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82 objetos que cuentan un país: Una historia de España

by Manuel Lucena

Un recorrido excepcional por la historia de España a través de sus objetos. Frente a lo que hacen otras historias de España, este libro propone un camino de estudio distinto, pues rastrea la existencia milenaria del país en su cultura material y emocional. Alejada de cualquier esencialismo, no narra lo que los objetos «son», sino lo que han representado para los españoles a través de los tiempos. Es esta una relación identitaria, pero, por encima de todo, pasional y utilitaria. Los españoles han proyectado en los 82 objetos que componen la obra múltiples contenidos simbólicos. En los textos dedicados a cada uno de ellos hay elementos descriptivos -qué es cada uno-, analíticos -de qué manera se configuró su contexto- y relacionales -de qué forma fueron considerados únicos en cada momento histórico, cómo adquirieron una pátina o configuración determinada-. Pero, sobre todo, portan significado por el aura que contienen, el amorcon que fueron fabricados y la evocación que provocan en nosotros. Prehistoria, España romana, Edad Media, los Austrias, Ilustración, siglo XIX, siglo XX y el tiempo presente son las partes en que está dividido 82 objetos que cuentan un país. Sigue, por tanto, una cronología clásica, aunque puesta al día. El número y selección de los objetos se ha basado en un intento de acumulación densa y en caracterizaciones canónicas procedentes de diversos ámbitos y disciplinas. No asumen distinciones arcaicas entre «alta cultura» y «cultura popular»; tampoco son siempre materialidades concretas, sino en ocasiones difusas y flexibles, pues el ingenio de los españoles se ha plasmado a lo largo de los siglos en los más variados campos del arte y la cultura, la moda, la política, la cartografía, la numismática, la ciencia o la ingeniería. Reseña:«La historia de España por una original vía paralela a los hechos, a través de los objetos que la jalonan.» Miguel Lorenci, Colpisa «Imágenes y textos de calidad que, a modo de rompecabezas bien encajado, nos reflejan como pueblo y promueven una introspección colectiva que sobrecoge, emociona y estimula a partes iguales.»Ignacio Andrade/Carlos Rubio, Interviú

806: A Novel

by Cynthia Weil

Sibling 1 throws blenders and plays guitar. Sibling 2 is allergic to everything and is into magic. Sibling 3 is a varsity swimmer with a group of female fans. Enough said. The only thing they have in common is their biological father, and the only thing they can agree on is that they all want to meet him. With the help of a broken-down, “borrowed” Jeep, KT, Jesse, and Gabe make their way across the country evading police, trying their luck on the slots, and meeting a life-changing pig, all to track down Donor 806, their father. Any hope of success requires smarts, luck, and ingenuity. Good thing they have each other...even if they don't see it that way.

800 Classic Ornaments and Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Ernst Günther

Graphic artists, illustrators, and craftspeople will welcome this treasury of beautifully engraved ornate frames, scrollwork, and other highly decorative designs -- 800 in all -- reproduced from an extremely rare mid-19th-century style book. Comprising 142 plates, the volume features a lavish assortment of ornaments, bedecked with flowers, mythological creatures, and other fanciful touches, all beautifully rendered in meticulous detail. Other striking designs incorporate a rich selection of classical columns, plus heraldic designs -- shields, coats-of-arms, seals, and insignias from Austria, Russia, Denmark, France, and many other countries -- for a touch of medieval flair or aristocratic ambience. In addition, this collection offers a variety of charming calligraphic alphabets in styles ranging from plain to majestic. An invaluable source of inspiration and a treasury of designs for permission-free use, these distinctive images are ideal for enhancing such print projects as ads, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, catalog copy, and much more.

80 Godey's Full-Color Fashion Plates: 1838-1880

by Joanne Olian

Superb illustrations from a rare source provide authentic views of evolving Victorian fashions -- from high necklines, elongated bodices, and fitted bonnets to extravagant bustles. The meticulously reproduced plates include depictions of dresses, gowns, and coats as well as accessories. A must for costume designers, cultural historians, and fashion enthusiasts. Introduction. Captions.

8 Wonders of Cincinatti

by Wendy Beckman

Cincinnati is an amazing place to live and visit for so many reasons. Local author Wendy Beckman and illustrator Allison Ranieri celebrate the city's eight wonders--architecture, art, commerce, food, customs, geography, history and people. With its Venetian Gothic lancet arches and crystal chandeliers, the Cincinnati Music Hall stands as an architectural masterpiece. The Cincinnati Red Stockings made history as the first professional baseball team. Remnants of marine fossils from the Ordovician Period remind residents that the city was once under water. Limitless local varieties of goetta range from family recipes to trendy café dishes. And the city birthed trailblazers like track and field star DeHart Hubbard, the first African American to win an Olympic gold medal in an individual event. These stories and more reveal the unique character of the Queen City.

