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RabbitMQ Essentials

by David Dossot

This book is a quick and concise introduction to RabbitMQ. Follow the unique case study of Clever Coney Media as they progressively discover how to fully utilize RabbitMQ, containing clever examples and detailed explanations. Whether you are someone who develops enterprise messaging products professionally or a hobbyist who is already familiar with open source Message Queuing software and you are looking for a new challenge, then this is the book for you. Although you should be familiar with Java, Ruby, and Python to get the most out of the examples, RabbitMQ Essentials will give you the push you need to get started that no other RabbitMQ tutorial can provide you with.

Rails 4 Application Development HOTSHOT

by Saurabh Bhatia

Attractive practical projects to polish your application building skills, through a straightforward, highly focused and interesting approach towards application development. If you are a developer who is already familiar with the basics of the Rails framework and have previously worked with Rails 3.2 or earlier, then this is the ideal book for you. It is assumed that you have some prior experience with the development of applications. This book will help you to upgrade your existing knowledge and also ensure its applicability. You will be expected to setup Rails, MySQL / PostgreSQL, Mongodb and required dependencies themselves.

Rails 4 Test Prescriptions: Build a Healthy Codebase

by Noel Rappin

Does your Rails code suffer from bloat, brittleness, or inaccuracy? Cure these problems with a regular dose of test-driven development. Rails 4 Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to how tests can help you design and write better Rails applications. In this completely revised edition, you'll learn why testing works and how to test effectively using Rails 4, Minitest 5, and RSpec 3, as well as popular testing libraries such as factory_girl and Cucumber. Do what the doctor ordered to make your applications feel all better. Side effects may include better code, fewer bugs, and happier developers.Your Ruby on Rails application is sick. Deadlines are looming, but every time you make the slightest change to the code, something else breaks. Nobody remembers what that tricky piece of code was supposed to do, and nobody can tell what it actually does. Plus, it has bugs. You need test-driven development, a process for improving the design, maintainability, and long-term viability of software.Containing both practical code examples and discussion of why testing works, this book starts with the most basic features delivered as part of core Ruby on Rails. Once you've integrated those features into your coding practice, you'll learn how to use popular third-party testing tools such as RSpec, Mocha, Cucumber, and factory_girl. You'll test the component parts of a Rails application, including the back-end model logic and the front-end display logic. Using Rails examples, you'll learn how to use testing to enable your code to respond better to future change. Plus, you'll see how to handle real-world testing situations.This completely revised edition contains a new tutorial, as well as new examples throughout the book. Many chapters, including the JavaScript chapter, have undergone major changes to reflect new tools and new practices. And there are brand new chapters on testing for security, and testing external services.What You Need:Ruby 2.1, Rails 4

Rails Crash Course: A No-Nonsense Guide to Rails Development

by Anthony Lewis

Rails is a robust, flexible development platform that lets you build complex websites quickly. Major websites like GitHub, Hulu, and Twitter have run Rails under the hood, and if you know just enough HTML and CSS to be dangerous, Rails Crash Course will teach you to harness Rails for your own projects and create web applications that are fast, stable, and secure.In Part I, you’ll learn Ruby and Rails fundamentals and then dive straight into models, controllers, views, and deployment. As you work through the basics, you’ll learn how to:–Craft persistent models with Active Record–Build view templates with Embedded Ruby–Use Git to roll back to previous versions of your code base–Deploy applications to HerokuIn Part II, you’ll take your skills to the next level as you build a social networking app with more advanced Ruby tools, such as modules and metaprogramming, and advanced data modeling techniques within Rails’s Active Record. You’ll learn how to:–Implement an authentication system to identify authorized users–Write your own automated tests and refactor your code with confidence–Maximize performance with the asset pipeline and turbolinks–Secure your app against SQL injection and cross-site scripting–Set up a server and deploy applications with CapistranoEach chapter is packed with hands-on examples and exercises to reinforce what you’ve learned. Whether you’re completely new to Ruby or you’ve been mucking around for a bit, Rails Crash Course will take you from the basics to shipping your first Rails application, fast.

