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Showing 26,726 through 26,750 of 54,101 results

Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms

by Jelena Mirkovic Sven Dietrich David Dittrich Peter Reiher

Suddenly your Web server becomes unavailable. When you investigate, you realize that a flood of packets is surging into your network. You have just become one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of a denial-of-service attack, a pervasive and growing threat to the Internet. What do you do? <p><p> Internet Denial of Service sheds light on a complex and fascinating form of computer attack that impacts the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of millions of computers worldwide. It tells the network administrator, corporate CTO, incident responder, and student how DDoS attacks are prepared and executed, how to think about DDoS, and how to arrange computer and network defenses. It also provides a suite of actions that can be taken before, during, and after an attack.

Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed (Electronic Mediations)

by Fenwick McKelvey

A complete history and theory of internet daemons brings these little-known—but very consequential—programs into the spotlight We’re used to talking about how tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon rule the internet, but what about daemons? Ubiquitous programs that have colonized the Net’s infrastructure—as well as the devices we use to access it—daemons are little known. Fenwick McKelvey weaves together history, theory, and policy to give a full account of where daemons come from and how they influence our lives—including their role in hot-button issues like network neutrality.Going back to Victorian times and the popular thought experiment Maxwell’s Demon, McKelvey charts how daemons evolved from concept to reality, eventually blossoming into the pandaemonium of code-based creatures that today orchestrates our internet. Digging into real-life examples like sluggish connection speeds, Comcast’s efforts to control peer-to-peer networking, and Pirate Bay’s attempts to elude daemonic control (and skirt copyright), McKelvey shows how daemons have been central to the internet, greatly influencing everyday users.Internet Daemons asks important questions about how much control is being handed over to these automated, autonomous programs, and the consequences for transparency and oversight.

Internet, Cyber- und IT-Sicherheit von A-Z: Aktuelle Begriffe kurz und einfach erklärt – Für Beruf, Studium und Privatleben

by Ron Porath

Die wichtigsten Begriffe zu Internet, Cyber-Risiken, IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Kurz, aktuell, prägnant und einfach zu verstehen. Finden Sie hier schnell und ohne lange Texte lesen zu müssen die Bedeutung von aktuellen und in Zukunft wichtig werdenden Begriffen wie Blockchain, GDPR, Quantencomputer, WannaCry, Hacking, Ransomware oder Künstlicher Intelligenz. Dieses Standardwerk ist schnell zur Hand und darf heutzutage auf keinem Schreibtisch fehlen.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers im internationalen Rechtssystem: Wie diese die Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung umsetzt und welchen Einfluss die Umsetzung auf das E-Mail-Marketing hat (BestMasters)

by Tobias Sattler

Für den stabilen und sicheren Betrieb des Internets ist die US-amerikanische gemeinnützige Organisation Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) verantwortlich, wozu die Koordination der Vergabe von Domain-Namen gehört. Die Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (EU-DSGVO) dient der Vereinheitlichung des Datenschutzrechts und schützt die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten. Dies hat einen Einfluss auf die öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen von registrierten Domain-Namen, deren Veröffentlichung die ICANN in ihren Richtlinien vorschreibt. Diese Informationen umfassen personenbezogene Daten wie den Namen, die Postanschrift und die E-Mail-Adresse der Domain-innehabenden Person. Die ICANN änderte ihre Richtlinien, jedoch ist weiterhin die Veröffentlichung dieser Angaben möglich. In dem vorliegenden Buch werden die Auswirkungen der EU-DSGVO auf das E-Mail-Marketing und die Verwendung von E-Mail-Adressen für E-Mail-Kampagnen untersucht, insbesondere in Bezug auf unerwünschte E-Mail-Werbung. Dazu wird die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: Welchen Effekt hat die Veröffentlichung der E-Mail-Adresse der Domain-innehabenden Person in den WHOIS-Datenbanken auf die Anzahl eingehender unerwünschter Marketing-E-Mails?

Internet Core Protocols: Help for Network Administrators

by Eric Hall

Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide provides the nitty-gritty details of TCP, IP, and UDP. Many network problems can only be debugged by working at the lowest levels--looking at all the bits traveling back and forth on the wire. This guide explains what those bits are and how to interpret them. It's the only book on Internet protocols written with system and network administrators in mind.

