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The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism

by Jeremy Rifkin

In The Zero Marginal Cost Society,New York Times bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin describes how the emerging Internet of Things is speeding us to an era of nearly free goods and services, precipitating the meteoric rise of a global Collaborative Commons and the eclipse of capitalism.Rifkin uncovers a paradox at the heart of capitalism that has propelled it to greatness but is now taking it to its death—the inherent entrepreneurial dynamism of competitive markets that drives productivity up and marginal costs down, enabling businesses to reduce the price of their goods and services in order to win over consumers and market share. (Marginal cost is the cost of producing additional units of a good or service, if fixed costs are not counted.) While economists have always welcomed a reduction in marginal cost, they never anticipated the possibility of a technological revolution that might bring marginal costs to near zero, making goods and services priceless, nearly free, and abundant, and no longer subject to market forces.Now, a formidable new technology infrastructure—the Internet of things (IoT)—is emerging with the potential of pushing large segments of economic life to near zero marginal cost in the years ahead. Rifkin describes how the Communication Internet is converging with a nascent Energy Internet and Logistics Internet to create a new technology platform that connects everything and everyone. Billions of sensors are being attached to natural resources, production lines, the electricity grid, logistics networks, recycling flows, and implanted in homes, offices, stores, vehicles, and even human beings, feeding Big Data into an IoT global neural network. Prosumers can connect to the network and use Big Data, analytics, and algorithms to accelerate efficiency, dramatically increase productivity, and lower the marginal cost of producing and sharing a wide range of products and services to near zero, just like they now do with information goods. The plummeting of marginal costs is spawning a hybrid economy—part capitalist market and part Collaborative Commons—with far reaching implications for society, according to Rifkin. Hundreds of millions of people are already transferring parts of their economic lives to the global Collaborative Commons. Prosumers are plugging into the fledgling IoT and making and sharing their own information, entertainment, green energy, and 3D-printed products at near zero marginal cost. They are also sharing cars, homes, clothes and other items via social media sites, rentals, redistribution clubs, and cooperatives at low or near zero marginal cost. Students are enrolling in free massive open online courses (MOOCs) that operate at near zero marginal cost. Social entrepreneurs are even bypassing the banking establishment and using crowdfunding to finance startup businesses as well as creating alternative currencies in the fledgling sharing economy. In this new world, social capital is as important as financial capital, access trumps ownership, sustainability supersedes consumerism, cooperation ousts competition, and "exchange value" in the capitalist marketplace is increasingly replaced by "sharable value" on the Collaborative Commons. Rifkin concludes that capitalism will remain with us, albeit in an increasingly streamlined role, primarily as an aggregator of network services and solutions, allowing it to flourish as a powerful niche player in the coming era. We are, however, says Rifkin, entering a world beyond markets where we are learning how to live together in an increasingly interdependent global Collaborative Commons.

Zero Lower Bound Term Structure Modeling

by Leo Krippner

Nominal yields on government debt in several countries have fallen very near their zero lower bound (ZLB), causing a liquidity trap and limiting the capacity to stimulate economic growth. This book provides a comprehensive reference to ZLB structure modeling in an applied setting.

Zero Limits: Mit der Hawaiianischen Ho'oponopono-Methode zu Gesundheit, Wohlstand, Frieden und Mehr