Rake Task Management Essentials

by Andrey Koleshko

A step-by-step and interactive approach explaining the Rake essentials along with code examples and advanced features. If you are a developer who is acquainted with the Ruby language and want to speed up writing the code concerned with files, then this book is for you. To start reading this book, basic Ruby knowledge is required; however, a huge amount of experience with the language is not necessary.

Random Sets and Random Fuzzy Sets as Ill-Perceived Random Variables

by Inés Couso Didier Dubois Luciano Sánchez

This short book provides a unified view of the history and theory of random sets and fuzzy random variables, with special emphasis on its use for representing higher-order non-statistical uncertainty about statistical experiments. The authors lay bare the existence of two streams of works using the same mathematical ground, but differing form their use of sets, according to whether they represent objects of interest naturally taking the form of sets, or imprecise knowledge about such objects. Random (fuzzy) sets can be used in many fields ranging from mathematical morphology, economics, artificial intelligence, information processing and statistics per se, especially in areas where the outcomes of random experiments cannot be observed with full precision. This book also emphasizes the link between random sets and fuzzy sets with some techniques related to the theory of imprecise probabilities. This small book is intended for graduate and doctoral students in mathematics or engineering, but also provides an introduction for other researchers interested in this area. It is written from a theoretical perspective. However, rather than offering a comprehensive formal view of random (fuzzy) sets in this context, it aims to provide a discussion of the meaning of the proposed formal constructions based on many concrete examples and exercises. This book should enable the reader to understand the usefulness of representing and reasoning with incomplete information in statistical tasks. Each chapter ends with a list of exercises.


by Chris Wilson

Create beautiful, interactive images on the Web with RaphaëlJS, the JavaScript library that lets you draw Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) right in the browser. With this concise guide, you'll quickly learn how to paint the screen with shapes and colors that you can turn into lively, animated graphics and visualizations.Author Chris Wilson ( shows you how to create Raphaël objects and manipulate them with animation, transformations, and other techniques, using just a few lines of code. Packed with working examples, sample code, and cool hands-on projects, RaphaëlJS is ideal for new and experienced JavaScript programmers alike.Create images that work on browsers new and old, as well as mobile devicesStart with the basics--shapes, colors, transformations, sets, and textLearn how to build custom curves and shapes with pathsCode animations that move through space, follow paths, or change directionMake your artwork come alive through user interactionBind a dataset to a collection of visual objects--the basis of data visualizationLearn techniques to make your detailed visuals stand out on screens of any size

Rapid Prototyping Software for Avionics Systems

by Antoine Varet Nicolas Larrieu

The design, implementation and validation of avionics and aeronautical systems have become extremely complex tasks due to the increase of functionalities that are deployed in current avionics systems and the need to be able certify them before putting them into production. This book proposes a methodology to enable the rapid prototyping of such a system by considering from the start the certification aspects of the solution produced. This method takes advantage of the model-based design approaches as well as the use of formal methods for the validation of these systems. Furthermore, the use of automatic software code generation tools using models makes it possible to reduce the development phase as well as the final solution testing. This book presents, firstly, an overview of the model-based design approaches such as those used in the field of aeronautical software engineering. Secondly, an original methodology that is perfectly adapted to the field of aeronautical embedded systems is introduced. Finally, the authors illustrate the use of this method using a case study for the design, implementation and testing of a new generation aeronautical router.

