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Temporary Rancher (Home on the Ranch #9)

by Ann Evans

Riley Palmer needs a fresh start, and managing Echo Springs Ranch is the break she's been waiting for. There's only one problem. Her new boss, Quintin Avenaco, thinks he hired a man. Riley's confident she can handle the job. But convincing Quintin? With only three weeks to prove her case, it won't be easy. Single mom to four-year-old twin daughters, Riley can't afford to risk everything for a flirtation with Quintin. Even if he does make her heart flutter, she has her kids to think of! If only her heart would listen to her head...

Terra e cielo (serie Nuvole e pioggia #2)

by Killerqueen Zahra Owens

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggiaHunter Krause sa meglio di chiunque altro che gestire un ranch è un lavoro duro. I lavoratori sono difficili da trovare e, anche con l'aiuto del suo caposquadra e di tutta la famiglia, il ranch è costantemente a corto di braccia. Quindi, quando i cavalli cominciano a scomparire, il cognato di Hunter assume un uomo che lui non avrebbe mai considerato: Grant Jarreau, un uomo che Hunter non può perdonare per aver abbandonato il suo migliore amico dopo un grave incidente. Grant si ambienta in fretta, diventando amico della sorella di Hunter e rivelandosi insostituibile. Nonostante i dubbi, Hunter non riesce a controllare le reazioni che gli provoca Grant e non sa cosa fare. Quindi, Grant salva il nipote di Hunter dall'annegamento e un bacio di ringraziamento aprirà a Hunter porte di cui non aveva mai sospettato l'esistenza. Mentre Hunter e Grant cercano di cominciare una relazione, la famiglia attraversa un momento di tumulto, il ranch ha dei problemi, non riescono a capire il perché della scomparsa dei cavalli e, come se non bastasse, Grant sta nascondendo qualcosa. Hunter riuscirà a fidarsi di Grant o il putiferio familiare richiederà un'altra vittima?

The Texas Lawman's Last Stand & Hot Combat: The Texas Lawman's Last Stand (Texas Maternity: Labor and Delivery #3)

by Delores Fossen Elle James

Don’t miss this reader favorite from USA TODAY bestselling author Delores Fossen, featuring a Texas lawman and the woman and baby he’ll do anything to protect…Texas lawman Bo Duggan got the shock of his life when Mattie Collier showed up on his doorstep, claiming his daughter was really hers and not his son’s twin. But before Bo could argue, Mattie became a gunman’s target and duty compelled him to protect her. After getting the children to safety and then going on the run, Bo couldn’t help but admire the way Mattie wouldn’t back down—from a fight and from believing she was his baby’s mother. Bo had trouble imagining a life without the little girl he’d given his heart to. And before long, he had to admit, he had trouble imagining living without her mother, too.Originally published in 2011Book 3 in Texas Maternity: Labor and Delivery

Texas Lead Slingers (Trailsman #360)

by Jon Sharpe

In a booming Gulf Coast town, Skye Fargo and over a dozen of the best poker players around are competing in a high-stakes game being held by Fargo's old friend, Senator Deerforth. <P><P>But someone wants him to fold before the games even start, and the Trailsman is going to have to play things close to the vest if he's going to survive...

This Red Rock

by Louise Blaydon

When an open life in San Diego beckoned, Alex Arzano left the oppressive Southwest town of his childhood without a second thought--until now. Working on his Uncle Frank's New Mexico ranch isn't Alex's first choice of ways to spend the summer, but it turns out not to be as bad as he'd feared: the scenery is beautiful... and not just the landscape, either. Frank has put ranch hand Oro Torres in charge of Alex's training, and everything about Oro, from his gorgeous accent and muscled forearms to the way he handles a horse, is completely captivating. Alex is quicker to learn than Oro expects, and the tension between them rises just as fast. Finally, close quarters and exhilaration push them to take that last step--and after that, there's no turning back.

Thunder Over Lolo Pass

by Charles G. West

Roberta Morris goes to the McCloud brothers seeking help in finding her uncle. He's gone missing in the Bitterroot Mountains while mining for gold. They are happy to oblige a pretty little lady who's all alone. But she's not alone. Frank Burdette and his gang are hot on her trail. . . and they know more than Roberta is letting on to the McClouds. . . .

