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Showing 17,426 through 17,450 of 22,017 results

Called Up (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Steven Sandor

For thirteen-year-old David Timko, making the Bantam A hockey team is everything. So when he doesn't make the cut, his bad attitude soon gets him benched. Even worse, his new friend at school, Omar, shows a complete lack of understanding of David's problem. Omar has problems of his own. A recent Syrian refugee, he's angry that his parents can't find good jobs in his new country, among other problems. As both boys become more frustrated with their own problems, their friendship begins to suffer. Can the two boys come to an understanding of each other's problems before their friendship comes to blows? Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Crack Coach

by Steven Sandor

Maurice and Vijay are thrilled make their high school's junior football team. But massive media coverage of their coach starts turning up allegations of illegal behavior, including use of crack cocaine. And it soon becomes clear the ego-driven competitiveness that won Coach Jones the mayor's office fuels his abusive coaching style. Maurice and Vijay finally decide that they've had enough. But can they get the rest of the team to help them take control from the man the whole world knows as the Crack Coach? Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Easy Out (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Steven Sandor

Westlock is a small town with a long baseball history. But registrations are down, and there are only enough kids in town to fill one team. So Mo Montpetit's team is entered into the Baseball AA league. All the kids registered will be playing rep ball. No tryouts needed. Mo's dad is a baseball legend in Westlock. And that's Mo's problem. Mo isn't very good. He can't hit a rep-level fastball. And as the season starts, the strikeouts and errors mount. The Westlock team loses game after game. How can these kids compete in a league well above their heads? And how can Mo step out of his dad's long shadow? Find the answers in this fast-paced high/low sports story. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Stick Pick (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Steven Sandor

Star player Janine leads her hockey team to victory at the provincial championships. But on the way home from the game, a car accident leaves her paralyzed from the waist down. Her best friend and teammate, Rowena, urges Janine to look into sledge hockey. Adapting to her new life, Janine meets frustration at every turn. Soon Janine begins to appreciate her new sport. Her experiences lead her to speak up about rights for the disabled, taking her cause all the way to the professional sports arena. She might be a sledge hockey rookie, but she knows she's up for any challenge. Based on real-life experience and research, this story tracks the emotional and physical challenges of first dealing with disability. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Trolled (Lorimer Sports Stories)

by Steven Sandor

Andy's never been closer to his dream of making it to nationals. When a video of him flutterboard surfing goes viral, he uses the opportunity to crowdfund his trip there. But he goes from hero to zero when he pranks a promising female swimmer on camera. Everyone sees it, and no one is impressed. Banned from nationals and kicked off his swim team, he's got to unplug from his viral nightmare and figure out how to get his life—and his dream—back on course. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group.

Arnoldo Iguarán (Superstars of Soccer SPANISH)

by Ana Valay Sandoval

En Colombia, Arnoldo Iguarán es un verdadero héroe del fútbol. Nadie ha logrado lo que él. Iguarán es el máximo goleador de la historia de la selección de su país, con 25 anotaciones. Lo mencionan como uno de los jugadores a ocupar la selección ideal colombiana. Nadie hubiera pensado que ese niño que naciera en un poblado de Guajira, departamento de Colombia, llegaría tan lejos. Y es que su amor por el fútbol que nació cuando tenía 8 años, lo llevaría a ganar campeonatos con uno de los equipos más famosos de su país: "Millonarios". "Ya se retiró de las canchas, pero sigue activo en la escuela que se llama como él. Por cierto, la Academia Arnoldo Iguarán ha sido elegida como la escuela más importante de formación deportiva de Colombia.

Arnoldo Iguarán (Superstars of Soccer)

by Ana Valay Sandoval

En Colombia, Arnoldo Iguarán es un verdadero héroe del fútbol. Nadie ha logrado lo que él. Iguarán es el máximo goleador de la historia de la selección de su país, con 25 anotaciones. Lo mencionan como uno de los jugadores a ocupar la selección ideal colombiana. Nadie hubiera pensado que ese niño que naciera en un poblado de Guajira, departamento de Colombia, llegaría tan lejos. Y es que su amor por el fútbol que nació cuando tenía 8 años, lo llevaría a ganar campeonatos con uno de los equipos más famosos de su país: "Millonarios". "Ya se retiró de las canchas, pero sigue activo en la escuela que se llama como él. Por cierto, la Academia Arnoldo Iguarán ha sido elegida como la escuela más importante de formación deportiva de Colombia.

