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Showing 51 through 75 of 32,010 results

La nueva vida de Rayo (Huellitas por la casa 2)

by María Fernanda Pichioni

Tener un animalito en casa nos da muchas alegrías, pero también es una gran responsabilidad. Estos cuentos cortos y divertidos nos ayudarán la importancia de cuidar a nuestras mascotas. Rayo es un galgo campeón. Cuando era joven, corría carreras y ganaba medallas. Pero cuando se hizo más viejo, su dueño lo abandonó sin explicaciones. Por eso, cuando Rayo encontró una nueva familia, se sintió un poco temeroso. No sabía si iba a poder volver a confiar en los humanos. Pero su amistad con Pancho, el hijo menor de su familia, va a devolverle la esperanza. Una historia tierna y conmovedora, para enseñarles a los más chiquitos a cuidar de sus mascotas.

La alocada mudanza de Simón (Huellitas por la casa 1)

by María Fernanda Pichioni

Tener un animalito en casa nos da muchas alegrías, pero también es una gran responsabilidad. Estos cuentos cortos y divertidos nos ayudarán la importancia de cuidar a nuestras mascotas. Simón es un gato muy mimado, pero un día toda su vida cambia de repente. Su familia decide mudarse y nadie le explica nada. De pronto, sus cosas están escondidas en cajas y sus humanas van de acá para allá, sin prestarle ninguna atención. ¡Los nervios lo empiezan a volver loco! ¿Qué es lo que está pasando? Por suerte, cuando todos estén en la nueva casa, Simón va a aprender que lo importante es el amor de su familia. Si sus dueñas están con él, nada malo puede pasar. Una historia tierna y divertida, para enseñarles a los más chiquitos a cuidar de sus mascotas.

No soy el lobo

by María Inés Falconi

Con ingenio y mucho humor, María Inés Falconi se sumerge en el universo de los cuentos tradicionales y retoma al personaje clásico del lobo para darle un giro original. Un relato ideal para aquellos que empiezan a leer solos. Es bien sabido que todos, pero todos, tienen el derecho a tener un nombre. ¡Hasta los lobos de los cuentos! ¿O acaso pensaban que un solo lobo iría corriendo de historia en historia? ¡Claro que no! Cada cuento tiene su lobo y cada lobo se prepara mucho para protagonizar su historia. Y hay uno en particular que está ofendido, enojado, FURIOSO... ¿Se imaginan quién es?

La puerta para salir del mundo

by Ana María Shua

Animate a descubrir estas dos historias de Ana María Shua. Relatos que abren la puerta a la aventura con humor, sensibilidad e ingenio. En este libro vas a conocer el Mundo Donde Todo es Verdad. Allí nadie puede decir mentiras, ni siquiera de las chiquitas. Todo lo que uno inventa se vuelve verdadero... Y eso puede ser bastante asombroso, ¡imaginate...! También hay una pluma de paloma que cumple deseos. Vos, ¿qué pedirías? Algunos dicen que es preferible no cumplirlos todos. ¿Será verdad?

¡Al agua Patatús!

by Gabriela Keselman

Gabriela Keselman escribió estos tres cuentos cortos para aquellos pequeños lectores que sienten que, de a ratos, crecer es verdaderamente fácil, y de a ratos, verdaderamente difícil. ¡Atención los castores que se comen las uñas! ¡Alerta para todas las ratoncitas que sueñan con hamacarse hasta el cielo! ¡Bienvenidos los patos a los que no les gusta el agua! Con estos relatos, dejarán atrás el aburrimiento, volarán alto y descubrirán que el ingenio puede ser más grande que el miedo.

Amadeo y otra gente extraordinaria

by Graciela Montes

En estos relatos hay personajes asombrosos. Amadeo no es exactamente un gigante, pero casi... ¡y llora gladiolos! Luis y su perro Cuis se enfrentan al temible Monstruogrís. Carloncho es un gato que sabe jugar al truco y se transforma en estrella de circo, y Carmela tiene un problema: ¡las palabras se le vuelven cosas! Este libro tiene cuentos cortos, ideales para primeros lectores. Fue distinguido con el Premio Lazarillo (Accésit) que otorga el Instituto Nacional del Libro Español e incluido en los recomendados por White Ravens. Graciela Montes creó estos seres peculiares, cuyas historias todos querrán leer y releer.

