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No somos el centro del universo: Un libro lleno de humor para descubrir los misterios más fascinantes y mejor guardados del universo

by José Luis Oltra @cuarentaydos

Un libro lleno de humor para descubrir los misterios más fascinantes y mejor guardados del UNIVERSO. Desde la existencia del propio mundo los avances y descubrimientos científicos han sido el motor del progreso de la humanidad. Pero nuestras creencias no han sido siempre las mismas y hoy en día sigue habiendo un montón de dudas que nos asaltan: ¿acaso somos tan especiales como nos creemos?, ¿se puede apagar el Sol? ¿abandonaremos algún día la Tierra?, ¿es posible habitar otros planetas?, ¿hay vida inteligente ahí fuera?, ¿qué es eso de la materia oscura? Un recorrido desternillante por la historia del universo para entender de dónde venimos, pero, sobre todo, a dónde vamos.

No Surrender Soldier

by Christine Kohler

Growing up on Guam in 1972, fifteen-year-old Kiko is beset by worries: He's never kissed a girl, the popular guys get all the attention at school--but the worst part is the serious problems at home. His older brother is missing in Vietnam, his grandfather is losing it to dementia, and he just learned that his mother was raped by a Japanese soldier during World War II. It all comes together when he discovers an old man, a Japanese soldier, hiding in the jungle behind his house. It's not the same man who raped his mother, but, in his rage, Kiko cares only about protecting his family and avenging his mom--no matter what it takes. And so, a shy, peaceable boy begins to plan a murder. But how far will Kiko go to prove to himself that he's a man? Based on a true incident in history, No Surrender Soldier is the story of a boy grappling with ancient questions of courage and manhood before he can move on.

No te calles: Seis relatos contra el odio

by Fa Orozco Benito Taibo Javier Ruescas Andrea Compton Chris Pueyo Sara Fratini

Si ves que alguien comete una injusticia a tu lado# ¿Qué haces? NO MIRES HACIA OTRO LADO. Y si eres tú el que la ha cometido, ¿tratas de compensarlo? LUCHA CONTRA EL ODIO. Todos los días vivimos y escuchamos historias de discriminación hacia el indefenso, la que destaca o, simplemente, los diferentes. HA LLEGADO EL MOMENTO DE TOMAR LA PALABRA: Hagamos del mundo, entre todos, un lugar mejor. #NOTECALLES Queremos creer que se trata de algo lejano, pero en realidad está más cerca de lo que creemos. Lo vemos en la calle, en la escuela. A veces, tristemente, en nuestros hogares. Todos los días escuchamos historias de odio y discriminación, historias que nos hacen pensar hacia dónde va el mundo. Es momento de cambiar. No podemos voltear la mirada e ignorar el problema. No debemos callar más. Seis de los más destacados influencers nos prestan su voz para motivarnos a no callar la nuestra. Andrea Compton Chris Pueyo Javier Ruescas Benito Taibo Fa Orozco Sara Fratini

No te enamores de Nika (No te enamores #Volumen 1)

by Meera Kean

El primer libro de la bilogía de amor y drama más popular de Wattpad: No te enamores de Nika, de Meera Kean. Prepárate para conocer a Nika Bakker. Un enemies to lovers lleno de misterio y romance que no podrás dejar de leer.No te fíes de Nika. No le mires a los ojos. Y, sobre todo, no te enamores de él. Mia sueña con dejar atrás el pueblo de Soleil y, en el último año de instituto, decide tomar las riendas de su futuro. Pero justo entonces la familia Bakker se muda a la mansión vecina y el enigmático Nika irrumpe en su vida. Mia cree que puede planificar su destino, calcular cada uno de los pasos que da e incluso escoger de quién se enamora, pero Nika está decidido a demostrarle que se equivoca y a convertirse en el idiota que poco a poco le robará el corazón. Sin embargo, enamorarse de él acarrea consecuencias que Mia nunca habría sido capaz de prever. Nika vive en un halo de misterio y esconde secretos que pueden cambiarlo todo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

