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Showing 26 through 50 of 64,233 results

Standing His Ground: The Inside Story of Ron Desantis's Rise and Battle for Freedom

by Richard Corcoran

Contrary to what the mainstream media has claimed, Florida under Ron DeSantis has become the home for freedom and individual liberty.At the onset of the pandemic, political leaders throughout the country were forced to quickly make significant decisions about how they would govern under extraordinary circumstances. A number of these decisions simply required instinct—they just had to come from the gut. There was little, if any, precedent to examine, and hardly any time for the usual gambits to test potential solutions. One person became a household name and a national hero for having made what proved to be the best decisions over and over: Ron DeSantis, the 46th governor of Florida. However, not surprisingly, his success also begot wrath. A patriot to millions of everyday Americans is often a &“tyrant&” to progressive elites. Other than perhaps former President Donald Trump, DeSantis was and remains the most vilified elected official in media, politics, entertainment, academia, and now the corporate world. Conservatives know full well this means he hit the bullseye. Now that more than two years have passed, the American people are able to clearly see whose decisions struck the proper balance between liberty and safety. There&’s no denying that DeSantis&’s influence soared as the world watched him successfully steer his state step by step through one of the greatest periods of turmoil and uncertainty in modern history. While many other states floundered, Florida didn&’t just survive—it flourished.

Insurgent Hunter: Memoirs of a Navy SEAL Turned Counterinsurgent Agent in Iraq

by Jack Treadway Stephen Templin

When you hunt men, men will hunt you.In this epic thrill ride filled with triumph and tragedy, Jack Treadway takes readers deep into the shadows of covert warfare. As a new SEAL learning to hunt men, a clandestine mini wet submarine comes within inches of slicing and dicing him. In SEAL Team Five, he shuffles through a vomit-spewed C-130 transport plane to jump into something worse—a treacherous snowy mountain in the Korean peninsula. Then he breaks his back in a Special Mission Unit assignment and breaks away from the SEAL Teams. Jack stalks deeper into the darkness from SEAL to Office of Special Investigations (OSI) counterintelligence officer in Iraq. His most elusive prey is a high value target on the kill or capture list—an al Qaeda financier codenamed Kaiser Soze. Jack and his team remove more than a hundred enemy insurgents from the battle space. When a high-ranking Iraqi ally—who secretly works for Iran—kills three members of Jack&’s team, he wants bloody revenge.

Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq

by Morgan Lerette

Guns, Girls, and Greed is an unvarnished, behind-the-scenes, tell-all account of the scathing and dangerous life of mercenaries at war in Iraq.Experience the world of private contractors conducting high-threat missions for a nascent Iraqi government in the hopes of rebuilding after the fall of Saddam Hussein. With limited support, the men of Blackwater protected US diplomats as the country descended into sectarian violence. It was a hazardous mission complete with rockets, mortars, improvised explosive devices, and not knowing who or where the enemy was. Morgan Lerette&’s irreverently honest memoir shows the good and bad of injecting private armies into active combat zones in the name of diplomacy and digs deep into the bonds of brotherhood created by war. With gut-wrenching tragedy, dark humor, and parties that make Animal House seem like a Disney film, this memoir offers a firsthand perspective on how men act and react in war. Lerette, a private contractor employed by the notorious Blackwater in the early days of the Iraq War, pulls no punches in calling out the incompetence of both the US military and the Department of State during the collapse of Iraq. You can decide if the insertion of private contractors in Iraq assisted or detracted from the war effort and if the costs in blood and treasure were worth the carnage.

Keep Living

by Loreal Chanel Palmer

As long as you&’re alive and breathing, you have a say in what direction your life will take. Just keep living.After seven years of marriage, multiple miscarriages, and three beautiful children, Loreal&’s life changed in an instant when she found out that her husband, her first and only love, had a secret. At first, they embraced an untraditional solution, separating romantically but choosing to live in the same house to continue raising their children together. But ultimately, at thirty-two, Loreal would need to start over in life, find herself, and pave her own way forward. Loreal used to make decisions based on internal fear and arbitrary timelines—until life started making decisions for her. In her inspirational memoir, she decides to step up and start taking control of her own destiny. Choosing to look back and learn from her past, with new insight, Loreal draws from the wisdom of her grandmother and her own personal journey to embolden readers to take control of their futures and turn change into fuel for self-discovery. By remembering her grandmother&’s phrase, &“keep living,&” she realizes that no matter what your past looks like, you are responsible for your own future.

