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Showing 19,726 through 19,750 of 53,669 results

Metrics of Sensory Motor Coordination and Integration in Robots and Animals: How to Measure the Success of Bioinspired Solutions with Respect to their Natural Models, and Against More ‘Artificial’ Solutions? (Cognitive Systems Monographs #36)

by Fabio Bonsignorio Elena Messina Angel P. del Pobil John Hallam

This book focuses on a critical issue in the study of physical agents, whether natural or artificial: the quantitative modelling of sensory–motor coordination.Adopting a novel approach, it defines a common scientific framework for both the intelligent systems designed by engineers and those that have evolved naturally. As such it contributes to the widespread adoption of a rigorous quantitative and refutable approach in the scientific study of ‘embodied’ intelligence and cognition. More than 70 years after Norbert Wiener’s famous book Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948), robotics, AI and life sciences seem to be converging towards a common model of what we can call the ‘science of embodied intelligent/cognitive agents’. This book is interesting for an interdisciplinary community of researchers, technologists and entrepreneurs working at the frontiers of robotics and AI, neuroscience and general life and brain sciences.

The Metrics Manifesto: Confronting Security with Data

by Richard Seiersen

Security professionals are trained skeptics. They poke and prod at other people’s digital creations, expecting them to fail in unexpected ways. Shouldn’t that same skeptical power be turned inward? Shouldn’t practitioners ask: “How do I know that my enterprise security capabilities work? Are they scaling, accelerating, or slowing as the business exposes more value to more people and through more channels at higher velocities?” This is the start of the modern measurement mindset—the mindset that seeks to confront security with data. The Metrics Manifesto: Confronting Security with Data delivers an examination of security metrics with R, the popular open-source programming language and software development environment for statistical computing. This insightful and up-to-date guide offers readers a practical focus on applied measurement that can prove or disprove the efficacy of information security measures taken by a firm. The book’s detailed chapters combine topics like security, predictive analytics, and R programming to present an authoritative and innovative approach to security metrics. The author and security professional examines historical and modern methods of measurement with a particular emphasis on Bayesian Data Analysis to shed light on measuring security operations. Readers will learn how processing data with R can help measure security improvements and changes as well as help technology security teams identify and fix gaps in security. The book also includes downloadable code for people who are new to the R programming language. Perfect for security engineers, risk engineers, IT security managers, CISOs, and data scientists comfortable with a bit of code, The Metrics Manifesto offers readers an invaluable collection of information to help professionals prove the efficacy of security measures within their company.

Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms

by Angele Christin

The starkly different ways that American and French online news companies respond to audience analytics and what this means for the future of newsWhen the news moved online, journalists suddenly learned what their audiences actually liked, through algorithmic technologies that scrutinize web traffic and activity. Has this advent of audience metrics changed journalists’ work practices and professional identities? In Metrics at Work, Angèle Christin documents the ways that journalists grapple with audience data in the form of clicks, and analyzes how new forms of clickbait journalism travel across national borders.Drawing on four years of fieldwork in web newsrooms in the United States and France, including more than one hundred interviews with journalists, Christin reveals many similarities among the media groups examined—their editorial goals, technological tools, and even office furniture. Yet she uncovers crucial and paradoxical differences in how American and French journalists understand audience analytics and how these affect the news produced in each country. American journalists routinely disregard traffic numbers and primarily rely on the opinion of their peers to define journalistic quality. Meanwhile, French journalists fixate on internet traffic and view these numbers as a sign of their resonance in the public sphere. Christin offers cultural and historical explanations for these disparities, arguing that distinct journalistic traditions structure how journalists make sense of digital measurements in the two countries.Contrary to the popular belief that analytics and algorithms are globally homogenizing forces, Metrics at Work shows that computational technologies can have surprisingly divergent ramifications for work and organizations worldwide.

Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Dinamiche Urbane (UNITEXT #128)

by Sergio Albeverio Paolo Giordano Alberto Vancheri

Il testo presenta metodi e modelli per lo studio delle città viste come sistemi evolutivi che interagiscono con il territorio circostante. Gli aspetti morfologici, strutturali e dinamici sono sottolineati e analizzati con metodi qualitativi e quantitativi originati dalla matematica e dalla fisica, ma anche ispirati da altre scienze naturali e dallo studio dei sistemi socio-economici. Il libro usa la matematica in vari modi: i concetti e i metodi che vanno oltre quelli della matematica elementare vengono introdotti ed esposti brevemente, con particolare attenzione a quelli attinenti a probabilità e statistica che, non facendo parte dell'educazione di base, vengono presentati sistematicamente tramite capitoli appositi. Contributi più specializzati includono argomenti come la dinamica urbana, l'analisi di progetti architettonici per il territorio, l'uso di automi cellulari stocastici, la sintassi dello spazio urbano, l'influenza del paesaggio e della geografia, e i modelli per la mobilità urbana. Il libro è rivolto agli studenti di corsi avanzati di architettura, urbanistica e ingegneria, e a tutte le persone che studiano il territorio o vi operano.

Metoda Running Lean. Iteracja od planu A do planu, który da Ci sukces. Wydanie II

by Ash Maurya

To jedna z najlepszych technicznych ksi??ek na temat modelu Lean Startup. I tyle. Nic wi?cej nie trzeba dodawa?.Dan Martell, za?o?yciel,, anio? biznesu Wizja testowana w praktyceWitamy w ?wiecie najnowocze?niejszych praktyk biznesowych i niezmierzonych mo?liwo?ci w dziedzinie innowacji. ?yjemy w dobie Internetu, chmur obliczeniowych i oprogramowania open source, dzi?ki czemu koszty budowania nowych produktów osi?gn??y rekordowo niski poziom. A jednak mimo wszystko szanse na to, by za?o?ony przez nas startup odniós? sukces, nie wzros?y. Dlatego w?a?nie powsta? ten podr?cznik. Jest on znakomitym narz?dziem dla szefów firm, dyrektorów generalnych, w?a?cicieli ma?ych przedsi?biorstw, deweloperów i programistów oraz ka?dego zainteresowanego stworzeniem firmy, która nie tylko przetrwa, ale b?dzie mia?a szanse liczy? si? na rynku.Running Lean to lepsza i szybsza metoda testowania pomys?ów na nowe produkty oraz opracowywania produktów, które odnios? sukces. Dzi?ki niej nauczysz si?:znajdowa? uczestników wczesnego rynku;wybiera? w?a?ciwy moment na pozyskiwanie kapita?u z zewn?trz;testowa? ceny;tworzy? i mierzy? to, czego chc? klienci;maksymalizowa? podejmowane dzia?ania pod k?tem szybko?ci uczenia si? i koncentracji;rozpoznawa? zestawienie produktu i rynku;d??y? w sposób powtarzalny do opracowywania produktów odpowiadaj?cych potrzebom rynku.Przeczytaj równie?: Metoda Lean Startup. Wykorzystaj innowacyjne narz?dzia i stwórz firm?, która zdob?dzie rynek, Eric Ries, Helion 2012.Ash Maurya - za?o?yciel firmy Spark59. Za?o?y? równie? kilka innych startupów, w?ród których znalaz?y si? tak udane przedsi?wzi?cia, jak WiredReach. Dzi?ki prowadzonym przez siebie warsztatom Running Lean blisko wspó?pracuje z wieloma przedsi?biorcami, którym pomaga testowa? i dopracowywa? ich wizj?. Ash pe?ni funkcj? mentora w wielu inkubatorach przedsi?biorczo?ci na ca?ym ?wiecie, w tym w Mozilla Foundation, Year One Labs oraz Capital Factory.

