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First Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow: AI Tomorrow 2023 (Informatik aktuell)

by Christian Zinke-Wehlmann Julia Friedrich

Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein Treiber der digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen, welche die gesamte Organisation, einschließlich ihrer Strukturen, Prozesse und Mitarbeitender berührt.Die AI Tomorrow Konferenz möchte die menschzentrierte Perspektive auf KI und ihren nachhaltigen Einsatz, im ökologischen wie auch ökonomischen und sozialen Sinne, stärker ins Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses rücken.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Der Inhalt: Die Autor:innen beleuchten Aspekte der KI-Entwicklung und des Einsatzes. Nach einer Einführung zu Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit von KI erscheinen die Beiträge entsprechend ihrer Zuordnung zu den Konferenzsessions:(I) Digital transformation of organizations or processes through AI(II) Opportunities of AI for society(III) AI supported knowledge management and learning(IV) Manufacturing and factories of the futureDie Zielgruppe: Wissenschaftler:innen und Interessierte aus dem Bereich der Angewandten Informatik

Social Business Transformation: Werkzeuge für erfolgreiche digitale Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen

by Christian Zinke-Wehlmann Julia Friedrich

Die Zukunft der Arbeit verlagert sich zunehmend in den digitalen Raum. Deutsche Unternehmen positionieren sich in der Gestaltung dieses Raumes bislang häufig in der Rolle der Nachzügler, weil sie die Bedeutung des Einsatzes sozialer Technologien (z.B. Enterprise Social Networks) für das Unternehmen unterschätzen. Das resultierende Risiko im globalen Wettbewerb unterzugehen, ist gerade für den Mittelstand erheblich.Um zukunftsfähige Wege einzuschlagen, braucht es neue Gestaltungsansätze. Einer davon ist Social Business. Social Business wird im vorliegenden Werk als ganzheitliches Konzept beschrieben, welches durch den systematischen Einsatz digitaler und kollaborativer Werkzeuge neue Möglichkeiten der Innovation und Wertschöpfung schafft. Soziale Technologien ermöglichen eine proaktive Gestaltung unternehmensinterner und -übergreifender Prozesse und bieten insbesondere im Wissensmanagement, in der Kommunikation sowie der Zusammenarbeit produktionssteigernde Potenziale.Im Rahmen dieses Werkes werden praktische Anwendungen, Konzepte zur Umsetzung von Social Business und Leitlinien für den Transformationsprozess wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah präsentiert.

Service Engineering: Von Dienstleistungen Zu Digitalen Service-systemen

by Christian Zinke Stephan Klingner Kyrill Meyer

Das Buch beleuchtet aktuelle Herausforderungen des Service Engineerings und zeigt dessen Entwicklung im Kontext digitaler Service-Systeme sowie Chancen und Möglichkeiten, die digitale Dienstleistungsangebote und vernetzte Lösungen bieten. Wissenschaftliche Ausführungen werden durch praxisorientierte Beispiele, welche die Anwendung der Lösungsansätze und Methoden demonstrieren, ergänzt. Damit betrachten die Autoren dieses Sammelbands einerseits die Evolution der systematischen Dienstleistungsentwicklung in Theorie und Praxis und stellen andererseits aktuelle Forschungsthemen und Entwicklungstendenzen vor. Dazu ziehen die Herausgeber Arbeiten der Partner des Forschernetzwerkes FOKUS Service Engineering heran. Die Beiträge sprechen sowohl Wissenschaftler als auch Vertreter der Praxis an.

Algorithmic Thinking: A Problem-Based Introduction

by Daniel Zingaro

A hands-on, problem-based introduction to building algorithms and data structures to solve problems with a computer.Algorithmic Thinking will teach you how to solve challenging programming problems and design your own algorithms. Daniel Zingaro, a master teacher, draws his examples from world-class programming competitions like USACO and IOI. You'll learn how to classify problems, choose data structures, and identify appropriate algorithms. You'll also learn how your choice of data structure, whether a hash table, heap, or tree, can affect runtime and speed up your algorithms; and how to adopt powerful strategies like recursion, dynamic programming, and binary search to solve challenging problems.Line-by-line breakdowns of the code will teach you how to use algorithms and data structures like: • The breadth-first search algorithm to find the optimal way to play a board game or find the best way to translate a book • Dijkstra's algorithm to determine how many mice can exit a maze or the number of fastest routes between two locations • The union-find data structure to answer questions about connections in a social network or determine who are friends or enemies • The heap data structure to determine the amount of money given away in a promotion • The hash-table data structure to determine whether snowflakes are unique or identify compound words in a dictionaryNOTE: Each problem in this book is available on a programming-judge website. You'll find the site's URL and problem ID in the description. What's better than a free correctness check?