The Gift of Failure: (And I'll rethink the title if this book fails!)

by Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino&’s brutally honest, deeply personal, unforgettable stories about how he transformed failures into victories will enthrall, entertain, and inspire readers.In The Gift of Failure, leading conservative commentator Dan Bongino identifies failures in his life and how those failures led to bigger and better things. With the same laser-focused intensity that has made him one of America&’s most popular voices, Bongino uncompromisingly cuts to the heart of failure with a collection that is inspirational, motivational, entertaining, touching, and redemptive. The former Secret Service agent currently hosts one of the country&’s most listened to radio programs along with a top-rated podcast and the popular Fox News television show, Unfiltered. Throughout his career, Bongino has helped trailblaze a fight for free speech and free expression, garnering many national headlines for taking on some of the biggest tech companies in the world to challenge their seemingly draconian censorship policies. Along the way, through his many David vs. Goliath battles, Bongino has learned the hard way why failure matters. In The Gift of Failure, he shares, in vivid detail, many of these experiences—from high-profile, front-page stories involving the drama behind Parler and Rumble, to never-before-shared personal tales covering his childhood, the Secret Service, the media, a recent serious health battle, and much more. Bongino&’s vulnerability coupled with his trademark in-your-face, unapologetic honesty and humor help illuminate many life lessons. This is unforgettable storytelling as only Bongino can deliver. Whether you agree with him or not, there&’s something here for everyone.

The Saltwater Highway: One Man's Journey through the International Dry Bulk Maritime Market

by Anthony R. Whitworth

A captivating and informative portrait of the business of maritime dry bulk shipping.According to the International Chamber of Shipping, a global trade organization representing 80 percent of the world&’s national shipowner organizations, 90 percent of world trade moves via the oceans—yet very few people know much about the maritime shipping industry. The Saltwater Highway aims to remedy that. Anthony Whitworth&’s travels and experiences throughout the world have given him a unique perspective on how goods move around the globe on the high seas. From the time he was a young voyage accountant in Fednav, one of Canada&’s largest maritime companies, Whitworth has been captivated by this fascinating, complex, multi-faceted industry. With close to five decades primarily in the dry bulk sector of global transport, Whitworth has seen the industry grow and change to meet the challenges of supplying the world with raw materials. From the great shipyards of Asia to the high-stakes finances of some of the largest corporations in the industry, to the ongoing efforts to combat climate change, The Saltwater Highway highlights Whitworth&’s career as it follows the evolution of modern maritime shipping. Based on personal experiences and an in-depth knowledge of how this invaluable trade works, travel along the Saltwater Highway to such far-flung places as the Arctic Circle, the upper regions of the River Plate, the shores of western Scotland, and various capital cities of the world including London, Moscow, and Beijing to meet some of the people who shaped this business and to discover how maritime transportation impacts our daily lives.

Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle with, and for, the US Naval Academy to Make Thinking Officers

by Bruce Fleming

Once proud citadels of virtue, the US military academies have lost their way and are running on fumes. They need to be fixed before it&’s too late.Saving Our Service Academies covers one man&’s unrelenting thirty-year fight with the military bureaucracy to instill qualities of force and thoughtfulness in officers-to-be, to show young men how to be adults with other men and women, and to show young women how to deal with the men. Bruce Fleming has spent over thirty years teaching midshipmen and future officers at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis. This position was both a dream job and a nightmare for the enthusiastic, athletic, young Fleming. He found, in the thousands of midshipmen he taught, mentored, and exercised with for three decades, a heartbreaking waste of potential, as promising officers-to-be lapsed into apathy and cynicism because of the dispiriting reality behind the gleaming facade of the Naval Academy. What happened to duty, honor, and country at Annapolis? These values have disappeared in the wake of changes in the world, such as the rise of ROTC and the increase in expense of civilian colleges (the service academies are free to the students), and in the attempt to use the service academies as experiments in trendy social engineering. A staunch advocate for military strength, Fleming shows how the smoke and mirrors of service academies produce officers who are taught to say &“SIR, YES SIR&” rather than to have the guts to say things their commanding officer doesn&’t want to hear. Is that why the US hasn&’t won a war since World War II? By writing op-eds about the waste, fraud, and abuse of government (and taxpayer) money, Fleming put a target on his back that the USNA administration used to fire him in 2018, despite being a tenured civilian professor. He was reinstated by a federal judge in 2019. The service academies are government programs that no longer fill the needs for which they were created, and so like all government programs, can be re-examined. Indeed, as Fleming argues, they teach blind obedience in officers rather than informed and respectful questioning, and so sap our military strength rather than increasing it. They need to be re-imagined not as stand-alone undergraduate institutions that wall off future officers in an increasingly untenable isolation from the country they are to defend, but either be combined with the officer commissioning sources that currently produce over 80 percent of our new officers, or re-purposed to post-civilian college training institutions.