The Internet Consumer Bible

by Tess Read Calum Chace Simon Rowe

The Internet Consumer Bible is the most authoritative guide to the internet available. Far more than a directory, this book shows you - whether novice or experienced web surfer - which sites can help you and which sites are a waste of time. Taking you through every aspect of life and showing how to save hundreds of pounds and release hours of valuable time for other activities, the book also looks at what you can't do on the web or what you can still do better offline. Chapters finish with a list of sites in the area providing a brief description of what the site does and a star rating of 1-5 for how good each is. There are five major sections: 1) Basics. Chapters in this section include: what is a 'good website'?; getting started, unmetered access, ADSL, virus programmes, firewalls, screening software, mobile internet and interactive TV.2) Lifestages. Chapters in this section include: births and young children; education; dating, marriage and divorce; work: job-seeking, self-employment, redundancy; death.3) Shopping. Chapters in this section include: home, mortgages, online estate agencies, DIY, gardening, cars, clothes, groceries.4) Entertainment and Leisure. Chapters in this section include: travel and holidays, sport, films, music, restaurants, TV, nightlife, genealogy, weather, hobbies.5) Organising Your Life. Chapters in this section include: money (covers investing

Internet Communications Using SIP

by Henry Sinnreich Alan B. Johnston

"This book is like a good tour guide.It doesn't just describe the major attractions; you share in the history, spirit, language, and culture of the place."--Henning Schulzrinne, Professor, Columbia UniversitySince its birth in 1996, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has grown up. As a richer, much more robust technology, SIP today is fully capable of supporting the communication systems that power our twenty-first century work and life.This second edition handbook has been revamped to cover the newest standards, services, and products. You'll find the latest on SIP usage beyond VoIP, including Presence, instant messaging (IM), mobility, and emergency services, as well as peer-to-peer SIP applications, quality-of-service, and security issues--everything you need to build and deploy today's SIP services.This book will help you* Work with SIP in Presence and event-based communications* Handle SIP-based application-level mobility issues* Develop applications to facilitate communications access for users with disabilities* Set up Internet-based emergency services* Explore how peer-to-peer SIP systems may change VoIP* Understand the critical importance of Internet transparency* Identify relevant standards and specifications* Handle potential quality-of-service and security problems

Internet Communication Technology: Applied Phronesis Netnography in Internet Research Methodologies (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by Iyad Muhsen AlDajani

The book explores Applied Phronesis in internet communication technology and Netnography application, introducing it on Facebook and YouTube usages. It defines two pillars for the research dynamics, “Episteme” and “Techne.” – the know-how, how-to, and the power dynamics. The “Episteme” explores the dynamics of reconciliation in the middle of conflict, Internet communication technologies for transformation, Moderation in Islam, online Deliberative Democracy.The second pillar, “Techne,” is explored through Internet communication technology for the advancement of reconciliation in the middle of a conflict.The book describes the Phronetic Approach in internet research in academic discourse adopting Phronesis “an Aristotelian concept and method defined by Bent Flyvbjerg,” and exploring Netnography for Kozinets, in Mixed-Method research design and applying methodological triangulation in research and testing the hypothesis using qualitative content analysis for Krippendorff, developing a methodological discourse for interdisciplinary research using internet communication technologies as part of understanding big-date, introducing Applied Digital Humanities.

Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy

by Julia Davidson

Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy provides a timely overview of international policy, legislation and offender management and treatment practice in the area of Internet child abuse. Internet use has grown considerably over the last five years, and information technology now forms a core part of the formal education system in many countries. There is however, increasing evidence that the Internet is used by some adults to access children and young people in order to ‘groom’ them for the purposes of sexual abuse; as well as to produce and distribute indecent illegal images of children. This book presents and assesses the most recent and current research on internet child abuse, addressing: its nature, the behaviour and treatment of its perpetrators, international policy, legislation and protection, and policing. It will be required reading for an international audience of academics, researchers, policy-makers and criminal justice practitioners with interests in this area.

The Internet Bubble: Inside the Over-valued world of High Tech Stocks and What You Need to Know to Avoid the Coming Shakeout

by Anthony B. Perkins Michael C. Perkins

This book exposes the incredible rise of the Silicon Valley wealth machine, before the bubble burst.

