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Showing 20,551 through 20,575 of 32,128 results

Franklin and the Stopwatch

by Sharon Jennings Paulette Bourgeois

In this Level 2 first reader, youngsters will identify with this story of Franklin driving his friends and family crazy. Picture descriptions added.

Franklin and the Hero

by Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin and Snail are on their way to the bookstore to meet their favorite storybook superhero, Dynaroo. But it turns out that Franklin and Snail are the real heroes of the day--they help their neighbor, Mrs. Muskrat, who lost her house key in the snow.

Franklin and the Duckling

by Sharon Jennings

In this Level 2 first reader, youngsters will identify with Franklin as he tries to bring home a new pet. Picture descriptions added.

Franklin and the Cookies

by Paulette Bourgeois

In this Level 2 first reader, youngsters will identify with Franklin as he has too many cookies!

Franklin and the Computer

by Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin is totally into Beaver's new computer game, Dam Builders. He keeps popping up at her house and spends all his time playing Dam Builders. He's so obsessed with reaching the next level in the game that he turns down Beaver's invitation to go swimming and even forgets his promise to Bear to show up for soccer practice--twice. One day Franklin finds himself alone; all his friends are at the pond. They are glad when Franklin joins them for a real game of dam builders, and Franklin realizes that friends are the most fun of all. Picture descriptions added.

Franklin and the Bubble Gum

by Paulette Bourgeois Sharon Jennings

In this Level 2 first reader, youngsters will relate to a Franklin story about making mistakes and telling the truth. Picture descriptions present on pictures only pages.

Franklin and the Big Kid

by Paulette Bourgeois

In this Franklin TV Storybook, Franklin discovers that being a big kid isn't all it's cracked up to be. Picture descriptions added.

Franklin and the Baby

by Paulette Bourgeois

When Franklin's best friend gets a new baby sister, Franklin feels like a proud big brother himself! Picture descriptions present.

Franklin And The Magic Show

by Sharon Jennings Sean Jeffrey Alice Sinkner Shelley Southern

Franklin has a hat, a cape, a wand and a book of magic tricks. But Franklin cannot disappear. This is a problem because Franklin wants to be a magician. Will Franklin's friends believe he is a real magician? Picture descriptions added.

Franklin and His Friend

by Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin is overjoyed when he learns his good friend Otter will be coming for a visit. But when Otter arrives, Franklin's dream of reliving the past is destroyed. Otter rejects the happy face sandwiches she used to love. She has become such a good swimmer, Franklin can't keep up with her--and she can't keep up with him on the baseball field. They've both changed so much, they wonder if they can still be friends! Luckily, they find they both still love a good slide down a river bank.

Franklin and Harriet

by Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin likes being a big brother to his toddler sister Harriet most of the time, but when Harriet tries to commandeer Franklin's favorite toy -- his stuffed dog, Sam -- he begins to see her in a different light. Full-color illustrations. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

Franklin and Harriet

by Paulette Bourgeois Brenda Clark

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin likes being a big brother ... most of the time. But when his little sister, Harriet, wants to play with his favorite stuffed animal, Franklin doesn't want to share. As they tug at the toy, something terrible happens. It rips! Franklin's mother fixes it, but he remains angry and hides the toy in his closet. Then Franklin discovers it's not the toy that makes Harriet happy--it's her big brother who brings a smile to her face. Franklin decides that maybe sharing isn't so bad after all.This fixed-layout ebook, which preserves the design and layout of the original print book, features read-along narration by the author as well as music and sound effects.

Frankie's Kangaroo Caper: Book 10 (Frankie's Magic Football #10)

by Frank Lampard

Frankie and his team love playing football. There's always time for a game. And now that they have their magical football they're playing against teams they never imagined!This time the magic football takes them to Australia - what adventures will they find in the land Down Under?

