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The Lovely Reckless

by Kami Garcia

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia, a contemporary romance full of loss, love and redemption...Seventeen year-old Frankie Devereux would do anything to forget the past. Haunted by the memory of her boyfriend's death, she lives her life by one dangerous rule: nothing matters. At least, that's what Frankie tells herself after a reckless mistake forces her to leave her privileged life in the Heights to move in with her dad--an undercover cop. She transfers to public school in the Downs, where fistfights in the halls don't faze anyone and illegal street racing is more popular than football.Marco Leone is the fastest street racer in the Downs. Tough, sexy, and hypnotic, he makes it impossible for Frankie to ignore him...and how he makes her feel. But the risks Marco takes for his family could have devastating consequences for them both. When Frankie discovers his secret, she has to make a choice. Will she let the pain of the past determine her future? Or will she risk what little she has left to follow her heart?Your own heart will race with each page turn of this heart-stopping star-crossed love story.An Imprint Book

Lucky Me (Lucky Us)

by Saba Kapur

For eighteen year old Gia Winters, having a movie star for a father, a former Playboy bunny as a mother, a Hollywood mansion, and a closet stocked with Chanel is simply another day in the life. But her world is turned upside down when her father mysteriously hires a group of bodyguards to trail the family 24/7 and threatening phone calls from a "Dr. D" start buzzing daily. When Gia scores the coveted role of Miss Golden Globe, she is forced to strike a deal with her bodyguard, Jack, who is almost as arrogant as he is attractive. Juggling Gia's romantic failures, fashion faux pas, and celebrity obsessions, the duo investigate a series of clues with the help of a police cadet, who has a special set of skills and an even better set of dimples. But with the Golden Globes just around the corner, danger levels rise higher than her stilettos as Gia learns that the biggest secrets might be the ones buried in her own home. In a place where the hills have eyes, high school nemeses, bad hair days, raging parties, and stolen kisses, there can only be trouble for a girl who was just starting to consider herself lucky.

Lucky Strikes

by Louis Bayard

With her mama recently dead and her pa sight unseen since birth, fourteen-year-old Amelia is suddenly in charge of her younger brother and sister--and of the family gas station. Harley Blevins, local king and emperor of Standard Oil, is in hot pursuit to clinch his fuel monopoly. To keep him at bay and keep her family out of foster care, Melia must come up with a father--and fast. And so when a hobo rolls out of a passing truck, Melia grabs opportunity by its beard. Can she hold off the hounds till she comes of age?

L’última estrella: La humanitat, la nostra única arma (La Cinquena Onada #Volumen 3)

by Rick Yancey

L’esperat final de l’espectacular trilogia èpica «La Cinquena Onada». L’última fase de la invasió està a punt de completar-se, plouran bombes sobre les ciutats i la cinquena onada executarà els supervivents. La fi de l’espècie humana està assegurada i la Cassie Sullivan i els seus companys saben que ha arribat el moment d’escollir: entre l’amor o la por, la confiança o la sospita, l’odi o el sacrifici, la fe o la barbàrie. Entre salvar-nos a nosaltres mateixos o salvar allò que ens fa humans. I és que tot acabarà on va començar: l’última batalla tindrà lloc en l’últim cor humà i acabarà amb el seu últim batec.

Luz de zafiro

by Belén Valverde

Una historia repleta de intriga, romance y extrañas criaturas que desdibujarán la vida de nuestra protagonista. <P><P> Alba es una adolescente de diecisiete años que va al instituto y trabaja en una librería. Un par de años atrás perdió a su madre y ahora se encuentra junto a su padre tratando de superar tan duro golpe. <P><P> Su vida transcurre con aparente normalidad hasta que una tarde cualquiera, un misterioso muchacho de ojos azul zafiro aparece en la tienda en la que ella trabaja. <P><P>A partir de aquel momento la vida de la joven sufrirá un cambio radical junto Damián, el chico misterioso que se convertirá en alguien primordial para seguir adelante. Verá todo su mundo patas arriba y descubrirá todo lo que el destino le tiene preparado. <P><P>Se verá repentinamente inmersa en una trama que jamás pensó que debería afrontar.