Internet Branding For Lawyers: Building The Client-centered Website

by Jeff Lantz

Covering methods applicable to firms serving individuals as well as firms serving businesses, this reader-friendly guide shows how to create a brand and a website for a law firm. Lantz, a consultant in brand creation and website development who holds an MBA in finance, advises readers to focus on the customer perspective: how will you help me and how much will it cost. The book begins by explaining the increased importance of branding in today's information age, then explains how to build a brand around the law firm's practices and how to communicate the brand through website content and design. The final section of the book is given over to technical details and decisions related to areas such as content management systems, choosing a website developer, search optimization, domain names, and servers and website hosting. The book includes many bullets and checklists, along with b&w photos, screenshots, and examples of logos. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Internet Book Piracy: The Fight to Protect Authors, Publishers, and Our Culture

by Gini Graham Scott

The international battle against Internet pirates has been heating up. Increasingly law enforcement is paying attention to book piracy as ebook publishing gains an ever-larger market share. With this threat to their health and even survival, publishers and authors must act much like the music, film, and software giants that have waged war against pirates for the past two decades. Now, The Battle against Internet Piracy opens a discussion on what happens to the victims of piracy. Drawing from a large number of interviews-from writers, self-publishers, mainstream publishers, researchers, students, admitted pirates, free speech advocates, attorneys, and local and international law enforcement officials-the text speaks to such issues as: Why pirates have acted and how they feel about it The conflict over constitutional rights and piracy The current laws surrounding Internet piracy Examples of cases taken against some pirates Alternatives to piracy Personal experiences of being ripped off The ways piracy affects different industries and how they’ve respondedAuthor Gini Graham Scott prepares readers to arm themselves against these modern perils by learning about copyright, infringement, and how to prevent, combat, and end book piracy.Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don't aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.

The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know about Computer Networking and How the Internet Works

by Douglas E. Comer

The Internet Book, Fifth Edition explains how computers communicate, what the Internet is, how the Internet works, and what services the Internet offers. It is designed for readers who do not have a strong technical background — early chapters clearly explain the terminology and concepts needed to understand all the services. It helps the reader to understand the technology behind the Internet, appreciate how the Internet can be used, and discover why people find it so exciting. In addition, it explains the origins of the Internet and shows the reader how rapidly it has grown. It also provides information on how to avoid scams and exaggerated marketing claims. <P><P>The first section of the book introduces communication system concepts and terminology. The second section reviews the history of the Internet and its incredible growth. It documents the rate at which the digital revolution occurred, and provides background that will help readers appreciate the significance of the underlying design. The third section describes basic Internet technology and capabilities. It examines how Internet hardware is organized and how software provides communication. This section provides the foundation for later chapters, and will help readers ask good questions and make better decisions when salespeople offer Internet products and services. The final section describes application services currently available on the Internet. For each service, the book explains both what the service offers and how the service works. <P><P>About the Author <P><P>Dr. Douglas Comer is a Distinguished Professor at Purdue University in the departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has created and enjoys teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on computer networks and Internets, operating systems, computer architecture, and computer software. One of the researchers who contributed to the Internet as it was being formed in the late 1970s and 1980s, he has served as a member of the Internet Architecture Board, the group responsible for guiding the Internet’s development. Prof. Comer is an internationally recognized expert on computer networking, the TCP/IP protocols, and the Internet, who presents lectures to a wide range of audiences. In addition to research articles, he has written a series of textbooks that describe the technical details of the Internet. Prof. Comer’s books have been translated into many languages, and are used in industry as well as computer science, engineering, and business departments around the world. Prof. Comer joined the Internet project in the late 1970s, and has had a high-speed Internet connection to his home since 1981. He wrote this book as a response to everyone who has asked him for an explanation of the Internet that is both technically correct and easily understood by anyone. An Internet enthusiast, Comer displays INTRNET on the license plate of his car.

