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Reunited with the Bull Rider: The Texas Cowboy's Baby Rescue Cowboy Seal Daddy Reunited With The Bull Rider The Cowboy's Surprise Baby (Gold Buckle Cowboys Ser. #6)

by Christine Wenger

STEALING HER HEART—AGAINWhen an injury sends bull rider Reed Beaumont home to Oklahoma to recover, he doesn’t expect to bump into his high school sweetheart, Callie Wainright. She’s been hired to help restore his family ranch, which has been badly mismanaged. And though their attraction still simmers she’s far too busy to spend time on romance!Reed regrets breaking Callie’s heart by leaving years ago. And their rekindled relationship is the number one reason to remain in Beaumont. But he’s still determined to top the PBR standings, which means returning to the circuit asap. Can this cowboy realize his dream, and still lasso Callie forever?

The Cowboy's Surprise Baby (Spring Valley, Texas Ser. #2)

by Ali Olson

THE COWBOY SHE LOVEDWorld traveler Amy McNeal has two reasons to return to Spring Valley, Texas. One is her big brother’s wedding. The other is to set things straight with a handsome cowboy. It’s been a decade since Amy’s seen Jack Stuart…and it’s only seconds before their attraction reignites. But is she ready to fall for Jack all over again?Jack has never forgiven Amy for walking out on him all those years ago. Yet while their lives are worlds apart, they still just fit together. Now Jack must show Amy that she belongs in Spring Valley with him before she leaves again. But life can be full of surprises…and Jack and Amy are in for the biggest surprise of all!

Rekindled Romance & Restoring His Heart: Rekindled Romance\Restoring His Heart

by Lorraine Beatty

Author Lorraine Beatty brings you two heartwarming novels of redemption and faithRekindled RomanceAfter returning home, Shelby Russell winds up next door to ex-fiancé Matt Durrant. Now a widower with two kids, Matt plans to keep Shelby at arm’s length—even if she’s the logical choice for a nanny. Shelby left him once, and he won’t risk it happening again. But as they bond and he learns the truth about why Shelby’s back, they realize they’ll need courage if they dare hope for a future.Restoring His HeartAfter he crashes his sports car into a gazebo, Adam Holbrook begrudgingly agrees to rebuild it. But when Laura Durrant, the contractor scheduled to help him, shows up, everything changes. As they work amid the sawdust and sweat, Laura teaches him about more than carpentry. She shows him everything he’s missed out on…including love.

Courting Scandal

by Donna McAteer

Meet the daring ladies of The Bliss Society. They want what their husbands give their mistresses... pleasure. The Bliss Society is at it again. But this time Darcy, Francine and Corina may be getting in over their heads as they attempt two rescues at the same time. The innocent yet clumsy Isabel Lawrence has tumbled headlong into the life of the notorious Ice Earl, Jordan Lennox, and right into the vicious gossip pages. And then there's the plight of Cecily, trapped in a loveless marriage with Simon Hammond, Viscount Byford. Not only was the marriage never consummated, Cecily's father is determined to put an end to the relationship by taking his daughter back to America. As always, more than sex and marriage are at stake as The Bliss Society uncovers some family secrets and a scandalous affair sure to unhinge the ton. Genre: Romance/Historical Fiction Read the series by Donna McAteer and Catherine Stang! MORE THAN A WIFE [BLISS SOCIETY SERIES] COURTING SCANDAL [BLISS SOCIETY SERIES]

Comanche Passion

by Ralph Galeano

High adventure and hair-raising exploits intertwine in a sensual, inter-racial love affair on the western frontier. Soon after the Indian wars, two young cowboys become prisoners of Comanche horsemen. Violence occurs in the village when Ben goes to his friend Stick's defense, and whips a ferocious warrior. Shamed, the warrior, Black Heart, swears vengeance. A beautiful Indian princess tends to Stick's injuries, and when Ben's and the Princess' eyes meet, they know instantly they have met the person of their dreams. When the cowboys are freed, Ben promises Elizabeth he will return for her when he's settled. Black Heart hears of Ben's vow, and in a jealous rage goes on a murderous rampage. Meanwhile, Ben and Stick pan for gold in the Wyoming Mountains and find enough to purchase a ranch, but beneath their feet a treasure worth millions eludes them. Black Heart returns and abducts Elizabeth, and a deadly battle occurs that changes the course of the relationship between Elizabeth and Ben.

