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L. M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon: A Children's Classic at 100 (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Yan Du and Joe Sutliff Sanders

Contributions by Yoshiko Akamatsu, Carol L. Beran, Rita Bode, Lesley D. Clement, Allison McBain Hudson, Kate Lawson, Jessica Wen Hui Lim, Lindsey McMaster, E. Holly Pike, Katharine Slater, Margaret Steffler, and Anastasia Ulanowicz Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942) was a Canadian author best known for writing the wildly popular Anne of Green Gables. At the time of its publication in 1908, it was an immediate bestseller and launched Montgomery to fame. Less known than the dreamy and accidentally mischievous Anne Shirley is Emily Byrd Starr, the title character in the trilogy that followed much later in Montgomery’s professional career, Emily of New Moon. Published in 1923, Emily of New Moon is the first in a series of novels about an orphan girl growing up on Prince Edward Island, a story that mirrors Anne’s but intentionally resists many of the defining qualities of Montgomery's most famous creation. Despite being overshadowed by the immense popularity of Anne of Green Gables, the Emily of New Moon trilogy has become a subject of endless fascination to fans and scholars around the world. The trilogy was conceived during an important phase in Montgomery’s career during which she turned from Anne and plunged into more intricate aspects of gender, adolescence, nature, and authorship. While the novels have attracted rich critical attention since their publication, book-length studies proved surprisingly scarce. L. M. Montgomery’s "Emily of New Moon": A Children’s Classic at 100 is the first scholarly volume exclusively dedicated to the trilogy, coalescing different research perspectives. It offers a fresh point of entrance into a well-loved classic at its one-hundredth anniversary.

NIV Student Bible

by Philip Yancey Tim Stafford

"Whether you are reading between classes, during Bible study, or at two o’clock in the morning, the NIV Student Bible will bridge the culture gap between you and Moses. The combination of scholarship and simplicity will help you overcome common obstacles to reading and understanding the Bible, allowing you to absorb, comprehend, and remember. While enjoying the best days of your life, learning about anything and everything, figuring out who you are, and making big choices, let Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford guide you through lessons for godly living and help you build a strong habit of reading your Bible. NIV ©2011. The New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible is the world’s most popular modern-English Bible—easy to understand, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages."

The 5th Wave: 5th Year Anniversary (The 5th Wave #1)

by Rick Yancey

"Remarkable, not-to-be-missed-under-any-circumstances."—Entertainment Weekly (Grade A)The Passage meets Ender's Game in an epic new series from award-winning author Rick Yancey.After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother--or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up."Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough."—Justin Cronin, The New York Times Book Review"A modern sci-fi masterpiece . . . should do for aliens what Twilight did for vampires."—

The 5th Wave: The First Book Of The 5th Wave Series (The 5th Wave #1)

by Rick Yancey

"Remarkable, not-to-be-missed-under-any-circumstances."—Entertainment Weekly (Grade A)The Passage meets Ender's Game in an epic new series from award-winning author Rick Yancey.After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother--or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up."Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough."—Justin Cronin, The New York Times Book Review"A modern sci-fi masterpiece . . . should do for aliens what Twilight did for vampires."—

El mar infinit (La Cinquena Onada #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

Segona part de l’espectacular trilogia èpica «La cinquena onada». Després de la cinquena onada... Els Altres busquen supervivents al mar infinit. La Cassie Sullivan i els seus companys han sobreviscut a les quatre onades destructores dels Altres. Ara que la raça humana està pràcticament exterminada i la cinquena onada ho arrasa tot, s’enfronten a un dilema: esperar l’Evan Walker o bé fugir per buscar d’altres supervivents abans de caure en mans de l’enemic. Consumits, però no derrotats. Assetjats, però no sotmesos. Ara ja no és una guerra d'humans contra alienígenes. És la lluita de l'esperança contra la desolació. De la fe contra la por. De l'amor contra l'odi. I la humanitat és el camp de batalla. Saben com penses, saben com matar-te. Creuen que no tens cap oportunitat. Però no saben... que no estàs sol.

The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2)

by Rick Yancey

<P>The riveting follow-up to the New York Times bestselling The 5th Wave, hailed by Justin Cronin as "wildly entertaining." <P>How do you rid the Earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity. <P>Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. <P>Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world, a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone. As the 5th Wave rolls across the landscape, Cassie, Ben, and Ringer are forced to confront the Others' ultimate goal: the extermination of the human race. <P>Cassie and her friends haven't seen the depths to which the Others will sink, nor have the Others seen the heights to which humanity will rise, in the ultimate battle between life and death, hope and despair, love and hate.

