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Cómo dibujar manga paso a paso (How to Draw Manga Stroke by Stroke)

by 9ColorStudio

¡Lo más actual en libros de dibujo de manga para principiantes!Si alguna vez has querido aprender a dibujar manga pero no estabas seguro de si podías hacerlo, ¡no te lo pienses más! 'Cómo dibujar manga paso a paso' te enseñará a dibujar figuras de manga aunque no lo hayas probado antes. Aprenderás a dibujar formas y partes básicas como manos, ojos y cabello, y gradualmente pasarás a dibujar caras enteras y formas del cuerpo. Una vez tengas dominados los conceptos básicos, aprenderás a dibujar figuras en secuencias de acción como correr, saltar, abrazar, besar, pelear y bailar. Cada lección paso a paso usa colores para mostrarte los nuevos trazos en cada paso. ¡Es la forma más fácil de aprender a dibujar manga!Esto es lo que encontrarás en este libro:- La forma más fácil de aprender a dibujar manga: cada lección utiliza una cuadrícula y colores simples para mostrar los trazos de cada nuevo paso.- Más de 75 lecciones paso a paso que te enseñarán todo lo que se necesita saber para dibujar figuras de manga de todas las edades, estilos y tipos de cuerpo.- Lecciones detalladas sobre cómo plasmar emoción en las caras, cómo dibujar figuras en diferentes ángulos y cómo crear diferentes estilos para tus figuras de manga.- Tutoriales divertidos para dibujar detalles de la ropa, cabello, manos, ojos y mucho más.- Consejos de expertos con cada lección que te ayudarán a convertirte en un mejor artista de manga para poder dibujar tus propias figuras de manga únicas.

Como Dar uma Festa como um Profissional

by Richard G Lowe Jr Gabriel Martimiano Pires

As festas dão um monte de trabalho e podem ser caras. Encontrar um lugar para realizar seu evento, levar as pessoas a participar, fazendo-a funcionar sem problemas, organizar e terminar pode exigir uma imensa quantidade de esforço. No entanto é um pouco de diversão sair com um grupo de amigos no ambiente organizado de uma festa. Há algo de especial em socializar, sair, conversar, entreter-se, comer, beber e aproveitar o tempo juntos. Leia este livro e saiba: * Por que fazer uma festa? * As decisões que você precisa tomar * Aluguel de espaço * Contratação de um DJ * Como você lida com permissão de bebidas alcoólicas? * Considerações especiais sobre crianças em festas * Como fazer os convites * Como você mantém o controle durante a festa * Coisas para saber sobre como organizar e terminar uma festa

Cómo Cuidar a Tu Mascota Conejo

by Amber Richards David Arieta Galván

Si estás criando conejos para competencias o disfrutas las apacibles comodidades de estas juguetonas criaturas, te verás beneficiado si aprendes los fundamentos del cuidado y alimentación de los conejos. Escrito por una criadora profesional de conejos, Cómo Cuidar a Tu Mascota Conejo es una guía de cuidado extensiva para los amantes de los conejos, que quieren los detalles sobre los cuidados del conejo, en lugar de los conocimientos sobre su crianza. Mantén a tu conejo saludable y contento; te guiaremos a través del proceso, paso a paso. ¡Aprenderás cómo construir una madriguera, el cuidado de las uñas y dientes, cómo alimentarlo, preparar su cama y mucho más! Esta es una guía para propietarios de conejos, al contrario de una para la crianza comercial, así que no profundiza en este tema. Desde la pequeña contracción de la nariz hasta el cuerpo suave y sedoso, rápidamente te enamorarás de tu nuevo compañero peludo. Descubre una completa y exhaustiva lista de razas reconocidas por la American Rabbit Breeders Association. Aprenderás exactamente cuáles razas son mascotas apropiadas para tu familia y cuáles evitar. Consigue tu ejemplar de Cómo Cuidar Tu Mascota Conejo hoy y experimenta las maravillosas alegrías que un conejo te traerá.