7th SS Mountain Division Prinz Eugen At War, 1941–1945: A History of the Division (Images of War)

by Ian Baxter

This volume of rare WWII photographs presents a pictorial history of the Nazi mountain infantry division that fought in Croatia and the Balkans. Drawing on a superb collection of rare and unpublished photographs, this book tells the story of the 7th SS Mountain Division during the Second World War. Formed in 1941, it consisted of both volunteers and conscripts from the Banat, Independent State of Croatia, Hungary and Romania. The Prinz Eugen SS Division fought a brutal counterinsurgency campaign against the communist-led Yugoslav Partisan resistance forces in occupied Serbia and Montenegro. It was given the title Prinz Eugen after Prince Eugene of Savoy, a 17th century military leader of the Habsburg Empire. Covering the Divisions history from formation to the end of the war, this volume includes chapters on Operation Weiss, guerilla warfare, and other topics.

The 7th Knot

by Kathleen Karr

It's summer vacation, 1896, and Miles and his brother must spend it with rich, irritable Uncle Eustace, who wants to purchase art for his mansion. Little do the boys know that their summer will take them on a high-flying chase across Italy and Germany, searching for an answer to the mysterious disappearance of their uncle's servant and six woodcuts by the famous Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer. Unwittingly they become entangled in an international ring of conspirators, and must save the world from a dark force masquerading as a benign secret society.

7th Cousins: An Automythography

by Erin Brubacher Christine Brubaker

From July 7th to August 6th, 2015, we walked 700 kilometres, from Pennsylvania to Ontario. A stranger asked if we were walking to learn how to work and be together. This was certainly part of it.In July 2015, Erin Brubacher and Christine Brubaker, two politically left, secular, Canadian women traced the migration route of their Mennonite ancestors by walking from Pennsylvania to Ontario, through the American Bible Belt. Along the way they were hosted by a series of people with whom they had next to nothing in common. They were welcomed into strangers' homes and treated as family. On their journey they encountered folks with religious and political beliefs very different from their own and learned to question what conversations to enter and how far to take them. They accomplished this and so much more while navigating their own relationship and the challenges of being with another person, on foot, for 32 days. 7th Cousins: An Automythography documents the walk itself and the performance text they generated afterwards. Included throughout are photo essays from the journey and commentaries from their collaborators Christopher Stanton, Andrea Nann, Kaitlin Hickey and Erum Khan.Praise for 7th Cousins:"7th Cousins is a sharp, very personal and insightful work of documentary theatre that embodies a kind of honest female friendship that is so important to experience in our current moment, as well as a journey into the U.S. that gives trenchant insights far beyond what I was expecting." —Jacob Wren, author of Authenticity is a Feeling: My Life in PME-ART and Rich and Poor

75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know: The Fascinating Stories Behind Great Works of Art, Literature, Music and Film

by Terry Glaspey

Let Your Faith Be Moved by the MasterpiecesArt becomes a masterpiece when it stands the test of time and challenges its viewers to see the world from a new perspective. The vast legacy of human expression is therefore a rich resource of introspection and wisdom for Christians today. 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know anthologizes some of humanity&’s most influential and renowned works of art. Terry Glaspey masterfully analyzes how each piece responds to the reality of the human condition and Christian truth. Glaspey examines architecture, plays, novels, paintings, films, and even albums, evoking how some probe the dark corners of human suffering, while others capture the mystery, beauty, and wonder of life. Each selection is universally revered for its craftsmanship and ubiquitously esteemed across both time and cultures. From Rembrandt&’s The Return of the ProdigalSon to Jane Austen&’s Pride and Prejudice to Johnny Cash&’s At Folsom Prison, every masterpiece reveals some truth that has both enriched the Christian faith and left an indelible mark on the legacy of artistic achievement. Through engaging these masterpieces, Christians today can enrich their own faith with the creativity of history&’s brilliant artists.This book serves as both historian and biographer, as devotional and art criticism. May this book be a modest doorway into a world of deeper appreciation, a guide to the treasures of our tradition that enriches both your faith and understanding of the human experience.

