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The Acute Knee: A Handbook for Sports Medicine Physicians

by Mark F. Sherman

This handbook presents a concise, practical approach to the physical examination and diagnosis of acute injuries of the knee. While radiological diagnostic tools like CT and MRI are important tools for orthopedic and sports medicine injuries, the skills of history taking and an accurate physical exam are no less important in educated decision-making when it comes to injury management. The goal of this book is to make it easier for a beginning knee practitioner to take an educated history and then perform a thorough physical examination. This will invariably steer them to the course of the correct diagnosis. The focus here is on a consistent and thorough examination, including taking a full history of the injury, utilizing common physical tests, and limiting differential diagnoses. To this end, the book opens with a review of these general considerations. Subsequent chapters discuss these considerations across a number of acute knee injuries to the patella, ACL, MCL, PCL, meniscus, and multiligamentous and extensor mechanism injuries and conditions. Additional chapters describe osteochondral injuries and mimickers such as PVNS and tumors. Video clips demonstrating examination techniques are included throughout the text. While The Acute Knee is aimed primarily at younger practitioners, it is an excellent resource for any orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine physicians looking to refamiliarize themselves with the "lost art" of physical examination for the acute knee.

Evaluation and Surgical Management of the Ankle

by Dolfi Herscovici Jr. Jeffrey O. Anglen John S. Early

This book is a practical guide to the evaluation and management of surgical problems associated with the ankle. Divided into six thematic sections, it opens with general considerations for the ankle, including discussion of the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the ankle joint, along with relevant radiography and evaluation of ankle pain. The subsequent sections focus on specific injury types, from soft tissue injuries of tendons and ligaments, to classification and management of the various types of ankle fractures, to diabetic and Charcot neuropathy and chronic problems such as infections, post-traumatic arthritis and osteochondral disorders. Detailed descriptions of surgical algorithms are complemented with intraoperative photos and radiographs, providing a well-rounded presentation utilizing the most up-to-date evidence and clinical guidelines.Written by experts in the field, Evaluation and Surgical Management of the Ankle will be an excellent resource for orthopedic and podiatric surgeons, residents, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

Sideline Management in Sports

by Sérgio Rocha Piedade Mark R. Hutchinson David Parker João Espregueira-Mendes Philippe Neyret

This book is a comprehensive reference guide for team physicians to manage common or rare clinical issues that may occur on the sidelines and field of play in recreational, professional or elite sports. Musculoskeletal injuries and health-related clinical issues that may occur on the field of play can directly impact the ability of athletes to safely participate in sport. Indeed, the ability to urgently respond to the myriad of health-related issues is critical during both sideline and event coverage. The variety of challenges may be more prevalent according to the type of sport, the athletes' physical condition, the field of play, the level of competition, as well as the environmental conditions. Initial assessment, proper investigation of athletes' clinical complaints and findings, followed by a well-practiced intervention protocol play an essential role in optimizing the outcome of each case. Written by an international team of experts, and published in partnership with ISAKOS, this book is an excellent source of knowledge for sports physicians, orthopedists and physiotherapists alike.

Learning to Confront Ecological Precarity: Engaging with More-than-human Worlds (International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education #13)

by Scott Jukes

This volume presents innovative approaches for confronting environmental issues and socio-ecological inequality within Outdoor Environmental Education (OEE). Through experimentation with alternative pedagogical possibilities, it explores what OEE can do in response to ecological precarity. Drawing upon posthumanist theory, it focuses on the enactment of more-than-human pedagogies that foster affirmative environmental relationships while challenging problematic cultural perspectives. The 12 chapters explore various topics, including place-responsive pedagogies, environmental stories, new materialist theoretical insights and waste education practices, engaging with complex environmental issues such as species extinction and climate change in the context of OEE. This book provides practical examples and conceptual creativity to extend contemporary theoretical currents. It offers innovative pedagogical strategies and methodological insights for OEE. Researchers, students, and practitioners of OEE interested in applying posthumanist ideas to their work will find this volume most interesting.

Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Towards Automation and Robustness of Computations in the Clinic

by Martyn P. Nash Adam Wittek Poul M. F. Nielsen Magdalena Kobielarz Anju R. Babu Karol Miller

This book presents contributions from the MICCAI 2022 Computational Biomechanics for Medicine Workshop. "Computational Biomechanics for Medicine - towards translation and better patient outcomes” comprises papers accepted for the MICCAI Computational Biomechanics for Medicine Workshop held in 2022 in Singapore. The content focuses on applications of computational biomechanics to computer-integrated medicine, which includes MICCAI topics of Medical Image Computing, Computer-Aided Modeling and Evaluation of Surgical Procedures, and Imaging, Analysis Methods for Image Guided Therapies, Computational Physiology, and Medical Robotics. Specific topics covered include medical image analysis, image-guided surgery, surgical simulation, surgical intervention planning, disease prognosis and diagnostics, analysis of injury mechanisms, implant and prostheses design, as well as artificial organ design and medical robotics. This book details state-of-the-art progress in the above fields to researchers, students, and professionals.

Current Perspectives on the Functional Design of the Avian Respiratory System (Zoological Monographs #8)

by John N. Maina

Birds have and continue to fascinate scientists and the general public. While the avian respiratory system has unremittingly been investigated for nearly five centuries, important aspects on its biology remain cryptic and controversial. In this book, resolving some of the contentious issues, developmental-, structural- and functional aspects of the avian lung-air sac system are particularized: it endeavors to answer following fundamental questions on the biology of birds: how, when and why did birds become what they are? Flight is a unique form of locomotion. It considerably shaped the form and the essence of birds as animals. An exceptionally efficient respiratory system capacitated birds to procure the exceptionally large quantities of oxygen needed for powered (active) flight. Among the extant air-breathing vertebrates, comprising ~11,000 species, birds are the most species-rich-, numerically abundant- and extensively distributed animal taxon. After realizing volancy, they easily overcame geographical obstacles and extensively dispersed into various ecological niches where they underwent remarkable adaptive radiation. While the external morphology of birds is inconceivably uniform for such a considerably speciose taxon, contingent on among other attributes, lifestyle, habitat and phylogenetic level of development have foremost determined the novelties that are displayed by diverse species of birds.Here, critical synthesizes of the most recent findings with the historical ones, evolution and behavior and development, structure and function of the exceptionally elaborate respiratory system of birds are detailed. The prominence of modern birds as a taxon in the Animal Kingdom is underscored. The book should appeal to researchers who are interested in evolutionary processes and how adaptive specializations correlate with biological physiognomies and exigencies, comparative biologists who focus on how various animals have solved respiratory pressures, people who study respiration in birds and other animals and ornithologists who love and enjoy birds for what they are – profoundly interesting animals.

Outdoor Education: A Pathway to Experiential, Environmental, and Sustainable Learning (Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education)

by Stephen T. Schroth

This book explores the phenomenon of outdoor education, an approach that permits children from all backgrounds to explore environmental, sustainability, and other issues facing them and their communities. Organized around both the conceptual and the practical issues facing school leaders interested in outdoor education, the book provides a wealth of resources for those interested in implementing outdoor education in their schools or classrooms. Infinitely flexible, outdoor education provides a lens through which teachers may explore any content area with any age group of children. Providing readers with both the theoretical underpinnings that support place-based curriculum as well as practical ways to implement an outdoor education program, the book also provides seven case studies that examine the issues facing school leaders desiring to make such a change. Outdoor Education: A Pathway to Experiential, Environmental, and Sustainable Learning guides those interested in exploring outdoor education through the curricular, instructional, and policy considerations needed to accomplish this goal.

