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Showing 101 through 125 of 53,804 results

Engaños digitales, víctimas reales: Historias de estafas por internet y hackeos en la Argentina

by Sebastián Davidovsky

A partir de nueve casos reales ocurridos en la Argentina, Sebastián Davidovsky, periodista especializado en tecnología, explica delitos como grooming, hackeo, phishing y ransomware. Cada caso sirve para conocer cómo operan los criminales, cómo funcionan las estafas y cómo estar prevenidos para evitarlas. Usamos mail, apps, WhatsApp, home banking, archivamos, compramos, subimos fotos. Y no percibimos que, del otro lado, alguien acecha todos nuestros datos y la intimidad. A partir de nueve casos argentinos, Sebastián Davidovsky explica cómo operan los criminales a través del grooming, phishing, ransomware y otros delitos a los que todos estamos expuestos. Dice María O'Donnell que "a los que nos acercamos a la tecnología con ingenuidad, pero agradecidos por las oportunidades que ofrece, este libro resulta tan ameno como inquietante. No abruma con datos ni pretende convertirnos al nerdismo, pero con hechos reales -que reconstruye con precisión- alerta sobre riesgos poco evidentes. Las historias iluminan sobre qué pasa cuando las cosas funcionan mal en una red a la que entregamos más información de lo prudente. Sebastián nos saca de la zona de comodidad, porque estamos acostumbrados a disfrutar de las soluciones, pero no nos ponemos a pensar en qué nos quitan". Para Tomás Balmaceda, "por su volumen e impacto, es posible que estos nuevos delitos estén a punto de tenernos como víctimas (si no es que ya nos pasó). Con olfato para las grandes historias, rigor investigativo y un ritmo que no descansa, en este libro hay casos de la Argentina que nos obligan a repensar nuestra conducta digital. Además de entretener y crear conciencia, Sebastián brinda consejos para evitar ser víctimas de estos nuevos criminales, que no usan máscaras ni llevan ganzúas, sino que se esconden detrás de un usuario y una pantalla".

Big data & Política: De los relatos a los datos. Persuadir en la era de las redes sociales

by Luciano Galup

El primer libro de uno de los analistas de marketing y consultoría con mayor proyección de los últimos años; un análisis pormenorizado de cómo la información se ha convertido en uno de los bienes más valiosos y las redes sociales en el medio esencial para la comunicación política en lo que va del siglo XXI. Vivimos en la era de los datos. Casi toda la actividad humana deja una huella digital que es almacenable y analizable. Los datos y las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta clave para la comunicación de nuestras sociedades y también para la orientación del debate público. Una parte cada vez más importante de los recursos de campañas políticas y de gobierno se destinan a las estrategias de análisis de datos y de comunicación digital. También crece el interés de los ciudadanos por el uso de los datos y de las redes sociales como mecanismos de participación y de seducción de voluntades. Casos como el de Cambridge Analytica y Facebook o la popularización de términos como "postverdad" o "noticias falsas" (fake news) amplificaron la difusión y el interés en las estrategias de comunicación política orientadas a redes sociales y la manipulación de información de los usuarios. Luciano Galup, uno de los mayores expertos argentinos en comunicación digital, analiza las transformaciones que estos medios revolucionarios entrañan para la política y para nuestra vida diaria. Explora cómo nos estamos adaptando a un mundo que produce cantidades desproporcionadas de información a velocidades irrefrenables. Estudia cómo se construye un candidato electoral en base a los datos sobre los votantes, en un contexto de fragmentación y microculturas, en el que un político ya no sólo debe saber hablar sino aprender a escuchar; y, a su vez, cómo se garantiza una participación amplia, transparente y genuina de la ciudadanía en el debate público. Y se pregunta, sobre todo, cómo comunicarse más y mejor para devolverle prestigio y credibilidad a la política y a la información, de cara a un mundo nuevo lleno de incertidumbres y grandes posibilidades.

