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Kit: Fashioning the Sporting Body

by Jean Williams

This is the first edited collection of its kind to analyse the distinct but overlapping topics of dress, costume, sport and leisure history. For researchers of bodily adornment and movement, sport and costume history are both primarily concerned with industrial practice and embodied experience. The ways in which bodies are adorned, embellished and clothed (or revealed) highlights the hybrid nature of dress history, encompassing as it does the everyday clothing solutions of the mass of people and the unusual or more ceremonial aspects of costume, as well as elite high fashion. Although this is as yet an under-researched area, there are an increasing number of fashion and clothing undergraduate and postgraduate courses that specialise in sport and leisurewear. This publication is intended to give an introductory overview of the historical and contemporary issues as it does for the growing number of sport marketing and sports studies courses concerned with dress, costume history and branding.This book was published as a special issue of Sport in History.

Kobe Bryant: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Greatest Shooting Guards (An Unauthorized Biography)

by Clayton Geoffreys

Kobe Bryant was the face of the Lakers dynasty for the past two decades and for good reason. Few players have commanded a basketball court as much as Kobe in historical performances such as his notable 81-point performance in just under 42 minutes of playing time in 2006 against the Toronto Raptors. While the 2015-2016 NBA season marked the end to Kobe’s storied career, the Black Mamba’s legacy will never be forgotten. Few players can parallel Kobe Bryant in terms of competitive fire and will to win. His polarizing figure defines him and makes even those who do not like him at the very least respect him. Read on to learn about the days of when Kobe played alongside Shaquille O’Neal, Robert Horry, Metta World Peace, Derek Fisher, and Pau Gasol in some of the greatest times of Los Angeles Lakers’ basketball history. Get this basketball book if you're looking for an entertaining afternoon read or an affordable gift for your basketball fan.

Krav Maga (Idiot's Guides)

by Kevin Lewis David Michael Gilbertson

Krav Maga, which means &“contact combat&” in Hebrew, is an easy-to-understand/remember aggressive system of self-defense. Idiot&’s Guides®: Krav Maga will not only define what it is, but also review the principles and systems of techniques and training to ensure survival. Combining in-depth information and easy-to-understand illustrated instructions, this guide will be a wonderful tool to help train both men and women on how to protect themselves, deal with threatening situations, and reverse dangerous situations where they&’re at a disadvantage. Idiot&’s Guides®: Krav Maga covers:- The origination of Krav Maga: its history, birthplace, philosophy, and why it was created. - The core essentials of Krav Maga&’s theory and practice. - A review of how to condition the body and mind to outside threats and violence. - An understanding of not only the physical aspect of Krav Maga, but how it is part of the bigger picture of personal protection. - The thought process of the attacker and how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, if possible. - How Krav Maga differs from martial arts, primarily in terms of not following handed down fighting rules and techniques. - A breakdown of the belts in Krav Maga (yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, black), what it takes to attain them, and the differences between them. - Step-by-step illustrated directions on the popular stances, positions, movements, kick/punch strikes, falls, joint locks, deflections, and techniques from the basics to advanced moves. - How to use body weight, your most powerful muscles, and momentum to defeat an attacker. - Instruction on protecting the body and weapons defense, in addition to mastering escapes.

Krav Maga Professional Tactics: The Contact Combat System of the Israeli Martial Arts