Veritas Dawn

by Mark Lynch

4 July 2132. The colony ship, SS Artemis, leaves our solar system and begins a journey across the galaxy. The leviathan's destination is the "Veritas" Moon, a sphere thought capable of supporting human life. The "First Wave" colonists seek to create a utopian society on the virgin moon, free from the many problems of old Earth, but no one could have predicted the threat which awaited them. Decades later, a small group of settlers flee from the ravages of civil war and the repressive arm of a totalitarian state. This tiny community must attempt to put old grievances behind them as they struggle to survive the harsh realities of life on an isolated outpost, right on the edge of the fledgling human colony. When their settlement comes under attack by a resurgent indigenous enemy it appears the colonists' only hope rests in the actions of a mysterious stranger whose own motives remain unclear.

Wayward Sun

by Katherine Smith

A sense of honor, no matter how tattered, can be an inconvenient nemesis ... Notorious and exiled, Ross Braden needs to keep a low profile. The last thing he wants when he leaves the stodgy halls of Boston for the wilds of untamed Colorado is to drag along a spoiled aristocratic lady. A strange country with no friends or fortune ... Lady Arianne Brooke is desperate to escape the past and terrified of the future. Forced to hinge her life on an enigmatic and handsome stranger, she trades her soul for the chance to escape a danger that haunts her every waking moment. From London to Boston to the American West, a wild outcast and a spirited English runaway find themselves not only battling the perils of their journey but each other as well.

Death at Gran Quivera

by Jesse J. Elliot

Iragene Jones, a homesteader in central New Mexico, discovers a bloody, blond scalp on her property. Determined to find out who this woman was, Iragene sets off to question her neighbors, only to find that they, too, have experienced other bizarre events. Leaving behind her best friend, Cassie—the daughter of a former slave, her brother, and his very pregnant wife, Iragene sets off to solve these macabre events. She and her lover, Alejandro Gallegos, bring all the information and evidence they find to the recalcitrant sheriff, who belittles their concerns and carries on with business as usual. Realizing their community is on its own, Iragene and Alejandro continue their quest to discover who is committing these crimes, and in doing so uncover additional, more horrific crimes, some perhaps involving the sheriff himself. Things finally come to a head in Gran Quivera, in the middle of a frightening deluge of lightening, thunder, rain, and bullets.

Devils Unto Dust

by Emma Berquist

Keep together. Keep your eyes open. Keep your wits about you.The desert is unkind in the best of times. And the decade since the Civil War has been anything but the best of times for Daisy Wilcox—call her Willie—and her family. This tense, heart-pounding alternate history about a young woman fighting to survive the unthinkable will keep fans of Westworld and The Walking Dead reading late into the night.A horrifying sickness has spread across the West Texas desert. Infected people—shakes—attack the living, and the surviving towns are only as safe as their perimeter walls are strong. The state is all but quarantined from the rest of the country. Glory, Texas, is a near ghost town. Still, seventeen-year-old Willie has managed to keep her siblings safe, even after the sickness took their mother. But then her good-for-nothing father steals a fortune from one of the most merciless shake hunters in town, and Willie is left on the hook for his debt. With two young hunters as guides, Willie sets out across the desert to find her father. And the desert holds more dangers than just shakes. This riveting debut novel blends True Grit with 28 Days Later for an unforgettable journey.

Tentación Navideña

by Dawn Brower Jose Saul Agis Garcia

El presente libro nos muestra una recopilación de escenas contenidas en otros libros completos de las series Novak

