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Heroes in My Head: A Memoir

by Judy Rebick

A courageous, moving, and powerful memoir from a renowned feminist activist, Heroes in My Head is the incredible untold story of Judy Rebick’s struggle with depression and Dissociative Identity Disorder.In this riveting memoir, renowned feminist Judy Rebick tells the story of the eleven personalities she developed in order to help her cope with, and survive, childhood sexual abuse. In Heroes in My Head, Rebick chronicles her struggle with depression in the 1980s, when she became a high-profile spokesperson for the pro-choice movement during the fight to legalize abortion. It was in the 1990s, when she took on her biggest challenge as a public figure by becoming president of a major women’s rights association, that her memories began to surface and became too persistent to ignore.Rebick reveals her moment of discovery: meeting the eleven personalities; uncovering her repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse; and then communicating with each personality in therapy and on the page in a journal — all of this while she is leading high-profile national struggles.Heroes in My Head is a fascinating, heartbreaking, but ultimately empowering story. With courage and honesty, Rebick lays bare the public and private battles that have shaped her life.

Heroes, Horses, and Harvest Moons Illustrated Reader: A Cornucopia Of Best-loved Poems (A Cornucopia of Best-Loved Poems #0)

by Jim Weiss Crystal Cregge

Classic poems about nature, bravery, love, and the wild journeys of the imagination, beautifully illustrated by Crystal Cregge.

Heroes for My Son

by Brad Meltzer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer brings together a remarkable group of heroes with one thing in common: they were ordinary people who became extraordinary.Brad was inspired by the birth of his first son to curate this collection, but you don't need to be a parent to treasure it--Heroes for My Son is perfect for children, parents, teachers, and anyone looking for inspiration. The fifty-two featured figures represent the spectacular potential we all have within us to change the world. The format allows for reading straight through or at your own pace, and includes photos, quotes, brief biographies, and vignettes that highlight the single moment that made each person great. The wonderfully diverse heroes included in the book are men, women, historical, contemporary, athletes, actors, inventors, politicians, and so many more. Heroes for My Son is a book to be read again and again, as the simple question of what makes a hero remains a vital part of today's conversation.

Heroes for My Daughter

by Brad Meltzer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer brings together a remarkable group of heroes with one thing in common: they were ordinary people who became extraordinary. Brad was inspired by the birth of his daughter to curate this collection, but you don't need to be a parent to treasure it--Heroes for My Daughter is perfect for children, parents, teachers, and anyone looking for inspiration. The sixty featured figures represent the spectacular potential we all have within us to change the world. The format allows for reading straight through or at your own pace, and includes photos, quotes, brief biographies, and vignettes that highlight the single moment that made each person great. The wonderfully diverse heroes included in the book are women, men, historical, contemporary, athletes, actors, inventors, politicians, and so many more. Heroes for My Daughter is a book to be read again and again, as the simple question of what makes a hero remains a vital part of today's conversation.

Heroes for Civil Rights

by David A. Adler Bill Farnsworth

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , civil rights leader. Fannie Lou Hamer, founder of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. The Little Rock Nine, pioneers in social integration. Whether marching, speaking, or simply going to school, these brave men and women fought to advance social justice. David A. Adler's moving biographies and Bill Farnsworth's evocative paintings honor these Americans who risked their own lives so that others could enjoy their rights.

Héroes en el cielo (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level K #40)

by Ellen Catala

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Tanto Charles como Amelia cruzaron solos el océano Atlántico. Aprende más sobre estos héroes del cielo.

