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Showing 51 through 75 of 47,753 results

Routledge Revivals (1909): or India in Transition

by Henry Cotton

First published in 1909, the purpose of this book was to draw attention to the political, social and religious changes that were taking place in India and detail how this should inform British colonial policy. The author argues that the political situation demanded decisive action as several factors had caused increasing difficulties in administration: waning enthusiasm on the part of English officials, greater tension between the governors and the governed — often caused by colonial arrogance which had been brought into sharper relief by spread of education and the growth of patriotic feeling. He also argues that the crux of India’s economic difficulties was the poverty of its people and asserts that the solution to both problems was the ‘sympathetic and systematic encouragement of her legitimate aspirations and patriotic tendencies’. In regard to the social and religious changes, the author observes that the changes are not less considerable and advises that the government should, as far as was possible, maintain the existing basis by a policy of ‘wise conservation’. This book will be of interest to students of Indian history and colonialism.

Changing Behaviour at Work: A Practical Guide

by Charles J. Cox Peter J. Makin

Problems with costs, quality, productivity and attendance, primarily stem from bad behavioural patterns encouraged within the organization. To prevent and manage these problems, a behavioural approach to managing people is often the most effective.This dynamic textbook illustrates how behaviour analysis theory can be used to alter how people behave

Envy and Gratitude: A study of unconscious sources

by Melanie Klein

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1957 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

The Drama of Love and Death: A Study of Human Evolution and Transfiguration (Routledge Revivals: The Collected Works of Edward Carpenter)

by Edward Carpenter

Love and Death are two major facets of the whole of human existence and in The Drama of Love and Death, Carpenter attempts to analyse the interplay of love and death in everyday life. Originally published in 1912, this study focuses on how love and death are perceived and treated in the history of humankind and how these views evolved up until the early twentieth century. This title will be of interest to students of Sociology and Anthropology.

Crowds: A Moving-picture Democracy (Routledge Revivals)

by Gerald Stanley Lee

This book, first published in 1913, examines early twentieth century thinking on crowds and human nature. The imagination of crowds and the desire to be good, to be happy and successful, together with the wish for the new are all considered along with the changes in the politics and industry of the time.

Discoveries and Inventions of the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by Edward Cressey

The book is written for those, young and old, who wish to have a non-technical account of the great scientific and material triumphs which man has achieved and is achieving in their own day; and it seemed desirable to give first place to those theories, facts, and accomplishments which are now exercising the greatest influence upon human life. For science exists not so much to tickle the intelligences of the few as to brighten the lot of the many.

Marriage Ceremonies in Morocco (Routledge Revivals)

by Edward Westermarck

First published in 1914, this title was the first comparative study of the marriage ceremonies in different parts of Morocco. Westermarck considers how ceremonial customs and rituals differ across social and cultural groups throughout the country and discusses their possible roots. Based on extensive primary research, visiting many of the tribes and places mentioned in the book, this is a really fascinating title of great value to students of sociology and cultural anthropology with an interest in the foundations of the marriage ceremony.

The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of their Strife (Routledge Revivals: The Collected Works of Edward Carpenter)

by Edward Carpenter

Originally published in 1915 in the middle of World War I, Carpenter explores the effects that the war was having on society and humankind as a whole from first-hand experience. In particular, papers focus on the differences between Germany and England, the causes of the war and suggestions for restoration and recovery when the war has ended. Carpenter details all of this in a realistic way drawing on matters such as class to put forward his anti-war stance as well as philosophical approaches to coping with tragedy. This title will be of interest to students of history, sociology and politics.

The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples: An Essay in Correlation (Routledge Revivals)

by L. T. Hobhouse G. C. Wheeler M Ginsberg

Originally published in 1915, this pioneer study has long occupied an important place in the literature of sociology. An exercise in the statistical correlation of the economic and social institutions of the working classes of the early twentieth century, the book is an important link between contemporary sociology, with a focus on the problems of social development, and the classical social liberalism on which L. T. Hobhouse left his mark. The reissue includes the introduction written by Morris Ginsberg in the 1965 reprint, where he explains what he and his colleagues set out to achieve and responds to the criticism faced by the study. This is a classic work which is still of great value to sociologists and anthropologists today.

