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Showing 52,876 through 52,900 of 53,888 results

Excel Macros For Dummies

by Michael Alexander

Ready-made Excel macros that will streamline your workflow Excel Macros For Dummies helps you save time, automate, and be more productive, even with no programming experience at all. Each chapter offers practical macros that you can implement right away, with practical exercises that extend your knowledge and help you understand the mechanics at work. You'll find the most effective Excel macros for solving common problems, and explanations of why and where to use each one, plus invaluable guidance and step-by-step instruction for applying them effectively. Learn how to customize your applications to look and work exactly the way you want them to, with simple, friendly walk-throughs that directly apply to real-world tasks. Follow it through from start to finish, or quickly look up problems as they occur; the book's clear layout and organization makes it an irreplaceable desk reference, and all macro code is available for download from the companion website. Microsoft Excel is the world's leading spreadsheet application, and it supports VBA macros that allow you to customize the program and automate many common tasks. This book helps you take advantage of macros to get more done, and get it done better. Grasp the fundamentals of VBA and macros Work with workbooks, worksheets, and ranges Clean data, automate reporting, and send email from Excel Use tips and tricks that streamline your workflow If you have an Excel problem, there's a macro to solve it. You don't need to be a programmer, and you don't need to spend months learning code. Excel Macros For Dummies gives you the "recipes" you need, and the knowledge to apply them effectively.

Excel Makros für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Michael Alexander

Excel-Makros sind ein Mysterium für Sie? Sie haben das Ziel, selbst Makros zu schreiben? Oder wollen wissen, wie Sie mit Excel Makros wertvolle Zeit sparen können? In dieser aktualisierten Auflage hat Michael Alexander die 70 gebräuchlichsten Excel-Makro-Anwendungen für Sie zusammengestellt. Er beginnt mit einer knappen Einführung in die Makrogrundlagen und VBA, erläutert aber auch, wie Sie Makros anwenden, an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen und sie selbst schreiben. So lernen Sie Makros effizient einsetzen und das Fehlerpotenzial manueller Eingaben reduzieren.

Excel Power Pivot & Power Query For Dummies

by Michael Alexander

Learn to crunch huge amounts of data with PowerPivot and Power Query Do you have a ton of data you need to make sense of? Microsoft’s Excel program can handle amazingly large data sets, but you’ll need to get familiar with PowerPivot and Power Query to get started. And that’s where Dummies comes in. With step-by-step instructions—accompanied by ample screenshots—Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies will teach you how to save time, simplify your processes, and enhance your data analysis and reporting. Use Power Query to discover, connect to, and import your organization’s data. Then use PowerPivot to model it in Excel. You’ll also learn to: Make use of databases to store large amounts of data Use custom functions to extend and enhance Power Query Add the functionality of formulas to PowerPivot and publish data to SharePoint If you’re expected to wrangle, interpret, and report on large amounts of data, Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies gives you the tools you need to get up to speed quickly.

Excel Power Pivot und Power Query für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Michael Alexander

Haben Sie eine große Menge an Daten, die Sie sinnvoll verarbeiten müssen? Dabei helfen Ihnen Excel Power Pivot und Power Query. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie diese beiden Funktionen von Excel schnell und effizient nutzen. Mit vielen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Power Pivot Ihre Berichte und Analysen verbessern. Michael Alexander zeigt Ihnen außerdem, wie Sie mit Power Query Daten ermitteln, sie miteinander verknüpft und importiert. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch, wenn Sie schnell diese beiden mächtigen Werkzeuge nutzen wollen.

Microsoft® AccessTM 2007 Data Analysis

by Michael Alexander

Chart a course for more effective data analysis with Access 2007. With this resource, you'll learn how Access 2007 offers powerful functionality that may be better suited to your data analysis needs. Learn to analyze large amounts of data in meaningful ways, quickly and easily slice it into various views, automate redundant analysis, and save time-all using Access. If you know a bit about table structures and formulas as well as data analysis, start thinking outside the chart.

Designing the Digital Transformation: 12th International Conference, DESRIST 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 30 – June 1, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10243)

by Alexander Maedche, Jan vom Brocke and Alan Hevner

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2017, held in May/June 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The 25 full and 11 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 full and 19 short papers. The contributions are organized in topical sections named: DSR in business process management; DSR in human computer interaction; DSR in data science and business analytics; DSR in service science; methodological contributions; domain-specific DSR applications; emerging themes and new ideas; and products and prototypes.

