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My Only Sunshine

by Rowan Mcallister

Tanner Wallis is nearly at the end of his rope the night Mason Seidel finds him lying next to the mangled body of a cow on the back pastures of the Seidel family's Wyoming ranch. Recently out of the hospital after he and his boyfriend were brutally beaten, Tanner is jobless, homeless, and almost penniless. His desperate hope is that Mason will believe he's innocent of the senseless crime and give him a place to heal, both physically and emotionally, until he can get on his feet again. But Mason already has enough on his plate. He's only been back on the ranch a few months, ten years after his father kicked him out for being gay, and only because his sister begged him to come help after the man's disabling stroke. With all his responsibilities--running the struggling ranch and keeping his sister and father off his back--Mason can't really afford the distraction Tanner represents. But he can't just abandon the attractive young man either. There's trouble in spades on the ranch, but if they face it together, Mason and Tanner might find a future with a little sunshine.

Moon and Stars (Clouds and Rain Stories #4)

by Zahra Owens

A Clouds and Rain StoryAfter an affair with a married DA led to scandal and disbarment, Cooper Nelson left his legal career in shambles, and found solace working as a hand at the Blue River Ranch. Eight years later, during a rare visit into town, Cooper bumps into Kelly Freed, a man he left behind fifteen years earlier when he started out as an attorney. Unfortunately, Kelly is running for sheriff and his wife is terminally ill, so Kelly can't even consider rekindling their relationship. Cooper knows from sad experience that hiding the truth leads to lives being ruined, so for his part, he refuses to be anybody's dirty secret. In the meantime circumstances at neighboring Blackwater Ranch have taken a desperate turn. Gable's friend Calley has breast cancer, and when Gable and Flynn take in Calley's kids, they need help from their friends. Cooper and Kelly's combined talents are put to work to ensure Gable can make a bid to become the legal father of his children, and that Calley's affairs are in order if worse comes to worst. For Cooper, staying away from Kelly was never easy, and now with a common cause, Cooper finds he can't stop himself from seeking the man out.

The Billabong (Bushrangers)

by Jack Byrne

Bushrangers: Book OneA novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya UniverseHaving long ago lost his wife and children, cattleman Jim Kelly works the family farm in the harsh 1800s Australian outback, most days wondering why he bothers. That question is foremost in his mind when a venomous snake takes him by surprise. Another surprise comes when a skilled doctor is in the vicinity to save his life. But the third, and biggest, surprise for Jim is falling hard and fast for that man. Life on the lam is tough, and bushranger Mark Turner simply wants to maintain his freedom as long as he's able. Unfortunately, being a doctor, his conscience won't let him leave a snakebite victim to die. Before he thinks about the consequences of his humanitarian actions, he's both saved Jim and become smitten with him. But considering how Mark's past could negatively impact any possibility of a future, maybe falling in love wasn't such a great idea after all.

Bone Rider

by J. Fally

Riley Cooper is on the run. Misha Tokarev, the love of his life, turned out to be an assassin for the Russian mob, and when it comes to character flaws, Riley draws the line at premeditated murder. Alien armor system McClane is also on the run, for reasons that include accidentally crashing a space ship into Earth and evading U.S. military custody. A failed prototype, McClane was scheduled for destruction. Sabotaging the ship put an end to that, but McClane is dubbed a bone rider for good reason--he can't live without a host body. That's why he first stows away in Riley's truck and then in Riley himself. Their reluctant partnership soon evolves into something much more powerful--and personal--than either of them could have imagined. Together, they embark on a road trip from hell, made all the more exciting by the government troops and mob enforcers hot on their trail. Misha is determined to win Riley back and willing to do whatever it takes to keep him safe. When hitman and alien join forces, they discover their impressive combined potential for death and destruction. It will take everything Riley has to steer them through the mess they create.