Como Configurar A Iluminação Em Fotografia Para Ter Um Estúdio Em Casa

by Amber Richards Josiane Prado

Descrição do livro:Descrição do produto para o livro Como configurar a iluminação em fotografia para ter um estúdio em casa Este livro detalha de maneira descritiva assuntos relacionados à configuração básica de um estúdio fotográfico no conforto de sua casa. Ele se destina a usuários iniciantes que desejam aprender mais. Ele contém informações sobre como usar iluminação contínua em estúdio, como usar fotografia com iluminação estroboscópica, bem como técnicas que permitem controlar a iluminação da maneira que desejar. Ter um ambiente controlado permite tirar lindas fotos, além de proporcionar mais opções para criatividade. Isso é importante para qualquer pessoa que simplesmente deseja tirar fotos de melhor qualidade da família ou de animais de estimação. Este livro também serve como um guia de referência útil para fotografia de produtos. Caso você venda produtos no eBay ou em um local semelhante, fotos atraentes são essenciais para que seus produtos sejam vendidos. Iluminação adequada é a chave para o sucesso! Este livro também contém informações sobre configurações de estúdio fotográfico em casa e discute como fazer ajustes para criar a melhor combinação de iluminação e cores. Em resumo, ele é tudo que um fotógrafo iniciante precisa para entender como montar seu próprio estúdio fotográfico em casa.

Cómo cambiar tu vida con Sorolla

by César Suárez

2023: AÑO SOROLLA Una biografía única. Una mirada audaz sobre uno de los más grandes pintores españoles y su tiempo «Quien busque una biografía de Sorolla y de su época encontrará en este libro una novela apasionante y magníficamente escrita. Y quien busque una novela apasionante encontrará al mismo tiempo una biografía tan rigurosa como amena».Luis Landero, Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas La obra de Joaquín Sorolla es una de las más populares de la historia del arte español. Paradójicamente, su apasionante vida es poco conocida. Requerido por las élites sociales e intelectuales de Europa y América, fue uno de los grandes artistas de su época, que triunfó en los salones de París y en la emergente Nueva York. Habitó el fascinante mundo de finales del siglo xix e inicios del XX, con el desarrollo de la modernidad y la llegada de los grandes inventos. Vivió el desenfreno de la Belle Époque, el Madrid de las tertulias y zarzuelas, y las tribulaciones de la generación del 98, que criticó la «alegría de vivir» de sus cuadros. Trabajador incansable, discreto, ambicioso y exigente consigo mismo, sus mayores deseos eran pintar a todas horas y estar con su familia. Su historia es la de un hombre de éxito que hubiera preferido una existencia anodina. Una vida extraordinaria con un final desgraciado. ¿Cómo se forjó su carácter? ¿De dónde provenía su don? ¿Cómo era la España que vio y plasmó en sus cuadros? ¿Cómo logró mantener vivo el amor por su mujer desde la adolescencia? César Suárez combina biografía, ensayo y ficción en este libro que muestra una visión audaz de Joaquín Sorolla y de su tiempo. Un recorrido por escenas de la vida del artista que, tal vez, podrían servirnos de inspiración para la nuestra. La crítica ha dicho:«Con solvencia documental y una dinámica prosa, César Suárez narra la vida de Joaquín Sorolla, un artista que disfrutó de un éxito descomunal al tiempo que padeció el desdén de algunos de sus contemporáneos. Un retrato fascinante».Elvira Lindo «Este libro original y atrevido consigue el milagro de aparecerse ante nosotros como un cuadro propio de Sorolla. En él hay dicha, sol y ganas de seguir viviendo».Manuel Jabois «El Sorolla familiar, el del éxito internacional, el conquistador de la luz mediterránea, el de la mano prodigiosa que sabía que lo más profundo del cuerpo es la piel. Toda esa sabiduría está en este libro de César Suárez».Manuel Vicent «De Sorolla creíamos saber todo hasta que César Suárez ha revelado lo mucho que quedaba por conocer de este pintor inagotable».Antonio Lucas «Mezcla biografía, ensayo y ficción y se lee como una novela. Cuenta la parte más emocional de la historia de un artista extraordinario en una época fascinante».Isabela Muñoz, Telva «Una nueva, cálida y valiente forma de ver a Joaquín Sorolla a través de sus emociones. Un canto a su vida y a su obra».Blanca Pons-Sorolla