Kombiniertes Ausdauer- und Krafttraining: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Ableitungen für die Trainingspraxis

by Moritz Schumann Bent Rønnestad

Dieses Buch versteht sich als ein umfassender Leitfaden für Sport- und Gesundheitsexpert*innen, Studierende, Wissenschaftler*innen, Trainer*innen, Athlet*innen verschiedener Sportarten und für alle, die ein allgemeines Interesse an gleichzeitigem Ausdauer- und Krafttraining haben. Nach einem kurzen historischen Überblick über die wissenschaftlichen Fortschritte zum kombinierten Ausdauer- und Krafttraining über die letzten Jahrzehnte werden in Abschnitt 1 die epigenetischen sowie physiologischen und neuromuskulären Unterschiede von Ausdauer- und Krafttraining erörtert. Anschließend wird in Abschnitt 2 eine aktuelle Analyse der bestehenden Erklärungsansätze für das Interferenzphänomen vorgenommen, während in Abschnitt 3 die trainingsmethodischen Besonderheiten des kombinierten Ausdauer- und Krafttrainings erläutert werden. In den Abschnitten 4 und 5 werden die theoretischen Überlegungen aus den vorangegangenen Abschnitten im Anschluss praktisch auf verschiedenste Zielgruppen angewandt, von Kindern und älteren Menschen bis hin zu Sportlern verschiedener Sportarten. Kombiniertes Ausdauer- und Krafttraining: Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Ableitungen für die Trainingspraxis ist ein neuartiges Buch zu einem der umstrittensten Themen der Sport- und Trainingswissenschaft. Oberstes Ziel der Herausgeber ist es, dieses Buch zu einem leicht verständlichen und gleichzeitig wissenschaftlich fundierten Leitfaden für die tägliche Praxis zu machen.

Legendary Lionesses: The England Women’s Football Team, 1972–2022

by Jean Williams

This is the first academic history of the FA England women’s national football team. Based on unprecedented access to FA data, it details the careers of the 227 women who debuted for England from 1972 to 2022. England won the UEFA Women’s Euros in 2022, and Jean worked with Sarina Wiegman and the squad, on the Legendary Lionesses from 1972.

Physical Virology: From the State-of-the-Art Research to the Future of Applied Virology (Springer Series in Biophysics #24)

by Mauricio Comas-Garcia Sergio Rosales-Mendoza

This book highlights key findings generated during the past years from the main disciplines that constitute Physical Virology, from theoretical physics and simulations to material sciences and vaccines development to structural biology. Each chapter is written by world-class scientists from these areas and is a comprehensive review of where this field stands, as well as the future of Physical Virology. The diversity in the formal training of these scientists results in solving common problems using very distinct approaches, which can produce surprising findings. The multi- and interdisciplinary nature of this field has created a remarkable community that aims at understanding how viruses work and how they can be used in material sciences, chemistry, and biomedicine. Furthermore, the development of Physical Virology has resulted in technological advances that have shaped other fields; for example, it would be impossible to think about the development of Cryo-EM to solve the structure of complex viruses with atomic resolution without the contribution of scientists that created the field of Physical Virology. In the past decade, there has been a great success in the generation of viral systems that can encapsulate drugs, non-viral genetic material, or nanoparticles, as well as in the chemical and genetical modification of virions. Without any doubt in the immediate future, some of these technologies will jump from the bench to the market, creating a revolution in translational and biomedical sciences. The book provides key perspectives for the field, derived from expert´s opinions.

Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries

by Gianfranco Butera Alessandro Frigiola

The coronaries are the first branches of the ascending aorta. They arise from their respective sinuses of Valsalva, and gradually branch distally to the myocardium. Abnormalities of the coronary arteries, either congenital or acquired, can be characterized as a lack of origin, abnormal origin, anomalous course, lack of patency, abnormal connections, and/or abnormal drainage of the coronary vessels. Interruptions to or lack of flow can cause significant morbidity and mortality due to ischemia, infarction and fistulous connections, which can lead to cardiac failure, endocarditis and ischemia. Coronary artery anomalies are rare in general populations. Although they can be benign and asymptomatic, they can also be malignant due to their origin and course and can cause sudden cardiac death. As such, an understanding of how to analyze, diagnose and treat them is vital. This book presents the latest advances in congenital anomalies of coronary arteries. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field, including illustrative angiograms and diagrams that demonstrate all possible anomalies and clarify what is abnormal, and also provides practical insights to guide practitioners in their everyday practice.