Tecnoceno: Algoritmos, biohackers y nuevas formas de vida

by Flavia Costa

Descripción de esta era en la que, mediante la puesta en marcha de tecnologías de alta complejidad y altísimo riesgo, dejamos huellas en el mundo que exponen no solo a las poblaciones de hoy, sino a las generaciones futuras, de nuestra especie y de otras especies, en los próximos milenios. Chernóbil, la crisis financiera de 2008, los incendios en el Amazonas o la pandemia de coronavirus no son eventos aislados. Son "accidentes normales", síntomas del crecimiento y la destrucción acelerados, que, en menos de setenta años, transformaron nuestra vida y la del planeta para siempre. En Tecnoceno Flavia Costa delinea con sutileza la trama cultural y política de este mundoambiente alucinatorio cuya virtualidad se sostiene en una red material hecha de cables, satélites y edificios, por donde desfilan bioartistas, ciencia forense, organizaciones de derechos humanos, sistemas de vigilancia y empresarios transhumanistas. Y advierte sobre el papel clave que cumplen hoy las huellas: las biométricas, las comportamentales y las que dejamos en el suelo, la atmósfera y los océanos. Unas porque su capitalización ha desatado una feroz batalla geopolítica. Otras porque de ellas depende el futuro de la Tierra. «Los "accidentes normales" no son producto de una guerra, una negligencia o un sabotaje, sino que son inseparables de la productividad del sistema, de su desarrollo, de su incremento y de las contingencias que siempre se abren cuando se dispara una acción tecnológica hipercompleja hacia el futuro.» «Estamos ante una nueva cultura del yo que se exhibe ante los demás; un sujeto que, así como asume la individualidad somática, se reconoce también como emisor continuo de señales, como obra viviente, que se experimenta, se expresa, se juzga y actúa sobre sí, en parte, en el lenguaje del espectáculo. Y que se entrena como creador de su propia audiencia.»

Ruidos en la web: Cómo se informan los adolescentes en la era digital

by Roxana Morduchowicz

Este es un libro sobre los adolescentes. También sobre las tecnologías. Y sobre ciudadanía y política. Desde estos cuatro ejes y analiza las serias dificultades que tienen los jóvenes para buscar, procesar, seleccionar, evaluar y utilizar el enorme caudal de información que circula hoy en internet. Adolescencia, tecnología, educación y cultura ciudadana: sobre estos cuatro ejes se asienta Ruidos en la web para explorar un interrogante crucial: cómo se informan los jóvenes en un universo de saberes sin límites. La pregunta es asediada a partir de múltiples enfoques: desde la forma en que los chicos utilizan internet para las tareas escolares, los nuevos hábitos propios de esta era tecnológica, su impacto en el espacio doméstico, el cambio en el concepto de autoridad cuando se trata de acudir a una fuente de información, la dificultad para distinguir entre contenidos falsos y genuinos. Y de esta problemática se desprende la preocupación por el modo en que se está formando la futura dirigencia y sus consecuencias sobre la democracia. Con un estilo ameno que no va en desmedro del rigor académico, Roxana Morduchowicz, especialista en cultura juvenil y en la relación de los chicos con las pantallas e internet, brinda un panorama de la situación, desmitifica postulados poco consistentes, se resiste a los clichés y pone en agenda un tema de interés universal.

Los dueños de internet: Cómo nos dominan los gigantes de la tecnología y qué hacer para cambiarlo

