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Showing 19,826 through 19,850 of 32,013 results

Garfield's Longest Catnap

by Jim Davis Jim Kraft Jack C. Harris

Garfield says he could sleep for fifty years, and then finally feel rested, but when he wakes up, after doing just that, the future is not all that he dreamed it would be. How can he survive, or is all of this a terrible nightmare?

Garfield's Guide to Everything (Garfield)

by Jim Davis

In Garfield&’s Guide to Everything, the philosophizing fat cat weighs in on a whole kit and caboodle of subjects, from ecology to astrology, Shakespeare to stupidity. Sleep — &“The best 18 hours of my day&” Coffee — &“Mother Nature&’s Jumper Cables&” Dogs — &“They contain 90% of the world&’s drool supply.&” Love — &“…is splitting the last piece of pizza.&” Exercise — &“My favorite spectator sport.&” Mondays — &“The armpit of days.&” Golf — &“That&’s Scottish for &‘AAARGH!&’&” <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

Garfield's Great Race

by Jim Kraft

Garfield is challenged to a race by Duke, the stunt cat. Will Garfield win?

Garfield Worldwide: His 15th Book (Garfield #15)

by Jim Davis

How does America's foremost feline do it? There's so much lasagna to be eaten, so many dogs to kick around, that he doesn't have time to worry about current events. He is the maestro of mirth and the purveyor of puns to his millions of fans. With Garfield in your life, is there room for anything more...?The GARFIELD CLASSICS series collects the early years of the Garfield comic strip. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So laugh along with the classic cat, because classics are always in style.

Garfield Will Eat for Food: His 48th Book (Garfield #48)

by Jim Davis

HUNGRY MINDS Desperate times call for desperate pleasures! Garfield, the always-famished fat cat, will go to any means necessary to satisfy his humongous hunger. Join him on the prowl for food—and fun—in this collection of comics.

Garfield What Leftovers?: His 71st Book (Garfield #71)

by Jim Davis

Garfield returns—weighing more than ever!—for his 71st book. They&’re all here in this brand-new full-color compilation comic strip book: Jon, Odie, Nermal, and, of course, our favorite fat cat, Garfield!Leftovers? Garfield doesn&’t get the concept. The conscientious fat cat does his best to reduce food waste, gobbling all the grub the first time. (Besides, ignored edibles develop low self-esteem.) Garfield fans will feast on this binge-worthy new collection of comics!

Garfield Weighs In: His 4th Book (Garfield #4)

by Jim Davis

America's sassiest, grouchiest, funniest, and chubbiest cat is up to his old tricks—and up to some new tricks too! Garfield celebrates living by fighting fleas, falling in love, and composing a history of dogs. This fourth Garfield extravaganza also features A Morning with Garfield and Garfield's only biography of his creator, Jim Davis.The GARFIELD CLASSICS series collects the early years of the Garfield comic strip. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So laugh along with the classic cat, because classics are always in style.

Garfield Weighs His Options: His 49th Book (Garfield #49)

by Jim Davis

TO EAT, OR NOT TO EAT?That's a stupid question! The fat cat was born to binge, and while some might call it gluttony, Garfield prefers to think of it as eating proactively. Besides, someone needs to keep the surplus donut population under control. In this hilarious collection of comics, the heavyweight of humor tips the scales with a veritable metric ton of laughs.

Garfield Tons of Fun (Garfield #29)

by Jim Davis

There&’s more of Garfield to love! In this nifty collection, Garfield contemplates the advantages of growing older—and fatter! Whether he&’s settling in for a catatonic evening of TV viewing, testing the first law of physics on his back, or just hunting burgers in the kitchen, Garfield is sure to go light on the action and heavy on the laughs. So grab a seat and get ready for Tons of Fun as Garfield treats us to another heaping helping of humor! The GARFIELD CLASSICS series collects the early years of the GARFIELD comic strip. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So laugh along with the classic cat, because classics are always in style.

Garfield To The Rescue

by Jim Kraft

From the book: One afternoon Garfield was playing "Squash the Dog" outside with Odie when a van stopped and a strange man jumped out. "What a nice doggy and kitty," said the man, patting the pets on the head. "Would you like to go to the park with me?" Garfield backed away. "We don't go with strangers." But ... This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy.

Garfield Tips the Scales: His 8th Book (Garfield #8)

by Jim Davis

You've made him the favorite cat of all time!The GARFIELD CLASSICS series collects the early years of the Garfield comic strip. Garfield may have gone through a few changes, but one thing has stayed the same: his enormous appetite for food and fun. So laugh along with the classic cat, because classics are always in style.