75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know: The Fascinating Stories Behind Great Works of Art, Literature, Music and Film

by Terry Glaspey

Let Your Faith Be Moved by the MasterpiecesArt becomes a masterpiece when it stands the test of time and challenges its viewers to see the world from a new perspective. The vast legacy of human expression is therefore a rich resource of introspection and wisdom for Christians today. 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know anthologizes some of humanity&’s most influential and renowned works of art. Terry Glaspey masterfully analyzes how each piece responds to the reality of the human condition and Christian truth. Glaspey examines architecture, plays, novels, paintings, films, and even albums, evoking how some probe the dark corners of human suffering, while others capture the mystery, beauty, and wonder of life. Each selection is universally revered for its craftsmanship and ubiquitously esteemed across both time and cultures. From Rembrandt&’s The Return of the ProdigalSon to Jane Austen&’s Pride and Prejudice to Johnny Cash&’s At Folsom Prison, every masterpiece reveals some truth that has both enriched the Christian faith and left an indelible mark on the legacy of artistic achievement. Through engaging these masterpieces, Christians today can enrich their own faith with the creativity of history&’s brilliant artists.This book serves as both historian and biographer, as devotional and art criticism. May this book be a modest doorway into a world of deeper appreciation, a guide to the treasures of our tradition that enriches both your faith and understanding of the human experience.

75 Fun Fat-Quarter Quilts: 13 Quilts + 62 Innovative Variations

by Roxane Cerda

Turn your fat-quarter bundles into fabulous quilts with this guide featuring easy and versatile quilt patterns from an array of exciting designers.Does your fat-quarter collection require its own zip code? Put those treasured bundles to good use with 13 fast and fun fat-quarter quilts! Want quilts in multiple sizes and variations? You'll find a total of 75 possibilities! Play with scale, layout, colorways, and block design to make each project your own. Popular and up-and-coming designers share ideas in every style and for every skill level.

740 Park: The Story of the World's Richest Apartment Building

by Michael Gross

For seventy-five years, it's been Manhattan's richest apartment building, and one of the most lusted-after addresses in the world. One apartment had 37 rooms, 14 bathrooms, 43 closets, 11 working fireplaces, a private elevator, and his-and-hers saunas; another at one time had a live-in service staff of 16. To this day, it is steeped in the purest luxury, the kind most of us could only imagine, until now. The last great building to go up along New York's Gold Coast, construction on 740 Park finished in 1930. Since then, 740 has been home to an ever-evolving cadre of our wealthiest and most powerful families, some of America's (and the world's) oldest money--the kind attached to names like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Bouvier, Chrysler, Niarchos, Houghton, and Harkness--and some whose names evoke the excesses of today's monied elite: Kravis, Koch, Bronfman, Perelman, Steinberg, and Schwarzman. All along, the building has housed titans of industry, political power brokers, international royalty, fabulous scam-artists, and even the lowest scoundrels.The book begins with the tumultuous story of the building's construction. Conceived in the bubbling financial, artistic, and social cauldron of 1920's Manhattan, 740 Park rose to its dizzying heights as the stock market plunged in 1929--the building was in dire financial straits before the first apartments were sold. The builders include the architectural genius Rosario Candela, the scheming businessman James T. Lee (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's grandfather), and a raft of financiers, many of whom were little more than white-collar crooks and grand-scale hustlers. Once finished, 740 became a magnet for the richest, oldest families in the country: the Brewsters, descendents of the leader of the Plymouth Colony; the socially-registered Bordens, Hoppins, Scovilles, Thornes, and Schermerhorns; and top executives of the Chase Bank, American Express, and U.S. Rubber. Outside the walls of 740 Park, these were the people shaping America culturally and economically. Within those walls, they were indulging in all of the Seven Deadly Sins. As the social climate evolved throughout the last century, so did 740 Park: after World War II, the building's rulers eased their more restrictive policies and began allowing Jews (though not to this day African Americans) to reside within their hallowed walls. Nowadays, it is full to bursting with new money, people whose fortunes, though freshly-made, are large enough to buy their way in. At its core this book is a social history of the American rich, and how the locus of power and influence has shifted haltingly from old bloodlines to new money. But it's also much more than that: filled with meaty, startling, often tragic stories of the people who lived behind 740's walls, the book gives us an unprecedented access to worlds of wealth, privilege, and extraordinary folly that are usually hidden behind a scrim of money and influence. This is, truly, how the other half--or at least the other one hundredth of one percent--lives.

700 Victorian Ornamental Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by F. Knight

This lavish collection of royalty-free engravings by the celebrated 19th-century artist F. Knight — reproduced directly from a rare original edition — contains elaborate wall murals with trompe-l’oeil effects; scenes of hunters, flanked by mythological figures; idealized damsels in rustic settings; and numerous other florid motifs.