by Natalia Zuazo

Este libro propone cambiar la lógica monopólica de internet y adueñarnos de nuestro propio modo de relacionarnos con la tecnología para vivir en un mundo más equitativo. En este preciso instante, la mitad de las personas están conectadas a Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple y Amazon. En los últimos años, las grandes plataformas tecnológicas se convirtieron en las empresas más ricas del planeta sin usar la violencia. Su poder se consolidó gracias a los millones de usuarios como nosotros que les confían su atención y sus datos a través de teléfonos móviles y algoritmos. Hoy internet es un club de cinco grandes monopolios que generan desigualdad. Un puñado de corporaciones domina el mundo como antes lo hicieron las potencias coloniales. ¿Cómo construyó Microsoft un imperio del conocimiento? ¿Cómo predice Google nuestros movimientos? ¿Cómo cimentó Facebook su poderío informativo? ¿Cómo maneja Uber el mundo de transporte? Pero sobre todo, ¿cómo podemos revertir esta situación? En este libro, la periodista especializada en tecnopolítica Natalia Zuazo se sumerge en el universo de estas grandes corporaciones para entender sus fines. Y cuenta otras historias donde la tecnología está siendo usada con otra lógica: la de una sociedad más equitativa. "Las grandes plataformas tecnológicas son los monopolios que hoy dominan el mundo. Unos pocos jugadores controlan la actividad en cada sector. Google lidera las búsquedas, la publicidad y el aprendizaje automatizado. Facebook, el mercado de las noticias y la información. Amazon dirige el comercio en gran parte de Occidente mientras avanza en generar y distribuir sus propios productos. Uber no sólo quiere intermediar y ganar dinero con cada viaje, sino que busca convertirse en la empresa que transporte los bienes del futuro, incluso sin necesidad de conductores. Con remera y un ejército de relacionistas públicos que difunden anuncios a favor de los más necesitados, hoy el Club de los Cinco ha conquistado el mundo como antes lo hicieron las grandes potencias. La diferencia es que en vez de construir palacios y grandes murallas, se instalan en oficinas abiertas y llenas de luz en Silicon Valley. Y en lugar de evangelizar con sacerdotes y predicadores, se nutren del capitalismo del like y de cada dato que cedemos de nuestra vida. Cien años después, vivimos un nuevo colonialismo."

Chicas en Tecnología®: Reiniciando el sistema

by Mariana Varela Carolina Hadad Sofía Contreras

La tecnología tiene un papel determinante en lo cotidiano: el trabajo, la educación y la vida social. Pero es un área desigual para las mujeres. Este libro da cuenta de la brecha de género en tecnología y de la invisibilización de las pioneras y las líderes, pero es también una invitación a reiniciar el sistema, a que las mujeres consideren a la tecnología como una aliada para mejorar el mundo. La tecnología tiene un papel determinante en lo cotidiano: el trabajo, la educación y la vida social. Pero es un área profundamente desigual para las mujeres. La disparidad comienza en la infancia -a las niñas les regalan una cocinita y a los niños, videojuegos- y continúa durante la escolarización, la formación profesional, la capacitación, en el ambiente laboral o cuando deciden emprender. Las mujeres chocan constantemente con la estigmatización, la mirada estereotipada, la brecha salarial, discriminación y violencia. Cuando en 2015 Sofía Contreras, Carolina Hadad, Melina Masnatta y Mariana Varela crearon la organización Chicas en Tecnología® con el objetivo de achicar la brecha de género en ese campo, el feminismo no tenía la fuerza de hoy en la escena pública, y si bien se ganaron derechos, aún falta mucho. Con datos, fuentes, investigaciones, análisis y la experiencia de las autoras, este libro evidencia las barreras que las mujeres enfrentan en el ambiente tecnológico, pero además propone cambios e ideas en educación, liderazgo, emprendedorismo, mentoreo. Rescata de la invisibilización a las pioneras y demuestra por qué es fundamental que haya cada vez más líderes mujeres y multiplicidad de voces. Chicas en Tecnología® es una invitación a reiniciar el sistema, a que las mujeres consideren a la tecnología como una aliada para mejorar el mundo.

7R: Las siete revoluciones tecnológicas que transformarán nuestra vida

by Joan Cwaik

El siglo XXI dejará su huella en la historia gracias al desarrollo de tecnologías emergentes que están generando una revolución que va más allá de lo industrial porque también involucra aspectos sociales, económicos y culturales. Decir que el mundo avanza a pasos agigantados es una frase trillada pero real. Todavía los autos no vuelan y no vacacionamos en el espacio, pero el siglo XXI va a dejar su huella en la historia gracias al desarrollo de las tecnologías emergentes. Aunque la ciencia ficción y la filosofía imaginaron todos estos adelantos, se está generando una nueva revolución que va más allá de lo industrial porque también involucra aspectos sociales, económicos y culturales. Joan Cwaik, investigador y especialista en innovación tecnológica, explica con claridad en qué consisten estos nuevos avances y cómo van a cambiar la vida de las personas. Las criptomonedas, el big data, las ciudades inteligentes, la impresión 3D, los robots, la Internet de las Cosas y la realidad virtual y la aumentada llegaron para quedarse y van a transformarnos para siempre.