Metoda Lean Analytics. Zbuduj sukces startupu w oparciu o analiz? danych

by Alistair Croll Benjamin Yoskovitz

Lektura obowi?zkowa dla wszystkich zainteresowanych wykorzystaniem analityki w pracach nad nowym produktem i odnoszeniem sukcesów biznesowych bez konieczno?ci wiecznego zgadywania.Peter Yared, dyrektor ds. IT, CBS InteractiveTo nie jest kolejna ksi??ka o liczbach, a rzecz o praktycznych wska?nikach. Alistair i Ben naucz? Ci?, jak przebi? si? przez mg?? danych i skupi? si? na w?a?ciwych, istotnych wska?nikach, które zadecyduj? o Twojej pora?ce lub sukcesie.Ash Maurya, za?o?yciel i dyrektor generalny Spark59 oraz WiredReach, autor ksi??ki Metoda Running LeanOkie?​znane dane Jeste? przedsi?biorc?? Masz innowacyjny produkt i chcesz wej?? z nim na rynek? Mo?esz wybra? jedn? z dwóch dróg: tradycyjn?, opart? na odwiecznych m?dro?ciach starych mistrzów, albo nowoczesn?, z u?yciem modelu Lean Startup. Je?li wybra?e? pierwszy sposób - zmie? lektur?, je?li drugi - gratulacje! W tej ksi??ce znajdziesz kompletny proces analityczny, od generowania pomys?ów po przygotowanie zestawienia produktu i rynku. Dowiesz si? z niej, jak zweryfikowa? swój pomys?, znale?? odpowiednich klientów, zdefiniowa? ostateczn? wersj? produktu, zarobi? na swojej dzia?alno?ci i j? wypromowa?. Znajdziesz tu konkretne i przydatne informacje, oparte na ponad trzydziestu analizach przypadku, bez których nie mo?e si? obej?? ?aden przedsi?biorca. Ksi??ka jest skierowana równie? do analityków internetowych i analityków danych, poniewa? pozwala powi?za? efekty ich pracy z rozwa?aniami biznesowymi. Zamieszczone tu tre?ci zainteresuj? te? ludzi zaanga?owanych w rozwój produktu, zarz?dzanie nim, marketing, PR oraz dzia?alno?? inwestycyjn?, poniewa? dzi?ki nim ?atwiej b?dzie im zrozumie? i ocenia? startupy.Rewolucja w sze?ciu prostych krokachStwórz co?, co klienci pokochaj?.Zaanga?uj ludzi, aby znale?li Twój produkt i zacz?li z niego korzysta?.Poznaj model Lean Startup, podstawy analityki oraz mentalno?ci kierowania si? danymi, niezb?dnej do odniesienia sukcesu.Dowiedz si?, na którym etapie rozwoju si? znajdujesz, nad czym powiniene? pracowa? oraz jak zastosowa? model Lean Analytics we w?asnym startupie.Znajd? niez?e punkty odniesienia dla ró?nych wska?ników i naucz si? wyznacza? w?asne warto?ci docelowe.Sprawd?, w jaki sposób mo?esz zastosowa? zasady Lean Analytics w funkcjonuj?cej ju? organizacji, bo przecie? podej?cie oparte na danych sprawdza si? nie tylko w nowo powsta?ych firmach. Alistair Croll od niemal dwudziestu lat jest przedsi?biorc?, autorem ksi??ek i prelegentem. Zajmowa? si? du?ymi zbiorami danych, chmurami obliczeniowymi i startupami. W 2001 roku wspó?uczestniczy? w zak?adaniu firmy Coradiant. Od tamtej pory aktywnie pomaga wielu nowo powstaj?cym firmom i wspiera liczne startupowe imprezy.Benjamin Yoskovitz jest przedsi?biorc? z ponadpi?tnastoletnim do?wiadczeniem w bran?y internetowej. Wspó?za?o?yciel Standout Jobs i Year One Labs, pe?ni funkcj? mentora dla wielu startupów i akceleratorów przedsi?biorczo?ci. Regularnie przemawia podczas licznych konferencji po?wi?conych problematyce startupów.

Methods of Optimization and Systems Analysis for Problems of Transcomputational Complexity

by Ivan V. Sergienko

This work presents lines of investigation and scientific achievements of the Ukrainian school of optimization theory and adjacent disciplines. These include the development of approaches to mathematical theories, methodologies, methods, and application systems for the solution of applied problems in economy, finances, energy saving, agriculture, biology, genetics, environmental protection, hardware and software engineering, information protection, decision making, pattern recognition, self-adapting control of complicated objects, personnel training, etc. The methods developed include sequential analysis of variants, nondifferential optimization, stochastic optimization, discrete optimization, mathematical modeling, econometric modeling, solution of extremum problems on graphs, construction of discrete images and combinatorial recognition, etc. Some of these methods became well known in the world's mathematical community and are now known as classic methods.