Uma esposa substituta

by Amaya Evans Claudia de Aguirre Parisoto

Tempo presente: Lissi Drum sonha em ter uma família. Um marido e filhos que a amem e que juntos possam viver em uma bela casa, cercada por flores, em um pequeno bosque. Aquela era a imagem que ela tinha do seu futuro. Enquanto seu marido trabalhava em sua empresa, ela trabalharia em seu salão de cabeleireiro, que poderia ser em sua casa, para que pudesse cuidar dos filhos também. A vida toda dela estava planejada em sua cabeça, mas o que ela não sabe é que tudo isso mudará, quando, um dia, sem esperar, chegar em sua casa uma carta muito antiga, sem remetente, mas endereçada a ela. Aquela carta a transporta para um lugar que ela não conhece e, de repente, ela está em frente a uma casa que parece com a da família Ingalls, com apenas um envelope nas mãos, endereçado a um certo Mathias Taylor. Velho Oeste: Mathias é um homem difícil, acostumado a ver o pior das pessoas. Foi caçador de recompensas e só viu dor e violência. Até que um dia, abandonou tudo aquilo, comprou um sítio e se casou com Emily, sua falecida esposa, que o amou muito. Ele pensou que aquele amor duraria para sempre, até que ela ficou grávida do segundo filho e morreu no parto, deixando-o sozinho com dois filhos pequenos e muita dor no coração. Sua vida agora era cuidar do seu sítio, com a ajuda de seus homens e dar aos filhos tudo o que precisavam, mas sentia que não estava lidando bem com eles. Seus filhos são dois meninos mal-educados e travessos, que tem muito medo dele. Quase nunca falam com ele e agora a mulher que ajudava em casa tinha ido embora, porque não suportava seu gênio forte. Mathias, sem saber o que fazer, decide encomendar uma noiva por correspondência, para que ajude com a casa e seja uma boa mãe para os meninos, mas jamais imaginou encontrar em sua porta uma mulher como Lissi Drum, uma moça bonita, com um corpo de deusa e um rosto doce, que com apenas um sorriso causava um efeito nele que jamais pensou sentir novamente. O problema

Tentazioni natalizie

by Dawn Brower Sara Sudano

Christmas Temptation è uno sguardo ad ognuna delle coppie di Novak Springs e al loro modo di fare dopo che ognuno di loro ha trovato la loro felicità per sempre. Buttati in un viaggio con loro e sperimenta ciò che ancora li tenta, specialmente nel periodo di Natale.

La novia de McKenzie

by Tanya Anne Crosby Lola Fortuna

Independiente hasta la médula, Elizabeth Bowcock, también conocida como “Doc Liz”, decide criar a la hija de su única hermana, ya que se acaba de quedar huérfana. Desafortunadamente, el abuelo de la niña no considera apta a Elizabeth para la tarea y se niega a entregarle a la pequeña si no se casa antes… Cutter MacKenzie es un hombre de pelo negro y mirada de demonio. Apartado de la sociedad por su sangre Cheyenne. El guapo mestizo se ofrece como voluntario para hacerse pasar por el marido de Elizabeth. Y aunque su tremendo atractivo sexual pone en riesgo la independencia de Liz, no es el mayor peligro que encontrarán a lo largo del camino que tienen que recorrer juntos para llegar a St. Louis…

Barbed Wire

by Elmer Kelton

Irishman Doug Monahan runs a fencing crew outside the south Texas town of Twin Wells, digging post-holes and stringing red painted barbed wire for ranchers as protection against wandering stock, rustlers, and land hungry thugs.Monahan's fencing operation is opposed by Captain Andrew Rinehart, a former Confederate officer and an old-school open range baron of the huge R Cross spread. With his brutal foreman, Archer Spann, assigned to the violent work, Rinehart wages a barbed wire war against Doug Monahan. And neither side takes prisoners!At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Texas-Sized Trouble: Cowboy Dreaming (A\wrangler's Creek Novel Ser. #7)

by Delores Fossen

A local girl comes home to face the cowboy from her past—and finally claim her future…Lawson Granger loved Eve Cooper once, but her dreams were grander than anything his Texas-cowboy destiny could provide. Letting her walk out of his life and into television stardom was a mistake he made eighteen years ago. Now everything’s changed. Eve is back—pregnant and desperate for someplace to hide. And their desire is just as stubborn as they are.Escaping to the comforts of home is Eve’s one shot at giving her baby a safe life. Earning Lawson’s trust is her one chance at making amends for the past. But the long-buried secrets and unintentional damage she fled from aren’t far behind. When the truth finds her, she stands to lose the man she loves and the only place she’s ever called home…this time forever.

