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Talk to Strangers: The Yes Theory Story

by Matt Dahlia

Matt Dahlia was a recent college grad with no direction in his life: his business was dead on arrival and all his friends had left town. He was broke and searching for belonging in a world that didn’t understand him. That is, until he serendipitously met Thomas, who not only felt the same way he did, but had a project in mind: Together, along with two more like-minded strangers, they were going to move into a one-bedroom apartment and film themselves doing 30 things they had never done before in 30 days. <p><p>That summer project changed their lives forever: it pushed them out of their comfort zones, bonded them for life, and allowed them to reach a wide audience online. Their journey would eventually become Yes Theory, a massive movement of millions of people living by the philosophy of seeking discomfort. <p><p>In this memoir, Matt reveals the extreme highs and lows of Yes Theory, sharing his own along the way. This is a story about the sacrifices it takes to make a dream come true, what happens when a small group of friends suddenly have the attention of millions of strangers online, and what it means to say goodbye when everything seems to be going so well.

One on One: A Dog Trainer's Guide to Private Lessons

by Nicole Wilde

Working with private clients can be extremely rewarding both personally and financially, but there are things you must know in order to be truly successful. As a professional trainer and behavior specialist with over thirty years of experience, I am here to guide you through the good, the bad, and the just plain confusing! From beginner questions to issues even experienced professionals struggle with, you’ll get immediately useful, specific information and plenty of tips, all written in an easily understandable way. <p><p>This revised, updated, and expanded edition includes detailed history-taking questionnaires, contracts, new handouts, a completely updated Q&A section covering challenging situations, and a helpful resources section. Think of this comprehensive guide as having a mentor at your fingertips!

Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación: Aplícalas y saca el máximo provecho de tu mensaje / The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

by John C. Maxwell

Se ha dicho que hablar en público es el miedo principal de la mayoría de las personas; el segundo es la muerte. El comediante Jerry Seinfeld dijo: «Esto significa que, si eres una persona promedio y estás en un funeral, preferirías estar en el ataúd que compartiendo unas palabras sobre el difunto». ¿Cómo puedes superar el miedo o la ineficacia como comunicador? ¡Aprende las leyes de la comunicación! El Dr. John C. Maxwell ha sido orador y maestro motivacional por más de cincuenta años. Es una de las ocho personas del planeta que han sido galardonadas con el premio Golden Gavel de Toastmasters e incluidas en el Salón de la Fama de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores. En Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación, el autor comparte lo que ha aprendido en toda una vida como comunicador. Aprende cómo:• Hablar con convicción • Preparar tu contenido y prepararte tú mismo para comunicar • Encontrar y utilizar tus fortalezas personales y de comunicación • Enfocarte en tu audiencia y conectar con ella • Contar mejores historias • Leer la sala y crear energía y expectación • Agregar valor a la vida de las personas• Inspirar a las personas a actuar Todos tienen un mensaje que compartir. Ya sea que desees mejorar tu capacidad para inspirar a los empleados, hablar en las reuniones de la asociación de padres y maestros, presentar un informe ante el consejo directivo, enseñar a estudiantes, dar un sermón, dirigirte a un grupo pequeño, hablar desde un escenario o ante un estadio lleno de gente, este libro puede ayudarte. Aprende de uno de los mejores comunicadores del mundo y empieza hoy mismo a sacar el máximo provecho de tu mensaje.

Rebel Girls Money Matters: A Guide to Saving, Spending, and Everything in Between (Growing Up Powerful )

by Alexa von Tobel

Financial literacy is a key indicator of success later in life, and these habits start forming as early as age 7! Teach your child the building blocks of all things personal finance with this fun and informative guidebook, part of the Growing Up Powerful series from Rebel Girls!Do they have a full piggy bank they'd like to convert to their very own savings account? Are they ready to start their own scarf-making business? No matter where your Rebel is in their earning, saving, or spending journey, this book offers tried-and-true wisdom to help them be even more informed, independent, and ready for the future.Through quizzes, tips from experts, and stories and advice from girls around the world, they'll get a firm footing in financial literacy. They will learn: How to create a budget How a credit card worksWhat investing is and how to startWhen to spend and when to saveThe truth about pay gapsHow to create a business planAnd much more!

