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Working with Static Sites: Bringing the Power of Simplicity to Modern Sites

by Raymond Camden Brian Rinaldi

Just like vinyl LPs, static sites are making a comeback, evidenced by the wide array of static-site generators now available. This practical book shows you hands-on how to build these simple sites for blogs and other use cases, and how to make them more powerful. In the process, you’ll work with some of today’s more mature and popular static-site generators.Authors Raymond Camden and Brian Rinaldi explain the advantages of using static-site generators for building fast and secure sites. Web and frontend designers and developers will also explore methods for adding dynamic elements and for migrating an existing CMS to a static site.Build a basic four-page static site with the Harp generatorCreate a simple blog with JekyllDevelop a documentation site with Hugo by generating site files and creating the layoutAdd dynamic elements, such as forms, comments, and searchIntegrate a CMS with tools such as CloudCannon and Netlify CMSUse one of several options to deploy your static filesLearn methods for moving an existing CMS to a static site

Working With Words: A Handbook for Media Writers and Editors

by Brian S. Brooks James L. Pinson Jean Gaddy Wilson

No matter the medium—from print to broadcast to digital—Working With Words presents the best writing advice for today’s journalists. The text’s focus on improving skills in grammar and style make this an invaluable reference for students from their introductory journalism courses throughout their future careers in the field. With extensive coverage of grammar, mechanics and usage, as well as style, unbiased writing and writing for different media, Working With Words includes material that students cannot find in the Associated Press Stylebook alone. New with the ninth edition, Working with Words can be packaged with LaunchPad Solo for Journalism, where students can access the Exercise Book for Working With Words – an interactive workbook with multiple activities matching each chapter topic in the main text. Also on LaunchPad, students can further their grammar practice with Exercise Central for AP Style, and watch numerous videos from renowned journalists.

Working With Words: A Handbook For Media Writers And Editors

by Brian Brooks Jean Wilson James Pinson

Workplace Genie: An Unorthodox Toolkit to Help Transform Your Work Relationships and Get the Most from Your Career

by Natalie Canavor Susan Dowell

From time to time, many of us might wish for a genie to transform our workplace. But what if you yourself had that power? Workplace Genie shows employees, entrepreneurs, and virtual workers how to handle challenging work relationships in unorthodox ways. Melding the proven ideas of a communications expert and leading psychotherapist, this book gives readers a powerful new toolbox to connect with their own inner resources and understand other people’s perspectives.Readers will learn how to move past their own self-imposed obstacles, assess situations more realistically, and build positive long-term relationships. This book is an essential resource for those who want to take the initiative with confidence and: Improve their own work environment by bringing out the best in other people Reset relationships and overcome previous experiences that hamper success Relate to their boss and coworkers better Keep their cool when triggered by old insecuritiesArmed with this essential toolkit, you will become your own workplace genie.

World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech

by Franklin Foer

Franklin Foer reveals the existential threat posed by big tech, and in his brilliant polemic gives us the toolkit to fight their pervasive influence. Over the past few decades there has been a revolution in terms of who controls knowledge and information. This rapid change has imperiled the way we think. Without pausing to consider the cost, the world has rushed to embrace the products and services of four titanic corporations. We shop with Amazon; socialize on Facebook; turn to Apple for entertainment; and rely on Google for information. These firms sell their efficiency and purport to make the world a better place, but what they have done instead is to enable an intoxicating level of daily convenience. As these companies have expanded, marketing themselves as champions of individuality and pluralism, their algorithms have pressed us into conformity and laid waste to privacy. They have produced an unstable and narrow culture of misinformation, and put us on a path to a world without private contemplation, autonomous thought, or solitary introspection—a world without mind. In order to restore our inner lives, we must avoid being coopted by these gigantic companies, and understand the ideas that underpin their success. Elegantly tracing the intellectual history of computer science—from Descartes and the enlightenment to Alan Turing to Stuart Brand and the hippie origins of today's Silicon Valley—Foer exposes the dark underpinnings of our most idealistic dreams for technology. The corporate ambitions of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, he argues, are trampling longstanding liberal values, especially intellectual property and privacy. This is a nascent stage in the total automation and homogenization of social, political, and intellectual life. By reclaiming our private authority over how we intellectually engage with the world, we have the power to stem the tide. At stake is nothing less than who we are, and what we will become. There have been monopolists in the past but today's corporate giants have far more nefarious aims. They’re monopolists who want access to every facet of our identities and influence over every corner of our decision-making. Until now few have grasped the sheer scale of the threat. Foer explains not just the looming existential crisis but the imperative of resistance.