by Joe Vitale Ihaleakala Hew Len

Ho'oponopono ist eine schamanische Heilmethode aus Hawaii, die helfen soll, Konflikte und persönliches Fehlverhalten aufzulösen. Dabei geht es vor allem um Aussöhnung und Versöhnung, nicht nur im Bezug auf andere, sondern vor allem auch mit sich selbst. Hierin liegt das Rezept für ein langes, gesundes Leben in Reichtum und Wohlstand, denn ähnlich wie in der karmischen Lehre resultieren auch für viele Hawaiianer Krankheit und Armut aus persönlichem Fehlverhalten und Negativität. Übersetzen könnte man das Konzept, das auf Erkenntnissen des hawaiianischen Therapeuten Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len beruht (Self-I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono), am besten mit "etwas richtig stellen", "etwas in Ordnung bringen" oder auch "Fehler wiedergutmachen". Es beschreibt nichts weniger als den Weg zur Vollkommenheit. Joe Vitale wendet den alten hawaiianischen Brauch auf unser Leben heute an und fokussiert sich dabei auf Liebe, Vergebung, das Leben im Jetzt und Verantwortung für alles zu übernehmen, was uns in unserem Leben begegnet. Wir lernen zum Beispiel unser Unterbewusstsein von alten Wunden und Fehlern zu reinigen und uns von vergifteten Erinnerungen zu lösen, um im Hier und Jetzt erfolgreich zu sein. Jeder Einzelne ist selbst dafür verantwortlich wie sich das Leben in Zukunft entwickelt, und Ho'oponopono hilft uns dabei unbewusste Programme aufzulösen, damit wir endlich all unsere geheimen Wünsche verwirklichen können - Gesundheit, Wohlstand, Glück - was auch immer. Joe Vitale führt uns zurück zum Urzustand, der frei ist von Bewertung, Vorurteilen oder Rollendenken. Einem Nullzustand, wo noch nichts existiert aber alles möglich ist und gibt uns 4 Sätze an die Hand, die uns heilen und uns lehren, in jedem Moment 100 % Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Es tut mir leid. Bitte verzeih mir! Danke. Ich liebe Dich.

Zero Limits

by Joe Vitale Len Ihaleakala Hew

Praise For Zero Limits "This riveting book can awaken humanity. It reveals the simple power of four phrases to transform your life. It's all based in love by an author spreading love. You should get ten copies of it----one for you and nine to give away. It's that good. " ---- Debbie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers "I love this book! I feel it will be the definitive personal-change/self-help book for at least a generation and viewed as a watershed event by historians. There is real potential for this book to start a movement that will end war, poverty, and the environmental devastation of our beloved planet. " ---- Marc Gitterle, MD, www. CardioSecret. com "This book is like a stick of dynamite, and the moment you start reading, the fuse is lit. It blows away all the complex and confusing success paradigms of the past and reveals a refreshing and clear path to transform your life with just one simple step. As you explore Zero Limits with Vitale, be prepared for a journey that is both challenging and inspiring beyond anything you've imagined. " ---- Craig Perrine, www. MaverickMarketer. com "There are more than 6 billion different manifestations of human existence on the planet?and only one of us here. In Zero Limits, Vitale has captured the truth that all great spiritual, scientific, and psychological principles teach at the most fundamental level. Boil it all down to the basics and the keys are quite simple---- the answer to all life's challenges is profound love and gratitude. Read this book; it's a reminder of the truth and ability you already possess. " ---- James Arthur Ray, philosopher and bestselling author of Practical Spirituality and The Science of Success "Wow! This is the best and most important book Vitale has ever written!" ---- Cindy Cashman, www. FirstSpaceWedding. com "I couldn't put it down. This book elegantly sketches what I've learned and learned about in twenty-one years of personal study, and then it takes it to the next level. If you're looking for true peace along with 'the good stuff,' then this book is for you. " ---- David Garfinkel, author of Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich "Zero Limits is Vitale's adventure into the most mind-altering reading experience of your life. " ---- Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Sunglasses, Inc.

Zero Hours and On-call Work in Anglo-Saxon Countries (Work, Organization, and Employment)

by Michelle O’Sullivan Jonathan Lavelle Juliet McMahon Lorraine Ryan Caroline Murphy Thomas Turner Patrick Gunnigle

This book focuses on zero hours and on-call work as an extreme form of casual and precarious employment. It includes country studies of the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand and Ireland, where there has been increasing concern about the prevalence of such work, and working time uncertainty, as well as varying levels of public policy debate on regulation. The book incorporates a comparative review of zero hours work based on the findings of the country studies. This pays particular attention to state regulatory responses to zero hours work, and incorporates the sociological concepts of accumulation and legitimation functions of the state.Exploring the regulation of zero hours work beyond individual countries, the book includes an analysis of external regulation of zero hours work at the supranational level, namely the European Union and ILO.Further, it assesses the implications of zero hours for workers in new sectors of economic activity, particularly the impact of the platform or ‘gig’ economy on the fundamental nature of the employment relationship. It also considers the societal implications of zero hours work and the ethical responsibilities of employers and governments towards workers as citizens.

