kehre – Zeitschrift für Naturschutz (BestMasters)

by Wiebke Zimmermann

Umwelt- wie auch konkret der Klimaschutz als dessen jüngerer Teilbereich sind weder neutrale Sachthemen noch notwendigerweise politisch links zu verorten. Im historischen Rückblick lassen sich Momente der geglückten wie gescheiterten Verquickung nationalistischer und antidemokratischer Positionen mit „grünen“ Forderungen im gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurs ausmachen. Auch im Lichte des gegenwärtigen Relevanzgewinns der Causa Klimawandel regen sich im neurechten Lager erneut die Versuche einer (Rück-)Eroberung der Diskurshoheit. Paradigmatisch hierfür steht das neurechte Periodikum Die Kehre – Zeitschrift für Naturschutz, das sich als Debattenort zur Etablierung einer „konservativen Ökologie“, der Verbindung von Ökologie mit rechtsideologischen Elementen, ins Werk setzt. Welche Positionen beziehen, welche Begründungzusammenhänge formulieren Akteur*innen der „Neuen Rechten“ zum Klimaschutz? Die vorliegende Arbeit rekonstruiert Amalgamierungsmomente neurechter (Vorläufer-)Gruppierungen mit Themen des Umweltschutzes und systematisiert so die Chronologie der Genese der „Neuen Rechten“ in einem umweltethischen Zusammenhang. Auf diesem Fundament wird eine Tiefenanalyse der klimaschutzpolitischen Argumentationen innerhalb des neurechten Periodikums Die Kehre geleistet, die identifizierten Positionen werden hinsichtlich ihrer inhaltlichen und strukturellen Brücken in neurechte Traditions- und Ideologiebestände kontextualisiert und interpretiert.

Helado y patatas fritas: Una denuncia de la explotación sexual de los niños

by Hernán Zin

No hay nada peor que abusar de un inocente, de un niño, que no sabe que ese hombre que le invita a helado y patatas fritas y le da unas monedas para que su familia coma, le está arruinando la vida. Hernán Zin, promotor de ayuda a la infancia a través de distintas ONG, descubrió varios casos de pederastia en Camboya y consiguió pruebas para llevar a algunos de esos hombres ante los tribunales. En Helado y patatas fritas se cuentan casos reales en los que se abre el corazón de los niños y los pederastas ofrecen su testimonio. Europeos que viajan a países del Tercer Mundo para llevar a cabo sus fantasías con niños de cuatro y cinco años: «Niños pobres que no entienden de moral, a los que yo ayudo con dinero», confiesa uno de ellos. Ahora Zin ha emprendido una campaña para luchar contra el abuso de niños en el Tercer Mundo, con recogidas de firmas y denuncias en el Parlamento Europeo e Interpol. También ha rodado un documental que podrá verse en varias cadenas de televisión nacionales y autonómicas, en el que se relata los mismos hechos. A raíz de esta investigación, la ONG Global Humanitaria ha puesto en marcha hogares para niños víctimas de abusos, además de un programa para seguir, denunciar y llevar a juicio en Camboya a quienes explotan sexualmente a menores. UN PORCENTAJE DE LAS VENTAS DE ESTE LIBRO SE DESTINARÁ A LUCHAR CONTRA LA PEDERASTIA EN EL TERCER MUNDO.

