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Vegane Tassenkuchen – 20 Leckere, Schnelle und Gesunde Mikrowellen-Rezepte

by Maria Theresia Geyer Kelli Rae

Sie haben nur 5 Minuten, um Ihr Verlangen nach Süßem zu stillen? Dieses Rezeptbuch enthält 20 verschiedene Rezepte für Tassenkuchen. Die meisten Rezepte bestehen aus etwa 5 bis 8 Zutaten, darunter Beeren, Haferflocken, Schokolade, pulverisierte Erdnussbutter, Proteinpulver, Kürbiskuchengewürz und vieles mehr. Alle Zutaten sind sehr günstig, gesund und können zum Teil als Großpackungen im Supermarkt erworben werden. Diese Rezepte sind perfekt, wenn man keine Zeit zum Backen hat und nur eine Portion einer Süßspeise zubereiten möchte. Jedes Rezept nimmt nur vier bis fünf Minuten Zeit in Anspruch. Sie sind die ideale Lösung, wenn man sehr beschäftigt und immer auf dem Sprung ist. Die Tassenkuchen müssen nicht sofort gegessen werden – eingepackt können sie auch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt als kleine Zwischenmahlzeit dienen. Hier ein einfaches Rezept: Das ultimative Grundrezept 1 Scoop Proteinpulver ¼ TL Öl ¼ TL Backpulver 1 Päckchen Stevia Zimt Zubereitung 1. Das Proteinpulver, das Öl, das Backpulver und das Stevia in eine Kaffeetasse normaler Größe geben. 2. Langsam mit Wasser vermischen und gut verrühren. Falls notwendig wiederholen. Hieraus sollte ein dickflüssiger Kuchenteig entstehen. 3. Mit Zimt bestreuen. 4. In der Mikrowelle zwei Minuten lang backen. 5. Eine Minute lang ruhen lassen. Kaufen Sie JETZT dieses Buch, um Ihr Verlangen nach Süßem auf gesunde Weise zu stillen! Holen Sie sich noch heute Ihre eigene Ausgabe, indem Sie auf JETZT KAUFEN oben auf dieser Seite klicken!

Vegane Nice-Cream Rezepte: 56 vegane, gesunde und leckere Bananen-Eis Rezepte

by Kelli Rae Beatrice Rueckert

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer gesunden und leichten Art Eis zu genießen? Diese Buch ist randvoll mit 56 Rezepten für veganes und gesundes Bananen-Eis. Nice-Cream ist ein leichter und gesunder Genuß, perfekt für heiße Sommertage oder einfach nur als kleine Leckerei. Nice-Cream ist ein wunderbarer Ersatz für Eis, und doch viel gesünder. Bananen-Eis ist kalorienarm, fettarm und alle Rezepte hier sind vegan. Sie schmecken lecker und leicht, perfekt für jede Art des Abnehmen oder jegliche gesunde Lebensweise. In nur wenigen Minuten können Sie glutenfreie, paleo-freundliche und milchfreie Leckereien zaubern. Sie benötigen lediglich eine Küchenmaschine oder einen Mixer, ein paar Minuten Zeit und einige wenige Zutaten. In diesem Buch finden Sie unter anderem Geschmacksklassiker wie Minz-Schoko, Keksteig, Schokolade und Pfefferminze.

Vegane Kürbis Rezepte: Die 26 köstlichsten Kürbis Rezepte zum schnell und gesund Essen

by Kelli Rae Melanie Pfeiffer

Kürbis ist köstlich und im Herbst sehr beliebt. Es scheint als ob jedes Restaurant und Cafe irgend etwas mit Kürbis auf der Menukarte hat. In diesem Buch finden Sie 26 Kürbis Rezepte. Sie sind alle vegan, gesund und leicht zu machen. Darunter sind Snacks, Smoothies, Früstück und vieles mehr. Geniessen Sie Kürbis das ganze Jahr über und nicht nur im Herbst.

Vegane Hummus Rezepte - Die 20 köstlichsten Hummus Rezepte, die schnell und leicht sind

by Kelli Rae Marcus A. Pfeiffer

Mögen Sie Hummus? Möchten Sie in der Lage sein etwas Geld zu sparen und Hummus selber zu Hause machen? Wenn ja, dann lesen Sie weiter! Dieses Buch enthält 20 der köstlichsten Hummus-Rezepte. Sie sind alle 100% vegan und sind eine super Proteinquelle. Hummus kann mit so vielen Speisen zusammen kombiniert werden – Salate, verschiedene Brote (wie z.B. Pita), Gemüse, Sandwiches und einfach allem, zu dem Sie etwas dazu haben möchten. Hummus ist sehr köstlich und total gesund. Es ist ein grossartiges Essen für jede Gewichtsverlusts-Reise. Essen Sie es ersatzweise zu den hochfettigen Dingen wie Mayonnaise und Salat Dressings. Oder bringen Sie es einfach mit zur nächsten Party oder zum Treffen im Urlaub, jeder wird davon begeistert sein und es lieben. Dieses Buch gibt auch ein gutes Geschenk für sie selbst oder für diesen speziellen Gesundheitsfreak in Ihrem Leben. Es ist ein perfektes Geschenk für jede Situation. Ich hoffe, dass Sie diese Rezepte geniessen! Lassen Sie mich wissen, welches davon Ihr Lieblingsrezept ist! Nehmen Sie das Buch jetzt und geniessen Sie Ihr selbstgemachtes Hummus heute.

