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by Juan Moises de la Serna Beatriz Sosa Rebelo

O cyberbullying é uma nova modalidade de assédio que qualquer pessoa pode vir a sofrer, mas a situação é especialmente preocupante quando se trata de menores. Neste breve manual são respondidas as perguntas mais importantes sobre este tema que todo pai com filhos em idade escolar deve ter em mente: O que é o Cyberbullying? Quais os efeitos do Cyberbullying? Pode se prevenir o Cyberbullying? e principalmente, O que fazer se nosso filho for vítima do Cyberbullying? Descubra todos os segredos sobre o Cyberbullying com os resultados das últimas pesquisas realizadas no âmbito da psicologia sobre o assunto.

Come fare soldi con le opzioni binarie

by José Manuel Moreira Batista

Un sistema completo facile da utilizzare per un trading di successo. Chi non vuole fare soldi con le opzioni binarie? Se state cercando di fare soldi con le opzioni binarie questo libro fa per voi. Insegna un metodo facile da seguire completo per negoziare le opzioni binarie. Questo metodo si basa su idea semplice ma ancora efficace: quello che ha funzionato in passato molto probabilmente non funzionerà in futuro. Il libro inizia con lo spiegare il perchè fare soldi con le opzioni binarie sia più difficile di quanto i broker ci facciano credere. Introduce nozioni base sulle opzioni binarie e rivela strategie a tempo facili da comprendere e da applicare sia per i principianti che per i veterani del trading. Vengono indicati due sistemi di gestione del denaro e i trader più esperti troveranno un capitolo dedicato alle strategie più sofisticate. L'autore del libro ha più di 25 anni di esperienza nel trading, ha ricoperto ruoli in diverse aziende, insegnato a dei corsi di finanza, contabilità ed edilizia. I suoi libri si basano su dei risultati e i suoi corsi uniscono l'esperienza con ciò che sembra base teorica con pratica compiuta, conoscenze semplici da seguire i quali portano benifici immediati a lettori e studenti.

iBooks Author. Pubblicare Con iBooks Author sulla Piattaforma Apple di iBooks

by George Smolinski Mattia Baratto

iBooks Author di George Smolinski Pronti per la prossima rivoluzione nel mondo degli eBooks? È già qui--iBooks. iBooks Author ha tutto il potenziale per rimpiazzare le pubblicazioni eBook di Amazon Kindle. Leggete questo libro per capire il perché e per imparare come entrare nel mondo iBooks ADESSO Pronti per la prossima rivoluzione nel mondo degli eBooks? È già qui--iBooks. iBooks Author ha tutto il potenziale per rimpiazzare le pubblicazioni eBook di Amazon Kindle. Leggete questo libro per capire il perché e per imparare come entrare nel mondo iBooks ADESSO Ricordate I bei vecchi tempi dell’editoria eBook? Scrivevate un gran libro e lo pubblicavate su Amazon Kindle con una copertina stupenda e la gente lo acquistava! Ci avevate messo il vostro valore e la gente aveva risposto comprando il vostro libro. Ma i tempi cambiano, ed in fretta. C’è un nuovo giocatore in campo, ed ha un potenziale incredibile. Questo giocatore è Apple con il suo iBooks Author e vuole rivoluzionare l’editoria eBook per sempre! In questo libro imparerete: 1. Perchè iBooks diverrà la piattaforma DOMINANTE per l’editoria eBook nei prossimi 2 anni 2. Come saltare a bordo di questa rivoluzione ADESSO e prima degli altri! 3. Suggerimenti passo-passo per progettare e formattare il vostro iBook 4. Come pubblicare il vostro eBook su iBooks Store utilizzando iBooks Author 5. Come iBooks può rivoluzionare non solo il modo in cui presentiamo il materiale ai lettori, ma anche il modo di insegnare, pensare ed imparare! iBooks author è LA più grande novità nell’editoria eBook e sta partendo ORA. Salta a bordo oggi e non rimanere indietro!