Oscura luz del monte

by Jorge Accame

Con su prosa aguda, en estos cuentos Jorge Accame explora el lado salvaje del ser humano. Sin dudas, una excelente elección para captar a los jóvenes lectores. La realidad se transforma cuando nos acercamos a la naturaleza. Estos relatos se adentran en el corazón del monte y conducen a los hombres por caminos inesperados y perturbadores. Un mono salvaje, un mensaje del más allá, unos ojos amarillos que brillan en la oscuridad, vinchucas que se amontonan en torno al catre de quien intenta dormir, una carcajada siniestra que brota en medio de la selva y una presa que se convierte en cazador son algunos de los inquietantes senderos por los que nos lleva este libro.

Pollos de campo

by Ema Wolf

En este libro, Ema Wolf desarrolla con maestría una historia con altas dosis de intriga y humor. Esta novela ya es un clásico de la literatura juvenil argentina. Se tradujo a varios idiomas, recibió importantes premios y una mención especial en la lista de The White Ravens. La elástica Mimí, el Oso, el Mago Jesús y la Gran Rita se separan accidentalmente de su troupe. Una noche de lluvia, justo antes de salir en busca del circo Augustus, encuentran y adoptan a Pedro, un huérfano que ha perdido a sus hermanos. Esta delirante caravana vivirá aventuras desopilantes, encontrará nuevos amigos y algunas sorpresas mientras recorre las rutas improvisando funciones para sobrevivir.

Prohibido el elefante

by Gustavo Roldán

Estos cuentos de Gustavo Roldán nos acompañan una vez más en un viaje inolvidable que convierte el paisaje del monte chaqueño en escenario de aventuras impensadas. Zorros y tigres, pulgas y sapos, vizcachas y monos son solo algunos de los animales que se reúnen en estas páginas. Los vemos buscar formas en las nubes, hacerse bromas unos a otros, recordar historias compartidas e imaginar cómo será aquello que no conocen. Junto a ellos, descubrimos un mundo que desborda de palabras. Palabras que salpican como el agua, que sacuden las copas de los árboles, que soplan como el viento.

Cuentopos de Gulubú

by María Elena Walsh

Cuentos disparatados, con personajes sorprendentes. Los lectores podrán conocer la historia de Don Fresquete, Murrungato del zapato, La Plapla, Historia de una princesa, su papá, y el príncipe Kinoto Fukasuka, el cuento Un enanito y siete Blancanieves, la Historia de un domingo siete y la de La regadera misteriosa, entre otras. En Cuentopos de Gulubú vas a conocer historias muy divertidas con princesas, animales y objetos maravillosos, que suceden en el bosque, en castillos, en la escuela y en el fondo del mar. En Gulubú pasan cosas tan sorprendentes que cuando termines de leer este libro lo vas a querer empezar de nuevo.

Algunos son animales

by David Wapner

Los dieciséis cuentos que componen Algunos son animales son bien distintos. Distintos a otros y distintos entre si. Un poco locos, un poco absurdos, un poco históricos. Todos maravillosos. David Wapner nos devuelve la sorpresa en cada una de sus historias porque todas son igual de inesperadas: un torero que busca a Marcelo, su toro, por las calles del barrio; un perro que se cree hombre y no perro. Este libro nos brinda un viaje fascinante, y una lectura tan entretenida que resulta imposible dejarla para después.

Eel Science (Fisheries Science Series)

by Katsumi Tsukamoto Mari Kuroki Soichi Watanabe

This book is a compilation of eel research and fish migration studies for more than 40 years showing the research history and recent advances in eel studies. Dr. Katsumi Tsukamoto, the esteemed editor of this book, has been actively involved in eel research as one of the leading scientists in the world for a long time, and he and his team successfully collected the fertilized eggs and spawn-condition adult eels from the wild for the first time in the world. This book compiles the essentials of the scientific findings obtained by the editor and his colleagues and reviews the latest references of eel science. Knowledge and information in the book such as a spawning area survey, research on artificial production of glass eels, the discovery of a new species, etc. will attract the reader’s interest, as these are written based on the authors’ experiences. Readers can obtain a comprehensive understanding of eels from various aspects of eel science including the cultural and socio-economic importance of eels and valuable scientific information using state-of-the-art approaches. The book also endeavors to contribute to the conservation of eel species, some of which have been classified as endangered by the IUCN and to promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Vitellogenin in Fishes- Diversification, Biological Properties, and Future Perspectives