Methods for the Analysis of Asymmetric Proximity Data (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior #7)

by Giuseppe Bove Akinori Okada Donatella Vicari

This book provides an accessible introduction and practical guidelines to apply asymmetric multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and related methods to asymmetric one-mode two-way and three-way asymmetric data. A major objective of this book is to present to applied researchers a set of methods and algorithms for graphical representation and clustering of asymmetric relationships. Data frequently concern measurements of asymmetric relationships between pairs of objects from a given set (e.g., subjects, variables, attributes,…), collected in one or more matrices. Examples abound in many different fields such as psychology, sociology, marketing research, and linguistics and more recently several applications have appeared in technological areas including cybernetics, air traffic control, robotics, and network analysis. The capabilities of the presented algorithms are illustrated by carefully chosen examples and supported by extensive data analyses. A review of the specialized statistical software available for the applications is also provided. This monograph is highly recommended to readers who need a complete and up-to-date reference on methods for asymmetric proximity data analysis.

Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion (Routledge Studies in Religion and Digital Culture)

by Vít Šisler Kerstin Radde-Antweiler Xenia Zeiler

Game studies has been an understudied area within the emerging field of digital media and religion. Video games can reflect, reject, or reconfigure traditionally held religious ideas and often serve as sources for the production of religious practices and ideas. This collection of essays presents a broad range of influential methodological approaches that illuminate how and why video games shape the construction of religious beliefs and practices, and also situates such research within the wider discourse on how digital media intersect with the religious worlds of the 21st century. Each chapter discusses a particular method and its theoretical background, summarizes existing research, and provides a practical case study that demonstrates how the method specifically contributes to the wider study of video games and religion. Featuring contributions from leading and emerging scholars of religion and digital gaming, this book will be an invaluable resource for scholars in the areas of digital culture, new media, religious studies, and game studies across a wide range of disciplines.

Methods for Solving Complex Problems in Fluids Engineering

by Can Kang Haixia Liu Yongchao Zhang Ning Mao

This book describes recently developed research methods used to study complex problems in fluid engineering, especially optical flow measurement, flow visualization and numerical methods. It includes a wealth of diagrams and images, and the content is presented in a step-by-step manner from beginning to end, helping readers grasp the central points of the book.The book also presents a number of practical cases, illustrating how the research methods covered can be concretely implemented. Lastly, the book offers a valuable point of departure for pursuing further research.

Methods for Multilevel Analysis and Visualisation of Geographical Networks

by Céline Rozenblat Guy Melancon

This leading-edge study focuses on the latest techniques in analysing and representing the complex, multi-layered data now available to geographers studying urban zones and their populations. The volume tracks the successful results of the SPANGEO Project, which was set up in 2005 to standardize, and share, the syncretic, multinational mapping techniques already developed by geographers and computer scientists. SPANGEO sought new and responsive ways of visualising urban geographical and social data that reflected the fine-grained detail of the inputs. It allowed for visual representation of the large and complex networks and flows which are such an integral feature of the dynamism of urban geography. SPANGEO developed through the 'visual analytics loop' in which geographers collaborated with computer scientists by feeding data into the design of visualisations that in turn spawned the urge to incorporate more varied data into the visualisation. This volume covers all the relevant aspects, from conceptual principles to the tools of network analysis and the actual results flowing from their deployment. Detailed case studies set out in this volume include spatial multi-level analyses of flows in airports and sea ports, as well as the fascinating scientific networks in European cities. The volume shows how the primary concern of geography--the interaction of society with physical space--has been revivified by the complexities of new cartographical and statistical methodologies, which allow for highly detailed mapping and far more powerful computer analysis of spatial relationships.