La cinquena onada: Serie La cinquena onada - Nº1 (La Cinquena Onada #Volumen 1)

by Rick Yancey

El primer llibre d’una espectacular sèrie èpica. Després de la primera onada... la terra es queda a les fosques. Després de la segona onada... només fugen els afortunats. Després de la tercera onada... només sobreviuen els desafortunats. Després de la quarta onada... ja no pots confiar en ningú. A l’inici de la cinquena onada, la Cassie fuig per un tram d’autovia desolat. Fuig d'ells. D’aquells éssers que, malgrat el seu aspecte humà, deambulen pel camp eliminant a tothom, dispersant i aïllant els escassos supervivents. La Cassie sap que l’única manera que té de continuar viva és seguir estant sola. Sense confiar en ningú. Fins que troba l’Evan Walker, un jove enigmàtic que sembla capaç d’ajudar-la a trobar el seu germà. Ha arribat el moment de prendre una decisió definitiva: confiar-hi o perdre l’esperança, desafiar o rendir-se... Abandonar o lluitar. Els hi han pres tot allò pel queval la pena de viure. I ara volen tot allò pel que val la pena morir.

The Last Star (The 5th Wave #3)

by Rick Yancey

<P>The highly-anticipated finale to the New York Times bestselling 5th Wave series <P>The enemy is Other. The enemy is us. They're down here, they're up there, they're nowhere. They want the Earth, they want us to have it. They came to wipe us out, they came to save us. <P>But beneath these riddles lies one truth: Cassie has been betrayed. So has Ringer. Zombie. Nugget. And all 7.5 billion people who used to live on our planet. Betrayed first by the Others, and now by ourselves.In these last days, Earth's remaining survivors will need to decide what's more important: saving themselves . . . or saving what makes us human.

L’última estrella: La humanitat, la nostra única arma (La Cinquena Onada #Volumen 3)

by Rick Yancey

L’esperat final de l’espectacular trilogia èpica «La Cinquena Onada». L’última fase de la invasió està a punt de completar-se, plouran bombes sobre les ciutats i la cinquena onada executarà els supervivents. La fi de l’espècie humana està assegurada i la Cassie Sullivan i els seus companys saben que ha arribat el moment d’escollir: entre l’amor o la por, la confiança o la sospita, l’odi o el sacrifici, la fe o la barbàrie. Entre salvar-nos a nosaltres mateixos o salvar allò que ens fa humans. I és que tot acabarà on va començar: l’última batalla tindrà lloc en l’últim cor humà i acabarà amb el seu últim batec.

La maldición del Wendigo (Monstrumólogo #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

Existe un tipo de hambre que no puede saciarse. Ha llegado el devorador de toda la humanidad... Como aprendiz del doctor Warthrop, Will Henry ha dedicado su vida a la monstrumología, pero su existencia da un vuelco cuando el antiguo mentor de su maestro intenta demostrar la existencia del mítico Wendigo, una criatura que sigue hambrienta a pesar de atiborrarse de carne humana. Will y el doctor deberán recorrer los desolados páramos de Canadá. Durante el viaje, puede que descubran una verdad mucho más aterradora de lo que jamás hubieran imaginado.

El mar infinito (La quinta ola #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

La segunda parte de la espectacular trilogía épica La quinta ola. Después de la quinta ola... Los otros buscan supervivientes en el mar infinito. Cassie Sullivan y sus compañeros han sobrevivido a las cuatro olas de destrucción de los Otros. Ahora, con la raza humana prácticamente exterminada y la quinta ola arrasándolo todo, se enfrentan a una elección: esperar a Evan Walker o huir en búsqueda de otros supervivientes antes de que el enemigo los alcance. Consumidos, pero no derrotados. Acosados, pero no sometidos. Esta guerra ha dejado de ser de humano contra alienígenas. Es la lucha de la esperanza contra la desolación. De la fe contra el miedo. Del amor contra el odio. Y la humanidad es el campo de batalla. Saben cómo piensas, saben cómo matarte. Creen que no tienes ninguna oportunidad. Pero no saben... que no estás solo.

El monstrumólogo: Serie el monstumólogo - Nº1 (Monstrumólogo #Volumen 1)

by Rick Yancey

Nuestro mundo no es lo que parece. Los monstruos están entre nosotros. Will Henry, un chico huérfano, es el aprendiz del doctor Warthrop, especializado en algo singular y macabro: el estudio de los monstruos. Una noche, el médico y su ayudante reciben dos cadáveres; el de una joven… y el de una criatura sin cabeza y de dientes afilados que se creía extinta en Nueva Inglaterra. Pronto, Will y el doctor tendrán que iniciar una carrera contrarreloj para evitar que estas bestias se extiendan y vuelvan a matar.