Cómo acabar con la contracultura: Historia subterránea de España (1970-2016)

by Jordi Costa Vila

Un combativo, riguroso y muy personal recorrido por el underground español. Un relato apasionante y fragmentario de la Contracultura desde sus utópicos inicios hasta el desencanto, desde su génesis sevillana en clave de mestizaje flamenco-psicodélico hasta un presente donde el universo youtuber ha generado sus propios monstruos millennial, pasando por la ofensiva oficial contra el movimiento hippie en la Formentera de finales de los sesenta. <P><P>Una memoria sentimental que indaga en las estrategias de resistencia que subyacen al salvaje cómix underground, la poética musical de Jaume Sisa y Vainica Doble y los imaginarios de Almodóvar, Iván Zulueta, Eloy de la Iglesia o Carles Mira, entre otros, y explora los inquietantes puntos de contacto entre esa nueva sensibilidad y los discursos de poder: ¿Es la Iglesia del Palmar de Troya una construcción camp? ¿Cómo suena el monólogo interior del flower power según José María Carrascal? ¿Está encriptada la Historia de España en las pistas de baile de las discotecas? ¿Se puede ser legionario y hippy? <P><P>Jordi Costa se pregunta qué fue de la promesa contracultural, malograda a la sombra de la Cultura de la Transición. Al trazar fascinantes puntos de unión, da cuenta de la trascendencia de ese cadáver exquisito que, con una regeneradora y poética irracionalidad como motor y con la oposición política al franquismo como ocasional compañera de viaje, «avanzó como una sola fuerza en busca de la materialización de diversos ideales de transformación», hasta morir «víctima de un supuesto fuego amigo».

Community Visioning Programs: Processes and Outcomes (Community Development Research and Practice Series)

by Norman Walzer Gisele F. Hamm

Community visioning is key in helping local public officials and community leaders create a flourishing future for their cities, and is essential for the effective planning and implementation of these strategies. Visioning involves collaborative goal setting to motivate actions – of planners, citizens, and officials – in order to design and carry out a strategic planning process for the successful development of the community. The use of visioning since the 1980s has led to a wealth of information on the productivity of the paths it has taken. The contributors, all with experience working in the area, review the successes and failures of the strategies, and look at new innovations which are pushing the frontiers of community visioning. This review of the development of visioning focuses on small and medium sized communities in North America. It aims to guide citizens, local leaders and planners on what strategies are best to help them revitalise their communities and ensure a prosperous future.

Community Visioning for Place Making: A Guide to Visual Preference Surveys for Successful Urban Evolution

by Anton C. Nelessen

Community Visioning for Place Making is a groundbreaking guide to engaging with communities in order to design better public spaces. It provides a toolkit to encourage and assist organizations, municipalities, and neighborhoods in organizing visually based community participation workshops, used to evaluate their existing community and translate images into plans that embody their ideal characteristics of places and spaces. The book is based on results generated from hundreds of public participation visioning sessions in a broad range of cities and regions, portraying images of what people liked and disliked. These community visioning sessions have been instrumental in generating policies, physical plans, recommendations, and codes for adoption and implementation in a range of urban, suburban, and rural spaces, and the book serves as a bottom-up tool for designers and public officials to make decisions that make their communities more appealing. The book will appeal to community and neighborhood organizations, professional planners, social and psychological professionals, policy analysts, architects, urban designers, engineers, and municipal officials seeking an alternative vision for their future.

Community Theatre and AIDS (Studies in International Performance)

by Ola Johansson

Applying research into assessments of community theatre, epidemiology, and young people's shared and private stories using a wide range of methodologies, this book explores the potential efficacy of community theatre to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania with reference to several other comparable sites in Africa.

Community Theatre: Global Perspectives

by Eugene van Erven

Community theatre is an important device for communities to collectively share stories, to participate in political dialogue, and to break down the increasing exclusion of marginalised groups of citizens. It is practised all over the world by growing numbers of people. Published at the same time as a video of the same name, this is a unique record of these theatre groups in action. Based on van Erven's own travels and experiences working with community theatre groups in six very different countries, this is the first study of their work and the methodological traditions which have developed around the world.

Community Service The Fijian Way…: Apex Club in Fiji – Golden Jubilee

by Dr Kamlesh Sharma

Apex is a non-party and non-sectarian organisation open to young individuals between the ages of 18 years to 45 years. Apex was introduced to Fiji by Life Governor Justice Devendra Pathik in 1958. Lifer Pathik studied law at the University of Tasmania in Hobart in the 1950s. He was so impressed with the community service rendered by the Australian Apexians that he joined the Hobart Apex Club. On his return to Fiji, lifer Pathik decided to form an Apex Club. On 1 November 1961 at the historic meeting held at the Bank of New South Wales (now Westpac) in Suva, the seed was sown for the formation of the Apex Club. A number of Apex Clubs were then formed in Fiji and by 1986, there were twenty-one clubs chartered and functioning well. Apex Fiji continues to provide the community services to the needy and poor and celebrates its golden jubilee during November 2011, a major milestone and many more to come!