La libertad del compromiso: Cambiar tu vida para cambiar el mundo

by Hernán Zin

¿Es posible cambiar el mundo? En una sociedad globalizada ¿es posible ayudar a los más pobres y paliar las desigualdades sociales? A estas preguntas responde este libro aportando para ello la experiencia humana, personal y vital de siete personas: José María en África; Belén en Filipinas; Fabiola en el Tibet; Alan en Argentina; Urmi, Alison y David en la India. Todos ellos dejaron sus respectivos países y vidas acomodadas para ayudar a los demás, a los más pobres, al margen de las grandes organizaciones, con proyectos personales y modestos. Y además de ayudar, resulta que son más felices y se sienten útiles. Aquí nos enseñan cómo afrontar la vida de otra manera, contagiándonos de su coraje, mostrándonos las posibilidades que todos tenemos de "comprometernos". Nos demuestran, en fin, que es posible salirse de una rueda que, como dice Rosa Regàs en la última parte del libro, te convierte en un hombre mutilado «y un día te encuentrasbajo un cielo estrellado y eres incapaz de verlo». Reflexión a la que se incorporan voces relevantes de nuestra sociedad como Fernando Savater, Ramiro Calle, Concha García-Campoy, Pilar Bardem, Javier García Sánchez, Carlos Taibo y Dominique Lapierre. Análisis y testimonio se unen en un libro escrito para no dejar indiferente a nadie. Un libro para todos aquellos que se sienten comprometidos y que enarbolan la bandera de la libertad. Porque, como dice Fernando Savater en su texto, «las personas libres no se preguntan qué va a pasar sino qué van a hacer».

Under Siege: Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation (Advancing Studies in Religion)

by Jasmin Zine

The 9/11 attacks in the United States, the subsequent global “war on terror,” and the proliferation of domestic security policies in Western nations have had a profound impact on the lives of young Muslims, whose identities and experiences have been shaped within and against these conditions. The millennial generation of Muslim youth has come of age in these turbulent times, dealing with the aftermath and backlash associated with these events.Under Siege explores the lives of Canadian Muslim youth belonging to the 9/11 generation as they navigate these fraught times of global war and terror. While many studies address contemporary manifestations of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism, few have focused on the toll this takes on Muslim communities, especially among younger generations. Based on in-depth interviews with more than 130 young people, youth workers, and community leaders, Jasmin Zine’s ethnographic study unpacks the dynamics of Islamophobia as a system of oppression and examines its impact on Canadian Muslim youth. Covering topics such as citizenship, identity and belonging, securitization, radicalization, campus culture in an age of empire, and subaltern Muslim counterpublics and resistance, Under Siege provides a unique and comprehensive examination of the complex realities of Muslim youth in a post-9/11 world.Twenty years after the 9/11 attacks, Zine reveals how the global war on terror and heightened anti-Muslim racism have affected a generation of Canadians who were socialized into a world where their faith and identity are under siege.

Human Factors for Sustainability: Theoretical Perspectives and Global Applications

by Klaus J. Zink Andrew Thatcher Klaus Fischer

This book deals with the central question of how human factors and ergonomics (HFE) might contribute to solutions for the more sustainable development of our world. The contents of the book are highly compatible with the recent political agenda for sustainable development as well as with sustainability research from other disciplines. <P><P>The book aims to summarize and profile the various empirical and theoretical work arising from the field of “Human Factors and Sustainable Development” in the last decade. The book gives a systematic overview of relevant theoretical concepts, their underlying philosophies, as well as global application fields and case studies.

Social Business Transformation: Werkzeuge für erfolgreiche digitale Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen

by Christian Zinke-Wehlmann Julia Friedrich

Die Zukunft der Arbeit verlagert sich zunehmend in den digitalen Raum. Deutsche Unternehmen positionieren sich in der Gestaltung dieses Raumes bislang häufig in der Rolle der Nachzügler, weil sie die Bedeutung des Einsatzes sozialer Technologien (z.B. Enterprise Social Networks) für das Unternehmen unterschätzen. Das resultierende Risiko im globalen Wettbewerb unterzugehen, ist gerade für den Mittelstand erheblich.Um zukunftsfähige Wege einzuschlagen, braucht es neue Gestaltungsansätze. Einer davon ist Social Business. Social Business wird im vorliegenden Werk als ganzheitliches Konzept beschrieben, welches durch den systematischen Einsatz digitaler und kollaborativer Werkzeuge neue Möglichkeiten der Innovation und Wertschöpfung schafft. Soziale Technologien ermöglichen eine proaktive Gestaltung unternehmensinterner und -übergreifender Prozesse und bieten insbesondere im Wissensmanagement, in der Kommunikation sowie der Zusammenarbeit produktionssteigernde Potenziale.Im Rahmen dieses Werkes werden praktische Anwendungen, Konzepte zur Umsetzung von Social Business und Leitlinien für den Transformationsprozess wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah präsentiert.