Algorithmic Thinking, 2nd Edition: Learn Algorithms to Level Up Your Coding Skills

by Daniel Zingaro

Get in the game and learn essential computer algorithms by solving competitive programming problems, in the fully revised second edition of the bestselling original. (Still no math required!)Are you hitting a wall with data structures and algorithms? Whether you&’re a student prepping for coding interviews or an independent learner, this book is your essential guide to efficient problem-solving in programming.UNLOCK THE POWER OF DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS:Learn the intricacies of hash tables, recursion, dynamic programming, trees, graphs, and heaps. Become proficient in choosing and implementing the best solutions for any coding challenge.REAL-WORLD, COMPETITION-PROVEN CODE EXAMPLES:The programs and challenges in this book aren&’t just theoretical—they&’re drawn from real programming competitions. Train with problems that have tested and honed the skills of coders around the world.GET INTERVIEW-READY:Prepare yourself for coding interviews with practice exercises that help you think algorithmically, weigh different solutions, and implement the best choices efficiently.WRITTEN IN C, USEFUL ACROSS LANGUAGES:The code examples are written in C and designed for clarity and accessibility to those familiar with languages like C++, Java, or Python. If you need help with the C code, no problem: We&’ve got recommended reading, too.Algorithmic Thinking is the complete package, providing the solid foundation you need to elevate your coding skills to the next level.

Learn to Code by Solving Problems: A Python Programming Primer

by Daniel Zingaro

Learn to Code by Solving Problems is a practical introduction to programming using Python. It uses coding-competition challenges to teach you the mechanics of coding and how to think like a savvy programmer.Computers are capable of solving almost any problem when given the right instructions. That&’s where programming comes in. This beginner&’s book will have you writing Python programs right away. You&’ll solve interesting problems drawn from real coding competitions and build your programming skills as you go. Every chapter presents problems from coding challenge websites, where online judges test your solutions and provide targeted feedback. As you practice using core Python features, functions, and techniques, you&’ll develop a clear understanding of data structures, algorithms, and other programming basics. Bonus exercises invite you to explore new concepts on your own, and multiple-choice questions encourage you to think about how each piece of code works. You&’ll learn how to: • Run Python code, work with strings, and use variables • Write programs that make decisions • Make code more efficient with while and for loops • Use Python sets, lists, and dictionaries to organize, sort, and search data • Design programs using functions and top-down design • Create complete-search algorithms and use Big O notation to design more efficient code By the end of the book, you&’ll not only be proficient in Python, but you&’ll also understand how to think through problems and tackle them with code. Programming languages come and go, but this book gives you the lasting foundation you need to start thinking like a programmer.

Apprenez à programmer par vous-même

by Zach Zinfadel

Ce livre ne vous apprendra pas seulement la programmation, car il couvre aussi des sujets que d’autres cours ou livres n’enseignent pas. Il vous fournira des instructions spécifiques ainsi que des bribes de code faciles à comprendre qui vous montreront comment programmer correctement. Il comprend notamment : — des tutoriels de programmation en HTML et en Javascript ; — une introduction à la programmation et au codage ; — une explication sur les variables et la façon de les utiliser ; — tout ce qui concerne les tableaux et les structures logiques ; — comment écrire votre premier programme.

Aprenda programar códigos como um Profissional: Criar jogos, Aplicativos & Programas

by Zach Zinfadel

Aprenda programar códigos como um Profissional: Criar jogos, Aplicativos & Programas por Zach Zinfadel Com este livro você não aprende só programação, mas também aborda tópicos que as aulas e outros livros não ensinam. Fornece também instruções específicas e fáceis de seguir, passos de como criar códigos de forma correta. Itens inclusos: - Tutoriais de programação em HTML e JavaScript. - Introdução à programação e códigos. - O que são variáveis ​​e como usá-las. - Tudo sobre arrays e declarações lógicas. - Tudo sobre funções e como elas funcionam. - Como criar seu primeiro programa. >>> Clique acima para comprar instantaneamente! Gênero: COMPUTADORES / Programação / Geral Gênero Secundário: COMPUTADORES / Programação Web / Web Língua: Português BR

Geopedology: An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and Landscape Studies

by Joseph Alfred Zinck Graciela Metternicht Héctor Francisco del Valle Marcos Angelini