True Blue: My Journey from Beat Cop to Suspended FBI Whistleblower

by Stephen Friend

A suspended special agent explains his decision to turn whistleblower and expose FBI politicization and abuse against conservative America.Stephen Friend had his dream job as an FBI special agent. After nearly a decade of combating violent crime, human trafficking, and child predators, he was reassigned to the FBI&’s unprecedented investigation of the political unrest at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Friend soon uncovered efforts by the FBI and Department of Justice to manipulate statistics and exaggerate the nationwide threat of domestic terrorism. Friend spotlighted how the politicized FBI was cooking the books to support an ongoing narrative from the Joe Biden administration to label Donald Trump voters as violent extremists. Friend witnessed overzealous practices to harass conservative Americans and realized the FBI was turning its investigative processes into a punishment. When the married father of two made his bombshell allegations in a whistleblower disclosure, leaders within the FBI exposed themselves as partisan, ambitious players who insisted that January 6th protestors killed police officers and attempted to seize American democracy. Hell-bent on suppressing Friend from exposing the truth, FBI officials seized his gun and badge and suspended him from working as a special agent. In this memoir, Friend reflects on the lessons and life experiences that led him to ultimately risk his career to uphold his FBI special agent oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies—both foreign and domestic.

My Disappearing Mother: A Memoir of Magic and Loss in the Country of Dementia

by Suzanne Finnamore

To come to terms with her mother&’s dementia, writer Suzanne Finnamore&’s groundbreaking new memoir conceptualizes dementia as an actual, albeit rather magical, place, &“like the Acropolis or Yonkers…a place where beloved and ancient queens and kings retire, where linear time doesn&’t exist, and the rules of society are laid aside…. Whenever I go to my parents&’ double-wide in Hayward, California, I am really traveling to Dementia.&”My Disappearing Mother: A Memoir of Magic and Loss is far more than a memoir on the devastation that comes with dementia, a cognitive impairment that affects 55 million people worldwide. Finnamore beautifully chronicles her mother&’s rich and varied life journey, from her birth in Puerto Rico during the height of the Depression to ferrying to the United States, in hopes of a better life. On U.S. soil, her mother, Bunny, started working as a performer for enlisted men, then became a secretary, and eventually a professional clairvoyant. With unexpected humor, Suzanne explores the feeling of love, grief, family, and loss while celebrating the bonds between mothers and daughters. In Suzanne&’s words, &“I want a book that attests to the fact that in a world full of disease, there is an abiding and supernatural force of love. That because of this, the sadness and the horror can be borne. That laughter can live alongside grief. That it must.&” When Suzanne&’s guest essay &“Dementia Is a Place Where My Mother Lives. It Is Not Who She Is&” was published in the New York Times on Mother&’s Day 2022, readers responded with an outpouring of empathy and love. And so this book was born, full of clues and guidance to help others feel less alone on the path that Finnamore has walked.

My Brother's Keeper: Netanyahu, Obama, & the Year of Terror & Conflict that Changed the Middle East Forever

by Ari Harow

&“A useful aid to understanding today&’s headlines as well as Israel&’s recent past.&” –Kirkus Review My Brother&’s Keeper tells the behind-the-scenes story of how the American President and the Israeli Prime Minister clashed about peace, war, and the future of the region.Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu viewed the world—and especially the Middle East—differently. The US president wanted to end what he saw as America&’s perpetual war against the Muslim and Arab worlds, use diplomacy to bring about a Palestinian state coexisting peacefully with Israel, and apply his signature foreign policy vision to reward the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for the scaling back of their nuclear pursuits. The Israeli premier wanted his country to thrive without the senseless bloodshed of terror and violence, and he was determined to protect the Jewish state from threats of annihilation by a member of the axis of evil that would one day be armed with nuclear weapons. Netanyahu wanted peace for peace, as well as the acceptance of Israel as a full-fledged part of the Middle East. In 2014, during a pivotal summer of terrorist violence, a war in Gaza, and the advancement of a nuclear deal with Iran, the two men clashed, threatening the US-Israeli strategic alliance and the future of the region. The Middle East would never be the same.