Worried About the Wrong Things: Youth, Risk, and Opportunity in the Digital World (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning)

by Jacqueline Ryan Vickery

Why media panics about online dangers overlook another urgent concern: creating equitable online opportunities for marginalized youth.It's a familiar narrative in both real life and fiction, from news reports to television storylines: a young person is bullied online, or targeted by an online predator, or exposed to sexually explicit content. The consequences are bleak; the young person is shunned, suicidal, psychologically ruined. In this book, Jacqueline Ryan Vickery argues that there are other urgent concerns about young people's online experiences besides porn, predators, and peers. We need to turn our attention to inequitable opportunities for participation in a digital culture. Technical and material obstacles prevent low-income and other marginalized young people from the positive, community-building, and creative experiences that are possible online.Vickery explains that cautionary tales about online risk have shaped the way we think about technology and youth. She analyzes the discourses of risk in popular culture, journalism, and policy, and finds that harm-driven expectations, based on a privileged perception of risk, enact control over technology. Opportunity-driven expectations, on the other hand, based on evidence and lived experience, produce discourses that acknowledge the practices and agency of young people rather than seeing them as passive victims who need to be protected.Vickery first addresses how the discourses of risk regulate and control technology, then turns to the online practices of youth at a low-income, minority-majority Texas high school. She considers the participation gap and the need for schools to teach digital literacies, privacy, and different online learning ecologies. Finally, she shows that opportunity-driven expectations can guide young people's online experiences in ways that balance protection and agency.

Write No Matter What: Advice for Academics

by Joli Jensen

With growing academic responsibilities, family commitments, and inboxes, scholars are struggling to fulfill their writing goals. A finished book—or even steady journal articles—may seem like an impossible dream. But, as Joli Jensen proves, it really is possible to write happily and productively in academe. Jensen begins by busting the myth that universities are supportive writing environments. She points out that academia, an arena dedicated to scholarship, offers pressures that actually prevent scholarly writing. She shows how to acknowledge these less-than-ideal conditions, and how to keep these circumstances from draining writing time and energy. Jensen introduces tools and techniques that encourage frequent, low-stress writing. She points out common ways writers stall and offers workarounds that maintain productivity. Her focus is not on content, but on how to overcome whatever stands in the way of academic writing. Write No Matter What draws on popular and scholarly insights into the writing process and stems from Jensen’s experience designing and directing a faculty writing program. With more than three decades as an academic writer, Jensen knows what really helps and hinders the scholarly writing process for scholars in the humanities, social sciences,and sciences. Cut down the academic sword of Damocles, Jensen advises. Learn how to write often and effectively, without pressure or shame. With her encouragement, writers of all levels will find ways to create the writing support they need and deserve.

Write the Book You're Meant to Write: A Guide For First Time Authors

by Gail Woodard

It's Time to Write the Book You're Meant to Write!Have you ever thought about writing a book? Or what writing a book can do for you? Then you're not alone. Writing and bringing an exceptional book to the world can be both easy and deeply satisfying, once you know how. Writing a book can help you:• Share your ideas and expertise with others. • Generate leads for your business. • Position yourself as an authority in your field. • Impart your wisdom and experience. :• Enjoy a well-earned sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re writing fiction, nonfiction or memoir, Write the Book You’re Meant to Write: A Guide for First-time Authors provides the critical advice you need for a successful transition from aspiring writer to respected author. Many aspiring authors commit mistakes, but you don't have to, and you don't have to go on this journey alone. Step by step, Gail Woodard helps you explore the different avenues for your book, understand what’s possible and make conscious choices right from the beginning. If you've ever thought about writing a book you can be proud of and that audiences will love, then Write the Book You're Meant to Write can help. It will dispel your fears and build your confidence about the book process, from coming up with the initial idea to selling your book for years to come.So what are you waiting for? Will you start writing the book you're meant to write today?”Woodard's description of the four myths about book publishing alone is worth the price. Ignore them at your peril.”-Brian Jud, How to Make Real Money Selling Books”Whether you recently have felt the call to write a book or have completed a manuscript and are seeking a publisher, make a place on your bookshelf for this all-important book!” - Lynn Wiese Sneyd, award-winning author and owner of LWS Literary Services