Charged Bodies: People, Power, And Paradox In Silicon Valley

by Thomas Mahon

At the heart of Silicon Valley's meteoric rise is a story etched in the lives of those who shaped it and those who were forever transformed by it. Author Tom Mahon provides an insider's perspective on the birth of the semiconductor industry, which sparked the region's transformation from sleepy farmland to the heart and soul of the high-tech revolution. Through twenty-five extended, in-person interviews you'll meet a diverse cast of characters whose goal was to create technology and tools in service to humanity. In the Afterword to this edition, the author questions whether they accomplished their objectives and urges readers to rise up and rethink technology. What did it take to create the atmosphere that transformed rich farmland into the wealthy center of high-tech? Five climates lined up in just the right way. Educational institutions (Stanford and Berkeley); an attractive location with balmy, Mediterranean-like weather; a history of technology development (Federal Telegraph in the early twentieth century); financial risk taking (the gold rush); and a cultural climate near the center of an ideological revolution (the hippie movement). The Santa Clara Valley had them all. In spades. Before personal computers, or the Internet, or social media came *chips*. Inventive minds took advantage of the quad-electron structure and unique properties - insulative and conductive - of silicon to create semiconductors. But Charged Bodies is more than just the story of new technologies emerging from "The Valley of the Heart's Delight." Using an approach like The Canterbury Tales, Tom Mahon captures the spirit of Silicon Valley in the 80s through the stories of the people all around him. The inventors and bankers have their say. But so do a range of other people who lived through that transition. Listen as artists and hackers, detectives and journalists, lawyers and scientists, flappers and philosophers tell the story of Silicon Valley in their own words.

Currently Away

by Bruce Tate

The walls were closing in on Bruce and Maggie Tate. Isolation forced on them by the pandemic, combined with America's growing political factionalism, threatened their bonds with community and family. Something had to change. Maggie's surprising answer: buy a boat, learn to pilot it, and embark on the Great Loop. For nine months Bruce and Maggie navigated rivers, coastal waters, lakes, locks, and loss. Against all odds, they conquered the Loop, and along the way found common cause across political divides with new friends while blowing the walls off their world. Bruce and Maggie Tate were spiraling downward. Normally outgoing and cheerful, Maggie was broken down by pandemic isolation. Bruce, facing asthma, heart disease and Covid-related professional issues, was sure that the virus and his comorbidities would kill him. And the plant-based diet he had just started made him wish it would hurry up. Meanwhile, their country seemed to be crumbling into warring factions. That was when Maggie made a life-changing decision. With no experience, knowing little about seafaring, inboard motors, or navigation, she and Bruce and the family dog decided to take on the Great Loop, a six-thousand-mile journey down inland rivers, around the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and across the Great Lakes. They had to navigate canals and locks, were threatened by dangerous seas, and even had to deal with heartbreaking loss. But along the way, they made new lifelong friends and were forever changed. When, in a time of great divisiveness, two broken people took on the challenge of their lives, against all odds they found common cause across political divides and made themselves whole again.

Practical A/B Testing: Creating Experimentation-driven Products

by Leemay Nassery

Whether you're a catalyst for organizational change or have the support you need to create an engineering culture that embraces A/B testing, this book will help you do it right. The step-by-step instructions will demystify the entire process, from constructing an A/B test to breaking down the decision factors to build an engineering platform. When you're ready to run the A/B test of your dreams, you'll have the perfect blueprint.With smart, tactful approaches to orchestrating A/B testing on a product, you'll quickly discover how to reap all the benefits that A/B testing has to offer - benefits that span your users, your product, and your team. Take the reins today, and be the change you want to see in your engineering and product organizations.Develop a hypothesis statement that's backed with metrics that demonstrate if your prediction for the experiment is correct. Build more inclusive products by leveraging audience segmentation strategies and ad-hoc post analysis to better understand the impact of changes on specific user groups. Determine which path is best for your team when deciding whether to go with a third-party A/B test framework or to build the A/B testing platform in-house. And finally, learn how to cultivate an experimentation-friendly culture within your team.Leverage the A/B testing methodology to demonstrate the impact of changes on a product to your users, your key business metrics, and the way your team works together. After all, if you aren't measuring the impact of the changes you make, how will you know if you're truly making improvements?

