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Gender in Communication: A Critical Introduction

by Victoria Pruin Defrancisco Catherine H. Palczewski Danielle Mcgeough

Gender in Communication: A Critical Introduction, Second Edition examines the variety of ways in which communication of and about gender enables and constrains people’s identities. Authors Catherine Helen Palczewski and Victoria Pruin DeFrancisco, with Danielle Dick McGeough, demonstrate how communication constitutes gender, rather than presenting gender as an influence on communication. Operating from an intersectional gender diversity perspective, they show how a focus on gender/sex alone omits the richness of diverse gendered lives. In addition, they explore how gender is constructed through interpersonal and public discourse in, about, and by the social institutions of family, education, work, religion, and media. Throughout the book, readers are equipped with critical analysis tools they can use to form their own conclusions about the ever-changing processes of gender in communication.

George Alfred Townsend and Gathland: A Journalist and His Western Maryland Estate

by Dianne Wiebe

The youngest correspondent to cover the Civil War and a pioneer in newspaper syndication, George Alfred Townsend came from modest circumstances. Using the pen name of GATH, he rose to fame and fortune after the war, and his career brought him into contact with sitting presidents and luminaries such as Mark Twain. Though almost forgotten today in the canon of Maryland authors, GATH left a lasting legacy of literature and a most unique monument. He created a lavish summer estate near Boonsboro, Maryland, named Gapland--now called Gathland. He also famously erected the War Correspondents Memorial Arch, a monument to fellow wartime journalists. Today, GATH's estate is preserved and interpreted by a state park and its museums. His commanding arch remains a bold reminder of the creative genius of George Alfred Townsend.

Getting Started with Ghost

by Kezz Bracey David Balderston

If you are new to Ghost, this book is ideal for you. You might be completely new to content management systems or you might have experience with others such as WordPress. Some knowledge of web design basics such as HTML and CSS will be useful, but the book is designed so you can enter at the point relevant to you.

Git. Leksykon kieszonkowy

by Richard E. Silverman

"Podr?czny przewodnik po Git!Jeszcze do niedawna w?ród systemów kontroli wersj? fotel lidera zajmowa? SVN. Jednak ta sytuacja w ostatnich latach ulega diametralnej zmianie. Rynek systemów kontroli wersji opanowa?y systemy rozproszone, z Gitem na czele. Czemu zdoby?y tak? popularno??? Dzi?ki zastosowaniu Gita ka?dy programista dysponuje swoj? lokaln?, kompletn? kopi? ca?ego repozytorium. Pozwala to na b?yskawiczne wykonywanie typowych zada? i korzystanie z mo?liwo?ci kontroli wersji bez wp?ywu na repozytoria innych osób. A? do momentu, gdy stwierdzisz, ?e chcesz podzieli? si? efektami pracy z innymi.Brzmi interesuj?co? Je?li chcia?by? zg??bi? system Git, trafi?e? na doskona?? ksi??k?. Dzi?ki jej niewielkim rozmiarom mo?esz mie? j? zawsze przy sobie. Zmiana SVN na Git oprócz poznania nowych poj?? wymaga zmiany sposobu my?lenia. Ten leksykon pozwoli Ci w ka?dej chwili sprawdzi?, jak stworzy? nowe repozytorium czy ga??? oraz jak wprowadzi? zmiany i przes?a? je na centralny serwer. Ponadto dowiesz si?, jak ?ledzi? zdalne repozytoria, przegl?da? histori? zmian i scala? wersje. To doskona?a lektura dla wszystkich osób chc?cych b?yskawicznie pozna? mo?liwo?ci Gita i zacz?? stosowa? go w codziennej pracy.Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz filozofi? pracy z Gitem stworzysz repozytorium i zaczniesz z niego korzysta? nauczysz si? pracowa? z ga??ziami kodu biegle opanujesz system GitPoznaj rozproszony system kontroli wersji!"

Git Version Control Cookbook

by Rasmus Voss Aske Olsson

This practical guide contains a wide variety of recipes, taking you through all the topics you need to know about to fully utilize the most advanced features of the Git system. If you are a software developer or a build and release engineer who uses Git in your daily work and want to take your Git knowledge to the next level, then this book is for you. To understand and follow the recipes included in this book, basic knowledge of Git command-line code is mandatory.