La quinta ola (La quinta ola #Volumen 1)

by Rick Yancey

El primer libro de una espectacular serie épica. Después de la primera ola... la tierra queda a oscuras. Después de la segunda ola... solo huyen los afortunados. Después de la tercera ola... solo sobreviven los desafortunados. Después de la cuarta ola... ya no puedes confiar en nadie. En el amanecer de la quinta ola, Cassie está huyendo por un tramo desolado de autovía. Huye de ellos. De esos seres que, aunque parezcan humanos, deambulan por el campo eliminando a cualquiera, dispersando y aislando a los escasos supervivientes. Cassie sabe que la única opción para seguir con vida es seguir sola. Sin confiar en nadie. Hasta que se encuentra con Evan Walker, un enigmático joven que parece capaz de ayudarla a encontrar a su hermano. Ha llegado el momento de tomar una elección definitiva: confiar o perder la esperanza, desafiar o rendirse... Abandonar o luchar. Han tomado todo por lo que merece la pena vivir y ahora quieren todo por lo que merece la pena morir.

La última estrella: La humanidad, nuestra única arma (La quinta ola #Volumen 3)

by Rick Yancey

El esperado final de la espectacular trilogía épica La quinta ola. La última fase de la invasión está a punto de completarse, lloverán bombas sobre las ciudades y la quinta ola ejecutará a los supervivientes. El fin de la especie humana está asegurado y Cassie Sullivan y sus compañeros saben que ha llegado el momento de escoger: entre el amor o el miedo, la confianza o la sospecha, el odio o el sacrificio, la fe o la barbarie. Entre salvarnos a nosotros mismos o salvar aquello que nos hace humanos. Y es que todo terminará donde empezó: la última batalla tendrá lugar en el último corazón humano y acabará con su último latido.

Morning Devotional for Teen Boys: 5-Minute Devotions to Ground Your Day in Faith

by Levi Yancy

Wake up with God's wisdom and ground the day in grace Teenage life is often full of trials and tribulations. Fortunately, the Lord is always there to offer guidance and support. This boys' devotional allows teens to place His message within the context of their own lives, helping them stay true to themselves as they embark on their journey to manhood. The Morning Devotional for Teen Boys spurs readers to: Embrace a morning ritual—Young men can make time for God every morning with 150 devotions short enough to fit into any schedule. They only need five minutes and they'll feel ready to tackle the day. Tap into God's teachings—Boys will contemplate the wisdom of the Lord and see how His lessons apply to all facets of life—school, family, friends, and more. Establish intentions—Every devotion includes a thoughtful prompt to encourage introspection and help young men bolster their faith. Inspire teens to quickly center themselves with brief lessons from the Lord.

I'm Not Here to Make Friends

by Andrew Yang

Terrace House meets Loveboat, Taipei in this fun, frothy, incisive YA debut, following two teens and their unforgettable summer on a reality show.When Sabine Zhang is picked for Hotel California, a teen reality show with an all-Asian cast, she jumps at the opportunity. As one of few Asians at her high school in the Midwest, she’s always felt as if she was playing a side character in someone else’s story. But on this show, she’ll finally have a chance to step into the spotlight.All Yoona Bae wants is to get away. The girls at church think she’s mean, her mom thinks she’s a troublemaker, and she’s tired of fighting against her unearned bad reputation. So when she’s invited to appear on Hotel California, Yoona sees it as an opportunity to chill out, make some friends, maybe even get a tan.But life on the show isn’t all sunshine and self-actualization. The producers want drama at all costs, even if it means pitting Sabine and Yoona against each other. With the season finale looming, can the girls figure out a peaceful way forward, before they lose control of their own narratives?

Better Than Her

by Erica Yang

Sydney Shieh is pitching at top form for the Central High Seabirds, but isn’t good enough. No matter how hard Sydney works, Rebecca Howard, star pitcher for the Seacrest High Jaguars, does better and looks effortless in the process. Sydney swears to take Rebecca down or learn her secrets.Rebecca plays softball for fun, not competition. She doesn't believe in obsessive practice or softball camps or worrying too much about what other people think of her. But she keeps rising to Sydney's challenges.Rebecca and Sydney can't leave each other alone, and their friends keep asking when they're going to admit what they really want. Even if their friends are right, how can they be together when they're out to defeat each other every step of the way?