Community Schools: Designing for sustainability, wellbeing and inclusion

by Helen Taylor

Schools have the potential to empower communities by connecting people better with the places they live. But how can these benefits be baked into a design brief? As complex institutions, schools not only provide education and pastoral care for children, as they grow and develop, but also act as workplaces for staff and civic assets or hubs for the wider community. Yet they're not often perceived to be critical infrastructure. Community Schools reconsiders what is required from physical school environments, building on the learning gathered from the sector over the past two decades. To meet the new social, environmental and economic challenges it advocates designing differently, both in terms of the form that buildings take and the evaluation of their impact and performance. By calling for a reframing of the way that schools are regarded as community-wide amenities, this book explores the potential for architects to deliver design in a manner that supports healthy lifestyles and promotes wellbeing. Through encouraging social connections, new possibilities open up for educational facilities to become open, welcoming and inclusive. Featuring: Over 12 international case studies from practices including: Architype, Argyll + Bute, Bogle Architects, DRMM, Revaerk, Scott Brownrigg and XDGA Key themes of wellbeing, connectivity, inclusion, indicators and evaluation Practical guidance and learning points throughout A new design brief for community schools

Community Radio in South Asia: Reclaiming the Airwaves

by Kanchan K. Malik Vinod Pavarala

This book explores the state of community radio, a significant independent media movement that began about two decades ago, in different parts of South Asia. The volume outlines the socioeconomic and historical contexts for understanding the evolution and functioning of community radio in an increasingly globalised media environment. It provides a ring-side view of how various countries in South Asia have formulated policies that enabled the emergence of this third sector of broadcasting (public and private being the other two) through radio, rendering the media ecology in the region more pluralistic and diverse. The chapters in the volume, interspersed by practitioner perspectives, discuss a range of key issues related to community radio: radio policies, NGOisation of community radio, spectrum management and democratisation of technology, disasters/emergencies, gender issues, sustainability, and conflicts. One of the first of its kind, this volume will appeal to scholars and researchers of community media and independent media studies, cultural studies, as well as sociology and social anthropology, and South Asian studies.

Community Planning: An Introduction to the Comprehensive Plan, Second Edition

by Eric Damian Kelly

This book introduces community planning as practiced in the United States, focusing on the comprehensive plan. Sometimes known by other names--especially master plan or general plan--the type of plan described here is the predominant form of general governmental planning in the U.S. Although many government agencies make plans for their own programs or facilities, the comprehensive plan is the only planning document that considers multiple programs and that accounts for activities on all land located within the planning area, including both public and private property. Written by a former president of the American Planning Association, Community Planning is thorough, specific, and timely. It addresses such important contemporary issues as sustainability, walkable communities, the role of urban design in public safety, changes in housing needs for a changing population, and multi-modal transportation planning. Unlike competing books, it addresses all of these topics in the context of the local comprehensive plan. There is a broad audience for this book: planning students, practicing planners, and individual citizens who want to better understand local planning and land use controls. Boxes at the end of each chapter explain how professional planners and individual citizens, respectively, typically engage the issues addressed in the chapter. For all readers, Community Planning provides a pragmatic view of the comprehensive plan, clearly explained by a respected authority.

The Community Performance Reader

by Petra Kuppers Gwen Robertson

Community Performance: A Reader is the first book to provide comprehensive teaching materials for this significant part of the theatre studies curriculum. It brings together core writings and critical approaches to community performance work, presenting practices in the UK, USA, Australia and beyond. Offering a comprehensive anthology of key writings in the vibrant field of community performance, spanning dance, theatre and visual practices, this Reader uniquely combines classic writings from major theorists and practitioners such as Augusto Boal, Paolo Freire, Dwight Conquergood and Jan Cohen Cruz, with newly commissioned essays that bring the anthology right up to date with current practice. This book can be used as a stand-alone text, or together with its companion volume, Community Performance: An Introduction, to offer an accessible and classroom-friendly introduction to the field of community performance.

Community Performance: An Introduction

by Petra Kuppers

Community Performance: An Introduction is a comprehensive and accessible practice-based primer for students and practitioners of community arts, dance and theatre. It is both a classroom-friendly textbook and a handbook for the practitioner, perfectly answering the needs of a field where teaching is orientated around practice. Offering a toolkit for students interested in running community arts groups, this book includes: international case-studies and first person stories by practitioners and participants sample exercises, both practical and reflective study questions excerpts of illustrative material from theorists and practitioners. This book can be used as a standalone text or together with its companion volume, The Community Performance Reader, to provide an excellent introduction to the field of community arts practice. Petra Kuppers has drawn on her vast personal experience and a wealth of inspiring case studies to create a book that will engage and help to develop the reflective community arts practitioner.