Methods for Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection: Applications To Topological Mapping And Image Mosaicking (Springer Tracts In Advanced Robotics #122)

by Emilio Garcia-Fidalgo Alberto Ortiz

Mapping and localization are two essential tasks in autonomous mobile robotics. Due to the unavoidable noise that sensors present, mapping algorithms usually rely on loop closure detection techniques, which entail the correct identification of previously seen places to reduce the uncertainty of the resulting maps. This book deals with the problem of generating topological maps of the environment using efficient appearance-based loop closure detection techniques. Since the quality of a visual loop closure detection algorithm is related to the image description method and its ability to index previously seen images, several methods for loop closure detection adopting different approaches are developed and assessed. Then, these methods are used in three novel topological mapping algorithms. The results obtained indicate that the solutions proposed attain a better performance than several state-of-the-art approaches. To conclude, given that loop closure detection is also a key component in other research areas, a multi-threaded image mosaicing algorithm is proposed. This approach makes use of one of the loop closure detection techniques previously introduced in order to find overlapping pairs between images and finally obtain seamless mosaics of different environments in a reasonable amount of time.

Methods and Techniques in Deep Learning: Advancements in mmWave Radar Solutions

by Avik Santra Souvik Hazra Lorenzo Servadei Thomas Stadelmayer Michael Stephan Anand Dubey

Methods and Techniques in Deep Learning Introduces multiple state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for mmWave radar in a variety of advanced applications Methods and Techniques in Deep Learning: Advancements in mmWave Radar Solutions provides a timely and authoritative overview of the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based processing for various mmWave radar applications. Focusing on practical deep learning techniques, this comprehensive volume explains the fundamentals of deep learning, reviews cutting-edge deep metric learning techniques, describes different typologies of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, highlights how domain adaptation (DA) can be used for improving the performance of machine learning (ML) algorithms, and more. Throughout the book, readers are exposed to product-ready deep learning solutions while learning skills that are relevant for building any industrial-grade, sensor-based deep learning solution. A team of authors with more than 70 filed patents and 100 published papers on AI and sensor processing illustrates how deep learning is enabling a range of advanced industrial, consumer, and automotive applications of mmWave radars. In-depth chapters cover topics including multi-modal deep learning approaches, the elemental blocks required to formulate Bayesian deep learning, how domain adaptation (DA) can be used for improving the performance of machine learning algorithms, and geometric deep learning are used for processing point clouds. In addition, the book: Discusses various advanced applications and how their respective challenges have been addressed using different deep learning architectures and algorithms Describes deep learning in the context of computer vision, natural language processing, sensor processing, and mmWave radar sensors Demonstrates how deep parametric learning reduces the number of trainable parameters and improves the data flow Presents several human-machine interface (HMI) applications such as gesture recognition, human activity classification, human localization and tracking, in-cabin automotive occupancy sensing Methods and Techniques in Deep Learning: Advancements in mmWave Radar Solutions is an invaluable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and graduate students working in systems engineering, signal processing, sensors, data science, and AI.

Methods and Models in Mathematical Programming

by F. Hooshmand S. A. MirHassani

This book focuses on mathematical modeling, describes the process of constructing and evaluating models, discusses the challenges and delicacies of the modeling process, and explicitly outlines the required rules and regulations so that the reader will be able to generalize and reuse concepts in other problems by relying on mathematical logic.Undergraduate and postgraduate students of different academic disciplines would find this book a suitable option preparing them for jobs and research fields requiring modeling techniques. Furthermore, this book can be used as a reference book for experts and practitioners requiring advanced skills of model building in their jobs.

Methods and Experimental Techniques in Computer Engineering

by Francesco Amigoni Viola Schiaffonati

Computing and science reveal a synergic relationship. On the one hand, it is widely evident that computing plays an important role in the scientific endeavor. On the other hand, the role of scientific method in computing is getting increasingly important, especially in providing ways to experimentally evaluate the properties of complex computing systems. This book critically presents these issues from a unitary conceptual and methodological perspective by addressing specific case studies at the intersection between computing and science. The book originates from, and collects the experience of, a course for PhD students in Information Engineering held at the Politecnico di Milano. Following the structure of the course, the book features contributions from some researchers who are working at the intersection between computing and science.