A Young People's History of the United States: Revised and Updated (For Young People Series)

by Howard Zinn

A Young People's History of the United States brings to US history the viewpoints of workers, enslaved people, immigrants, women, Black people, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, and others whose stories, and their impact, are rarely included in books for young people. Beginning with a look at Christopher Columbus&’s arrival through the eyes of the Arawak Indians, then leading the reader through the struggles for workers&’ rights, women&’s rights, and civil rights during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and ending with the current protests against continued American imperialism, Zinn presents a radical new way of understanding America&’s history. In so doing, he reminds readers that America&’s true greatness is shaped by our dissident voices, not our military generals.A Young People's History of the United States is also a companion volume to The People Speak, the film adapted from A People's History of the United States and Voices of a People&’s History of the United States.

Uncommon Sense: From the Writings of Howard Zinn (Series in Critical Narrative)

by Howard Zinn Dean Birkenkamp Wanda Rhudy

Why Howard Zinn has become one of the most important and influential American historians is perhaps nowhere more evident than in this new book. Few social critics have been as inspiring as the ever-hopeful Zinn and, unlike many historians, Zinn turns historical details toward deeper observations on the universal truths and struggles of humankind. His remarkable wisdom and insight can be found in his earliest writings through his latest essays, speeches, and plays. Uncommon Sense brings together his most poignant and profound quotations from decades of writing and speaking. The book reveals the philosophical side of Howard Zinn and a consistency of vision over 50 years on topics ranging from government to race, history, law, civil disobedience, and activism. Offering quotations of universal and timeless quality, the book shows why history will regard this historian as a political and moral philosopher in the company of Paine, Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King Jr.

The UK ‘at Risk’: A Corpus Approach to Historical Social Change 1785–2009 (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty)

by Jens O. Zinn

This book presents a case study of the proliferation of at risk-language in The Times news coverage from 1785 to 2009, illuminating the changing social experience of risk. Zinn presents an historical examination of the forces which have shaped the language of risk over time, and considers how linguistic developments in recent decades are underpinned by issues such as cultural and structural transformations, the management of infectious and chronic diseases and climate change. He also explores changes in the public sphere, including the production of the news. Based on an interdisciplinary research project which combines linguistic research tools with sociological analysis of the social contexts, the book contributes to a better understanding of how 'at risk' has become a defining feature of the UK in recent decades, and one which permeates all kinds of social domains. This research will be a point of reference for students and scholars engaging with risk studies from various disciplines including sociology, media studies, history and socio-linguistics.

Understanding Risk-Taking (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty)

by Jens O. Zinn

This book outlines and systematises findings from a growing body of research that examines the different rationales, dimensions and dynamics of risk-taking in current societies; providing insight into the different motivations and social roots of risk-taking to advance scholarly debates and improve social regulation. Conceptually, the book goes beyond common approaches which problematise socially undesirable risk-taking, or highlight the alluring character of risk-taking. Instead, it follows a broadly interpretivist approach and engages in examining motives, control, routinisation, reflexivity, skills, resources, the role of identity in risk-taking and how these are rooted in and framed by different social forces. Zinn draws on qualitative studies from different theoretical and conceptual backgrounds such as phenomenology, hermeneutics, pragmatism, feminism, class analysis, theory of practice and discourse analysis among others, to outline key distinctions and concepts central to the understanding of risk-taking. It will be a key resource for everyone who is concerned with the understanding and management of risk-taking in all kinds of social domains, such as immigration, youth, leisure sports, crime, health, finance, and social policy.

