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Built From Scratch

by Bernie Marcus Arthur Blank

Tells how two regular guys built the Home Depot stores into the mega-business they are today.

The Vital Spark: 101 Outstanding Lives

by Lowell Thomas

From Solomon to Winston Churchill, here are the biographies of 101 individuals who led amazing lives.

Along Highways and Hedges

by Hedy Durksen

For many years the Wiebes have shared their mission experience and outreach vision at conferences, in church circles and in private conversations. Both Joe and Marie have a way of verbalizing their personal faith which has placed them in great demand as speakers. Their authentic and genuine stories and reports have inspired and motivated many an audience. Now these experiences are available in this book. You will be delighted and encouraged as the life story of Joe and Marie unfolds on these pages. Unfortunately only a superficial treatment is possible within the limitations of a book this size. The writing of this book was initiated by the Home Missions Committee of the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Conference in recognition of the many years of faithful and devoted ministry of the Wiebes. The prayer of the Committee is that this book will stimulate readers to a deeper faith in God and that the Wiebe's exemplary life of service may inspire others to do likewise. The Committee is particularly grateful to the Wiebes for agreeing to have this book written. We appreciate the many hours that have gone into preparation, planning and research by Joe and Marie. It is the conviction of the Committee that a lifetime of such notable service unto God deserves to be highlighted. The resourcefulness of Joe and Marie and the richness of their experiences along with their fulfilled and fruitful ministry of many years make them a suitable choice for a missionary biography. You will find yourself loving the Wiebes in a unique way as you read the book. The author, Mrs. Hedy Durksen must be complimented for capturing and portraying so well the true character and spirit of Joe and Marie. Hedy has a style of writing that is vivid and picturesque. She lets the reader enter into this true life story in a way that makes one actually feel a part of the joys and sorrows as experienced by the Wiebe family. The author demonstrates a particular skill in presenting to the reader a family so richly blessed and yet so down to earth. In the words of Joe and Marie, the purpose of this book is essentially the same as the purpose of their life, to honor the name of Jesus. It is further to be a record of God's faithfulness in giving daily guidance, performing miracles, supplying needs, and giving strength in times of hardship, tests and trials. Joe and Marie would like this book to be a challenge and encouragement to fellow workers and for those who want to go into the ministry, to arouse a vision and desire within Christians to do more personal witnessing and evangelism, to encourage uncommitted readers to put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. We also recognize and appreciate the helpfulness of all those who have been involved in supplying background information to the author and for those who have assisted in the preparation of the manuscript. Particular mention must be made of the Committee members who must be credited for their ongoing concern to remember and preserve the experiences of our present day faith heroes. It has been largely through their efforts that this book has been published. In conclusion I want to express my personal delight in seeing this book printed. It has been my privilege to work together with the Joe Wiebes for many years. Their life and faith has been an inspiration to us as a family on many occasions. I consider it a real honor to have been asked to write the foreword for a book about such special people. We thank God for them and wish them God's best. James Nikkei, Missions Field Director, August, 1977

The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers

by Robert Heilbroner

Adam Smith, Malthus, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes, and more...

Anne Boleyn

by Marie Louise Bruce

Henry VIII;s campaign to win over Anne Boleyn at last succeeded, but her reign was short, and her fall was stunning, swift and cruel.

The Diary of a Country Priest

by Georges Bernanos Pamela Morris

Fictional biography.

Rasputin: Neither Devil Nor Saint

by Elizabeth Judas

Elizabeth Judas was the widow of an officer who served in the Imperial Secret Police. She knew Rasputin since childhood. She tells a different story from that usually told of him and a different story of the Imperial Family from that usually believed.


by Gregory David Roberts

Australian fugitive travels to Bombay, runs a medical clinic in a slum, and smuggles medicines to fighters in Afghanistan.


by Leonardo Da Vinci

Aforismos Leonardo Da Vinci Aforismos ofrece al lector una amplia y diversa colección de observaciones, pensamientos y máximas que recopilan el conocimiento e inteligencia de un genio como Leonardo da Vincicon su minucioso lenguaje descriptivo. "Pero la pintura tiene maravillosos artificios y sutilìsimas especulaciones que faltan a la escultura, la cual es de muy menguado discurso."