Excel 2016 Passo dopo Passo

by Handz Huiza

Questo testo vi guiderà attraverso gli strumenti più usati di Excel 2016. I capitoli sono stati sviluppati in modo da essere indipendenti l’uno dall’altro, dunque non è necessario leggerli in modo sequenziale. Se già conoscete alcuni argomenti, potete scorrere direttamente fino al capitolo che vi interessa. Se invece utilizzate Excel per la prima volta, è opportuno che iniziate a leggere dal primo capitolo. Il presente testo può costituire anche materiale di consultazione, se necessario, cosi che a qualsiasi livello di preparazione, si possa trarre vantaggio dai contenuti.

L'Intelligenza Artificiale: capire l'I.A. e le implicazioni dell'apprendimento automatico

by Smart Reads Stefano Vazzola

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking e Bill Gates hanno affermato che l'Intelligenza Artificiale potrebbe costituire una minaccia in futuro a meno che gli umani non imparino a usarla saggiamente. Potrebbe essere vero? Potremo creare un programma di intelligenza artificiale che a breve disporrà di pensiero e sentimenti di IA? Potremo addirittura avere un'IA dall'aspetto umano che si candidi a presidente in futuro? Tutte queste domande e queste riflessioni vengono prese in esame in L'Intelligenza Artificiale: capire l'I.A. e le implicazioni dell'apprendimento automatico. È un libro studiato per offrire una panoramica concisa dei primordi delle macchine intelligenti, del nostro approccio moderno e del suo impatto sulla tecnologia del futuro e sull'esistenza umana.

BLOGANDO: O Guia Mais Engenhoso Para Começar um Blog Remunerador

by Isaac Kronenberg Talis Ramalho Barboza

Assim, este livro tem o objetivo de revelar à você exatamente o que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso fazem. Claro, eu sei que você já ouviu essa história antes, apenas pegue o nicho certo, escreva bons artigos, espalhe links de afiliados em todos os lugares, e com certeza você terá lucros. Bem, eu tenho novidades para você! NÃO é assim que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso estão fazendo! Embora, há alguma verdade nisso, você deve por links de afiliados no seu blog, mas apenas espalhar eles por aí esperando que alguem clique é uma estratégia totalmente errada. Portanto, este livro te revela exatamente o que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso realmente fazem (que é exatamente o que eu faço). Não tenha dúvidas sobre isso, a maioria das pessoas que entra no mundo dos blogs não tem noção alguma sobre monetização, e falham em transformar o blog numa renda. E já que essa é a realidade das coisas, sua competição é muito baixa se você fizer as coisas certas, utilizando o método que eu descrevo neste livro. De fato, você nunca vai precisar ler outro livro sobre blogs depois que este aqui passar nas suas mãos, porque você vai saber exatamente o que você precisa fazer para gerar uma renda utilizando o seu blog. Confie em mim nisso, este livro é o melhor livro sobre blogs que você vai ler na sua vida, e ele vai te mostrar um caminho bem certeiro para que você seja pago através do seu blog. O único jeito de falhar é se você não implementar os métodos que eu ensino, então certifique-se de ler este livro com calma, e implemente o método que eu descrevo para você, porque eu tenho certeza que isso vai elevar o seu blog para o próximo nível.

Blogging La guía definitiva de cómo reemplazar tu trabajo con un blog

by Efron Hirsch Michelle Vergara

¿Estás intentando empezar un blog rentable? Este libro te mostrará exactamente lo que necesitas hacer para empezar un blog rentable, basado en lo que están haciendo los mejores blogueros. Si sigues las instrucciones, tendrás un blog increíble y rentable en muy poco tiempo. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás... Cómo construir un blog Cómo elegir un nicho Cómo diseñar tu blog Cómo empezar a crear entradas Cómo crear contenido valioso para tu blog Cómo generar tráfico Cómo monetizar tu blog Y mucho, mucho más

Raspberry Pi e programação C

by Barbara Hohensee Jonathan R. Santos e Aleff E. Oliveira

Aprenda o básico da programação em C e contrua projetos embarcados usando Raspberry Pi e a linguagem C.