GitLab Cookbook

by Jeroen Van Baarsen

This book is aimed at developers and devops that have a GitLab server running, and want to be sure they use it to its full potential. This book will also be useful for people looking for a great Git platform, and learn how to set it up successfully. Some system administrating experience on a UNIX-based system would be useful, but is not required.

Give Me Liberty: Speakers and Speeches that Have Shaped America

by Christopher L. Webber

Sure to become a classic of American oratorical history, ?Give Me Liberty reveals the enduring power of America's quest for a freer and more just society, and the context of the speeches and speakers--from Daniel Webster and Patrick Henry to Martin Luther King and Ronald Reagan--that gave voice to the struggle. ? "Give me liberty," demanded Patrick Henry, "or give me death!" Henry's words continue to echo in American history and that quote, and the speech it comes from, remains one of the two or three known to almost every American. The other speeches that have become part of our American collective consciousness all have one theme in common: liberty. These feats of oration seem to trace the evolution of America's definition of liberty, and who it applies to. But what exact is liberty? It is a term open to a broad range of opinion, and questions about freedom arise daily in the news and in everyday life. Perhaps uniquely among the nations of the world, the United States traces its origins to groups and individuals who specifically wanted create something new. Webber's insightful Give Me Liberty looks at these great speeches and provides the historical context, focusing attention on particular individuals who summed up the issues of their own day in words that have never been forgotten. Webber gleans lessons from the past centuries that will allow us to continue to strive for the ideals of liberty in the 21st century.

Glass Jaw: A Manifesto For Defending Fragile Reputations In An Age Of Instant Scandal

by Eric Dezenhall

In an age when scandal can destroy a company's brand or anyone's reputation in an instant-GLASS JAW is an Art of War guide to modern crisis management. In boxing terms, a tough-looking fighter who can't take a punch is said to have a "glass jaw," and so it is these days with targets of controversy. Down the rabbit hole of scandal, the weak are strong and the strong are weak. Just consider this slate of recent reputational body blows: Toyota, Susan G. Komen, Paula Deen, Tiger Woods, Joe Paterno, BP, the Duke Lacrosse players, Lance Armstrong, and Anthony Weiner. GLASS JAW is a manifesto for these times, written by crisis management veteran Eric Dezenhall, who has spent three decades dealing with some of the most intense controversies, both known and . . . handled with discretion. In the current digital age, the fundamental nature of controversy is viral, rendering once-mighty organizations and individuals powerless against scandal. In GLASS JAW, Dezenhall analyzes scandal and demystifies the paper tiger "spin" industry, offering lessons, corrective measures, and counterintuitive insights, such as: How there really is no "getting ahead" of a bad story (and other clichés from the media) The perils of navigating the "Fiasco Vortex" The art (and transaction) of the public apology Why a crisis is not an opportunity The Nixon Fallacy: if only he had just said "I screwed up," the whole thing would have gone away (not a chance) How you are the enemy: the self-sabotage of selfies, tweets, emailing before thinking, technology creep, the privacy vacuum, and the industrialization of leaking. From the boardroom to the parenting messaging board, scandals erupt every day. GLASS JAW explains this changing nature of controversy and offers readers counterpunches to best protect themselves.

Global Communication: Theories, Stakeholders and Trends

by Thomas L. McPhail

Global Communication is the most definitive text on multi-national communication and media conglomerates, exploring how global media influences both audiences and policy makers around the world. This new edition is comprehensively updated to reflect the many fast moving developments associated with this dynamic field. A new edition of the most definitive text on multi-national communication and media conglomerates, each chapter updated with extensive new details Covers the expanding area of global communication and describes major multimedia conglomerates, particularly in the USA, including the purchase of NBC-Universal by Comcast and Disney's expansion in China Includes new information on the phone hacking scandal by News Corporation’s employees in the UK Explains the significant changes in the communication industry both in the US and elsewhere Chronicles the continuing story of the development of Arab Media with new coverage on the Arab Spring Offers an updated companion website with instructor's manual, test banks and student activities, available upon publication at

Global Communication: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Shanti Kumar Joseph D. Straubhaar Karin G. Wilkins

This volume interrogates what "global" means in the context of "communication," and who benefits from global communication practices and industries. Emerging scholars contribute their unique perspectives in communication scholarship, charting innovative directions for research that connects empirical evidence with pressing questions of social significance. This critical reflection leads to considering problems that result from the way global communication becomes mobilized, in the practice of journalism and development as well as the ICT industry. Global Communication defines the term "globalization," through understanding the cultural geography of global, regional, national, and local media. Critical evaluations of media production, distribution, and consumption practices, within cultural contexts, offer insights into how people "mediate" the global. Chapters draw attention to communications in Latin America, the Arab World, and South Asia, complicating territorial boundaries and exploring how local audience and industry practices work within global as well as local configurations.