A Study on the Creation, Impact and Legal Issues of Crypto Special Drawing Rights (Modern China and International Economic Law)

by Leo Zeng

This book analyzes the concept, theory, rules, and impact of the reform of the international monetary system and Crypto-SDRs and provides a feasibility analysis of the combination of blockchain technology and SDRs. It explores and summarizes the possibility of solving problems such as the inherent defects of the current international monetary system and creatively suggests that the birth of Crypto-SDR will have a positive impact on countries and industries and fields around the world, especially in anti-money laundering, cross-border asset recovery, international payments, banking, insurance, financial auditing, Fintech regulation, etc.

Innovative Technologies for Printing, Packaging and Digital Media (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1144)

by Huihui Song Min Xu Li Yang Linghao Zhang Shu Yan

This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 14th China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2023), held in Beijing, China on November 24-26, 2023. The proceedings cover the latest findings in color science and technology, image processing technology, digital media technology, mechanical and electronic engineering and numerical control, materials and detection, printing and packaging technology, and so on. As such, the book is of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in the fields of color science, image science, materials science, computer science, digital media, network technology, smart manufacturing technology and printing and packaging.

Automotive Human-Machine Interaction (Research on Automotive Intelligent Cockpit)

by Jun Ma Zaiyan Gong

This book focuses on the evaluation methodology for automotive human-machine interaction (HMI), which aim to reduce driving distractions, lower operational loads, optimize user experience design, and enhance user value.The book is divided into three parts. The first part, consisting of Chapters 1–3, introduces the evolution of automotive HMI and proposes a three-dimensional orthogonal evaluation system for automotive HMI that is comprehensive, systematic, and quantifiable. This evaluation system incorporates all evaluation items into a spatial matrix consisting of three dimensions: interaction tasks, interaction modalities, and evaluation indexes. The second part provides a comprehensive presentation and in-depth discussion of the evaluation indexes. The three rational evaluation indexes are utility, safety, and efficiency, which can be tested by the real-car driving simulator. The four emotional evaluation indexes are cognition, intelligence, value, and aesthetics. In orderto standardize the latter two subjective indexes, this book summarizes common differences in value between Chinese and European users and organizes typical aesthetic orientations in automotive UI based on art history research. The third part introduces the application of this HMI evaluation system in the automotive R&D process, including how to integrate the evaluation into a real product development process to achieve efficient product iteration.This book is suitable for intelligent cockpit and HMI designers, engineers, and researchers. It is also used as a reference for product managers and students in the field of intelligent connected vehicles.

Biomedical Image Analysis: Special Applications in MRIs and CT scans (Brain Informatics and Health)

by Pritpal Singh

This book provides an in-depth study of biomedical image analysis. Itreviews and summarizes previous research work in biomedical image analysis andalso provides a brief introduction to other computation techniques, such asfuzzy sets, neutrosophic sets, clustering algorithm and fast forward quantumoptimization algorithm, focusing on how these techniques can be integrated intodifferent phases of the biomedical image analysis. In particular, this bookdescribes novel methods resulting from the fuzzy sets, neutrosophic sets,clustering algorithm and fast forward quantum optimization algorithm. It alsodemonstrates how a new quantum-clustering based model can be successfullyapplied in the context of clustering the COVID-19 CT scans. Thanks to itseasy-to-read style and the clear explanations of the models, the book can beused as a concise yet comprehensive reference guide to biomedical imageanalysis, and will be valuable not only for graduate students, but also forresearchers and professionals working for academic, business and governmentinstitutes and medical colleges.