by David Kahn Ron Jacobs

Israeli krav maga is the official self-defense system of the Israel Defense Forces. Krav maga training shares the same principles for civilians, law enforcement, and military personnel alike to deliver them from harm's way. Goals however, are different for law enforcement and military personnel.This book is designed for security-conscious civilians, law enforcement officers, military personnel, and security professionals alike who want to improve their chances of not just surviving an armed attack, but increase the odds of prevailing without serious injuryKrav maga's popularity in professional law enforcement, military, and security circles is attributable to its practicality, simplicity, quick retention, easy learning curve, and brutal effectiveness. This effectiveness is built on a few core tenets and simple building blocks. General principles are applied and customized to suit the needs of a dynamic violent situation.Contents include:* Mind-sets, reactions, and tactics in response to violence* The highest-level counters against multiple armed attacks and threats* Core kick, clinch, and tackle defenses* Core ground survival tactics* Multiple-opponent strategies and tactics* Impact weapon defenses* Edged weapon defensesFirearm disarms and retention* Includes 954 detailed photographsThe most up-to-date tactics presented in this book focus on the most common violent scenarios. These techniques derive from the author's translation of the Israeli Krav Maga Association (IKMA) curriculum. The IKMA is the governing body for krav maga, recognized by the Israeli government and headed by Grandmaster Haim Gidon.Responsible people seek krav maga training as a shield against violence.

La Perte De Poids Chez La Femme

by Vanessa M. Lopez Martin Florence

Recherchez-vous des informations sur la perte de poids chez la femme ? Que diriez-vous d'un guide de beauté simple ? Et bien, vous avez choisi le bon livre ! Ce livre sur la perte de poids contient toutes les informations suivantes que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs : - La motivation et les astuces sur comment continuer à perdre du poids - Des régimes différents que vous pouvez choisir selon vos préférences - Divers exercices moins l'effort et la douleur - Des conseils de mode de vie et de personnalité pour un vous meilleur Ce livre est un ensemble complet. Vous serez guidée dans chaque étape, et vous aurez le bon conseil pour être sûre que votre perte de poids est sans danger. Le plus important, le but de ce livre n'est pas la vanité, mais votre bien-être et votre santé dans l'ensemble.

The Last Innocents: The Collision of the Turbulent Sixties and the Los Angeles Dodgers

by Michael Leahy

Winner of the CASEY Award for Best Baseball Book of the YearFinalist for the PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports WritingFrom an award-winning journalist comes the riveting odyssey of seven Los Angeles Dodgers in the 1960s—a chronicle of a team, a game, and a nation in transition during one of the most exciting and unsettled decades in history.Legendary Dodgers Maury Wills, Sandy Koufax, Wes Parker, Jeff Torborg, Dick Tracewski, and Tommy Davis encapsulated 1960s America: white and black, Jewish and Christian, wealthy and working class, pro-Vietnam and anti-war, golden boy and seasoned veteran. The Last Innocents is a thoughtful, technicolor portrait of these seven players—friends, mentors, confidants, rivals, and allies—and their storied team that offers an intriguing look at a sport and a nation in transition. Bringing into focus the high drama of their World Series appearances from 1962 to 1972 and their pivotal games, Michael Leahy explores these men’s interpersonal relationships and illuminates the triumphs, agonies, and challenges each faced individually.Leahy places these men’s lives within the political and social maelstrom that was the era when the conformity of the 1950s gave way to demands for equality and rights. Increasingly frustrated over a lack of real bargaining power and an oppressive management who meddled in their personal affairs, the players shared an uneasy relationship with the team’s front office. This contention mirrored the discord and uncertainty generated by myriad changes rocking the nation: the civil rights movement, political assassinations, and growing hostility to the escalation of the Vietnam War. While the nation around them changed, these players each experienced a personal and professional metamorphosis that would alter public perceptions and their own.Comprehensive and artfully crafted, The Last Innocents is an evocative and riveting portrait of a pivotal era in baseball and modern America.