Héroes de leyenda: La historia de una banda de rock mítica: Héroes del Silencio

by Antonio Cardiel

Por fin la historia jamás contada de uno de los grupos más míticos del pop-rock español. Avalada por los músicos y contada desde dentro por el hermano del bajista, HÉROES DE LEYENDA es la biografía más personal y completa de la mítica banda. Héroes del silencio, una de las bandas de rock más famosas e internacionales de nuestro país, que incluso tras su disolución todavía cuenta con miles y miles de fans acérrimos, tiene por fin el libro que merece. Un grupo obsesionado por la excelencia y quizás esto fue lo que les llevó a ser pioneros en terrenos intransitados entonces en España: 700 conciertos ofrecidos en 30 países entre Europa y América; compañeros de cartel de bandas como Texas, Aerosmith o Iron Maiden, y solistas como Leonard Cohen, Robert Plant o Bryan Adams; asistencia a los festivales de verano más importantes de Europa, como el Rock amRing y el Rock Insel; decenas de discos piratas que todavía se siguen editando; grabaciones de unplugged para la MTV... Antonio Cardiel ha tenido la oportunidad de entrevistar en exclusiva y detenidamente a sus componentes, relata de forma amena y rigurosa la historia del grupo: su formación, sus comienzos musicales, su escalada hacia el éxito, su época en la cima y su posterior disolución. Además, abunda en revelaciones sobre el proceso creativo de Héroes y la génesis de sus temas más importantes, sobre las giras que hicieron por Europa y América, e incluye fotografías que nunca antes habían visto la luz y muchas anécdotas desconocidas. Una vida al más puro estilo del rock and roll, en cuyo nombre libraron muchas batallas, dentro y fuera de los escenarios.

Los héroes de la bodega y otras crónicas forenses

by Hugo Rodríguez Almada

A lo largo de once intensas historias de muertes violentas el médico Hugo Rodríguez cuenta su experiencia como forense.En estas muertes el escritor-médico médico-escritor reflexiona sobre la vida, la muerte, la pobreza, la violencia y el ser humano. Un texto potente para leerlo en distintos niveles. El escritor y grado 5 en Medicina Legal Hugo Rodríguez Almada convive con la muerte y la tragedia, es su trabajo. A lo largo de veinticinco años de ejercicio de la profesión, este escritor-médico ha lidiado con casos donde el papel principal no lo tiene la muerte, lo tiene el contexto. La pobreza, la violencia de género, el egoísmo y la sociedad son algunos de los personajes principales que sobrevuelan estas historias particulares y comunes. Cinco años después de haber publicado Crónicas forenses. Historias de personas, el autor se propone «reivindicar la Medicina Legal y las Ciencias Forenses, igualmente maltratadas por la práctica tolerada del intrusismo y de los vendedores de humo. Rescatarlas de la mentira, tantas veces festejada por la credulidad del público y siempre funcional al sistema, para colocarlas en el lugar cierto de lo inexacto, lo incompleto y lo falible». Y también «contar historias que, por alguna razón, se quedaron en mí. Y que, a la vez, me parece de utilidad social darlas a conocer, desvistiéndolas, hasta donde sea posible, de lo críptico y las jergas técnicas». Con gran sentido narrativo y documentado, conoceremos qué hay detrás de once casos que muestran al ser humano, la muerte y la vida.

Heroes are Forever: The Life and Times of Celtic Legend Jimmy McGrory

by John Cairney

James Edward McGrory (1904-82) is a Celtic legend, remembered today as the greatest goal-scorer in the history of Scottish football. His record of 550 goals in his 15-year career at Parkhead from 1922 to 1937 is unlikely to be surpassed and will stand forever as a memorial to a player who was a typical product of the period between the two world wars. At a depressing time when wages were low and work was scarce, his feats on the field provided a welcome and much-needed escape for the thousands of ordinary, cloth-capped Scottish working men who packed the dirt terracing to cheer on every move he made. Heroes are Forever tells the full story of McGrory's life and career, and is set against the vividly drawn background of the inter-war period. It is a portrait of a loyal, modest and inspirational man who lifted the hearts of his countrymen and raised the spirits of a nation. It was he, after all, who by scoring twice for Scotland in 1933 provoked the original 'Hampden Roar'.

Heroes and Outlaws of the Bible

by Don Reid

This book is about some folks in the Bible you probably have read or heard about. But instead of the dusty, dry, old characters that we tend to think of them as, I hope I have fashioned something that will entertain as well as inform. These chapters are more than a thumbnail sketch, but not necessarily in-depth studies. If you're a Bible scholar, you may read a chapter and refresh your memory. If you're an average churchgoer, you may find a few new, interesting facts you missed the last time his or her name came up. And if you're a complete novice, then dig in because you have some fun stuff to catch up on. These guys were human and saintly and weak and strong and good and evil and right and wrong and every other set of opposites you can think of. These were real people and their stories never get old. If you're a parent, share the stories with your kids. If you're a grandparent, share them with your kids' kids. If you're a Sunday school teacher, share them with your class. And if you're a preacher, then God bless you. Dinner is at one and we're having fried chicken.