BI and Big Data Management

by Philipp Strazny Ulrich Hambuch

Companies increasingly recognize that the analysis of business information (business intelligence) can generate decisive competitive advantages. In addition, the compliance guidelines BCBS 239, Basel II and III, SOX, and Solvency II have led to legal requirements for a minimum level of quality in reporting and planning data and processes. The establishment of enterprise-wide data management thus continues to be one of the major challenges for IT and management in the years to come. Data quality is an integral success factor in the establishment of an optimal information infrastructure. A 2002 study from "The Data Warehousing Institutes" (TDWI) calculates that poor data quality in the US cost about $622 billion. Gartner market research stated in 2006: Poor data quality costs a typical organization 20% of revenue…. The worldwide financial and economic crisis after 2007 can retrospectively also be regarded as a data quality crisis. Despite far-reaching compliance requirements, many financial service companies have not been able to aggregate and prepare their risk data in a way to adequately control their risks, and they are still struggling in 2017. In the era of Big Data, data is viewed as the new oil and the available data volume worldwide multiplies every year. The requirements for transparency and data stream quality continue to increase, because these are considered essential for partially or completely new applications in decision support and other areas. But what use are larger data piles when quality and origin remain uncertain and when the costs for development and operation in data maintenance, integration, and analysis are proportional to the data volume? "Data quality is not everything, but without quality of data, it is all nothing." Metadata and metadata management are important aids for ensuring adequate data quality. The goal of this book is to take the current concepts and trends and tune th

2 em 1: Guia Pokémon 20 dicas e truques que você deve ler + Pokémon Go - Poupando a bateria

by Fernanda Ranieri Silva Game Guidez

LIVRO DUPLO: Por um tempo limitado pegue ambos os livros por um preço de pechincha: Dobre sua vida da bateria & acelere seu progresso em Pokémon com este .. LIVRO DUPLO: Por um tempo limitado pegue ambos os livros por um preço de pechincha: Há tantas coisas valiosas, nós sabemos que você vai adorar: Seja o melhor treinador Pokémon que você pode ser! Em nosso guia mergulhamos diretamente nas dicas e truques que o ajudarão a se tornar um mestre no menor tempo possível. Nós o guiamos de mãos dadas com algumas das dicas mais cobiçadas e truques descobertos no jogo até agora. Se você quiser acelerar a sua diversão, este livro é para você! Alguns dos tópicos que abordamos: Começando Encontrando mais Pokémon Aumentando de nível de forma mais rápida e mais eficiente Como encontrar Pokémon em grupo Como economizar sua bateria com estratégias avançadas Itens Dicas e truques de Realidade Aumentada Dicas especiais do Pokéstop Segredos e sugestões Estão incluídos muito mais dicas, truques e segredos. Se você não quiser enrolação e apenas chegar diretamente ao ponto do que deve fazer, este é o livro para você! Leia a sua cópia hoje e torne-se o mestre que você é! Eu posso ensinar-lhe como DOBRAR sua vida da bateria ou mais! Em nosso guia, mergulhamos diretamente nas dicas e truques que o ajudarão a dominar a vida da bateria no menor tempo possível. Nós o guiamos de mãos dadas com algumas das dicas mais cobiçadas e truques descobertos em como salvar a sua preciosa vida da bateria. Se você quiser fazer sua diversão durar um longo tempo, este é o livro para você! Alguns dos tópicos que abordamos: Drenagem de som Aplicativos em segundo plano Como dobrar instantaneamente a sua bateria! Diminu