No te vayas: (Comeback) (Spanish Soundings)

by Vicki Grant

Ria es bonita, rica, delgada y popular. Si sólo la conocieras de la escuela, pensarías que tiene una vida de ensueño. Pero de repente todo cambia para ella. El matrimonio supuestamente perfecto de sus padres se ha roto y antes de que Ria tenga tiempo de hacerse a la idea, su padre desaparece en un accidente aéreo. Y todo empeora cuando empiezan los rumores de que tal vez él no era el hombre—ni el padre—que todos creían. Ria decide que tiene que tomar medidas desesperadas para protegerse a sí misma, a su hermano menor y la reputación de su padre. Ria is rich, slim, pretty, popular. You'd think she led a charmed life—and until recently you'd have been right. But her situation has taken a sudden, unfortunate change. Her parents' seemingly perfect marriage has broken up, and before she's had a chance to absorb the blow, her beloved father disappears in a plane crash. What's worse, rumors begin to surface that he may have perpetrated a multimillion-dollar investment scam and everybody—Ria's mother, her best friends, even her boyfriend—believes them. Ria sees no choice but to take her little brother and run. She vows to keep the memory of her father alive. Soon, though, she begins to wonder: is her memory playing tricks on her—or is he?

No todos los besos son iguales

by Élmer Mendoza

Me estoy hartando: ¿tantos hombres en el mundo y no hay un idiota que me despierte? Se supone que transcurriría una eternidad antes de que el reino de Mey se librara de la mala obra que le impuso Espolonela con su varita maldita, pero apenas van cuatro años de soporífera existencia y, dicen, la princesa ya medio despertó y anda por ahí refunfuñando en busca de alguien que la bese para espabilarse del todo, y con ella, la comarca entera. Pero ¿quién es en realidad la Bella Durmiente, además de una insolente? El palacio de Mey colinda al norte con los reinos de Mocorio, Navolatura y el País del Agua, donde el clásico cuento de hadas hace esquina con la vena satírica -los guiños delirantes y la aguda fuerza narrativa- de uno de los autores mexicanos más reconocidos de la literatura actual. Una hilarante reinterpretación de las versiones de los Grimm, Basile y Perrault, que se da vuelo con la oralidad en la que tuvo su origen. Hadas en aprietos, espadachines trotamundos, una panda de bribones de diversas cataduras y más de tres atolondrados; aves fénix, dominatrices y reyes... Todos a expensas de los caprichos de un poder furibundo que achicharra hasta a las moscas.

No True Believers

by Rabiah York Lumbard

Fans of the riveting mystery in Courtney Summers's Sadie and the themes of race and religion in Samira Ahmed's Internment will be captivated by this exploration of the intersection of Islamaphobia and white supremacy as an American Muslim teen is forced to confront hatred and hidden danger when she is framed for a terrorist act she did not commit.Salma Bakkioui has always loved living in her suburban cul-de-sac, with her best friend Mariam next door, and her boyfriend Amir nearby. Then things start to change. Friends start to distance themselves. Mariam's family moves when her father's patients no longer want a Muslim chiropractor. Even trusted teachers look the other way when hostile students threaten Salma at school. After a terrorist bombing nearby, Islamaphobia tightens its grip around Salma and her family. Shockingly, she and Amir find themselves with few allies as they come under suspicion for the bombing. As Salma starts to investigate who is framing them, she uncovers a deadly secret conspiracy with suspicious ties to her new neighbors--but no one believes her. Salma must use her coding talent, wits, and faith to expose the truth and protect the only home she's ever known--before it's too late.

No True Echo

by Gareth P. Jones

Eddie thinks nothing ever happens in his small, boring town. Every day is exactly the same, down to what the bus driver will say when he picks each kid up in the morning. But then, one day, someone new, and very pretty, walks onto the bus. At least, Eddie thinks she’s new, but there is something oddly familiar about Scarlett. Intrigued (and smitten), Eddie starts to follow Scarlett—and what he discovers is odder still. Scarlett is a Senior Echo Time Agent from the future, come to his town to investigate the origin of time travel, which, unbeknownst to Eddie, was invented right in his hometown, by someone he knew. Soon Eddie is swept up in the investigation and in time. But time travel is a dangerous business, and Eddie will learn more than he wants to know about his long-dead mother.