Community Performance: An Introduction

by Petra Kuppers

Community Performance: An Introduction is a comprehensive and accessible practice-based primer for students and practitioners of community arts, dance, and theatre, offering reflection on the ethical issues inherent to the field. It is both a classroom-friendly textbook and a handbook for the practitioner, perfectly answering the needs of a field where teaching is orientated around practice. Offering a toolkit for students interested in running community arts groups or community performance events, this book includes: international case studies and first-person stories by practitioners and participants sample exercises, both practical and reflective study questions excerpts of illustrative material from theorists and practitioners This second edition has been completely revised with over 25% new content to bring the book up to date with developments in both society and performance, including the rise of social media, updates in the contexts of social justice, new standards and norms in social practice, and the changing faces of funding, evaluation, and professional development. The book can be used as a standalone text or together with its companion volume, Community Performance: A Reader, to provide an excellent introduction to the field of community arts practice.

Community Owned Businesses: International Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Economic Development (Community Development Research and Practice Series)

by Norman Walzer

This book analyses community-owned businesses in countries around the world to show successful approaches and important strategies to improve access to essential services in vastly different economic contexts. Through eleven chapters, authors from various countries use case studies and analyse findings in ways which can be applied to new development initiatives, including rural grocery store retention in Kansas, socially responsible community cooperatives in Italy, preserving pubs and shops in England and Wales, serving residents with special needs in Canada, and financing basic goods and services for aging populations in Taiwan, plus other examples. The chapters explore practices and approaches used in various locations to address concerns about loss of access to essential services, making clear that this approach to financing is useful in different scenarios. The chapters provide key insights suggesting that these approaches will be even more prevalent in the future and will be of interest to students, scholars, and community-development practitioners around the world.

Community Matters: Service-learning In Engaged Design And Planning (Earthscan Tools for Community Planning)

by Mallika Bose Paula Horrigan Cheryl Doble Sigmund C. Shipp

Winner of the EDRA 2015 Book Award! Community Matters: Service Learning in Engaged Design and Planning explores issues that resonate with a diverse group of design and planning educators drawn to the challenge of supporting greater community building and empowerment while combining learning with practice. The book explores such questions as: How do we foster mutuality and reciprocity in community-academy partnerships? What conflicts, challenges, limits and obstacles do we face in our service-learning studios and projects? What evidence do we have of our impacts on students and communities and how are we responding? How are we being attentive to the contemporary environmental and societal issues? What is our role as both designers and agents of societal change? How are we innovating to enable greater capacities for individuals, future practitioners and communities? This book provides compelling evidence that educators should be adopting engaged pedagogies, research methods and theories through which they can bring together education, practice and scholarship at the boundary of community and academy.

A Community Manifesto

by Chris Wright

Civilizations fail when they become trapped in a way of looking at the world that no longer works. For many, globalization is pushing us to the edge of disaster - an onward march of blinkered vision, encouraging passivity, moral blindness and a culture of dependency.A Community Manifesto is an elegantly written polemic offering a new way of looking at our social, cultural and economic realities. Tackling the crucial dimensions of personal responsibility, consensus and community, it shows how we can find a new language through which we can reinvigorate our individual and social lives, developing the resourcefulness we need but which proves so difficult to cultivate. The vision it presents is persuasive and very timely - only by building community can human society evolve and progress.

Community Livability: Issues and Approaches to Sustaining the Well-Being of People and Communities

by Fritz Wagner Roger W. Caves

What is a livable community? How do you design and develop one? What does government at all levels need to do to support and nurture the cause of livable communities? Using a blend of theory and practice, the second edition of Community Livability addresses evidence from international, state and local perspectives to explore what is meant by the term "livable communities." The second edition contains new chapters from leading academics and practitioners that examine the various factors that constitute a livable community (e.g., the influence and importance of transportation options/alternatives to the elderly, the importance of walkability as a factor in developing a livable and healthy community, the importance of good open space providing for human activity and health, restorative benefits, etc., the importance of coordinated land use and transportation planning), and the relationship between livability and quality of life. A number of chapters focus on livable communities with case studies from an international perspective in USA, Canada, Australia, Peru, Sweden, South Korea, Japan, and Austria.