Internet-based Control Systems

by Shuang-Hua Yang

The Internet plays a significant and growing role in real-time industrial manufacturing, scheduling and management. A considerable research effort has led to the development of new technologies that make it possible to use the Internet for supervision and control of industrial processes. Internet-based Control Systems addresses the challenges that need to be overcome before the Internet can be beneficially used not only for monitoring of but also remote control industrial plants. New design issues such as requirement specification, architecture selection and user-interface design are dealt with. Irregular data transmission and data loss and, in extreme cases, whole-system instability may result from Internet time-delay; this book guards against such phenomena from both computer science and control engineering perspectives. Security breaches and safety risks in an Internet-based control system could have very serious consequences and the author gives specific advice for avoiding them. This book is unique in bringing together multiple strands of research, mainly from computer science and control engineering, into an over-arching study of the entire subject. Practical perspectives are explored both through case studies in several chapters and through real applications including: · robot arm control; · web-based simulator for a catalytic reactor; · virtual supervision parameter control of a water tank system; · model predictive control for a process control unit; · remote control performance monitoring and maintenance; · remote control system design and implementation; Internet-based Control Systems is a useful introduction and guide for researchers in control engineering and computer science and developers of real-time Internet-enabling software. It can also be used for teaching a final year option or elective on Internet-enabled real-time system design, or as an advanced example of real-time software design for graduates.

The Internet as a Technology-Based Ecosystem

by Nigel Walton

This book examines and critiques classical approaches to strategic analysis, whilst exploring alternative methods which utilise ecosystem and platform concepts, as well as chaos and complexity theories. The innovative study provides a critique of the neoclassical Newtonian school of strategy, and proves it to be largely inappropriate as a decision-making methodology in today’s internet-based market. By developing a new biological hydrothermal vent model in which analogical comparisons are made with the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector, the chapters challenge existing paradigms of competitive advantage and analyse the extent to which the Internet can be considered to be an ecosystem in its own right. The Internet as a Technology-Based Eco-System offers a range of alternative models and analytical frameworks for the analysis of internet-based technology companies in the twenty-first century, creating a valuable tool for students and academics undertaking research in strategy, technology and electronic engineering.

The Internet As A Diverse Community: Cultural, Organizational, and Political Issues (LEA Telecommunications Series)

by Urs E. Gattiker

In this volume, author Urs Gattiker offers a broad overview of Internet and technology-related theory. He examines Internet and multimedia issues from an international perspective, outlining issues of international sovereignty and the potential impact of national interests on global technology policy. He also surveys the issues of regulation and institutionalization of the Internet, examines ways for reducing the inequality of benefits from such technology, and explores the opportunities and challenges the Internet offers for consumers, firms, governments, and interest groups. In assembling this treatise, Gattiker synthesizes a vast body of literature from communication, economics, philosophy, political science, management, psychology, science policy, telecommunication engineering, and other areas. The Internet as a Diverse Community provides readers with a framework for analyzing and selecting between many different Internet choices. It explores issues from a social-impact perspective, using examples from a variety of contexts and firms around the world. The work also offers a wealth of new social theory on such topics as moral and ethical issues and the opportunities, choices, and challenges the Internet offers for consumers, investors, managers, and public policy decision makers. It examines the current and future challenges that computer-mediated technologies present, and sets forth new theoretical perspectives on such areas as multimedia and the profit-maximizing firm; the Internet and the private user; managing multimedia productively; and the social and moral costs of various Internet options and choices. Taken as a whole, this resource provides valuable insights on the Internet and is essential reading for business, telecommunication, public policy, and technology decision makers around the globe.

Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education

by Cleborne D. Maddux D. LaMont Johnson

Give your students a powerful learning resource-the Internet!The Internet, though brimming with potential, is still vastly underused as a teaching resource. Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education gives teachers new strategies for the Internet&’s use as a dynamic educational resource. Where Type I teaching applications technologically mimic the procedures previously used by teachers, Type II teaching applications involve innovative thinking in the use of technology in learning. Using Type II applications with the Internet, students are actively empowered to look to its use as an effective partner in their learning process. This book clearly reviews several Type II teaching applications and integrative software for use in all educational levels, including Internet videoconferencing, instant messages, WebQuests, and WebCT.Though now readily available, even those schools with the capability fail to effectively integrate computer and Internet technology into meaningful classroom activities. Using the Internet as a teaching and learning tool offers a flexibility that can be extremely effective. Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education clearly shows how some creative educators have implemented inventive Type II applications in their teaching plans to give their students a more enriching learning experience.Internet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education explores: critically evaluating Web site information how perceptions and behaviors change when Internet access becomes universally available Internet2 Videoconferencing integrating online communication into courses utilizing computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools structured online class discussions using Instant Messenger (IM) increasing vocabulary through software and online texts online learning in second-language acquisition (SLA) a project in New Zealand in which teachers and students learn Web design with the help of an external expert WebQuests as a Type II application WebCT as a Type II application achievement testing through the computer the Global Forum on School Leadership (GFSL) as a Type II applicationInternet Applications of Type II Uses of Technology in Education is a valuable, idea-generating resource for all academics working in information technology and education, and for K-12 teachers and administrators at all levels.