Zero Hour: Turn the Greatest Political and Financial Upheaval in Modern History to Your Advantage

by Harry S. Dent Andrew Pancholi

Harry S. Dent Jr., bestselling author of The Demographic Cliff and The Sale of a Lifetime, predicted the populist wave that has driven the Brexit vote, the election of Donald Trump, and other recent shocks around the world. Now he returns with the definitive guide to protect your investments and prosper in the age of the anti-globalist backlash.The turn of the 2020s will mark an extremely rare convergence of low points for multiple political, economic, and demographic cycles. The result will be a major financial crash and global upheaval that will dwarf the Great Recession of the 2000s—and maybe even the Great Depression of the 1930s. We’re facing the onset of what Dent calls “Economic Winter.” In Zero Hour, he and Andrew Pancholi (author of The Market Timing Report newsletter) explain all of these cycles, which influence everything from currency valuations to election returns, from economic growth rates in Asia to birthrates in Europe. You’ll learn, for instance: • Why the most-hyped technologies of recent years (self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain) won’t pay off until the 2030s. • Why China may be the biggest bubble in the global economy (and you’d be a fool to invest there). • Why you should invest in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, and pull out of real estate and automotive. • Why putting your faith in gold is a bad idea. Fortunately, Zero Hour includes a range of practical strategies to help you turn the upheaval ahead to your advantage, so your family can be prepared and protected.

Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service

by Carol Leonnig

The first definitive account of the rise and fall of the Secret Service, from the Kennedy assassination to the alarming mismanagement of the Obama and Trump years, right up to the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6—by the Pulitzer Prize winner and #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of A Very Stable Genius Carol Leonnig has been reporting on the Secret Service for The Washington Post for most of the last decade, bringing to light the secrets, scandals, and shortcomings that plague the agency today—from a toxic work culture to dangerously outdated equipment to the deep resentment within the ranks at key agency leaders, who put protecting the agency’s once-hallowed image before fixing its flaws. But the Secret Service wasn’t always so troubled. <p><p> The Secret Service was born in 1865, in the wake of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, but its story begins in earnest in 1963, with the death of John F. Kennedy. Shocked into reform by its failure to protect the president on that fateful day in Dallas, this once-sleepy agency was radically transformed into an elite, highly trained unit that would redeem itself several times, most famously in 1981 by thwarting an assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan. But this reputation for courage and excellence would not last forever. By Barack Obama’s presidency, the once-proud Secret Service was running on fumes and beset by mistakes and alarming lapses in judgment: break-ins at the White House, an armed gunman firing into the windows of the residence while confused agents stood by, and a massive prostitution scandal among agents in Cartagena, to name just a few. With Donald Trump’s arrival, a series of promised reforms were cast aside, as a president disdainful of public service instead abused the Secret Service to rack up political and personal gains. <p><p> To explore these problems in the ranks, Leonnig interviewed dozens of current and former agents, government officials, and whistleblowers who put their jobs on the line to speak out about a hobbled agency that’s in desperate need of reform. “I will be forever grateful to them for risking their careers,” she writes, “not because they wanted to share tantalizing gossip about presidents and their families, but because they know that the Service is broken and needs fixing. By telling their story, they hope to revive the Service they love.”