Global Goods and the Spanish Empire, 1492–1824

by Bethany Aram Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla

Drawing upon economic history, cultural studies, intellectual history and the history of science and medicine, this collection of case studies examines the transatlantic transfer and transformation of goods and ideas, with particular emphasis on their reception in Europe.

Global Journalism Practice and New Media Performance

by Yusuf Kalyango Jr David H Mould

Global Journalism Practice and New Media Performance provides an overview of new and traditional media in their political, economic and cultural contexts while exploring the role of journalism practice and media education. The authors examine media systems in 16 countries, including China, Russia and the United States.

A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Jake Lynch

A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict constructs an argument from first principles to identify what constitutes good journalism. It explores and synthesises key concepts from political and communication theory to delineate the role of journalism in public spheres. And it shows how these concepts relate to ideas from peace research, in the form of Peace Journalism. Thinkers whose contributions are examined along the way include Michel Foucault, Johan Galtung, John Paul Lederach, Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manuel Castells and Jurgen Habermas. The book argues for a critical realist approach, considering critiques of ‘correspondence’ theories of representation to propose an innovative conceptualisation of journalistic epistemology in which ‘social truths’ can be identified as the basis for the journalistic remit of factual reporting. If the world cannot be accessed as it is, then it can be assembled as agreed – so long as consensus on important meanings is kept under constant review. These propositions are tested by extensive fieldwork in four countries: Australia, the Philippines, South Africa and Mexico.

Global Writing for Public Relations: Connecting in English with Stakeholders and Publics Worldwide

by Arhlene A. Flowers

Global Writing for Public Relations: Connecting in English with Stakeholders and Publics Worldwide provides multiple resources to help students and public relations practitioners learn best practices for writing in English to communicate and connect with a global marketplace. Author Arhlene Flowers has created a new approach on writing for public relations by combining intercultural communication, international public relations, and effective public relations writing techniques. Global Writing for Public Relations offers the following features: Insight into the evolution of English-language communication in business and public relations, as well as theoretical and political debates on global English and globalization; An understanding of both a global thematic and customized local approach in creating public relations campaigns and written materials; Strategic questions to help writers develop critical thinking skills and understand how to create meaningful communications materials for specific audiences; Storytelling skills that help writers craft compelling content; Real-world global examples from diverse industries that illustrate creative solutions; Step-by-step guidance on writing public relations materials with easy-to-follow templates to reach traditional and online media, consumers, and businesses; Self-evaluation and creative thinking exercises to improve cultural literacy, grammar, punctuation, and editing skills for enhanced clarity; and Supplemental online resources for educators and students. English is the go-to business language across the world, and this book combines the author's experience training students and seasoned professionals in crafting public relations materials that resonate with global English-language audiences. It will help public relations students and practitioners become proficient and sophisticated writers with the ability to connect with diverse audiences worldwide.

The Globalization of Chinese Propaganda

by Kingsley Edney

This book investigates the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party's crucial goal of using the propaganda system to consolidate its power within the domestic political environment and its prominent recent attempts to use propaganda overseas to increase China's international power.

Going Pro

by J. M. Snyder

Going Pro: One Author’s Advice on Getting Published with Small and Electronic Pressesis a concise guide that offers advice on all aspects of writing for publication. From finding the time to write to finding beta readers, from navigating all the elements of a successful submissions packet to understanding a publishing contract to marketing your newly published book -- here I offer the best advice I can on getting your first story from a file on your computer to an e-book released by a small or electronic press.Topics covered include: polishing your manuscript, finding the right publisher, working with an editor, writing blurbs, and promoting your book. I give detailed explanations of submission guidelines, contracts, rights and copyrights, cover art, and marketing plans. I also offer advice on what to do when things don’t go quite as you plan, whether it’s a bad review or a pirate site, or your publisher folds.It can be intimidating when you’re just starting out and trying to get published. I know, I’ve been there, too. So if you’re interested in getting your stories published with a small press or e-book publisher, let me help you through the process!

