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32 Winski: Sconfitta impossibile

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Sul ghiaccio è un combattente, ma sta cercando il suo lieto fine. Anche se sono un combattente sul ghiaccio, ho un cuore d’oro. Se solo potessi trovare una donna a cui donarlo. Tuttavia, sono il primo ad ammettere di non essere stato gentile nel rifiutare la proposta del mio amico Caleb che voleva incastrarmi con una donna di dieci anni più giovane di me. Ma ben presto ho capito che Callie MacTavish non è solo giovane, bionda e ricca. Probabilmente è la donna più concreta che io abbia mai conosciuto. Non mi ci vuole molto a innamorarmi di lei, peccato che abbia appena scoperto che sta per partire.

Armador de Juego

by Mignon Mykel

Él es un reputado jugador de hockey; en parte debido a su nombre, en parte debido a sus horas sobre el hielo. Ella nunca ha encontrado un hogar para vencer sus obstáculos. ...bienvenido a la batalla de tu vida, Porter. Porter Prescott pasó años luchando para hacerse un nombre en el deporte que domina su familia, pero justo cuando se dirige a jugar para un club que no está asociado con su apellido, la conoce... y comienza a preguntarse si tal vez hay más vida que salir de la sombra de su familia. Asher Spence pasó toda su vida aprendiendo que la única persona con la que puede contar es ella misma, e incluso entonces, aún así puede fallar. Entonces ella lo conoce y él le da esperanza... y un lugar al que finalmente llamará hogar. Pero después de una vida de angustia y arrepentimiento, Asher no puede evitar preocuparse de que lo que ahora parece perfecto, llegue a derrumbarse. Lucha. ¿Y cuando eso no es suficiente? Aguanta por tu vida. ¡Incluye la historia completa de Porter & Asher: Problemático, Escisión, Altercado y Resistiendo!

Arrêt papillon: Qui sauve qui ?

by Mignon Mykel

Quelle année infernale ! Pour être franc, je dirais plutôt une vie infernale. Pendant des années, ma valeur s’était évaluée grâce à deux choses : être le gardien de but des Enforcers de San Diego et l’époux — maintenant ex-époux — de la fille aînée des MacTavish. Les regrets pèsent lourd, ils m’écrasent. À présent, je me retire sur l’île boisée où ma famille aimait passer les vacances quand j’étais petit. Disparaître des feux des projecteurs. Me rapprocher de mes racines. Je suis prêt à passer le reste de ma vie seul là-bas, en reclus. Mais je l’ai rencontrée. Timide. Prudente. Et époustouflante. Je devrais rester loin. Elle n’a pas besoin de mon lourd passé. Mais, bon sang, impossible de résister. Arrêt papillon est une histoire contemporaine indépendante, sur Jonny Prescott, un gardien de but divorcé des Enforcers de San Diego. Vous avez peut-être déjà lu et aimé son histoire dans les autres livres des frères Prescott, mais ces lectures ne sont pas requises pour lire Arrêt papillon.

Butterfly Save: Edizione Italiana

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Chi dei due salverà l’altro? L’ex portiere Jonny Prescott si rifugia su un’isola remota per stare da solo. Trovare l’amore è l’ultimo dei suoi pensieri… È stato un anno infernale. Se devo essere onesto, è stata una vita infernale. Per anni il mio valore è dipeso da due fattori: essere il portiere dei San Diego Enforcers e il marito, poi ex, della figlia maggiore dei MacTavish. Il rimpianto è un fardello che pesa sulle mie spalle. Ora mi sto ritirando su un’isola immersa tra i boschi su cui la mia famiglia possiede una seconda casa per allontanarmi dalle luci della ribalta e recuperare le mie radici. Sono pronto a vivere il resto della mia vita da solo in questo posto. Ma poi incontro lei. Timida, guardinga e stupenda. Dovrei starle lontano. Non ha bisogno che la carichi dei miei fardelli. Ma dannazione, non posso farne a meno.