Raspberry Pi: A Quick-Start Guide

by Maik Schmidt

Printed in full color.Most of the book is targeted at beginners in computing and programming. A few parts, such as the small electronics project and setting up a web server, assume some intermediate skills.The Raspberry Pi is one of the most successful open source hardware projects ever. For less than $40, you get a full-blown PC, a multimedia center, and a web server--and this book gives you everything you need to get started. You'll learn the basics, progress to controlling the Pi, and then build your own electronics projects. This new edition is revised and updated with two new chapters on adding digital and analog sensors, and creating videos and a burglar alarm with the Pi camera. Get your Raspberry Pi up and running and doing cool stuff. You'll start with the basics: adding hardware, installing and configuring Debian Linux, and customizing the Pi's firmware to get the most out of your hardware.Then the fun begins. You'll connect the Pi to your home network, surf the web, and tweet messages. You'll learn how to get the most out of Midori, the Pi's standard browser, and control the desktops of other PCs with the Pi. Then you'll explore the Pi's versatility with a series of home projects. Turn it into a web server in your home network; convert the Pi into a powerful multimedia center so you can watch high-definition video and listen to your favorite music; and play classic video games.Then you'll use the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi to build your own electronics projects, such as an "out of memory" alarm. You'll learn how to use digital and analog sensors with the Pi, even though the Pi doesn't have analog input ports! Finally, you'll set up the Pi camera, create your own time-lapse videos, and build an automatic e-mailing burglar alarm. Power to the Pi!What You NeedYou need a Raspberry Pi and several things that you probably already have at home, such as a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor/TV set, and an SD card. To build the electronic projects you need a few cheap parts and the Pi camera.

Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers

by Tim Cox

"Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers" is written in a Cookbook format, presenting examples in the style of recipes.This allows you to go directly to your topic of interest, or follow topics throughout a chapter to gain a thorough in-depth knowledge. The aim of this book is to bring you a broad range of Python 3 examples and practical ideas which you can develop to suit your own requirements. By modifying and combining the examples to create your own projects you learn far more effectively with a much greater understanding. Each chapter is designed to become a foundation for further experimentation and discovery of the topic, providing you with the tools and information to jump right in. Readers are expected to be familiar with programming concepts and Python (where possible Python 3 is used), although beginners should manage with the help of a good Python reference book and background reading. No prior knowledge of the Raspberry Pi or electronics is required; however for the hardware sections you will need some basic electronic components/household tools to build some of the projects.

Raspberry Pi Hacks

by Tom Callaway Ruth Suehle

With more than 60 practical and creative hacks, this book helps you turn Raspberry Pi into the centerpiece of some cool electronics projects. Want to create a controller for a camera or a robot? Set up Linux distributions for media centers or PBX phone systems? That's just the beginning of what you'll find inside Raspberry Pi Hacks.If you're looking to build either a software or hardware project with more computing power than Arduino alone can provide, Raspberry Pi is just the ticket. And the hacks in this book will give you lots of great ideas.Use configuration hacks to get more out of your PiBuild your own web server or remote print serverTake the Pi outdoors to monitor your garden or control holiday lightsConnect with SETI or construct an awesome Halloween costumeHack the Pi's Linux OS to support more complex projectsDecode audio/video formats or make your own music playerAchieve a low-weight payload for aerial photographyBuild a Pi computer cluster or a solar-powered lab

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 2

by Mike Cook Andrew Robinson

Raspberry Pi is a UK Non Profit with the goal of creating a new generation of computer programmers. Observing how the UK Tech Industry was kickstarted by the availability in the 1980s of relatively cheap, very programmable computers such as the ZX81, the Commodore and the BBC Micro, the Raspberry Pi Foundation designed a £15/$25 computer which encourages the user to play and to learn. Although intended for schools, it has also been adopted by hackers and geeks, and a whole ecosystem of software and hardware is being built around the Pi. With a million boards now sold, the goal of the Foundation is well underway.