No Turning Back

by Kim Flowers

The punishment for a seventh-grade dropout runaway is probably pretty harsh, but Ash Barker doesn't care. She can’t waste time or emotions on anyone but her brother, Matt. They were placed in separate foster homes, so Ash runs away to find him. If she fails, she’s headed back to juvenile detention.Everything is going right on schedule until two kids, Dayna and Kevin, barge into her hideout -- which just happens to be in their house. She ditches the pair fast, but can’t stop thinking about those bruised, skinny kids.Dayna and Kevin live with abusive parents who force them to stay in their room most of the time. If they go to the authorities for help, they’ll be split up, too. Ash knows how that feels, and she goes back to help, taking the two with her. With any luck, they’ll all help each other along the way.Meanwhile, as Matt waits for Ash, he can’t resist telling his foster brother and best friend, Jon-Allen, about the plans. They stash food, earn money, and keep watch for the night Ash appears at their bedroom window.Ash is so happy to be reunited with Matt and to discover she’s falling in love with Dayna that, at first, she doesn’t worry about what they’ll do next. But life on the road begins to take its toll -- they have to resort to shoplifting and scavenging to survive. Ash feels a growing sense of guilt at the disaster she’s made of everyone’s lives. Can she somehow keep her newfound “family” together despite hunger and sickness? Or will she be able to find the strength to reach out for help?

No Way Out (Bluford Series #14)

by Peggy Kern Paul Langan

15-year-old Harold's grandmother is so sick that Harold is worried that he'll have to go to a foster home if she can't take care of him. As the medical bills pile up, Harold is drawn into drug-dealing in order to earn money. But the job is dangerous and soon Harold is in over his head.

No Way, They Were Gay?: Hidden Lives and Secret Loves (Queer History Project)

by Lee Wind

"History" sounds really official. Like it's all fact. Like it's definitely what happened. But that's not necessarily true. History was crafted by the people who recorded it. And sometimes, those historians were biased against, didn't see, or couldn't even imagine anyone different from themselves. That means that history has often left out the stories of LGBTQIA+ people: men who loved men, women who loved women, people who loved without regard to gender, and people who lived outside gender boundaries. Historians have even censored the lives and loves of some of the world's most famous people, from William Shakespeare and Pharaoh Hatshepsut to Cary Grant and Eleanor Roosevelt. Join author Lee Wind for this fascinating journey through primary sources—poetry, memoir, news clippings, and images of ancient artwork—to explore the hidden (and often surprising) Queer lives and loves of two dozen historical figures.

No Weigh!: A Teen's Guide to Positive Body Image, Food, and Emotional Wisdom

by Shelley Aggarwal Signe Darpinian Wendy Sterling

This workbook has everything you need to achieve connected eating, body positivity and balanced exercise. It will help you stay well informed about how bodies change emotionally and physically in the teen years, and why good nutrition is critical for growth and development. It debunks any myths about diets and 'forbidden' foods and also gives you the tools and strategies to avoid potential triggers of disordered eating.No Weigh! A Teen's Guide to Positive Body Image, Food, and Emotional Wisdom will help you develop a lifelong healthy relationship with your food! We eat every day, so why not eat with pleasure, joy and happiness?

A Noble Cause (Suddenly Royal)

by Kristen SaBerre

For as long as she can remember, Alix has dreamed of being a pop star. But near her eighteenth birthday, she learns she is already famous—her parents, who died long ago, were members of the Evonian royal family, which makes her royalty too. When Alix visits Evonia, she realizes that her royal status could actually allow her to make a difference in people's lives. She must decide which comes first: her music dreams, or her royal potential. An escapist coming-of-age story laced with romance and mystery, this Suddenly Royal book has intrigue and strong girl appeal to engage reluctant readers.