by Vaseeharan Baskaralingam Rapeepun Vanichviriyakit

This book provides basic and advanced information on vitellogenin in fish. The proposed book discusses the history of vitellogenin, previtellogenesis, their diversification and classification in fishes, and tools for their identification and characterization. Further, their functional aspects in oogenesis and its regulatory mechanism, role as the immunocompetent molecule, and reproductive strategies are discussed. The book further examines vitellogenin as a hormone and biomarker, its related egg yolk proteins, and its mechanism on molecular cloning and induction. In addition, the book discusses its role in the disruption of the endocrine system in fish, its biological activities, its multivalent mechanism in marine and freshwater fishes, and its impact on the growth of ornamental fishes. Moreover, this book elaborates on the multiple vitellogenin genes, each with unique promoter regions and varying sensitivity to induction by estradiol, and multiple Vtg proteins themselves, with variable degrees of post-translational modification. As such, this book is helpful for researchers and students interested in the reproduction of fishes and reproductive biology.

Biology of Forensically Important Invertebrates

by Shyamasree Ghosh Dhriti Banerjee

This book emphasizes the important role of invertebrates in forensic sciences in the detection of crimes, determining the time and place of death, estimating the minimum Post-Mortem Interval (PMI), and determining the cause of death. The initial chapter discusses the forensically essential invertebrates, especially flies under Order Diptera. Further, the book highlights the importance, biology, taxonomy, and biodiversity of flies under Order Diptera with forensic importance. It also discusses the Cuticular HydroCarbons (CHC) and spectrometry-based studies reported from flies and larvae of forensic importance. It further reviews the importance of DNA barcoding in molecular taxonomy-based studies on forensic flies through understanding, identification, and grouping the organisms. Towards the end, this book presents the applications and limitations of forensic entomology in cases of animal cruelty to a veterinary professional. ​

Deep Technology for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

by Amaj Rahimi-Midani

This book uses real-world examples from the aquaculture industry to demonstrate how deep technology is assisting farmers and vulnerable communities. Works conducted by Poseidon-AI (a deep tech company involved in the aquaculture sector) in different countries are presented as case studies to show the positive impacts of deep tech involvement in the aquaculture sector. Primary industries, such as fisheries and aquaculture, rely heavily on labor. Furthermore, the manual practices of these farming methods increase material waste and reduce yields, resulting in higher costs and lower revenues. Poikilotherms make up the majority of aquatic animals, and environmental changes have a significant impact on them. This means that, due to climate change, farming of these animals cannot continue in the same way that it has for centuries. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, sensing, and automation are approaches that can assist these farms in dealing with rapid environmental changes while also assisting farmers in growing their businesses sustainably. This book is of interest to climate change scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, civil workers, and policymakers. Furthermore, the book is a great complimentary material for graduate students of fisheries, aquaculture, ecology, soil science, water management and environmental sciences. All national and international policymakers working in implementation of UNSDGs and sustainability, will find this book a useful read.

Atlas of Chinese Native Orchids

by Xiaohua Jin Jianwu Li Deping Ye

This book updates taxonomy information of orchids in China. China is one of the countries with the richest biodiversity. In China, all five subfamilies of Orchidaceae are represented, about 1600 orchid species in 198 genera. All orchids are rare and endangered plants. They are among the flagships for biological conservation, listed in CITES appendix I or II. This book provided an updated classification system of Orchidaceae with newly recorded and published species in China and new combinations. 1026 species in 157 genera of native species in China are included, about half of which are newly recorded or published species in China in the last two decades. Indexes to genera and species are included. For each species, one to four photos, most of which were taken by the authors, are utilized to illustrate habitats, morphological characters, and phenology. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of them also demonstrated in a map. This book can be used as a reference for researchers working on Orchidaceae, as well as practitioners in the horticulture community.

Bonobos and People at Wamba: 50 Years of Research

by Takeshi Furuichi Gen'Ichi Idani Daiji Kimura Hiroshi Ihobe Chie Hashimoto

This book reviews all the findings about bonobos and the local people of Wamba village in the Luo Scientific Reserve in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the last 50 years. In 1973, Takayoshi Kano, a Japanese primatologist, traveled across a vast area of the Congo Basin with a bicycle and found Wamba village to be a promising site to start his first studies on wild bonobos. Since then, many researchers from Japan and all over the world have been working at Wamba, now the longest standing study site, to uncover various aspects of the ecology and behavior of this most recently identified great ape species. The researchers study bonobo behaviors and carry out various activities for the conservation of bonobos. They also conduct anthropological studies of local people who live with bonobos and believe them to be distant relatives from the same family, living in the forest. This book is published in commemoration of 2023 marking the 50th year of study. The main chapters are contributed by active researchers studying bonobos and the local people at Wamba. The book also includes contributions from various eminent researchers who have carried out short-term research or have supported research at Wamba, which helps place these studies of bonobos in a broader primatological or anthropological perspective. This book will be a useful resource for professional researchers in primatology and anthropology, as well as graduate or undergraduate students interested in these research fields.