Global COVID-19 Research and Modeling: A Historical Record (Data Analytics)

by Longbing Cao

This book provides answers to fundamental and challenging questions regarding the global response to COVID-19. It creates a historical record of COVID-19 research conducted over the four years of the pandemic, with a focus on how researchers have responded, quantified, and modeled COVID-19 problems. Since mid-2021, we have diligently monitored and analyzed global scientific efforts in tackling COVID-19. Our comprehensive global endeavor involves collecting, processing, analyzing, and discovering COVID-19 related scientific literature in English since January 2020. This provides insights into how scientists across disciplines and almost every country and regions have fought against COVID-19. Additionally, we explore the quantification of COVID-19 problems and impacts through mathematics, AI, machine learning, data science, epidemiology, and domain knowledge. The book reports findings on publication quantities, impacts, collaborations, and correlations with the economy and infectionsglobally, regionally, and country-wide. These results represent the first and only holistic and systematic studies aimed at scientifically understanding, quantifying, and containing the pandemic. We hope this comprehensive analysis will contribute to better preparedness, response, and management of future emergencies and inspire further research in infectious diseases. The book also serves as a valuable resource for research policy, funding management authorities, researchers, policy makers, and funding bodies involved in infectious disease management, public health, and emergency resilience.

Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing: 18th International Conference, GPC 2023, Harbin, China, September 22–24, 2023, Proceedings; Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14504)

by Hai Jin Zhiwen Yu Chen Yu Xiaokang Zhou Zeguang Lu Xianhua Song

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, GPC 2023, held in Harbin, China, during September 23–24, 2023.The 38 full papers and 1 short paper included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Industrial Digitization and Applications, Edge Intelligence, Mobile Sensing and Computing, Cyber-Physical-Social Systems, Pervasive and Green Computing and Wireless and Ubiquitous Networking.

Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing: 18th International Conference, GPC 2023, Harbin, China, September 22–24, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14503)

by Hai Jin Zhiwen Yu Chen Yu Xiaokang Zhou Zeguang Lu Xianhua Song

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, GPC 2023, held in Harbin, China, during September 23–24, 2023.The 38 full papers and 1 short paper included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 111 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Industrial Digitization and Applications, Edge Intelligence, Mobile Sensing and Computing, Cyber-Physical-Social Systems, Pervasive and Green Computing and Wireless and Ubiquitous Networking.

Health Information Processing: 9th China Health Information Processing Conference, CHIP 2023, Hangzhou, China, October 27–29, 2023, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1993)

by Hua Xu Qingcai Chen Hongfei Lin Fei Wu Lei Liu Buzhou Tang Tianyong Hao Zhengxing Huang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th China Health Information Processing Conference, CHIP 2023, held in Hangzhou, China, during October 27–29, 2023. The 27 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: healthcare information extraction; healthcare natural language processing; healthcare data mining and applications.

Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 (Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications)

by Mina Farmanbar Maria Tzamtzi Ajit Kumar Verma Antorweep Chakravorty

This groundbreaking proceedings volume explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across key domains—healthcare, finance, education, robotics, industrial and other engineering applications —unveiling its transformative potential and practical implications. With a multidisciplinary lens, it transcends technical aspects, fostering a comprehensive understanding while bridging theory and practice. Approaching the subject matter with depth, the book combines theoretical foundations with real-world case studies, empowering researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools to effectively harness AI. Encompassing diverse AI topics—machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, data analytics and supervisory control — the volume showcases state-of-the-art techniques propelling AI advancements. Structured into four parts: Part 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI), explores evolving deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, and explainable AI, providing a deep dive into the technical foundations of AI advancements. Part 2: Robotics and Control Systems, delves into the integration of AI in robotics and automatic control, addressing supervisory control, automated robotic movement coordination, anomaly detection, dynamic programming, and fault tolerance, offering insights into the evolving landscape of intelligent automation. Part 3: AI and Society, examines the societal impact of AI through chapters on ethical considerations, economic growth, environmental engagements, and hazard management, providing a holistic perspective on AI's role in shaping society. Part 4: PhD Symposium, presents the future of AI through cutting-edge research, covering legal and ethical dimensions, privacy considerations, and computationally efficient solutions, offering a glimpse into the next generation of AI advancements. Catering to a diverse audience—from industry leaders to students—the volume consolidates the expertise of renowned professionals, serving as a comprehensive resource for navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape. An essential reference for those staying at the forefront of AI developments.

