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Undecided, 2nd Edition: Navigating Life and Learning after High School

by Genevieve Morgan

Cut through the chaos and find the path that’s right for you! Deciding what to do after high school is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. And that’s a lot of pressure to deal with (especially when everyone else is telling you what they think you should be doing)! Undecided will help you come to grips with this often-overwhelming time of transition by putting the decision-making power back where it belongs: with you. Undecided begins by helping students think seriously about who they are and what they want and then moves on to dissect the various options that are available after high school, such as enrolling in a training program, attending a community college, taking a gap year, enlisting in the military, pursuing a traditional four-year degree, and more. It also takes an in-depth look at how to manage student debt, what you can expect to earn, the kind of lifestyle you may lead, and the possible pitfalls of all of these scenarios. Full of checklists, anecdotes, brainstorming activities, and journal exercises, this book will help you stop procrastinating, put your stress aside, and get busy living.

Los 100: Sobreviviras a lo desconocido (Los 100 #1)

by Kass Morgan

Sobrevivirás a lo desconocido. <P><P>«"Hoy vamos a limpiar el centro de detención. Un centenar de afortunados delincuentes recibirá la oportunidad de hacer historia". Las comisuras de sus labios se torcieron en una sonrisa. "Van a viajar a la Tierra".» <P>Los supervivientes de la raza humana viven en una nave que orbita alrededor de la Tierra, luego de que la humanidad abandonara el planeta por haberlo contaminado con radiación. <P>Después de muchos años ha llegado el momento de descubrir si el planeta es habitable. <P>Así, cien jóvenes delincuentes serán liberados en la Tierra con el fin de recolonizarla y crear una sociedad. El reto de los cien afortunados no sólo es sobrevivir a las condiciones desconocidas del planeta, sino al peligro que implica convivir entre ellos mismos. La confianza en el otro será el principal factor de sobrevivencia. <P>La historia está contada a través de cuatro personajes: Clarke, Glass, Wells y Bellamy. A través de todas estas voces, el lector conocerá sus historias, sus romances y desafíos.

The 100 Complete Boxed Set (The 100)

by Kass Morgan

Read the books that inspired the CW show! All four thrilling novels in The 100 series are now available in this paperback boxed set. Ever since nuclear war destroyed our planet, humanity has been living on city-like spaceships hovering above the toxic surface. As far as anyone knows, no one has stepped foot on Earth in centuries--that is, until one hundred juvenile delinquents are sentenced to return and recolonize the hostile land. The future of the human race rests in their hands, but nothing can prepare the 100 for what they find on this strange and savage planet. Don't miss the book series that inspired the hit TV show. New York Times bestseller The 100, Day 21, Homecoming, and Rebellion are gathered together for the first time in this striking box set, perfect for fans and series newcomers alike.

Años luz

by Kass Morgan

Hondos secretos y amores prohibidos chocan en una academia de la milicia interestelar. De la autora de los 100, bestseller de The New York Times. Tras recuperarse del último ataque de un misterioso enemigo, la academia de flotillas quatra finalmente admite a estudiantes de todos los planetas del sistema solar, después de siglos de exclusividad. Vesper se empeña en probar que su madre está equivocada. Cormak quiere que su hermano se sienta orgulloso de él. Arran busca encontrarse a sí mismo. Y Orelia está determinada a que todos la paguen... La efervescencia del romance y las viejas rencillas se conjugan en un explosivo combate espacial. Los diversos mundos de estos cuatro cadetes se impactan entre sí. Trabajar hombro a hombro no es tarea fácil, pero deben sobrevivir ante un astuto enemigo. Sólo que... ¿cómo le haces para confiar precisamente en aquellos a quienes has pasado toda una vida aprendiendo a odiar? Tu misión comienza en 5... 4... 3...