Biotechnological Tools in Fisheries and Aquatic Health Management

by Bijay Kumar Behera

This edited book is focused on SDG 14: life below water. This book covers all aspects of fish biotechnology and health management. A detailed description is provided of CRISPR Cas9 technology application in the development of superior variety of fish with better growth, disease resistance, etc., accompanied by numerous helpful photographs and schematic diagrams. In addition, recent developments in nanotechnology and its application in fisheries production enhancement have been discussed. Further, topics includes, probiotics, immunostimulants, fish genetic markers, bioremediation, metagenomics, transgenerational immune priming, application of cell culture in fisheries and nano-biosensor application on fish disease diagnosis, pollution monitoring, etc. are provided in details. . The book is helpful for researchers, teachers, students, farmers, and entrepreneurs in utilizing the knowledge on recent advancements in different aspects of fish genetics and biotechnology for future research and aquaculture production enhancement.

Essentials of Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology

by Ramswaroop Singh Chauhan Yashpal Singh Malik M. Saminathan Bhupendra Nath Tripathi

This textbook for graduate veterinary students provides basic concepts of veterinary immunopathology with particular reference to immunopathogenesis. The initial chapters provide up-to-date knowledge on important aspects of immunology, immunodeficiency disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, and autoimmune disorders of various animal species. The book examines different natural and synthetic immunomodulatory products that can modulate the immune system of animals. It discusses the immunopathogenesis and immunopathology of multiple diseases and immunopathological disorders in diverse animal species, including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine, equine, and laboratory animals. The book also covers the immunopathology of various body systems, including lungs, reproductive system, enteric system, mammary gland, joints, kidneys, and skin. It provides clinical manifestations that are useful in diagnosing immunopathological conditions. The book presents a highly informative text with highquality gross and microscopic photographs, diagrammatic presentations of immunopathological disorders and techniques, making it useful in both classrooms and professional training courses for students, researchers, and professionals alike.

Textbook of Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgery

by Hari Prasad Aithal Amar Pal Prakash Kinjavdekar Abhijit M Pawde

This textbook emphasizes the fundamentals of bone fracture and its fixation, including advanced techniques of osteosynthesis in both small and large animals. Various fracture fixation techniques and devices have been described in simple language with the help of sketches and photographs. The chapter on the basic considerations in fracture fixation narrates bone structure and types, bone development and growth regulation, types of fracture and fracture healing, first aid and emergency treatment, selection of fracture fixation technique, anesthetic management, and fracture fixation implants and instruments. The book highlights principles of different external, internal, and external skeletal fixation techniques. It also presents various basic and advanced techniques used to manage specific fractures in different bones, separately for small and large animal patients. It also includes specific topics like fracture fixation in young, osteoporotic, and avian bones, open fracture management, bone grafts and scaffolds, and fracture fixation complications. Towards the end, the book elucidates miscellaneous but essential topics in veterinary orthopedics such as metabolic bone diseases, antebrachial bone deformities, joint luxations, arthritis, common tendon, and ligament injuries, bone tumors, and physiotherapy and rehabilitation of patients. This textbook is essential reading for veterinary students, practitioners, and researchers working in veterinary orthopedic surgery. ​

Biotechnological Interventions Augmenting Livestock Health and Production (Livestock Diseases and Management)

by Chandra Sekhar Mukhopadhyay Ratan Kumar Choudhary Harsh Panwar Yashpal Singh Malik

This book comprehensively discusses the applications of molecular genetics, functional and structural genomics, and proteomics vis-a-vis bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and robotics in livestock healthfulness and productivity. It reviews the biotechnological approaches in veterinary sciences for increasing productivity and resistance to disease. The book emphasizes the approaches based on artificial intelligence to analyze the data collected on animals, pathogens, and their environment. It underscores artificial intelligence applications in disease diagnosis, epidemiological studies, and detecting biological phenomena, including heat-detection, pregnancy, docility, and infections. Further, the book examines the genomics and proteomics approaches for understanding the gut microbiota and the role of pathogen-host interactions in animal health and disease. Lastly, it explores both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbial transfer between humans, animals, and the environment across one health spectrum. ​