Last Man Out (Mike Lupica Collection)

by Mike Lupica

From the #1 bestselling author of Heat, Travel Team and Fantasy League comes a story of heroes, family, the thrills of skateboarding, and football.When the Brighton Bears suit up on game day, 12-year-old Tommy Gallagher is the toughest kid on the football field. And the bravest. After all, his father Patrick is a Boston firefighter--one of Boston's bravest. Tommy's dad taught him everything he knows about football--and life.Yet even Tommy isn't strong enough for what happens when the sirens ring and, for the first time, they're racing away from the fire. "First man in; last man out" had always been his dad's motto . . . yet he never said anything about leaving in an ambulance. What kind of risk had his dad taken? Now Tommy's biggest battle has nothing to do with football. And the kid who always had such respect for risk on the gridiron finds himself drawn to it off the field.Set in New England, home of the Patriots' football dynasty, Mike Lupica shows off his trademark knack for spinning a tale that's equal parts sports action and heart. Last Man Out is a thoughtful tribute to the bravery of firefighters and the need we all have to live up to the level of our heroes.Praise for Last Man Out"Lupica stirs equal quantities of grief and gridiron action into his latest outing. Lupica effectively puts readers into the center of the action . . . [I]n the best traditionsof sports writing, this will leave readers both breathless and thoughtful."--BooklistFrom the Hardcover edition.

Last Wild Trout

by Greg French

The Last Wild Trout is an entertaining and intrepid adventure seeking out the last truly wild trout fisheries around the world. Casting his line in 20 far-flung locations, Greg takes in Tasmania, New Zealand, Iceland, the British Isles, Mongolia, Slovenia, British Columbia, Wyoming, California, Patagonia, Nevada, Alaska and Hokkaido all in search of the species that can still be called wild trout. Each chapter in this evocative and beautifully-illustrated book focuses on one species or subspecies of trout, and includes a compelling human narrative in Greg’s gregarious and inimitable style. With the deft touch of an expert fisher, Greg beautifully balances the scientific with the personal, the practical with reverie, and the conservation with travel narrative.

Late to the Ball: A Journey Into Tennis And Aging

by Gerald Marzorati

An award-winning author attempts to become a nationally competitive tennis player—at the age of sixty—in this “soulful meditation on aging, companionship, and the power of self-improvement” (The Wall Street Journal).Being a man or a woman in your early sixties is different than it was a generation or two ago, at least for the more fortunate of us. We aren’t old…yet. But we sense it coming: Careers are winding down, kids are gone, parents are dying (friends, too), and our bodies are no longer youthful or even middle-aged. Learning to play tennis in your fifties is no small feat, but becoming a serious, competitive tennis player at the age of sixty is a whole other matter. It requires training the body to defy age, and to methodically build one’s game—the strokework, footwork, strategy, and mental toughness.Gerry Mazorati had the strong desire to lead an examined physical life, to push his body into the “encore” of middle age. In Late to the Ball Mazorati writes vividly about his difficulties, frustrations, and triumphs of becoming a seriously good tennis player. He takes on his quest with complete vigor and absolute determination to see it through, providing a rich, vicarious experience, involving the science of aging, his existential battle with time, and the beautiful, mysterious game of tennis. “Enjoyable…crisp and clean” (Publishers Weekly), Late to the Ball is also captivating evidence that the rest of the Baby Boomer generation, now between middle age and old age, can find their own quest and do the same.

Le basi dell'allenamento con i pesi: oltre 50 allenamenti di forza con i pesi per le donne

by The Blokehead

Voglio ringraziarti e congratularmi per aver scaricato il libro “Le basi dell’allenamento con i pesi: oltre 50 allenamenti di forza con i pesi per le donne”. Questo libro contiene istruzioni testate e strategie su come comprendere i concetti alla base dell’allenamento con i pesi per le donne. Tutti gli studi recenti hanno dimostrato che l’allenamento con i pesi (non gli esercizi cardio) è il segreto per avere un corpo tonico, sano e forte e per perdere grasso in modo efficace. Questo libro confuterà luoghi comuni sull’allenamento con i pesi per le donne grazie a fatti concreti. Leggi il libro adesso!