Luz estelar: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía #Volumen 4)

by Erin Hunter

Más aventuras, acción e intrigas felinas en Luz estelar, la cuarta entrega de «Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía». Los gatos han llegado finalmente al que será su nuevo hogar, el que sus antepasados habían deseado para ellos. Sin embargo, aún tienen por delante un camino largo y difícil. Los clanes deberán dejar a un lado aquello que los ha unido durante la travesía y emprender la tarea de delimitar nuevos territorios y aprender a detectar los peligros que esconde este entorno desconocido. Y todavía más importante: tendrán que encontrar una manera de sustituir la Piedra Lunar. Así, mientras esperan una señal definitiva del Clan Estelar, algunos gatos empiezan a sospechar que más de un guerrero alberga intenciones malvadas, y que los peligros del bosque no son nada comparados con los que se agazapan en el seno de los propios clanes... «La Nueva Profecía» es la segunda saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

Maid of the King's Court

by Lucy Worsley

<p>Clever, headstrong Elizabeth Rose Camperdowne knows her duty. As the sole heiress to an old but impoverished noble family, Eliza must marry a man of wealth and title -- it's the only fate for a girl of her standing. But when a surprising turn of events lands her in the royal court as a maid of honor to Anne of Cleves, Eliza is drawn into the dizzying, dangerous orbit of Henry the Eighth and struggles to distinguish friend from foe. <p>Is her glamorous flirt of a cousin, Katherine Howard, an ally in this deceptive place, or is she Eliza's worst enemy? And then there's Ned Barsby, the king's handsome page, who is entirely unsuitable for Eliza but impossible to ignore. British historian Lucy Worsley provides a vivid, romantic glimpse of the treachery, tragedy, and thrills of life in the Tudor court.</p>

La maldición de los Grace

by Laure Eve

Hace falta algo más que magia negra para convertirse en uno de ellos. Un espectacular thriller fantástico. Todos adoran a los Grace. Fenrin Grace es una criatura irreal, casi mítica, que seduce a todas las chicas casi sin proponérselo. En realidad, solo está esperando a que aparezca alguien especial. Alguien distinto, que le haga preguntarse cómo ha podido vivir tanto tiempo sin esa persona. Alguien como yo. La hermana gemela de Fenrin, Thalia, es una joven hermosa y esbelta, con una larga melena de color miel. Vaya a donde vaya, deja a su paso una estela de seguidoras que se mueren por imitarla. Hechiza a todo aquel que se cruza en su camino. Y luego está Summer. La más joven de los Grace y la única que admite que es una bruja de verdad. Era inevitable que se sintiera atraída por mí... la nueva, una chica solitaria que esconde muchos secretos. Yo soy River. No soy una Grace. Pero estoy dispuesta a todo para serlo.

Managing Suicidal Risk (Second Edition)

by David A. Jobes

This revised manual provides a proven therapeutic framework for evaluating suicidal risk and developing and implementing a suicide-specific treatment plan that is respectful, empathetic, and empowering.

Mansika Ottadadinda Muktharaguvudu Hege

by R. V. Kattimani

This books states us how to get free from mental stress.

Map of Fates

by Maggie Hall

"A Da Vinci Code-style thriller for teens? Yes please."--TeenVogue.comTwo weeks. That's how long it took for Avery West's ordinary life to change forever. In two weeks, she discovered she was heiress to a powerful secret society known as the Circle, learned her mother was taken hostage by the Circle's enemies, and fell for a boy she's not allowed to love, just as she found out another was her unwelcome destiny. Now Avery crosses oceans in private jets to hunt for clues that will uncover the truth about the Circle, setting her mom and herself free before it's too late. By her side are both the boys: Jack--steady, loyal, and determined to help her even at the expense of his own duty--and Stellan, whose connection to Avery grows stronger by the day, making her question what she believes at every turn. But at the end of a desperate hunt from the islands of Greece to the red carpet at Cannes comes a discovery that not only changes everything, but could bring the whole world to its knees. And now Avery is forced to face the truth: In the world of the Circle, no one is what they seem.From the Hardcover edition.