Inteligência Artificial

by Patrícia Pinto Smart Reads

Os Empreendedores Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking e Bill Gates, proclamaram a Inteligência Artificial como uma possível ameaça no futuro, caso o Homem não faça uso desta tecnologia com sabedoria. Será verdade? Será possível criar, muito em breve, uma programação que dê um raciocínio e emoções aos dispositivos da Inteligência Artificial? Será, até mesmo, possível termos um candidato tipo-humano, projetado pela I.A, a concorrer às eleiçóes presidênciais no futuro? Estas são as questões e ideologias a ser abordadas no âmbito da I.A e foram aprofundadas no livro: “Inteligência Artificial: Compreender Em Que Consiste a I. A. e O Que Implica a Aprendizagem Das Máquinas”. Este livro foi elaborado de forma a dar uma visão geral e concisa acerca dos temas relacionados com o início da Era das ‘máquinas inteligentes’ e sobre a nossa abordagem atual dos tempos moderna, assim como o impacto das novas tecnologias no futuro e na existência da humanidade. Género: COMPUTADORES / Processamento de Dados Género Secundário: NEGÓCIOS & ECONOMIA / Geral. Línguas: Inglês, Português, outras versões poderão estar disponíveis. Palavras-chave: Inteligência Artificial, I.A, Aprendizagem das Máquinas, a Inteligência das Máquinas, Tecnologias, Avanços Tecnológicos, Computação, Automatização. Número de páginas: 42.

Hacking Etico 101

by Karina Astudillo Alessandro Barducci

Come hackeare professionalmente in meno di 21 giorni! Comprendere la mente dell’hacker, realizzare ricognizioni, scansioni ed enumerazione, effettuazione di exploit, come scrivere una relazione professionale, e altro ancora! Contenuto: •La cerchia dell'hacking •Tipi di hacking, modalità e servizi opzionale •Riconoscimento passivo e attivo •Google hacking, WhoIs e nslookup •Footprinting con Maltego e Sam Spade •Metodi di scansione e stati della porta •Scansione con NMAP •Analisi della vulnerabilità con Nexpose e OpenVAS •Enumerazione di Netbios •Meccanismi di hacking •Metasploit Framework •Attacchi di chiave •Attacchi di malware •Attacchi DoS •Windows hacking con Kali Linux e Metasploit •Hacking Wireless con Aircrack-ng •Cattura di chiavi con sniffer di rete •Attacchi MITM con Ettercap e Wireshark •Ingegneria sociale con il SET Toolkit •Phishing e iniettando malware con SET •Hacking Metasploitable Linux con Armitage •Suggerimenti per scrivere una buona relazione di controllo •Certificazioni di sicurezza informatica e hacking pertinente

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Official Movie Novel (Five Nights At Freddy's)

by Scott Cawthon Emma Tammi Seth Cuddeback

The official movie novelization of the Five Nights at Freddy's movie!The hugely anticipated Five Nights at Freddy's movie from director Emma Tammi starring Matthew Lillard (Scream, Scooby-Doo) and Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games series, The Disaster Artist) hits theaters on October 27th, 2023, with a script from creator Scott Cawthon, Seth Cuddeback, and Emma Tammi. This movie novelization is a must-have for any Freddy fan!

#DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase a Movement and Subvert Democracy

by Allum Bokhari

The most powerful tech companies in the world are determined to stop Donald Trump.Journalist Allum Bokhari has spent four years investigating the tech giants that dominate the Internet: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. He has discovered a dark plot to seize control of the flow of information, and utilize that power to its full extent - to censor, manipulate, and ultimately sway the outcome of democratic elections. His network of whistleblowers inside Google, Facebook and other companies explain how the tech giants now see themselves as "good censors," benevolent commissars controlling the information we receive to "protect" us from "dangerous" speech.They reveal secret methods to covertly manipulate online information without us ever being aware of it, explaining how tech companies can use big data to target undecided voters. They lift the lid on a plot four years in the making - a plot to use the power of technology to stop Donald Trump's re-election.

