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Showing 20,001 through 20,025 of 36,125 results

United States History and Geography: Modern Times

by Joyce Appleby Alan Brinkley Albert S. Broussard James M. McPherson Donald A. Ritchie

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Rebel Sultans The Deccan from Khilji to Shivaj

by Manu S. Pillai

A thousand fortunes were made in the Deccan, drawing the formidable envy of generations of Mughal emperors. In Rebel Sultans, Manu S. Pillai narrates the story of the Deccan from the close of the thirteenth century to the dawn of the eighteenth. Packed with riveting tales and compelling characters, this book takes us from the age of Alauddin Khilji to the ascent of Shivaji. We witness the dramatic rise and fall of the Vijayanagar empire, even as we negotiate intrigues at the courts of the Bahmani kings and the Rebel Sultans who overthrew them. From Chand Bibi, a valorous queen stabbed to death, and Ibrahim II of Bijapur, a Muslim prince who venerated Hindu gods, to Malik Ambar, the Ethiopian warlord, and Krishnadeva Raya on Vijayanagar’s Diamond Throne – they all appear in these pages as we journey through one of the most arresting sweeps of Indian history. Unravelling a forgotten chapter in our medieval past, Rebel Sultans reminds us of a different age and a different time in the Deccan – one that ended an empire and rewrote India’s destiny.

Escola de Bruxas – Livro 4: O Livro dos Dragões (Escola de Bruxas - Livro 4 #4)

by Katrina Kahler Beatriz Garcia

A paixonite de Charlotte por Charlie continua a crescer, enquanto ela compete contra ele pela Taça da Varinha Dourada, na Floresta Escura. A paixonite de Charlotte por Charlie continua a crescer, enquanto ela compete contra ele pela Taça da Varinha Dourada, na Floresta Escura. Claro que Margaret ainda é maldosa, deixando óbvias suas intenções com Charlie. De quem Charlie gostará mais, Charlotte ou Margaret? Duas das garotas, e um professora da Academia, criaram um plano terrível para ter acesso ao Livro dos Dragões. Mal sabiam que, ao abrir o livro, algo muito ruim aconteceria. Meninas, esta é uma sinopse curtinha, pois eu não queria estragar o livro para vocês. Espero que gostem.

The Baba Ramdev Phenomenon - Kaushik Deka

by Kaushik Deka

'Patanjali Ayurved has turned out to be the most disruptive force in the Indian Fmcg market. it witnessed a whopping annual growth of 146% in fiscal year 2016, grossing a turnover of $769 million.'-Assocham–TechSci research report When in 1965, at Saidalipur, a nondescript village in Haryana, a baby boy was born to a marginal farmer, there was hardly any celebration. They were happy to receive what they believed was 'the most precious gift from God' but there was no time to pause, reflect or celebrate. People needed to get on with their lives. Little did they realize that the newborn would take this philosophy of detachment to a different level altogether. And if this detachment was induced in their life by poverty and hardship, three decades later their child was to show the world how to practise the same philosophy and even, while doing so, gather unimaginable wealth-an approximate net sum of `10,000 crore. He was to become Baba Ramdev, the celebrated yoga guru, and one of the founders of Patanjali Ayurved Limited and Patanjali Yogpeeth. The Baba Ramdev Phenomenon offers a detailed account of Ramdev's journey from attaining moksha in the Himalayas to ruling the market, especially the Fmcg sector, with his Patanjali products. It captures the rise and rise of Patanjali and the various factors that worked for it, most importantly, the vision of Ramdev and the able assistance of his associate Acharya Balkrishna.

Earth and Space Science, First Student Edition

by Purposeful Design Publications

Earth and Space! This textbook guides your child through a study of geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. A thorough study of rocks, soil, and fossils will give your child ample proofs that this earth was created by God and not evolutionary processes.

U.S. History Making a New Nation, [Grade 5], Inquiry Journal

by James Banks Kevin P. Colleary William Deverell

NIMAC-sourced textbook

U.S. History: Making a New Nation, [Grade 5], Research Companion

by James Banks Kevin P. Colleary William Deverell

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Saxon Math, Grade 4, Volume 1

by Stephen Hake

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Saxon Math, Grade 4, Volume 2

by Stephen Hake

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Southwest Peoples

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Cool Raoul

by Alain Ruiz

Raoul is neither the dunce nor the know-it-all of his class, it's just Raoul, the coolest guy in St-Supplice college. He is convinced that his parents did not attend his birth, that his old aunt Gertrude is still an active spy and that his French teacher is an arsonist. Nevertheless, Raoul finds his life super cool. He might have lots of friends, but he prefers to hang out with Bart, his best friend who has a phobia of snakes and spiders. When Raoul and Bart meet Catline and Li Mei, two girls from their class, it's the beginning of a great friendship from a really cool group.