Neurotoxicity of Aluminum

by Qiao Niu

This book reviews the scientific literature and the authors’ own research linking aluminum neurotoxicity with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It focuses on aluminum levels in the brain, region-specific and subcellular distribution, its relation to neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid beta—the pathological features of AD, and the possible mechanism of aluminum inducing these pathological features. Further, the book stresses the importance of aluminum’s complex speciation chemistry in relation to biology, and details aluminum’s mechanism in oxidative stress and cell death, especially in connection with apoptosis and necroptosis. The electrophysiological variation and synaptic plasticity induced by aluminum are covered, while the metal’s debatable role in AD and the cross-talk between aluminum and genetic susceptibility are also discussed, and more recently the relationship between aluminum-induced epigenetic modification on DNA and non-coding RNAs and neuron death and synaptic impairment.The second edition updates eight chapters according to the most recent researches. Content about aluminum-induced AD-like pathological features, neurotoxic effects of aluminum and aluminum alloy nanoparticles(TBD) and alumina nanoparticles induced neurotoxic and neurodevelopmental toxic effects is also added. In closing, this book provides readers with a systematic summary of aluminum neurotoxicity.

Worldwide Predatory Insects in Agroecosystems

by Kitherian Sahayaraj Errol Hassan

This book brings out the world record of various predatory insects and their role in pestiferous insect management in a safer manner. The main focus of the book is to address the ecological and environmentally safe methods of managing pests of various crops. The utilization of various types of chemical pesticides for our crop protection and food production leads to environmental concerns and health hazards to plants and animals. This book mainly focuses on the distribution and diversity of various predatory insects in different crops. It also sellout the bionomics, biological control potential at a laboratory, controlled fields and natural conditions. Moreover, mass production technology and environmental safety aspects are also highlighted in various chapters. This book is of interest and useful to undergraduates, post-graduates, research scholars and doctoral candidates, extension workers, and agricultural professionals, and also a valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers and students in the region.

Microbiome of Finfish and Shellfish

by Arvind Diwan Sanjay N. Harke Archana Panche

This book helps us to understand the importance of the microbiome associated with finfish and shellfish inhabiting different locations and varied environmental and biological situations. It covers modern molecular tools for identifying microbiome composition and their precise identification at the species level. The book also covers the molecular structural composition of individual microbes, metabolite resources from microbiome species, their functional properties, and production aspects. Notable, the book covers the microbiome applications in the gut systems of finfish and shellfish to the digestion, nutrition, growth, reproduction, immune system, and vulnerability of the host to diseases. It also reviews diversity and functional properties, relationships with diseases, health status, data on species-specific metagenomics, and probiotic research. It highlights the relevance of microbial communities for the development of new and innovative bio-products to build bio and pharmaceutical industries, including aquaculture. This book is an invaluable source for researchers and professionals involved in fishery science, fisheries and aquaculture, fish biotechnology, and fish microbiology and pathology

Acoustic Communication in Animals: From Insect Wingbeats to Human Music (Bioacoustics Series Vol.1)

by Yoshimasa Seki

This book is the first volume of the bioacoustics series published by the Society for Bioacoustics. This volume provides an overview of the advances and recent topics in acoustic communication in various animals. Most animals produce vibrations and sounds by moving their body parts, including vocal organs. These sounds can be research targets of bioacoustics studies. How animals use these sounds, especially in inter-individual relationships, is the focus of this volume, “Acoustic Communication in Animals”. The authors’ expertise varies from molecular biology, neurobiology to psychology, and human brain imaging. Their research subjects range from invertebrates to humans. Despite the variety of topics, chapters are developed under the consideration of ethology and evolution. Readers will recognize the profundity of the topics in each chapter. In addition, the view and understanding of natural sound sequences produced by animals can vary among different cultures. Research from Japan and regions that have been underrepresented in previous literature can offer new ideas and unique perspectives in the study of bioacoustics. Readers can grasp the progress of this research field in a broad range of species in one book. The book presents multi- and interdisciplinary topics and appeals to researchers and students in fields including psychology, physiology, zoology, ethology, and neurosciences.

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