Caroline: Little House, Revisited

by Sarah Miller

A September Indie Next PickOne of Refinery29's Best Reads of SeptemberIn this novel authorized by the Little House Heritage Trust, Sarah Miller vividly recreates the beauty, hardship, and joys of the frontier in a dazzling work of historical fiction, a captivating story that illuminates one courageous, resilient, and loving pioneer woman as never before—Caroline Ingalls, "Ma" in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s beloved Little House books.In the frigid days of February, 1870, Caroline Ingalls and her family leave the familiar comforts of the Big Woods of Wisconsin and the warm bosom of her family, for a new life in Kansas Indian Territory. Packing what they can carry in their wagon, Caroline, her husband Charles, and their little girls, Mary and Laura, head west to settle in a beautiful, unpredictable land full of promise and peril.The pioneer life is a hard one, especially for a pregnant woman with no friends or kin to turn to for comfort or help. The burden of work must be shouldered alone, sickness tended without the aid of doctors, and babies birthed without the accustomed hands of mothers or sisters. But Caroline’s new world is also full of tender joys. In adapting to this strange new place and transforming a rough log house built by Charles’ hands into a home, Caroline must draw on untapped wells of strength she does not know she possesses.For more than eighty years, generations of readers have been enchanted by the adventures of the American frontier’s most famous child, Laura Ingalls Wilder, in the Little House books. Now, that familiar story is retold in this captivating tale of family, fidelity, hardship, love, and survival that vividly reimagines our past.


by Heather Graham

The best-selling author of One Rode West presents the first of a five-book historical saga set in nineteenth-century Florida, where Tara Brent's dangerous past and an Indian war threatens her new marriage.

Lord Grizzly, Second Edition

by Frederick Manfred Freya Manfred John R. Milton

Hunter, trapper, resourceful fighter, and scout, Hugh Glass was just a rugged man among other rugged American frontiersmen until he was mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead by his best friends. Hugh’s rage drove him to crawl two hundred miles across dangerous territory to seek revenge until he was no longer Hugh Glass but had become Lord Grizzly. Lord Grizzly is the second volume of Frederick Manfred’s acclaimed five-volume series, The Buckskin Man Tales. For this Bison Books edition, poet Freya Manfred provides a new introduction.

Scarlet Plume, Second Edition

by Frederick Manfred Arthur R. Huseboe John Calvin Rezmerski

In 1862 the largest Indian uprising in American history occurred in southern Minnesota. Enraged Sioux attempted to throw off the broken treaties that still bound them and to avenge the insults and depredations they had been forced to bear. Hundreds of whites were killed. Women were taken captive.Told from the point of view of Judith Raveling, a young woman widowed by the uprising, Scarlet Plume draws on the brutal history of the conflict from beginning to end. Taken captive by the Sioux, Judith is given to Scarlet Plume, one of the many warriors who know their cause is lost. Caught between the men who would wage war ruthlessly and his own judgment, which tells him how dearly the Sioux will pay for every white person killed, Scarlet Plume tries to save as many as he can. Defying the dangers of a pitiless war, he returns Judith to the safety of her people. Soon she must try to save him. Scarlet Plume is the third of Frederick Manfred’s five-volume series, The Buckskin Man Tales.

Riders of Judgment, Second Edition

by Frederick Manfred Thomas Pope

Here is a rich and serious novel of the violent West. Full of the authentic sounds and colors of Wyoming cattle country in the late nineteenth century, it tells the true story of a long-vanished time—the era of the cowhands and the bloody Johnson County range wars. Riders of Judgment centers on the three Hammett brothers and their cousin Rosemary, whom all three love. To the oldest brother, Cain, falls the lot of avenging the murder of his father, grandfather, and brother. Cain—who is in a sense a cowboy Hamlet—is torn by conflicts within himself. He desires peace yet is forced to wear a gun. He is a law-abiding man by instinct yet has to take the law into his own hands. He is loved by a woman but rejects her because he feels unworthy of her love.Then one spring morning the cattle barons invade his territory, and Cain’s hesitancy vanishes. One man’s inner struggle becomes a fight to turn the cattle kingdom into a free country for the small stockman. Riders of Judgment is the final book in Frederick Manfred’s five-volume series, The Buckskin Man Tales.