Writing and Editing for Digital Media

by Brian Carroll

Writing and Editing for Digital Media teaches students how to write effectively for digital spaces—whether writing for an app, crafting a story for a website, blogging, or using social media to expand the conversation. The lessons and exercises in each chapter help students build a solid understanding of the ways that digital communication has introduced opportunities for dynamic storytelling and multi-directional communication. With this accessible guide and accompanying website, students learn not only to create content, but also to become careful, creative managers of that content. Updated with contemporary examples and pedagogy, including examples from the 2016 presidential election, and an expanded look at using social media, the third edition broadens its scope, helping digital writers and editors in all fields, including public relations, marketing, and social media management. Based on Brian Carroll's extensive experience teaching a course of the same name, this revised and updated edition pays particular attention to opportunities presented by the growth of social media and mobile media. Chapters aim to: Assist digital communicators in understanding the socially networked, increasingly mobile, always-on, geomapped, personalized media ecosystems; Teach communicators to approach storytelling from a multimedia, multi-modal, interactive perspective; Provide the basic skill sets of the digital writer and editor, skill sets that transfer across all media and most communication and media industries, and to do so in specifically journalistic and public relations contexts; Help communicators to put their audiences first by focusing attention on user experience, user behavior, and engagement with their user bases; Teach best practices in the areas of social media strategy, management, and use.

Writing Feature Stories: How to research and write articles - from listicles to longform

by Matthew Ricketson Caroline Graham

Good writing engages as it informs and feature journalism offers writers the opportunity to tell deep, affecting stories that look beyond the immediate mechanics of who, what, where and when and explore the more difficult-and more rewarding- questions: how and why? Whether you're a blogger, a news journalist or an aspiring lifestyle reporter, a strong voice and a fresh, informed perspective remain in short supply and strong demand; this book will help you craft the kind of narratives people can't wait to share on their social media feeds.Writing Feature Stories established a reputation as a comprehensive, thought-provoking and engaging introduction to researching and writing feature stories. This second edition is completely overhauled to reflect the range of print and digital feature formats, and the variety of online, mobile and traditional media in which they appear.This hands-on guide explains how to generate fresh ideas; research online and offline; make the most of interviews; sift and sort raw material; structure and write the story; edit and proofread your work; find the best platform for your story; and pitch your work to editors.'A wide-ranging, much-needed master class for anyone who tells true yarns in this fast-changing journalistic marketplace' - Bruce Shapiro, Columbia University'Useful and thought provoking' - Margaret Simons, journalist and author'A must read for any digital storyteller who wants to write emotive, engaging, believable content.' - Nidhi Dutt, foreign correspondent

You Get What You Pitch For: Control Any Situation, Create Fierce Agreement, and Get What You Want In Life

by Tim Vandehey Anthony Sullivan

TV's most popular pitchman reveals the secrets of pitching to get what you want in virtually any situation.Anthony "Sully" Sullivan went from selling car washers in rainy Welsh street markets to selling to audiences of millions around the world as the face of OxiClean. How did he do it? Convincing people to give you what you want is an art form that takes charisma and confidence. But no great pitchman achieves success based on those quali­ties alone. The good ones make themselves great with practice and discipline, mastering a series of skills that Sullivan dubs the ten "Pitch Powers." These are essen­tial techniques he's learned in more than twenty-five years "on the joint" (that's pitchman-speak for the area where you're selling). For the first time ever, Sullivan reveals the secrets behind his seemingly superhuman ability to persuade others--even if they start out regarding you with sus­picion or even hostility. Do it right and you'll change minds, open doors, get opportunities, turn adversar­ies into allies, make more money, and gain the kind of confidence that makes other people want to know you. From the first Pitch Power ("Know Your Acceptable Outcomes") to the last ("Finish with Confidence")--with invaluable strategies along the way on using your flubs to get a laugh, how to deal with push-back, and more--Sullivan reveals that pitching is all about engaging a person face-to-face and eye-to-eye so they feel like you're speaking directly to them, even if there are fifty other people in the room. It's turning a crowd of strangers with their arms folded into a legion of fans ready to say "yes" enthusiastically to whatever you propose, what Anthony Sullivan calls fierce agree­ment. It's the power to get the job, get the girl (or guy), get the part, make money, get better service, advance your career--do just about anything you want to do.