La Extraordinariamente Ordinaria Vida de Cassandra Jones: Los Gatos Salvajes de Walker Año 1

by Tamara Hart Heiner

La vida como estudiante de quinto grado es cualquier cosa menos ordinaria. La extraordinariamente ordinaria vida de Cassandra Jones: gatos monteses caminante año 1: edad 10 Libro 1 de 8 hasta el momento en una serie en curso. ¿Qué tiene de especial Cassandra? Absolutamente nada. Ella es tan ordinaria como cualquier otro alumno de quinto grado. Y, sin embargo, su vida cotidiana está plagada de contratiempos divertidos, a veces desgarradores, mientras se guía por el mundo de los preadolescentes al borde de la edad adulta. Cassandra Jones es la chica nueva en la escuela. Fue desarraigada de su amado estado de Texas y se trasladó a la palurda Ozarks de Springdale, Arkansas. Ella se pregunta si le gustará su maestra o si tendrá amigos. Sólo puede esperar que la escuela no sea más difícil de lo que era en casa. Ella no espera tener dos amigas cercanas, y lo que es peor, dos amigas que no se quieren. Mientras trata de buscar su lugar, ¿Mantendrá sus amistades intactas?

Cool Raul, adolescente não é aborrescente! - volume 1 (Cool Raul #1)

by Alain Ruiz

Raul não é o nerd da sala, tampouco o burro; é apenas Raul, o garoto mais legal do Colégio Santo Suplício. Ele está convencido de que seus pais não assistiram ao seu nascimento, que sua velha tia Gertrudes é uma espiã que continua na ativa, e que sua professora de francês é uma incendiária. Apesar de tudo, Raul acha sua vida muito bacana. Ele poderia fazer parte da galera mais descolada, mas prefere se juntar a Bart, seu melhor ami que tem fobia de cobras e aranhas. Quando Raul e Bart conhecem Catline e Li Mei, duas garotas da classe, é o início de uma grande amizade de um grupo realmente cool. Doutor em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade de Montreal, Alain Ruiz é autor de vários romances e guias práticos com mais de 130.000 exemplares vendidos, sendo que as séries Ian Flibus (Ian Flix) – a qual alcançou um enorme sucesso no Quebec – e Les chroniques de Braven Oc foram adaptadas em quadrinhos. Alain Ruiz é casado e pai de três filhos.

Organic Chemistry

by Francis A. Carey Robert M. Giuliano

Organic Chemistry has been designed to meet the needs of the "mainstream," two-semester, undergraduate organic chemistry course. This best-selling text gives students a solid understanding of organic chemistry by stressing how fundamental reaction mechanisms function and reactions occur.

Government by the People (AP Edition) (2014 Elections and Updates Edition) (25th Edition)

by David B. Magleby Paul C. Light Christine L. Nemacheck

<p>As the title of our book suggests, we view the idea of government by the people as a defining element of American politics and government. From the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence to the expansion of rights and liberties to more and more citizens in the last century, we have expanded on the idea of self-government. Too often, Americans take their basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for granted. But these rights were guaranteed neither by those who wrote our Constitution nor by the citizens who have worked, one generation after another, to expand these rights and set our government's course. Rather, government by the people today depends on citizens who are informed and involved in the decisions and processes of our constitutional democracy. <p>We have written this book with the aim of informing you about why you have a stake in our government and how you can become involved. The Framers of our Constitution warned us that we must always safeguard our rights, liberties, and political institutions. But we cannot do so without first understanding the basic rules of the game set by the Constitution. We must see the presidency, Congress, the federal bureaucracy, and the Supreme Court not as a remote "federal government" but as institutions that affect each of us every single day. Government by the people depends on people informing themselves and participating. It is not something that can be outsourced or that a generation can decide to take a pass on.</p>

Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies, Grade 11

by Odell Odell Education

The Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies program is an integrated set of English Language Arts/Literacy units spanning grades 6-12 that provide student-centered instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Modern Database Management (Twelfth Edition)

by Jeffrey A. Hoffer Ramesh Venkataraman Heikki Topi

This text is designed to be used with an introductory course in database management. Such a course is usually required as part of an information systems curriculum in business schools, computer technology programs, and applied computer science departments.

America: A Narrative History, Volume Two (Brief 10th Edition)

by David E. Shi George Brown Tindall

With more than two million copies sold, America remains the leading narrative history survey text because it’s a book that students enjoy reading. The Tenth Edition is both more relevant, offering increased attention to the culture of everyday life, and more accessible, featuring a reduced number of chapters and a streamlined narrative throughout. The Brief Edition is 20 percent shorter in total pages than its parent Full Edition.