Codermetrics: Analytics for Improving Software Teams (O'reilly Ser.)

by Jonathan Alexander

How can you help your software team improve? This concise book introduces codermetrics, a clear and objective way to identify, analyze, and discuss the successes and failures of software engineers--not as part of a performance review, but as a way to make the team a more cohesive and productive unit. Experienced team builder Jonathan Alexander explains how codermetrics helps teams understand exactly what occurred during a project, and enables each coder to focus on specific improvements. Alexander presents a variety of simple and complex codermetrics, and teaches you how to create your own. Learn how codermetrics changes long-held assumptions and improves team dynamics Get recommendations for integrating codermetrics into existing processes Ask the right questions to determine the type of data you need to collect Use metrics to measure individual coder skills and a team's effectiveness over time Identify the contributions each coder makes to the team Analyze the response to your software and its features--and verify that you're meeting team and organizational goals Build better teams, using codermetrics to make personnel adjustments and additions

Die ChatGPT Geldverdienen Blaupause für Entrepreneure: Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse der Monetarisierung von ChatGPT für massive Einnahmen

by John Alexander

"Der ChatGPT-Plan zum Geldverdienen für Unternehmer" Im schnelllebigen digitalen Zeitalter liegt der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Nutzung modernster Technologien. Machen Sie sich bereit, das Potenzial von Sprache und künstlicher Intelligenz mit "Geld verdienen mit Chat GPT." Dieser unverzichtbare Leitfaden nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise und enthüllt die Geheimnisse der Nutzung von Chat GPT, dem fortschrittlichen Sprachmodell von OpenAI, für maximale Einkommensgenerierung. Entdecken Sie Ihren Weg zum Profit: Treten Sie ein in die lukrative Welt der Freiberufler und stärken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten mit den Sprachkenntnissen von Chat GPT. Heben Sie sich auf dem überfüllten Markt ab und bieten Sie auf Projekte, die Ihre KI-gestützte Expertise unter Beweis stellen. Erleben Sie, wie Ihr Einkommen steigt, während Sie zum Experten werden und mit der Kraft der AI erstklassige Ergebnisse liefern. Erstelle unwiderstehliche Chatbots für den Erfolg: Revolutionieren Sie die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen mit Kunden interagieren, indem Sie intelligente Chatbots erstellen. Beobachten Sie, wie die Automatisierung des Kundensupports neue Höhen erreicht, während Chat GPT schnelle und genaue Antworten liefert. Bauen Sie Vertrauen auf, gewinnen Sie Loyalität und steigern Sie den Umsatz, während Ihre Kunden eine beispiellose Kundenzufriedenheit erleben. Entfesseln Sie Ihr Schreibpotenzial: Steigern Sie Ihr Content-Erstellungsspiel mit Chat GPT als Schreibassistent. Erleben Sie die Magie überzeugender Blogposts, fesselnder Artikel und überzeugender Produktbeschreibungen. Binden Sie Ihre Zielgruppe wie nie zuvor ein, steigern Sie Traffic und Conversions und sparen Sie Zeit und Mühe. Erobern Sie das Social Media Marketing: Lenken Sie die Aufmerksamkeit im Social-Media-Bereich mit der Finesse von Chat GPT. Starten Sie erfolgreiche Werbekampagnen, meistern Sie ansprechende Beiträge und pflegen S

El modelo para ganar dinero de ChatGPT para emprendedores: Descubra los secretos para monetizar ChatGPT y obtener ingresos masivos