Noble Knights Historical Romance Collection

by Jody Hedlund

In this four-book ebook bind-up of romantic, fairy-tale-like YA novels from bestselling author Jody Hedlund, three separate noblewomen—Rosemarie, Juliana, and Sabine—face difficult choices, dangers, and painful truths as they work to find a way to protect their futures. And as each meets one of the noblest knights in the land, they must also protect their hearts. This bind-up contains:The Vow: In this novella prequel to An Uncertain Choice, a young Lady Rosemarie finds herself developing her first romantic feelings, directed toward the son of a visiting noble couple. But just as the two begin to explore what their feelings toward each other may be, a terrible illness sweeps through the estate and leaves both of Rosemarie’s parents gravely ill. As Rosemarie begins taking over duties in the castle, she uncovers a vow her parents have kept secret … one that could change her life, and her romantic future, forever.An Uncertain Choice: On the cusp of her eighteenth birthday, the beautiful and wealthy Lady Rosemarie knows it is her destiny is to fulfill a vow made by her parents, one that dictates she enter a convent on her eighteenth birthday. But as she prepares to enter the religious life in one month, Lady Rosemarie receives the news that there is an exception to the Ancient Vow: if she finds true love and is married by her birthday, she is freed from the obligation to become a nun. At the urging of her godfather, she agrees to allow the three handsomest and noblest knights in the land the chance to win her heart in thirty days. But when the knights’ arrival results in a series of attacks within her land, she begins to wonder if the convent is the best place after all. If only one of the knights—the one who appears the most guilty—had not already captured her heart.A Daring Sacrifice: Juliana is the daughter of a lord, but the circumstances of her father’s death have forced her to live in the woods of Wessex disguised as a young man. There, she helps the poor, starving peasants around her survive while her cruel uncle rules the lands that are rightfully hers. When she is captured during one of her raids by a neighboring lord, her life complicates more: her captor is Collin, a boy she knew in her past life, and he immediately recognizes her as both a notorious bandit and his redheaded former friend. As her uncle closes in on her location, and the bounty on her head increases, Juliana takes refuge in Collin’s castle. But the longer she spends with Collin, the more she questions her past decisions—and the more her heart bends toward Collin’s charms.For Love & Honor: Long ago, Lady Sabine gave up the hope of marriage due to a skin blemish on her hands and arms that, if revealed, could cause her to be branded as a witch and place her in tremendous danger. And who would want to love a woman so flawed? Instead, she tells no one of her curse and devotes her life to finding beautiful art and relics, purchasing them with her inherited wealth. Unbeknownst to her, however, her current journey to Sir Bennet’s estate is not to purchase a new piece, but her grandmother’s attempt to marry her off. At the same time, Sir Bennet’s mother has asked him to wed Sabine in order to secure the monies needed to repay the family’s debts. As Sabine and Bennet get to know each other, they find they are more matched than either could have expected, but their dual secrets linger in the background—and both, if not revealed in time, could lead to not only heartbreak, but their demise.Discussion questions for An Uncertain Choice, A Daring Sacrifice, and For Love & Honor are also included.

Noble Prashasthi Vijeetheyaru

by Be. Go. Ramesh

This book states us about 37 women's who recieved noble price since 1901 to 2009

The Noble Servant

by Melanie Dickerson

New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson beautifully re-imagines “The Goose Girl” by the Brothers Grimm into a medieval tale of adventure, loss, and love.“When it comes to happily-ever-afters, Melanie Dickerson is the undisputed queen of fairy-tale romance, and all I can say is—long live the queen!” —JULIE LESSMAN, award-winning author of The Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, and Heart of San Francisco seriesShe lost everything to the scheme of an evil servant.But she might just gain what she’s always wanted . . . if she makes it in time.The impossible was happening. She, Magdalen of Mallin, was to marry the Duke of Wolfberg. Magdalen had dreamed about receiving a proposal ever since she met the duke two years ago. Such a marriage was the only way she could save her people from starvation. But why would a handsome, wealthy duke want to marry her, a poor baron’s daughter? It seemed too good to be true.On the journey to Wolfberg Castle, Magdalen’s servant forces her to trade places and become her servant, threatening not only Magdalen’s life, but the lives of those she holds dear. Stripped of her identity and title in Wolfberg, where no one knows her, Magdalen is sentenced to tend geese while she watches her former handmaiden gain all Magdalen had ever dreamed of.When a handsome shepherd befriends her, Magdalen begins to suspect he carries secrets of his own. Together, Magdalen and the shepherd uncover a sinister plot against Wolfberg and the duke. But with no resources, will they be able to find the answers, the hiding places, and the forces they need in time to save both Mallin and Wolfberg?