Risk in The New York Times: A corpus-based exploration of sociological theories (Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty)

by Jens O. Zinn Daniel McDonald

This book investigates to what extent claims of common social science risk theories such as risk society, governmentality, risk and culture, risk colonisation and culture of fear are reflected in linguistic changes in print news media. The authors provide a corpus-based investigation of risk words in The New York Times (1987-2014) and a case study of the health domain. The book presents results from an interdisciplinary enterprise which combines sociological risk theories with a systematic functional theory of language to conduct an empirical analysis of linguistic patterns and social change. It will be of interest to students and scholars interested in corpus linguistics and digital humanities, and social scientists looking for new research strategies to examine long term social change.

Diversity in Families (Tenth Edition)

by Maxine Baca Zinn D. Stanley Eitzen Barbara Wells

Treats Family Diversity as the Norm Diversity in Families, 10/e by Maxine Baca Zinn, D. Stanley Eitzen, and Barbara Wells is organized around the structural-diversity framework. This framework views family diversity as the norm and follows that all families in society are shaped through their interaction with social structures. Families are viewed not as the "building blocks of societies" but rather, as products of social forces within society. The authors demystify and demythologize the family by exposing myths, stereotypes, and dogmas, allowing students to emerge with an understanding of why families are diverse.

Stupid Children

by Lenore Zion

Jane lived happily in Miami Beach with her father until his failed suicide attempt and relocation to a mental hospital forced her into the foster care system. By chance, Jane is assigned to foster parents in central Florida who are deeply involved in the Second Day Believers&mdasha cult focused on the "cleansing" of mental impurities in their children, and the sanctity of the internal organs of farm animals. Jane is quickly initiated into the Second Day Believers, but her father's lingering voice prevents her from becoming entirely indoctrinated. Despite Jane's resistance, she is revered in the cult as the second coming of the late wife of Sir One, the leader of the Second Day Believers. Poised to rise through the ranks of the insane cult and marry their leader, Jane must make a difficult choice.Stupid Children is a story inspired by Katherine Dunn's, Geek Love, and written in a voice similar to Donald Barthelme. Hilarious, offbeat, fast-paced and wildly imaginative, Zion, a doctor of psychology, imbues her characters with bizarre psychological abnormalities to create vivid, memorable eccentrics that leap from the page. With deadpan, wonderful ruminations on tattoos, the nature of coincidence, drug use, father-daughter relationships, mental illness, violence, and deviant sexuality, this novel is destined to become a cult favorite.

Sanctified Sex: The Two-Thousand-Year Jewish Debate on Marital Intimacy

by Noam Sachs Zion

Sanctified Sex draws on two thousand years of rabbinic debates addressing competing aspirations for loving intimacy, passionate sexual union, and sanctity in marriage. What can Judaism contribute to our struggles to nurture love relationships? What halakhic precedents are relevant, and how are rulings changing? The rabbis, of course, seldom agree. Underlying their arguments are perennial debates: What kind of marital sex qualifies as ideal—sacred self-control of sexual desire or the holiness found in emotional and erotic intimacy? Is intercourse degrading in its physicality or the highest act of spiritual/mystical union? And should women or men (or both) wield ultimate say about what transpires in bed? Noam Sachs Zion guides us chronologically and steadily through fraught terrain: seminal biblical texts and their Talmudic interpretations; Talmud tales of three unusual rabbis and their marital bedrooms; medieval codifiers and mystical commentators; ultra-Orthodox rabbis clashing with one another over radically divergent ideals; and, finally, contemporary rabbis of varied denominations wrestling with modern transformations in erotic lifestyles and values. Invited into these sanctified and often sexually explicit discussions with our ancestors and contemporaries, we encounter innovative Jewish teachings on marital intimacy, ardent lovemaking techniques, and the art of couple communication vital for matrimonial success.

Manhattan Projects: The Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal in Cold War New York

by Samuel Zipp

Focusing on four iconic "Manhattan projects"--the United Nations building, Stuyvesant Town, Lincoln Center, and the great swaths of public housing in East Harlem--Zipp unearths a host of forgotten stories and characters that flesh out the conventional history of urban renewal.