70 Years of China’s Bridges

by Zhongfu Xiang Wei Xu Anshuang Liu Fanchao Meng

The book takes time as the axis, selecting 98 bridges (or bridge groups) across the country and 7 representative bridges out of the country, reflecting the steps and development of China's bridge construction in related majors and engineering technicians in colleges and universities. This book aims to let the general public understand the arduous history of China's bridge construction and the rapid development of China's bridge construction without the country's economic development, strength, and hard work of the bridge people. It is also hoped that the public will enjoy the convenience of bridges, highways, railroads, and urban roads and at the same time enhance their awareness of bridge knowledge, knowledge, love, and scientific use of bridges. This book is used by the general public to understand the development of China's bridge construction, but also as a reference book for teachers and students of bridge engineering-related majors and engineering technicians in colleges and universities.

70 Classic Quilting Patterns: Ready-to-Use Designs and Instructions

by Joe Cunningham Gwen Marston

With the help of this volume from noted quilt makers, teachers, and lecturers Gwen Marston and Joe Cunningham, needleworkers can now create their own stunning heirloom pieces with designs that will enhance any patchwork or appliqué quilt. Seventy ready-to-use full-size patterns come in a wide assortment of designs for decorative sticking: pineapple, feather and swirl motifs, florals, corners, a selection of repeating borders, and much more.Easy-to-follow instructions and clear diagrams take all levels of needleworkers -- from beginners to veteran quilters -- through each step of completing a quilting project -- transferring the design to the fabric, placing the piece in a frame, the quilting stitch, beginning and ending a quilting line, etc.The wealth of classic designs, brought together in one convenient sourcebook, will be a welcome addition to any quilter's library.

The 613

by Archie Rand

Archie Rand's career as an artist spans five decades and myriad themes and genres. Among his pioneering explorations, The 613 is surely one of his most ambitious feats yet. Without any idea where the work would be exhibited, Rand began transforming each and every one of the 613 mitzvahs, or commandments, into its own breathtaking painting, a series that took five years to complete. Each of the gorgeous and perplexing panels features a vibrant, unexpected image that brings forth the heart of its law and commands our eyes to linger. Rand is startling and original in his rich color choices, bold characters, and extraordinarily expressive approach. The New York Times describes the paintings as "rendered in the style of comics and pulp fiction book jackets, a dash of Mad magazine, a spoonful of Tales of the Crypt, some grotesques, some superheroes, always action, emotion, drama." Whether grotesque or dramatic, each painting provokes a sense of wonder and self-reflection, making The 613 a book to be visited time and time again. Perfect for readers of art, religion, or popular visual culture, The 613 may be the most audacious and distinctive gift book of its kind.From the Hardcover edition.

601 Woodshop Tips & Tricks

by Graham Mccullouch

Woodworkers Are CleverWoodworkers are often faced with challenges while building. The best woodworkers are quick to come up with one, if not a dozen solutions to these complications. No, they're not all original solutions. But the cleverest among us learn from others, and that's what this book is all about.Take advantage of years worth of collected cleverness by learning from the tips and tricks collected here: starting with basic tips on how to set up your shop, and following with wisdom on finishing, joinery, shop math, tools and more.601 Woodshop Tips & Tricks also offers helpful hints on keeping your shop tidy and efficient, and we've even tossed in some tricks to use around the house.Remember, the smart woodworkers may not have all the answers, but they do know where to find them!

601 Great Scrapbook Ideas: From the editors of Memory Makers Books

by Memory Makers Books

Inside 601 Great Scrapbook Ideas, you'll find hundreds of layouts to get your creative juices flowing. And because the layouts were created by over 200 scrapbook artists, there truly is something for every taste. Plus, you'll find scrapbooking tips and ideas for you to use on your own pages. Hundreds of never-before-seen layouts Pages on all your favorite subjects, including relationships, everyday life, special events, holidays, kids, pets and more Great scrapbooking tips for your own layouts With 601 Great Scrapbook Ideas, great scrapbook inspiration is only a page away!

600 Decorative Floral Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by F. B. Heald

The Victorians loved their flowers, and from a stunning nineteenth-century collection of floral motifs comes this garden of decorative designs. Exquisitely detailed and stylistically rare, its illustrations feature lush blossoms and plants surrounded by design elements of the most magnificent order.These 72 pages offer a wealth of images for a virtually unlimited array of applications. Perfect for enhancing greeting cards, newsletters, and websites, these gorgeous black-and-white patterns also offer inspiration for needlework and other craft projects.