Día 21 (Los 100 #2)

by Kass Morgan

Nadie ha puesto los pies en la tierra en siglos... hasta ahora. Acosados por un enemigo desconocido, los cien lucharán para sobrevivir de la única manera posible: permaneciendo unidos. Día 5Bajo la amenaza de un enemigo desconocido, Wells intenta mantener a los cien unidos, decidido a proteger a los últimos humanos sobre la Tierra. Día 11A bordo de la nave, Glass se enfrenta a la terrible decisión de elegir entre el amor y su propia vida. Día 17En el bosque hostil, Bellamy hará todo lo posible por rescatar a su hermana Octavia, cueste lo que cueste. Día 21Clarke se pregunta si los cien están por fin a salvo o si simplemente están esperando a que se cumpla su condena de muerte... Reseñas:«Oscura y fascinante... Una mezcla entre El señor de las moscas y Los Juegos del Hambre».Booklist «[...] es fácil dejarse atrapar por su tensión in crescendo, al estilo de El señor de las moscas, mientras los jóvenes crean una nueva sociedad en una maltratada Tierra y los ardientes romances penden de un hilo».Publishers Weekly

Light Years: Light Years Book Two (Light Years Ser. #Bk. 2)

by Kass Morgan

Ender's Game meets The 100 as hidden secrets and forbidden love collide at an interstellar military boarding school in a new sci-fi series from New York Times bestselling author Kass Morgan. Reeling from the latest attack by a mysterious enemy, the Quatra Fleet Academy is finally admitting students from every planet in the solar system after centuries of exclusivity. Hotshot pilot Vesper, an ambitious Tridian citizen, dreams of becoming a captain--but when she loses her spot to a brilliant, wisecracking boy from the wrong side of the asteroid belt, it makes her question everything she thought she knew. Growing up on the toxic planet Deva, Cormak will take any chance he can get to escape his dead-end life and join the Academy--even if he has to steal someone's identity to do it. Arran was always considered an outsider on icy Chetire, always dreaming of something more than a life working in the mines. Now an incoming cadet, Arran is looking for a place to belong--he just never thought that place would be in the arms of a Tridian boy. And Orelia is hiding a dark secret--she's infiltrated the Academy to complete a mission, one that threatens the security of everyone there. But if anyone finds out who she really is, it'll be her life on the line. These cadets will have to put their differences aside and become a team if they want to defend their world from a cunning enemy--and they might even fall in love in the process. Light Years is the first book in a thrilling and romantic new sci-fi series from the bestselling author of The 100.

Rebelión (Los 100 #3)

by Kass Morgan

"Mientras la gente gritaba, huía despavorida y caía a su alrededor, dos pensamientos le vinieron a la mente: esto no puede estar sucediendo y... lo sabía. Nunca estarían a salvo en la Tierra". Ha pasado un mes desde que los transbordadores espaciales aterrizaran y el resto de los colonos se uniera a los cien en la Tierra. Los chicos, alguna vez estigmatizados como delincuentes juveniles, ahora son líderes entre su comunidad. Pero no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que aparezca una nueva amenaza: fanáticos religiosos decididos a aumentar sus filas de seguidores para "curar" el planeta devastado por la guerra... eliminando a quienes lo habitan. Luego de que decenas de sus amigos son capturados, Clarke se dispone a rescatarlos, con la certeza de que podrá llegar a un arreglo con los desconocidos. tiene un plan distinto, pues no permitirá que nada ni nadie se interponga en el camino para proteger a quienes ama. Ambos se dan cuenta de que difieren en sus opiniones cada vez más, incapaces de ponerse de acuerdo. Mientras tanto, en cautiverio y temiendo por su vida, Glass cae bajo el hechizo de un mensaje magnético y Wells tiene que aprender a liderar de nuevo a los demás. A menos que la partida de rescate llegue pronto, los chicos enfrentarán un destino más aterrador que cualquier cosa que pudieran imaginar. Los cien tendrán que dejar de lado sus diferencias para defender a los suyos y al peligroso planeta al que siempre soñaron con llamar hogar. ¿PAZ EN LA TIERRA? NO EXISTE TAL COSA.

Rebellion (The 100 #4)

by Kass Morgan

Book four in the New York Times bestselling series The 100. Now a hit TV show on the CW!It's been a month since the new dropships landed and the rest of the Colonists joined the hundred on the ground. The teens, once branded juvenile delinquents, are now leaders among their people. It should be a time for celebration and togetherness, but a new threat appears before long: a fanatical cult determined to grow its ranks and "heal" the war-ravaged eliminating everyone else on it.After scores of their friends are captured, CLARKE sets off to retrieve them, certain that she can come to an understanding with these strangers. BELLAMY has a different plan; he won't let anything--or anyone--get in the way of saving the people he loves. Meanwhile, in captivity and scared for their lives, GLASS falls under the spell of the cult's magnetic message, and WELLS has to learn how to lead again. Unless the rescue party arrives soon, the teen captives will face a fate more terrifying than anything they could imagine. If the hundred ever want to call this dangerous planet home, they'll need to put aside their differences and fight to protect themselves and their world.