Guide du clinicien pour aborder l'obésité avec les patients

by Sandra Christensen

Cet ouvrage pratique, traduit de l’anglais, offre des stratégies efficaces, applicables dans n’importe quel cadre de pratique, pour amorcer et entretenir une conversation constructive sur le poids avec un patient. Il est destiné aux praticiens, infirmiers de pratique avancée, assistants médicaux, médecins, qu’ils soient étudiants ou professionnels expérimentés, pour les aider à prendre en charge le suivi de l'obésité ou pour orienter leurs patients vers d'autres professionnels.Ce guide aborde les nombreux obstacles que les praticiens rencontrent lorsqu'ils abordent la question du poids et propose des stratégies pour les contourner et les surmonter. Il accompagne les cliniciens pas à pas dans l’acquisition des concepts et compétences nécessaires à mener une discussion qui conduira à améliorer la santé du patient. Chaque chapitre fournit des outils et informations sur la manière de faire habilement progresser une conversation, de façon respectueuse. Des cas cliniques réels fournissent des exemples de conversations courtes et concrètes qui intègrent ces outils dans la pratique clinique. De nombreux praticiens sont conscients de l'importance d'aborder la question du poids avec leurs patients, mais ne se sentent pas suffisamment préparés pour le faire. Beaucoup n’ont pas été formés à la question de l'obésité, ni à la meilleure manière d’en parler et n'ont que peu d'accès à la formation continue. Sans les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour aborder une conversation constructive, beaucoup évitent le sujet, ce qui impacte négativement la santé des personnes souffrant d'obésité et de pré-obésité. Le suivi et le traitement de cette pathologie donnant de bons résultats, il est impératif que les praticiens soient capables d'aborder cette question en connaissance de cause et avec sensibilité. A ce titre, ce guide pratique comble cette lacune.

Handbook of Lumbar Spine and Lower Extremity Examination: A Practical Guide

by Roger Pillemer

In addition to complementary radiographic imaging, the physical exam is an essential diagnostic element for the orthopedic surgeon. As such, learning to perform this exam thoroughly is of utmost importance to medical students, residents and interns on an orthopedic rotation and in later practice.This practical text succinctly presents all of the necessary information regarding the physical examination of the lower extremity and lumbar spine. The lower spine, hip, knee, and foot and ankle are discussed in dedicated thematic sections, with each section comprised of three main chapters. The initial chapter describes the musculoskeletal anatomy and function of the joint, presenting the tests themselves along with the rationale for performing them. The second chapter presents the systematic examinations carried out in every case, and the third chapter describes examinations for specific conditions relating to the joint, including tendinopathies, osteoarthritis, neurological conditions, deformities and more. Plentiful bullet points and color images throughout the text describe and illustrate each test and physical sign.Convenient and user-friendly, Handbook of Lumbar Spine and Lower Extremity Examination is a valuable, portable guide to this all-important diagnostic tool for students and practitioners alike.

Physical Principles of Electro-Mechano-Biology: Multiphysics and Supramolecular Approaches (Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials #25)

by Christian Brosseau

This book covers the recently developed understanding of Electro-Mechano-Biology (EMB) in which the focus is primarily on the couplings between the electric and mechanical fields. The emphasis lies on the analytical and computational aspects of EMB at the cellular level. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, the author starts by defining and discussing the relevant basic aspects of the electrical and mechanical properties of cell membranes. He provides an overview of some of the ways analytical modelling of cell membrane electrodeformation (ED) and electroporation (EP) appears in a variety of contexts as well as a contemporary account of recent developments in computational approaches that can feature in the theory initiative, particularly in its attempt to describe the cohort of activities currently underway. Intended to serve as an introductory text and aiming to facilitate the understanding of the field to non-experts, this part does not dwell on the set of topics, such as cellular mechanosensing and mechanotransduction, irreversible EP, and atomistic molecular dynamics modelling of membrane EP. The second (and larger) part of the book is devoted to a presentation of the necessary analytical and computational tools to illustrate the ideas behind EMB and illuminate physical insights. Brief notes on the history of EMB and its many applications describing the variety of ideas and approaches are also included. In this part, the background of the first principles and practical calculation methods are discussed to highlight aspects that cannot be found in a single volume.