Uncovered: How the Media Got Cozy with Power, Abandoned Its Principles, and Lost the People

by Steve Krakauer

From the COVID lab leak theory to Hunter Biden's laptop to Jeffrey Epstein, media critic and former CNN producer Steve Krakauer spotlights the problems of a news industry filled with geographically isolated, introspection-free, egomaniacal journalists. In Uncovered, America&’s sharpest media critic, former CNN insider Steve Krakauer, reveals exactly what went wrong—and why the media went off the rails. The fourth estate is supposed to be a conduit to the people and a check on power. But instead, we have geographically isolated, introspection-free, cozy-with-power, egomaniacal journalists thirsty for elite approval. Krakauer dives deep into some of the most egregious examples of the elite censorship collusion racket, like how tech suppression and media fear led to the New York Post-Hunter Biden email debacle before the 2020 election. Krakauer takes readers inside CNN after the shock Trump election, inside the New York Times after the Tom Cotton op-ed backlash, inside ESPN after the shift away from sports-only coverage, and more. No one understands these problems (and people) better than Krakauer. He has spent years getting to know the most influential players in the industry and this fascinating book is what he&’s learned. But most importantly, Krakauer equips readers with the crucial tools to sniff out when the press is lying or misleading the people of America in the future—so together, we can bypass them altogether. "Steve Krakauer's new book, Uncovered, is vital reading. It's the best and most perceptive deep dive into legacy media bias out there, from someone who knows where all the bodies are buried." ― Ben Shapiro "One of the most insightful critiques that has been published on this topic in years." ― Glenn Greenwald

Broken News: Why the Media Rage Machine Divides America and How to Fight Back

by Chris Stirewalt

"One of America&’s most experienced and exemplary journalists has written an unsparing analysis of the dreadful consequences -- for journalism and the nation -- of &‘how the news lost a race to the bottom with itself.&’&” -- George F. Will In this national bestseller, Chris Stirewalt, a former Fox News political editor, takes readers inside America&’s broken newsrooms that have succumbed to the temptation of &“rage revenue.&” One of America&’s sharpest political analysts, Stirewalt employs his trademark wit and insight to reveal how these media organizations slant coverage – and why that drives political division and rewards outrageous conduct. The New York Times wrote that Stirewalt&’s book "is an often candid reflection on the state of political journalism and his time at Fox News, where such post-mortem assessments are not common..." Broken News is a fascinating, deeply researched, conversation-provoking study of how the news is made and how it must be repaired. Stirewalt goes deep inside the history of the industry to explain how today&’s media divides America for profit. And he offers practical advice for how readers, listeners, and viewers can (and should) become better news consumers for the sake of the republic.

The Sassy Way to Social Media Marketing When You Have No Clue

by Gundi Gabrielle

Social Media marketing + free bonus, Step-By-Step: Winning, Easy-to-Follow Strategies for Building a Large Following on Social Media.

A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)

by Joe Hair G. Tomas Hult Christian M. Ringle Marko Sarstedt

The third edition of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) guides readers through learning and mastering the techniques of this approach in clear language. Authors Joseph H. Hair, Jr., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt use their years of conducting and teaching research to communicate the fundamentals of PLS-SEM in straightforward language to explain the details of this method, with limited emphasis on equations and symbols. A running case study on corporate reputation follows the different steps in this technique so readers can better understand the research applications. Learning objectives, review and critical thinking questions, and key terms help readers cement their knowledge. This edition has been thoroughly updated, featuring the latest version of the popular software package SmartPLS 3. New topics have been added throughout the text, including a thoroughly revised and extended chapter on mediation, recent research on the foundations of PLS-SEM, detailed descriptions of research summarizing the advantages as well as limitations of PLS-SEM, and extended coverage of advanced concepts and methods, such as out-of-sample versus in-sample prediction metrics, higher-order constructs, multigroup analysis, necessary condition analysis, and endogeneity.

A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)

by Joe Hair G. Tomas Hult Christian M. Ringle Marko Sarstedt

The third edition of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) guides readers through learning and mastering the techniques of this approach in clear language. Authors Joseph H. Hair, Jr., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt use their years of conducting and teaching research to communicate the fundamentals of PLS-SEM in straightforward language to explain the details of this method, with limited emphasis on equations and symbols. A running case study on corporate reputation follows the different steps in this technique so readers can better understand the research applications. Learning objectives, review and critical thinking questions, and key terms help readers cement their knowledge. This edition has been thoroughly updated, featuring the latest version of the popular software package SmartPLS 3. New topics have been added throughout the text, including a thoroughly revised and extended chapter on mediation, recent research on the foundations of PLS-SEM, detailed descriptions of research summarizing the advantages as well as limitations of PLS-SEM, and extended coverage of advanced concepts and methods, such as out-of-sample versus in-sample prediction metrics, higher-order constructs, multigroup analysis, necessary condition analysis, and endogeneity.