The Final Leg: A Sports Tale for Every Generation

by Stephen Sands

The Final Leg is an Iowa sports tale for every generation. Coach Ken Lincoln is on the cusp of his first team title at the state track meet until his own daughter runs a disappointing third leg of a pivotal relay for the Durant Wildcats. As father and daughter watch the final leg, Ken consoles her by telling the inspirational story of Jack Swanson, a star wide receiver for the Durant football team. In his senior season, Jack takes the blame for a team prank he did not commit. The thin-skinned football coach banishes Jack to the cross country team for a week where he bonds with Ken, who is trying to instill pride in a small group of runners often overlooked in the football-crazy school. Impressed with the new running coach, Jack decides to compete in both football and cross country that fall, a grueling combination for even the best athlete. Ken recalls that special season and the lesson he learned from Jack Swanson to restore the broken pride of his own daughter 25 years later. But don't count Durant out just yet because Jack's daughter is running the final leg!

Forgotten Sundays: A Son's Story of Life, Loss, and Love from the Sidelines of the NFL

by Gerry Sandusky

"Forgotten Sundays" is the coming-of-age story of a father-son relationship and the value of a good name, which Gerry Sandusky knows all too well. He has had to endure having an unfortunate name in sports, but to him the Sandusky name means something entirely different: honor, integrity, endurance, and suffering and sadness. "Forgotten Sundays" follows the life and relationship between Gerry Sandusky and his father?former NFL tackle John Sandusky and coach for the Baltimore Colts, Philadelphia Eagles, and Miami Dolphins under the tutelage of legendary Coach Don Shula. Gerry spent his summers observing his father in NFL training camps and his Sundays with superstars, Hall of Fame players and coaches from Johnny Unitas to Dan Marino, from Don McCafferty to Tom Landry. GerryOCOs relationship with his father evolved through stages of worship, disillusionment, vulnerability, tragedy, and friendship. Along the way he learned about the nature of manhood from observations, clues, and interactions?more often than not unspoken. It was when Gerry reached fatherhood himself and when John Sandusky began to tumble into the gauzy confusion of AlzheimerOCOs disease that he began to understand his father on a much deeper level. Heartfelt, intelligent, at times humorous, at times tragic, "Forgotten Sundays" explores the intricacies of a father-son relationship and the nuances of how and what a son learns from a father. It plumbs the meaning of a family name, and it is an inspiration to others to embrace their own legacy and cherish their memories. "

A Game of Two Halves: Football Fandom, Television and Globalisation (Comedia)

by Cornel Sandvoss

Professional football is one of the most popular television 'genres' worldwide, attracting the support of millions of fans, and the sponsorship of powerful companies. In A Game of Two Halves, Sandvoss considers football's relationship with television, its links with transnational capitalism, and the importance of football fandom in forming social and cultural identities around the globe. He presents the phenomenon of football as a reflection postmodern culture and globalization.Through a series of case studies, based in ethnographic audience research, Sandvoss explores the motivations and pleasures of football fans, the intense bond formed between supporters and their clubs, the implications of football consumption on political discourse and citizenship, football as a factor of cultural globalisation, and the pivotal role of football and television in a postmodern cultural order.

Zero in conduct

by Marco Edoardo Sanfelici

The book collects the best report cards of Marco Edoardo Sanfelici. The judgments which, after every Juventus match, photograph the performance of the Bianconeri eleven are sentences without appeal. From the brilliant and passionate mind of a fan commentator, here are the hilarious evaluations that testify better than any VAR image the behavior on the field of your greatest idols.

Billie Jean King (Sports Immortals)

by William R. Sanford Carl R. Green

A biography of the former tennis champion who worked hard to achieve respect and equality for women in professional tennis.

Joe DiMaggio (Sports Immortals)

by William R. Sanford Carl R. Green

Some rookies fade after a hot star, but Joe was just getting warmed up. On Memorial Day, he singled to tie the game in the 9th. Then he won it with a triple in the 12th. As late as June 24, his batting average was a sparkling .360. That was the day Joe tied a major league record by hitting two home runs in the same inning.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Sports Immortals)

by William R. Sanford Carl R. Green

The boy who grew up to be Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was born in New York City on April 16, 1947. He was big even then, weighing in at almost 13 pounds and measuring 22-1/2 inches. Al and Cora Alcindor named their only child Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr. Big Al was a fine musician who earned his living as a Transit Authority policeman. As Lew grew up, Cora made sure he paid attention to his schoolwork. Education came first in the Alcindor household.