You Started Your Blog: Now What...?

by Gundi Gabrielle

<p>PLEASE NOTE: This book is written for COMPLETE BEGINNERS. <p>Those that have just set up their first blog and are now struggling with the next steps and where to go from here. It was written in response to feedback I received from my first book, which teaches the technical set up to complete beginners. I noticed patterns of what people were struggling with - often just even deciding what topic to focus on - and how blogging works in general. <p>This book will take you by the hand and guide you through the next steps - the solid, basic techniques that every successful blogger started with. There is no magic pill to suddenly attract thousands of followers - although there are a few techniques that can speed things up and we will cover them. Another area that is often underestimated is learning the WRITING STYLE OF BLOGGING, including how to format your posts.T his book goes into detail and provides resources for further training as that is obviously not something you will learn overnight. <p>We will also look at the characteristics of Viral blog posts, but - once again - don't expect a magic pill! Blogging is hard work and becoming a good blogger - a good blog writer - takes training and time, even if you are already experienced in writing. People read blogs differently than books and unless you adjust to that, you will have a hard time attracting an audience - no matter how experienced a writer you are. Finally, we wil go over the basic monetization strategies that are available to bloggers. <p>If you are new to blogging and are willing to put in the necessary work - and do so consistently - this book will give you a good basic start and take out much of the confusion new bloggers face. Of course, blogging also involves the powerful marketing techniques of SEO and Social Media and they are discussed in depth in part 3 and 4 of this series. I have personally found Kindle Publishing to be another great way to grow a blog following quickly - faster than any other technique actually - and so it is included as part 5 of this series. <p>Once again - if you are looking for advanced techniques, this book will not be for you - it is specifically aimed at beginners who have just started their first blog.</p>

Your Maryland: Little-Known Histories from the Shores of the Chesapeake to the Foothills of the Allegheny Mountains

by Ric Cottom

Four centuries of Maryland’s history in one colorful and dramatic volume."Good evening, I’m Ric Cottom. Welcome to Your Maryland." Since 2002, when he first delivered his now-classic radio segment on Maryland history, Ric Cottom has narrated hundreds of little-known human interest stories. Collected here are 72 of his favorite on-air pieces, enhanced with beautiful papercut illustrations by Baltimore artist Annie Howe. From accused witches and the murderous career of gunsmith John Dandy through tales of Johnny U and the greatest game ever played, Your Maryland covers nearly four centuries of the Free State’s heroes and scoundrels. Entertaining listeners of all ages while sparking their interest in the past, Cottom’s beloved Your Maryland is a unique blend of carefully researched regional history and narrative nonfiction. He deftly emphasizes the human dimension of Maryland’s colorful past: its athletes (two- and four-legged), beautiful spies, brilliant writers, misunderstood pirates, and ghosts. All of that color, suspense, and humor—as well as the author’s unusual talent for discovering interesting historical facts and personages—is part of your Maryland.

You're the Only One I Can Tell: Inside the Language of Women's Friendships

by Deborah Tannen

This warm, wise exploration of female friendship from the #1 bestselling author of You Just Don’t Understand will help women lean into these powerful relationships. Best friend, old friend, good friend, bff, college roommate, neighbor, workplace confidante: Women’s friendships are a lifeline in times of trouble and a support system for daily life. A friend can be like a sister, daughter, mother, mentor, therapist, or confessor—or she can be all of these at once. She’s seen you at your worst and celebrates you at your best. Figuring out what it means to be friends is, in the end, no less than figuring out how we connect to other people. In this illuminating and validating new book, #1 New York Times bestselling author Deborah Tannen deconstructs the ways women friends talk and how those ways can bring friends closer or pull them apart. From casual chatting to intimate confiding, from talking about problems to telling what you had for dinner, Tannen uncovers the patterns of communication and miscommunication that affect friendships at different points in our lives. She shows how even the best of friends—with the best intentions—can say the wrong thing, and how words can repair the damage done by words. Through Tannen’s signature insight, humor, and ability to present pitch-perfect real-life dialogue, readers will see themselves and their friendships on every page. The book explains • the power of women friends who show empathy, give advice—or just listen • how women use talk to connect to friends—and to subtly compete • how “Fear of Being Left Out” and “Fear of Getting Kicked Out” can haunt women’s friendships • how social media is reshaping communication and relationships Drawing on interviews with eighty women of diverse backgrounds, ranging in age from nine to ninety-seven, You’re the Only One I Can Tell gets to the heart of women’s friendships—how they work or fail, how they help or hurt, and how we can make them better.