Knowledge Management in Healthcare

by Lorri Zipperer

Knowledge management goes beyond data and information capture in computerized health records and ordering systems; it seeks to leverage the experiences of all who interact in healthcare to enhance care delivery, teamwork, and organizational learning. Knowledge management - if envisioned thoughtfully - takes a systemic approach to implementation that includes the embodiment of a learning culture. Knowledge is then used to support that culture and the knowledge workers within it to encourage them to share what they know, thusly enabling their peers, their organizations and ultimately their patients to benefit from their experience to proactively dismantle hierarchy and encourage sharing about what works, and what doesn’t to focus efforts on improvement. Knowledge Management in Healthcare draws on relevant business, clinical and health administration literature plus the analysis of discussions with a variety of clinical, administrative, leadership, patient and information experts. The result is a book that will inform thinking on knowledge access needs to mitigate potential failures, design lasting improvements and support the sharing of what is known to enable work towards attaining high reliability. It can be used as a general tool for leaders and individuals wishing to devise and implement a knowledge-sharing culture in their institution, design innovative activities supporting transparency and communication to strengthen existing programs intended to enhance knowledge sharing behaviours and contribute to high quality, safe care.

Bad Sports

by Dave Zirin

A THOUGHT-PROVOKING LOOK AT THE BIG BUSINESS AND IMMORAL PRACTICES BEHIND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS BY ACCLAIMED SPORTSWRITER DAVE ZIRIN, HAILED AS THE "CONSCIENCE OF AMERICAN SPORTSWRITING" (THE WASHINGTON POST )The fastest-growing sector of today's sports audience is the alienated fan. Complaints abound: from inflated ticket prices, $6 hot dogs, and $9 beers to owners endlessly demanding new multimillion-dollar stadiums funded by public tax dollars. Those sitting in the owners' boxes are increasingly placing profit over players' performances and fan loyalty. Bad Sports cuts through the hype and bombast to zero in on tales of abusive, dictatorial owners who move their teams thousands of miles away from their fan base, use their stadiums as religious and political platforms, or hold communities ransom for millions of dollars of taxpayer money to fund their gargantuan stadiums.As the multibillion-dollar sports-industrial complex continues to lumber along, Dave Zirin is the voice in the wilderness, speaking out for the common fan with a tough, passionate, and intelligent voice that will remind readers that there is more to sportswriting than glowing athlete profiles.

Brazil's Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, The Olympics, and the Struggle for Democracy

by Dave Zirin

<P>The people of Brazil celebrated when it was announced that they were hosting the twentieth World Cup (June 12-July 13, 2014), the world's most-viewed sporting tournament, and the thirty-first Summer Olympics (August 5-21, 2016). <P>Now they are protesting in numbers the country hasn't seen in decades, with Brazilians taking to the streets to try to reclaim the sports they love but see being corrupted by powerful corporate interests, profiteering, and greed. <P>In this compelling new book, relying on original reporting from the most dangerous corners of Rio to the halls of power in Washington, DC, Dave Zirin examines how sports and politics are colliding in remarkable fashion in Brazil, opening up an international conversation on the culture, economics, and politics of sports.

Game Over: How Politics Has Turned the Sports World Upside Down

by Dave Zirin

&“Enlightening&” essays on athletes, activism, and the important role sports plays in our society (Publishers Weekly). Sportscaster Howard Cosell dubbed it &“rule number one of the jockocracy&”: sports and politics just don&’t mix. But in truth, some of our most important debates about class, race, religion, sex, and the raw quest for political power are played out both on and off the field. From the NFL lockout and the role of soccer in the Arab Spring to the Penn State sexual abuse scandals and Tim Tebow&’s on-field genuflections, this timely and hard-hitting new book from the &“conscience of American sports writing&” offers new insights and analysis of headline-grabbing sports controversies (The Washington Post). It explores the shady side of the NCAA; the explosive 2011 MLB All-Star Game; and why the Dodgers crashed and burned. It covers the fascinating struggles of gay and lesbian athletes to gain acceptance, female athletes to be more than sex symbols, and athletes everywhere to assert their collective bargaining rights as union members. Dave Zirin also illustrates the ways that athletes are once again using their exalted platforms to speak out and reclaim sports from the corporate interests that have taken it hostage. In Game Over, he cheers the victories—but also reflects on how far we have yet to go. &“A book that no thinking sports fan can afford to miss.&” —Jonathan Mahler, author of Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx Is Burning