Tierra y Cielo (Nubes y lluvia #2)

by Saura García Zahra Owens

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluviaHunter Krause sabe mejor que nadie que llevar un rancho significa trabajar duro, aunque el capataz y toda su familia echen una mano. Los vaqueros son difíciles de encontrar y el rancho tiene mucho trabajo, por lo que siempre se necesita personal. Así que cuando los caballos comienzan a desaparecer, el capataz contrata al último hombre al que él consideraría apto, Grant Jarreu, un hombre a quien Hunter no puede perdonar haber abandonado a su mejor amigo, Gable, después de tener un accidente que lo incapacitó de por vida. Grant se integra rápidamente, haciéndose amigo de la hermana de Hunter y consiguiendo ser indispensable. A pesar del recelo inicial, no puede controlar las reacciones de su cuerpo hacia Grant, y no está seguro de qué hacer al respecto. Pero no será hasta que Grant salve a su joven sobrino de ahogarse, que un beso de agradecimiento abrirá unas puertas que Hunter nunca supo que existían. Mientras Hunter y Grant comienzan una relación con recelos, la familia de Hunter entra en caos, el rancho comienza a tener pérdidas, no pueden averiguar qué ocurre con los caballos y además de todo eso, Grant esconde algo. ¿Podrá Hunter aprender a confiar en él, o el caos que está separando a su familia reclamará otra víctima?

A Town Called Fury: Redemption (A Town Called Fury #4)

by William W. Johnstone J. A. Johnstone

The Greatest Western Writer Of The 21st CenturyBuilt on dreams. Forged in blood. Defended with bullets. The town called Fury is home to the bravest pioneers to ever stake a claim in the American West. In William W. Johnstone's blockbuster series, the settlers take in a mysterious stranger with deadly secrets-and deadlier enemies... His name is Jonas Lynch. A California gunman with a blood-soaked past, he arrives in Fury, Arizona, looking for redemption. Unfortunately, Lynch's reputation precedes him, and Marshal Jason Fury is none too thrilled about harboring a wanted criminal-even if Lynch seems like a decent man. One revenge-seeking enemy wants Lynch dead. Another reward-hungry bounty hunter wants him alive. And for the next few days, the town of Fury will be caught in the crossfire. Sure, half the town is busy building a brand-new church, but Jason and Lynch know that some sinners can't be saved-and some devils can't be killed-without one hell of a showdown...A Town Called Fury: Redemption

Travelin' Money

by Paul Lederer

Flat broke and crippled, a cowhand takes a job from a doomed manAt the end of a backbreaking cattle drive, a steer turns on Joe Sample, pinning him against a fence and snapping his leg. He will never ride right again. Recovering from the wound empties his wallet, and he is staring poverty in the face when Pierce Malloy staggers into the saloon, blood leaking out of his boots. Malloy has shot the marshal in a desperate attempt to save his brother from hanging, and now the deputies are after him. He has just minutes to live—and he wants to give Joe a job.In exchange for a small fortune—$220—Joe agrees to deliver a package of stolen goods to the hanged man&’s widow. Moments after Malloy hands over the money, he is shot dead. Joe honors his agreement—and in the process, he learns that there are far tighter spots than between a steer and a fence post.

Travis: A Western Duo

by T. T. Flynn

A wrongly accused man fights to regain ownership of his ranch, while another tracks down an imposter who has stolen his identity. In "When a Gunman Steals a War,” Tom Fortune, who has been sentenced to twenty years in prison because of bravery during a penitentiary fire and the flimsy evidence that convicted him in the first place, is paroled. He is reminded by the warden that he cannot violate his parole, or he will be forced to serve the remaining seventeen years. Fortune returns to Sundown country and the XO Ranch, of which he was half owner, only to find that Sheriff Bent Hooker and his two brothers now own the XO. Can Fortune fight for his rights against the Hookers when he cannot, as a condition of his parole, even use a gun? The title piece, "Travis,” tells the story of Roger Travis who returns from Central America, where he had nearly died. Landing in San Francisco, Travis tries to draw money against a certificate of deposit at the South Bay Bank, only to learn that his account has been cleaned out by another person named Roger Travis, and that the bank was instrumental in processing a substantial inheritance for him. The banker is convinced that the real Roger Travis is a fraud and wants him arrested. In a desperate ploy, Travis escapes. He knows that the imposter is somewhere in New Mexico Territory, and he intends to give pursuit. What he doesn’t know is how Roger Travis has won himself stature in the community with prudent investments--he has half ownership of a ranch, and a number of dangerous and unscrupulous men working for him. This Roger Travis believes the real Roger Travis is dead. When he finds out the truth, he knows that there is only one way to deal with the problem . . .