The Rules of Sociological Method: And Selected Texts on Sociology and its Method (Contemporary Social Theory Ser.)

by Emile Durkheim Steven Lukes

Considered a landmark work when it was first published in 1895, The Rules of Sociological Method represents Emile Durkheim's manifesto for sociology. He argues forcefully for the objective, scientific, and methodological underpinnings of sociology as a discipline and establishes guiding principles for future research. With a substantial new introduction by the leading Durkheim scholar Steven Lukes, the book explains and sets into context Durkheim's argument. The still-controversial debates about The Rules of Sociological Method's six chapters are examined and their relevance to present-day sociology is discussed. The edition also includes Durkheim's subsequent thoughts on method in the form of articles, debates with scholars from other disciplines, and letters. This is an essential resource for students and scholars hoping to deepen their understanding of one of the pioneering voices in modern sociology and twentieth-century social thought. Durkheim's methodology is still relevant today. With substantial notes on context, this revised edition will greatly ease the task of students and scholars studying Durkheim and will engage a new generation of readers with his rich contribution to the field.

Chemical Discovery and Invention in the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals)

by Wiliam A. Tilden

First published in 1919. Tilden discusses a compilation of chemical discovery and invention to demonstrate the progress of chemistry in the early 20th century. Divided into 5 sections, chemical laboratories and the work done in them, modern discoveries and theories, modern applications of chemistry, and modern progress in organic chemistry, the author presents an overview of the subject. The final section of the book contains an account of important discoveries which find practical applications and provide new views of the constitution of the world in which we live.

Communist Education (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Len Barton Martin Lawn

Developments and trends in Communist education are traced in this authoritative survey by specialists. Eight chapters deal with particular aspects: ideology, psychology, the selective process, the roles of teachers and parents, polytechnical education, the universities and professional institutes. Three chapters survey the former East Germany, Poland and China as special case-studies. A concluding chapter examines common ground between Communist and other systems.

Community, A Sociological Study: Being an Attempt to Set Out the Nature and Fundamental Laws of Social Life (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert M. MacIver

First published in 1917, this work seeks to be an introduction to the concept of community, the term which best expresses the object which social science as such endeavours to study; it is in community, the common life, that the interests represented by the specific social sciences are bound together, made integral, and thus amenable to a more comprehensive science. Community, A Sociological Study, includes an examination on the false perspectives of community, the elements of community, the structure of community and institutions.

The Profits of Religion: An Essay in Economic Interpretation

by Upton Sinclair

An eye-opening condemnation of the economic sins of organized religion Throughout his adult life Upton Sinclair was an unapologetic idealist and a tireless crusader for the rights of the common man. In this powerful and scrupulously researched critique, he argues that organized religion is a gargantuan moneymaking operation in collusion with industry in their shared quest to strike down dissent while bleeding profits from the millions in their thrall. Sinclair catalogs how spirituality, "the most fundamental of the soul's impulses," is used as a tool for exploitation by unsavory clerical organizations. He specifically details the hypocrisy and self-serving, parasitic nature of churches in the West, from the entrenched fortresses of ancient Christianity to the "nonconforming" Protestant sects to the cultist "new religions" that came into vogue in the early twentieth century. A controversial, impassioned broadside, The Profits of Religion is Upton Sinclair at his most provocative and persuasive. This ebook has been authorized by the estate of Upton Sinclair.

Towards Industrial Freedom (Routledge Revivals: The Collected Works of Edward Carpenter)

by Edward Carpenter

Originally published in 1917 in the midst of World War I, Carpenter argues that industry in pre-war Britain was simply exploitation of labour for private gain and attempts to look toward a future with more socialist values. The papers in this study explore the negative aspects of industrial life and suggest a new outlook with which the United Kingdom can move forward in industry. This title will be of interest to students of sociology.

Co-operation and the Future of Industry (Routledge Library Editions: Employee Ownership and Economic Democracy #16)

by Leonard S. Woolf

In this book, originally published in 1918, the Leonard S. Woolf explores the development of the Co-operative Movement into a democratic industrial system. This title combines a description of the movement as it was, with a picture of the ways in which the author felt it would become if it followed out and developed its principles and ideals. This title will be of interest to students of economic history and employee ownership.

The Metaphysical Theory of the State: A Criticism - Primary Source Edition (Routledge Revivals)

by L. T. Hobhouse

Originally published in 1918, this enduring work by renowned sociologist and Liberal politician Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse encompasses a series of five key lectures, first delivered at the London School of Economics in the autumn of 1917. Outlining Hobhouse's theories on social investigation, freedom, law and the will of the state, this edition revives an important work, which has long been unavailable.