The Mapmaker's Apprentice (Glass and Steele #2)

by C. J. Archer

When an apprentice from the Mapmakers' Guild goes missing, Matt and India are employed to find him. Going undercover as a married couple, they discover that not everyone at the guild is what they seem, and the lad's unearthly maps caused jealousy, suspicion and fear. With one of the apprentice's magic maps in their possession, India and Matt must use their wits and India's fledgling, untried magic to find him. But the more they investigate, the more sinister plots they uncover, including a link between the Mapmakers' and Watchmakers' Guilds, and an ancient magical treasure buried beneath the streets of London. As the net of suspicion widens and enemies draw closer, it's not just the apprentice's life that's in danger, but Matt's too. Someone will go to great lengths to prevent him discovering the name of the man who can fix the watch keeping him alive. Great lengths indeed.

March of the Suffragettes: Rosalie Gardiner Jones and the March for Voting Rights

by Zachary Michael Jack

March of the Suffragettes tells the forgotten, real-life story of "General" Rosalie Gardiner Jones, who in the waning days of 1912 mustered and marched an all-women army nearly 200 miles to help win support for votes for women. General Jones, along with her good friends and accomplices "Colonel" Ida Craft, "Surgeon General" Lavinia Dock, and "War Correspondent" Jessie Hardy Stubbs, led marchers across New York state for their pilgrims' cause, encountering not just wind, fog, sleet, snow, mud, and ice along their unpaved way, but also hecklers, escaped convicts, scandal-plagued industrialists on the lam, and jealous boyfriends and overprotective mothers hoping to convince the suffragettes to abandon their dangerous project. By night Rosalie's army met and mingled with the rich and famous, attending glamorous balls in beautiful dresses to deliver fiery speeches; by day they fought blisters and bone-chilling cold, debated bitter anti-suffragists, and dodged wayward bullets and pyrotechnics meant to intimidate them. They composed and sang their own marching songs for sisterhood and solidarity on their route, even as differences among them threatened to tear them apart. March of the Suffragettes chronicles the journey of four friends across dangerous terrain in support of a timeless cause, and it offers a hopeful reminder that social change is achieved one difficult, dauntless, daring step at a time.

The Martian: A Novel

by Andy Weir

In the Classroom Edition of The Martian: Classroom-appropriate language Discussion questions and activities Q&A with Andy Weir Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he's alive--and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills--and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit--he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?

El martillo de Thor: Spanish-lang Edition Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard, Book 2: The Hammer Of Thor (Magnus Chase y los Dioses de Asgard #2)

by Rick Riordan

El martillo de Thor es la segunda entrega de la trepidante trilogía de aventuras basada en la mitología nórdica «Magnus Chase y los dioses de Asgard» de Rick Riordan, el autor de literatura de aventuras fantásticas número uno en el mundo. Un objeto milenario ha desaparecido.Una amenaza se cierne sobre los nueve mundos. Magnus Chase no está preparado para el Ragnarok, pero ha llegado la hora de invocar la espada del tiempo y pasar a la acción. El martillo de Thor ha vuelto a desaparecer. El Dios del trueno tiene la mala costumbre de extraviar su arma (total, solo es la fuerza más poderosa de los nueve mundos), pero esta vez no se ha perdido exactamente, sino que ha caído en manos enemigas. Si Magnus Chase y sus compañeros no son capaces de recuperar el martillo, los mundos mortales quedarán totalmente expuestos al temible ataque de los gigantes. El Ragnarok empezará. Los nueve mundos arderán. Pero por desgracia, la única persona que puede ayudarlos a recuperar el arma es Loki, el peor enemigo de los dioses... y el precio que hay que pagar es muy alto.