Fabricant de jeu (Prescott #2)

by Mignon Mykel

C’est un joueur de hockey à la réputation préétablie – en partie à cause de son nom et en partie à cause de son temps de jeu. Elle n’a jamais trouvé un foyer où elle pouvait laisser tomber ses défenses... ...bienvenue dans le combat de ta vie, Porter. Porter Prescott a passé sa vie à lutter pour se faire un nom dans le sport où sa famille brille, mais, le jour même où il part jouer pour une équipe sans lien avec le nom de sa famille, il la rencontre… et se demande soudainement s’il y a autre chose dans la vie que de sortir de l’ombre de sa famille. Asher Spence a appris toute sa vie qu’elle ne pouvait compter que sur elle-même et, encore là, on pouvait échouer. Puis, elle le rencontre et il fait renaître l’espoir en elle… en lui offrant enfin un foyer. Cependant, après une vie de chagrin et de regret, Asher ne peut s’empêcher de s’inquiéter que tout pourrait s’écrouler du jour au lendemain. Lutte. Et quand ce n’est pas assez ? Accroche-toi à la vie. Inclut l’histoire complète de Porter et d’Asher : Fauteur de troubles, L’échappée, Altercation et Retenue !

Interferência (Prescott (Livro 1), Amor em Todos os Lugares (Livro 1) #1)

by Mignon Mykel

O que você ganha quando mistura uma ruiva do tamanho de uma fada, um jogador da NHL e o lindo Havaí? Uma quebra de contrato... Tendo crescido em uma família de hóquei, Caleb Prescott sabe melhor do que muitos os prós e contras de uma temporada. Se há uma coisa que ele prometeu manter, é que ele está lá para jogar o jogo, não para ser o rosto da mídia. Sydney Meadows está se formando e decide fazer um estágio em uma empresa de casting. Divertido, certo? Até que lhe seja dada uma tarefa impossível - conseguir que um jogador de hóquei conhecido, que tem muito pouca presença na mídia, concorde em estrelar um programa de namoro. O que começa como um desafio, rapidamente se torna difícil de outras maneiras... Interferência agora inclui a história do casamento de Caleb e Sydney, Beauty!

Interferencia (Prescott #1)

by Mignon Mykel

¿Qué obtienes cuando mezclas una pelirroja del tamaño de un duendecillo, un jugador de la NHL y la hermosa Hawái? Un incumplimiento de contrato… Habiendo crecido en una familia de hockey, Caleb Prescott conoce mejor que nadie los entresijos de una temporada. Si hay algo a lo que ha prometido adherirse, eso es a jugar partidos, no a ser una cara mediática. Sydney Meadows está terminando su carrera y decide hacer las prácticas con una agencia de casting. Divertido, ¿verdad? Hasta que le adjudican una tarea imposible: conseguir que un jugador de hockey de renombre, con muy poca presencia en los medios, acceda a protagonizar un programa de citas. Lo que comienza como un desafío, rápidamente se vuelve difícil en otro sentido… ¡Interferencia ahora incluye los relatos de Belleza y la boda de Caleb y Sydney!

Interferenza d'amore (Serie La Famiglia Prescott. Vol.1 #1)

by Mignon Mykel

SINOSSI Caleb Prescott si è ritrovato a partecipare a un dating show per caso. Cosa succede quando si uniscono una rossa delle dimensioni di un folletto, un giocatore della NHL e le bellissime Hawaii? La violazione del contratto. Essendo cresciuto in una famiglia di giocatori di hockey, Caleb Prescott conosce meglio di chiunque altro i pro e i contro di una stagione. Se c'è una cosa che ha giurato di rispettare, è che è lì per giocare, non per essere il volto dei media. Sydney Meadows è una laureanda che decide di fare uno stage presso una società di casting. Divertente, vero? Fino a quando non le viene assegnato un compito impossibile: convincere un noto giocatore di hockey, poco presente sui media, ad accettare di partecipare a un dating show. Ciò che comincia come una sfida, prende decisamente un’altra piega...