Methods and Applications of Autonomous Experimentation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

by Marcus M. Noack Daniela Ushizima

Autonomous Experimentation is poised to revolutionize scientific experiments at advanced experimental facilities. Whereas previously, human experimenters were burdened with the laborious task of overseeing each measurement, recent advances in mathematics, machine learning and algorithms have alleviated this burden by enabling automated and intelligent decision-making, minimizing the need for human interference. Illustrating theoretical foundations and incorporating practitioners’ first-hand experiences, this book is a practical guide to successful Autonomous Experimentation. Despite the field’s growing potential, there exists numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding Autonomous Experimentation. Combining insights from theorists, machine-learning engineers and applied scientists, this book aims to lay the foundation for future research and widespread adoption within the scientific community. This book is particularly useful for members of the scientific community looking to improve their research methods but also contains additional insights for students and industry professionals interested in the future of the field.

Methods and Applications of Algorithmic Complexity: Beyond Statistical Lossless Compression (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #44)

by Hector Zenil Fernando Soler Toscano Nicolas Gauvrit

This book explores a different pragmatic approach to algorithmic complexity rooted or motivated by the theoretical foundations of algorithmic probability and explores the relaxation of necessary and sufficient conditions in the pursuit of numerical applicability, with some of these approaches entailing greater risks than others in exchange for greater relevance and applicability. Some established and also novel techniques in the field of applications of algorithmic (Kolmogorov) complexity currently coexist for the first time, ranging from the dominant ones based upon popular statistical lossless compression algorithms (such as LZW) to newer approaches that advance, complement, and also pose their own limitations. Evidence suggesting that these different methods complement each other for different regimes is presented, and despite their many challenges, some of these methods are better grounded in or motivated by the principles of algorithmic information. The authors propose that the field can make greater contributions to science, causation, scientific discovery, networks, and cognition, to mention a few among many fields, instead of remaining either as a technical curiosity of mathematical interest only or as a statistical tool when collapsed into an application of popular lossless compression algorithms. This book goes, thus, beyond popular statistical lossless compression and introduces a different methodological approach to dealing with algorithmic complexity. For example, graph theory and network science are classic subjects in mathematics widely investigated in the twentieth century, transforming research in many fields of science from economy to medicine. However, it has become increasingly clear that the challenge of analyzing these networks cannot be addressed by tools relying solely on statistical methods. Therefore, model-driven approaches are needed. Recent advances in network science suggest that algorithmic information theory could play an increasingly important role in breaking those limits imposed by traditional statistical analysis (entropy or statistical compression) in modeling evolving complex networks or interacting networks. Further progress on this front calls for new techniques for an improved mechanistic understanding of complex systems, thereby calling out for increased interaction between systems science, network theory, and algorithmic information theory, to which this book contributes.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 20th Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2021, Virtual Event, November 17–20, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1636)

by Byeong-Yun Chang Changbeom Choi

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 20th Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2021, held as a virtual event in November 2021.The 9 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on simulation and visualization; modeling and simulation of systems.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 21st Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2022, Changsha, China, December 9-11, 2022, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1713)

by Wenhui Fan Lin Zhang Ni Li Xiao Song

The two-volume set CCIS 1712 and 1713 constitutes the proceedings of the 21st Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2022, which took place in Changsha, China, in January 2023. Due to the Covid pandemic AsiaSim 2022 has been postponed to January 2023. The 97 papers presented in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 218 submissions. The contributions were organized in topical sections as follows: Modeling theory and methodology; Continuous system/discrete event system/hybrid system/intelligent system modeling and simulation; Complex systems and open, complex and giant systems modeling and simulation; Integrated natural environment and virtual reality environment modeling and simulation; Networked Modeling and Simulation; Flight simulation, simulator, simulation support environment, simulation standard and simulation system construction; High performance computing, parallel computing, pervasive computing, embedded computing and simulation; CAD/CAE/CAM/CIMS/VP/VM/VR/SBA; Big data challenges and requirements for simulation and knowledge services of big data ecosystem; Artificial intelligence for simulation; Application of modeling/simulation in science/engineering/society/economy /management/energy/transportation/life/biology/medicine etc; Application of modeling/simulation in energy saving/emission reduction, public safety, disaster prevention/mitigation; Modeling/simulation applications in the military field; Modeling/simulation applications in education and training; Modeling/simulation applications in entertainment and sports.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 22nd Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2023, Langkawi, Malaysia, October 25–26, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1911)