The Bomb Doctor: A Scientist's Story of Bombers, Beakers, and Bloodhounds

by Kirk Yeager Selene Yeager

A rare peek behind the curtain into boots-on-the-ground, in-the-lab scientific bomb forensics—told with humanity, heart, and even a bit of humor.This is not CSI. What you encounter as a true bomb detective—or &“Bomb Doctor,&” as some in the FBI call me—are fields of twisted metal containing soot-covered fragments intermingled with human remains. You have carnage and chaos. As you wade into that sea of wailing sirens and screaming survivors awash with the stench of diesel fuel and decaying bodies, your job is to ferret out forensic clues in a type of macabre scavenger hunt to ultimately reconstruct the scene and the explosive device and determine what happened and what the bomb looked like before it was torn asunder. None of this happens overnight. Nor does it happen in a timeframe that can be neatly packaged in an hour-long made-for-TV drama. The scavenger hunt can take months—or, in the case of the infamous Collar Bomber, seven painstaking years. The work is worth every second and every horrific image that etches itself into your brain because it helps prevent new horrors. Not all, obviously. We are not superheroes. But unlike shooters, who often just &“snap&” or seem to act out in random ways, bombers almost always have a story—one that follows an arc. In The Bomb Doctor, my goal is to explain that arc, explode myths, reconstruct reality, and build an understanding of the reason and means behind the mayhem, as well as pull back the curtain on the investigative process that brings bombers to justice.

Focused: The Prepared to Win Mindset

by JJ Moses

The creator of the #1 professional and personal development program in professional sports reveals his winning playbook for unleashing your God-given potential.At 5'6" and from a small town in Iowa, JJ Moses recognized that his childhood dream of playing in the NFL was a long shot. To overcome the overwhelming odds, he knew he needed to be prepared for any opportunity God sent his way. Still, it took a disappointing start to his college football career for a switch to finally flip. What followed was the creation of an integrative method so trailblazing and effective that it propelled him to seemingly impossible heights of success. In fact, Moses not only became a seasoned pro on the gridiron&’s grandest stage, but he also realized that the same process he used to get a competitive edge could help others embrace their own winning mindset. When his playing days were over, Moses brought the &“Prepare to Win&” program to his former NFL team&’s front office, where it quickly evolved into the league&’s gold standard curriculum for motivating players to exceed their potential and become effective leaders. Thoughtfully weaving professional insight with emotional and spiritual guidance, Moses has now tailored his step-by-step strategy for a wide audience, unlocking the previously untold secrets to consistent high performance. As much for aspiring leaders as experienced executives, Focused is the blueprint for taking yourself, your team, and your community to the next level.

Breaking Glass: Tales from the Witch of Wall Street

by Patricia Walsh Chadwick

Kicked out of a cult at seventeen, Patricia Walsh Chadwick started on the bottom rung of the ladder in the world of business and worked her way to the top—breaking through the glass ceiling to become a global partner at Invesco.Patricia grew up in a religious community-turned-cult in the Boston area. At the age of seventeen, she was forced out of her home, leaving behind her entire family, and without access to higher education. From her first job as a receptionist at a brokerage firm, she clawed her way up the ladder—rung by rung—in that bastion of male chauvinism: Wall Street. By going to college at night, she achieved her degree in economics from Boston University, and from there, she headed to New York City. With a drive that earned her the moniker &“Witch of Wall Street,&” she rose from the ranks of research analyst to portfolio manager, where she was responsible for billions of dollars in pension and endowment assets. A turning point in her life was giving birth to twins at the age of forty-five, and she continued forward in her career, becoming a global partner at Invesco. At the turn of the millennium, she left Wall Street behind and embarked on a second career as a corporate board director.