Cyber Security and Digital Forensics: Select Proceedings of the International Conference, ReDCySec 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #896)

by Nihar Ranjan Roy Sudeep Tanwar Usha Batra

The book contains peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security organized by the Center for Cyber Security and Cryptology at Sharda University in June 2023. This volume focuses on privacy and secrecy of information, cryptography, applications and analysis, cyber threat intelligence and mitigation, cyber-physical systems, cyber threat intelligence, quantum cryptography and blockchain technologies and their application, etc. This book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and will be immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry.

Multimedia Watermarking: Latest Developments and Trends

by Aditya Kumar Sahu

Multimedia watermarking is a key ingredient for integrity verification, transaction tracking, copyright protection, authentication, copy control, and forgery detection. This book provides an extensive survey from the fundamentals to cutting-edge digital watermarking techniques. One of the crucial aspects of multimedia security is the ability to detect forged/tampered regions from the multimedia object. In this book, we emphasized how tampering detection, localization, and recovery of manipulated information not only limits but also eliminates the scope of unauthorized usage. Finally, this book provides the groundwork for understanding the role of intelligent machines and blockchain in achieving better security in multimedia watermarking. Readers will find it easy to comprehend the wide variety of applications, theoretical principles, and effective solutions for protecting intellectual rights soon after reading this book.

Infrared Small Target Detection: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms.

by Hu Zhu Yushan Pan Lizhen Deng Guoxia Xu

Uncover the secrets of cutting-edge research in “Infrared Small Target Detection,” a crucial resource that delves into the dynamic world of infrared imaging and detection algorithms. This comprehensive book is an indispensable gem for the research community, offering a profound introduction to the theory, methods, and algorithms underlying infrared small object detection. As an invaluable guide, this book explores diverse models and categories of infrared small object detection algorithms, providing meticulous descriptions and comparisons of their strengths and limitations. Perfectly tailored for researchers, practitioners, and students with a passion for infrared imaging and detection, this book equips readers with the necessary knowledge to embark on groundbreaking investigations in this field.Readers can particularly be drawn to the book's methods, results, and topics, encompassing diverse categories of infrared small object detection algorithms and their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. The book also imparts foundational knowledge in mathematical morphology, tensor decomposition, and deep learning, enabling readers to grasp the underlying principles of these advanced algorithms. Experience the key benefits of “Infrared Small Target Detection” as readers gain a profound understanding of theory, methods, and algorithms tailored to infrared small object detection. The comprehensive descriptions and comparisons of various algorithm categories empower readers to select the perfect algorithms for their specific applications. Unlock the potential of this groundbreaking resource with a basic understanding of mathematics, statistics, and image processing. Some familiarity with infrared imaging and detection proves advantageous in fully immersing oneself in the wealth of knowledge presented within these pages.

Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy: First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy, AIS&P 2023, Guangzhou, China, December 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14510)

by Jaideep Vaidya Moncef Gabbouj Jin Li

This two-volume set LNCS 14509-14510, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy, AIS&P 2023, held in Guangzhou, China, during December 3–5, 2023.The 40 regular papers and 23 workshop papers presented in this two-volume set were carefully reviewed and selected from 115 submissions. Topics of interest include, e.g., attacks and defence on AI systems; adversarial learning; privacy-preserving data mining; differential privacy; trustworthy AI; AI fairness; AI interpretability; cryptography for AI; security applications.

Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy: First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy, AIS&P 2023, Guangzhou, China, December 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14509)

by Jaideep Vaidya Moncef Gabbouj Jin Li

This two-volume set LNCS 14509-14510, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy, AIS&P 2023, held in Guangzhou, China, during December 3–5, 2023.The 40 regular papers and 23 workshop papers presented in this two-volume set were carefully reviewed and selected from 115 submissions.Topics of interest include, e.g., attacks and defence on AI systems; adversarial learning; privacy-preserving data mining; differential privacy; trustworthy AI; AI fairness; AI interpretability; cryptography for AI; security applications.