Not As Easy As It Looks

by Jaime Samms

Don Jenkins will do anything for a happy, thriving family and home, but keeping his farm going is a constant challenge. He's always depended on Griff McAllister, his partner and first love, to support him in his work and in his need to submit in the bedroom. When he discovers Griff might be losing faith in him, he's at a loss for how to mend the relationship. Then Howard Campbell--a man Don and Griff both love beyond words--is added to the mix. With jealousy threatening their bond and the viability of the farm in question, Don's dreams begin to crumble. Nearly losing Howard in an accident serves as a wakeup call. They begin to pull their relationship out of the muck and work to remember why they came together in the first place. If they can figure out how to help one another and balance the dynamics of dominance and submission between them so each man gets what he needs, the trio might build the loving future they've dared to hope for. They must be brave enough to commit every resource they can muster--especially trust, understanding, and acceptance--and realize true love is never as easy as it looks.

Conquer the Flames (Lang Downs #4)

by Ariel Tachna

Sequel to Outlast the NightLang Downs: Book FourThorne Lachlan knows a thing or two about getting himself safely out of a blaze. For years he fought in the world's hot spots, a Commando with the Australian Army. Now, retired, he fights flames for the Royal Fire Service. When a grassfire brings him to Lang Downs, the next sheep station in danger, Thorne meets Ian Duncan and sparks fly that neither man can put out. But both men have ghosts from the past that stand in the way of moving beyond mutual attraction. While Thorne longs for the home he could share with Ian at Lang Downs, he fears his own instability might make him a danger to others. And Ian's always believed that the foster care nightmare he escaped before coming to Lang Downs would make any relationship impossible. Trust doesn't come easily to Thorne or Ian until the fire's aftermath forces them to see past the scars keeping them both from healing.

The Fall (The Fall and Riding Tall #1)

by Kate Sherwood

Every relationship leaves something behind. Dumped by his sugar daddy, part-time model Scott Mackenzie somehow ends up owning an abandoned church in rural Ontario. He dreams of using it for gay weddings, even if he'll never have one of his own. Joe Sutton is trying to keep his family together after his parents' deaths. Between the family ranch, his brother's construction company, and commitments around town, he doesn't have time for a relationship. But Mackenzie is hard to ignore. As both men fight their growing attraction, challenges to Mackenzie's business threaten their relationship. If he can't make it work, he'll have to crawl back to the city in defeat. But the only solution involves risking the ranch Joe loves, and each man has to decide how much he'll sacrifice for the other.

Riding Tall (The Fall and Riding Tall #1)

by Kate Sherwood

Sequel to The FallJoe Sutton and Scott Mackenzie have ridden off into the sunset, but they wake to the cruel light of reality. Joe loves his family, even with the addition of three neighbors orphaned by a house fire. He loves the land that has supported them for generations. While there's plenty of room left in his heart for Mackenzie, Joe must make room for him in his life. Tired of taking and determined not to depend on another sugar daddy, Mackenzie returns to modeling in the city, but the wild clubs he once loved aren't home anymore. Yet things aren't right back at the ranch either. Joe is no longer the man he knew. Before the love of his life reaches his breaking point, Mackenzie must convince Joe he's not lazy if he takes a break and not weak if he needs a little help. Finding the balance between give and take might leave them time for happily ever after.

Dein Stern am Himmel (Lang Downs (Deutsch) #1)

by Anna Knaus Ariel Tachna

Buch 1 in der Serie - Lang DownsCaine Neiheisel steckt nicht nur in seinem Job in einer Sackgasse fest, sondern auch in seiner Beziehung, als die Chance seines Lebens in seinen Schoß fällt: Seine Mutter hat die Schafstation ihres Onkels in New South Wales, Australien, geerbt, und Caine sieht es als die Chance auf einen Neuanfang, draußen auf einer Ranch, wo sein Stottern ihn nicht zurückhalten und sein Wille zu arbeiten seine Unerfahrenheit wettmachen würde. Unglücklicherweise wechselt Macklin Armstrong, der Vorarbeiter von Lang Downs, der eigentlich Caines größter Verbündeter sein sollte, zwischen kühlem und völlig abweisendem Verhalten, und die anderen Arbeiter sind eher über Caines Stottern amüsiert, als durch seine Entschlossenheit beeindruckt ... Zumindest, bis sie herausfinden, dass er schwul ist und ihre Belustigung sich in Zorn verwandelt. Es wird Caines ganze Entschlossenheit - und einen Sabotageakt eines feindlich gesinnten Nachbarn - brauchen, um die Männer von Lang Downs zu vereinen und Caine und Macklin eine Chance auf Liebe zu geben.