Supernova (Light Years Ser. #Bk. 2)

by Kass Morgan

Kass Morgan, New York Times bestselling author of The 100, once again delivers pulse-pounding action and glittering romance in this thrilling sequel to Light Years. Tensions are rising between the Quatrans and the Specters, and the Quatra Fleet is gearing up for an epic fight. With a galaxy on the brink of war and loyalties divided, the friendship of four cadets will be tested. Orelia has been arrested for espionage, and her future is looking bleak . . . until the Quatrans make her a surprising offer that could save her life--and the lives of everyone in the galaxy. Reeling from his breakup, Arran finds comfort in a sympathetic boy from Loos, someone who understands how hard it can be to fit in. But is it enough for Arran to forget his heartbreak?Cormak's position at the Academy is finally secure. But when someone discovers his treasonous secret, it jeopardizes everything he's fought for, including his relationship with the person he cares about most.And Vesper is ready to become a superstar officer . . . until she uncovers a conspiracy that shakes her faith in the Quatra Fleet to its core. As secret machinations come to light, these cadets will be forced to overcome their differences and band together to restore peace to their worlds.

Vuelta a la Tierra (Los 100 #3)

by Kass Morgan

Tercera entrega de Los 100. Los delincuentes que rehabitaron la Tierra después de siglos de desolación radiactiva ahora enfrentan el sorpresivo regreso de sus antiguos gobernates. Tras semanas de haber aterrizado en el planeta que siglos atrás fuera hogar de la humanidad, los cien se las han arreglado para crear un sentido de orden en medio de un entorno salvaje y caótico. Pero su delicado equilibrio se desploma con la llegada de nuevos transbordadores espaciales. En la colonia del espacio exterior, el oxígeno escasea al límite, sólo los afortunados han logrado llegar a salvo a la Tierra. Y con estos nuevos arribos, la suerte de Glass al parecer está a punto de agotarse también. Clarke encabeza una brigada de rescate al sitio donde se han estrellado las naves, lista para atender a los heridos, pero no puede dejar de pensar en sus padres, que probablemente sigan con vida. Mientras tanto,Wells lucha por mantener su autoridad a pesar de la presencia del vicecanciller y su guardia armada, y Bellamy, por su parte, debe tomar la decisión de hacer frente o huir de los crímenes que creía haber dejado atrás. ES MOMENTO DE QUE LOS CIEN SE UNAN PARA PELEAR POR LA LIBERTAD QUE HAN HALLADO EN LA TIERRA, O CORRERÁN EL RIESGO DE PERDERLO TODO Y A TODOS AQUELLOS QUE AMAN. La crítica ha dicho... "Un mezcla del exitoso reality show Survivor y la ciencia ficción tradicional... La prosa de Morgan entreteje elementos de la cultura pop y la política haciendo de esta serie una lectura apasionante". School Library Journal

The Monarchs (The Ravens)

by Kass Morgan Danielle Paige

In this thrilling conclusion to New York Times best-selling authors Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige&’s The Ravens duology, loyalty, love, and friendships are tested as sorority sisters Scarlett and Vivi must face the forces of hell itself when a rival sorority threatens to wreak havoc on campus. The ultra-exclusive Kappa Rho Nu—the Ravens—are determined to restore balance to the world. After destroying an ancient talisman and barely saving their sorority in the process, they&’ll go to any lengths to keep their secret as Westerly&’s most powerful coven of witches. Scarlett Winter, a legacy Raven, has finally gotten what she&’s always wanted: Scarlett is Kappa Rho Nu&’s newest president. Unlike her mother or older sister before her, Scarlett has a vision for a more unified Kappa, one where no sister falls to the forces of wicked magic. But the powers of the presidency have their own pitfalls. And with the pressures of alumni bureaucracy and past failures weighing on her, Scarlett finds herself at risk of losing the very thing that defined her: her magic. As a new member of Kappa Rho Nu, Vivi Devereaux finally knows what it&’s like to belong. She has her Kappa Rho Nu sisters behind her and, with Scarlett&’s blessing, Vivi&’s happily dating her first college crush (who also just happens to be Scarlett&’s ex). When Scarlett assigns Vivi the coveted role of social chair, Vivi is determined to live up to her Big&’s expectations. But Vivi&’s studies in witchcraft take a deadly turn when she uncovers a new form of magic, one that has mysterious ties to Kappa Rho Nu&’s past and the vengeful demon once tied to their talisman. With the weight of their newfound roles and the terrible price of destroying the talisman haunting them, Scarlett and Vivi must save their sisterhood when the forces of hell itself and a rival sorority threaten to unleash havoc on the Ravens.