Heroes and Landmarks of British Aviation: From Airships to the Jet Age

by Richard Edwards Peter J. Edwards

Heroes and Landmarks of British Aviation tells the dramatic story of a world leading aviation industry, from the sweat and grease of the workshop, to the board rooms and government nationalisations that ultimately fashioned its destiny.The heroes are Britains most innovative aviation pioneers and their aircraft, the men and women who persevered to be the first into the air, to fly the fastest, the highest and the furthest. This broad and highly accessible books ranges from the first man to fly across the English Channel from England to France to the development of the Spitfire and from the disastrous R101 airship to the development of the jet engine and ultimately the worlds first supersonic airliner.Each chapter looks at a different aviation pioneer and the flying machines that they designed, their engineering landmarks, their triumphs in the air and on occasion their disasters too. The book explores the great air races that were won and lost, the government contracts and political short-sightedness that cut short the development of leading aircraft designs and many of the dramatic air raids and sea battles from the First World War to the Falklands and the Middle East.Many of the industrys most prominent names are profiled, including Ernest Willows, the Short brothers, Geoffrey de Havilland, Vincent Richmond, George White, Thomas Sopwith, Harry Hawker, RJ Mitchell, Herbert Smith, Charles Rolls, Henry Royce, Reginald Pierson, Alliott Verdon-Roe, Frederick Handley Page, Robert Watson-Watt, Robert Blackburn and Frank Whittle.Behind the personal stories are the histories of the aircraft companies that these pioneers created, from those that went bankrupt to those that lasted the test of time and have become indivisible from British aviation folklore, such names as Sopwith, Handley Page, Avro, Supermarine, Blackburn, Bristol, Fairey and Rolls-Royce. The book covers the mergers and acquisitions that led to the creation of two major aircraft manufacturers, Hawker Siddeley Group and the British Aircraft Corporation, and how barely two decades later, before the century was out, they were nationalised to form British Aerospace.

Heroes and Heroines

by Antonia Fraser

Short biographies of ancient and modern heroes and heroines, some mythological and some real.

Heroes among Us: Deep within Each of Us Dwells the Heart of a Hero

by Jim Ryun

The book provides a wealth of stories of quiet historical heroes who have, for the most part, been ignored by popular culture and nearly lost in the mist of the past. This book is not about popular heroes or cultural icons such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. These heroes were common people who stood firm in the face of tyranny, To give their lives for others, and to right the wrongs of social injustice. Their stories will inspire you to rise up to slay the dragons of your world.

Heroes All: Airmen of Different Nationalities Tell Their Stories of Service in the Second World War

by Steve Bond

This WWII history shares the personal stories of frontline airmen from all sides of the conflict gathered through original interviews. Aviation historian Steve Bond has spent years interviewing veterans of World War II. He recorded the stories of former airmen and crewmembers who shared the same pieces of sky at the same time. The project brought together British and German, German and Russian, British and Italian, American and German—sometimes literally. In Heroes All, Bond presents the stories of these veterans—some of whom are household names—with annotations and overviews providing historical context. This is not a book about the rights and wrongs of war, nor the strategies of the military commanders. It is about the experiences and feelings of those on the front line. This volume includes stories and recollections from veterans of the Air Transport Auxiliary, British Army, Fleet Air Arm, Italian air force, Luftwaffe, Royal Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force and Navy, Soviet air force, US Army, US Army Air Force, US Navy, and other groupings.