Love Your Neighbor: A Spiritual Defense of Capitalism and Freedom in a Hostile Age

by Ralph C. Stayer

Love Your Neighbor makes the case for capitalism as the only system that can end poverty, solve intractable crises, and increase human flourishing.Love Your Neighbor builds on the National Best Seller Flight of the Buffalo by Ralph Stayer with James Belasco. Ralph's story and experience transformed the business world. It offers a bold and straightforward plan for rethinking leadership—still taught in business schools and leadership seminars worldwide. Finally, after decades of more experience, Love Your Neighbor delivers the sequel that readers demanded. Love Your Neighbor is the fruit of that patience—and thirty years of reflection and leadership. As the longtime CEO of Johnsonville Foods, Ralph learned to let his workers lead. Love Your Neighbor shows that the real secret behind Johnsonville's success was a conscious decision to align the company's practices with God's plan for human flourishing. Love Your Neighbor defends and champions capitalism which continues to be under attack in America—and why faith-informed capitalism is the only vehicle that can bring prosperity and purpose to everyone. Love Your Neighbor goes beyond that of another pretty sermon—it's a blueprint for transformation based on Ralph's decades of experience as one of America's most successful CEOs. It provides a moral foundation for capitalism during a time of challenge and crisis, demonstrating its vast superiority over socialism and other fallen economic systems. Ralph's experience at Johnsonville Foods points to a proud and unapologetic conviction in capitalism that serves God, builds strong communities, and embodies what it means to love your neighbor.

Bringing Adam Smith into the American Home: A Case Against Home Ownership

by Jack Ryan John Tamny

Get ready to have everything you&’ve ever believed about housing and homeownership challenged.In Bringing Adam Smith into the American Home, authors Jack Ryan and John Tamny make a powerful case that the purchase of a home slows wealth attainment—rendering owners immobile in ways that further restrain their wealth chances—and that the act of homeownership deprives owners of the time and ability to do what they do best, which further dampens individual economic achievement.Thanks to the residential real estate pricing cartel, homeownership has become so costly that it has erected wildly expensive barriers to the very mobility that powers so much individual prosperity. As the cartel prospers, homebuyers and sellers alike suffer its rigidity.Ryan and Tamny call for the evisceration of realtor commissions—the only price in all of capitalism that has not come down even a little over the decades despite capitalism&’s brilliant track record of bringing down the price of everything. Ryan, owner of a national residential realty business, recognizes that the very commissions realtors cling to are paradoxically harming them, all the while discreetly but powerfully shrinking prosperity for everyone else.In a book chock-full of insights from Adam Smith, author of the greatest economics book ever written, Ryan and Tamny make their highly original argument available for all as they reveal the truth about the housing market and homeownership.

Taxocracy: What You Don't Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life

by Scott Hodge

Taxocracy: What You Don&’t Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life won&’t help you lower your tax bill, but it will help you understand how politicians use taxes to influence our lives, how taxes harm the economy, and why we need a simpler tax system.Did you ever wonder why the costs of health care, housing, and college tuition keep going up? Or how your neighbor could afford that fancy electric car? Or why there are so many hard seltzers on the market? Your first guess might not be &“taxes,&” but they play a big role. We live in a world ruled by taxes—a taxocracy. History is full of misguided tax policies that led to &“see-through&” buildings, tax-free attics, three-wheeled cars, women in children&’s clothing, and baked chips to go along with our hard seltzer. Written by former Tax Foundation CEO Scott Hodge, Taxocracy: What You Don&’t Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life uses amusing lessons from past tax policies gone wrong to explore how the US tax code caused serious consequences, affecting how we get our health insurance, the price of a college education, what car we buy, where we bank, and, in some cases, even when we die. Taxocracy outlines economic principles for designing a tax code that doesn&’t rule our daily lives—a tax code that promotes economic growth, free-enterprise, and takes the politics out of tax policy.