Discourses of Globalisation, Human Rights and Sports (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #38)

by Joseph Zajda Yvonne Vissing

This book discusses major discourses of performing sports within human rights. Research findings data demonstrate that sports is an inequitable field today that has the potential to be a social change agent. There is more discussion about rights violations and what the fields of sports can do to be more rights-respecting, but the discussions are at a surface, rather than analytic level for most sports organizations. In sports, culture and human rights, as an emerging field, it is important to develop well crafter theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical body of knowledge. There is an academic discipline of sport that showcases its interdisciplinary nature. Linking sport to the field of human rights will require theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical evolution in this new discipline. There are both organizational, environmental and individual factors associated within the nexus of sports, athletes and human rights.This book links together sports and human rights in a systematic and analytical way. It contains chapters that discuss human rights policies in performing sports, from both organizational and interpersonal perspectives. The book focuses on the benefits of sports and the human rights and safety challenges within the operations of sports organizations and their impact on individual players.

Globalisation, Human Rights, Sports, and Culture (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #37)

by Joseph Zajda Yvonne Vissing

This book offers research findings of the different types of human rights issues that concern athletes and sports programs and the issue of how organizations are addressing safety and human rights issues. The study of sports has not typically been considered as a human rights field. In recent years it is clear that athletes have experienced a variety of human rights violations. As a result, many sports programs have been confronted with criminal violations of abuse and maltreatment. Some sports organizations are developing athlete bills of rights in response. The book provides readers with an overview of the importance of human rights policies and practices in sports, and a synthesis of where the field of sport human rights could be developed. The chapters explores human rights in sports from both organizational and interpersonal approaches. There are both organizational and individual factors associated with human rights. There can be rights violations by coaches, trainers, doctors, or even other athletes. Violations can be physical, sexual, emotional, social, or financial. Organizational policies vary from being very equitable and rights-respecting to those that put athletes at risk or discriminate against them. This book is the first of its kind that links together sports and human rights in a systematic way.

Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering

by Christiane Bertachini Lombello Patricia Aparecida da Ana

This book brings together the latest updates from various subareas of biomedical engineering, providing readers with a broad overview of the current state of the art and the technological trends to be refined in the coming years with the goal of improving human health. It shows the important advances in each subfield, rehabilitation technology, computational systems applied to health, and medical devices, with practical examples. It includes topics not covered in other books in the area, such as digital health, bioprinting, organs-on-a-chip, the open data paradigm, and electrical impedance tomography. It is a short and easy-to-read book, and provides bibliographic references for the reader to go deeper into their areas of interest. This book is aimed at a very broad group of professionals and students in biomedical engineering and related areas, seeking to contextualize and understand the latest scientific advances in each subfield of biomedical engineering, including neuroengineering, regenerative medicine, additive manufacturing orthosis, postural analysis of Parkinson's patients, modelling and simulation using biomechanical open data, regenerative medicine, advanced drug delivery systems, bioprinting, biophotonic and electrical impedance tomography.