Zero Down Your Debt: Reclaim Your Income and Build a Life You'll Love

by Greg Johnson Holly Porter Johnson

How the Zero-Sum Budget method can help eliminate debt and transform your financial future: “A new way of looking at money management.” —Donna Freedman, author of Your Playbook For Tough TimesGetting into debt is a piece of cake, but getting out? That’s the hard part. Fortunately, award-winning authors Holly Porter Johnson and Greg Johnson offer actionable tips and advice in their new book on how to get out of debt and enjoy debt free living. The secret? The “zero-sum budget” — the black belt of budgeting methods. They should know: It helped them wipe out $50,000 of debt.You’ll learn how to implement a zero-sum budget and become debt-free once and for all. The zero-sum budget’s primary tenets are giving every single dollar earned a purpose—whether it’s for bills, debt repayment, or savings—and using last month’s earnings to cover this month’s bills. All you need is the know-how, a little willpower, and a positive attitude to transform your financial situation. Let Holly and Greg Johnson show you how to put zero-sum budgeting to work for you, and learn to:Unlock the powerful potential of your paycheck to help you save more and get ahead fasterSeize control of your money by creating a simple monthly plan that actually worksUnderstand the root causes of your debt and how to get out of debtUse a step-by-step plan to eliminate your debt once and for all and enjoy debt free livingIdentify and avoid budget vampires that drain your bank account and wreak havoc on your savingsPrepare for unexpected expenses and survive financial emergencies

Zero Distance: Management in the Quantum Age

by Danah Zohar

This open access book offers a new management meta-theory to replace Taylorism. It presents a new paradigm in management thinking and a new, practical organizational model for implementing it in our personal and working lives, in our companies, in our communities and nations, and in a sustainable global order. It will offer an understanding of why and how “thinking-as-usual” is failing both business and political leaders in these new times, and it will advocate new thinking and new management practices that are so radically new that they turn everything we have taken for granted inside out and upside down. This new management model is called “Quantum Management Theory”, because it is rooted in the new paradigm bequeathed to us by quantum physics and its younger sibling, complexity science.

Zero Defections: Quality Comes to Services

by Frederick F. Reichheld W. Earl Sasser Jr.

Companies that aim for "zero defections" (keeping every customer they can profitably serve) can make profits rise. Defection rates are both a measure of service quality and a guide for achieving it. By listening to the reasons why customers defect, managers know exactly where the company is falling short and where to direct their resources.

Zero Corporate Income Tax in Moldova: Tax Competition and Its Implications for Eastern Europe

by Marcin Piatkowski Mariusz Jarmuzek

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Zero-Carbon Industry: Transformative Technologies and Policies to Achieve Sustainable Prosperity (Center on Global Energy Policy Series)

by Jeffrey Rissman

The power sector and transportation tend to dominate conversations about climate change, but there’s an under-the-radar source of climate pollution that must be addressed: industry. Globally, industrial activity is responsible for one-third of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Though industry is a major emitter, it is essential for producing the tools we need to fight climate change—like wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles—and for meeting our everyday needs. How can industry eliminate its climate pollution while supplying transformational technologies?This book delivers a first-of-its-kind roadmap for the zero-carbon industrial transition, spotlighting the breakthrough innovations transforming the manufacturing sector and the policies that can accelerate this global shift. Jeffrey Rissman illustrates the scope of the challenge, diving into the workings of heavy polluters like steel, chemicals, plastics, cement, and concrete. He examines ways to affordably decarbonize manufacturing, such as electrifying industrial processes, using hydrogen, deploying carbon capture and storage, and growing material efficiency with lightweighting and 3D printing. But technologies are only part of the picture. Enacting the right policies—including financial incentives, research and development support, well-designed carbon pricing, efficiency and emissions standards, and green public procurement—can spur investment and hasten emissions reductions. Rissman provides a framework to ensure that the transition to clean industry enhances equity, health, and prosperity for communities worldwide.Engaging and comprehensive, Zero-Carbon Industry is the definitive guide to decarbonizing the vast—yet often overlooked—global industrial sector.