Le Football: A History of American Football in France

by Russ Crawford

There are two kinds of football in France. American football was first played in France in 1909 during the cruise of the Great White Fleet. Then, during World War I, the American military shipped footballs, helmets, and shoulder pads alongside rifles and ammunition to the western front. A 1938 tour of two teams lead by Jim Crowley of Fordham University maintained the game until World War II, when the arrival of millions of young Americans in France motivated the U.S. military to sponsor several bowl games. During the 1950s and 1960s, when the United States occupied bases in France during the Cold War, American soldiers, sailors, and airmen played more than a thousand football games. When France withdrew from NATO, however, American bases were forced to close, leaving American football without a natural home on Gallic shores. In the 1970s American college and semi-pro teams tried once more to generate interest in the game among French nationals through a series of tours, but until a French physical education instructor vacationed in Colorado and brought equipment back to France, there was little local enthusiasm for the sport. On the back of that vacation, and from one team in Paris, organized American football in France grew to more than 215 teams with more than 22,000 active players today.Le Football tackles the struggles and successes of American football in France and discusses how, unlike baseball and basketball, football has never been an overt instrument of American cultural influence. Russ Crawford keeps the chains moving as he shows how the modern, homegrown sport developed largely independent of American encouragement into a small but successful culture.

Learning in Sports Coaching: Theory and Application

by Lee Nelson Paul Potrac Ryan Groom

The facilitation of learning is a central feature of coaches’ and coach educators’ work. Coaching students and practitioners are, as a result, being expected to give increasing levels of thought towards how they might help to develop the knowledge and practical skills of others. Learning in Sports Coaching provides a comprehensive introduction to a diverse range of classic, critical, and contemporary theories of learning, education, and social interaction and their potential application to sports coaching. Each chapter is broadly divided into two sections. The first section introduces a key thinker and the fundamental tenets of his or her scholarly endeavours and theorising. The second considers how the theorist’s work might influence how we understand and attempt to promote learning in coaching and coach education settings. By design this book seeks to promote theoretical connoisseurship and to encourage its readers to reflect critically on their beliefs about learning and its facilitation. This is an essential text for any pedagogical course taken as part of a degree programme in sports coaching or coach education.

Learning on Your Feet: Incorporating Physical Activity into the K–8 Classroom

by Brad Johnson Melody Jones

In this much-needed book, you’ll learn how incorporating physical activity into the classroom can improve students’ engagement, achievement, and overall wellness. Students typically spend most of the day sitting at their desks, and many don’t have recess or PE, yet research shows that regular exercise helps stimulate brain function and improve skills such as reading, critical thinking, organization, and focus. Authors Brad Johnson and Melody Jones, who have consulted with schools across the globe on fitness issues, offer a variety of games and activities you can use to integrate exercise into any class or subject area. You’ll learn how to: Create an "active classroom" with active workstations and fitness areas to keep students alert and engaged throughout the day; Gradually introduce physical activities into your everyday classroom routine; Use interactive technology to teach your students about health and fitness; Try out a variety of activities and exercises to reduce stress, help students focus, promote teamwork, build core strength and balance, and more; Make STEM classes more exciting with hands-on activities, projects, and real-world problems, all while getting your students up and moving. These activities are easy to implement and are designed to improve one’s physical and mental capabilities, as well as increase enjoyment of learning for happier, healthier, higher-achieving students.

LeBron James, 4th Edition (Amazing Athletes Ser.)

by Jeff Savage

LeBron James has been a National Basketball Association (NBA) superstar since he joined the Cleveland Cavaliers as a teenager in 2003. In 2010, after turning Cleveland into a winning team, LeBron left his hometown to play with the Miami Heat. In Miami, LeBron and his teammates won the NBA Finals in 2012 and 2013. In 2014, LeBron returned to Cleveland to try to bring a championship to the city. Read all about LeBron's remarkable journey.