Good for You, Great for Me: Finding the Trading Zone and Winning at Win-Win Negotiation

by Lawrence Susskind

"Win-win" negotiation is an appealing idea on an intellectual level: Find the best way to convince the other side to accept a mutually beneficial outcome, and everyone gets their fair share. The reality, though, is that people do not want a fair share; they want to win. Tell your boss that you concocted a deal where your company got its piece of the pie, and the reaction is likely to be: "Maybe we need to find someone harder-nosed than you who knows how to win." However, to return to an earlier era before "win-win" negotiation was in fashion and seek simply to dominate or bully grudging opponents into submission would be a step in the wrong direction- and a public relations disaster.Into this dilemma steps renowned expert Lawrence Susskind with a brilliant new negotiation paradigm he calls "the trading zone." Good for You, Great for Me provides the missing operational guidelines for winning negotiations in business, family disputes, international relations, or public affairs without undermining trust or ruining relationships. It provides not just new principles but new tools- six operational steps to take after you've found your way into the trading zone- to ensure you get as large a share of the pie as possible.Good for You, Great for Me also provides guidance for handling special situations such as dealing with huge power differentials (the 900 pound gorilla), liars, and irrational people; the addition of lots more parties to the negotiation; a history of bad relationships; negotiating when the relationship is too important to lose; and trying to make deals in cross-cultural situations.

Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and Authority

by Caroline Goyder

Have you ever wondered why some people earn attention and respect when they speak and others don't? The secret to their success can be summed up in one word: gravitas. In this revolutionary new book, leading voice coach and speaker Caroline Goyder reveals how to speak so others will listen. Through simple techniques to build your natural gravitas, you will learn how to express yourself clearly with passion and confidence to persuade, influence and engage listeners. By being grounded in your values and capabilities, you will gain the authority needed to make people sit up and pay attention.Each chapter guides you step-by-step through practical techniques and exercises to give you the skills for great presentations, productive meetings and persuasive pitches. You'll overcome anxiety, learn how to deal with difficult people and feel calm and in control when public speaking. An essential tool for the modern workplace, Gravitas will transform the way you think about yourself and your powers of communication.

A Guide to Writing as an Engineer

by David Beer David Mcmurrey

Written for engineers, this book provides more than technical know-how and focuses on how to be an effective communicator. This new edition helps to eliminate the glitches that trip up the busy reader or listener, causing annoyance, confusion, or misunderstanding'so that their writing and speech are crystal clear. This text also focuses on the technical writing and speaking issues encountered in day to day work, writing reports, business letter, memoranda, proposals, emails, presentations, and more. The new edition includes new coverage of social media, including coverage of popular forms, best practices, dangers and ethics of using social media, and expanded coverage of informal communication.

The Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm 1990–1991 (Modern Warfare)

by Anthony Tucker-Jones

This photographic history of Operation Desert Storm vividly captures the drama and humanity of each stage of the conflict. In the early 1990s, the American military led a coalition of United Nations forces to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. With more than 180 color photographs, The Gulf War provides a remarkable visual account of the conflict, documenting the vast array of military equipment deployed by both sides in the air, at sea and on land. Author and military expert Anthony Tucker-Jones, who was an analyst for British Defense Intelligence at the time of the conflict, describes the armed forces that were ranged against each other, including troops, armored vehicles, artillery pieces and aircraft. He also offers a concise overview of key events, including the preliminary air campaign, the elimination of the Iraqi navy, the coalition's ground offensive, tank battles, the liberation of Kuwait City, and more.

Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch

by Nick Davies

Since 2006, award-winning investigative journalist Nick Davies has worked tirelessly — determined, driven, brilliant — to uncover the truth about the goings on behind the scenes at the News of the World and News International. This book brings us the definitive, inside story of the whole scandal.In Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch, Nick Davies reveals how he worked with a network of lawyers, politicians, and celebrities to expose the facts and to stand up to Rupert Murdoch, arguably one of the most powerful men in the world; how News International attempted to protect itself with lies and threats and money; how the police and the press regulators failed; how the prime minister ended up with the wrong man inside his office. This book discloses in detail for the first time the full extent of crimes committed by the corporation and other Fleet Street papers, and probes the relationship between Murdoch and his network with government. It is also a thrilling, nail-biting account of an investigative journalist’s journey, showing us how the quest unfolded, and is a shining example of the might of good journalism. This is not simply a story about journalists behaving badly, this is a story about power and truth.Ambitious, comprehensive, gripping, essential — Hack Attack is the definitive book about the biggest scandal of our age. There will be no other book like it.

Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous

by Gabriella Coleman

Here is the ultimate book on the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists that operates under the non-name Anonymous, by the writer the Huffington Post says "knows all of Anonymous' deepest, darkest secrets."Half a dozen years ago, anthropologist Gabriella Coleman set out to study the rise of this global phenomenon just as some of its members were turning to political protest and dangerous disruption (before Anonymous shot to fame as a key player in the battles over WikiLeaks, the Arab Spring, and Occupy Wall Street). She ended up becoming so closely connected to Anonymous that the tricky story of her inside-outside status as Anon confidante, interpreter, and erstwhile mouthpiece forms one of the themes of this witty and entirely engrossing book.The narrative brims with details unearthed from within a notoriously mysterious subculture, whose semi-legendary tricksters--such as Topiary, tflow, Anachaos, and Sabu--emerge as complex, diverse, politically and culturally sophisticated people. Propelled by years of chats and encounters with a multitude of hackers, including imprisoned activist Jeremy Hammond and the double agent who helped put him away, Hector Monsegur, Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy is filled with insights into the meaning of digital activism and little understood facets of culture in the Internet age, including the history of "trolling," the ethics and metaphysics of hacking, and the origins and manifold meanings of "the lulz."

Handbook of Language and Literacy, Second Edition

by C. Addison Stone Elaine R. Silliman Barbara J. Ehren Geraldine P. Wallach

An acclaimed reference that fills a significant gap in the literature, this volume examines the linkages between spoken and written language development, both typical and atypical. Leading authorities address the impact of specific language-related processes on K-12 literacy learning, with attention to cognitive, neurobiological, sociocultural, and instructional issues. Approaches to achieving optimal learning outcomes with diverse students are reviewed. The volume presents research-based practices for assessing student needs and providing effective instruction in all aspects of literacy: word recognition, reading comprehension, writing, and spelling. New to This Edition *Chapters on digital literacy, disciplinary literacy, and integrative research designs. *Chapters on bilingualism, response to intervention, and English language learners. *Incorporates nearly a decade's worth of empirical and theoretical advances. *Numerous prior edition chapters have been completely rewritten.

Handbook of Social Media Management: Value Chain and Business Models in Changing Media Markets

by Mike Friedrichsen Wolfgang Mühl-Benninghaus

Digitization and Web 2.0 have brought about continuous change from traditional media management to new strategic, operative and normative management options. Social media management is on the agenda of every media company, and requires a new set of specialized expertise on digital products and communication. At the same time, social media has become a vibrant field of research for media economists and media management researchers. In this handbook, international experts present a comprehensive account of the latest developments in social media research and management, consistently linking classical media management with social media. The articles discuss new theoretical approaches as well as empirical findings and applications, yielding an interesting overview of interdisciplinary and international approaches. The book's main sections address forms and content of social media; impact and users; management with social media; and a new value chain with social media. The book will serve as a valuable reference work for researchers, students and professionals working in media and public relations.

The HBR 20-Minute Manager Collection

by Harvard Business Review

For today's time-strapped manager or professional, setting aside time to brush up on key management skills is almost impossible. Luckily, Harvard Business Review's 20-Minute Manager Collection is here to help. Designed to get you up to speed quickly, with learnings you can apply immediately, this digital collection will help you sharpen the most essential business skills.This set includes full digital editions of all eight books in the series, including HBR's 20-Minute Managers on: Finance Basics, Presentations, Managing Projects, Delegating, Running Meetings, Managing Time, Managing Up, and Creating Business Plans. Each of these is primer on these necessary skills-all from the most trusted name in business.Whether you're looking for a crash course or a brief refresher, you'll find just what you need to succeed in the HBR 20-Minute Manager Collection.About the HBR 20-Minute Manager series:Get up to speed fast on essential business skills. Whether you're looking for a crash course or a brief refresher, you'll find just what you need in HBR's 20-Minute Manager series-foundational reading for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives. Each book is a concise, practical primer, so you'll have time to brush up on a variety of key management topics. Advice you can quickly read and apply, from the most trusted source in business.

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