Zero: Eliminating unnecessary deaths in a post-pandemic NHS

by Jeremy Hunt

How many avoidable deaths are there in the NHS every week?150.What figure should we aim for?Zero.The NHS is the pride of Britain. It's an army of highly skilled and talented healthcare professionals, armed with the most cutting-edge therapies and medicines, and a budget bigger than the GDP of most countries in the world.Yet avoidable failures are common. And the result is tragic deaths up and down the country every day.Jeremy Hunt, the longest-serving Health Secretary in history, knows exactly what the cost is. In the letters he received from bereaved family members, he was constantly confronted by the heart-breaking reality of slip-ups and mistakes.There is increasing conflict between public pride in the NHS and the exhausted daily reality for many doctors and nurses, now experiencing burnout in record numbers. Waiting lists are up, staffing numbers inadequate, and all the while an ageing population and medical advances increase both demand and expectations. With pressures like these, is it surprising that mistakes start to creep in?This great British institution is crying out for renewal. In Zero, taking the broadest approach, thinking through everything from staffing to technology, budgets to culture, Hunt presents a manifesto for that renewal.Mistakes happen. But nobody deserves to become a statistic in an NHS hospital. That's why we need to aim for zero.


by John J. Murphy

What happens when you integrate the art of positive thinking and the freedom of spiritual well-being with the business of getting desirable results? · You tap the extraordinary power and mystery of the Zentrepreneur · You overcome resistance to change · You see opportunities instead of problems · You transcend fear-based motivation and the illusion of control · You inspire limitless creativity and leading-edge innovation The world of business does not rest. The journey of innovation does not end. Competitive advantage is now all about who comes up with the solution first, often without the market even knowing there is a problem. John J. Murphy combines profound spiritual wisdom and emotional intelligence with intellectual capital and thirty years of practical business experience to demonstrate a new level of leadership. Resistance to change is a challenge every leader must face. Here is a book on how to overcome it. "Let John Murphy be your guide through the mine fields that accompany any change effort." --Dr. Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager "If you want a strong, positive 'jump start' to your professional and personal lives, then John Murphy's books are must reads!" --Ed Robertson, Brig. General, USAF (Ret.)

Zentrepreneur: Get Out Of The Way And Lead, Create A Culture Of Innovation And Fearlessness

by John J. Murphy

Transforma tus ideas en resultados Desarrolla tu creatividad y conviértete en un líder zentrepreneur ¿Qué sucede cuando integras el arte del pensamiento positivo y la libertad del bienestar espiritual, con el propósito de conseguir los mejores resultados en el mundo de los negocios?: Te conviertes en un ZENTREPRENEUR auténtico. Este libro te mostrará cómo llegar a tus metas más anheladas y mantener siempre el equilibrio entre fuerza de trabajo, empoderamiento y serenidad para tomar las mejores decisiones; aprenderás cómo: -Aprovechar el extraordinario poder y misterio del "zentrepreneur". -Superar la resistencia al cambio y ver oportunidades en lugar de problemas. -Inspirar la creatividad sin límites y la innovación de vanguardia. El mundo de los negocios no descansa. El camino de la innovación no termina. Ahora la ventaja competitiva se centra en quién encuentra la solución, incluso sin que el mercado sepa que hay un problema. John J. Murphy combina la sabiduría espiritual y la inteligencia emocional con el capital intelectual y 30 años de excelencia en los negocios para demostrar un nuevo nivel de liderazgo.

Zentralbanken, Geld und Inflation (essentials)

by Joachim Weeber

In diesem Buch wird die aktuelle Diskussion über die hohe Inflation in Deutschland und den anderen Staaten der Eurozone aufgegriffen. Wie Befragungen zeigen, empfinden viele Menschen die ungewöhnlich großen Preissteigerungsraten als Bedrohung für ihren Wohlstand. Vor diesem Hintergrund nimmt die Geldpolitik eine zentrale Rolle in der derzeitigen wirtschaftspolitischen Debatte ein. In der Diskussion um den richtigen Weg zur Senkung der hohen Inflationsraten sind Kenntnisse über das Ziel, die Strategie und die Instrumente der Geldpolitik von zentraler Bedeutung. Zudem gibt es in den Reihen von Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern und auch Geldpolitikern eine intensive Auseinandersetzung über den Kurs der Europäischen Zentralbank, Mitgliedsstaaten der Eurozone mittels Ankaufprogrammen von staatlichen Anleihen finanziell zu stabilisieren. Joachim Weeber gibt eine Einführung in diesen umfassenden Themenkomplex. Er stellt die Geldpolitik in ihren wesentlichen Grundzügen vor, gibt eine Bewertung der derzeitigen Politik der Europäischen Zentralbank ab und zeigt kursorisch zukünftige Herausforderungen auf.