Outside Voices: A Memoir of the Berkeley Revolution

by Joan Gelfand

Berkeley, 1972: a hotbed of creativity where painters, filmmakers, musicians, and writers inspire a young poet.Second-wave feminism, inspired by Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan is swelling into a tsunami. Women are joining together to change power dynamics in politics, the home, and the workplace. On election day, Joan Gelfand casts her vote for George McGovern and boards a plane from New York to California. With one introduction to a woman musician, Joan&’s journey to become a writer is born. Embraced by a thriving women&’s community of artists, filmmakers, musicians, poets, and writers, Joan is encouraged to find her voice. Mentored by paradigm-changing writers, Joan finds the courage to face her darkest fears through poetry and art, mining the trauma she experienced after losing her father and questioning her Jewish identity. Reminiscent of Paris in the twenties, Greenwich Village in the sixties, and Berlin in the eighties, Berkeley in the seventies was the &“it&” city of America. Outside Voices reports the ups and downs of finding one&’s way as an artist, living with a women&’s band, forging an independent Jewish identity, founding a women&’s restaurant, and becoming a published writer and songwriter while exploring the limits of sexuality and spirituality. The story includes road trips to music festivals in the woods, beaches in Mexico, concerts in Southern California, and a retreat in the Pacific Northwest. A triumphant story of determination and will, Outside Voices is a backstage look at the women&’s movement that sets the stage for decades of change. This book is a firsthand look at how the power of community emboldened innovation, social change, and self-discovery.

Beautiful Monster: A Becoming

by Miles Borrero

A breathtaking, exquisitely crafted memoir about a trans person&’s singular journey through breaching the boundaries of gender—across generations, cultures and borders—to become his truest, most authentic self.Nearing the age of forty, with an entire life already lived as a woman—half in Colombia, half in the US—Miles Borrero comes face to face with his father&’s impending death. Suddenly realizing that he has been stalling his transition for fear of losing his family&’s love, this moment catalyzes Miles&’s determination to be fully known as his father&’s son before it is too late. In Beautiful Monster, Miles chronicles his unusual childhood, by turns riveting and hilarious, in &’80s and &’90s Colombia during the Pablo Escobar years, as well as his move to Salt Lake City to pursue acting and the winding trajectory that eventually lands him in the New York City yoga scene. Within these very different cultures, the realities of being queer and trans echo poignantly through the triumphs, heartbreaks, family dynamics, spiritual pursuits, and relationships that propel Miles along his path. Sublimely nuanced and written in ravishing prose that is as unique and irresistible as its subject, Beautiful Monster is one person&’s story of navigating the pressures to perform femininity while becoming a gender outlaw. Brimming with wonder, humor, and mythos, entertaining and enlightening in equal measure, this book offers a compelling case for embracing one&’s true nature.

Hiking Your Feelings: Blazing a Trail to Self-Love

by Sydney Williams

Turn your pain into power. Part inspirational memoir, part practical guide, Hiking Your Feelings offers a toolkit to unpack your &“trauma pack&” and step into the best version of yourself.Join wellness and wilderness enthusiast Sydney Williams as she shares her healing journey from eating and drinking her feelings to hiking her feelings. When Sydney unexpectedly found herself diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, while grappling with grief and unresolved trauma built up over a decade, she set out on a quest to turn her pain into power. Two hikes across Catalina Island and eighty miles later, she learned to disconnect from distractions and reconnect with herself, all through the power of nature. Now, she&’s encouraging others to get outside and blaze their own trail to self-love, turning buried traumas into healthy coping mechanisms. With affirmations, prompts, and reflection exercises throughout—all presented from Sydney&’s supportive and self-effacing perspective—Hiking Your Feelings offers a toolkit to unpack your &“trauma pack&” and step into the best version of yourself. INSPIRATIONAL & INSIGHTFUL: Follow Sydney as she reflects on her own journey from buried traumas and poor body image to acceptance, healthy coping mechanisms, and self-love. RELATABLE & UNIVERSAL: Touches on themes and problems that many struggle with, including grief and loss, sexual assault, poor body image, career stress, and the stigma of diabetes, all presented from Sydney&’s supportive and self-effacing perspective. HEALING POWER OF NATURE: Discover how getting outside—even just for a walk around the block—can help you tune into your body better. HIKE YOUR OWN HIKE: Learn to love yourself as you are now. Go from eating, drinking, working, or spending your feelings to hiking your feelings. UNPACK YOUR TRAUMA PACK: Identify new activities and rituals that will allow you to choose love over fear and lift the invisible weight from your shoulders. PROMPTS, ACTIVITIES & EXERCISES: Apply the lessons Sydney has learned to your own life, through thoughtful tasks at the end of each chapter.