by John Alexander

En la vertiginosa era digital, la clave del éxito reside en adoptar tecnologías de vanguardia. Prepárese para liberar el potencial del lenguaje y la inteligencia artificial con "Ganar dinero con Chat GPT". Esta guía indispensable le lleva en un viaje cautivador, revelando los secretos para aprovechar Chat GPT, el modelo de lenguaje avanzado de OpenAI, para la máxima generación de ingresos. Descubra su camino hacia los beneficios: Entre en el lucrativo mundo del trabajo autónomo y potencie sus habilidades con la destreza lingüística de Chat GPT. Destaque en el abarrotado mercado, presentando ofertas en proyectos que muestren su experiencia mejorada por la IA. Sea testigo de cómo sus ingresos se disparan a medida que se convierte en el experto al que acudir, ofreciendo resultados de primera categoría con el poder de la IA al alcance de su mano. Cree Chatbots irresistibles para el éxito: Revolucione la forma en que las empresas interactúan con los clientes mediante la creación de chatbots inteligentes. Vea cómo la automatización de la atención al cliente alcanza nuevas cotas a medida que Chat GPT proporciona respuestas rápidas y precisas. Genere confianza, gane lealtad y aumente los ingresos a medida que sus clientes experimentan una satisfacción sin precedentes. Libere su potencial de escritura: Eleve su juego de creación de contenido con Chat GPT como su asistente de escritura. Experimente la magia de generar entradas de blog convincentes, artículos cautivadores y descripciones de productos persuasivas. Atraiga a su audiencia como nunca antes, generando tráfico y conversiones mientras ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo. Conquiste el marketing en redes sociales: Llame la atención en las redes sociales con la delicadeza de Chat GPT. Lance exitosas campañas publicitarias, domine las publicaciones atractivas y cultive un seguimiento masivo. Vea cómo el alcance de su marca se expan

The New Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives With New Media

by Bryan Alexander

Written for everyone interested in the communication potential of digital media, including educators, marketers, communication professionals, and community activists, this is the ultimate guide to harnessing technology for storytelling. No other book covers the digital storytelling movement as thoroughly as this updated second edition of a popular work, nor does any incorporate as many technologies, from video to augmented reality, mobile devices to virtual reality. <p><p> The book combines history, analysis, and practical guidance about digital storytelling. It begins with a history that encompasses an exploration of storytelling itself, as well as a description of narratives using digital tools from the 1980s through 2000. From there, the author dives into modern digital storytelling, offering analysis and guidance regarding the use of digital video, podcasting, social media, gaming, mobile devices, and virtual and augmented reality. The work concludes with practical advice about how to create and share digital stories using the most current tools so even the new would-be storyteller can create their first digital narrative. <p> Of course, the second edition is updated to take into account the many ways the field has advanced since the original book appeared. With many new examples of digital stories, this edition's evidence base is current and fresh. New or transformed technologies are also addressed, including virtual reality; mobile devices that have become mainstream tools for creating, sharing, and experiencing digital stories; and the wide variety of new storytelling apps and services.

E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World: 5th International Conference, E-Democracy 2013, Athens, Greece, December 5-6, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #441)

by Alexander B. Sideridis, Zoe Kardasiadou, Constantine P. Yialouris and Vasilios Zorkadis

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World, e-Democracy 2013, held in Athens, Greece, December 2013. The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on security, privacy; e-governance; e-government applications, virtualizations; politics, legislation: European initiatives.

Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming

by Alvin Alexander

Save time and trouble when using Scala to build object-oriented, functional, and concurrent applications. With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code examples, this comprehensive cookbook covers the most common problems you'll encounter when using the Scala language, libraries, and tools. It's ideal not only for experienced Scala developers, but also for programmers learning to use this JVM language. Author Alvin Alexander (creator of provides solutions based on his experience using Scala for highly scalable, component-based applications that support concurrency and distribution. Packed with real-world scenarios, this book provides recipes for: Strings, numeric types, and control structures Classes, methods, objects, traits, and packaging Functional programming in a variety of situations Collections covering Scala's wealth of classes and methods Concurrency, using the Akka Actors library Using the Scala REPL and the Simple Build Tool (SBT) Web services on both the client and server sides Interacting with SQL and NoSQL databases Best practices in Scala development

Tools für Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse: Einsatzfelder und Praxisbeispiele für die Analyse deutschsprachiger Online-Textdaten

by Melpomeni Alexa Melanie Siegel

Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie Sie Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse professionell einsetzen können. Der Leser erhält Schritt-für-Schritt-Beschreibungen für verschiedene Einsatzszenarien, gekoppelt mit Übungsaufgaben und nützlichen Materialien, darunter ein Merkblatt für Kennzahlen, eine Checkliste für die Toolauswahl und ein Glossar für Fachbegriffe. Dieses Lehr- und Praxisbuch verdeutlicht anhand von Anwendungsszenarien und Praxisbeispielen, wie Tools und Technologien für Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse für die Analyse deutschsprachiger Online-Textdaten angewandt werden können und welche Vorteile diese bringen. Der Leser erhält einen Überblick über wichtige Funktionalitäten aktuell verfügbarer Social-Listening-Tools und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten.