Raspberry Pi Projects

by Mike Cook Andrew Robinson

Learn to build software and hardware projects featuring the Raspberry Pi!Raspberry Pi represents a new generation of computers that encourages the user to play and to learn and this unique book is aimed at the beginner Raspberry Pi user who is eager to get started creating real-world projects. Taking you on a journey of creating 16 practical projects, this fun and informative resource introduces you to the skills you need to have in order to make the most of the Pi. The book begins with a quick look at how to get the Pi up and running and then encourages you to dive into the array of exciting software and hardware projects.Features projects that use Python, which is Raspberry Pi's programming language of choiceIncludes projects for creating an information center for e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, weather, train times, and moreShows you how to recreate Pong and Pacman or write Tic Tac ToeTeaches you how to use Raspberry Pi's general purpose input/output port in order to speak to external hardware devicesWalks you through setting up computer-controlled slot car racing, a swipe card door lock, disco lights, and moreRaspberry Pi Projects is an excellent way to dig deeper into the capabilities of the Pi and to have great fun while doing it.

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids

by Daniel Bates

This tutorial contains all-important information about how to use your Raspberry Pi to develop any application you like. It is broken down into several action-packed projects, each containing easy-to-follow steps, just to show you how easy and fun computer programming can be! If you are someone with a big imagination and would like to dive straight into the realm of technology and computers, then this is the book for you. With only a Raspberry Pi and no prior experience required, you will be shown how to translate your ideas into computer programs, creating any game, tool, or animation you can dream of.

Raspberry Pi. Receptury

by Simon Monk

Wyobra? sobie komputer o rozmiarach niewiele wi?kszych od karty kredytowej, posiadaj?cy ca?kiem spor? moc obliczeniow?, pracuj?cy pod kontrol? systemu Linux i kosztuj?cy grosze. Tak, taki sprz?t istnieje naprawd?! Mowa o Raspberry Pi — urz?dzeniu zaprojektowanym z my?l? o nauce programowania dla dzieci, które sprawdzi?o si? w wielu zastosowaniach i odnios?o ogromny sukces na rynku komercyjnym jako serwer WWW, odtwarzacz filmów oraz platforma do budowy niezwyk?ych projektów elektronicznych. Brzmi intryguj?co?Otwórz t? ksi??k? i poznaj najlepsze przepisy na wykorzystanie mo?liwo?ci Raspberry Pi. St?d dowiesz si? wszystkiego o budowie i mo?liwo?ciach tego urz?dzenia. Po lekturze kolejnych rozdzia?ów pod??czysz Pi do sieci — zarówno kablowej, jak i bezprzewodowej, oraz wykorzystasz z??cza GPIO. Ponadto poznasz podstawy j?zyka Python i zobaczysz, jak zastosowa? go w Pi. Po lekturze tej ksi??ki b?dziesz umia? samodzielnie sterowa? sprz?tem elektronicznym i silnikami oraz zbiera? dane z czujników ró?nego typu. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? pozycj? dla ka?dego posiadacza tej niezwyk?ej platformy! Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: rozpoczniesz prac? z Raspberry Pi, pod??czysz Raspberry Pi do sieci, b?dziesz pracowa? w ?rodowisku opartym na systemie Linux, skorzystasz z gotowych aplikacji przeznaczonych dla Raspberry Pi, b?dziesz sterowa? prac? elektroniki pod??czonej do z??cza GPIO, poznasz zagadnienia dotycz?ce sterowania za pomoc? Raspberry Pi prac? ró?nych silników, rozpoczniesz prac? z prze??cznikami, blokami klawiszy i innymi cyfrowymi urz?dzeniami wej?ciowymi, wykonasz ró?ne pomiary za pomoc? czujników pod??czonych do Raspberry Pi, pod??czysz do Raspberry Pi ró?ne wy?wietlacze — mi?dzy innymi matryce diodowe, stworzysz dynamiczne projekty korzystaj?ce z mo?liwo?ci Arduino i Raspberry Pi. Twój przewodnik po platformie Raspberry Pi!

Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects

by Richard Grimmett

This book is for enthusiasts who want to use Raspberry Pi to build complex robotics projects. However, some programming background is recommended. With the aid of the step-by-step instructions in this book, you can construct complex robotics projects that can move, talk, listen, see, swim, or fly. Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step projects guide packed full of examples of actual robotics projects. Each topic is explained in detail to make it easy to replicate the projects described.