Obstruction (Famille Prescott #1)

by Mignon Mykel

Qu’obtient-on lorsqu’on combine une petite rousse, un joueur de la LNH et Hawaï ? Une rupture de contrat... Ayant grandi avec le hockey, Caleb Prescott connaît très bien les hauts et les bas d’une saison. Il s’était juré une chose : s’en tenir au jeu, sans être porte-parole. Sydney Meadows termine son baccalauréat et décide de faire un stage dans une agence artistique. Amusant, non ? Jusqu’à ce qu’elle reçoive une mission impossible… persuader un joueur de hockey réputé, qui fait peu d’apparition dans les médias, d’être la vedette d’une émission de rencontres. Ce qui débute comme un simple défi se complique rapidement de plusieurs façons différentes…

Parada al estilo mariposa: ¿Quién salva a quién?

by Mignon Mykel

Ha sido un año horrible. Para ser sincero, ha sido una vida horrible. Durante años, mi valía ha estado ligada a una de estas dos cosas: ser el portero de los San Diego Enforcers y ser esposo (luego exesposo) de la hija mayor de los MacTavish. El arrepentimiento es algo pesado y ahora está pesando sobre mí. Ahora he decidido retirarme a la boscosa isla que mi familia llamaba un segundo hogar mientras crecía. Apartarme de los focos. Sentirme más cercano a mis raíces. Estoy totalmente preparado para vivir el resto de mi vida solo aquí en mi retiro. Y entonces la conozco. Tímida. Cautelosa. Y tan hermosa. No debería acercarme. Ella no necesita mis problemas. Pero maldita sea, no puedo evitarlo. “Salvando a la mariposa” es un romance contemporáneo independiente, cuyo protagonista es Jonny Prescott, un portero de hockey divorciado de los San Diego Enforcers. Si bien puede disfrutar y leer su historia de fondo en los otros libros de los hermanos Prescott, no es necesario leerlos antes de disfrutar de “Salvando a la mariposa”.

Playmaker. Edizione italiana (Serie La Famiglia Prescott. Vol.2- Dilogia completa #2)

by Mignon Mykel

Sinossi Porter Prescott pensa che la sua più grande battaglia sia quella di uscire dall’ombra della sua famiglia, ma non ha ancora conosciuto Asher. È un giocatore di hockey, la cui fama è dovuta in parte al suo cognome e in parte alla bravura sul ghiaccio. Asher non ha mai trovato una famiglia che le abbia permesso di abbattere i suoi muri. Porter Prescott ha passato anni a lottare per farsi una reputazione in uno sport in cui domina la sua famiglia, ma proprio quando deve partire per andare a giocare in una squadra non legata al cognome Prescott, incontra Asher e comincia a chiedersi se nella vita ci siano altre priorità oltre a quella di uscire dall’ombra della sua famiglia. Nella sua vita Asher Spence ha imparato che si può contare solo su se stessi, e anche in questo caso, non è detto che non si fallisca. Poi incontra Porter che le dà speranza e un posto da poter considerare finalmente casa. Ma, dopo una vita di delusioni e rimpianti, Asher ha paura che ciò che sembra perfetto, possa sparire da un momento all’altro. Bisogna lottare, e se non basta, si deve continuare a resistere.

Fight of the Century: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling

by Patrick Myler

"The definitive book" (The Ring) on one of the greatest sports events of the twentieth century, the heavyweight championship bout between America's "Brown Bomber," Joe Louis, and Germany's Max Schmeling.More than the world heavyweight championship was at stake when Joe Louis fought Max Schmeling on June 22, 1938. In a world on the brink of war, the fight was depicted as a contest between nations, races, and political ideologies, the symbol of a much vaster struggle. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels boasted that the Aryan Schmeling would crush his "inferior" black opponent. President Roosevelt told Louis, his guest at the White House, that "America needs muscles like yours to beat Germany." For Louis, this was also his chance to avenge the only loss in his brilliant career-by a knockout-to the same Max Schmeling two years earlier.Recreating the drama of their momentous bout, the author traces the lives of both fighters before and after the fight, including Schmeling's efforts in Nazi Germany to protect Jewish friends and the two boxers' surprising friendship in the postwar years. In Fight of the Century Myler tells the story of two decent men, drawn together by boxing and divided by the cruel demands of competing nations.