Kali Linux Hacking-Tools für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Felix Alexa Konstantin Goretzki Tobias Scheible

Sie möchten testen, wie sicher Ihr IT-System ist? Dann hilft Ihnen dieses Buch! Es zeigt Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie Ihre Systeme mit Kali Linux auf Herz und Nieren prüfen. Sie lernen, wie Passwörter geknackt werden, wie Sie Schwachstellen von Websites finden, die Konfigurationen von Webservern überprüfen und vieles mehr. Außerdem führen die Autoren Sie in Wireless Attacks, Sniffing, Spoofing und IT-Forensik-Analysen ein. Endlose Theorie? Fehlanzeige! Unter Anleitung ausgewiesener IT-Security-Experten lernen Sie aus der Sicht von Hackern zu denken und Ihre IT-Infrastruktur entsprechend zu sichern.

Data Mining and Exploration: From Traditional Statistics to Modern Data Science

by Chong Ho Alex Yu

This book introduces both conceptual and procedural aspects of cutting-edge data science methods, such as dynamic data visualization, artificial neural networks, ensemble methods, and text mining. There are at least two unique elements that can set the book apart from its rivals. First, most students in social sciences, engineering, and business took at least one class in introductory statistics before learning data science. However, usually these courses do not discuss the similarities and differences between traditional statistics and modern data science; as a result learners are disoriented by this seemingly drastic paradigm shift. In reaction, some traditionalists reject data science altogether while some beginning data analysts employ data mining tools as a “black box”, without a comprehensive view of the foundational differences between traditional and modern methods (e.g., dichotomous thinking vs. pattern recognition, confirmation vs. exploration, single method vs. triangulation, single sample vs. cross-validation etc.). This book delineates the transition between classical methods and data science (e.g. from p value to Log Worth, from resampling to ensemble methods, from content analysis to text mining etc.). Second, this book aims to widen the learner's horizon by covering a plethora of software tools. When a technician has a hammer, every problem seems to be a nail. By the same token, many textbooks focus on a single software package only, and consequently the learner tends to fit the problem with the tool, but not the other way around. To rectify the situation, a competent analyst should be equipped with a tool set, rather than a single tool. For example, when the analyst works with crucial data in a highly regulated industry, such as pharmaceutical and banking, commercial software modules (e.g., SAS) are indispensable. For a mid-size and small company, open-source packages such as Python would come in handy. If the research goal is to create an executive summary quickly, the logical choice is rapid model comparison. If the analyst would like to explore the data by asking what-if questions, then dynamic graphing in JMP Pro is a better option. This book uses concrete examples to explain the pros and cons of various software applications.

The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and Destroying Your Soul

by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

The question of our time: can we reclaim our lives in an age that feels busier and more distracting by the day? We've all found ourselves checking email at the dinner table, holding our breath while waiting for Outlook to load, or sitting hunched in front of a screen for an hour longer than we intended. Mobile devices and the web have invaded our lives, and this is a big idea book that addresses one of the biggest questions of our age: can we stay connected without diminishing our intelligence, attention spans, and ability to really live? Can we have it all? Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, a renowned Stanford technology guru, says yes. THE DISTRACTION ADDICTION is packed with fascinating studies, compelling research, and crucial takeaways. Whether it's breathing while Facebook refreshes, or finding creative ways to take a few hours away from the digital crush, this book is about the ways to tune in without tuning out.

Azure Data Engineer Associate Certification Guide: A hands-on reference guide to developing your data engineering skills and preparing for the DP-203 exam