Approaches to Discourse (Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics)

by Deborah Schiffrin

<p>This is a guide to the various frameworks, concepts, and methods available for the analysis of discourse within linguistics. It compares six dominant approaches to discourse analysis: speech act theory, pragmatics, ethnomethodology, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, and variation theory. <p>The author not only considers each approach from several standpoints but she also illustrates them through extensive applications to a variety of concrete social and linguistic problems facing discourse analysts.</p>

Intermediate Logic: Mastering Propositional Arguments (Third Edition)

by James B. Nance

This text is designed as a continuation to Introductory Logic, which I co-authored with Douglas Wilson. Together, these two textbooks should provide sufficient material for a complete course in elementary logic.

A scuola di streghe - Libro 2 - L'accademia di Miss Moffat per Giovani Streghe Raffinate (A scuola di streghe #2)

by Simona Trapani Katrina Kahler

Un grandioso libro per ragazze dai 9 ai 12 anni. A scuola di streghe Libro 2 prosegue la storia di Charlotte e delle sue amiche all'Accademia di Miss Moffat per Giovani Streghe Raffinate. Margaret si vendica di Charlotte prima di scomparire dalla scuola e di mette Charlotte in una situazione pericolosa e spaventosa. Le ragazze si allenano duramente per la partita contro il Collegio di Stregoneria e quel giorno scoprono che le ragazze della Collegio non condividono assolutamente i loro valori e che giocano in modo scorretto. Il Ballo della Scuola con gli studenti della Scuola dei Maghi è un momento fondamentale nel calendario scolastico. Le ragazze conoscono alcuni ragazzi meravigliosi e trascorrono una serata interessante. Le lezioni scolastiche continuano con Miss Zara, l'insegnante di chiaroveggenza. Tuttavia, alcune delle ragazze non sono impressionate dalle sue visioni. Se sei una ragazza tra i 9 e i 12 anni e ti piacciono le storie di amicizia con un tocco di magia, adorerai questa storia!

Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB (Electrical Engineering Textbook Series)

by Taan S. ElAli Mohammad A. Karim

Designed for a one-semester undergraduate course in continuous linear systems, Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB, Second Edition presents the tools required to design, analyze, and simulate dynamic systems. It thoroughly describes the process of the linearization of nonlinear systems, using MATLAB to solve most examples and problems. With updates and revisions throughout, this edition focuses more on state-space methods, block diagrams, and complete analog filter design.

A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra (Pure and Applied Mathematics #266)

by W. J. Wickless

<p>Since abstract algebra is so important to the study of advanced mathematics, it is critical that students have a firm grasp of its principles and underlying theories before moving on to further study. To accomplish this, they require a concise, accessible, user-friendly textbook that is both challenging and stimulating. A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra is just such a textbook. <p>Divided into two sections, this book covers both the standard topics (groups, modules, rings, and vector spaces) associated with abstract algebra and more advanced topics such as Galois fields, noncommutative rings, group extensions, and Abelian groups. The author includes review material where needed instead of in a single chapter, giving convenient access with minimal page turning. He also provides ample examples, exercises, and problem sets to reinforce the material. <p>This book illustrates the theory of finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains, discusses tensor products, and demonstrates the development of determinants. It also covers Sylow theory and Jordan canonical form.A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra is ideal for a two-semester course, providing enough examples, problems, and exercises for a deep understanding. Each of the final three chapters is logically independent and can be covered in any order, perfect for a customized syllabus.</p>

Electromagnetics (Electrical Engineering Textbook Ser.)

by Michael J. Cloud Edward J. Rothwell

<p>Providing an ideal transition from introductory to advanced concepts, Electromagnetics, Second Edition builds a foundation that allows electrical engineers to confidently proceed with the development of advanced EM studies, research, and applications. <p>This second edition of a popular text continues to offer coverage that spans the entire field, from electrostatics to the integral solutions of Maxwell’s equations. The book provides a firm grounding in the fundamental concepts of electromagnetics and bolsters understanding through the use of classic examples in shielding, transmission lines, waveguides, propagation through various media, radiation, antennas, and scattering. Mathematical appendices present helpful background information in the areas of Fourier transforms, dyadics, and boundary value problems. The second edition adds a new and extensive chapter on integral equation methods with applications to guided waves, antennas, and scattering. <p>Utilizing the engaging style that made the first edition so appealing, this second edition continues to emphasize the most enduring and research-critical electromagnetic principles.</p>

HMH Math Grade 2: Standards, Actions, Processes

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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