Revival: Essays in Scientific Synthesis (Routledge Revivals)

by Eugenio Rignano

Although each of the essays in this volume is a study complete in itself, they are connected by one and the same synthetic spirit, and are animated by one and the same object: that of demonstrating the utility in the biological, psychological, and sociological fields of the theorist, who, without having specialized in any particular branch or subdivision of science, may nevertheless bring into those spheres that synthetic and unifying vision which is brought by the theorist mathematician, with so much success, into the physico-chemical field of science.

The Six-Hour Day and Other Industrial Questions (Routledge Library Editions: Human Resource Management #37)

by Lord Leverhulme

In this title, first published in 1918, Lord Leverhulme explores the ideas of co-partnership, piece-work, housing, and the benefits of shorter hours of labour. The most notable of these discussions, collected by Stanley Unwin, with a Preface by Lord Haldane, advocates a six-hour day, with two shifts, in all industries in which the overhead charges are equal to or larger than the cost of weekly wages. Lord Leverhulme's view is that the employees work better in a short working day and might produce as much in six hours as in eight hours, and that in any case the machinery could be utilized more profitably by running for the double shift of twelve hours than for the single shift of eight hours. This seminal work will be of interest to students of business studies and human resource management.

The Theory of Social and Economic Organization

by Max Weber

This bookis an introduction to Max Weber&’s ambitious comparative study of the sociological and institutional foundations of the modern economic and social order.In this work originally published in German in 1920, Weber discusses the analytical methods of sociology and, at the same time, presents a devastating critique of prevailing sociological theory and of its universalist, determinist underpinnings. None of Weber&’s other writings offers the reader such a grasp of his theories; none displays so clearly his erudition, the scope of his interests, and his analytical powers.

The Erotic Motive in Literature (Routledge Library Editions: Literature and Sexuality #2)

by Albert Mordell

This work, first published in 1919, is an endeavour to apply some of the methods of psychoanalysis to literature. It traces a writer’s books back to the outward and inner events of their life and to reveal of their unconscious. This unconscious is largely identical with the mental love fantasies in our present and past life. Since the terms ‘unconscious’ and ‘erotic’ are almost synonymous, any serious study of literature which is concerned with the unconscious must deal impartially with eroticism.

The History of Social Development (Routledge Revivals)

by F. Dr. Muller-Lyer

First published in 1920, this translation of Dr. Muller-Lyer’s famous book will appeal to all who are interested in labour problems at the time. It contains a series of studies of the different economic phenomena of the day, describing the gradual evolution of each from the earliest times, with an indication of the probable trend of future developments. The inter-connection of the different conditions so described is well illustrated, and each chapter ends with a brief summary of its subject matter. The accounts of the various stages of food production, of clothing, of housing and of the use of tools contain in a brief and readable form the results of the investigations of the past century.

Karl Marx (Routledge Revivals)

by Loria Achille

Achille Loria was a well-known Italian political economist and this translation of his work presents his views and discussions on famous socialist Karl Marx, bringing his work to an English audience. Originally published in 1917, the translators have included a detailed foreword which attempts to put Loria’s work in context of other views on Marxism. This title will be of interest to students of politics and sociology.

Revival: In Relation to the Study of Educational, Social & Ethical Problems (Routledge Revivals)

by Stewart Paton

This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the study of human behivor. The author has therefore attempted to present a brief outline in a form favorable for discussion and investigation. The importance of the subject is obvious and has been tragically emphasized by the present world crisis. Little is known about man as he is. Imagination has supplied many of the details in the picture of what he was once supposed to be, while disappointment associated with unrealized expectations of what he might have become has increased the difficulties of taking measure of his present stature. Parent, teacher, physician, student of social phenomena, prospective reformer, statesman and philosopher, each has his special interest in the general human problem. To-day every intelligent citizen is anxiously awaiting the solution to the problem of how "democracy may be made safe for the world". There can be little doubt that in the careful, painstaking study of man as he is will be found the means by which human institutions may be established upon a more rational basis and at least an intelligent effort made to lay the foundations of a durable peace.

The Elements of Social Justice (Routledge Revivals)

by L. T. Hobhouse

First published in 1922, this title written by L. T. Hobhouse, British politician and one of the leading theorists of Social Liberalism, is a seminal work concerning the social application of ethical principles for the common good. The object of the book is to show that social and political institutions are not ends in themselves. Hobhouse argues that the social ideal is to be sought not in the faultless unchanging system of an institutional Utopia, but in the love of a spiritual life with its unfailing system of harmonious growth unconfined.

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