Muhammad Ali (Sports Immortals)

by William R. Sanford Carl R. Green

The boy who grew up to become Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. The date was January 17, 1942. His parents named him Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. Clay was a famous name in Kentucky. Long before the Civil War ended slavery, abolitionist "Cash" Clay had freed his own slaves. The great U.S. senator Henry Clay ran for president in 1832-1844.

Entrenados: Mi método para vivir en equilibrio

by Patricia Sangenis

Una de las deportólogas más prestigiosas de la Argentina ofrece unmétodo efectivo y seguro para quienes son conscientes de que tienen quehacer ejercicio pero no saben cómo empezar. Es decir, el 80 por cientode nosotros. El consumo y la falta de actividad física son dos de los peligros máscomunes de esta época. El sobrepeso, la diabetes, el colesterol, lahipertensión, el estrés, la enfermedad cardiovascular son hoy epidemiasmundiales. Hacer ejercicio, entrenar, es la manera más eficaz de cuidarla salud, mejorar la condición física y prevenir enfermedades. Estaverdad, tan aceptada e incuestionable, resulta un desafío cada vez másdifícil de incorporar como rutina diaria. Este libro es una guíaespecializada, fundamentada y segura, imprescindible para cualquiera queelija tomarse en serio su salud, su bienestar y la necesidad de sumar elejercicio en su vida. Permite conocer y evaluar el propio estado físico,de acuerdo a la actividad y a la edad, y mejorarlo con propuestasprácticas, sencillas y fáciles de realizar. Es una referencia ineludiblepara aquellos que deseen mejorar su calidad de vida y abandonar elsedentarismo de una vez y para siempre.

Baseball and Softball

by Gabriel Sanna

Baseball has earned the title of "America's favorite pastime," and softball is even more popular with amateur players. These two games have a slower pace and less contact than many other famous American team sports, such as football, basketball, and hockey. Each year, however, there are nearly half a million baseball injuries requiring treatment in the United States. This book explains the most common injuries suffered on the diamond. It provides tips on preventing such injuries, and explains how they are treated and overcome. This book also covers such topics as: * baseball's colorful history * exercise routines that help both baseball and softball players avoid injury * players' protective equipment * types of injuries and their treatments * the importance of good nutrition * the risks of using performance-enhancing drugs

The Princess and the Pit Stop

by Dan Santat Tom Angleberger

<p><i>Once upon a time there was a Princess . . . who made a pit stop. While the Birds and Beasts changed her tires, her Fairy Godmother told her she was in last place! With just one lap left! She might as well give up! Give up? Not THIS princess! Instead, she hit the gas!</i> <p>Join Her Royal Highness in the driver’s seat for a mad dash to the finish in this exciting ode to auto racing. With appearances by fairy tale favorites including the Tortoise and the Hare, the Frog Prince, and ALL of the Wicked Witches, this rollicking mash-up of race cars and royalty is a true celebration of both girl power and horsepower.</p>

Wayne Gretzky: The Great One

by Andrew Santella

Describes the personal life and hockey career of one of the greatest players in the NHL. Includes a note on sources, a further reading list, and an index.

Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales: Expert Fly Anglers Share Stories from the Sea and Stream (Fifty Places)

by Chris Santella

For fishermen, the only thing more fun than catching fish are the stories they tell about those fish . . . and the ones that got away. Nobody knows that better than Chris Santella, author of the best-selling Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die. For his latest homage to anglers, Santella invited 50 celebrated fly fishers to share their favorite fly-fishing stories based on their travels and experiences. The result is this unforgettable collection of stories that are, surprisingly enough for fishermen, true. Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales includes stories that cover the panoply of emotions— comical, poignant, inspirational, incredible, absurd. It tells of Ralph Cutter casting in complete darkness for blind catfish in the caves of Borneo, J. W. Smith boxing grizzlies to protect his tent camp in Alaska, and George Anderson fly fishing for saltwater crocodiles in Cuba. It also describes how Jean Williams, through trout fishing in the Colorado Rockies, helped to bridge the chasm between a type-A father and his neglected son. Accompanied by stunning photographs, the stories in this book reflect not only the rich experience of fly fishing but also how it can extend beyond the rivers, oceans, and fish to touch the core of our daily lives.

Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die: Fly-Fishing Experts Share More of the World's Greatest Destinations (Fifty Places)

by Chris Santella

Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die is the latest offering in the bestselling Fifty Places series. Chris Santella’s first book, Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die, has more than 100,000 copies in print, and Santella—now a regular fly-fishing contributor to the New York Times and many angling periodicals—has finally returned to the subject that started it all. Santella profiles 50 more first-class fly-fishing destinations around the world, as shared by top fishing-expedition leaders and journalists. This volume includes many of fly fishing’s “next big things”: fishing in San Diego for mako sharks; sight-casting in Bolivia for golden dorado; flats-style striper fishing in Maine’s Casco Bay; nocturnal sea trout angling in Wales; and fishing for giant mahseer in the Himalayan foothills of India. Gorgeous photography showcases the beauty of these destinations, and the “If You Go” section enables readers to embark on the fishing trips themselves.

Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die: Golf Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations (Fifty Places)

by Chris Santella

A stunning, in-depth guide to fifty more of the world&’s greatest golf courses, selected by people deeply connected to the sport. With this follow-up to his bestselling Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die, Chris Santella interviews fifty luminaries in the golf world to uncover some of the sport&’s hidden gems. Golf industry insiders—from seasoned touring professionals (Amy Alcott, Fred Funk) to journalists and photographers (James Dodson, Brian Morgan) to golf course architects (Robert von Hagge, Bob Harrison) to travel specialists (Gordon Dalgleish, Mike Lardner)—offer their favorite courses around the world and describe what makes them so spectacular. Their experiences bring the venues to life for both ardent golfers and armchair travelers. The golf courses featured here range from the windswept peninsula of Old Head off the coast of Ireland to the sultry landscape of the recently inaugurated Ho Chi Minh Golf Trail in Vietnam to the privileged putting surfaces of California&’s Cypress Point and Maryland&’s Congressional Country Club. Along the way, Santella shares vivid descriptions of the courses, funny and touching anecdotes, and enough &“If You Go&” information for golfers to begin planning that once-in-a-lifetime getaway. The texts are complemented by more than forty vivid photographs that capture the allure of these unforgettable golf destinations.

Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die: Biking Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations (Fifty Places Ser.)

by Chris Santella

A beautiful guide to fifty of the world’s best places to ride a bicycle, as chosen by expert cyclists who have been there.Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die is the ninth addition to the bestselling Fifty Places series by Chris Santella. Biking has grown increasingly popular in recent years, as both a leisure and an extreme exercise activity, and Santella covers trips for cyclists of every level. Fifty Places to Bike covers environments as varied as the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia, the Indochina Trail in Vietnam, and the urban jungle of New York City. With a healthy mix of international and national locations, the 50 chapters capture the breathtaking vistas cyclists will enjoy around the world. As always, the places are brought to life with more than 40 stunning color photographs.Praise for Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die“OMG views, killer hills and open road—the routes in Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die (in bookstores this month) have everything a pedal pusher could ask for.” —Fitness magazine“If you know someone who can’t view a landscape without visualizing themselves traversing it on two wheels, Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die is a sound gift choice.” —The San Francisco Chronicle“Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die gets adventurous cyclists going in the right direction.” —The Boston Globe“50 chapters capture breathtaking cycling trails around the world.” —Metrosource magazine

Fifty Places to Camp Before You Die: Camping Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations (Fifty Places)

by Chris Santella

In Fifty Places to Camp Before You Die, Chris Santella illuminates the best destinations for exploring the great outdoors. The book features the world’s top spots for sleeping under the stars and enjoying a host of outdoor recreational activities that make camping such a time-honored tradition. Featuring favorite US National Parks destinations—as well as more exotic locales in Italy, Chile, France, Botswana, Germany, and more—Santella provides helpful information and tips that will appeal to novice campers and seasoned outdoorsmen alike.

Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die: Diving Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations (Fifty Places)

by Chris Santella

SCUBA in Cuba? Find seashells in the Seychelles? Discover the must-dive destinations recommended by the experts—includes beautiful underwater photos. The earth&’s oceans hold many wondrous surprises—be they the small, colorful critters off the coast of Papua New Guinea, opportunistic red demon squids in the Sea of Cortes, or naval wrecks in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll. In Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die, Chris Santella has invited diving experts from around the world to share some of their favorite destinations, so ardent divers can experience these underwater wonders for themselves—either on location in their SCUBA gear, or at home in their armchair. Part of the bestselling Fifty Places series, the book takes divers from hot-spot destinations like Raja Ampat (off the coast of West Guinea) to old Caribbean favorites like Grand Cayman. Swim among whale sharks off Myanmar, befriend wolf eels off the coast of Maine, and marvel at the giant mola mola of Lembognan, Indonesia. These wonderful creatures—plus the brilliant coral reefs that often provide their backdrop—are captured in forty gorgeous color photos from the world&’s greatest underwater photographers. And for those who want to travel to these breathtaking locales, Santella provides complete &“If You Go&” suggestions to help you plan your trip.

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