You've Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets For A Distracted World

by Paul Hellman

Every day at work, people do three things: talk, listen, and pretend to listen. That’s not surprising—the average attention span has dropped to 8 seconds. To get heard, says high-stakes communications expert Paul Hellman, you need to focus your message, be slightly different, and deliver with finesse.Through fast, fun, actionable tips, You’ve Got 8 Seconds explains what works and what doesn’t, what’s forgettable and what sticks. With stories, scripts, and examples of good and bad messages, the book reveals three main strategies:FOCUS: Design a strong message—then say it in seconds.VARIETY: Make routine information come alive. PRESENCE: Convey confidence and command attentionYou’ll discover practical techniques, including the Fast-Focus Method™ that the author uses with leadership teams; how to stand out in the first seconds of a presentation; and 10 actions that spell executive presence.Whether pitching a project, giving a speech, selling a product, or just writing your next email, with You’ve Got 8 Seconds you’ll get heard, get remembered, and get results.

The Zen of You and Me: A Guide to Getting Along with Just About Anyone

by Diane Musho Hamilton

How to deal with interpersonal conflict--from a Zen perspective.The people who get under your skin the most can in fact be your greatest teachers. It’s not a matter of overlooking differences, as is often taught, but of regarding those difficult aspects of the relationship with curiosity and compassion--for those very differences offer a path to profound connection. Diane Hamilton’s practical, reality-based guide to living harmoniously with even your most irritating fellow humans—spouses, partners, colleagues, parents, children--shows that “getting along” is really a matter of discovering that our differences are nothing other than an expression of our even deeper shared unity.

Unaccustomed as I am...: The Wedding Speech Made Easy

by Michael Parker

All wedding types will be catered for: ­ big, small, religious, second marriage, atheist, straight, same-sex, church, field... All speakers will be addressed:­ bride, groom, father, mother, best woman and literally everyone in between... All eventualities will be planned for: ­ mic failures, drunk guests, missing brides, smashed glasses, weeping FOBs, forgotten words... All of which will be delightfully and wittily illustrated, with a mix of little-known wedding facts and a whole host of inspirational (or not) quotations.

101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions (25th Anniversary Edition)

by Ron Fry

<p>No matter how good you look, how much research you've done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won't get the job. <p><i>101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions</i> is a manual that will help you home in on exactly what the interviewer is trying to learn…with each and every question he or she asks. If you've never done well on interviews, never even been on a job interview, or just want to make sure a lousy interview doesn't cost you a job you really want, Ron Fry will help you get that job--as he has helped literally millions of people nationwide and throughout the world. <p>This brand-new 25th Anniversary Edition of <i>101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions</i> is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today's job market. Whatever your age and experience, whether you are seeking your very first job or finally breaking into the executive office, this is the one book you need to get that job.</p>

101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview (Fourth Edition)

by Ron Fry

<p><i>101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview<i> is for every job candidate who thinks the question "Do you have any questions for me?" marks the end of an interview. In Fry's view, it marks the beginning of the last and perhaps most important interview phase, one that's so important that failing to properly prepare for it can undo all the rest of your hard work, including providing great answers to tough questions. <p>Fry shows you how to take charge of the interview process, presenting yourself as the self-managing, versatile, and confident candidate most employers are seeking. He demonstrates how to use the interview process to sell the company on you while obtaining the information necessary to make sure you are sold on them. <p>From what to ask, when to ask it, and the kinds of answers to expect, <i>101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview</i> gives every candidate, from first-timers to seasoned pros, the practical information and advice they need to ace the entire interview…and get their dream job.</p>

60 Seconds and You're Hired!, Revised Edition

by Robin Ryan

Now fully revised and updated-the must-have guide to acing the interview and landing the dream job For the past decade, 60 Seconds & You're Hired! has helped thousands of job seekers get the perfect job by excelling at the crucial job interview. Now, in this new edition, America's top career coach Robin Ryan offers proven strategies to help readers take charge of the interview process and get the job they want. Brief, compact, and packed with useful tips, 60 Seconds & You're Hired! features:* Unique techniques like "The 60 Second Sell" and "The 5-Point Agenda"* More than 100 answers to tough interview questions* Questions you should always ask* 20 interview pitfalls to avoid* Negotiation techniques that secure higher salaries* And much more!From the Trade Paperback edition.

808 Conversation Starters for Couples: Spark Curious Chats During Dinner Time, Date Night or Any Moment

by Robin Westen

YOUR ULTIMATE LIST OF CASUAL CONVERSATION PROMPTS TO SPARK FUN AND INTERESTING DIALOGUE, DEEPEN COMMUNICATION, AND INCREASE INTIMACYFlip open to any page and start an interesting new conversation with your partner. You never know what passions, hopes or even funny stories might be revealed.•What would be the title of your autobiography?•Would you say you were born in the wrong decade?•What TV show is your guilty pleasure?•What are three jobs you definitely couldn&’t do?•What&’s the most important piece of advice you ever received?•What&’s the very first memory you can recall?