A Prairie Dog's Love Song (Dreamspinner Press Advent Calendar - Mended Ser.)

by Eli Easton

Ben Rivers always was a showman. He won awards in 4-H and rodeo competitions from the time he could walk, and he's happiest in the spotlight. So when he got the chance to be a star--in porn--he took it. He still loves Montana and everything about being a cowboy, but when news of his alternate identity leaks out, he figures he's lost the town's goodwill forever. Clyde's Corner would never accept an openly gay cowboy, even a hometown boy born and bred. Joshua Braintree always had the notion that he and his best friend's kid brother, Ben, would end up together. Ben's always been a diehard cowboy, just like him: they need the land and its freedom as much as they need air. So when Joshua learns Ben moved away from their small Montana town to be a porn star in Vegas, he can hardly believe it. He's determined to finally declare himself and bring Ben home. Despite his longtime crush on Joshua, Ben won't be as easy to tame as Joshua's "lost cause" horses. It will take a lot of heart and holiday spirit for Joshua to convince Ben that even old prairie dogs can learn new tricks in the name of love.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".

The Terms of Release (The Release Series #1)

by Ba Tortuga

The Release Series: Book OneThey say a man can always come home. So after doing hard time, Sage Redding heads to his family's northeast Texas ranch to help his ailing daddy with the cutting horses. Adam (Win) Winchester is a county deputy and the cousin of one of the men killed in the incident that sent Sage to prison for almost a decade. While Win's uncles, Jim and Teddy, are determined to make Sage and the entire Redding family pay for their loss, Win just figures Sage has paid his dues and maybe needs a friend. Maybe he needs more than a friend. In fact, Win's counting on it. No one's denying Sage is an ex-con who went to prison for manslaughter. Regardless of the love he has for his father, he's returned knowing things will likely go badly for him. Maybe a man can always come home, but he may not be able to stay. Sensual Reads Reviewers' Choice GLBT Award 2014

The Legend of Uncle Everett

by Gene Taylor

When Everett Coleman's longtime enemy JB Sanderson dies, Everett's nephew Blake comes to visit his uncle. He worries JB's death might have a negative effect on the old man, despite Everett and JB's very public hatred for each other. When Everett passes away and Blake begins going through his things, he finds his uncle's diaries. To his surprise, the infamous feud between Everett and JB was a gigantic cover-up for a gay relationship that lasted for decades. Blake decides to write the real story of the legendary grudge and let the world know the great lengths the two men had to go to in the 1930s and 1940s to hide their love from their conservative small town in Texas.

A Courageous Ride (The Bullriders)

by Andrew Grey

The Bullriders: Book ThreeAspiring orchestra conductor Marshall is exhausted after months of auditions without a single job offer. Marshall's friend, Terry, recommends a change of scenery and points Marshall in the direction of a dude ranch run by former bull rider Indigo Santana. Marshall is understandably skeptical, but his friend is convincing, and Marshall needs a break, so he agrees to go. Indigo captures Marshall's attention but leaves him confused. Indigo's confidence is shot after an injury ended his rodeo career, and he walks with a slight limp. He hasn't been anywhere near a bull since he was hurt, and he's not the most accommodating host. After all, the only reason he keeps guests is because his family ranch is all but bankrupt. Marshall's attraction doesn't go unanswered, which leaves him with a huge dilemma. He's torn between the possibility of love, something he's searched for all his life, and the career he's worked toward for as long as he can remember, which is miles away. From his side of the fence, Indigo doesn't see how the ranch could ever be enough.