Ring of Hate: Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmeling

by Patrick Myler

The definitive book (The Ring) on one of the greatest sports events of the twentieth century, the heavyweight championship bout between Germany's Max Schmeling and America's "Brown Bomber," Joe Louis. More than the world heavyweight championship was at stake when Joe Louis fought Max Schmeling on June 22, 1938. In a world on the brink of war, the fight was depicted as a contest between nations, races, and political ideologies, the symbol of a much vaster struggle. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels boasted that the Aryan Schmeling would crush his "inferior" black opponent. President Roosevelt told Louis, his guest at the White House, that "America needs muscles like yours to beat Germany." For Louis, this was also his chance to avenge the only loss in his brilliant career-by a knockout-to the same Max Schmeling two years earlier. Recreating the drama of their momentous bout, the author traces the lives of both fighters before and after the fight, including Schmeling's efforts in Nazi Germany to protect Jewish friends and the two boxers' surprising friendship in the postwar years. In Ring of Hate Myler tells the story of two decent men, drawn together by boxing and divided by the cruel demands of competing nations.

Winning Wrestling Moves

by Mark Mysnyk Barry Davis Brooks Simpson

Winning Wrestling Moves provides high school and college wrestlers and their coaches with all the fundamentals and latest refinements in wrestling techniques. Never before have so many wrestling moves been described and illustrated in one volume. Three former All-Americans from the University of Iowa -- Mark Mysnyk, Barry Davis, and Brooks Simpson -- team up to share the techniques that made them champions: proper stance, movement, penetration, lifting technique, breakdowns, rides, and pins. 200 takedowns featuring variations based on the opponent`s reaction, escapes and reversals, valuable counter techniques, freestyle turns for freestyle and scholastic wrestling. "Winning Wrestling Moves" is a generously illustrated guide that shows wrestlers at the high school and college levels how to come out on top in every match.

Headhunting In The Solomon Islands: Around The Coral Sea

by Caroline Mytinger

More than 80 years ago, Caroline Mytinger, a portrait artist, and her childhood friend Margaret Warner set out by freighter from San Francisco with little more than $400 in their pocket and a tin of paints to their name. Their objective was to paint portraits of the tribal people of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands before the encroachment of modern, European-style culture changed their lives forever.This gripping book tells of the two women's experiences whilst travelling through Melanesia between 1926 and 1930.

Norwegian Wood: The guide to chopping, stacking and drying wood the Scandinavian way

by Lars Mytting

THE DEFINITIVE WOOD-CUTTER'S BIBLE - THE BESTSELLING, YEAR-ROUND GUIDE TO CHOPPING, STACKING AND DRYING WOOD "The book has spread like wildfire" Daily Mail"A how-to book with poetry at its heart" T.L.S."A step-by-step guide to preparing your wood store" IndependentWhether you're a seasoned woodcutter, or your passion is yet to be kindled, NORWEGIAN WOOD is an entertaining guide for year-round wood management, and the perfect gift.Chopping and stacking wood is a pastime where the world makes sense once more. Because our relationship to fire is so ancient, so universal, it seems that in learning about wood, you can also learn about life.And who better to impart this wisdom than an expert from Scandinavia, where the extreme climate has obliged generations to hone and share their skills with tools, wood and heat production. Lars Mytting has distilled the wisdom of enthusiasts, from experienced lifelong growers, stackers and burners to researchers and professionals of combustion and tree culture.Part guide to the best practice in every aspect of working with this renewable energy source, part meditation on the human instinct for survival, this definitive handbook on the art of chopping, stacking and drying wood in the Scandinavian way has resonated across the world, with more than a million copies sold worldwide.More than 175,000 copies sold in English editions. The book that defined a genre.

Hide & Seek

by Il Sung Na

As Elephant counts from one to ten, all the animals find special places to hide. When it's time to seek, will he be able to find everyone . . . even Chameleon?Like Na's previous books, Hide & Seek offers rich illustrations, bright colors, and a simple, spare text—all wrapped up in a beautiful kid-friendly package. Elephant counts from one to ten in big, bold numerals, and there's an additional butterfly on each spread, giving readers something to count as the story goes along. Kids will also love spotting the camouflaged chameleon on every page!