The Ravens (The Ravens)

by Kass Morgan Danielle Paige

From New York Times best-selling authors Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige comes a thrilling, dark contemporary fantasy about a prestigious sorority of witches and two girls caught up in its world of sinister magic and betrayals. <p><p> At first glance, the sisters of ultra-exclusive Kappa Rho Nu—the Ravens—seem like typical sorority girls. Ambitious, beautiful, and smart, they’re the most powerful girls on Westerly College’s Savannah, Georgia, campus. <p> But the Ravens aren’t just regular sorority girls. They’re witches. <p> Scarlett Winter has always known she’s a witch—and she’s determined to be the sorority’s president, just like her mother and sister before her. But if a painful secret from her past ever comes to light, she could lose absolutely everything . . . <p> Vivi Devereaux has no idea she’s a witch and she’s never lived in one place long enough to make a friend. So when she gets a coveted bid to pledge the Ravens, she vows to do whatever it takes to be part of the magical sisterhood. The only thing standing in her way is Scarlett, who doesn’t think Vivi is Ravens material. <p> But when a dark power rises on campus, the girls will have to put their rivalry aside to save their fellow sisters. Someone has discovered the Ravens’ secret. And that someone will do anything to see these witches burn . . .

Jughead: The Matchmakers (Archie New Look Series)

by Melanie Morgan

For years, Archie fans the world over wondered what their favorite Riverdale teens would look like if rendered in a realistic style. This time, the attention is on Archie's crowned, needle-nosed pal Forsythe P. Jones, AKA Jughead! The Matchmakers graphic novel recounts the entire story of Jughead and his new flame, Sandy Sanchez, as they turn Riverdale upside-down with their sudden romance!

Prankster Queen (Summer Camp Secrets #2)

by Melissa. J. Morgan

Jenna is a Camp Lakeview legend, famed for the pranks she pulls. But frustrated by her over-protective sister and too-perfect brother, her practical jokes seem to be getting less and less funny this summer. Is it just sibling strife or is something else going on?

Body Brilliant: A Teenage Guide to a Positive Body Image

by Nicola Morgan

Written by teenage expert, Nicola Morgan, 'Body Brilliant' will help teenagers to develop or retain a positive body image. We're all bombarded with information and images - through the media and our peers - about being too big, too small, being cool, being popular or having the 'right' kind of clothes. This book addresses the body issues that nearly everyone worries about at some point in their lives and gives practical and mindful solutions to work through worries, using real-life examples, quotes and anecdotes from young adults interviewed especially for this book.'Body Brilliant' explores psychological pressures that make us see our bodies in certain ways, positively or negatively, as well as considering how adolescent body changes, gender identity and gender expectations, sexuality and sexual orientation affect self-image, and looks at issues such as body dysmorphia and eating disorders.'Body Brilliant' also encourages you to think about how you view differences in others and understand that variety is a brilliant thing. And that being yourself is much better than being just like everyone else. Learn to celebrate the differences that make every body brilliant!

Positively Teen: A Practical Guide to a More Positive, More Confident You

by Nicola Morgan

An uplifting and optimistic guide to navigating the ups and downs of teen years and preparing for adulthood.Author Nicola Morgan is an international expert on teen development and mental health. During her talks to parents of pre-teens, she immediately sensed two overriding emotions: fear and pessimism. Parents were worried about their children becoming teenagers, assuming that it would be a negative experience. Not only is that a sad outlook on the teenage experience--it doesn't have to be true! Breezy and compassionate, Positively Teen teaches teens how to approach their adolescent years with optimism and understanding, giving them the skills they need to develop long-term well-being. Full of practical, proven strategies, it includes advice on how to flourish both physically and mentally--from learning to do things you enjoy, to understanding how to look after your diet, exercise and attitude, to understanding your personality. With these strengths and skills in hand, teens will learn to weather any storm and thrive on the challenges of this time in their lives.