Country Strong

by Caitlin Ricci

With only three months left on a lease-to-own agreement on a quarter horse Wyatt's worked hard to own, a thunderstorm spooks General and he throws Wyatt, changing both their lives forever. Luckily, Kellen, a friend of the stable owner, calls for emergency medical attention, and Wyatt comes out of the hospital with a broken wrist and a concussion. When Wyatt returns to the stable, he finds the owner has sold General to Kellen for retraining. But Wyatt's woes have just begun, and now he must drive an hour to see his horse. The perks help balance the hardships, however, and Wyatt finds himself falling for Kellen. His fortitude is soon tested again by the ultimate betrayal when he learns Kellen doesn't intend to return General after he's trained.

Letting Hearts Heal

by Luna Jensen

Mason returns to Sweet Valley, Montana, with nothing but a backpack full of rejections. After nearly a decade in the big city experiencing the highest highs and lowest lows, his heart and spirit are shattered. Fire robbed him of cooking--the only thing he's good at--and now he's out of options. Thrust into instant fatherhood, Dean struggles to find a balance between getting to know his young son and building his business. Meeting Mason again after many years apart just adds another element to the juggling act. Dean's vision for his ranch give them a chance to work together--to find each other and to heal--but it's no easy feat for a grief-stricken little boy, an overwhelmed loner used to focusing only on his work, and an insecure chef. Can they find the path to healing and happiness?

Earth and Sky - Ein Neubeginn für Hunter (Clouds and Rain Serie #2)

by Melina Wilke Zahra Owens

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain SerieHunter Krause weiß ganz genau, dass es harte Arbeit ist, eine Ranch zu führen. Gute Cowboys zu finden ist schwer, und obwohl ihn sein Vorarbeiter und seine gesamte Familie unterstützen, hat er zu wenige Männer. Als dann Pferde von der Ranch verschwinden, stellt sein Bruder einen Mann ein, den Hunter nie in Erwägung gezogen hätte: Grant Jarreau, dem Hunter bis heute nicht verzeihen kann, dass er Hunters besten Freund nach einem schweren Unfall einfach im Stich gelassen hat. Grant fügt sich schnell in das Leben auf der Ranch ein. Er freundet sich mit Hunters Schwester an und leistet hervorragende Arbeit. Trotz seiner Bedenken kann Hunter seine körperliche Reaktion auf Grant nicht wirklich verhindern und er weiß nicht, was er dagegen tun soll. Als Grant dann Hunters kleinen Neffen vor dem Ertrinken rettet, öffnet ein dankbarer Kuss Türen, von deren Existenz Hunter nie etwas geahnt hatte. Während Hunter und Grant langsam eine Beziehung aufbauen, gerät Hunters Familie aus den Fugen, gibt es Schwierigkeiten auf der Ranch, versuchen sie herauszufinden, was mit den Pferden passiert ist und - als wäre das nicht genug - verschweigt Grant irgendetwas. Kann Hunter lernen, Grant zu vertrauen oder wird der Aufruhr in Hunters Familie ein weiteres Opfer fordern?

Captive to His Wonder

by Remmy Duchene

Shipped off to boarding school at a young age, Bradley Ellesbury Jr. lacked for nothing, except the love and approval of his father. Now with his father's recent passing, Bradley feels the sting of disapproval one last time with the reading of the will. Forced to leave behind his glamorous Parisian lifestyle, Bradley returns to the small town of Foster Creek to do precisely what his father forbade--sell the ranch. Meeting the infuriating cowboy his father hired to run the place only makes him more determined to go against his father's wishes. Too old to be playing mind games with twenty-something know-it-alls, Jace Cornielle stays only because he promised the old man. Somewhere between picking fights and making snarky comments, Jace and Bradley move from annoyance to attraction. Then Bradley learns losing the cowboy means he loses everything.

