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Marcelo in the Real World

by Francisco X. Stork

Imagine Curious Incident of the Dog . . . with a romance, and you have the beginnings of this story of a young man struggling with the world outside his head--and the woman who gets inside it.The term "cognitive disorder" implies there is something wrong with the way I think or the way I perceive reality. I perceive reality just fine. Sometimes I perceive more of reality than others.Marcelo Sandoval hears music that nobody else can hear - part of an autism-like condition that no doctor has been able to identify. But his father has never fully believed in the music or Marcelo's differences, and he challenges Marcelo to work in the mailroom of his law firm for the summer . . . to join "the real world."There Marcelo meets Jasmine, his beautiful and surprising coworker, and Wendell, the son of another partner in the firm. He learns about competition and jealousy, anger and desire. But it's a picture he finds in a file - a picture of a girl with half a face - that truly connects him with the real world: its suffering, its injustice, and what he can do to fight.

March of the Suffragettes: Rosalie Gardiner Jones and the March for Voting Rights

by Zachary Michael Jack

March of the Suffragettes tells the forgotten, real-life story of "General" Rosalie Gardiner Jones, who in the waning days of 1912 mustered and marched an all-women army nearly 200 miles to help win support for votes for women. General Jones, along with her good friends and accomplices "Colonel" Ida Craft, "Surgeon General" Lavinia Dock, and "War Correspondent" Jessie Hardy Stubbs, led marchers across New York state for their pilgrims' cause, encountering not just wind, fog, sleet, snow, mud, and ice along their unpaved way, but also hecklers, escaped convicts, scandal-plagued industrialists on the lam, and jealous boyfriends and overprotective mothers hoping to convince the suffragettes to abandon their dangerous project. By night Rosalie's army met and mingled with the rich and famous, attending glamorous balls in beautiful dresses to deliver fiery speeches; by day they fought blisters and bone-chilling cold, debated bitter anti-suffragists, and dodged wayward bullets and pyrotechnics meant to intimidate them. They composed and sang their own marching songs for sisterhood and solidarity on their route, even as differences among them threatened to tear them apart. March of the Suffragettes chronicles the journey of four friends across dangerous terrain in support of a timeless cause, and it offers a hopeful reminder that social change is achieved one difficult, dauntless, daring step at a time.

Marco Polo

by Demi

Many people say Marco Polo was the greatest explorer that ever lived, traveling 33, miles by land and sea from Venice, Italy, to modern-day Beijing, China. His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilliance, and strength. With his uncle and father, he traveled across Turkey, Armenia, the Middle East, the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, and the hot Taklimakan Desert before finally reaching China in 1275. Welcomed by the great emperor Kublai Khan, Marco Polo was amazed by the inventions, riches, and religious tolerance of the great Khan's kingdom, where Marco remained for the next 2 years.

La Marea Negra (Las Crónicas de la Bruja Negra #Volumen 4)