King of Spades, Second Edition

by Frederick Manfred Joel Johnson

Under the veil of one of the oldest and most tragic myths known to humankind, a king is born. Magnus King, the son of a well-born English woman, continues his family’s aristocratic legacy on the frontier of the American West until the night a deadly shooting changes everything. Young Earl Ransom, a man found long ago on the Cheyenne prairie with no memory of his past or of how his destiny is linked to that of Magnus King, finds his way through a tale as old and tragic as the Greek myth of Oedipus.King of Spades is the final volume of Frederick Manfred’s acclaimed five-volume series, The Buckskin Man Tales. For this Bison Books Classic edition, Joel Johnson provides a new introduction.

The Rustler: A Tale of Love and War in Wyoming

by Frances McElrath Victoria Lamont

Published in the spring of 1902, the same year as The Virginian, Frances McElrath's novel The Rustler enjoyed only brief success before fading from public memory. While The Virginian has indisputably served as the model for the genre of the Western, The Rustler remains virtually unknown. Although both novels were inspired by the Johnson County massacre, The Rustler is an account sympathetic to the perspective of the small cattleman, while The Virginian takes the part of the large cattle operations. Both novels also address, with differing conclusions, the clash between the independent Western man and the genteel Eastern woman.In this story of the stoic, competent, and fiercely independent cowboy Jim and his ill-fated love for the beautiful Hazel Clifford, McElrath offers an alternative view of the West and the standard marriage plot. In contrast to The Virginian, The Rustler points to the vulnerability of the cowboy ethos and a different sort of redemption for the frivolous Eastern woman. The Rustler is also a significant example of the connection between popular and literary traditions whereby sentimentalism, the Western, and a feminist perspective converge in surprising and fascinating ways.

Hattie's Heroes

by Ginger Simpson

Hattie Carson leaves an orphanage that has been her home for years to embark on a trip to California with the Franklin family. How can tending three children be as challenging as ten times that many? A passel of surprises await, including meeting the handsome young man Mr. Franklin hired as an extra hand. It doesn’t take long before Hattie’ll do anything for Billy Monroe, including jumping into a fast-moving river to escape death at the hands of Indians. Billie Monroe really expected to be overrun by a war party when he advised Hattie to swim for safety. Now she’s gone and it’s his fault. The life he planned with her in California is nothing more than a dream…the same dream Hattie’s having while she reads an old faded journal detailing the wagon train’s trip and the past she’s been convinced doesn't really exist.

One Wore Blue (Camerons Saga: Civil War Trilogy #1)

by Heather Graham

Heather Graham's seductive Civil War trilogy begins with an unlikely Yankee forced to choose between loyalty to the cause and the love of a Southern belle. The privileged daughter of a Virginia plantation owner, Kiernan Miller can't imagine that her idyllic life will ever change--nor her days in the company of her devastatingly handsome neighbor, Jesse Cameron, a boy who returns her desire, kiss by tempestuous kiss. Then Jesse commits the one sin that Kiernan can never forgive: He abandons his roots for the Union army. Though Kiernan marries another, a part of her will always love the rebel in blue. To follow his conscience, Jesse Cameron must sacrifice his heart. He deserts his hometown, turns against his own brother, and rides away from the woman he loves. But he vows that it will not be forever. Now, bringing the war to Kiernan's front door, Jesse has returned as the enemy, intent on winning back the widow with emerald eyes and sun-kissed hair--the beauty who has branded him a traitor. Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: Flirting with Disaster, Taking Shots, and Long Simmering Spring.

The Iron Marshal: A Novel

by Louis L'Amour

He was a tough enforcer for a New York gang. But when young Tom Shanaghy made one too many enemies, he skipped town on a fast-moving freight. He landed in a small Kansas town that had big dreams, no name, and the need for an honest lawman. Tom figured that a knuckle-and-skull man from Five Points would be perfect for the job. He didn't know that a high-stakes cattle drive was headed his way and that leading it was a vindictive rancher bent on settling an old score, even if he had to destroy the town to do it. Tom had himself stuck in the middle of the feud before sunset on his first day in town. All he could do was hope that his years on the Bowery had left him with the smarts he needed to keep himself alive.From the Paperback edition.

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