by Newton Alex

Become well-versed with data engineering concepts and exam objectives to achieve Azure Data Engineer Associate certificationKey FeaturesUnderstand and apply data engineering concepts to real-world problems and prepare for the DP-203 certification examExplore the various Azure services for building end-to-end data solutionsGain a solid understanding of building secure and sustainable data solutions using Azure servicesBook DescriptionAzure is one of the leading cloud providers in the world, providing numerous services for data hosting and data processing. Most of the companies today are either cloud-native or are migrating to the cloud much faster than ever. This has led to an explosion of data engineering jobs, with aspiring and experienced data engineers trying to outshine each other.Gaining the DP-203: Azure Data Engineer Associate certification is a sure-fire way of showing future employers that you have what it takes to become an Azure Data Engineer. This book will help you prepare for the DP-203 examination in a structured way, covering all the topics specified in the syllabus with detailed explanations and exam tips. The book starts by covering the fundamentals of Azure, and then takes the example of a hypothetical company and walks you through the various stages of building data engineering solutions. Throughout the chapters, you'll learn about the various Azure components involved in building the data systems and will explore them using a wide range of real-world use cases. Finally, you'll work on sample questions and answers to familiarize yourself with the pattern of the exam.By the end of this Azure book, you'll have gained the confidence you need to pass the DP-203 exam with ease and land your dream job in data engineering.What you will learnGain intermediate-level knowledge of Azure the data infrastructureDesign and implement data lake solutions with batch and stream pipelinesIdentify the partition strategies available in Azure storage technologiesImplement different table geometries in Azure Synapse AnalyticsUse the transformations available in T-SQL, Spark, and Azure Data FactoryUse Azure Databricks or Synapse Spark to process data using NotebooksDesign security using RBAC, ACL, encryption, data masking, and moreMonitor and optimize data pipelines with debugging tipsWho this book is forThis book is for data engineers who want to take the DP-203: Azure Data Engineer Associate exam and are looking to gain in-depth knowledge of the Azure cloud stack.The book will also help engineers and product managers who are new to Azure or interviewing with companies working on Azure technologies, to get hands-on experience of Azure data technologies. A basic understanding of cloud technologies, extract, transform, and load (ETL), and databases will help you get the most out of this book.

International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies

by Vincent Aleven Roger Azevedo

Integrating all aspects of the fields of metacognition and learning technologies, this book describes features of the learning technologies and how they have been designed to study and support metacognitive processing and self-regulated learning.

Search-Based Software Engineering: 12th International Symposium, SSBSE 2020, Bari, Italy, October 7–8, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12420)

by Aldeida Aleti Annibale Panichella

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering, SSBSE 2020, held in Bari, Italy, in October 2020. The 13 research papers and 5 short papers presented together with 1 keynote were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. SBSE is a research area focused on the formulation of software engineering problems as search problems, and the subsequent use of complex heuristic techniques to attain optimal solutions to such problems. A wealth of engineering challenges - from test generation, to design refactoring, to process organization - can be solved efficiently through the application of automated optimization techniques. SBSE is a growing field - sitting at the crossroads between AI, machine learning, and software engineering - and SBSE techniques have begun to attain human-competitive results. Due to the Corona pandemic SSBSE 2020 was held as a virtual event.

Beginning iOS Game Development

by Patrick Alessi

Get in the game and start building games for the iPhone or iPad! Whether you only have a little experience with iOS programming or even none at all, this accessible guide is ideal for getting started developing games for the iPhone and iPad. Experienced developer and author Patrick Alessi presents the iOS system architecture, gives you the step-by-step of game development, and introduces the languages used to develop games. From the basic building blocks to including drawing, responding to user interaction, animation, and sound, this book provides a one-stop-shop for getting your game up and running, Explores the tools and methodology used to develop games for the iPhone and iPad Requires no previous experience with building a game for the iOS platform Details how iOS games require different considerations than other applications Addresses working with the Xcode programming environment, how to draw with the Quartz 2D API, ways to handle user input, and techniques for incorporating animation with Core Animation and sound with Core Audio If you're ready to jump on the gaming app bandwagon, then this book is what you need to get started!

Beginning iOS Game Development

by Patrick Alessi

Get in the game and start building games for the iPhone or iPad! Whether you only have a little experience with iOS programming or even none at all, this accessible guide is ideal for getting started developing games for the iPhone and iPad. Experienced developer and author Patrick Alessi presents the iOS system architecture, gives you the step-by-step of game development, and introduces the languages used to develop games. From the basic building blocks to including drawing, responding to user interaction, animation, and sound, this book provides a one-stop-shop for getting your game up and running. Explores the tools and methodology used to develop games for the iPhone and iPad Requires no previous experience with building a game for the iOS platform Details how iOS games require different considerations than other applications Addresses working with the Xcode programming environment, how to draw with the Quartz 2D API, ways to handle user input, and techniques for incorporating animation with Core Animation and sound with Core Audio If you're ready to jump on the gaming app bandwagon, then this book is what you need to get started!

Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016: 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Barcelona, Spain, September 6-9, 2016, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9886)

by Alessandro E.P. Villa Paolo Masulli Antonio Javier Pons Rivero

The two volume set, LNCS 9886 + 9887, constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2016, held in Barcelona, Spain, in September 2016. The 121 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 227 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: from neurons to networks; networks and dynamics; higher nervous functions; neuronal hardware; learning foundations; deep learning; classifications and forecasting; and recognition and navigation. There are 47 short paper abstracts that are included in the back matter of the volume.

Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016: 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Barcelona, Spain, September 6-9, 2016, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9887)

by Alessandro E.P. Villa Paolo Masulli Antonio Javier Pons Rivero

The two volume set, LNCS 9886 + 9887, constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2016, held in Barcelona, Spain, in September 2016. The 121 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 227 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: from neurons to networks; networks and dynamics; higher nervous functions; neuronal hardware; learning foundations; deep learning; classifications and forecasting; and recognition and navigation. There are 47 short paper abstracts that are included in the back matter of the volume.

Plan de Acción de Shopify: 6 Pasos para Construir un Negocio de Triangulación de Envíos

by Alessandro

¿Estás Listo Para Convertirte En Un Experto De La Triangulación de Envíos En Solo 6 Sencillos Pasos? No tienes que pagar una pequeña fortuna por cursos en línea o pasar meses investigando. El Plan de Acción de Shopify: 6 Pasos para Construir un Negocio de Triangulación de Envíos está aquí para ahorrarte un tiempo valioso y un esfuerzo invaluable al ofrecerte la más esencial guía de Dropshipping, para que puedas construir tu propio imperio de triangulación de envíos! Incluso si no tienes absolutamente ninguna experiencia, ¡esta guía completa de Shopify te enseñará todo lo que necesitas saber! Al Final De Esta Guía Completa de Dropshipping Serás Capaz De: Entender El Proceso de Triangulación de Envíos Buscar Los Mejores Proveedores Identificar Cuáles Productos Se Venden Mejor Encontrar Tu Nicho Configurar Tu Tienda Shopify Establecer Precios y Páginas de Productos Anunciar y Promover Tu Nuevo Negocio ¿Qué Esperas? ¡Todo lo que tienes que hacer es leer esta guía paso a paso para la triangulación de envíos y encontrar todas las respuestas a tus preguntas! ¡No lo Dudes! Haz clic en “Comprar Ahora” y Haz Una Inversión Para Tu Futuro Imperio en Shopify!

Flutter Cookbook: Over 100 proven techniques and solutions for app development with Flutter 2.2 and Dart

by Simone Alessandria Brian Kayfitz

Discover how to build, scale, and debug native iOS and Android applications from a single codebase using the Dart programming languageKey FeaturesQuickly build and iterate on your user interface (UI) with hot reloadFix bugs and prevent them from reappearing using Flutter's developer tools and test suitesDiscover practical recipes for building mobile applications with FlutterBook DescriptionFlutter is an open-source framework for building mobile, web, and desktop apps using the Dart language. With this recipe-based guide, which focuses on robust app design and core principles, you'll learn how to solve cross-platform development issues in a practical way. The Flutter Cookbook covers error handling and debugging to ensure that your apps run more efficiently. You'll start by setting up Flutter and customizing your development environment. The book will explain the main tasks involved in app development, such as user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design, API design, and creating animations. Later chapters get you up to speed with routing, retrieving data from web services, and persisting data locally. A dedicated section also focuses on Firebase and its machine learning capabilities. The last chapter is specifically designed to help you create apps for the web and desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Throughout the book, you'll find recipes that cover the most important features needed to build a cross-platform application, along with insights into running a single codebase on different platforms. By the end of this Flutter book, you'll have learned everything you need to be able to write and deliver fully functional apps.What you will learnUse Dart programming to customize your Flutter applicationsDiscover how to develop and think like a Dart programmerLeverage Firebase Machine Learning capabilities to create intelligent appsCreate reusable architecture that can be applied to any type of appUse web services and persist data locallyDebug and solve problems before users can see themUse asynchronous programming with Future and StreamManage the app state with Streams and the BLoC pattern Who this book is forThis app development book is for beginner to intermediate-level developers who want to become mobile developers. Basic knowledge of modern programming languages such as JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin, Java, Objective-C, or C# will help you to understand the concepts covered in the book more easily.

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