Garfield Throws His Weight Around: His 33rd Book (Garfield #33)

by Jim Davis

The Reigning King of Cats Shows You Who&’s Boss! Garfield rules his kingdom with an iron paw. No one is safe from the portly prankster! So whether he&’s playing snap-the-towel with the constantly clueless Odie, giving Jon a &“shocking&” makeover, or plotting his next line of attack on the birdbath, Garfield always comes out on top!

Garfield Thinks Big: His 32nd Book (Garfield #32)

by Jim Davis

Big Thoughts from an Even Bigger Cat Garfield is a true Aristotle of cats, pondering such tough questions as: How many plates of lasagna can a cat consume in a single sitting? That&’s a lot of food for thought, but you can bet this feline philosopher will gobble his way to an answer—and still find room for dessert! It&’s nothing less than sidesplitting fun, so don&’t miss out as Garfield thinks (and eats) BIGGER than ever before!

Garfield the Magician

by Jim Kraft

Garfield and Odie have an adventure in the Magic Zone, and help Jon with his magic act.

Garfield the Big Cheese: His 59th Book (Garfield #59)

by Jim Davis

Like a boss! Head honcho Garfield takes charge in this riotous collection of comics. The fat cat is up to his usual funny business—pestering Jon, punting Odie, and pounding down pasta—and it&’s a true labor of love!

Garfield Takes Up Space: His 20th Book (Garfield #20)

by Jim Davis

Garfield's Got the Magic TouchGarfield knows what matters in life—whether he's stealing Jon's dinner, performing for his favorite audience, or simply pondering the vastness of space. And he must be doing something right, because this is his twentieth book and he's still going strong. Live it up, Garfield, and take your millions of fans along for the ride!

Garfield Takes the Cake: His 5th Book (Garfield #5)

by Jim Davis

Garfield is a fast-talking, late-sleeping, cynical, lovable cat. He hassles Odie, Jon, and Nermal and enchants kids of all ages. And now he's back—better, fatter, and funnier than ever before!

Garfield Takes His Licks: His 24th Book (Garfield #24)

by Jim Davis

Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry—with Garfield! Just as day becomes night, summer becomes fall, and breakfast becomes lunch (with ample time for snacks in between!), Garfield becomes plumper and funnier with every meal he devours and every practical joke he performs. So whether he&’s nudging Odie off the coffee table or &“doing&” lunch with Jon&’s goldfish, Garfield&’s in it for the fun—and so are we!

Garfield Swallows His Pride: His 14th Book (Garfield #14)

by Jim Davis

Here's Garfield at his most appealing. Debonair, wise beyond his years—and funny! When you crave sarcasm, rapier wit, pithy comments, or lots of belly laughs, Garfield's the one who has it all!

Garfield Spills the Beans: His 46th Book (Garfield #46)

by Jim Davis

Guilty as Charged Garfield, the felonious feline, is up to his old tricks again—and he doesn&’t care who knows it. Whether the victim is John, Odie, or some unsuspecting spider, Garfield is always guilty of fun in the first degree!

Garfield Souped Up: His 57th Book (Garfield #57)

by Jim Davis

Go, Cat, Go! Garfield shifts the laughs into overdrive in this uproarious collections of comics. Whether he&’s booting Nermal through the front door or battling Mrs. Feeny&’s lawn gnome, the fat cat keeps the mischief and mayhem coming fast and furious. Let the wild ride begin!

Garfield Slurps and Burps: His 67th Book (Garfield #67)

by Jim Davis

Feeding frenzy! Who has time for manners when there&’s food to be inhaled? Garfield eschews etiquette in favor of bingeing and belching. And who can blame him? He&’s only human! So get rude &’n&’ crude and pig out on this collection of tasty comics. SLURP! SLURP! SLURP!

Garfield Sits Around the House: His 7th Book (Garfield #7)

by Jim Davis

He's the #1 champ at sleeping, eating, and watching TV—and when the world's favorite cat sits around the house, he really sits around the house! And of course, he&’s as sassy and lovable as ever when he chases Odie, plays with Nermal and Pooky, and makes life both wicked and wonderful for his owner, Jon.

Garfield Sings for His Supper: His 55th Book (Garfield #55)

by Jim Davis

Garfield's Got Talent! The famous fat cat with the awesome appetite sings for his supper, dances for his dessert, and acts for his snacks in this collection of hilarious daily and Sunday comics. On with the show!

Garfield Shovels It In: His 51st Book (Garfield #51)

by Jim Davis

FILL &‘ER UP Garfield believes in living life to the fullest. No easy task for a cat with a bottomless stomach. In this latest collection of comics, the fat cat with the legendary appetite treats himself to seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths and proves that anything worth eating is worth overeating.

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