My Music, My Life

by Ravi Shankar

With stunning new photographs and a new final chapter detailing Ravi Shankar&’s hope for the preservation of Indian classical music, this updated edition of My Music, My Life profiles an extraordinary man. In his own words, Shankar describes his transformation from a young traveling dancer to a Grammy Award-winning, internationally known musician. An autobiography, a history of Indian classical music, and a manual on how to play the sitar, this book is about music as a both a lifestyle and an art. It embodies Ravi Shankar&’s unique approach to his craft.

By God's Grace: The Life and Teachings of Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati

by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

The Birth of Kirtan: The Life & Teachings of Chaitanya

by Ranchor Prime

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

The Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: Sri Chaitanya Lilamrita

by Swami B. Bodhayan

The Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu offers a brief history of the 15th century Vedic spiritual revolutionary, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who expounded Bhakti yoga, popularized the chanting of Hare Krishna, and is an incarnation of Lord Krishna.In this abridged biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Swami B. B. Bodhayan informs how Sri Krsna appeared in the form of Lord Chaitanya to deliver all fallen souls by distributing His love without discrimination. He taught his devotees how to surrender by His own example and how surrender is the soul of devotional practice. Many scriptures describe Lord Chaitanya as non-different from Lord Krsna; although Lord Chaitanya is Krsna Himself, He took the role of being His own devotee to deliver the people of the world. To spread the chanting of the holy name of the Supreme Lord, which will ultimately give us the taste of divine love, Lord Chaitanya took the renounced order (sannyasa). Thus, He gave the order to everyone to spread His name: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. We have seen Lord Chaitanya, Himself, preach and inspire people to chant the Hare Krsna mahamantra. But personally, He did not give initiation. He also did not establish any temples. He taught us to spread sankirtana without having any ulterior motives. Our spiritual lineage all follow in the footsteps of Lord Chaitanya. If anyone follows the principle of &“first preserve then propagate,&” then one shall definitely be delivered from this material world.

Whisper in the Heart: The Ongoing Presence of Neem Karoli Baba

by Parvati Markus

Whisper in the Heart documents lively accounts from around the world of Neem Karoli Baba, a great Indian saint, appearing in visions and dreams to offer spiritual comfort and guidance. Neem Karoli Baba left his body in 1973, but his presence has continued unabated. He has appeared to thousands of individuals across the globe, in dreams and visions, in meditation, and out of the blue in broad daylight. He comes to open hearts with a blast of unconditional love, to bring comfort and aid in response to calls for help, and as a reminder that we are, indeed, all One. Whisper in the Heart recounts the stories of over 150 people and the ways in which they &“met&” Maharajji, as he is fondly known. It could have been while chanting at a kirtan, while at a spiritual retreat or in a temple, while looking at a photo or reading a book, or as in some of the more extraordinary stories, when he shows up on a desperate woman&’s doorstep in France, brings years of abuse to an end for a nine-year-old child in Australia, dances on a beach in Miami, or appears to a policeman in Taos, New Mexico. Not just for Maharajji devotees, Whisper in the Heart can help those who are having spiritual experiences of connection with enlightened beings who are no longer in the body to accept their reality and to know that they are not, in fact, &“going crazy.&” Maharajji himself used to say: When you think of me, I&’ll be there. In this book, you will get a glimpse of how he is fulfilling that promise. A LEGACY OF LOVE: Whisper in the Heart continues Neem Karoli Baba's mission of universal love, kindness, and connection PERSONAL STORIES: Includes more than 150 accounts of Maharajji appearing in visions, dreams and even in broad daylight HELPING AND HEALING: Visions of Neem Karoli Baba have helped diverse people from around the world heal spiritually and physically MOTIVATING MESSAGE: The moving stories of Maharajji&’s love can inspire a deeper spiritual practice and connection to humanity RAM DASS COLLABORATION: Neem Karoli Baba&’s teachings were brought to the west by Ram Dass, whose Love Serve Remember Foundation continues to preserve his legacy and spread his message