The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks (Montague Siblings #3)

by Mackenzi Lee

Return to the enchanting world of the Montague siblings in the finale to the New York Times bestselling and Stonewall Honor-winning series, featuring a teenage Adrian Montague as he desperately seeks the now adult Monty and Felicity—the older siblings he never knew he had.Adrian Montague has a bright future. The sole heir to his father’s estate, he is an up and coming political writer and engaged to an activist who challenges and inspires him. But most young Lords aren’t battling the debilitating anxiety Adrian secretly lives with, or the growing fear that it might consume him and all he hopes to accomplish. In the wake of his mother’s unexpected death, Adrian is also concerned people will find out that he has the mental illness she struggled with for years.When a newly found keepsake of hers—a piece of a broken spyglass—comes into Adrian’s possession, he’s thrust into the past and finds himself face to face with an older brother he never knew he had. Henry “Monty” Montague has been living quietly in London for years, and his sudden appearance sends Adrian on a quest to unravel family secrets that only the spyglass can answer. In pursuit of answers about the relic, the brothers chart a course to locate their sister Felicity. But as they travel between the pirate courts of Rabat, Portuguese islands, the canals of Amsterdam, and into unknown Artic waters, the Montague siblings are thrown into one final adventure as they face a ghostly legend that threatens their whole family.


by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

There are people in this world who are Nobody. No one sees them. No one notices them. They live their lives under the radar, forgotten as soon as you turn away. That's why they make the perfect assassins. The Institute finds these people when they're young and takes them away for training. But an untrained Nobody is a threat to their organization. And threats must be eliminated. Claire has been invisible her whole life, missed by the Institute's monitoring. But now they've ID'ed her and have sent Nix to remove her. Yet the moment Nix lays eyes on her, he can't make the hit. It's as if Claire and Nix are the only people in the world for each other. And they are—because no one else can really see them.

Nobody Knows

by Shelley Tanaka

It's autumn in Tokyo, and twelve-year-old Akira and his younger siblings, Kyoko, Shige and little Yuki, have just moved into a new apartment with their mother. Akira hopes it's a new start for all of them, even though the little ones are not allowed to leave the apartment or make any noise, since the landlord doesn't permit young children in the building. But their mother soon begins to spend more and more time away from the apartment, and then one morning Akira finds an envelope of money and a note. She has gone away with her new boyfriend for a while. <p><p> Akira bravely shoulders the responsibility for the family. He shops and cooks and pays the bills, while Kyoko does the laundry. The children spend their time watching TV, drawing and playing games, wishing they could go to school and have friends like everyone else. Then one morning their mother breezes in with gifts for everyone, but she is soon gone again. <p> Months pass, until one spring day Akira decides they have been prisoners in the apartment long enough. For a brief time the children bask in their freedom. They shop, explore, plant a little balcony garden, have the playground to themselves. Even when the bank account is empty and the utilities are turned off and the children become increasingly ill-kempt, it seems that they have been hiding for nothing. In the bustling big city, nobody notices them. It's as if nobody knows. <p> But by August the city is sweltering, and the children are too malnourished and exhausted even to go out. Akira is afraid to contact child welfare, remembering the last time the authorities intervened, and the family was split up. Eventually even he can't hold it together any more, and then one day tragedy strikes... <p> Based on the award-winning film by Kore-eda Hirokazu, this is a powerfully moving novel about four children who become invisible to almost everyone in their community and manage -- for a time -- to survive on their own.