21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Digital Age (Future of Business and Finance)

by Sascha L. Schmidt

Discover the exciting future of sports in the digital age with "21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Digital Age." This thought-provoking book, now in its second edition, delves into the transformative power of technology on the world of sports within the next five to ten years and beyond. Written by esteemed academics from prestigious institutions like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, and the University of Cambridge, alongside seasoned practitioners with extensive technological expertise, this collection of essays offers profound insights. Through their comprehensive analysis, the authors explore the profound impacts of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain, web3 and robotics on sports. Uncover how these technologies will revolutionize not only the nature of sports itself but also consumer behavior and existing business models. Athletes, entrepreneurs, and innovators working in the sports and other industries will find invaluable guidance to identify trendsetting technologies, gain deeper insights into their implications, and stay ahead of the competition, both on and off the field. In this new edition, a special focus is given to technology convergence, featuring chapters on the future of fandom, sports in the third connected age and in new digital worlds like the Metaverse. This book is your gateway to the dynamic world where technology and sports intersect, offering a compelling vision of what lies ahead.

The Economic Impact of Sports Facilities, Franchises, and Events: Contributions in Honor of Robert Baade (Sports Economics, Management and Policy #23)

by Victor A. Matheson Robert Baumann

This edited volume discusses the economic impact of sports facilities, franchises, and events on local economies. Written in honor of Robert Baade upon his retirement, the book provides a state-of-the-art of current research on the economic impact of sports, and recognizes the seminal contributions that Dr. Baade has made to this topic.The analysis of the economic impact of spectator sports is a vital public policy topic as $75 billion has been spent on stadium construction since 1990 in the US alone, with nearly $35 billion of this coming from taxpayer subsidies. True public cost of sports franchises is much higher than this as this figure excludes facilities outside the Big 5 domestic leagues (like NASCAR track, NCAA facilities, minor league baseball, and the Canadian Football Leagues), public subsidies for major events like the Super Bowl or Olympic Games, and excludes sports subsidies outside of direct stadium construction subsidies.Including contributions from many of the most notable researchers studying the economic impact of sports, topics include impacts of stadiums and franchises on local economies, labor markets, and tax collections, the effect of sports franchises on property values, and changes in the public and academic discourse on sports subsidies over time. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of sports economics, management, public policy, and public finance.

Clinical-MRI Correlations of Anterior Knee Pain: Common and Uncommon Causes

by Ioan I. Codorean Ion Bogdan Codorean

The book addresses comprehensively the normal and pathological MRI appearance of the structures of the anterior compartment of the knee, potential sources of pain, in a systematic way, on anatomical layers, from superficial to deep, respectively, from prepatellar soft tissues to intra-articular structures (the synovial lining, patellar and trochlear cartilage). Anterior knee pain can affect any age group and causes a non-specific clinical picture, making it difficult to establish a precise diagnosis and proper management. MRI is currently the standard gold investigation and findings of common an uncommon causes of anterior knee pain are presented.Written by a radiologist and an orthopaedic surgeon with longstanding experience in MRI of musculoskeletal pathology and in sports traumatology, respectively, the book also presents a unique selection of 80 clinical cases of common and less common pathological conditions of anterior knee pain and subdivided in four groups, according to age, from children and adolescents to older adults.Radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons, as well as sport medicine specialists and physiatrists, will find in this book an invaluable tool for their clinical practice.

The Pain Procedure Handbook: A Milestones Approach

by Trent Emerick Scott Brancolini Michael E. Farrell II Ajay Wasan

This book fills the need for a succinct reference on how to master the progressive steps necessary to complete a wide range of complex pain procedures. Organized by anatomic regions and target tissues, the book takes a structured approach to obtaining mastery of the steps required to perform a given procedure rather than providing more in depth or exhaustive reviews of theory and literature. The book covers various nerve blocks and injections for treating chronic pain; how to correctly and safely perform the injection; feature x- ray or ultrasound pictures to help; and offer safety tips, and other pertinent information. Chapters begin with a brief summary, then define the specific skills necessary to perform a given procedure and deconstruct the procedure back into the individual skills expected by novice, intermediate, and advanced practitioners. Practical and concise, The Pain Procedure Handbook is aimed for medical students, residents, fellows, and physicians interested in chronic pain medicine, anesthesiology, acute pain medicine, interventional radiology, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Interdisciplinary Analyses of Professional Basketball: Investigating the Hardwood (Global Culture and Sport Series)