The Setback Cycle: How Defining Moments Can Move Us Forward

by Amy Shoenthal

Forbes contributor Amy Shoenthal&’s revolutionary strategies for working through life&’s inevitable setbacks, supported by research and personal stories from today&’s most prolific founders, leaders, and experts.How do you know if you&’re going through a setback? And once you realize you&’re in one, how do you work through it? Some of the world&’s most prominent leaders attribute their setbacks to the reason they found success. Their lowest moments paved the way for their creative rebirth. Through the four phases of The Setback Cycle—Establish, Embrace, Explore, and Emerge—Amy Shoenthal guides readers on how to make sense of their experiences, gain clarity on what comes next, and move confidently into future endeavors. That framework, developed through research and conversations with scholars, psychologists, neuroscientists, and executive coaches is supported through the deeply personal stories of founders and leaders like fashion icons Stacy London and Norma Kamali, fitness instructors Robin Arzón and Kendall Toole, chef Palak Patel, non-binary beauty influencer Cyrus Veyssi, and inspirational founders like Cate Luzio, Erica Taylor, Amanda Goetz, and more. Whether you&’re stuck in a rut after a breakup or trying to navigate an unexpected professional transition, The Setback Cycle offers guidance on how to take yourself through your toughest moments and forge a stronger path forward.

Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life

by John R. Miles

Inside of you resides an intentional life without limits. The time has come to awaken it.Are you living intentionally, with purpose and passion? Are you embracing the flame that ignites within you, or are you evading it? Will your future self be proud of your story, or do you yearn for something more? We all have personal limits that apply to different areas of our lives, such as creating abundance, making changes to our health or body, overcoming recurring patterns of self-sabotage, or simply believing in ourselves. However, we can tap into our unlimited potential when we push ourselves beyond these limitations. Once we let go of our doubts, we can begin to have faith in our new life. By intentionally acting as if it&’s attainable, we can gradually transform into the embodiment of that belief. John R. Miles—entrepreneur, award-winning podcast host, former U.S. Navy officer, and Fortune 50 senior executive—reveals his groundbreaking discoveries that allow you to reshape your past and create an empowered and limitless future through authentic and candid personal stories. Alongside these narratives are twelve science-based principles on mindset and behavior that Miles discovered by examining and interviewing successful professionals such as Marc Benioff, David Rubenstein, Katy Milkman, Bernie Marcus, Uri Levine, Marshall Goldsmith, Robin Sharma, Susan Cain, Shawn Springs, Thaddeus Bullard, Elon Musk, Susan Wojcicki, Dwayne &“The Rock&” Johnson, Navy SEALs, astronaut Chris Cassidy, and General Stanley McChrystal. In this book, you will learn how to: Create a meaningful mission that will enhance your life's purpose from Square founder Jim McKelvey Identify the root causes of self-doubt and overcome fears that are holding you back from Oprah Winfrey Transform the way you lead from General McChrystal and the Honorable Keith Krach, former Under Secretary of State Unleash your potential by taking purposeful actions toward achieving your dreams from Astronaut Captain Wendy Lawrence Transform the world around you by harnessing the power of adaptability from Jeff Bezos With the help of the insights and strategies presented in Passion Struck, you can craft the life you truly desire and make it a reality. Are you ready? It&’s time to live life Passion Struck.

Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life

by David L. Bahnsen

We were created to work, and our work provides unique meaning and purpose in our lives. Yet today we are living in a crisis of apathy and ignorance regarding work&’s theological and existential nature.There is no shortage of books pleading with people to work less, to find &“balance,&” to think less of career and more of the things that bring them &“happiness.&” Likewise, there is no shortage of books making the case that work matters a great deal—that good things come from fruitful labor. This book belongs in neither of those categories. In Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, David Bahnsen makes the case that our understanding of work and its role in our lives is deeply flawed—we are unmoored from what he calls &“created purpose.&” He argues that the time has come to stop tip-toeing around the issues that matter, that separating one&’s identity from what they do is demonstrably false, and that this era of alienation is for many a direct result of a low view of work. It is in work—effort, service, striving—of every kind that we discover our meaning and purpose; a significant and successful life is one rooted in full-time productivity and cultivation of God&’s created world. This book is not your normal &“defense of work&” book. Whether you are a leader, a follower, a boss, an employee, in a white collar or blue collar job, highly paid or &“just getting by,&” this book is for you. A life of meaning is right under your nose, and with it the joy and peace of a life well-lived. &“David Bahnsen is a theologically grounded, vocationally minded, and Biblically focused man with a vision to make work a gift to the world. In this book, he does just that. Combining thoughtful cultural analysis, conservative economic theory, and practical application for how to live these ideas out in the real world, I am grateful for the keen insights he lays out here. This book is a great combination of ideas and application that I think will serve many well.&” —Jon Tyson, Author, Pastor, Church of the City NYC &“Far too many of us believe that we need to work in order to be able to live, and that&’s it. We need to eat, and so we work. David Bahnsen&’s new book leans heavily in the opposite direction, meaning that God gave us the gift of life so that we might have the grace and privilege of working. Highly recommended.&” —Pastor Douglas Wilson, Christ Church

The Saltwater Highway: One Man's Journey through the International Dry Bulk Maritime Market

by Anthony R. Whitworth

A captivating and informative portrait of the business of maritime dry bulk shipping.According to the International Chamber of Shipping, a global trade organization representing 80 percent of the world&’s national shipowner organizations, 90 percent of world trade moves via the oceans—yet very few people know much about the maritime shipping industry. The Saltwater Highway aims to remedy that. Anthony Whitworth&’s travels and experiences throughout the world have given him a unique perspective on how goods move around the globe on the high seas. From the time he was a young voyage accountant in Fednav, one of Canada&’s largest maritime companies, Whitworth has been captivated by this fascinating, complex, multi-faceted industry. With close to five decades primarily in the dry bulk sector of global transport, Whitworth has seen the industry grow and change to meet the challenges of supplying the world with raw materials. From the great shipyards of Asia to the high-stakes finances of some of the largest corporations in the industry, to the ongoing efforts to combat climate change, The Saltwater Highway highlights Whitworth&’s career as it follows the evolution of modern maritime shipping. Based on personal experiences and an in-depth knowledge of how this invaluable trade works, travel along the Saltwater Highway to such far-flung places as the Arctic Circle, the upper regions of the River Plate, the shores of western Scotland, and various capital cities of the world including London, Moscow, and Beijing to meet some of the people who shaped this business and to discover how maritime transportation impacts our daily lives.

The Secret of Directional Investing: Making Money Amidst the Red-Blue Rumble

by James P. Pinkerton

To know the trend, spot the trend, or shape the trend is to make money.The trend is your friend—investors know that. But the biggest money comes from the biggest events. The more delta, the more alpha.In that spirit, The Secret of Directional Investing offers a new way of thinking about investing, steeped in culture and history. Focusing on megatrends, this book points out ways to profit from an understanding of two kinds of trends: those that can be spotted, and those that can be shaped. There&’s money in both. The Romans weren&’t kidding when they said, Audentes Fortuna luvat—Fortune favors the bold. The Secret of Directional Investing is a bold look at investments and potential investments.

High Road Leadership: Bringing People Together in a World That Divides

by John C. Maxwell

Leadership can be a blessing or a curse. It can help people rise up to a better life, or it can cause people to fall into despair. Become part of the solution by becoming a high-road leader.The world&’s most influential leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, tackles the problem of our divided world in his latest book High Road Leadership. &“Everything rises and falls on leadership,&” says Maxwell. &“Today it is causing people to fall—into disputes, frustration, anger, and despair. His solution is to expose the problems of taking the low and middle roads when interacting with others and teach people how to instead take the high road. Leaders who practice high road leadership value all people, do the right things for the right reasons, take accountability for their actions, and place people above their own agenda. In his trademark communication style, Maxwell teaches the principles and practices of high-road leadership that can increase anyone&’s influence and help them make their world a better place.