This updated and revised second edition brings geopedology issues into the current context. This new edition extends the work on popular topics such as digital soil mapping, GIS and landscape mapping, and it also gives valuable insight with up-to-date theoretical discussions and new application with relevant case studies. This textbook offers a proven approach for reliable mapping of soil-landscape relationships to derive information for policy, planning and management at scales ranging from local to regional. Filled with didactic elements such as case studies, visual aids (maps, charts and figures), questions and answers, the book is of interest to geohazard studies, land use conflict analysis, land use planning, land degradation assessment, and land suitability analysis. Soil is a vital resource for society at large and an important determinant of the economic status of nations. The intensification of natural disasters and the increased land use competition for food and energy have raised awareness of the relevant role the pedosphere plays in natural and anthropogenic environments. Recent papers and global initiatives show a renewed interest in soil research and its applications for improved planning and management of this fragile and finite resource.

Foundations and Practice of Security: 11th International Symposium, FPS 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada, November 13–15, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11358)

by Nur Zincir-Heywood Guillaume Bonfante Mourad Debbabi Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro

This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 11th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security, FPS 2018, held in Montreal, QC, Canada, in March 2018. The 16 full papers, 1 short paper, 1 position paper and 2 invited papers presented in this book, were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. They cover a range of topics including mobile security; cloud security and big data; IoT security; software security, malware analysis, and vulnerability detection; cryptography; cyber physical security and hardware security; and access control.

Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning Applications: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #744)

by Thi Thi Zin Jerry Chun-Wei Lin

This book presents a compilation of selected papers from the first International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning Applications (ICBDL 2018), and focuses on novel techniques in the fields of big data analysis, machine learning, system monitoring, image processing, conventional neural networks, communication, industrial information, and their applications. Readers will find insights to help them realize more efficient algorithms and systems used in real-life applications and contexts, making the book an essential reference guide for academic researchers, professionals, software engineers in the industry, and regulators of aviation authorities.

Gamedesign und Spieleentwicklung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Thorsten Zimprich

Sie wollten schon immer Ihre eigene Spielidee umsetzen? Gamedesign ist Ihr Traumberuf? Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie eigenen Spielcharakteren Leben einhauchen und Spieler mit originellen Spielregeln lange begeistern. Das ganze Buch ist als Lernkampagne mit zahlreichen Questen und Boss Challenges organisiert: Sie lesen, lernen und üben spielend in der Charakterklasse "Gamedesigner" und erhalten Erfahrungspunkte und Belohnungen. Nutzen Sie die Liste der zu erlernenden Fähigkeiten und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie zahlreiche Übungen, um selbstbestimmt mit Spaß zu lernen.

Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering

by Thomas Zimmermann Caitlin Sadowski

Get the most out of this foundational reference and improve the productivity of your software teams. This open access book collects the wisdom of the 2017 "Dagstuhl" seminar on productivity in software engineering, a meeting of community leaders, who came together with the goal of rethinking traditional definitions and measures of productivity.The results of their work, Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering, includes chapters covering definitions and core concepts related to productivity, guidelines for measuring productivity in specific contexts, best practices and pitfalls, and theories and open questions on productivity. You'll benefit from the many short chapters, each offering a focused discussion on one aspect of productivity in software engineering.Readers in many fields and industries will benefit from their collected work. Developers wanting to improve their personal productivity, will learn effective strategies for overcoming common issues that interfere with progress. Organizations thinking about building internal programs for measuring productivity of programmers and teams will learn best practices from industry and researchers in measuring productivity. And researchers can leverage the conceptual frameworks and rich body of literature in the book to effectively pursue new research directions.What You'll LearnReview the definitions and dimensions of software productivitySee how time management is having the opposite of the intended effectDevelop valuable dashboardsUnderstand the impact of sensors on productivityAvoid software development wasteWork with human-centered methods to measure productivityLook at the intersection of neuroscience and productivityManage interruptions and context-switchingWho Book Is ForIndustry developers and those responsible for seminar-style courses that include a segment on software developer productivity. Chapters are written for a generalist audience, without excessive use of technical terminology.

Documentary Across Platforms: Reverse Engineering Media, Place, and Politics

by Patricia R. Zimmermann

Essays “capturing media ecologies as varied as museum installations, film festival showings, photography, and multiple varieties of internet sharing.” —Jump CutIn Documentary Across Platforms, noted scholar of film and experimental media Patricia R. Zimmermann offers a glimpse into the ever-evolving constellation of practices known as “documentary” and the way in which they investigate, engage with, and interrogate the world.Collected here for the first time are her celebrated essays and speculations about documentary, experimental, and new media published outside of traditional scholarly venues. These essays envision documentary as a complex ecology composed of different technologies, sets of practices, and specific relationships to communities, engagement, politics, and social struggles. Through the lens of reverse engineering—the concept that ideas, just like objects, can be disassembled to learn how they work and then rebuilt into something new and better—Zimmermann explores how numerous small-scale documentary works present strategies of intervention into existing power structures. Adaptive to their context, modular, and unfixed, the documentary practices she explores exploit both sophisticated high-end professional and consumer-grade amateur technologies, moving through different political terrains, different platforms, and different exhibition contexts.Together these essays demonstrate documentary’s role as a conceptual practice to think through how the world is organized and to imagine ways that it might be reorganized with actions, communities, and ideas.