Frankie Sparks and the Class Pet (Frankie Sparks, Third-Grade Inventor #1)

by Megan Frazer Blakemore

Ivy and Bean meets Aliens in my Pocket in this start to a brand-new chapter book series about Frankie Sparks, a third grader who uses her love for science and math to help her solve problems she comes across in her daily life.The best thing EVER is happening in Frankie Sparks’s third grade class: They are getting a class pet! Their teacher, Miss Cupid, tells them they will vote on their pet, but it has to meet some “parameters.” Their pet must: 1. Fit in aquarium. 2. Cost less than $50. 3. Be easily portable. 4. Be able to be left alone for the weekend. Frankie thinks that a rat—just like the rats in her beloved Aunt Gina’s lab—would be the perfect fit. But her best friend, Maya, doesn’t think a rat would be great at all. They are kind of gross and not as cool as a hermit crab, which is Maya’s top choice. Using her special workshop, can Frankie find a way to convince her teacher and her best friend that Team Rat is the way to go?

Frankie Gets a Doggie

by Amy Huntington

There's love for everyone in this sweet, rhyming story about a toddler and father who share an outing to the animal shelter, where they find a dog that's the perfect addition to their family!Frankie and Dad are going on an adventure! They head to the local animal shelter where they meet all kinds of dogs, until they find just the right one. But how will Kitty react to their new pet? Here is a charming, accessible story about adopting a pet and giving it a loving home that&’s perfect for dog-and animal-lovers, and an ideal gift for any family considering pet ownership.

Frankie and the World Cup Carnival: Book 6 (Frankie's Magic Football #6)

by Frank Lampard

Frankie and his friends and their dog, Max, are magic-ed to Brazil where they must track down three key items to help England win the World Cup: the referee's whistle, a football and the trophy. Their adventures take them through a jungle, a Rio carnival and onto the beach for a game that could change the history of the tournament.


by Mary Sullivan

Frankie is EXCITED! A new home? A new bed? A new ball? But wait. Nico is already here. Nico’s home. Nico’s bed. Nico’s ball. Sharing is hard . . . Will Frankie find a place here too? The latest book from the Geisel Honor–winning author-illustrator Mary Sullivan features not one but two adorable pups with big personalites as they struggle to get along and find their places in the pack. At turns humorous and heartfelt, it appears that man isn't dog's only best friend when there is another dog to play with . . .

Frankenturkey II (Bone Chillers #7)

by Betsy Haynes

[from the back cover:] "...and he'd love to have you for Thanksgiving dinner! There's a special new turkey in the pen behind Annie and Kyle's house. Whenever they're near him, all their wishes come true. But Kyle and Annie don't know that Frankenturkey has returned from the grave--and he's making wishes, too. Frankenturkey's meaner than ever. He wants revenge. And if his holiday wish comes true, Kyle will really be stuffed this Thanksgiving. RL 4, ages 8-12 A great chapter book with 18 short chapters. Fans of this book will love the author's other books in the Bookshare collection. The Bone Chillers series is so scary, your teeth will chatter! Look for #1 Beware the Shopping Mall, #2 Little Pet Shop of Horrors, #3 Back to School, #4 Frankenturkey, #5 Strange Brew #6 Teacher Creature, #8 Welcome to Alien Inn, #9 Attack of the Killer Ants, #10 Slime Time, #11 Toilet Terror, #12 Night of the Living Clay and #13 The Thing Under the Bed, with more to come. You'll also find over 20 more books by Betsy Haynes in Bookshare's library. There are individual books like The Great Mom Swap and many books from The Fabulous Five series.