by Fazilah Hassan Noorhazirah Sunar Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud Mohamad Hafis Izran Ishak Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd Asia Simulation Conference on Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems, AsiaSim 2023, held in Langkawi, Malaysia, during October 25–26, 2023.The 77 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 164 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Modelling and Simulation, Artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, Digital Twins Modelling, Simulation and Gaming, Simulation for Engineering, Simulation for Sustainable Development, Simulation in Social Sciences.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 22nd Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2023, Langkawi, Malaysia, October 25–26, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1912)

by Fazilah Hassan Noorhazirah Sunar Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri Mohd Saiful Azimi Mahmud Mohamad Hafis Izran Ishak Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd Asia Simulation Conference on Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems, AsiaSim 2023, held in Langkawi, Malaysia, during October 25–26, 2023.The 77 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 164 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Modelling and Simulation, Artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, Digital Twins Modelling, Simulation and Gaming, Simulation for Engineering, Simulation for Sustainable Development, Simulation in Social Sciences.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 18th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2018, Kyoto, Japan, October 27–29, 2018, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #946)

by Liang Li Kyoko Hasegawa Satoshi Tanaka

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 18th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2018, held in Kyoto, Japan, in August 2018.The 45 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 90 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on modeling and simulation technology; soft computing and machine learning; high performance computing and cloud computing; simulation technology for industry; simulation technology for intelligent society; simulation of instrumentation and control application; computational mathematics and computational science; flow simulation; visualization and computer vision to support simulation.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 19th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2019, Singapore, October 30 – November 1, 2019, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1094)

by Gary Tan Axel Lehmann Yong Meng Teo Wentong Cai

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 19th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2019, held in Singapore, Singapore, in October 2019.The 19 revised full papers and 5 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on simulation and modeling methodology; numerical and Monte Carlo simulation; simulation applications: blockchain, deep learning and cloud; simulation and visualization; simulation applications; short papers.

Methods and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: 21st Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2022, Changsha, China, December 9-11, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1712)

by Lin Zhang Xiao Song Wenhui Fan Ni Li

The two-volume set CCIS 1712 and 1713 constitutes the proceedings of the 21st Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2022, which took place in Changsha, China, in January 2023. Due to the Covid pandemic AsiaSim 2022 has been postponed to January 2023. The 97 papers presented in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 218 submissions. The contributions were organized in topical sections as follows: Modeling theory and methodology; Continuous system/discrete event system/hybrid system/intelligent system modeling and simulation; Complex systems and open, complex and giant systems modeling and simulation; Integrated natural environment and virtual reality environment modeling and simulation; Networked Modeling and Simulation; Flight simulation, simulator, simulation support environment, simulation standard and simulation system construction; High performance computing, parallel computing, pervasive computing, embedded computing and simulation; CAD/CAE/CAM/CIMS/VP/VM/VR/SBA; Big data challenges and requirements for simulation and knowledge services of big data ecosystem; Artificial intelligence for simulation; Application of modeling/simulation in science/engineering/society/economy /management/energy/transportation/life/biology/medicine etc; Application of modeling/simulation in energy saving/emission reduction, public safety, disaster prevention/mitigation; Modeling/simulation applications in the military field; Modeling/simulation applications in education and training; Modeling/simulation applications in entertainment and sports.

Methodology of Complex Activity: Foundations of Understanding and Modelling (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #300)

by Mikhail V. Belov Dmitry A. Novikov

This book develops and describes a general methodology that can be applied to any complex human activity (activity with a non-trivial, multi-level internal structure).The structural components of complex activities are considered, and their logical, cause-and-effect, and process structures are functionally described. Considerable attention is paid to organization and management, uncertainties, and the lifecycles of activities, as well as the actors, subject matter, resources, knowledge, and methods involved. Several typical examples are used throughout the text to illustrate the implementation of common approaches involving the functioning of work groups, organizational units, projects, and organizations in general: a retail bank, an aircraft manufacturer, a fire department, and a nuclear power plant. In addition, the book employs a system of connected technical models, in order to ensure that the results are of practical applicability for both experts on the ground and scholars engaged in research on the general principles of how activities (practical, scientific, etc.) are organized or on the management of socio-technical systems.

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