Leerboek sportgeneeskunde

by Ron Diercks Babette Pluim Evert Verhagen

Sportgeneeskunde is het jongste medisch specialisme in Nederland. Het kenmerkende van sportgeneeskunde is dat het zich bezighoudt met het gehele continu#65533;m van inspanning en beweging: van de behandeling en revalidatie van geblesseerden en het optimaliseren van de gezondheid van een groot deel van de bevolking, tot het optimaliseren van prestaties en preventie van letsels bij (top)sporters. Hierin werken sportartsen, fysiologen, psychologen, fysiotherapeuten, di#65533;tisten, huisartsen en specialisten intensief samen. Dit boek behandelt kennis uit verschillende deelgebieden. Op de eerste plaats wordt de basiskennis over inspanningsfysiologie en de biomechanica, trainingsleer en voeding behandeld en worden de essenties van de behandeling van acute en chronische sportletsels besproken. Dit wordt gevolgd door onderwerpen als sport ter verbetering van de gezondheid met  multidisciplinaire revalidatietrajecten bij onder meer oncologische en cardiale aandoeningen. Het Leerboek sportgeneeskunde bespreekt bijzondere ziektebeelden in de sportgeneeskunde en hun therapeutische en diagnostische interventies, zoals hoogte gerelateerde aandoeningen, duikgeneeskunde en de fysiologische gevolgen van hitte en koude. Tot slot komen de effecten en gevaren van prestatieverhogende middelen, het begeleiden van topsporters bij evenementen, en ethische aspecten van de sportgeneeskunde aan de orde. Deze onderwerpen worden door experts beschreven in vier delen: Basisvakken Sport, bewegen en gezondheid Sportletsels en herstel Sportmedische begeleiding Bij het boek hoort een website met casu#65533;stiek en multiple choice vragen om de kennis en vaardigheden te toetsen.   Het Leerboek sportgeneeskunde is geschikt voor geneeskunde- en fysiotherapiestudenten en is daarnaast een praktisch naslagwerk voor arts-assistenten, huisartsen en studenten in HBO-sport opleidingen.

Left Out

by Tim Green

Perfect for fans of Mike Lupica, New York Times bestselling author and former NFL player Tim Green tells a heartfelt and moving story about a deaf boy's journey to change how others see him--both on and off the football field.All Landon Dorch has ever wanted is to be like everyone else. His deafness and the way he talks have been obstacles all his life. But now he finally sees his chance to fit in. Bigger and taller than any other seventh grader in his new school, Landon plans to use his size to his advantage and join the school's football team. But the same speech problems and the cochlear implants that help him hear continue to haunt him. Just when it looks like Landon will be left out of football for good, an unlikely friend comes along. But in the end only Landon can fight his way off the bench and through a crowded field of bullies bent on seeing him forever left out.

The Legacy of Bosman

by Antoine Duval Ben Van Rompuy

In December 1995, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in its most famous case to date: the Bosman case. Twenty years later, this book explores in detail how this landmark judgment legally and politically transformed the relationship between the European Union and sport. Written by leading academics in the field, the ten contributions in this book reflect on how Bosman fundamentally shaped the application of EU law to sport and its transformative effects on sports governance. The book's innovative perspectives on the Bosman ruling makes it important reading for scholars, practitioners and policy-makers concerned with EU law and Sports law. With a foreword by Prof. Dr. Carl Otto Lenz, Advocate General at the Court of Justice in the Bosman-case. Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher for International and European Sports Law at the T. M. C. Asser Instituut in The Hague. He holds a Ph. D. on the interaction between Lex Sportiva and EU Law from the European University Institute in Florence, where he was the conveyor of the Transnational Law Working Group. Prof. dr. Ben Van Rompuy is a senior researcher at the T. M. C. Asser Instituut, where he heads the ASSER International Sports Law Centre, and is Visiting Professor of Competition Policy at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He holds a Ph. D. in law from the VUB and held visiting scholar positions at Georgetown University and New York University. The book appears in the ASSER International Sports Law Series, under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, Dr. Antoine Duval and Marco van der Harst LL. M.