Community Impact Evaluation: Principles And Practice

by Nathaniel Lichfield

This is a work summarizing in one volume the pioneering approach of the author to public-interest decision-taking in the field of urban & regional planning. This book is aimed at students, researchers and professionals in planning. Nathaniel Lichfield first introduced in his "Economics of Planned Development" the concept that, in any use and development of land, the traditional "development balance sheet" of the developers needed to be accompanied by a "planning balance sheet" prepared by the planning officer or planning authority. Over the forty years since this work was published, the author has brought to the operational level the "planning balance sheet", with many case studies, primarily for consultancy purposes. The present title reflects the incorporation during the 1970s of the then emerging field of environmental impact assessment.

Community Hospital of San Bernardino

by Joyce A. Hanson Erin Shanks Suzie Earp

Dr. William Henry Mills, fellow in the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians in London, arrived in San Bernardino, California in February 1903. Recruited by Dr. George Rowell as a medical partner, Dr. Mills quickly realized that surgical facilities in San Bernardino were woefully inadequate. Determined to improve medical care, in 1906 Mills converted an old wooden residence at the corner of Fourth and F Streets into the Marlborough Hospital. In 1909, with the need for additional space acute, Dr. Mills approached his friend, attorney Ralph Swing, for funding to purchase land at the site of an old adobe saloon located at the corner of Fourth Street and Arrowhead Avenue. In March of 1909, Swing and Mills purchased the land and began construction of a two-story stucco hospital building with beds for 42 patients and a modern operating room. Ramona Hospital, later renamed Community Hospital, opened its doors in February 1910 and has operated continuously, providing state-of-the-art medical care for area residents.

Community Green: Rediscovering the Enclosed Spaces of the Garden Suburb Tradition

by David Nichols Robert Freestone

Neighbourhood open space ranks highly as a key component in suburban liveability assessments, originating from the development of urban planning as a profession and the proliferation of the garden suburb. Community Green uniquely connects the past, present and future of planning for small open spaces around the narrative of internal reserves.The distinctive planned spaces are typically enclosed on every side, hidden within residential blocks, serving as local pocket parks and reflecting the evolving values of community life from the garden city movement to contemporary new urbanism. This book resuscitates the enclosed, almost secretive reserve from history as a distinctive form of local open space whose problems and potentialities are relevant to many other green community spaces. In so doing, it opens up even wider connections between localism and globalism, the past and the future, and for connecting community initiatives to broader global challenges of cohesion, health, food, and climate change. This fully illustrated book charts the outcomes and implications of this evolution across several continents, injecting human stories of civic initiatives, struggles and triumphs along the way.Community Green will be of interest to a wide readership interested in studying, managing and improving the quality of all small open spaces in the urban landscape.

The Community Food Forest Handbook: How to Plan, Organize, and Nurture Edible Gathering Places

by Catherine Bukowski John Munsell LaManda Joy

Collaboration and leadership strategies for long-term success Fueled by the popularity of permaculture and agroecology, community food forests are capturing the imaginations of people in neighborhoods, towns, and cities across the United States. Along with community gardens and farmers markets, community food forests are an avenue toward creating access to nutritious food and promoting environmental sustainability where we live. Interest in installing them in public spaces is on the rise. People are the most vital component of community food forests, but while we know more than ever about how to design food forests, the ways in which to best organize and lead groups of people involved with these projects has received relatively little attention. In The Community Food Forest Handbook, Catherine Bukowski and John Munsell dive into the civic aspects of community food forests, drawing on observations, group meetings, and interviews at over 20 projects across the country and their own experience creating and managing a food forest. They combine the stories and strategies gathered during their research with concepts of community development and project management to outline steps for creating lasting public food forests that positively impact communities. Rather than rehash food forest design, which classic books such as Forest Gardening and Edible Forest Gardens address in great detail, The Community Food Forest Handbook uses systems thinking and draws on social change theory to focus on how to work with diverse groups of people when conceiving of, designing, and implementing a community food forest. To find practical ground, the authors use management phases to highlight the ebb and flow of community capitals from a project’s inception to its completion. They also explore examples of positive feedbacks that are often unexpected but offer avenues for enhancing the success of a community food forest. The Community Food Forest Handbook provides readers with helpful ideas for building and sustaining momentum, working with diverse public and private stakeholders, integrating assorted civic interests and visions within one project, creating safe and attractive sites, navigating community policies, positively affecting public perception, and managing site evolution and adaptation. Its concepts and examples showcase the complexities of community food forests, highlighting the human resilience of those who learn and experience what is possible when they collaborate on a shared vision for their community.

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