The Books of Clash Volume 1: Legendary Legends of Legendarious Achievery (Books of Clash #1)

by Gene Luen Yang

Based on Clash of Clans and Clash Royale and penned by superstar graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang, this first volume of this action-packed eight-volume series brings the characters from everyone's favorite mobile gaming sensation to life!SEE! The illustrated exploits of one young Hog Rider and his trusted companion in an unpredictable tale of fantasy and adventure!READ! Their journey from no-good warriors on the battlefield to true heroes of the Royal Arena!BATTLE! When danger strikes the village of JazzyPickles and its colorful cast of characters in this heartwarming and hilarious graphic novel based on two of the world’s most popular video games.In this epic new series set in the world of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, experience a laugh-out-loud tale of friendship and fun!

Lunar New Year Love Story

by Gene Luen Yang

Graphic novel superstars Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham join forces in this heartwarming rom-com about fate, family, and falling in love.She was destined for heartbreak. Then fate handed her love.Val is ready to give up on love. It's led to nothing but secrets and heartbreak, and she's pretty sure she's cursed—no one in her family, for generations, has ever had any luck with love.But then a chance encounter with a pair of cute lion dancers sparks something in Val. Is it real love? Could this be her chance to break the family curse? Or is she destined to live with a broken heart forever?


by Kelly Yang

Speak enters the world of Gossip Girl in this modern immigrant story from New York Times bestselling author Kelly Yang about two girls navigating wealth, power, friendship, and trauma. <p><p> They’re called parachutes: teenagers dropped off to live in private homes and study in the United States while their wealthy parents remain in Asia. Claire Wang never thought she’d be one of them, until her parents pluck her from her privileged life in Shanghai and enroll her at a high school in California. <p> Suddenly she finds herself living in a stranger’s house, with no one to tell her what to do for the first time in her life. She soon embraces her newfound freedom, especially when the hottest and most eligible parachute, Jay, asks her out. <p> Dani De La Cruz, Claire’s new host sister, couldn’t be less thrilled that her mom rented out a room to Claire. An academic and debate team star, Dani is determined to earn her way into Yale, even if it means competing with privileged kids who are buying their way to the top. But Dani’s game plan veers unexpectedly off course when her debate coach starts working with her privately. <p> As they steer their own distinct paths, Dani and Claire keep crashing into one another, setting a course that will change their lives forever.

Private Label

by Kelly Yang

The Devil Wears Prada meets Far from the Tree in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelly Yang’s powerful love story about two teens searching for their place in the world.Serene dreams of making couture dresses even more stunning than her mom’s, but for now she’s an intern at her mom’s fashion label. When her mom receives a sudden diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, all that changes. Serene has to take over her mother’s business overnight while trying to figure out what happened with her dad in Beijing. He left before she was born, and Serene wants to find him, even if it means going against her mom’s one request—never look back.Lian Chen moved from China to Serene’s mostly white Southern California beach town a year ago. He doesn’t fit in at school, where kids mispronounce his name. His parents don’t care about what he wants to do—comedy—and push him toward going to MIT engineering early. Lian thinks there’s nothing to stick around for until one day he starts a Chinese Club after school . . . and Serene walks in.Worlds apart in the high school hierarchy, Serene and Lian soon find refuge in each other, falling in love as they navigate life-changing storms.* Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection *

Leaving Laos

by May Yang

Through the ups and downs of life, whom do you count on the most? Twelve-year-old Blong does not have much, but he has his older sister Ka-Ying. Now, their world is suddenly and forever changed. Homes are abandoned. People disappear overnight. Any new friendship is temporary. The year is 1975, and South Vietnam has fallen to North Vietnam. The Vietnam War is finally over. In the neighboring country of Laos, the Royal Lao Army is defeated by the Communist Pathet Lao. That civil war, too, ends. American soldiers who were fighting in the Secret War in Laos are returning home to America. The Hmong, who were recruited by the CIA to fight in the Secret War, are now going to be persecuted and punished for helping the Americans. Blong, his sister, and their grandparents must find a way to escape from Laos. The Communist Pathet Lao is celebrating their victory, but already there are rumors of retribution against the Hmong.

Romancing the Klondike: Canadian Historical Brides (Canadian Historical Brides #3)

by Yarmey

It is 1896 and nineteen-year-old Pearl Owens wants adventure just like her idols Anna Leonowens and Annie “Londonderry” Choen Kopchovsky. In the 1860s, Anna Leonowens taught the wives, concubines, and children of the King of Siam, while during the years 1894-1895, Annie “Londonderry” Choen Kopchovsky became the first woman to travel around the world on a bicycle. She was testing a woman’s ability to look after herself. To fulfill her dream Pearl is on her to the Yukon River area with her cousin, Emma, to write articles and do illustrations about the woman and men who are looking for gold in the far north.

Niño Cuervo

by Taro Yashima María A. Fiol

Moolabhootha Hakku Mattu Karthavyagalu

by B. N. Yashodha

Fundamental Rights and Duties

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