Frankenturkey (Bone Chillers #4)

by Betsy Haynes

[from the back cover] ""Kyle and Annie want to celebrate Thanksgiving like the Pilgrims. They want to wear stovepipe hats, bake their own pies--even raise their own turkey. Then they meet Frankenturkey! Frankenturkey is big. Frankenturkey is bad. Frankenturkey is mad. If Kyle and Annie don't watch out, Frankenturkey will eat them for Thanksgiving dinner." RL 4 IL 008-012 A great early chapter book with 25 short chapters. Fans of this book will love the author's other books in the Bookshare collection. From the Bone Chillers series look for #1 Beware the Shopping Mall, #2 Little Pet Shop of Horrors, and #3 Back to School, with more to come. There are individual books like The Great Mom Swap and many books from The Fabulous Five series.

Frankensteins Katze: Wie Biotechnologen die Tiere der Zukunft schaffen

by Emily Anthes

Schöne neue Tierwelt?Fluoreszierende Fische, die bei UV-Bestrahlung leuchten. Delfine mit künstlichen Flossen. Zu Robotern umfunktionierte Käfer, die vom Militär auf Spionagemissionen ausgesandt werden können. Innig geliebte Haustiere, die man mithilfe ihrer DNA wieder auferstehen lässt.Forscher in aller Welt sind bereits dabei, solche Wesen in die Welt zu setzen. Mancher Weg führt von der Petrischale geradewegs ins Zoogeschäft. Dieses Buch wagt einen – beunruhigenden, aber zugleich faszinierenden – Blick in die High-Tech-Menagerie der nahen Zukunft. Erfinden wir das Tierreich gerade neu? Zu welchem Zweck: um menschliche Launen oder Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen? Spielen wir uns in der Biotechnologie oder Technobiologie zum Schöpfer auf? Wenn sich Kühe gentechnisch so verändern ließen, dass sie keine Schmerzen mehr empfinden – könnten solche Tiere unser schlechtes Gewissen beim Fleischverzehr beruhigen?Die Wissenschaftsjournalistin Emily Anthes ist um die Welt gereist, um die Fauna der Zukunft kennenzulernen, vom schottischen Geburtsort des Klonschafes Dolly über die Forschungsstätten, in denen Lebewesen technisch aufgerüstet werden, bis zu einer „Pharm“ für Hühner, die bei der Krebsbekämpfung helfen sollen. Frankensteins Katze nimmt Sie mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch ein wundersames und oft bizarres Wissenschaftsgebiet – und stellt kritische Fragen.Emily Anthes berichtet von den verrückteren Seiten der Tier-Biotechnologie. NatureGeistreich und gut recherchiert. The New York TimesFaszinierend, scharf beobachtet und ein wenig beängstigend. New Scientist_____Schon seit Jahrhunderten verändern wir unsere tierischen Begleiter: Wir haben Hunde gezüchtet, die jagen oder Schafe hüten, Kühe mit verbesserter Milchleistung, Hauskatzen, die genau wie Tiger aussehen, und kleine Schweine, die in eine Handtasche passen. Aber jetzt hat eine neue Phase der Manipulation tierischer Organismen begonnen, in der uns die Wissenschaft einen immer vielfältigeren Werkzeugkasten für das „Basteln“ mit dem Leben bereitstellt. Emily Anthes führt uns in eine Welt zwischen Petrischale und Zoohandlung, zwischen Bauernhof und Militärlabor, in der Biotechnologen die Zukunft unserer pelzigen und gefiederten Freunde und unserer Nutztiere gestalten.Es gibt eine Katze, die grün leuchtet, wenn man sie mit UV-Licht bestrahlt. Den geliebten Familienlabrador lassen wir durch Klonen wieder auferstehen. In Tiefkühlzoos wird die Erbsubstanz zahlreicher seltener Tiere archiviert, schwer verletzte Tiere können mit Prothesen wieder ein fast normales Leben führen, Kühe, Schweine und Hühner werden mit Krankheitsresistenzen ausgestattet. Die Manipulationen gehen über die Biologie hinaus. Seehunde schwimmen mit eingepflanzten Sensoren durch die Meere, um Umweltbedingungen zu messen und Daten zu übermitteln, Ratten werden für militärische oder humanitäre Zwecke ferngesteuert, mit Roboterschaben soll im Unterricht neurobiologisches Wissen vermittelt werden.Anthes berichtet von Begegnungen mit Wissenschaftlern, Naturschützern, Ethikern und Unternehmern. Und sie stellt kritische Fragen: Welchen Nutzen haben die vorgenommenen Veränderungen? Soll alles, was möglich ist, auch getan werden? Welche Konsequenzen hat die neue Macht der Biotechnologie für unsere Tierwelt? Und was verraten uns die neu geschaffenen Kreaturen über uns selbst? Frankensteins Katze beleuchtet diesen abenteuerlichen Weg, auf dem Science Fiction-Vorstellungen zu Realität werden, und geht den Verheißungen und Gefahren dieser Entwicklungen nach.