Héroes 2: Historia secreta de Chile


Un puñado de los hombres y mujeres más influyentes en las últimas décadas de la Historia de Chile. Jorge Baradit construye los perfiles de las personalidades que la historia chilena ha marginado de monumentos y del reconocimiento oficial por su rebeldía y su espíritu contracorriente. Aquí aparecen Mariano Puga, Clotario Blest, Cecilia Magni, las mujeres que lucharon contra la dictadura, los pobladores de La Victoria y Salvador Allende, como héroes sin homenajes pero que confirman, con sus biografías, que la historia la escriben los pueblos. Un volumen que continúa, en tono y en forma, con lo elaborado por Baradit en la primera entrega de Héroes. Un conjunto de crónicas que dialoga con la saga más popular de los últimos años: Historia Secreta de Chile.

Héroes: Historia secreta de Chile


Un conjunto de crónicas biográficas de siete figuras chilenas que se distanciaron y lucharon contra los estamentos poderosos. En la misma línea de sus trabajos anteriores, Jorge Baradit construye siete perfiles de personajes de la historia chilena considerados díscolos, incómodos o derechamente peligrosos para statu quo de sus épocas. En estas páginas desfilan Arturo Fernández Vial, Manuel Rodríguez, Águeda Monasterio, Luis Emilio Recabarren, Francisco Bilbao, Ramón Freire y Pedro Aguirre Cerda: personajes de origines tan disímiles, pero que comparten -de diversas formas- el rótulo de agitadores o transgresores. Delineando sus particularidades biográficas y escarbando en sus acciones políticas o sociales, Baradit ensaya -además- sobre la influencia actual de estos personajes en sus áreas respectivas. Finalmente, el autor erige la valentía y altura moral de personajes que no ocupan la primera línea del panteón de héroes oficiales de la historia republicana. Y, de este modo, deja planteada una pregunta tan incómoda como irresoluta: ¿Cuántas estatuas oficiales hemos levantado a personas despiadadas?

Herod the Great: Jewish King in a Roman World (Jewish Lives)

by Martin Goodman

A vivid account of the political triumphs and domestic tragedies of the Jewish king Herod the Great during the turmoil of the Roman revolution &“Herod the Great is typical of Yale&’s Jewish Lives series: short, clear, deeply knowledgeable, deeply illuminating.&”—Dominic Green, Wall Street Journal Herod the Great (73–4 BCE) was a phenomenally energetic ruler who took advantage of the chaos of the Roman revolution to establish himself as a major figure in a changing Roman world and transform the landscape of Judaea. Both Jews and Christians developed myths about his cruelty and rashness: in Christian tradition he was cast as the tyrant who ordered the Massacre of the Innocents; in the Talmud, despite fond memories of his glorious Temple in Jerusalem, he was recalled as a persecutor of rabbis. The life of Herod is better documented than that of any other Jew from antiquity, and Martin Goodman examines the extensive literary and archaeological evidence to provide a vivid portrait of Herod in his sociopolitical context: his Idumaean origins, his installation by Rome as king of Judaea and cultivation of leading Romans, his massive architectural projects, and his presentation of himself as a Jew, most strikingly through the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple. Goodman argues that later stories depicting Herod as a monster derived from public interest in his execution of three of his sons after dramatic public trials foisted on him by a dynastic policy imposed by the Roman emperor.

The Hero Schliemann: The Dreamer Who Dug for Troy

by Laura Schlitz

This engrossing tale paints a portrait of contradictions -- a man at once stingy and lavishly generous, a scholar both shrewd and reckless, a speaker of twenty-two languages and a man with a funny habit of taking liberties with the truth. Laura Amy Schlitz and Robert Byrd open a discussion about how history sometimes comes to be written, and how it sometimes needs to be changed.

A Hero on Mount St. Helens: The Life and Legacy of David A. Johnston

by Melanie Holmes

Serendipity placed David Johnston on Mount St. Helens when the volcano rumbled to life in March 1980. Throughout that ominous spring, Johnston was part of a team that conducted scientific research that underpinned warnings about the mountain. Those warnings saved thousands of lives when the most devastating eruption in U.S. history blew apart Mount St. Helens, but killed Johnston on the ridge that now bears his name. Melanie Holmes tells the story of Johnston's journey from a nature-loving Boy Scout to a committed geologist. Blending science with personal detail, Holmes follows Johnston through encounters with Aleutian volcanoes, his work helping the Portuguese government assess the geothermal power of the Azores, and his dream job as a volcanologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Interviews and personal writings reveal what a friend called "the most unjaded person I ever met," an imperfect but kind, intelligent young scientist passionately in love with his life and work and determined to make a difference.

Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution

by Mike Duncan

From the bestselling author of The Storm Before the Storm and host of the Revolutions podcast comes the thrilling story of the Marquis de Lafayette’s lifelong quest to defend the principles of liberty and equality Few in history can match the revolutionary career of the Marquis de Lafayette. <P><P>Over fifty incredible years at the heart of the Age of Revolution, he fought courageously on both sides of the Atlantic. He was a soldier, statesman, idealist, philanthropist, and abolitionist. As a teenager, Lafayette ran away from France to join the American Revolution. Returning home a national hero, he helped launch the French Revolution, eventually spending five years locked in dungeon prisons. After his release, Lafayette sparred with Napoleon, joined an underground conspiracy to overthrow King Louis XVIII, and became an international symbol of liberty. <P><P>Finally, as a revered elder statesman, he was instrumental in the overthrow of the Bourbon Dynasty in the Revolution of 1830. From enthusiastic youth to world-weary old age, from the pinnacle of glory to the depths of despair, Lafayette never stopped fighting for the rights of all mankind. His remarkable life is the story of where we come from, and an inspiration to defend the ideals he held dear. <P><P><b>A New York Times Best Seller</b>

Hero of the Fleet: Two World Wars, One Extraordinary Life - The Memoirs of Centenarian William Stone

by William Stone

William Stone died on 10 January 2009 aged 108. He received a hero's funeral. Born in rural Devon, he joined the navy during the First World War, travelled the globe just before the British Empire's light began to fade and saw action in some of the most significant sea battles of the Second World War. Afterwards, he returned to Devon to run a barber's shop, an altogether more peaceable existence.As time passed, he became one of a dwindling number of men still alive who had served in the Great War. This meant that for some of the most momentous anniversaries clocked up recently - including the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War - William was a guest of honour. This autobiography bridges two wars and encompasses the remarkable episodes and adventures. It was an ordinary life lived in extraordinary times. He died at a time when the navy is attempting to embrace new ships that bear scant resemblance to those that William knew and face the challenges of a world that shrinks with every bold technological advance. His was a different kind of boldness. This is his astonishing story.

Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston Churchill

by Candice Millard

<P>From New York Times bestselling author of Destiny of the Republic and The River of Doubt, a thrilling narrative of Winston Churchill's extraordinary and little-known exploits during the Boer War. <P>At age twenty-four, Winston Churchill was utterly convinced it was his destiny to become prime minister of England one day, despite the fact he had just lost his first election campaign for Parliament. He believed that to achieve his goal he must do something spectacular on the battlefield. Despite deliberately putting himself in extreme danger as a British Army officer in colonial wars in India and Sudan, and as a journalist covering a Cuban uprising against the Spanish, glory and fame had eluded him. <P>Churchill arrived in South Africa in 1899, valet and crates of vintage wine in tow, there to cover the brutal colonial war the British were fighting with Boer rebels. But just two weeks after his arrival, the soldiers he was accompanying on an armored train were ambushed, and Churchill was taken prisoner. Remarkably, he pulled off a daring escape--but then had to traverse hundreds of miles of enemy territory, alone, with nothing but a crumpled wad of cash, four slabs of chocolate, and his wits to guide him. <P>The story of his escape is incredible enough, but then Churchill enlisted, returned to South Africa, fought in several battles, and ultimately liberated the men with whom he had been imprisoned. Churchill would later remark that this period, "could I have seen my future, was to lay the foundations of my later life." <P>Millard spins an epic story of bravery, savagery, and chance encounters with a cast of historical characters—including Rudyard Kipling, Lord Kitchener, and Mohandas Gandhi—with whom he would later share the world stage. But Hero of the Empire is more than an adventure story, for the lessons Churchill took from the Boer War would profoundly affect 20th century history. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

A Hero of Our Own: The Story of Varian Fry

by Sheila Isenberg

An American responsible for rescuing many Jews during World War Ii.

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