Después del anochecer (En el momento perfecto #2)

by A. G. Amilibia Mary Calmes

La secuela de En el momento perfectoDos años después de cabalgar hacia el ocaso con Rand Holloway, el dueño de un rancho, Stefan Joss ha hecho las paces provisionalmente con su nueva vida, enseñando en una facultad de la comunidad. Pero el río del verdadero amor jamás fluyó tranquilo. Rand quiere que él se quede en casa, pero Stef quiere una estrategia de huída en caso de que Rand decida echarlo en algún momento. Finalmente, después de reconocer lo injusto que estaba siendo, Stef se compromete, y Rand está como loco de contento. Cuando Stef tiene la oportunidad de probar su devoción, no lo duda, a pesar de arriesgar su vida en el proceso, y Rand aprovecha la oportunidad para mostrarles a todos que a veces las mejores sorpresas de la vida suceden después del ocaso.

Walkabout (Bushrangers)

by Jack Byrne

Sequel to The BillabongBushrangers: Book TwoA novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya UniverseIn New South Wales, Australia, in 1876, sweating out a living from the savage, dry wilderness tests a man's worth. Cattleman Jim Kelly gave up everything he knew to outrun the law with his lover Mark Turner. Struggling to survive, the two turn to crime and venture farther into the harsh outback. And while Jim is enthralled by Mark's almost paranormal strength and physical power, he starts to question his love after seeing Mark's explosive temper first hand.

The Widow's Ferry

by Dorothy A. Bell

Anora Claire Sennet, her parents, her Aunt Carrie, and her husband, Ruben Tillery, start out from Iowa in 1841, headed for the Oregon Territory. Her parents’ dream, to build a ferry-crossing in the verdant Oregon territory known as the Willamette Valley. But Anora finds herself alone with Ruben, who uses her as his personal slave, abusing her and breaking her spirit until there is hardly anything left of her former bright and beautiful self. Ruben is working the ferry of her parents’ dream under the name of Ben Talbot in Tekenah, Oregon. She remembers very little of how she got to be in this situation. She only knows her parents and aunt are dead. Tiring of the hard work of the ferry, and seeking new victims to conquer, Ruben/Ben abandons her and leaves Anora with no pleasant choices for survival. Neither Whit Comstock, the handsome drifter cowboy from her past, who brings with him his optimism, nor the ambitious, up and coming Paxton Hayes with his vision of a fruitful, prosperous partnership, nor Paxton’s brother-in-law, Hank Reason, can erase or expunge from Anora’s memory the nightmares of her past, or the fear of what Ruben will do to her when he returns and finds her still breathing. Hank’s wife, Lydia, close to delivering her second child, requests Anora come help with the Reason’s ailing little girl, Isabell. Lydia delivers a stillborn son and dies of a broken heart. Now, living in a home with two bachelors, Anora’s presence in Paxton Hayes’ home creates a swirl of nasty gossip among the citizens of the fledgling frontier town. Her place is across the river, working the ferry on her own and to hell with those who claim they only want to help her. Deathly afraid of the river, working the ferry day in and day out is a living purgatory. The days and months pass, and there is no sign of Ruben. Anora’s friendship with Hank Reason grows, but where will it lead? Where is Ruben and when will he return? What about the ferry? What should she do with it? Anora is faced with gut-wrenching decisions, and the fear of Ruben’s eventual return haunts her. Can she put Hank and his daughter in danger? Will she ever find the peace and love she desires?

The Shearing Gun: Edizione Italiana

by Renae Kaye

At twenty-five, Hank owns a small parcel of land in Australia's rural southwest where he supplements his income from the property with seasonal shearing. Hank is a "shearing gun"--an ace shearer able to shear large numbers of sheep in a single day. His own father kicked him out when his sexuality was revealed, and since no one would ever hire a gay shearer, Hank has remained firmly closeted ever since. Elliot is the newbie doctor in town--city-born and somewhat shell-shocked from his transplant to the country. When a football injury brings Hank to Elliot's attention, an inappropriate sexual glance and the stuttered apology afterward kickstarts their friendship. Romance and love soon blossom, but it's hard for either of them to hope for anything permanent. As if the constant threat of being caught isn't enough, Elliot's contract runs out after only a year.