Legal Responses to Football Hooliganism in Europe

by Anastassia Tsoukala Geoff Pearson Peter T. M. Coenen

This book brings together a number of perspectives on how different European states have responded to the phenomenon of football crowd disorder and violence, or "hooliganism". It applies a comparative legal approach, with a particular focus on civil and human rights, to analyze domestic legislation, policing and judicial responses to the problem of "football hooliganism" in Europe. Academics and legal professionals from eight different European countries introduce and analyze the different approaches and draw together common themes and problems from their various jurisdictions. They offer insights into the interactions between (domestic) politicians, law enforcers and sports authorities. The book is important reading for scholars and practitioners in the fields of law, sports law, sociology and criminology, and for all those concerned with questions of law enforcement and human rights. While it perfectly fits the curriculum for postgraduate studies in the fields mentioned, it is also highly recommended as secondary reading for undergraduate students. Dr. Anastassia Tsoukala is tenured Associate Professor at the University of Paris XI, France. Dr. Geoff Pearson is Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of Manchester's Law School, Manchester, United Kingdom. Dr. Peter Coenen was Assistant Professor of Law at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

Legendary Lessons: One Hundred Golf Teachings from Walter Hagen, Bobby Jones, Grantland Rice, Harry Vardon, and More

by Claudia Mazzucco

Modern golf as it is practiced all over the world developed in the last thirty years. And yet, the legendary Walter Hagen, and some of his friends, would deliver an unexpected message to the busy, stressed, and often tech-oriented golfing audience: how to play your best golf with logic and imagination. Though Hagen never published a book on the subject of golf instruction, he did teach and write about golf at numerous times throughout his life. The selections in Legendary Lessons bring together Hagen’s musings on the mental approach to golf with those of several highly gifted golfing champions and distinguished chroniclers of the 1920s--including Bernard Darwin, Harold Hilton, Bobby Jones, Joyce and Roger Wethered, Ernest Jones, Alex Morrison, Henry Longhurst, Francis Ouimet, Grantland Rice, Gene Sarazen, Harry Vardon, O. B. Keeler, and several others--to identify the patterns involved in the method of a sportsman. This book explores golf as a performing art in the light of the champions’ experience as it began to develop and evolve throughout the 20th century.

Legends: The Best Players, Games, and Teams in Basketball

by Howard Bryant

From Magic Johnson to Michael Jordan to LeBron James to Steph Curry, ESPN's Howard Bryant presents the best from the hardwood--a collection of NBA champions and superstars for young sports fans! Fast-paced, adrenaline-filled, and brimming with out-of-this-world athleticism, basketball has won the hearts of fans all across America—yet it is particularly popular among kids and teens. Giants of the game like Steph Curry, LeBron, and Michael Jordan have transcended the sport to become cultural icons and role models to young fans. From the cornfields of Indiana and the hills of North Carolina, to the urban sprawl of New York City, Chicago and L.A., love of the game stretches from coast to coast. Featuring Top Ten Lists to chew on and debate, and a Top 40-style Timeline of Key Moments in Basektball History, this comprehensive collection includes the greatest dynasties, from the Bill Russell-era Celtics, to the Magic Jonson-led Lakers, to the Jordan-led Bulls, right up to the Tim Duncan-led Spurs. All the greats take flight toward the hoop in this perfect book for young fans who dream about stepping on an NBA court."A trove of awesome athletic feats, game-changing stars of the past and present, and rich fodder for heated arguments."--Booklist"Hoops fans will find a goldmine of information guaranteed to deepen their basketball knowledge and their understanding of the game."--VOYA