Martin Marten

by Brian Doyle

Dave is fourteen years old, living with his family in a cabin on Oregon’s Mount Hood (or as he prefers to call it, like the Multnomah tribal peoples once did, Wy’east). Dave will soon enter high school, with adulthood and a future not far off―a future away from his mother, father, his precocious younger sister, and the wilderness where he’s lived all his life. <p><p> And Dave is not the only one approaching adulthood and its freedoms on Wy’east that summer. Martin, a pine marten (of the mustelid family) is leaving his own mother and siblings and setting off on his own as well. <p> As Dave and Martin set off on their own adventures, their lives, paths, and trails will cross, weave, and blend. Why not come with them as they set forth into the forest and crags of Oregon’s soaring mountain wilderness in search of life, family, friends, enemies, wonder, mystery, and good things to eat? <p> Martin Marten is a braided coming-of-age tale like no other, told in Brian Doyle’s joyous, rollicking style.

Mary Anning: The Girl Who Cracked Open The World

by Debora Pearson

As a young girl, Mary Anning loved to hunt for fossils by the sea. She wondered whether these rock creatures had ever been alive and resolved to learn all she could about what she found. As her discoveries became larger and more unusual, she earned the respect of scientists far and wide and changed the way we study Earth's history forever.

Maverick. El cielo con las manos

by Maverick López

Un libro que recoge toda la historia de Maverick, el artista revelación que está conquistando escenarios y corazones. Un libro dedicado a l@s Mavers, porque sin ell@s nada de esto sería posible, en el que el cantante comparte sus experiencias y fotos más personales. «Si tuviera que definirme con un lema, creo que sería que, antes que artista o cualquier otra cosa, hay que ser persona. Y sí, ahora soy Maverick, un cantante famoso, finalista de La Voz, con un disco en el mercado y con miles de seguidores en redes sociales. Pero también sigo siendo Mave, o Mav, como me llaman mi familia y mis amigos, aquel chico que salió con dieciséis años de Vinaròs con una maleta en la que lo que más pesaba era su ilusión de cumplir un sueño.»Maverick López Con 20 años recién cumplidos, la voz de Maverick ha cautivado a miles de personas tras su paso por la tercera edición de La Voz yla joven promesa de la música española está tocando el cielo con las manos. Pero, detrás del éxito, hay una historia de esfuerzo, de tropiezos y de superación que él mismo ha querido contarnos en primera persona. Maverick. El cielo con las manos es un libro muy personal e íntimo en el que el joven cantante nos abre de par en par las puertas de su vida y nos habla de los pasos que le han llevado a poder dedicarse a la música, de sus ilusiones y sus sueños y de sus planes de futuro. Pero también nos abre las puertas de su corazón: su familia, sus amigos, sus primeros amores, sus aficiones, sus gustos...


by Penny Hueston Sarah Cohen-Scali

Nazi Germany 1936. The Lebensborn program is going strong as German women are carefully selected by the Nazis and recruited to give birth to new representatives of the Aryan race. Inside one of these women is Max, a fetus waiting to be born and fulfill his destiny as the perfect Aryan. Max is taken away from his birth mother as soon as he enters the world. He will be raised under the leadership and ideologies of the Nazi Party. As he grows up without a mom, without any affection or tenderness, according to Nazi educational precepts, he soon becomes the mascot of the program. But things don't go according to plan.Originally published in French, Sarah Cohen-Scali's touching, illuminating, and heartbreaking book has been translated for an English-speaking audience.A Neal Porter Book