Zentralasien und die Seidenstraße: Wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung und Niedergang über mehrere Jahrtausende

by Stephan Barisitz

Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die vormoderne Wirtschaftsgeschichte Zentralasiens und der Seidenstraße, die mehrere Jahrtausende umfasst. Durch die Analyse einer Fülle von Quellen und Materialien veranschaulicht es die wiederholten wirtschaftlichen Blütezeiten der Seidenstraße, in denen sie über viele Jahrhunderte Orient und Okzident verband. Nomadische Steppenreiche beherrschten häufig Zentralasien, prägten dessen Wirtschaft und beeinflussten den Handel entlang der Seidenstraße. Das Buch untersucht die Ursachen und Auswirkungen des weitreichenden Booms des Überlandhandels und erörtert gleichzeitig verschiedene interne und externe Faktoren, die zum allmählichen wirtschaftlichen Niedergang Zentralasiens und letztlichzum Ende der Seidenstraße führten. Schließlich wird erläutert, wie der wirtschaftliche Niedergang zum chinesischen und russischen Kolonialismus im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert beitrug. Detaillierte Informationen, z.B. über den Verlauf der Seidenstraße in den verschiedenen Epochen, werden in Form zahlreicher neu erstellter Karten angeboten.

Zensar: The Future of Vision Communities (A)

by David A. Garvin Rachna Tahilyani

Zensar is a rapidly growing, mid-sized Indian IT services company with a collaborative management philosophy and innovative HR policies. One of its practices, Vision Communities, is an inclusive forum for innovation and strategy formulation. As the company grows, managers must decide how to scale the Vision Community process so that it retains its spirit of employee involvement and engagement while encompassing a larger, more geographically dispersed group of participants.

Zensar: The Future of Vision Communities (A)

by David A. Garvin Rachna Tahilyani

Zensar is a rapidly growing, mid-sized Indian IT services company with a collaborative management philosophy and innovative HR policies. One of its practices, Vision Communities, is an inclusive forum for innovation and strategy formulation. As the company grows, managers must decide how to scale the Vision Community process so that it retains its spirit of employee involvement and engagement while encompassing a larger, more geographically dispersed group of participants.

ZenRecruit: Sales Coaching and Performance Reviews

by Mark Roberge


Zenobia: The Curious Book of Business: A Tale of Triumph Over Yes-Men, Cynics, Hedgers, and Other Corporate Killjoys

by Matthew Emmens Beth Kephart

Zenobia is a former industry giant bedeviled by paralyzing hierarchies, grossly inadequate communications, and distrust. It is a broken place, a fortress doomed to collapse upon itself. Enter Moira, a young woman responding to a cryptic help wanted ad that asks her to report to room 133A – but there are no directions, no sign of the room, and nobody seems inclined to help her find it. As she moves through the Zenobian maze, Moira makes some surprising discoveries about the power of teamwork and the qualities that define true leaders. Her story is interwoven with that of a long-time Zenobia employee named Gallagher, who watches and comments as Moira tries to find the ever-elusive room 133A. Zenobia reminds us that imagination is one of the most powerful, and most overlooked, elements of business success. Like Moira, those who succeed see what is not yet there, keep faith in their vision, take risks to achieve it, and inspire others to join them. This unusual book will move readers to take a fresh and fearless look at their own organizations and to remember that leadership is not determined by title or position. Rather, as the want ad Moira answers puts it, “Creative persistence a prerequisite. A desire for the extraordinary an absolute must.”