The Legends Club

by John Feinstein

<P>The riveting inside story of college basketball's fiercest rivalry among three coaching legends--University of North Carolina's Dean Smith, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, and North Carolina State's Jim Valvano--by the king of college basketball writers, #1 New York Times bestseller John Feinstein. <P>On March 18, 1980, the immensely powerful Duke basketball program announced the hiring of its new coach--the man who would resurrect the team, restore glory to Duke, and defeat the legendary Dean Smith, who coached down the road at UNC Chapel Hill and had turned UNC into a powerhouse. Duke's new man was Mike Krzyzewski. The only problem was, no one knew who Krzyzewski was, he had a so-so record in his short time as head coach of Army, and worst of all, no one could even pronounce his name. The announcement caused head scratches . . . if not immediate calls for his head . . . and on this note his career at Duke began. <P> The table was set nine days later, when on March 27, 1980, Jim Valvano was hired by North Carolina State to be their new head coach. The hiring didn't raise as many eyebrows, but with the exuberant Valvano on board, two new coaches were now in place to challenge Dean Smith--and the most sensational competitive decade in history was about to unfold. <P> In the skillful hands of John Feinstein, this extraordinary rivalry--and the men behind it--come to life in a unique, intimate way. The Legends Club is a sports book that captures an era in American sport and culture, documenting the inside view of a decade of absolutely incredible competition. Feinstein pulls back the curtain on the recruiting wars, the intensely personal competition that wasn't always friendly, the enormous pressure and national stakes, and the battle for the very soul of college basketball allegiance in a hot-bed area. <P>Getting to the roots of the NCAA goliath that is followed religiously by millions of fans today, Feinstein uses his unprecedented access to all three coaches to paint a portrait only he could conjure. The Legends Club is destined to be one of Feinstein's biggest bestsellers. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Legends Club: Dean Smith, Mike Krzyzewski, Jim Valvano, and an Epic College Basketball Rivalry

by John Feinstein

The riveting inside story of college basketball's fiercest rivalry among three coaching legends--University of North Carolina's Dean Smith, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, and North Carolina State's Jim Valvano--by the king of college basketball writers, #1 New York Times bestseller John FeinsteinOn March 18, 1980, the immensely powerful Duke basketball program announced the hiring of its new coach--the man who would resurrect the team, restore glory to Duke, and defeat the legendary Dean Smith, who coached down the road at UNC Chapel Hill and had turned UNC into a powerhouse. Duke's new man was Mike Krzyzewski. The only problem was, no one knew who Krzyzewski was, he had a so-so record in his short time as head coach of Army, and worst of all, no one could even pronounce his name. The announcement caused head scratches . . . if not immediate calls for his head . . . and on this note his career at Duke began. The table was set nine days later, when on March 27, 1980, Jim Valvano was hired by North Carolina State to be their new head coach. The hiring didn't raise as many eyebrows, but with the exuberant Valvano on board, two new coaches were now in place to challenge Dean Smith--and the most sensational competitive decade in history was about to unfold. In the skillful hands of John Feinstein, this extraordinary rivalry--and the men behind it--come to life in a unique, intimate way. The Legends Club is a sports book that captures an era in American sport and culture, documenting the inside view of a decade of absolutely incredible competition. Feinstein pulls back the curtain on the recruiting wars, the intensely personal competition that wasn't always friendly, the enormous pressure and national stakes, and the battle for the very soul of college basketball allegiance in a hot-bed area. Getting to the roots of the NCAA goliath that is followed religiously by millions of fans today, Feinstein uses his unprecedented access to all three coaches to paint a portrait only he could conjure. The Legends Club is destined to be one of Feinstein's biggest bestsellers.

The Legends Club: Dean Smith, Mike Krzyzewski, Jim Valvano, and an Epic College Basketball Rivalry