600 Butterflies and Moths in Full Color (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by W. F. Kirby

The wonder and beauty of butterflies and moths -- including their miraculous transformations -- have fascinated nature enthusiasts for thousands of years. Rendered from an exquisitely rare nineteenth-century portfolio, the butterfly hues and shapes that have dazzled humankind for centuries are displayed here with magnificent precision. This illustrated archive bursts with sixty-one full-color plates of European butterflies and moths of every variety. Revel in the vast spectrum of intricate markings distinct to such species as the Swallowtail, Monarch, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, and many other fluttering favorites. Details of pupa, eyes, antennae, and the winged insects' favorite plant life also abound, providing enlightening glimpses into the workings of some of nature's most colorful and resplendent creatures. Pure delight for artists, designers, entomologists, and butterfly lovers everywhere!

60 Years of University Challenge

by Cassell

Celebrate 60 years of Britain's longest-running quiz show.Since 1962, University Challenge has brought TV viewing the most taxing questions on television. Now you can relive some of its most gripping moments as well as test you and your family's own quizzing ability with this unique quizbook.- Over 3,000 questions, including complete sets of questions from iconic episodes.- 'Where are they now?' features that reveal what notable contestants went on to achieve.- Interviews with question setters, famous contestants and producers- An entry quiz that contestants face so you can see if you've got what it takes to be on the show.With over 400 pages of trivia, behind-the-scenes detail and a raft of questions to test your knowledge, this is the ultimate gift for any University Challenge viewer.

60 Years of University Challenge

by Cassell

Celebrate 60 years of Britain's longest-running quiz show.Since 1962, University Challenge has brought TV viewing the most taxing questions on television. Now you can relive some of its most gripping moments as well as test you and your family's own quizzing ability with this unique quizbook.- Over 3,000 questions, including complete sets of questions from iconic episodes.- 'Where are they now?' features that reveal what notable contestants went on to achieve.- Interviews with question setters, famous contestants and producers- An entry quiz that contestants face so you can see if you've got what it takes to be on the show.With over 400 pages of trivia, behind-the-scenes detail and a raft of questions to test your knowledge, this is the ultimate gift for any University Challenge viewer.

60 Years of Coronation Street

by ITV Ventures Limited Abigail Kemp

Everything you need to know about Britain's longest-running and most popular soap is found here in this impressive book. Celebrating 60 years since the show's creation, this book is an exhaustive, compelling and entertaining history packed full of features and long forgotten imagery. It takes you through every year in a unique timeline that highlights key plot lines, significant production events, together with an impressive amount of photography. You'll discover features on characters, famous actors, royal visits, births, deaths, marriages and murders, together with interviews with key actors, producers and production staff.A special section on the show's creator Tony Warren, shows how the programme evolved from page to screen and is illustrated with rare imagery and artefacts from his own archive. There are even special gatefold pages that open out showing how the set has developed over the years and family trees of the major characters so you can see the complex web of relations for the likes of the Barlows and the Platts.60 Years of Coronation Street will be the ultimate celebration of a show that's shaped British television and prove to be the 'must-have' gift for every Corrie fan.

60 Years of Coronation Street: The Incredible Story Of Britain's Favourite Continuing Drama

by Abigail Kemp ITV Ventures Limited

Everything you need to know about Britain's longest-running and most popular soap is found here in this impressive book. Celebrating 60 years since the show's creation, this book is an exhaustive, compelling and entertaining history packed full of features and long forgotten imagery. It takes you through every year in a unique timeline that highlights key plot lines, significant production events, together with an impressive amount of photography. You'll discover features on characters, famous actors, royal visits, births, deaths, marriages and murders, together with interviews with key actors, producers and production staff.A special section on the show's creator Tony Warren, shows how the programme evolved from page to screen and is illustrated with rare imagery and artefacts from his own archive. There are even special gatefold pages that open out showing how the set has developed over the years and family trees of the major characters so you can see the complex web of relations for the likes of the Barlows and the Platts.60 Years of Coronation Street will be the ultimate celebration of a show that's shaped British television and prove to be the 'must-have' gift for every Corrie fan.

60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming

by A. Erman Tekkaya Werner Homberg Alexander Brosius

60 novel approaches in metal forming are presented and explained in detail. Contributions from acknowledged international scientists representing the state-of-art in metal forming open a general view on recent results and a clear view on demands for new research initiatives.

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