The May Queen Murders

by Sarah Jude

<p>Stay on the roads. Don't enter the woods. Never go out at night. <p>Those are the rules in Rowan's Glen, a remote farming community in the Missouri Ozarks where Ivy Templeton's family has lived for centuries. It's an old-fashioned way of life, full of superstition and traditions, and sixteen-year-old Ivy loves it. The other kids at school may think the Glen kids are weird, but Ivy doesn't care--she has her cousin Heather as her best friend. The two girls share everything with each other--or so Ivy thinks. When Heather goes missing after a May Day celebration, Ivy discovers that both her best friend and her beloved hometown are as full of secrets as the woods that surround them.</p>

The Maze Runner Series Complete Collection (The Maze Runner #1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

by James Dashner

This five-book collection of the blockbuster phenomenon The Maze Runner now includes the highly-anticipated series conclusion, The Fever Code, the book that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built! When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone. Outside the towering stone walls that surround them is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive. Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying. Remember. Survive. Run. Featuring the bestselling titles The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order, and the eagerly awaited series conclusion, The Fever Code, this five-book collection takes readers from the Glade to the Maze to the Scorch and back again.

A Melanie Dickerson Collection II: The Silent Songbird and The Noble Servant

by Melanie Dickerson

Two novels from New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson are now available in a low-priced, one-volume e-collection!The Silent SongbirdEvangeline is gifted with a heavenly voice, but she is trapped in a sinister betrothal until she embarks on a daring escape and meets brave Westley le Wyse. Can he help her discover the freedom to sing again? More than Evangeline’s future is at stake as she finds herself entangled in a web of intrigue that threatens England’s monarchy. Should she give herself up to protect the only person who cares about her? If she does, who will save the king from a plot to steal his throne?The Noble ServantMagdalen lost everything to the scheme of an evil servant. When a handsome shepherd befriends her, Magdalen and the shepherd uncover a sinister plot. She might just gain what she’s always wanted . . .if she makes it in time. New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson beautifully re-imagines The Goose Girl by the Brothers Grimm into a medieval tale of adventure, loss, and love.

The Memory Book

by Lara Avery

<p>They tell me that my memory will never be the same, that I'll start forgetting things. At first just a little, and then a lot. So I'm writing to remember. <p>Sammie McCoy is a girl with a plan: graduate at the top of her class and get out of her small town as soon as possible. Nothing will stand in her way--not even the rare genetic disorder the doctors say will slowly steal her memories and then her health. <p>So the memory book is born: a journal written to Sammie's future self, so she can remember everything from where she stashed her study guides to just how great it feels to have a best friend again. It's where she'll record every perfect detail of her first date with longtime-crush Stuart, a gifted young writer home for the summer. And where she'll admit how much she's missed her childhood friend Cooper, and the ridiculous lengths he will go to make her laugh. The memory book will ensure Sammie never forgets the most important parts of her life--the people who have broken her heart, those who have mended it--and most of all, that if she's going to die, she's going to die living. <p>This moving and remarkable novel introduces an inspiring character you're sure to remember, long after the last page.

The Memory Jar

by Elissa Janine Hoole

Waiting for her boyfriend, Scott, to awaken from a coma after their snowmobile accident, seventeen-year-old Taylor isn't sure what Scott will remember from the night of the crash--or what she wants him to remember.

Merciless Reason (The Wildenstern Saga #3)

by Oisín Mcgann

There's no such thing as escaping the Wildensterns . . . It's been three years since Nathaniel Wildenstern left Ireland and his ruthless family behind. But no one turns his back on the Wildensterns, the powerful family controlling what was once the British Empire. While Nate's been gone, one of his maniacal cousins has been hard at work researching engimals--the bizarre living machines with the brains of animals--with the intent of creating the ultimate new species.When Nate learns what his cousin has been up to, he knows he must return and put a stop to it. But in his absence, his clan has become even more despised for its merciless hunger for power. For Nate to succeed, he'll have to return in secret--because wherever the Wildensterns go, violence and betrayal are sure to follow.

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