by Laurie Forest

Cuarta entrega de «Las Crónicas de la Bruja Negra», una serie de fantasía juvenil que condena los prejuicios y la injusticia y que ofrece una historia de amor en un entorno escolar a lo Harry Potter y un contexto político a lo Juego de Tronos. Bienvenidos a la Universidad Verpax. La marea negra es imparable...Ahora que todo el mundo sabe que ella es la Bruja Negra de la profecía, Elloren Gardner ha huido sin saber si en su camino hallará amigos o enemigos. Ahora que su pareja, Lukas Grey, puede estar muerto o en manos del Gran Mago Marcus Vogel, Elloren sabe que la única forma de darle la vuelta a la guerra que se avecina es encontrar aliados dispuestos a escucharla en lugar de asesinarla a sangre fría. En el Reino de Oriente, la fae de agua Tierney Calix y Trystan, el hermano de Elloren, se han unido al Wyvernguard, y se están preparando para el ataque de Vogel. Pero Trystan lucha en dos frentes distintos, pues es el miembro de la guardia más odiado y del que todos desconfían. Y el vínculo de Tierney con el río más poderoso de Erthia ha desvelado un peligro más aterrador que la inminente guerra. La Bruja Negra ha vuelto y la profecía ha llegado. Es hora de luchar. Pero Vogel todavía tiene una revelación crucial para todos. Reseñas:«Con fuertes mensajes feministas, grandes personajes secundarios y un rival especialmente conseguido, los fans de Harry Potter devorarán las más de 600 páginas de este libro, y exigirán la secuela.»Publishers Weekly«Esta novela trepidante promulga el poder transformador de la educación, creando unos personajes muy interesantes en un universo rico y alternativo que nos ayuda a comprender mejor el nuestro.»Kirkus (starred review)«Me encanta La Bruja Negra. No puedo esperar para leer el siguiente libro. Máximo suspense, y un tratamiento inusual de la magia; un acercamiento completamente nuevo y apasionante.»Tamora Pierce, autora bestseller de The New York Times «Presenta muchos mensajes feministas, un sistema de magia increíble y unos personajes principales y secundarios que son imposibles de olvidar.»Between_.magic6«Es una buena historia y esta saga se va a convertir en una de mis favoritas sin ninguna duda.»Tinuwel «Una impresionante última parte cuyo ritmo es imparable.»Dragones y libros «La trama es increíble. Tenemos muchos plotwists e incluso sorpresas que me hicieron derramar lágrimas.»Rarynbooks«Esta saga tiene un worldbuilding ESPECTACULAR, una diversidad de personajes y seres mágicos INCREÍBLE y una cantidad de valores y de fantasía que deja siempre con ganas de más.»Magic_Ellie

Maresi (Crónicas de la abadía roja #Volumen 1)

by Maria Turtschaninoff

Una historia de amistad y supervivencia, magia y maravilla, belleza y terror. Solo se permiten mujeres y niñas en la Abadía Roja, un refugio del abuso y la pobreza. Maresi, una novicia de trece años, es feliz allí, segura bajo la protección de la Madre. Cuando los peligros del mundo exterior persiguen a la joven Jai al espacio sagrado de la abadía, Maresi ya no puede esconderse detrás de sus libros y rutinas: debe actuar.Las mujeres y niñas de la abadía deberán usar todos sus poderes y conocimientos ancestrales para combatir a los hombres que quieren destruirlas. Y Maresi deberá enfrentarse a sus miedos más profundos y oscuros. Críticas:«Absolutamente gratificante y completamente diferente de la fantasía juvenil estándar».Booklist «Es difícil no quedar impresionado con el mundo mágico de Turtschaninoff».The Times «La novela es a la vez contemporánea y atemporal. Su feminismo inquebrantablees decididamente moderno [...]. Al mismo tiempo, da la sensación de ser auténticamente antiguo y mítico».The Guardian

Marfil (Enfrentados #Volumen 1)

by Mercedes Ron

Amar nunca fue tan peligroso como en «Enfrentados», la nueva saga de Mercedes Ron. Marfil tiene 20 años y vive en Nueva York, pero no todo es tan idílico como parece: hace unos días fue secuestrada mientras paseaba por Central Park. Su padre tiene muy claro que la razón del secuestro ha sido para mandarle un mensaje: podemos llegar a ella. A pesar de ser liberada, todo ha cambiado para Marfil: su vida no es la misma, y ella tampoco. Sobre todo porque ahora nunca está sola: siempre la acompaña Sebastian Moore, su guardaespaldas. Sebastian demostrará ser el encargado perfecto para protegerla, sobre todo cuando comienzan a llegar las amenazas de muerte, aunque nunca hubiese pensado que la tarea más complicada no sería esa, sino mantener a Marfil Cortés alejada de él. ¿Está Marfil preparada para descubrir la verdad de su pasado? ¿Lo pondrá todo en riesgo la atracción que ha surgido entre ambos?

Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl

by Sara Waxelbaum Brianna R. Shrum

"The most delightfully snarky romance I&’ve read this year." —New York Times bestselling author Ashley Poston This charming YA rom-com follows Margo, who suddenly realizes that she&’s gay but has no clue how to express her identity, so she enlists out-and-proud Abbie to act as her tutor on everything &“Queer 101&”...and first love. Margo Zimmerman is gay, but she didn&’t know until now. An overachiever at heart, Margo is determined to ace her newly discovered gayness. All she needs is the right tutor. Abbie Sokoloff has her own gayness down to a science. But a flunking grade in US History is threatening her acceptance to her dream school. All she needs is the right tutor. Margo agrees to help Abbie get her history grade up in exchange for &“Queer 101&” lessons. But as they spend more and more time together, Margo realizes she doesn&’t want just any girl—she wants the girl.

Margot Mertz for the Win

by Carrie McCrossen Ian McWethy

Veronica Mars meets Moxie in the hilarious and thought-provoking sequel to Margot Mertz Takes it Down.It&’s senior year. And Margot&’s on a mission to be a better Margot. Which means saying goodbye to her old cleanup ways—and their inherent moral ambiguities.To fill her time and round out her college application, Margot volunteers on a campaign for local election. It doesn&’t hurt that the local candidate is Shep Green, Avery&’s dad. It&’s nice to see Avery's too perfect face from time to time. Meanwhile at Roosevelt High, Margot finds herself roped into a second election, this one for school president. But when a mysterious blackmail plot emerges, and a loathsome opponent rises in the class race, Margot might have to return to the cleanup job she thought she&’d left behind. She&’s tried to keep her hands clean. But politics is a dirty job.

Margot Mertz Takes It Down

by Carrie McCrossen Ian McWethy

Veronica Mars meets Moxie in this hilarious and biting YA contemporary novel following Margot Mertz, a girl who runs an internet cleanup business and embarks on a quest to take down a revenge-porn site targeting the girls in her school.For the right price, high school junior Margot Mertz will go to the ends of the internet to remove your nip-slip, dick pic, or embarrassing DM. At least that's what it says on her business card. Margot founded a now notorious company that helps students, teachers, even a local weatherman, discreetly clean up their digital shame. And since her parents lost her college fund, Margot is happy to work for anyone... if they can pay, she can clean. But when a fellow student hires her to take down some leaked nudes, Margot discovers a secret revenge porn site featuring Roosevelt High girls. And hell hath no fury like Margot when she sees girls&’ butts shared without their consent. With the help of an unwitting ally, the popular and uncomfortably handsome Avery Green, Margot will gain access to the far flung cliques of Roosevelt High. Anything to find the mastermind (read: asshole) behind the site. But the more she digs, the deeper and darker the case becomes until Margot realizes that some jobs are so dirty, no one can come away clean. Even her. Gross.

Mariah Finds a Way

by Marc Gaskins Darrin Gladman Makayla Sutton Mira Ko Kathy Crutcher

Mariah really wants to take over her parents' fruit shop one day, but they don't think she can do it. Why? Because she's blind. When her parents leave on vacation, Mariah gets her hands on the keys to the store. With the help of her parrot sidekick, Blue, Mariah must find a way to get the job done. The authors of this story are part of an innovative program run by Reach Incorporated. Reach creates confident readers and capable leaders by training teens to teach, creating academic benefit for both tutors and students.

Mariam Sharma Hits the Road

by Sheba Karim

Three Pakistani-American teenagers, on a trip through the land of pork ribs, mechanical bulls, and Confederate flags. It’s going to be quite an adventure.The summer after her freshman year of college, Mariam is looking forward to working and hanging out with her best friends: irrepressible and beautiful Ghazala, and religious but closeted Umar.But when a scandalous photo of Ghaz appears on a billboard in Times Square, Mariam and Umar come up with a plan to rescue her from her furious parents. And what could be a better escape than a spontaneous road trip down to New Orleans?With the heartbreaking honesty of Julie Murphy’s Dumplin’ mixed with with the cultural growing pains and smart snark of When Dimple Met Rishi, this wry, remarkable road-trip story is about questioning where you come from—and choosing the family that chooses you back.