Make Your Brand Legendary: Create Raving Fans With the Customer Experience Engine

by Scott Wozniak

In Make Your Brand Legendary, Scott Wozniak provides the tools every company needs to create a legendary brand with raving fans.Apple. Harley-Davidson. Chick-fil-A. Disney. When you see or hear these names, something in us lights up. Sure, we know their product and service offerings, but a huge number of consumers have a much deeper, more profound, and even emotional connection to these businesses. These aren&’t just brands; they&’re legendary brands. And they don&’t just have satisfied customers; they create raving fans—true believers who will buy every product, who serve as brand evangelists, who even tattoo corporate logos on their bodies, and who will fight to defend the honor and reputation of these multibillion-dollar corporations. Why? What turns otherwise reserved people into raving fans of a computer company or chicken sandwich chain? It&’s not magic. It&’s not a lucky product. And it&’s not something reserved for consumer brands with luxury products. For twenty years Scott and his team have been working with leaders in a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing to professional service to enterprise software. No matter the industry, some companies have gone beyond delivering a good product to delivering a great customer experience. In Make Your Brand Legendary, Scott Wozniak leverages his decades of brand-building experience within some of America&’s most-loved companies to show you how to create world-class customer experience. After years of battle-tested work, Scott realized that there was a set of systems that all the great brands used to create raving fans. He captured these practices in an engine diagram, a simple tool to help leaders become legends. If you use this approach, you can build a Customer Experience Engine that will create those same kinds of raving fans that always seem to dominate dinner-party conversations and water-cooler chats. Only this time, they&’ll be talking about your business.

Be the One: The Universal Roadmap to Create, Design, and Live an Unforgettable Life

by Justin Prince Clay Manley

In Be the One, Justin Prince offers a roadmap for success that will help you can become the person you were designed to be. Twelve generations, 4,094 individuals, all came before you. And each one made decisions that steered both their life and yours. But sometimes, there&’s that &“one.&” The one who chose to go a different way. The one who faced and embraced the hard times to reach the reward on the other side. The one who made the life-altering decision that ensured your very existence. Now it&’s your turn. You can set a course for success, which will ensure that your future generations also succeed. But what if you&’re struggling? What if success is elusive, non-existent even? How can you &“be the one&” for those in your future when your present feels like it&’s at &“zero&”? In his debut book, author and speaker Justin Prince shares a roadmap, an instruction manual, which lays out simple but powerful steps that you can take—today—to reset your course and aim yourself toward success. Filled with poignant stories and personal examples from Prince&’s own life, this book will show you how to— Design your future by getting clear on your vision. Update your identity and be the person who were designed to be. Build your confidence, commitment, and competence in everything you do. Find reasons to keep going and then magnify those reasons to become a success. And learn the four words spoken by John C. Maxwell that changed everything for Prince. Like your ancestors, you make choices that will affect not only you but all others in your path, today, tomorrow, and for years to come. Decide today to succeed. For yourself and for them. Decide to &“be the one.&”

Nine-Figure Mindset: How to Go from Zero to Over $100 Million in Net Worth

by Brandon Dawson

Behind the life you want to live lies the power you already have to create it. In Nine-Figure Mindset, Brandon Dawson unveils how to tap into the remarkable potential hidden inside each and every one of us. Drawing from his own awe-inspiring journey, Brandon shows that success and leadership are attainable to anyone willing to cultivate the right shift in thinking. Combining personal experiences with actionable strategies, Nine-Figure Mindset serves as a guidebook to next level achievements you&’ve never imagined were possible. Brandon Dawson, a very accomplished business icon, shares his wealth of wisdom, earned from his humble beginnings to achieving a record breaking exit having sold his last business for $151 million. Are you an entrepreneur with a gleam in your eye but the feeling that you&’re running in mud? Do you sense that with the right team in place, you could achieve so much more? Perhaps you&’re already successful with an undeniable hunger for more? The question is not whether you are striving hard enough but whether you&’re striving for enough and in the right direction. Dawson&’s secrets to starting, scaling, and above all leading a positive, independent business will help you cultivate exactly what&’s needed to attract exceptional individuals and seize extraordinary opportunities. Discover how tiny shifts in perspective can change everything.Chances are, you already have everything you need to succeed—you just need someone who&’s been there to show you the way. Nine-Figure Mindset is your opportunity to grab a front row seat for your business and gain the capabilities to where you want to go. Your dreams are not only possible, they should be your priority—and, by the way, they might not be big enough.