Franka: A Guide Dog

by Walter Johnson

When the Allen family discovered they would be going to South America for a year, they had to make a hard decision. What would they do with Franka their beautiful German Shepherd dog. The two kids Joe and Joan write the Seeing Eye and Franka is accepted into the program. Dan, Franka's trainer, is very impressed with the intelligence of Franka. When Jane Wilson arrives at the Seeing Eye for training, Dan knows Franka is the dog for her. Jane and Franka train and graduate andjane goes on to be a lecturer on guide dogs and other topics. Good historical perspective of the Seeing Eye, and the training at the school at the time. Good children's book, but good for all ages.

Frank and the Bad Surprise

by Martha Brockenbrough

Frank the cat has it good: Tons of toys, unlimited Whiskies™ and space and quiet to stretch and nap and think and write.Then his people bring home a box. A box with something unexpected inside. A puppy.A puppy who doesn't know the rules of naps. A puppy who slobbers and tackles and barks.This won't do.Frank will just have to find a better home. Should be easy, right?

Frank and Tank: Stowaway (I Can Read Level 1)

by Sharon Phillips Denslow

Captain Frank and First Mate Tank are ready for another exciting adventure at sea!Frank (an otter) and Tank (a hippopotamus) are best friends and captain and first mate of the tugboat Stinky Sue. And on their latest voyage, they discover an extra crewmate—a stowaway! Curtis hides aboard the tugboat during his class field trip. Good thing he does, because Frank and Tank need extra help when they are called to rescue a pirate ship. No boat too big, no boat too small, the Stinky Sue will save them all!Frank and Tank: Stowaway is told through simple, declarative sentences with an emphasis on phonics, and colorful (and silly!) illustrations will delight newly emerging readers interested in adventure, the ocean, harbors, and friendship.Frank and Tank: Stowaway is a Level 1 I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.Phonics teaches children the relationship between letters and the sounds they make. A child who has mastered these relationships has an excellent foundation for learning to read and spell. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a child who has learned phonics has a method to recognize familiar words and "decode" unfamiliar ones.

Frank and Tank: Foggy Rescue (I Can Read Level 1)

by Sharon Phillips Denslow

Frank and Tank are captain and first mate of the tugboat the Stinky Sue. Their exciting adventures at sea are told through simple, declarative sentences with an emphasis on phonics. A very funny Level 1 ICR series about friendship, boats, and community, this is a perfect choice for newly independent readers ready for a very short story with an exciting plot.Fog rolls in suddenly, and now Captain Frank (an otter) and First Mate Tank (a hippo), onboard their sturdy tug, the Stinky Sue, are lost at sea. Things can seem spooky in the fog, and the two friends must rely on each other to get home and stay cheerful! The fourth funny book in the Level 1 I Can Read series about friendship, boats, and community that features strong phonics elements and silly full-color illustrations.

Frank and Beans and the Scary Campout (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

A Lesson in Knowing God is Always with You. Frank and Beans are camping in the backyard. But when the sun goes down, Frank hears all kinds of scary noises. And Beans is so scared he runs right out of the tent! What will Frank do now that he's alone? Picture descriptions present.

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