The Mission: Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Agents

by Swami B.B. Bodhayen

The lives of Srila Prabhupada and his disciples are recounted, encouraging all to follow the devotional path of Bhakti, and be liberated in the eternally blissful spiritual realm.The Mission: Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Agents illustrates the life and teachings of a spiritual visionary, highlighting his enduring and inspiring legacy. The son and successor of the great Gaudiya Vaishnava acharya Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Prabhupada established the Gaudiya Math, a dynamic spiritual and educational mission with 64 branches in India and several international centers, which have spread the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu around the world. His noble life&’s mission, powerful speeches and writings, and devoted disciples and followers continue his legacy of wisdom and divine love. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu&’s philosophy is centered on the ideal that we should be soul conscious, rather than body conscious. The Mission: Srila Prabhupada and His Divine Agents explores and explains how to use this philosophy to deliver oneself from attachments to material existence and achieve the ultimate goal: chanting the Mahamantra with pure devotion.

100 Days Smart: A kindergarten teacher shares lessons on life, learning, and community during the COVID-19 outbreak in bella Italia

by Karin Tramm

Karin Tramm’s kindergarten class at DoDEA Vicenza Elementary School on Caserma Ederle Army Base, Italy, was counting up to a magic day—the 100th day of school—when students would be 100 days smart!“Mrs. Tramm, is that the last day of school?” a child asked."Goodness no, there are a lot of numbers bigger than one hundred,” Mrs. Tramm explained, “and we will be in school for many more days after the hundredth day.”But then, on February 21, 2020, the 100th day of school, COVID-19 changed everything. From empty classrooms to kindergarten in the kitchen, teachers, parents, and students navigated uncharted waters as their world locked down in the epicenter of the Italian outbreak. For the next 100 days, residents of Vicenza learned to find joy in simplicity, country living, and community.In diary form, 100 Days Smart highlights their resilience, recognizing and remembering the fears and frustrations, humor and humanity of shared experiences on a new path forward.

From These Roots: Bringing Light, Hope, and Transformation to Atlanta's Inner City—A Journey of Two Brothers

by Jeff Deel

Part memoir, part inspirational, Jeff Deel&’s From These Roots tells of his sometimes michievous childhood as the son of a holiness preacher and the change of heart and events that led him as an adult to work alongside his brother, ministering to the lost and forgotten people of Atlanta&’s inner city.Through Jeff&’s stories from his own past, along with those of the countless transformations he has witnessed at City of Refuge, readers will see how being a follower can be just as important as being a leader. Jeff Deel has lived in the shadow of his older brother, Bruce, for his entire life. He wouldn&’t have had it any other way. While being the sons of a holiness preacher, they still found ways to get into their fair share of mischief, with older brother Bruce taking on the role of &“leader&”—for better or worse. Yet Jeff never questioned his place as his brother&’s follower and supporter—for better or worse. Then came adulthood and Jeff&’s turbulent search to find himself. Through a series of failed occupations and the desire to avoid ministry at all costs, Jeff was predictably led right back to his brother&’s side. This time, instead of finding mischief, Jeff and Bruce worked together building the City of Refuge in Atlanta. Through their work, COR has welcomed thousands upon thousands of individuals who have found themselves in dire straits, whether as victims of abuse and sex trafficking, or as people whose own choices have thrust them to rock bottom. Jeff and Bruce have found their experience watching their parents minister to the least of these and teaching them what it means to offer a person dignity, love, and hope, prepared them more than they ever could have realized.

Rebel Leadership: Why It Pays to Break the Rules to Be Successful in Business and Life