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer

by Katie Alender

Heads will roll!Paris, France: a city of fashion, chocolate croissants, and cute boys. Colette Iselin is thrilled be there for the first time, on her spring break class trip.But a series of gruesome murders are taking place around the city, putting everyone on edge. And as she tours the sights, Colette keeps seeing a strange vision: a pale woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks like Marie Antoinette.Colette knows her status-obsessed friends won't believe her, so she seeks out the help of a charming French boy. Together, they discover that the murder victims areall descendants of people who ultimately brought about Marie Antoinette's beheading. The queen's ghost has been awakened, and now she's wreaking her bloodthirsty revenge.And Colette may just be one of those descendants . . . which means she might not make it out of this trip alive.Acclaimed author Katie Alender brings heart-stopping suspense to this story of betrayal, glamour, mystery, history--and one killer queen.

Marie Curie and Radium

by Steven Parker

The life of Marie Curie, her two Nobel prizes for her work on radiation and the discovery of the element Radium. The effects of radiation on her health and the many applications in the medical field as well as warfare. Also includes a historical timeline which corelates the events of Curie's life with those of the world. An excellent book for a book report.


by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

"We all have a secret buried under lock and key in the attic of our soul. This is mine."When Fifteen-year-old Oscar Drai suddenly vanishes from his boarding school in Barcelona, no one knows his whereabouts for seven days and seven nights. His story begins when he meets the strange Marina while he's exploring an old quarter of the city. She leads Oscar to a cemetery, where they watch a macabre ritual that occurs on the last Sunday of each month. At exactly ten o'clock in the morning, a woman shrouded in a black velvet cloak descends from her carriage to place a single rose on an unmarked grave. When Oscar and Marina decide to follow her, they begin a journey that transports them to a forgotten postwar Barcelona--a world of aristocrats and actresses, inventors and tycoons--an reveals a dark secret that lies waiting in the mysterious labyrinth beneath the city streets. Carlos Ruiz Zafon's haunting Marina has long been a cult classic in Spain and is now an international bestseller.

Marine Biology: An Introduction to Ocean Ecosystems (Second Edition)

by Amy Sauter Hill

Tips on preparing and setting up each of the labs - A list of aquariums, marine-science centers, web sites, and other helpful teaching resources - Tried-and-true methods to ensure that students get the most from every lab and project See the companion Marine Biology lab manual and Marine Biology student book.

The Mariner's Secret (Book 1 in series - Matt & Heather Thriller)

by Mary Tomasi Dubois

Thugs, chases, scientific discoveries, and other mysteries abound! Matt & Heather, orphaned when their bioscintist parents are killed in the 1989 earthquake, become wards of their great aunt Estelle. Her stately old house holds intrigue, and a secret. Roger Hill, the subservient butler, fools everyone but Matt & Heather - their only chance at protecting everyone is to use the house's secret.

Marion’s best day

by Tusome Early Literacy Programme

Marion wants to go to a birthday party. She tries to Find matching clothes. She tries on many clothes. When she dresses up she is happy. She is ready to go to the party.

Mark Of The Cat: Year Of The Rat

by Andre Norton

A boy sets off on a quest to find the relatives of his cat familiar, who has been killed. Facing danger and mystery at every turn, he is forced to grow up as he seeks a secret society of cats.

Mark of the Beast (Left Behind: The Kids #28)

by Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins Chris Fabry

Natalie's quick thinking helps Vicki, Darion, and Charlie escape the Global Community's grasp. But will the GC satellite tracking help hunt them down? A teenager with problems in New Babylon contacts the kids and Lionel believes it might be a trick. Will Judd take the chance of a secret rendezvous? As the world prepares to take the mark of Nicolae Carpathia, the kids try to convince people of the consequences. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they discover a clever way to spread their message via computer and struggle to free their friends.