Raspberry Pi Server Essentials

by Piotr J. Kula

This is an engaging, easy to follow guide for developing a wide range of server projects with Raspberry Pi This book is targeted towards all Raspberry Pi enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the potential of Pi as a server. Even if you have no prior experience with the Raspberry Pi, you can pick up this book and develop a wide range of projects.

Raspberry Pi Server Essentials

by Piotr J. Kula

This is an engaging, easy to follow guide for developing a wide range of server projects with Raspberry Pi This book is targeted towards all Raspberry Pi enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the potential of Pi as a server. Even if you have no prior experience with the Raspberry Pi, you can pick up this book and develop a wide range of projects.

Raspberry Pi User Guide

by Eben Upton Gareth Halfacree

The essential guide to getting started with the Raspberry Pi ® The Raspberry Pi has been a success beyond the dream of its creators. Their goal, to encourage a new generation of computer programmers who understand how computers work, is well under way. Raspberry Pi User Guide 2e is the newest edition of the runaway bestseller written by the Pi’s co-creator, Eben Upton, and tech writer Gareth Halfacree. It contains everything you need to know to get the Pi up and running, including how to: Connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor and other peripherals Install software and configure your Raspberry Pi Master basic Linux system administration Set up your Raspberry Pi as a productivity machine, multimedia centre, or web server Write programmes in Scratch and Python Use the GPIO port and add-on boards to connect your Raspberry Pi for use in electronics projects Updated to cover the release of the Camera Board, the introduction of the Pi Store, NOOBS and much more, Raspberry Pi User Guide 2nd edition is the perfect companion for getting the most out of the computing phenomenon, the Raspberry Pi. Eben Upton is the co-creator of the Raspberry Pi board and the founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Gareth Halfacree is a freelance technology journalist, open source advocate and erstwhile sysadmin.

Reachability Problems

by Kim Guldstrand Larsen Igor Potapov Jiří Srba

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Reachability Problems, RP 2014, held in Oxford, UK, in September 2014. The 17 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. The book also contains a paper summarizing the invited talk. The papers offer new approaches for the modelling and analysis of computational processes by combining mathematical, algorithmic, and computational techniques.

Read Me First: A Take Control Crash Course

by Tonya Engst

Find out what most tech writers hope you already know!Find out what most tech writers hope you already know in this free ebook by Tonya Engst. Tonya takes you behind the scenes, explaining why tech writers write the way they do and helping you decode the directions for everything from Desktops to directories, keys to menus, and paths to preferences.Although Read Me First: A Take Control Crash Course has plenty of basic information about using the Mac (and a few chapters about iOS), its focus is not on helping inexperienced users master important basics. Instead, it focuses on explaining the assumptions that tech writers make when writing directions. This book aims to make sure people reading technical documentation don't get stuck for the lack of basic know-how, such as how to match the name of your operating system with its numerical version, how to understand written shortcuts for navigating menus, what Control-click means, how to enter something on the command line, how to follow a path, and more.Because we feel strongly that everyone should know this information, the book is wired with social media options at the end of each chapter, so you can easily share individual chapters with anyone who could use the information.

Real-Time Analytics

by Byron Ellis

Construct a robust end-to-end solution for analyzing andvisualizing streaming data Real-time analytics is the hottest topic in data analyticstoday. In Real-Time Analytics: Techniques to Analyze andVisualize Streaming Data, expert Byron Ellis teaches dataanalysts technologies to build an effective real-time analyticsplatform. This platform can then be used to make sense of theconstantly changing data that is beginning to outpace traditionalbatch-based analysis platforms.The author is among a very few leading experts in the field. Hehas a prestigious background in research, development, analytics,real-time visualization, and Big Data streaming and is uniquelyqualified to help you explore this revolutionary field. Moving froma description of the overall analytic architecture of real-timeanalytics to using specific tools to obtain targeted results,Real-Time Analytics leverages open source and moderncommercial tools to construct robust, efficient systems that canprovide real-time analysis in a cost-effective manner. The bookincludes:A deep discussion of streaming data systems andarchitecturesInstructions for analyzing, storing, and delivering streamingdataTips on aggregating data and working with setsInformation on data warehousing options and techniquesReal-Time Analytics includes in-depth case studies forwebsite analytics, Big Data, visualizing streaming and mobile data,and mining and visualizing operational data flows. The book's"recipe" layout lets readers quickly learn and implement differenttechniques. All of the code examples presented in the book, alongwith their related data sets, are available on the companionwebsite.