Basic Immunology and Its Clinical Application (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1444)

by Mitsuru Matsumoto

This book overviews ongoing and upcoming clinical applications of basic immunology. Recent advances in our knowledge of immunology coupled with new technologies have aided in the development of efficient cancer immunotherapy, as well as the control of emerging microorganisms such as SARS-CoV-2. However, knowledge of basic immunology has not been fully utilized even after the discoveries of immune checkpoint inhibition for cancer immunotherapy and the development of mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. There is still room for improving the clinical application of basic immunology. The book summarizes the achievements in clinical applications of basic immunology and highlights what can be further extended to make immunology a more practical human science. Basic immunology and its clinical applications are two wheels of the same cart in the immunology field, which aids in the development of more efficient cancer immunotherapy and rapid control of infectious diseases against microorganisms, including new viruses and classical toxoplasmosis. The exploration of ongoing and upcoming applications of basic immunology in this book makes it a useful resource for immunologists, physicians, molecular and genome biologists, bioinformaticians, and students in these fields.

Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society

by Kazushi Ikeda Yoshiumi Kawamura Kazuhisa Makino Satoshi Tsujimoto Nobuo Yamashita Shintaro Yoshizawa Hanna Sumita

This open access book presents the mathematical methods for huge data and network analysis.The automotive industry has made steady progress in technological innovations under the names of Connected Autonomous-Shared-Electric (CASE) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Needless to say, mathematics and informatics are important to support such innovations. As the concept of cars and movement itself is diversifying, they are indispensable for grasping the essence of the future mobility society and building the foundation for the next generation. Based on this idea, Research unit named "Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society" was established at Kyoto University as a base for envisioning a future mobility society in collaboration with researchers led by Toyota Motor Corporation and Kyoto University.This book contains three main contents.1. Mathematical models of flow2. Mathematical methodsfor huge data and network analysis3. Algorithm for mobility societyThe first one discusses mathematical models of pedestrian and traffic flow, as they are important for preventing accidents and achieving efficient transportation. The authors mainly focus on global dynamics caused by the interaction of particles. The authors discuss many-body particle systems in terms of geometry and box-ball systems. The second one consists of four chapters and deals with mathematical technologies for handling huge data related to mobility from the viewpoints of machine learning, numerical analysis, and statistical physics, which also includes blockchain techniques. Finally, the authors discuss algorithmic issues on mobility society. By making use of car-sharing service as an example of mobility systems, the authors consider how to construct and analyze algorithms for mobility system from viewpoints of control, optimization, and AI.

Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS 2023, Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #383)

by António Abreu João Vidal Carvalho Pedro Liberato Hazael Cerón Monroy

This book features a collection of high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (ICOTTS 2023), held at Anáhuac University, Bacalar, Mexico, from 2 to 4 November 2023. The book is divided into two volumes, and it covers the areas of technology in tourism and the tourist experience, generations and technology in tourism, digital marketing applied to tourism and travel, mobile technologies applied to sustainable tourism, information technologies in tourism, digital transformation of tourism business, e-tourism and tourism 2.0, big data and management for travel and tourism, geotagging and tourist mobility, smart destinations, robotics in tourism, and information systems and technologies.

Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS 2023, Volume 2 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #384)

by João Vidal Carvalho António Abreu Dália Liberato José Angel Díaz Rebolledo

This book features a collection of high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (ICOTTS 2023), held at Anáhuac University, Bacalar, Mexico, from 2 to 4 November 2023. The book is divided into two volumes, and it covers the areas of technology in tourism and the tourist experience, generations and technology in tourism, digital marketing applied to tourism and travel, mobile technologies applied to sustainable tourism, information technologies in tourism, digital transformation of tourism business, e-tourism and tourism 2.0, big data and management for travel and tourism, geotagging and tourist mobility, smart destinations, robotics in tourism, and information systems and technologies.

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Showing 101 through 125 of 53,804 results