A Troubled Range (Stories from the Range #2)

by Andrew Grey

Stories from the Range: Book TwoThe neighboring Holden and Jessup ranches are anything but neighborly--Jefferson Holden and Kent Jessup loathe each other. But despite his father's long-held grudge, Haven Jessup just can't bring himself to hate, especially after Dakota Holden takes him in during a violent storm and Haven meets Dakota's friend, Phillip Reardon. Phillip accepts Haven for who he is, seeing through the mask Haven uses to hide his attraction to men, but their tentative and secret relationship will be under a huge amount of stress. Sabotaged fences, injured animals, unsavory plans, and Jessup family secrets will threaten Haven's newfound happiness and his hopes of a future with Phillip.


by Jake Mactire

Sequel to Two Sides of the Same CoinDespite the celebrity their recent cracking of a cattle rustling ring has brought, Jeff Connelly and his partner, Mike Guidry, are ready to settle down and start the dude ranch they've always dreamed of. Following your dreams isn't always easy, though--between a troubled new ranch hand who propositions Jeff and Mike's past suddenly confronting him, emotions are already running high. Then a sadistic serial killer nicknamed the West Coast Cutter starts slicing a trail though Jeff and Mike's territory. As the body count rises, they begin to suspect that the killer may in fact be someone they know--a suspicion that is only strengthened by a sudden rash of threatening notes addressed to Jeff. Can they escape the West Coast Cutter before the worst happens?

Two Sides of the Same Coin

by Jake Mactire

Leaving his boyfriend behind in San Francisco, cowboy and struggling artist Jeff Connelly returns to the family ranch after his father's death and meets the man who will become a large part of his future: ranch hand Mike Guidry. Mike starts out cynical, bitter, and very unfriendly, but he warms to Jeff when he realizes Jeff just might be the friend he needs. Life on the ranch is as hard as Jeff remembers: he has to deal with cattle rustling and the stress of hoping the business will break even while he weathers changes in attitude from the locals, harassment, prejudice, and betrayal. Jeff and Mike will embark on a plan to secure the ranch's future, try to find a way to live and love together, and discover that they're more alike than they'd ever have dreamed.


by C. H. Admirand

Faced with a mountain of bills, rancher Tyler Garahan takes a night job with a lot of trepidation. But being a male performer at a strip club does come with at least one beautiful compensation--and feisty red-haired bookkeeper Emily Langley seems to understand Tyler even better than he understands himself...

Utah Deadly Double (Trailsman #361)

by Jon Sharpe

When a man goes on a bloody rampage across Utah Territory using Skye Fargo's identity, the Trailsman has to hunt down the lethal lookalike before his own face ends up on a poster marked Wanted: Dead or Alive...

Wanderer of the Wasteland: Author Of Wanderer Of The Wasteland To The Last Man The Mysterious Rider, Etc (classic Reprint)

by Zane Grey

He Chose The World's Deadliest Land: To Die, Or To Live Again. . . Adam Laret, big, young and headstrong, ran from Ehrenberg to the banks of the Rio Colorado. He was blindly fleeing his scheming, gambling brother and the woman Guerd stole from him. But Adam's escape wasn't complete until Guerd, in the company of a sheriff, hunted him down. Then Adam committed the ultimate crime. With the mark of Cain upon him--he traveled into the desert to atone for his sins. In a vast, harsh world of heat and beauty, of stealthy creatures and gnawing starvation, Adam faced death and madmen, Indians and strangers who lived where life was impossible. But nothing he did, no act of courage, righteousness, or violence, washed Adam clean. Until he met a woman and made a choice: to fight his way back to civilization, the most dangerous place of all. . . Over 40 Million Copies Of Zane Grey's Novels Sold

West Texas Kill

by Johnny D. Boggs

An American original, the great Johnny D. Boggs weaves a Texas-sized tale of an 1880s badlands--under the grasp of a lawman gone rogue. . .In For JusticeIn For The KillBetween the Pecos River and Rio Grande a vast, harsh land was ruled by Texas Rangers Captain Hector Savage. Savage's motive wasn't duty, it was money; he's turned this desolate place into a bloodied, terrorized kingdom. Now, a protégé of Savage, Sergeant Dave Chance, has come with a prisoner--a big-talking murderer in his own right--shackled at his side. A decent, honest Ranger, Chance cannot stand idly by while Savage runs roughshod over the territory. Now, to save a traumatized people, he must turn his prisoner loose and give him a gun. Only their combined firepower can penetrate Savage's fortress and kill him. That is, if they don't kill each other first. . ."Johnny Boggs has produced another instant page-turner...don't put down the book until you finish it." --Tony Hillerman on Killstraight"Johnny D. Boggs tells a crisply powerful story that rings true more than two centuries after the bloody business was done." --The Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier on The Despoilers"Boggs is unparalleled in evoking the gritty reality of the Old West." --The Shootist