by John Feinstein

The riveting inside story of college basketball's fiercest rivalry among three coaching legends—University of North Carolina's Dean Smith, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, and North Carolina State's Jim Valvano—by the king of college basketball writers, #1 New York Times bestseller John FeinsteinOn March 18, 1980, the immensely powerful Duke basketball program announced the hiring of its new coach—the man who would resurrect the team, restore glory to Duke, and defeat the legendary Dean Smith, who coached down the road at UNC Chapel Hill and had turned UNC into a powerhouse. Duke's new man was Mike Krzyzewski. The only problem was, no one knew who Krzyzewski was, he had a so-so record in his short time as head coach of Army, and worst of all, no one could even pronounce his name. The announcement caused head scratches . . . if not immediate calls for his head . . . and on this note his career at Duke began. The table was set nine days later, when on March 27, 1980, Jim Valvano was hired by North Carolina State to be their new head coach. The hiring didn't raise as many eyebrows, but with the exuberant Valvano on board, two new coaches were now in place to challenge Dean Smith—and the most sensational competitive decade in history was about to unfold. In the skillful hands of John Feinstein, this extraordinary rivalry—and the men behind it—come to life in a unique, intimate way. The Legends Club is a sports book that captures an era in American sport and culture, documenting the inside view of a decade of absolutely incredible competition. Feinstein pulls back the curtain on the recruiting wars, the intensely personal competition that wasn't always friendly, the enormous pressure and national stakes, and the battle for the very soul of college basketball allegiance in a hot-bed area. Getting to the roots of the NCAA goliath that is followed religiously by millions of fans today, Feinstein uses his unprecedented access to all three coaches to paint a portrait only he could conjure. The Legends Club is destined to be one of Feinstein's biggest bestsellers.

Legends of Pro Wrestling: 150 Years of Headlocks, Body Slams, and Piledrivers

by Tim Hornbaker

Legends of Pro Wrestling offers the first comprehensive look at the entire world of wrestling. With detailed biographies and never-before-seen statistics of some of the greatest athletes in the sport, you will be able to read about hundreds of wrestlers, dating back to the mid-1800s. As the first of its kind, this centralized reference book offers wrestling enthusiasts a range of information at their fingertips and stands alone as the ultimate wrestling resource.This book offers readers a link between what happened a century ago to what is currently happening today. An older fan of Bruno Sammartino or "The Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers can enjoy this book as much as someone who follows John Cena or The Undertaker today. This collection is a never-ending source of facts, figures, and other entertaining data.Professional wrestling is a world of accomplishment, legacy, and, most importantly, fate. Through injuries, sickness, and family tribulations, many wrestlers have given everything they have to give in the ring, and true fans of the sport love every single second of it. No matter your age, if you're a fan of professional wrestling, Legends of Pro Wrestling is the book for you to own and cherish.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports-books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.In addition to books on popular team sports, we also publish books for a wide variety of athletes and sports enthusiasts, including books on running, cycling, horseback riding, swimming, tennis, martial arts, golf, camping, hiking, aviation, boating, and so much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Legends of the Philadelphia Phillies: Steve Carlton, Tug McGraw, Mike Schmidt, and Other Phillies Stars (Legends of the Team)

by Bob Gordon

The newly reissued Legends of the Philadelphia Phillies, originally published in 2005, takes an in-depth look at the legends that have shaped the Phillies’ identity over the last seventy years. Each chapter profiles a different beloved Phillies personality that colored the latter half of the twentieth century. Most were cheered; some were booed. Philadelphia is a city that loves you back, just sometimes in strange ways. With quotes and interviews from former and current Phils, Legends of the Philadelphia Phillies profiles Mitch Williams, Darren Daulton, Dave Hollins, Jim Eisenreich, Pete Incaviglia, and Milt Thompson from 1993’s "Beards, Bellies, and Biceps” National League championship team, as well as Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton, and Tug McGraw from the 1980 World Series championship team. Author Robert Gordon also includes their notable predecessors, from Hall of Famers Robin Roberts and Richie Ashburn to former All-Stars like Johnny Callison and Del Ennis. No Phillies book would be complete without the off-the-field names who have defined the Phillies, such as team president Bill Giles, announcer Harry Kalas, and Dave Raymond, the original Phillie Phanatic. Each of these legends played a unique role in shaping one of sports’ greatest franchises, and Legends of the Philadelphia Phillies brings them to life once again.

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