The Best American Sports Writing 2008

by William Nack

Well established as the premier sports anthology, The Best American Sports Writing brings together the finest writing on sports to appear in the past year.

Secretariat: The Making of a Champion

by William Nack

The biography of Secretariat, the greatest champion in horse-racing history, who in 1973 won the Triple Crown. The only horse to ever grace the covers of Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated in the same week, he also still holds the record for the fastest times in both the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes. He was also the only non-human chosen as one of ESPN's "50 Greatest Athletes of the Century." The tale of "Big Red" is an enduring and inspiring classic. This updated edition includes a new preface by the author, a section on Secretariat's breeding history, a complete chart of his racing history, and an essay written by the author documenting Secretariat's death. The charts of Secretariat's racing records have been translated into written descriptions by the proofreader to make them accessible for all readers. Additionally, all racing times, which are given in seconds and fractions in the original printed text, have been checked to ensure readability and accuracy.

Swee'pea: The Story of Lloyd Daniels and Other Playground Basketball Legends

by Ron Naclerio John Valenti

"If you care about basketball or about people, you will care about this book." --(John Feinstein, author of Season on the Brink) "[Daniels's] story was quite powerful in an age before the Internet and social media and is a fantastic read for this generation's basketball players, parents, and lovers of the game." --(Ronnie Flores, Ball is Life) In this updated edition of a lost classic of sports writing, authors John Valenti and Ron Naclerio chronicle the life of Lloyd Daniels, one of New York City's most legendary basketball players.Lloyd Daniels learned to hoop on the playgrounds of Brooklyn and Queens during the 1980s. "Swee'pea" they called him. His rep on the court traveled all the way to the Bronx, and across the country, earning him enthusiastic comparisons to the likes of Magic Johnson. Swee'pea was sure to make it to the big time and out of a New York City where drugs and violence had gripped many of its neighborhoods. And eventually he did, leaving the city's asphalt courts for the shiny hardwoods of NCAA programs, minor pro-leagues, and eventually the NBA. He took with him, however, a drug habit, a learning disability, and a reputation for self-destruction. With Swee'pea, Newsday reporter John Valenti and celebrated New York City high school basketball coach Ron Naclerio brilliantly capture how an athletic phenom becomes both a product of his environment, and his own worst enemy. Supplementing Daniels's enigmatic story are profiles of basketball successes like former NBA stars Kenny Anderson, John Salley, and Mark Jackson--and tragedies like Earl "The Goat" Manigault, Richie Adams, and Tony "Red" Bruin--who never made the league. Timeless, gritty, and hard-hitting, Swee'pea is a classic tale that illuminates why so many of basketball's best players throw away multimillion dollar careers, and a journey back to a time when the humble playground courts of New York City were giving rise to some of the finest players in the world.

Rafa: My Story

by Rafael Nadal John Carlin

The Sunday Times bestselling autobiography from the greatest tennis player of his generation'A winner' Independent 'A terrific sporting memoir, full of memorable anecdotes' New Statesman 'As exciting as Rafa himself' Woman's OwnNo tennis player since Andre Agassi has captivated the world like Rafael Nadal. He's a rarity in today's sporting arena - a true sportsman who chooses to let his raw talent, dedication and humility define him. With a remarkable 16 grand slam victories under his belt, and with friend and rival Roger Federer's record haul of 20 in his sights, Nadal is an extraordinary competitor whose ferocity on court is made even more remarkable by his grace off it.This book takes us to the heart of Nadal's childhood, his growth as a player, and his incredible career. It includes memorable highs and lows, from victory in the 2008 Wimbledon final - a match that John McEnroe called the 'greatest game of tennis ever played' - to the injury problems that have frequently threatened his dominance of the sport, to becoming the youngest player of the open era to complete a career Grand Slam in 2010. It transports us from Nadal's lifelong home on the island of Majorca to the locker room of Centre Court as he describes in detail the pressures of competing in the greatest tournament in the world. It offers a glimpse behind the racquet to learn what really makes this intensely private person - who has never before talked about his home life - tick. And it provides us with a story that is personal, revealing and every bit as exciting as Nadal himself.