Nobody Knows But You

by Anica Mrose Rissi

The nail-bitingly intense story of a summer at camp that ends in a disturbing death—and depicts a powerful friendship that won’t ever be forgotten. Perfect for fans of One of Us Is Lying and Broken Things. Kayla is still holding on to Lainie’s secrets. After all, Lainie is Kayla’s best friend. And despite Lainie’s painful obsession with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, and the ways he has tried to come between them, friends don’t spill each other’s secrets. They don’t betray each other’s trust. The murder at the end of the summer doesn’t change all that. Besides—Kayla knows that the truth is not the whole story.

Nobody's Child

by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch

Commended for the 2004 Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice Selection, short-listed for the 2005 Red Maple Award and Rocky Mountain Book Award When the Armenians of Turkey are marched into the desert to die in 1915, Mariam is rescued by her Turkish friend Rustem, and lives with mixed acceptance as a guest in his father’s harem. Kevork is shot and left for dead in a mass grave in the desert, but is rescued by nomadic Arabs and nurtured back to health. Both teens must choose between the security of an adopted home or the risk of death in search of family. A sequel to the highly successful The Hunger, Nobody’s Child is a stirring and engaging account of one of the twentieth century’s most significant events.

Nobody’s Family Is Going to Change

by Louise Fitzhugh

Emma and her brother Willie brave the disapproval of their parents and try to achieve their dreams and maintain their integrity.

Nobody's Perfect. I'm As Close As It Gets (Dear Dumb Diary, Year Two #3)

by Jim Benton

As Jamie continues to grapple with middle school's Big Questions, she drops even more snarky gems of wisdom.

Nobody's Secret: A Novel

by Michaela MacColl

&“MacColl skillfully draws from Dickinson&’s life to create a vision of the young poet as sharp-thinking, nature-obsessed, and determinedly curious.&” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) One day, fifteen-year-old Emily Dickinson meets a mysterious, handsome young man. Surprisingly, he doesn&’t seem to know who she or her family is. And even more surprisingly, he playfully refuses to divulge his name. Emily enjoys her secret flirtation with Mr. &“Nobody&” until he turns up dead in her family&’s pond. She&’s stricken with guilt. Only Emily can discover who this enigmatic stranger was before he&’s condemned to be buried in an anonymous grave. Her investigation takes her deep into town secrets, blossoming romance, and deadly danger. Exquisitely written and meticulously researched, this novel celebrates Emily Dickinson&’s intellect and spunk in a page-turner of a book that will excite fans of mystery, romance, and poetry alike. Includes bonus material! Book Club Discussion Guide Sneak peek chapter from Always Emily by Michaela MacColl &“Life in 1845 small-town Massachusetts is painstakingly portrayed throughout this suspenseful tale . . . The fast-moving plot makes this a well-crafted page-turner.&” —School Library Journal (starred review) &“[An] imaginative take on the young poet.&” —Booklist &“MacColl takes a character that most people do not really know much about and brings her to life . . . Fun, interesting reading.&” —VOYA: Voice of Youth Advocates &“Gracefully folds factual elements of Dickinson&’s life and work into the fiction.&” —The Horn Book Magazine

La noche y su luna

by Piper C. J.

El destino de los reinos está en manos de dos huérfanas... y de la pasión que sienten la una por la otra. Farleigh es solo un orfanato. Al menos, eso es lo que quieren que todo el mundo crea, pero las hermosas huérfanas Nox y Amaris saben que no es así. Son mercancías en venta, a la espera de que las compre el mejor postor. Cuando un famoso burdel ofrece una fortuna por Amaris, Nox acaba ocupando su lugar, y Amaris huye a las montañas, hogar de misteriosos asesinos.Nox y Amaris nunca olvidan una cosa: no se detendrán ante nada por volver a estar juntas. Pero la guerra se cierne sobre ellas, y las dos se verán envueltas en un conflicto entre lo feaérico y lo humano, lo mágico y lo mundano. «Cada jugada tenía una contrajugada, porque cada riesgo requeríauna contingencia. Sabía que podían conseguirlo.Al día siguiente escaparían.Al día siguiente estarían juntas por fin».

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