Mark of the Wicked

by Georgia Bowers

A young witch tries to unravel the mystery of who is framing her for dark magic in Georgia Bowers' creepy YA debut fantasy, Mark of the Wicked. Magic always leaves its mark.All her life, Matilda has been told one thing about her magic: You use only when necessary. But Matilda isn't interested in being a good witch. She wants revenge and popularity, and to live her life free of consequences, free of the scars that dark magic leaves on her face as a reminder of her misdeeds.When a spell goes awry and the new boy at school catches her in the act, Matilda thinks her secret might be out. But far from being afraid, Oliver already knows about her magic - and he wants to learn more. As Oliver and Matilda grow closer, bizarre things begin to happen: Animals show up with their throats slashed and odd markings carved into their bodies, a young girl dies mysteriously, and everyone blames Matilda. But she isn’t responsible — at least, not that she can remember. As her magic begins to spin out of control, Matilda must decide for herself what makes a good witch, and discover the truth...before anyone else turns up dead."[A] breathlessly told, consuming portrait of a witch’s relationship with loneliness and power... protagonists are elaborately drawn, and the novel’s eerie atmosphere lingers." —Publishers Weekly

The Mark on the Mirror (Judy Bolton Mysteries #15)

by Margaret Sutton

Ghosts, bad luck from broken mirrors, and a mystery around an unloved girl set the scene for Judy's latest adventure. It is only weeks until Lorraine and Judy's double wedding, but mysteries know no social schedule. From a masked man delivering a shower gift to being run off the road, Judy's head is spinning trying to put the pieces together in another mystery adventure.

Marked: Number 1 in series (House of Night #1)

by Kristin Cast P C Cast

When sixteen-year-old Zoey Redbird gets Marked as a fledgling vampire she must join the House of Night school where she will train to become an adult vampire. That is, if she makes it through the Change. But Zoe is no ordinary fledgling. She has been chosen as special by the Goddess Nyx and discovers her amazing new power to conjure the elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. When Zoey discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite group, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look within herself to embrace her destiny - with a little help from her new vampire friends. - Not suitable for younger readers -

Marked Man: Frank Serpico’s Inside Battle Against Police Corruption

by John Florio Ouisie Shapiro

1971. Brooklyn, New York. Undercover cop Frank Serpico is knocking on a drug dealer’s door. His partners are there to back him up, but when the door opens, he’s staring down the barrel of a gun—and his partners are nowhere to be found. For more than a century, the New York Police Department had been plagued by corruption, with cops openly taking bribes from gamblers and drug dealers. Not Serpico. He refused to take dirty money and fought to shed light on the dark underbelly of the NYPD. But instead of being hailed as a hero, he became a target for every crooked cop on the force. In Marked Man, John Florio and Ouisie Shapiro bring this true story of police corruption to life. Join Frank Serpico on his one-man crusade to clean up the largest police force in the United States. And discover the price he had to pay for being an honest cop.

Marleen, the Horror Queen

by Lila Perl

[from the back cover] "Is revenge as sweet as it seems? Marleen thought she was in for a dull summer until she made a new friend, wonderfully weird Rosalie. Rosalie introduced her to horror movies. But the two friends don't just go to movies--they imagine every horrible thing they see on the screen happening to their worst enemies! Marleen's worst enemy is Alex Kirby, who lives next door. Sure he's cute--but he loves practical jokes and embarrasses Marleen every chance he gets! Then, one dark night, Marleen has a perfect chance to get even with Alex forever. Will she be able to go through with her spine-tingling plan? What else would you expect from... Marleen the Horror Queen?"

Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You!

by Marley Dias

Marley Dias, the powerhouse girl-wonder who started the #1000blackgirlbooks campaign, speaks to kids about her passion for making our world a better place, and how to make their dreams come true!Marley Dias, the powerhouse girl-wonder who started the #1000blackgirlbooks campaign, speaks to kids about her passion for making our world a better place, and how to make their dreams come true!In this accessible guide with an introduction by Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Ava DuVernay, Marley Dias explores activism, social justice, volunteerism, equity and inclusion, and using social media for good. Drawing from her experience, Marley shows kids how they can galvanize their strengths to make positive changes in their communities, while getting support from parents, teachers, and friends to turn dreams into reality. Focusing on the importance of literacy and diversity, Marley offers suggestions on book selection, and delivers hands-on strategies for becoming a lifelong reader.

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