Rafa: My Story

by Rafael Nadal John Carlin

The Sunday Times bestselling autobiography from the greatest tennis player of his generation'A winner' Independent 'A terrific sporting memoir, full of memorable anecdotes' New Statesman 'As exciting as Rafa himself' Woman's OwnNo tennis player since Andre Agassi has captivated the world like Rafael Nadal. He's a rarity in today's sporting arena - a true sportsman who chooses to let his raw talent, dedication and humility define him. With a remarkable 16 grand slam victories under his belt, and with friend and rival Roger Federer's record haul of 20 in his sights, Nadal is an extraordinary competitor whose ferocity on court is made even more remarkable by his grace off it.This book takes us to the heart of Nadal's childhood, his growth as a player, and his incredible career. It includes memorable highs and lows, from victory in the 2008 Wimbledon final - a match that John McEnroe called the 'greatest game of tennis ever played' - to the injury problems that have frequently threatened his dominance of the sport, to becoming the youngest player of the open era to complete a career Grand Slam in 2010. It transports us from Nadal's lifelong home on the island of Majorca to the locker room of Centre Court as he describes in detail the pressures of competing in the greatest tournament in the world. It offers a glimpse behind the racquet to learn what really makes this intensely private person - who has never before talked about his home life - tick. And it provides us with a story that is personal, revealing and every bit as exciting as Nadal himself.

Angel Face

by Barbie Latza Nadeau

Despite all the airtime devoted to Amanda Knox, it's still hard to reconcile the fresh-faced honor student from Seattle with the sexually rapacious killer convicted of the November 2007 murder of her British roommate. Few Americans have heard all of the powerful evidence that convinced a jury that Knox was one of three people to sexually assault Meredith Kercher, brutalize her body, and cut her throat. In Angel Face, Rome-based Daily Beast senior writer Barbie Latza Nadeau - who cultivated personal relationships with the key figures in both the prosecution and the defense - describes how the Knox family's heavy-handed efforts to control media coverage distorted the facts, inflamed an American audience, and painted an offensive, inaccurate picture of Italy's justice system. An eye-opener for any parent considering sending a child away to study, Angel Face reveals what really went on in this incomprehensible crime.<P><P> E-book updated with a new epilogue that describes the riveting drama inside the courtroom and out, the Knox familyOCOs long crusade to free Amanda, and the reasons behind the eventual verdict of not guilty. "

Fútbol!: Why Soccer Matters in Latin America

by Joshua H. Nadel

Get ready for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics—both held in Brazil—with the story of Latin America’s most popular sport. Fútbol! explains why competitors and fans alike are so fiercely dedicated to soccer throughout the region.From its origins in British boarding schools in the late 1800s, soccer spread across the globe to become a part of everyday life in Latin America—and part of the region’s most compelling national narratives. This book illustrates that soccer has the powerful ability to forge national unity by appealing to people across traditional social boundaries. In fact, author Joshua Nadel reveals that what started as a simple game played a seriously important role in the development of Latin American countries in the twentieth century. Examining the impact of the sport in Argentina, Honduras, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Mexico, Nadel addresses how soccer affects politics, the media, race relations, and gender stereotypes.With inspiring personal stories and a sweeping historical backdrop, Fútbol! shows that soccer continues to be tied to regional identity throughout Central and South America today. People live for it—and sometimes kill for it. It is a source of hope and a reason for suicide. It is a way out of poverty for a select few and an intangible escape for millions more.

A Sociology of the World Rally Championship

by Hans Erik Naess

Drawing upon interviews with key people in the World Rally Championship as well as trans-local ethnographic research, this book explores questions of commerciality and sporting identity, tackling the sport's controversial handling of the shift into 'the commercial age'. It is essential reading on combining sporting heritage and commercial progress.

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