The Faerie Guardian (Creepy Hollow #1)

by Rachel Morgan

Enter a hidden world of magic, mystery, danger and romance in this YA fantasy from Amazon bestselling author, Rachel Morgan. . . <p><p>Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale has one job: protect humans from dangerous magical creatures. It's a job she's good at--until her latest assignment, a cute human guy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour, follows her into the fae realm. Now she's broken Guild law and risked her future as the top graduate of her class. <p>The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the boy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he's discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot-and it'll take all her training to get out alive.

Woman From Hiroshima

by Toshio Mori

Woman from Hiroshima takes you into a lifelong journey of an Issei woman (first generation Japanese American) from the time she left Japan as a young mother and wife to join her husband in a new land, to the weathered sojourned grandmother that almost speaks to you as if you were her own. <P><P> Jane Addams Children’s Book Award Winner

A Corner of White: Book 1 Of The Colors Of Madeleine (The Colors of Madeleine #1)

by Jaclyn Moriarty

“[A] fantasy series opener unlike anything else out there . . . Quirky, charming, funny, sad: another winner from this always-surprising author.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)A Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor BookA Kirkus Best Book of the YearA School Library Journal Best Book of the YearA Horn Book Fanfare BookThis is a tale of missing persons. Madeleine and her mother have run away from their former life, under mysterious circumstances, and settled in a rainy corner of Cambridge (in our world).Elliot, on the other hand, is in search of his father, who disappeared on the night his uncle was found dead. The talk in the town of Bonfire (in the Kingdom of Cello) is that Elliot’s dad may have killed his brother and run away with the Physics teacher. But Elliot refuses to believe it. And he is determined to find both his dad and the truth.As Madeleine and Elliot move closer to unraveling their mysteries, they begin to exchange messages across worlds—through an accidental gap that hasn’t appeared in centuries. But even greater mysteries are unfolding on both sides of the gap: dangerous weather phenomena called “color storms”; a strange fascination with Isaac Newton; the myth of the “Butterfly Child,” whose appearance could end the droughts of Cello; and some unexpected kisses . . . “Startlingly original fantasy.” —E. Lockhart, #1 New York Times–bestselling author“A marvelous novel—in every sense of the word.” —Deborah Harkness, #1 New York Times–bestselling author “[A] genre-blending feat of stylistic energy.” —The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred review) “Moriarty’s marvelously original fantasy is quirky and clever.” —Booklist

The Cracks in the Kingdom: Book 2 Of The Colors Of Madeleine (The Colors of Madeleine #2)

by Jaclyn Moriarty

The sequel to A Corner of White. “Mixed in with the regal intrigue is a complex, moving look at families, friendship, and loss . . . thrilling.” —School Library Journal (starred review)Picking up where A Corner of White left off, Elliot is more determined to find his father than ever, now that he knows he’s still alive. But first he must help Princess Ko find her own missing family, as the secret search for the royals of Cello begins. As part of the Royal Youth Alliance, Elliot will travel all over the Kingdom of Cello looking for any clue or detail or spell that could bring them (and maybe his own father) home. But once he learns that the royal family has been trapped in the World all this time, with no memory of their former lives, his real value to the Alliance becomes clear: He’s the only one with a connection to the World, through Madeleine.Together, through notes, letters, and late nights, Elliot and Madeleine must find a way to travel across worlds and bring missing loved ones home. The stakes are high, the writing both hilarious and heart-poundingly suspenseful, and the experience of reading it, sheer pleasure.“Madcap, whimsical, smart and even heartbreaking . . . By turns coming-of-age and wild adventure, this volume complicates the characters, expands the worldbuilding and sets things up for a grand finish in the trilogy closer . . . even better than the first.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)“Full of clever invention and intrigue, excellent surprises, and all the sophisticated wit Moriarty’s fans expect.” —The Horn Book (starred review)

The Ghosts Of Ashbury High

by Jaclyn Moriarty

Bestselling author Jaclyn Moriarty returns to Ashbury High for a story of romance, mysterious new classmates, and the terrors of making it through your final year of high school.This is the story of Amelia and Riley, bad kids from bad Brookfield High who have transferred to Ashbury High for their final year. They've been in love since they were fourteen, they go out dancing every night, and sleep through school all day. And Ashbury can't get enough of them.Everyone's trying to get their attention; even teachers are dressing differently, trying to make their classes more interesting. Everyone wants to be cooler, tougher, funnier, hoping to be invited into their cool, self-contained world.