Spaghetti Western (Delectable)

by Em Lynley

A Novel in the Delectable SeriesCordon Bleu-trained chef Riley Emerson arrives in Aspen, Colorado for a summer at the best restaurant in town, only to discover his jerk of a boyfriend has dumped him, leaving his heart and his plans in tatters. Doubting himself and longing for a change of pace, he takes a low-paying position at the Rocking Z guest ranch, though he expects nature up close and personal won't hold a candle to his exciting Paris lifestyle. When born-and-bred cattle rancher Colby Zane spots a newcomer being pawed at by a passel of horny cowboys at Aspen's Club Rawhide, he rushes in, throws the guy over his shoulder, and rescues him. Sober, Riley Emerson is sweet and sexy, but not interested in more than a one-night stand. Still, Colby's over the moon when Riley later arrives as the new cook on his family's ranch. But all's not well at the Rocking Z. Unsurmountable financial problems force them to seek a cash infusion from outside investor Fitz Wellington. Fitz is hot for Colby, and he won't sign on the dotted line without some very personal incentives. The future of the ranch is at stake, and Colby's just that desperate, but saving the Z might mean losing Riley.

A Chaotic Range (Stories from the Range #7)

by Andrew Grey

Stories from the Range: Book Seven Most of the time ranchhand David rescues stray cattle, but this time he and his fellow cowboys Wally and Haven save a stranded motorist. David is surprised to find his former high school classmate nearly frozen in his car. After learning that Brian Applewright's boss fired him from his ranch for being gay, they invite him back to theirs to take a job. David and Brian moved in different social circles at school, but working together brings them closer. However, David has a rocky history on the ranch. The foreman is his ex, and he only recently returned after a heartbreakingly unsuccessful attempt to find greener pastures. He can't risk his heart getting close to anyone. But on a ranch, nature has a way of forcing an issue. When a snowstorm threatens, David and Brian head out to mend a fence and round up some stray cattle. David gets injured, and they must survive in the snow, cold, and wind. It might be the start of a relationship... or the end of their lives.

Finding Forgiveness (Bent Oak Saga #1)

by Ari Mckay

Boston in 1888 is quite urbane, but unfortunately for Gil Porter, that isn't the same thing as being understanding. When his sexuality is exposed by the scandalous suicide of his lover, Gil is exiled to the small town of Mercy, Texas, by his domineering father, George, who believes life on Vernon Porter's ranch will cure Gil of his "unnatural" desires. Grieving and ashamed, Gil is determined to keep his distance from everyone until he can return home. To his surprise, he finds acceptance at Bent Oak Ranch, especially from Matt Grayson, the handsome son of the ranch foreman. Knowing he must fight his attraction to Matt, Gil courts a local girl, but an unexpected encounter with Matt leads to his discovery of Matt's feelings for him. Torn between Matt and his desire to be "normal," between returning to his old life and building a new one in Texas, Gil is faced with a choice--appeasing his father or becoming the man Matt knows he can be.

Dingo Run (Bushrangers)

by Jack Byrne

Sequel to Walkabout Bushrangers: Book Three A novella from the Dragon-ghosts of Viscaya Universe New South Wales, Australia, 1876. As captured outlaws, Jim Kelly and Mark Turner face the gallows. Help comes from an unexpected quarter, but their hasty escape goes wrong and now Jim's life hangs by a thread. Mark is driven by desperation to form an alliance with an infamous bushranger who may hold clues to his mysterious past. But as Jim and Mark's relationship intensifies, it is also tested. Their secret is discovered, tempers fray, and jealousy flares.

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