by Till Neuhaus Niklas Thomas

This edited collection conceptualizes professional basketball not just as a sport but as an historically, culturally, and economically embedded entity. The chapters analyse the fact that the sport of basketball contains alternative logics that can easily clash, and by treating professional basketball as the negotiation place of these multiple demands, ideas, and logics, the editors have identified three areas in which these clashes manifest: the realization of the game; the cultural impact of professional basketball and the global outreach of professional basketball. The book is explanatory and qualitative, offering new perspectives and touching on topics including gender, diversity, racism, and minority experiences within professional basketball. As such it will be of interest to sport sociologists, as well as those researching the history of sport, sports marketing and cultural studies.

Adaptive Sports Medicine: A Clinical Guide

by Arthur Jason De Luigi

Now in a revised and expanded second edition, this unique book provides a comprehensive review of the unique aspects of adaptive sports medicine and adaptive athletes who are increasingly active and prominent, not only individually and in local leagues and organizations but also in larger settings like the Paralympics and Warrior Games.This book is divided into four thematic sections. Section one covers the history and natural course of the care, policies, and laws for persons with disabilities, as well as the biomechanics and technology of wheelchair sports and adaptive sports prostheses. The medical considerations of the adaptive athlete comprise section two, including epidemiology, emergent care, and surgical and rehabilitative considerations. Section three is the largest section, discussing considerations for specific adaptive sports, including adaptive running, cycling, water sports, throwing sports, wheelchair basketball, softball and rugby, as well as combative and extreme sports. Selected topics, including event planning, advocacy and controversies such as doping, are covered in section four. Chapters new to this edition include approaches to concussions and sports-related considerations for specific populations like children and adolescents, active duty military and veterans. A comprehensive yet practical text, Adaptive Sports Medicine 2nd Edition remains the go-to resource for this active population and is an invaluable reference for any sports medicine or primary medicine practitioner.

Individualizing Training Procedures with Wearable Technology

by Peter Düking Billy Sperlich

This book gives evidence-based background information and advice to athletes and coaches on if and how data from wearable technologies can be applied for preparing individual training procedures to achieve improvement on aspects of performance and health.Sports practitioners frequently make decisions on long-term training planning and daily choices on different aspects of training, recovery and therapeutic procedures. Such decisions are essential to gain optimal performance enhancement, reduce likelihood of injuries and to reach peak performance. These decisions are complexed by the fact that there is no "blue-print" training procedure applicable to all athletes, and individual characteristics need to be considered to improve training procedures. With rapid technological advancements, data from Wearable Technologies is becoming increasingly available and potentially can aid athletes and coaches to individualize and optimize training procedures. Finally, the book explores if and how data can deliver actionable insights to inform long-term and day-to-day decision making to individualize training procedure.

The Achilles Tendon: Pathology, Treatment and Rehabilitation

by Samuel B. Adams

Pathology of the Achilles tendon is one of the most commonly written about topics in foot and ankle surgery, yet there is no clear consensus on the management of these injuries; in addition, pathologic aspects of the Achilles tendon are not well understood. This up-to-date resource addresses all aspects of Achilles tendon pathology, management, rehabilitation and complications, including novel aspects of Achilles tendon treatment as well as more detail on operative techniques for Achilles tendon surgery. Sensibly divided into four thematic sections, part I presents general considerations such as anatomy and pathology, the physical exam and imaging modalities, and patient-reported outcomes. The following sections describe current management strategies for acute and chronic injuries and complications, respectively. Both nonoperative and operative techniques are highlighted, from minimally invasive techniques to tendinoscopy and open debridementand biological augmentation. Generous intraoperative photos and figures enhance the presentation, and operative algorithms are clearly elucidated. Bringing together the latest in the diagnosis and management of these common injuries, The Achilles Tendon will be a valuable reference for orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons, sports medicine surgeons, podiatrists and fellows and residents in these areas.

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