The Spell Book Of Listen Taylor: (and The Secrets Of The Family Zing)

by Jaclyn Moriarty

A fairytale, a mystery, a history of hot-air ballooning, and a romance . . . A novel so brilliant, moving, zingy -- and Zingy -- that it could only have come from Jaclyn Moriarty.The Zing family lives in a world of misguided spell books, singular poetry, and state-of-the-art surveillance equipment. They use these things to protect the Zing Family Secret -- one so huge it draws the family to the garden shed for meetings every Friday night. Into their world comes socially isolated middle grader Listen Taylor, whose father is dating a Zing. Enter Cath Murphy, a young teacher at the elementary school that Cassie Zing attends, suffering from a broken heart. How will the worlds of these two young woman connect? Only the reader can know!

A Tangle of Gold: Book 3 Of The Colors Of Madeleine (The Colors of Madeleine #3)

by Jaclyn Moriarty

“A grand finale to a grand adventure, complete with truly startling revelations . . . Colorful and madcap . . . deeply satisfying, perfectly ended.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Cello is in crisis. Princess Ko’s deception of her people has emerged and the Kingdom is outraged; the Jagged Edge Elite have taken control, placing the Princess and two members of the Royal Youth Alliance under arrest and ordering their execution; the King’s attempts to negotiate their release have failed; Color storms are rampant; and nobody has heard the Cello wind blowing in months. Meanwhile, Madeleine fears she’s about to lose the Kingdom of Cello forever. Plans are in place to bring the remaining Royals home, and after that, all communication between Cello and the World will cease. That means she’ll also lose Elliot, now back in Cello and being held captive by a branch of Hostiles. And there’s nothing he can do to help his friends unless he can escape the Hostile compound.Worlds apart and with time running out, Madeleine and Elliot find themselves on a collision course to save the Kingdom they love, and maybe even save each other.“A breathless and exhilarating race to the finish . . . with a variety of unexpected revelations and marvelous surprises, and with [Moriarty’s] usual perfect timing.” —The Horn Book (starred review)“The magic continues to be refreshingly inventive, and the world-building is so precise . . . This final installment will garner even more followers.” —School Library Journal (starred review)“Startling and clever . . . A breathtaking climax . . . An eminently satisfying conclusion.” —The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred review)

The Year of Secret Assignments

by Jaclyn Moriarty

In this epistolary novel, three Aussie private school girls enter a pen pal program that leads to friendship, love, mischief, mystery, and revenge.The Ashbury-Brookfield pen pal program is designed to bring together the two rival schools in a spirit of harmony and “the Joy of the Envelope.” But when Cassie, Lydia, and Emily send their first letters to Matthew, Charlie, and Sebastian, things don’t go quite as planned. What starts out as a simple letter exchange soon leads to secret missions, false alarms, lock picking, mistaken identities, and an all-out war between the schools—not to mention some really excellent kissing.Praise for The Year of Secret Assignments“Who can resist Moriarty’s biting humor?” —Kirkus Reviews“This energetic novel reveals the author’s keen understanding of teen dynamics and invites audience members to read between the lines to discover what makes each character tick. Containing elements of mystery, espionage, romance and revenge, Moriarty’s story will likely satisfy hearty appetites for suspense and fun.” —Publishers Weekly

American Heart

by Laura Moriarty

A powerful and thought-provoking YA debut from New York Times bestselling author Laura Moriarty.Imagine a United States in which registries and detainment camps for Muslim-Americans are a reality.Fifteen-year-old Sarah-Mary Williams of Hannibal, Missouri, lives in this world, and though she has strong opinions on almost everything, she isn’t concerned with the internments because she doesn’t know any Muslims. She assumes that everything she reads and sees in the news is true, and that these plans are better for everyone’s safety.But when she happens upon Sadaf, a Muslim fugitive determined to reach freedom in Canada, Sarah-Mary at first believes she must turn her in. But Sadaf challenges Sarah-Mary’s perceptions of right and wrong, and instead Sarah-Mary decides, with growing conviction, to do all she can to help Sadaf escape.The two set off on a desperate journey, hitchhiking through the heart of an America that is at times courageous and kind, but always full of tension and danger for anyone deemed suspicious.

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