Robert Browning and His World

by Maisie Ward

Analysis of the character of Browning and his literary works. Connects these to the era in which he lived.

An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland

by H. Paul Jeffers

Scholarly but favorable toward the only President elected for non-concurrent terms.

Charles Lamb And His Friends

by William Dean Howells

Biography stressing the environment and colleagues of the well known author.

Understanding the Beats

by Edward Halsey Foster

Analysis of the lives and works of the major writers of the Beat Generation.

Vicky: Princess Royal of England and German Empress

by Daphne Bennett

For over a hundred years the name of Victoria, Princess Royal of England, the eldest child of Queen Victoria, has lain under a shadow. It is a shadow placed over her not by accident, but quite deliberately by one man: Bismarck. Her life was already darkened by it in the middle 1860's, soon after she married the heir to the Prussian throne, for Bismarck feared and hated her almost from the moment when, in 1862, her father-in-law appointed him Minister-President of the kingdom which was within a few years to become the German Empire. It is the object of this book to dispel the shadow and to show Vicky in a truer light.

The Clinton Years (Presidential Profiles)

by Shirley Anne Warshaw

Biographical dictionary of those important to government during the Clinton Presidency.

The Kennedy Years (Presidential Profiles)

by Joseph M. Siracusa

Biographies of those people important to the Kennedy Presidency.

The Roosevelts: An American Saga

by Peter Collier David Horowitz

Biography of the entire family.

Patton: The Man Behind the Legend, 1885-1945

by Martin Blumenson

Concise biography.

The Lasting Loneliness of Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of the Sources of Alienation in Modern Man

by Henry G. Fairbanks

Biography emphasizing how environment and personality impact literature.

Life Among the Savages

by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson, author of the classic short story "The Lottery", was known for her terse, haunting prose. But the writer possessed another side, one which is delightfully exposed in this hilariously charming memoir of her family's life in rural Vermont. Fans of Please Don't Eat the Daisies, Cheaper by the Dozen, and anything Erma Bombeck ever wrote will find much to recognize in Shirley Jackson's home and neighborhood: children who won't behave, cars that won't start, furnaces that break down, a pugnacious corner bully, household help that never stays, and a patient, capable husband who remains lovingly oblivious to the many thousands of things mothers and wives accomplish every single day. "Our house", writes Jackson, "is old, noisy, and full. When we moved into it we had two children and about five thousand books; I expect that when we finally overflow and move out again we will have perhaps twenty children and easily half a million books". Jackson's literary talents are in evidence everywhere, as is her trenchant, unsentimental wit. Yet there is no mistaking the happiness and love in these pages, which are crowded with the raucous voices of an extraordinary family living a wonderfully ordinary life.

The Life of St. Catherine of Siena

by Blessed Raymond of Capua

From the book: "One day, while the virgin was praying in her little room, the Lord and Saviour of the human race appeared to her and announced what was to happen in these words. 'Know, sweetest daughter,' He said, 'that in the time to come your earthly pilgrimage will be distinguished by such marvellous new gifts from me that the hearts of ignorant carnal men will be amazed and incredulous. . . . But you must not be anxious or afraid, for I shall be always with you, and I shall free your soul from the evil tongues and the lips that utter lies. Carry out undauntedly whatever the Spirit prompts you to do, for through you I shall snatch many souls from the jaws of hell and by my grace transport them to the kingdom of heaven.'"

On Stage & In Shadows: a career memoir

by Marie Wallace

"Broadway veteran Marie Wallace provides an intimate. informative, often humorous look behind the scenes of some stage classics. And her Dark Shadows fans will learn fun new facts about the Gothic soap opera."

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