by Luis Urdaneta

A rags to riches story about a young Venezuelan boy who chased his dreams and rose to success, founding a near billion-dollar company.Having grown up poor in Venezuela and without a high school diploma, Luis Urdaneta&’s future did not look big or bright. Yet, a rebel since childhood, he did not let his circumstances define him and decided he would change his life for the better. He received his first taste of success as a direct salesperson for Tupperware, where he met mentors who taught him what it took to make it to the top. That, combined with his belief in himself, helped him achieve great success. Then at only thirty-nine, he lost everything when he turned away from direct sales—his true passion. However, he reset his focus, returning to direct sales and launching his own direct sales company in Venezuela. He soon realized he needed to push for new levels, so surrounded with trusted teammates and family, he began chasing the American Dream. The MONAT brand was introduced to market, selling high-end beauty products, and has since become a near-billion-dollar company. In Rebel Leadership, Urdaneta shares the key character traits required to achieve your dreams and goals. You&’ll learn how he developed his rebel leadership style and why he believes that, just like him, you can become successful by dreaming big. Hint: it takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and never giving up. You&’ll be inspired by his rags to riches story and learn what makes a true rebel leader in life and in business. As Luis says, &“If you behave like a leader, act every day with faith, believe in yourself, and have a clear true north, you will achieve success.&”

Refrigerator Door

by Thomas Edgar McNally

Refrigerator Door!How one household item became the epicenter for cherished memories.The refrigerator door – that communal billboard found in every home. Covered in photos, mementos, report cards, and takeout menus, this humble appliance takes on far greater meaning. It becomes a tapestry of everything important to a family.In Refrigerator Door, author and father Thom reminisces on the refrigerator door of his childhood. This mosaic of fading photos and fridge magnets shaped his upbringing and brought his family together. Now Thom passes along the tradition to his own children, reminding them that even an ordinary door can be transformed into something extraordinary with the memories we choose to display.Join Thom on this heartwarming journey that reveals how a refrigerator door quietly yet profoundly chronicles the story of a family. More than just a surface for sticking homework assignments and takeout menus, it is a celebration of all that gives our fast-paced lives meaning.

Triggers: A Life In Music

by Glen Matlock

The life and career of Sex Pistols legend Glen Matlock through the lens of thirty of his most formative songs: a one-of-a-kind insight into the ultimate icons of punk.Courting controversy wherever they went, the Sex Pistols embraced shock value and pushed boundaries, generating headlines and public outrage. Sharing insider tales of the Sex Pistols' earliest gigs and stormiest reunions, as well as their most idiosyncratic inter-band dynamics, Glen Matlock tells his story through the impact 30 songs made in his life, including how &“Starman&” by David Bowie reminded him of his love for Anthony Newley or &“Three Button Hand Me Down&” by The Faces spoke to his hardscrabble early life in London. Matlock&’s story is the pioneering story of punk rock yet, having performed and recorded with so many musical luminaries over the decades, Glen also reflects on his time with the likes of Iggy Pop, David Bowie, the Faces, Blondie, Primal Scream, and many more.

Eddie Cochran: The Lost Treasures of a Rock 'n' Roll Legend

by Lee Bullman

In the golden era of rock 'n' roll, there was one name who rivaled Elvis Presley, both in style and talent: Eddie Cochran. In his short 21 years, Eddie Cochran changed the face of music forever—despite his life being cut tragically cut short when he died in a car crash on his 1960 tour of England. Born in a small town in Minnesota to humble beginnings, Eddie unleashed a wave of raw talent and energy that defied the norms of the era, becoming a trailblazer of the rockabilly sound and look. His smash hits &“Summertime Blues,&” &“C&’mon Everybody,&” and &“Three Steps to Heaven&” are still entertaining audiences and being covered by musicians today, some sixty years after they were first recorded. Cochran&’s guitar style and songwriting not only landed him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it has influenced nearly every major rock &‘n&’ roll musician, from Paul McCartney and Marc Bolan, to Bruce Springsteen and Joan Jett. Eddie Cochran: In Person! not only details the life and career of a rock 'n' roll icon, it tells the extraordinary story of how a collector came into possession of the contents of Eddie&’s childhood bedroom, which had remained undisturbed and unseen by anyone outside of the Cochran family since his death. Cochran&’s fascinating story, lavishly illustrated with personal mementos, scrapbooks, and even a mockup of his never-released second album, all thought lost for more than sixty years, as well as exquisite performance and portrait photography, paints a picture of what it was like to be a rock &‘n&’ roll superstar on a meteoric rise. NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN COLLECTOR&’S PIECES: All the images and ephemera collected in this book are being published for the first time. ONE OF A KIND: Eddie Cochran: In Person! is the first photographic biography to chronicle the life and times of Eddie Cochran, immortalizing the artist in stunning high-resolution photos and ephemera. BEST-SELLING AUTHOR Lee Bullman (Blowback, Twenty Sixteen) provides expert insight into the life and times of Eddie Cochran, giving an intimate glimpse into the man behind the music.

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