Zennovation: An East-West Approach to Business Success

by Tomio Taki Mortimer R. Feinberg Adam Taki

Combining the principles of Eastern and Western business practices for powerful success As an entrepreneur, manager, and problem-solver, Tomio Taki has shared advice with businesspeople ranging from managers of mom-and-pops to high-powered executives from across the globe. The Innovation Instinct showcases the author's breadth of life experience and illustrates how the principles of Eastern and Western business practices can be meshed together as a powerful source for success. Lessons range from the benefits of asking the simple questions to the importance of establishing oneself and knowing when to go against the grain. Tomio Taki has consulted for, financed, or directly managed both private and public companies on nearly every continent. He has been involved in ventures ranging from being the man behind Donna Karen New York to owning and operating private golf clubs around the world. In short, Taki's business and related successes are striking, having helped companies rise from the ashes of potential bankruptcy to streamlining and growing corporate giants. The wisdom he shares in The Innovation Instinct includes: Language is less of an obstacle across borders; instead, cultural differences are what propel and vitiate communication among businesspersons Certain fundamental aspects of business and life cross latitudinal and longitudinal lines When businesspeople seek to understand the cultures of their counterparts, they will discover lasting success with their global business relationships.

Zenith: Marketing Research for High Definition Television (HDTV)

by Fareena Sultan

Managers at Zenith must decide what marketing research, if any, needs to be done now in order to assess market potential and consumer preference for a technological innovation, high definition television (HDTV) that is yet to be introduced. The case describes various marketing research options available to Zenith in August 1990. In particular managers have to decide whether to conduct a study to examine consumer preferences for the wider screen format of HDTV. They also need to forecast HDTV demand from 1992-2000 under pessimistic, most likely and optimistic scenarios that have to be defined. Can be used to expose students in an introductory marketing management course to various marketing research methods available to assess consumer preferences for new products and innovations. In particular it exposes students to conjoint analysis' methodology. Also allows students an opportunity to assess the situation facing Zenith and explore forecasting marketing potential via scenario analysis.

Zenefits Board of Directors (C)

by Lynn Sharp Paine Will Hurwitz

In early 2018, the time seemed right for Zenefits investor and director Lars Dalgaard to reflect on whether Zenefits had the right board of directors to shepherd the company through its next stages of growth. For the company whose name combined the words "benefits," reflecting its human resources technology products, and "zen," loosely defined as a state of calm, the past few years were not entirely zen. Once heralded as one of the fastest growing software start-ups ever, the 5-year old company quickly achieved "unicorn" status-a term given to an elite handful of privately-held start-ups valued at $1 billion or more. But leadership and legal issues that emerged in 2015 had threatened to undermine its success and compelled Zenefits to appoint new board members, hire new executives, reformulate its business model, and transform its corporate culture and philosophy. With those changes in place, Dalgaard now turned his attention once again to the board. Did Zenefits have the board it needed to navigate the next stages of growth as it sought to further distance itself from its rocky past and focus on its future potential?

Zenefits Board of Directors (B)

by Lynn Sharp Paine Will Hurwitz

In early 2018, the time seemed right for Zenefits investor and director Lars Dalgaard to reflect on whether Zenefits had the right board of directors to shepherd the company through its next stages of growth. For the company whose name combined the words "benefits," reflecting its human resources technology products, and "zen," loosely defined as a state of calm, the past few years were not entirely zen. Once heralded as one of the fastest growing software start-ups ever, the 5-year old company quickly achieved "unicorn" status-a term given to an elite handful of privately-held start-ups valued at $1 billion or more. But leadership and legal issues that emerged in 2015 had threatened to undermine its success and compelled Zenefits to appoint new board members, hire new executives, reformulate its business model, and transform its corporate culture and philosophy. With those changes in place, Dalgaard now turned his attention once again to the board. Did Zenefits have the board it needed to navigate the next stages of growth as it sought to further distance itself from its rocky past and focus on its future potential?

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