Real-Time Communication with WebRTC

by Simon Pietro Romano Salvatore Loreto

Deliver rich audio and video real-time communication and peer-to-peer data exchange right in the browser, without the need for proprietary plug-ins. This concise hands-on guide shows you how to use the emerging Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology to build a browser-to-browser application, piece by piece.The authors' learn-by-example approach is perfect for web programmers looking to understand real-time communication, and telecommunications architects unfamiliar with HTML5 and JavaScript-based client-server web programming. You'll use a ten-step recipe to create a complete WebRTC system, with exercises that you can apply to your own projects.Tour the WebRTC development cycle and trapezoid architectural modelUnderstand how and why VoIP is shifting from standalone functionality to a browser componentUse mechanisms that let client-side web apps interact with browsers through the WebRTC APITransfer streaming data between browser peers with the RTCPeerConnection APICreate a signaling channel between peers for setting up a WebRTC sessionPut everything together to create a basic WebRTC system from scratchLearn about conferencing, authorization, and other advanced WebRTC features

Real-Time Heterogeneous Video Transcoding for Low-Power Applications

by Tarek Elarabi Ahmed Abdelgawad Magdy Bayoumi

This book introduces a novel transcoding algorithm for real time video applications, designed to overcome inter-operability problems between MPEG-2 to H. 264/AVC. The new algorithm achieves 92. 8% reduction in the transcoding run time at a price of an acceptable Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) degradation, enabling readers to use it for real time video applications. The algorithm described is evaluated through simulation and experimental results. In addition, the authors present a hardware implementation of the new algorithm using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Application-specific standard products (ASIC). * Describes a novel transcoding algorithm for real time video applications, designed to overcome inter-operability problems between H. 264/AVC to MPEG-2; * Implements algorithm presented using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC); * Demonstrates the solution to real problems, with verification through simulation and experimental results.

Real-Time Rendering: Computer Graphics with Control Engineering (Automation and Control Engineering #49)

by Gabriyel Wong Jianliang Wang

Consumers today expect extremely realistic imagery generated in real time for interactive applications such as computer games, virtual prototyping, and scientific visualisation. However, the increasing demands for fidelity coupled with rapid advances in hardware architecture pose a challenge: how do you find optimal, sustainable solutions to accommodate both speed of rendering and quality? Real-Time Rendering: Computer Graphics with Control Engineering presents a novel framework for solving the perennial challenge of resource allocation and the trade-off between quality and speed in interactive computer graphics rendering. Conventional approaches are mainly based on heuristics and algorithms, are largely application specific, and offer fluctuating performance, particularly as applications become more complex. The solution proposed by the authors draws on powerful concepts from control engineering to address these shortcomings. Expanding the horizon of real-time rendering techniques, this book: Explains how control systems work with real-time computer graphics Proposes a data-driven modelling approach that more accurately represents the system behaviour of the rendering process Develops a control system strategy for linear and non-linear models using proportional, integral, derivative (PID) and fuzzy control techniques Uses real-world data from rendering applications in proof-of-concept experiments Compares the proposed solution to existing techniques Provides practical details on implementation, including references to tools and source code This pioneering work takes a major step forward by applying control theory in the context of a computer graphics system. Promoting cross-disciplinary research, it offers guidance for anyone who wants to develop more advanced solutions for real-time computer graphics rendering.

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