Internet Annoyances

by Preston Gralla

What began as an intrepid U.S. Government initiative in the early 1970's has turned into a global way of life. Indeed, with more than 500 million current users (and counting), the Internet has revolutionized the way societies function the world over. From dating and shopping online, to conducting informational research, to communicating via email, today seemingly everyone uses the Internet for one purpose or another. How, then, can something so vast and powerful be defiled by something as trivial as spam? It's true. The fact remains that despite the leading-edge technological sophistication fueling the Net, there are still many related annoyances that complicate and tarnish the Internet experience. And it doesn't matter if you're a homemaker in search of a fresh chicken recipe, or a civil engineer researching plans for a new skyscraper, the problems are the same. Internet Annoyances understands the universal nature of the Internet and strives to make its use as stress-free as possible. This insightful guide shows you how to overcome the most annoying Internet-related quirks, bugs, and hassles. You'll learn how to make a seamless connection, thwart would-be hackers, ensure greater security while surfing, eliminate pop-up ads, maximize online services, conduct more effective Google searches, better utilize digital media (music and video), and much more. In addition, Internet Annoyances discusses how to design and host a personal web site something once thought of as only possible for the technically gifted. Topics like blogs, domain names, setup, HTML, fonts, and graphics and are all dissected and analyzed for easy consumption. Unlike other books on the subject, Internet Annoyances assumes readers already possess a working knowledge of the Internet. By fully recognizing the experience level of today's Internet culture, author Preston Galla is able to cut immediately to the chase and not waste time on the more obvious points. Internet Annoyances , therefore, is a quick read that presents succinct solutions for the many glitches that still populate the Internet experience.

Internet and World Wide Web: How to Program, Fifth Edition

by Abbey Deitel Harvey Deitel Paul Deitel

Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 5/e is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate-level client-side and server-side programming courses. The book is also suitable for professionals who want to update their skills with the latest Internet and web programming technologies. Internet and World Wide Web How to Program, 5e introduces students with little or no programming experience to the exciting world of Web-Based applications. This new edition focuses on HTML5 and the related technologies in its ecosystem, diving into the exciting new features of HTML5, CSS3, the latest edition of JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) and HTML5 canvas. At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature "live-code approach"-concepts are presented in the context of complete working HTML5 documents, CSS3 stylesheets, JavaScript scripts, XML documents, programs and database files, rather than in code snippets. Each complete code example is accompanied by live sample executions. The Deitels focus on popular key technologies that will help readers build Internet- and web-based applications that interact with other applications and with databases. These form the basis of the kinds of enterprise-level, networked applications that are popular in industry today. After mastering the material in this book, readers will be well prepared to build real-world, industrial strength, Web-based applications.

Internet and Web Application Security

by Mike Harwood Ron Price

Internet and Web Application Security, Third Edition provides an in-depth look at how to secure mobile users as customer-facing information migrates from mainframe computers and application servers to Web-enabled applications. Written by industry experts, this book provides a comprehensive explanation of the evolutionary changes that have occurred in computing, communications, and social networking and discusses how to secure systems against all the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities associated with Web-enabled applications accessible via the internet. Using examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to prepare readers to successfully secure Web-enabled applications.