Das Hidden-Markov-Modell: Zufallsprozesse mit verborgenen Zuständen und ihre wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Grundlagen (essentials)

by Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

Im Mittelpunkt dieses essentials steht eine Einführung in ein bekanntes statistisches Modell, das Hidden-Markov-Modell.Damit können Probleme bewältigt werden, bei denen aus einer Folge von Beobachtungen auf die wahrscheinlichste zustandsspezifische Beschreibung geschlossen werden soll.Die Anwendungen des Hidden-Markov-Modells liegen hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Bioinformatik, Computerlinguistik, maschinelles Lernen und Signalverarbeitung.In diesem Büchlein werden die beiden zentralen Problemstellungen in HMMs behandelt.Das Problem der Inferenz wird mit dem berühmten Viterbi-Algorithmus gelöst, und das Problem der Parameterschätzung wird mit zwei bekannten Methoden angegangen (Erwartungsmaximierung und Baum-Welch).

Architecting the Digital Transformation: Digital Business, Technology, Decision Support, Management (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #188)

by Alfred Zimmermann Rainer Schmidt Lakhmi C. Jain

This research-oriented book presents key contributions on architecting the digital transformation. It includes the following main sections covering 20 chapters: · Digital Transformation · Digital Business · Digital Architecture · Decision Support · Digital Applications Focusing on digital architectures for smart digital products and services, it is a valuable resource for researchers, doctoral students, postgraduates, graduates, undergraduates, academics and practitioners interested in digital transformation.

Architektur der digitalen Transformation: Digital Business, Technologie, Entscheidungsunterstützung, Management

by Alfred Zimmermann Rainer Schmidt Lakhmi C. Jain

Dieses forschungsorientierte Buch enthält wichtige Beiträge zur Gestaltung der digitalen Transformation. Es umfasst die folgenden Hauptabschnitte in 20 Kapiteln:- Digitale Transformation- Digitales Geschäft- Digitale Architektur- Entscheidungshilfe- Digitale Anwendungen Es konzentriert sich auf digitale Architekturen für intelligente digitale Produkte und Dienstleistungen und ist eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher, Doktoranden, Postgraduierte, Absolventen, Studenten, Akademiker und Praktiker, die sich für die digitale Transformation interessieren.

Human Centred Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of KES-HCIS 2021 Conference (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #244)

by Alfred Zimmermann Robert J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain Rainer Schmidt

This book highlights new trends and challenges in intelligent systems, which play an essential part in the digital transformation of many areas of science and practice. It includes papers offering a deeper understanding of the human-centred perspective on artificial intelligence, of intelligent value co-creation, ethics, value-oriented digital models, transparency, and intelligent digital architectures and engineering to support digital services and intelligent systems, the transformation of structures in digital business and intelligent systems based on human practices, as well as the study of interaction and co-adaptation of humans and systems. All papers were originally presented at the International KES Conference on Human Centred Intelligent Systems 2021 (KES HCIS 2021) held on June 14–16, 2021 in the KES Virtual Conference Centre.

Human Centred Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of KES-HCIS 2022 Conference (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #310)

by Alfred Zimmermann Robert J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain

The volume includes papers presented at the International KES Conference on Human Centred Intelligent Systems 2022 (KES HCIS 2022), held in Rhodes, Greece on June 20–22, 2022. This book highlights new trends and challenges in intelligent systems, which play an important part in the digital transformation of many areas of science and practice. It includes papers offering a deeper understanding of the human-centred perspective on artificial intelligence, of intelligent value co-creation, ethics, value-oriented digital models, transparency, and intelligent digital architectures and engineering to support digital services and intelligent systems, the transformation of structures in digital businesses and intelligent systems based on human practices, as well as the study of interaction and the co-adaptation of humans and systems.