The Accidental Life: An Editor's Notes on Writing and Writers

by Terry Mcdonell

A celebration of the writing and editing life, as well as a look behind the scenes at some of the most influential magazines in America (and the writers who made them what they are). You might not know Terry McDonell, but you certainly know his work. Among the magazines he has top-edited: Outside, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and Sports Illustrated. In this revealing memoir, McDonell talks about what really happens when editors and writers work with deadlines ticking (or drinks on the bar). His stories about the people and personalities he's known are both heartbreaking and bitingly funny--playing "acid golf" with Hunter S. Thompson, practicing brinksmanship with David Carr and Steve Jobs, working the European fashion scene with Liz Tilberis, pitching TV pilots with Richard Price. Here, too, is an expert's practical advice on how to recruit--and keep--high-profile talent; what makes a compelling lede; how to grow online traffic that translates into dollars; and how, in whatever format, on whatever platform, a good editor really works, and what it takes to write well. Taking us from the raucous days of New Journalism to today's digital landscape, McDonell argues that the need for clear storytelling from trustworthy news sources has never been stronger. Says Jeffrey Eugenides: "Every time I run into Terry, I think how great it would be to have dinner with him. Hear about the writers he's known and edited over the years, what the magazine business was like back then, how it's changed and where it's going, inside info about Edward Abbey, Jim Harrison, Annie Proulx, old New York, and the Swimsuit issue. That dinner is this book."From the Hardcover edition.

The Accidental Life: An Editor's Notes on Writing and Writers

by Terry Mcdonell

A celebration of the writing and editing life, as well as a look behind the scenes at some of the most influential magazines in America (and the writers who made them what they are). You might not know Terry McDonell, but you certainly know his work. Among the magazines he has top-edited: Outside, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and Sports Illustrated. In this revealing memoir, McDonell talks about what really happens when editors and writers work with deadlines ticking (or drinks on the bar). His stories about the people and personalities he's known are both heartbreaking and bitingly funny--playing "acid golf" with Hunter S. Thompson, practicing brinksmanship with David Carr and Steve Jobs, working the European fashion scene with Liz Tilberis, pitching TV pilots with Richard Price. Here, too, is an expert's practical advice on how to recruit--and keep--high-profile talent; what makes a compelling lede; how to grow online traffic that translates into dollars; and how, in whatever format, on whatever platform, a good editor really works, and what it takes to write well. Taking us from the raucous days of New Journalism to today's digital landscape, McDonell argues that the need for clear storytelling from trustworthy news sources has never been stronger. Says Jeffrey Eugenides: "Every time I run into Terry, I think how great it would be to have dinner with him. Hear about the writers he's known and edited over the years, what the magazine business was like back then, how it's changed and where it's going, inside info about Edward Abbey, Jim Harrison, Annie Proulx, old New York, and the Swimsuit issue. That dinner is this book."From the Hardcover edition.

The Achieving Society

by Prof. David C. McClelland

Harvard University Professor David C. McClelland is chiefly known for his work on achievement motivation, but his research interests extended to personality and consciousness. He pioneered workplace motivational thinking, developing achievement-based motivational theory and models, and promoted improvements in employee assessment methods, advocating competency-based assessments and tests, arguing them to be better than traditional IQ and personality-based tests. His ideas have since been widely adopted in many organisations, and relate closely to the theory of Frederick Herzberg.He is most noted for describing three types of motivational need, which he identified in this book, The Achieving Society: 1. achievement motivation (n-ach), 2. authority/power motivation (n-pow), 3. affiliation motivation (n-affil).First published in 1961, his classic book provides a factual basis for evaluating economic, historical, and sociological theories that explain the rise and fall of civilizations.

Adiós to My Parents

by Héctor Aguilar Camín

It all begins with a faded photograph taken in Chetumal, Mexico in 1938, portraying Emma and Héctor, the parents of Héctor Aguilar Camín, as newlyweds. The author is moved to investigate his family origins, driven by a search for both a familial and personal identity. Adiós to My Parents is a painfully personal story about the need for a narrative that tells you where your grandparents come from, how your parents met, why they married or separated, why they were who they were and why you are who you are. In impeccable, moving prose, Héctor Aguilar Camín delves into his past as far as he can go, reflecting on how fate has lead him back to his parents, whom he hasn't seen for decades, on two different floors of a hospital where they both are ailing.

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