Literacy Is Still Not Enough: Modern Fluencies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

by Ian Jukes Nicky Mohan Ryan L. Schaaf

Modern fluencies provide a platform for authentic teaching, learning, and assessment While reading, writing, and arithmetic remain important, they are no longer enough. For learners to thrive, they must move beyond traditional literacies to modern fluencies—the unconscious mental processes that are learned, adapted, and applied in the context of real-world problems and challenges. In this book, the authors unpack the fluencies (solution, information, creativity, communication, collaboration, and global citizenship) to reflect the relentless social, cultural, and economic shifts of modern times. Practical resources are presented alongside: Authentic Unit Plan Exemplars for each fluency Assessment rubric examples Discussion questions Learners today must master an entirely different set of essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed than previous generations. This book provides a practical framework for integrating new fluencies into traditional curriculum.

Literacy Is Still Not Enough: Modern Fluencies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

by Ian Jukes Nicky Mohan Ryan L. Schaaf

Modern fluencies provide a platform for authentic teaching, learning, and assessment While reading, writing, and arithmetic remain important, they are no longer enough. For learners to thrive, they must move beyond traditional literacies to modern fluencies—the unconscious mental processes that are learned, adapted, and applied in the context of real-world problems and challenges. In this book, the authors unpack the fluencies (solution, information, creativity, communication, collaboration, and global citizenship) to reflect the relentless social, cultural, and economic shifts of modern times. Practical resources are presented alongside: Authentic Unit Plan Exemplars for each fluency Assessment rubric examples Discussion questions Learners today must master an entirely different set of essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed than previous generations. This book provides a practical framework for integrating new fluencies into traditional curriculum.

Data Science for Business With R

by Jeffrey S. Saltz Jeffrey Morgan Stanton

Data Science for Business with R, written by Jeffrey S. Saltz and Jeffrey M. Stanton, focuses on the concepts foundational for students starting a business analytics or data science degree program. To keep the book practical and applied, the authors feature a running case using a global airline business’s customer survey dataset to illustrate how to turn data in business decisions, in addition to numerous examples throughout. To aid in usability beyond the classroom, the text features full integration of freely-available R and RStudio software, one of the most popular data science tools available. Designed for students with little to no experience in related areas like computer science, the book chapters follow a logical order from introduction and installation of R and RStudio, working with data architecture, undertaking data collection, performing data analysis, and transitioning to data archiving and presentation. Each chapter follows a familiar structure, starting with learning objectives and background, following the basic steps of functions alongside simple examples, applying these functions to the case study, and ending with chapter challenge questions, sources, and a list of R functions so students know what to expect in each step of their data science course. Data Science for Business with R provides readers with a straightforward and applied guide to this new and evolving field.

Data Science for Business With R

by Jeffrey S. Saltz Jeffrey Morgan Stanton

Data Science for Business with R, written by Jeffrey S. Saltz and Jeffrey M. Stanton, focuses on the concepts foundational for students starting a business analytics or data science degree program. To keep the book practical and applied, the authors feature a running case using a global airline business’s customer survey dataset to illustrate how to turn data in business decisions, in addition to numerous examples throughout. To aid in usability beyond the classroom, the text features full integration of freely-available R and RStudio software, one of the most popular data science tools available. Designed for students with little to no experience in related areas like computer science, the book chapters follow a logical order from introduction and installation of R and RStudio, working with data architecture, undertaking data collection, performing data analysis, and transitioning to data archiving and presentation. Each chapter follows a familiar structure, starting with learning objectives and background, following the basic steps of functions alongside simple examples, applying these functions to the case study, and ending with chapter challenge questions, sources, and a list of R functions so students know what to expect in each step of their data science course. Data Science for Business with R provides readers with a straightforward and applied guide to this new and evolving field.

Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms

by Paul Emerich France

Where exactly did personalized learning go so wrong? For teacher and consultant Paul France, at first technology-powered personalized learning seemed like a panacea. But after three years spent at a personalized learning start-up and network of microschools, he soon realized that such corporate-driven individualized learning initiatives do more harm than good, especially among our most vulnerable students. The far-superior alternative? A human-centered pedagogy that prioritizes children over technology. First, let’s be clear: Reclaiming Personalized Learning is not yet-another ed tech book. Instead it’s a user’s guide to restoring equity and humanity to our classrooms and schools through personalization. One part polemical, eleven parts practical, the book describes how to: Shape whole-class instruction, leverage small-group interactions, and nurture a student’s inner-dialogue Cultivate awareness within and among students, and build autonomy and authority Design curriculum with a flexible frame and where exactly the standards fit Humanize assessment and instruction, including the place of responsive teaching Create a sense of belonging, humanize technology integration, and effect socially just teaching and learning—all central issues in equity The truth is this: there’s no one framework, there’s no one tool that makes learning personalized–what personalized learning companies with a vested interest in profits might tempt you to believe. It’s people who personalize learning, and people not technology must be at the center of education. The time is now for all of us teachers to reclaim personalized learning, and this all-important book is our very best resource for getting started. “This is a compelling and critically important book for our time. With rich stories of teaching and learning Paul France considers ways to create the most positive learning experiences possible.” - JO BOALER, Nomellini & Olivier Professor of Education, Stanford Graduate School of Education “This brilliant book is a major contribution to the re-imagination of learning and teaching for the twenty-first century and should be essential reading for new and experienced teachers alike." - TONY WAGNER, Senior Research Fellow, Learning Policy Institute “In these troubled times, this book is more than a breath of fresh air, it is a call to action. Paul gives us an accessible and sophisticated book that explains how and why we should celebrate the humanity of every single student.” - JIM KNIGHT, Senior Partner of the Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) and Author of The Impact Cycle

Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms

by Paul Emerich France

Where exactly did personalized learning go so wrong? For teacher and consultant Paul France, at first technology-powered personalized learning seemed like a panacea. But after three years spent at a personalized learning start-up and network of microschools, he soon realized that such corporate-driven individualized learning initiatives do more harm than good, especially among our most vulnerable students. The far-superior alternative? A human-centered pedagogy that prioritizes children over technology. First, let’s be clear: Reclaiming Personalized Learning is not yet-another ed tech book. Instead it’s a user’s guide to restoring equity and humanity to our classrooms and schools through personalization. One part polemical, eleven parts practical, the book describes how to: Shape whole-class instruction, leverage small-group interactions, and nurture a student’s inner-dialogue Cultivate awareness within and among students, and build autonomy and authority Design curriculum with a flexible frame and where exactly the standards fit Humanize assessment and instruction, including the place of responsive teaching Create a sense of belonging, humanize technology integration, and effect socially just teaching and learning—all central issues in equity The truth is this: there’s no one framework, there’s no one tool that makes learning personalized–what personalized learning companies with a vested interest in profits might tempt you to believe. It’s people who personalize learning, and people not technology must be at the center of education. The time is now for all of us teachers to reclaim personalized learning, and this all-important book is our very best resource for getting started. “This is a compelling and critically important book for our time. With rich stories of teaching and learning Paul France considers ways to create the most positive learning experiences possible.” - JO BOALER, Nomellini & Olivier Professor of Education, Stanford Graduate School of Education “This brilliant book is a major contribution to the re-imagination of learning and teaching for the twenty-first century and should be essential reading for new and experienced teachers alike." - TONY WAGNER, Senior Research Fellow, Learning Policy Institute “In these troubled times, this book is more than a breath of fresh air, it is a call to action. Paul gives us an accessible and sophisticated book that explains how and why we should celebrate the humanity of every single student.” - JIM KNIGHT, Senior Partner of the Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) and Author of The Impact Cycle

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