Rebel Leadership: Why It Pays to Break the Rules to Be Successful in Business and Life

by Luis Urdaneta

A rags to riches story about a young Venezuelan boy who chased his dreams and rose to success, founding a near billion-dollar company.Having grown up poor in Venezuela and without a high school diploma, Luis Urdaneta&’s future did not look big or bright. Yet, a rebel since childhood, he did not let his circumstances define him and decided he would change his life for the better. He received his first taste of success as a direct salesperson for Tupperware, where he met mentors who taught him what it took to make it to the top. That, combined with his belief in himself, helped him achieve great success. Then at only thirty-nine, he lost everything when he turned away from direct sales—his true passion. However, he reset his focus, returning to direct sales and launching his own direct sales company in Venezuela. He soon realized he needed to push for new levels, so surrounded with trusted teammates and family, he began chasing the American Dream. The MONAT brand was introduced to market, selling high-end beauty products, and has since become a near-billion-dollar company. In Rebel Leadership, Urdaneta shares the key character traits required to achieve your dreams and goals. You&’ll learn how he developed his rebel leadership style and why he believes that, just like him, you can become successful by dreaming big. Hint: it takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and never giving up. You&’ll be inspired by his rags to riches story and learn what makes a true rebel leader in life and in business. As Luis says, &“If you behave like a leader, act every day with faith, believe in yourself, and have a clear true north, you will achieve success.&”

The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message

by John C. Maxwell

Never Be Afraid to Speak to a Group AgainIt&’s been said that public speaking is the number one fear of most people, with death being second. &“This means,&” said comedian Jerry Seinfeld, &“if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.&” How can you overcome fear or ineffectiveness as a speaker? Learn the Laws of Communication! John C. Maxwell has been a public speaker and motivational teacher for more than fifty years. He is one of only eight people on the planet who have been awarded Toastmaster&’s Golden Gavel and been inducted into the National Speakers' Association Hall of Fame. In The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message, he shares everything he&’s learned from a lifetime of communication. Learn how to Speak from conviction Prepare your content and yourself for speaking Find and use your personal and communication strengths Focus on your audience and connect Tell better stories Read the room and create energy and anticipation Add value to people Inspire people to take action Everyone has a message to share. Whether you want to improve your ability to inspire employees, speak at PTA meetings, report to a board of directors, teach students, deliver a sermon, address a small group, speak from a stage, or communicate to an arena full of people, this book can help you. Learn from one of the best communicators in the world and start making the most of your message today.

Becoming More: You Can't Get to Better Until You Get to Different

by Dianna Kokoszka

Are you longing for more beyond your current circumstances? To be more? Do more? Have more? Give more? These vital questions form the heart of Becoming More, a game-changing exploration by Dianna Kokoszka, an award-winning entrepreneur, former CEO, and business leader. This timeless yet urgently needed message blends the author&’s hard-won business and leadership insights with proven models and real-life applications crafted to guide you on a journey of personal and professional growth. As you delve into the unfolding narrative, Becoming More will inspire you to: Take control of being the creator, crusader, and champion of your own story. Recognize and reshape limiting patterns, turning breakdowns into breakthroughs. Discover the power of adopting a Be-Do-Have-Give approach to life. Reframe your words to ensure a better future. Develop the four energies of success to achieve what you desire. Embrace a mindset characterized by growth, positivity, abundance, and gratitude. Leave a positive and life-changing legacy that adds value to others. The pursuit of becoming more will not only create addition in your life but go a step further to multiplication—exponentially enhancing your relationships, finances and career, spiritual and intellectual life. Moreover, it empowers you to uplift and inspire the growth of those around you.

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