What's My Name, Fool?

by Dave Zirin

"Zirin is America's best sportswriter."--Lee Ballinger, Rock and Rap Confidential"Zirin is one of the brightest, most audacious voices I can remember on the sportswriting scene, and my memory goes back to the 1920s."--Lester Rodney, N.Y. Daily Worker sports editor, 1936-1958"Zirin has an amazing talent for covering the sports and politics beat. Ranging like a great shortstop, he scoops up everything! He profiles the courageous and inspiring athletes who are standing up for peace and civil liberties in this repressive age. A must read!"--Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive"This is cutting-edge analysis delivered with wit and compassion."--Mike Marqusee, author, Redemption Song: Muhammad Ali and the Spirit of the SixtiesHere sportswriter Dave Zirin shows how sports express the worst, as well as the most creative and exciting, features of American society.Zirin explores how Janet Jackson's Super Bowl flash-time show exposed more than a breast, why the labor movement has everything to learn from sports unions and why a new generation of athletes is no longer content to "play one game at a time" and is starting to get political.What's My Name, Fool! draws on original interviews with former heavyweight champ George Foreman, Olympian and black power saluter John Carlos, NBA basketball player and anti-death penalty activist Etan Thomas, antiwar women's college hoopster Toni Smith, Olympic Project for Human Rights leader Lee Evans and many others.Popular sportswriter and commentator Dave Zirin is editor of The Prince George's Post (Maryland) and writes the weekly column "Edge of Sports" ( He is a senior writer at Zirin's writing has also appeared in The Source, Common Dreams, College Sporting News, CounterPunch, Alternet, International Socialist Review, Black Sports Network, War Times, San Francisco Bay View and Z Magazine.

A People's History of Sports in the United States: 250 Years of Politics, Protest, People, and Play

by David Zirin

To those who scoff at the idea that sports counts in the real world, casually bring up Jackie Robinson, Babe Didrikson Zaharias and Kenichi Zenimura, whose dedication to baseball created major-league-level play in internment camps during World War II. Journalist Zirin gives due credit to the unsung, pointing out the very close relationship between the idols and lesser idols of sports and the city functionaries, mayors, governors, legislators and presidents who courted them. The endorsement of a sports hero was magic, of course, and the support of the politicos created venues, stadiums and parks, but as Zirin points out, how sport has been played in America and by whom (and watched by whom) are not-so-subtle inside looks into the heart of America. Readers can opt for just enjoying the sports stories; more likely, they will see how sport raised us up and let us down as a people. Annotation ©2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( A People's History of Sports in the United States is replete with surprises for seasoned sports fans, while anyone interested in history will be amazed by the connections Zirin draws between politics and pop flies. As Jeff Chang, author of Can't Stop Won't Stop, puts it, "After you read him, you'll never see sports the same way again." Dave Zirin is the author of three books, including What's My Name, Fool? and Welcome to the Terrordome. He writes the popular weekly online sports column The Edge of Sports and is a regular contributor to The Nation, SLAM, and the Los Angeles Times. He lives in Takoma Park, Maryland.

Produktiver Umgang mit Spannungsfeldern und Grenzen in der Projektarbeit: Handlungsempfehlungen aus der Praxis (essentials)

by Michael Zirkler Christian Bachmann

Projektleitende erleben vielfältige Spannungsfelder in ihrer Arbeit und sind dabei besonders exponiert. Das Buch erklärt die verschiedenen Spannungsfelder, denen Projektverantwortliche ausgesetzt sind und zeigt, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang über Grenzmanagement gelingen kann, damit die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe mit Freude, Erfolg und bleibender Gesundheit erledigt werden kann. Praktische Hinweise zur produktiven und nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Projektleitungsrolle werden aus Sicht der Praxis vorgestellt.

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