Internet and Surveillance: The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social Media (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society)

by Christian Fuchs Kees Boersma Marisol Sandoval Anders Albrechtslund

The Internet has been transformed in the past years from a system primarily oriented on information provision into a medium for communication and community-building. The notion of “Web 2.0”, social software, and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have emerged in this context. With such platforms comes the massive provision and storage of personal data that are systematically evaluated, marketed, and used for targeting users with advertising. In a world of global economic competition, economic crisis, and fear of terrorism after 9/11, both corporations and state institutions have a growing interest in accessing this personal data. Here, contributors explore this changing landscape by addressing topics such as commercial data collection by advertising, consumer sites and interactive media; self-disclosure in the social web; surveillance of file-sharers; privacy in the age of the internet; civil watch-surveillance on social networking sites; and networked interactive surveillance in transnational space. This book is a result of a research action launched by the intergovernmental network COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society)

by Christian Fuchs

In this exceptional study, Christian Fuchs discusses how the internet has transformed the lives of human beings and social relationships in contemporary society. By outlining a social theory of the internet and the information society, he demonstrates how the ecological, economic, political, and cultural systems of contemporary society have been transformed by new ICTs. Fuchs highlights how new forms of cooperation and competition are advanced and supported by the internet in subsystems of society and also discusses opportunities and risks of the information society.

The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research, and Practice (Routledge Communication Series)

by Ronald E. Rice Monica Murero

The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research, and Practice presents an in-depth introduction to the field of health care and the Internet, from international and interdisciplinary perspectives. It combines expertise in the areas of the social sciences, medicine, policy, and systems analysis. With an international collection of contributors, it provides a current examination of key issues and research projects in the area. Methods and data used in the chapters include personal interviews, focus groups, observations, regional and national surveys, online transcript analysis, and much more. Sections in the book cover:*e-Health trends and theory; *searching, discussing, and evaluating online health information at the individual level of analysis; *discussing health information at the group or community level; and *implementing health information systems at the regional and social level. The Internet and Health Care will prove useful for university educators and students in the social, public health, and medical disciplines, including Internet researchers. It is also oriented to professionals in many disciplines who will appreciate an integrative theoretical, empirical, and critical analysis of the subject matter, including developers and providers of online health information.

The Internet and Email For The Over 50s: Teach Yourself (Ty Computing Ser.)

by Bob Reeves

Do you feel that you have been left behind in the technological revolution? Are you looking for sound, practical advice on getting the most out of email and the Internet? If so, The Internet and email for the Over 50s is exactly what you need! Focusing on a wide range of internet and email uses that are of particular relevance and interest to older computer users and the technologically terrified, including travel, shopping and much more, this book even covers online dating!The author approaches the subject in a highly accessible way, covering emailing, making calls over the Internet, shopping online, banking, setting up a blog and searching online. Starting from first basics, it begins with how to choose the right computer, software and peripherals. Made up of of self-contained chapters with the emphasis on what the computer is being used for, rather than scary technical stuff about the software needed, this book covers key areas of interest including: getting started with email, sending and receiving emails and attachments; making phone calls over the internet (VOIP etc), 'chatting' online; reading and writing blogs; keeping your personal information safe online and keeping your computer safe from viruses; finding what you need on the internet, shopping, banking and online auctions. Filled with clear instructions and supported with screenshots, tips, hints and a full 'jargon-busting' glossary, it assumes no prior knowledge of using the internet and email, guiding you with practical good humour to success.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of the Internet and email.FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

The Internet and Email For The Over 50s: Teach Yourself (TY Computing)

by Bob Reeves

Do you feel that you have been left behind in the technological revolution? Are you looking for sound, practical advice on getting the most out of email and the Internet? If so, The Internet and email for the Over 50s is exactly what you need! Focusing on a wide range of internet and email uses that are of particular relevance and interest to older computer users and the technologically terrified, including travel, shopping and much more, this book even covers online dating! The author approaches the subject in a highly accessible way, covering emailing, making calls over the Internet, shopping online, banking, setting up a blog and searching online. Starting from first basics, it begins with how to choose the right computer, software and peripherals. Made up of of self-contained chapters with the emphasis on what the computer is being used for, rather than scary technical stuff about the software needed, this book covers key areas of interest including: getting started with email, sending and receiving emails and attachments; making phone calls over the internet (VOIP etc), 'chatting' online; reading and writing blogs; keeping your personal information safe online and keeping your computer safe from viruses; finding what you need on the internet, shopping, banking and online auctions. Filled with clear instructions and supported with screenshots, tips, hints and a full 'jargon-busting' glossary, it assumes no prior knowledge of using the internet and email, guiding you with practical good humour to success. NOT GOT MUCH TIME? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. AUTHOR INSIGHTS Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience. TEST YOURSELF Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGE Extra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of the Internet and email. FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBER Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. TRY THIS Innovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

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