Wild Side of the River: A Western Story

by Michael Zimmer

A son sets out to make things right and avenge his father's death in this dark Western noir.Ethan Wilder has been off in the mountains hunting for the last several months. Upon his return to the family Bar Five Ranch, Wilder finds his life in chaos. His brother, Ben, after taking his father's rifle without permission, has locked his father in the outhouse to avoid punishment. Another brother, Vic, is in jail, accused of beating up a girl in town, and the last of the Wilder brothers, Joel, is up north in Canada, trying to sell horses to the Mounties.Ethan's father, Jacob, has a reputation in town for raising hell. In his opinion, no man tamed the wilderness with a timid soul, but the newer citizens of the town have now been pushing for the removal of local farmers and ranchers like the Wilders. Things come to a head when his father joins the ranks of local farmers found dead under suspicious circumstances. Ethan has no choice but to turn to revenge to uphold the family name and ensure that the murderers won't come for him next.Wild Side of the River reveals the dark side of the wild frontier in this gripping tale and modern Western classic.

Wrangled and Tangled

by Lorelei James

In the third book in the BlackTop Cowboys series, ranchers Abe Lawson and Renner Jackson must saddle up and fight to win the hearts of the women they can't imagine living without. Contains mature themes.

Wrangled and Tangled

by Lorelei James

New in the Blacktop Cowboy series. Janie Fitzhugh and Abe Lawson have long been divorced and living apart. Now she's back in town, a changed woman-making cattleman Abe want to wrangle an invitation to her bed...To get his dream ranch, Renner Jackson has partnered with spoiled daddy's girl Tierney Pratt. She thinks she can handle this cowboy, but Renner won't make it easy. Little do they know they will be entangled in ways neither dreamed possible.

The Wrong Thing (Switchblade)

by Barry Graham

A dark Latino legend of the Southwest's urban badlands, the kid is spoken of in whispers in dive bars near closing time. Some claim to have met him, and others say he doesn't exist—a phantom blamed for every unsolved act of violence, a ghost who haunts every blood-splattered crime scene. In reality, he is young man with a love of cooking and reading, an abiding loneliness, and an appetite for violence. He is a projection of the dreams and nightmares of the people ignored by Phoenix's economic boom and a contemporary outlaw in search of an ordinary life. Love brings him the chance to start anew with Vanjii, a beautiful, but damaged woman, but try as he might to abandon the past, it won't abandon him. Fighting back in the only way he knows sets in motion a tragic sequence of events that leads to an explosive conclusion shocking in both its brutality and tenderness.

Yuma Gold

by Steven Law

Ben Ruby is stepping out of prison after an eight-year lock up to embark on a journey into dangerous territory. He must not only outwit an vengeful foe, but also outrun a breach in a Colorado River dam that threatens to flood an entire valley.

.45-Caliber Cross Fire

by Peter Brandvold

Fugitive Cuno Massey is recruited to hunt down a gang of gunrunners who stole a wagon of weapons, intending to sell them to a Mexican general waging war against Yaqui Indians. To even the odds, Cuno forms an alliance with a Yaqui queen as savage as she is beautiful. With so much firepower and so many deadly players on the warpath, Cuno knows he's sitting atop a powder keg with a sizzling fuse...

The Adventures of Silk and Shakespeare

by Win Blevins

High jinks, close calls, and adventures worthy of Don Quixote abound in this light-hearted romp through the West from Win Blevins, winner of the Owen Wister Award for Lifetime Contributions to Western Literature Shakespeare, a former actor of gargantuan proportions, and his sidekick, Silk, a rail-thin teenager with all the brains that Shakespeare lacks, are two of the most improbable mountain men ever to explore the Rocky Mountains. Together, they get into flabbergasting scrapes, from wrestling bears to falling in love with off-limits women in Santa Fe. Silk and Shakespeare are fictional, but they ride alongside real historical figures such as Antelope Jim Beckwourth, the biracial son of a Virginia plantation owner who became a warrior chief of the Crow Indians, and his lover, Pine Leaf, a legendary woman warrior. This unlikely foursome gets into jams with dreaded enemies of the Crow and the Blackfeet--but that's to be expected of characters who, like the man of La Mancha, dream of "enchantments, quarrels, battles, challenges, wounds, wooings, loves, tempests, and other impossible follies."

Against the Sun (The Raines of Wind Canyon #6)

by Kat Martin

From New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin comes another thrilling story in The Raines of Wind Canyon series.It’s not in bodyguard Jake Cantrell’s job description to share his suspicions with his assignments. Beautiful executive Sage Dumont may be in charge, but Jake’s not on her payroll. As a former Special Forces marine, Jake trusts his gut, and it’s telling him there’s something off about a shipment arriving at Marine Drilling International. His instinct is aroused…in more ways than one. Drawn into a terrifying web of lies and deceit—and into feelings they can’t afford to explore—what Jake and Sage uncover may be frighteningly worse than they ever imagined.Originally published in 2012.

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