Human Centred Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of KES-HCIS 2020 Conference (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #189)

by Alfred Zimmermann Robert J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain

This book highlights new trends and challenges in intelligent systems, which play an important part in the digital transformation of many areas of science and practice. It includes papers offering a deeper understanding of the human-centred perspective on artificial intelligence, of intelligent value co-creation, ethics, value-oriented digital models, transparency, and intelligent digital architectures and engineering to support digital services and intelligent systems, the transformation of structures in digital businesses and intelligent systems based on human practices, as well as the study of interaction and the co-adaptation of humans and systems. All papers were originally presented at the International KES Conference on Human Centred Intelligent Systems 2020 (KES HCIS 2020), held on June 17–19, 2020, in Split, Croatia.

Human Centred Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of KES-HCIS 2023 Conference (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #359)

by Alfred Zimmermann R. J. Howlett Lakhmi C. Jain

The volume includes papers presented at the International KES Conference on Human Centred Intelligent Systems 2023 (KES HCIS 2023), held in Rome, Italy on June 14–16, 2023. This book highlights new trends and challenges in intelligent systems, which play an important part in the digital transformation of many areas of science and practice. It includes papers offering a deeper understanding of the human-centred perspective on artificial intelligence, of intelligent value co-creation, ethics, value-oriented digital models, transparency, and intelligent digital architectures and engineering to support digital services and intelligent systems, the transformation of structures in digital businesses and intelligent systems based on human practices, as well as the study of interaction and the co-adaptation of humans and systems.

New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Comprehensive

by S. Scott Zimmerman Beverly B. Zimmerman Ann Shaffer Katherine T. Pinard

Following the critical thinking, problem-solving approach of the New Perspectives Series learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Word 2007, including the new features of the software. The case-based tutorials challenge learners to apply what they are learning to real-life tasks, preparing them to easily transfer skills to new situations. With the New Perspectives Series approach, learners understand why they?re learning what they?re learning, and are better situated to retain skills.

Ethernet Switches: An Introduction to Network Design with Switches

by Joann Zimmerman Charles E. Spurgeon

If you're ready to build a large network system, this handy excerpt from Ethernet: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition gets you up to speed on a basic building block: Ethernet switches. Whether you're working on an enterprise or campus network, data center, or Internet service provider network, you'll learn how Ethernet switches function and how they're used in network designs. This brief tutorial also provides an overview of the most important features found in switches, from the basics to more advanced features found in higher-cost and specialized switches. Get an overview of basic switch operation, the spanning tree protocol, and switch performance issues Learn about switch management and some of the most widely used switch features Discover how a hierarchical design can help maintain stable network operations Delve into special-purpose switches, such as multi-layer, access, stacking, and wireless access-point switches Learn about advanced switch features designed for specific networking environments Dive deeper into switches, with a list of protocol and package documentation

Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies

by Jan Zimmerman Deborah Ng

Learn the latest social media marketing techniquesSocial media continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and the savvy marketer needs to keep up. This bestselling guide to social media marketing has been completely updated to cover the newest vehicles, including Groupon and Rue La La, location-based services like Foursquare, and new social networking sites like Google+ and Pinterest. Checklists, case studies, and examples will help you decide the best places to spend your marketing dollars, and you'll learn about valuable social media tools and analytics methods that can help you assess the success of your efforts.A completely updated, all-in-one guide to social media marketing, a valuable way for businesses to reach current and new customers, assist customers with problems, and complete transactionsCovers the latest sites and location-based services including Groupon, Rue La La, Foursquare, Google+, Pinterest, and moreMinibooks examine the social media mix; tools and techniques; using content to grow your brand; Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ marketing; other sites; and how to measure results and build on successThe perfect guidebook for the social media strategist, website manager, marketer, publicist, or anyone in charge of implementing and managing an organization's social media strategySocial Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition helps you get the most from every minute and dollar you spend on marketing.

Python Descriptors

by Jacob Zimmerman

This short book on Python descriptors is a collection of knowledge and ideas from many sources on dealing with and creating descriptors. And, after going through the things all descriptors have in common, the author explores ideas that have multiple ways of being implemented as well as completely new ideas never seen elsewhere before. This truly is a comprehensive guide to creating Python descriptors. As a bonus: A pip install-able library, descriptor_tools, was written alongside this book and is an open source library on GitHub. There aren't many good resources out there for writing Python descriptors, and extremely few books. This is a sad state of affairs, as it makes it difficult for Python developers to get a really good understanding of how descriptors work and the techniques to avoid the big gotchas associated with working with them. What You Will Learn Discover descriptor protocols Master attribute access and how it applies to descriptors Make descriptors and discover why you should Store attributes Create read-only descriptors and _delete() Explore the descriptor classes Apply the other uses of descriptors and more Who This Book Is For Experienced Python coders, programmers and developers.

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