Vegane Ernährung für Einsteiger: Schnelle und einfache Tipps für einen veganen Lebensstil

by Kelli Rae

Warum sollten wir einen veganen Lebensstil anstreben? Vegane Ernährung für Einsteiger: Schnelle und einfache Tipps für den Einstieg in einen veganen Lebensstil – Ein Buch für Anfänger, die ihre ersten Schritte Richtung veganes Leben gehen. Man findet unzählig viele Informationen – Aber wo genau fängt man an, wenn man sich vegan ernähren möchte? In diesem kurzen Buch verrate ich dir viele Tipps und Anregungen, die dich auf deiner veganen Reise zum Erfolg führen. Außerdem findest du verschiedene Fotos von Mahlzeiten, die ich selbst zubereitet und gegessen habe. Der mentale Aspekt an der ganzen Sache ist ENORM, daher konzentriert sich ungefähr die Hälfte des Buches darauf, eine solide mentale Grundlage aufzubauen, bevor wir uns dem zuwenden, was genau gegessen werden darf und soll. Willst du mehr erfahren? Dann lade dir hier das komplette Buch runter! Scrolle einfach nach oben und klicke auf den "Kaufen" Button.

Vegane Ernährung: Gesund durch vegane Ernährung

by Harold Davis

Viele Menschen denken, dass es schwer sei, vegan zu leben, weil sie Fleisch, Eier, Milchprodukte und andere tierische Produkte aufgeben müssen. Man muss diese Dinge natürlich wirklich aufgeben, aber es gibt auch gute Nachrichten: vegan zu leben ist heutzutage viel einfacher als jemals zuvor. In diesem Buch findest du viele absolut leckere vegane Rezepte, von Smoothies über Salate hin zu Vorspeisen und Desserts, die bei dir die Frage aufwerfen werden, warum du nicht schon viel früher Veganer geworden bist. Vegetarier halten sich von Fisch, Geflügel und anderem Fleisch fern. Traditionell halten sich Veganer von Tieren und deren Nebenprodukten fern, wie z.B. Eiern, Honig, Milchprodukten und anderen Produkten, deren Hauptproduzenten Tiere sind. Menschen entscheiden sich oft aus ethischen, Umweltschutz- und Gesundheitsgründen für eine vegane Ernährung. So glauben z.B. einige Veganer, dass der Verzehr von Milchprodukten und Eiern diese Wirtschaftszweige fördert. Du kannst aber die Vorteile eines veganen Lebensstils genießen, indem du mit dem Verzehr von Fleisch und Milchprodukten aufhörst. In diesem Buch findest du die Rezepte dazu und einen Beispielplan. Das perfekte Ende eines arbeitsreichen Tages ist ein tolles Essen mit Freunden oder der Familie. Etwas Neues zu haben...etwas Anderes...kann das Essen wieder aufregend und interessant machen und es in ein soziales Ereignis verwandeln. Und hier kommt die Serie „Die unentbehrliche Küche“ mit veganen Rezepten ins Spiel, einer erstaunlichen Rezeptsammlung. Es ist dein Schicksal, die wählerischsten Esser und kritischsten Gaumen zufrieden zu stellen. Hol dir noch heute deine Ausgabe, indem du den Button oben auf dieser Seite drückst!

Vegane Ernährung: Köstliche und gesunde Rezepte für vegane Suppen, mit denen das Abnehmen leichtfällt

by Andy Hawkins

Manch einer mag über den Mangel an folgenden Nährstoffen bei einer vegetarischen Ernährung besorgt sein, Sie werden jedoch feststellen, dass bestimmte Gemüse- und Obstsorten diese Nährstoffe liefern und Ihnen somit eine perfekt ausgewogene Ernährung ermöglichen. Einige der bedenklichen Nährstoffe sind Eiweiß, Eisen, Kalzium und Vitamin B12. Eiweiß ist ganz einfach in Bohnen und aus Bohnen hergestellten Produkten wie Tofu zu finden. Auch Nüsse und Erbsen sind gute Proteinquellen. Eisen ist in Tofu, Bohnen, Spinat, Mangold und Cashewnüssen enthalten. Kalzium ist in Sojamilch, Brokkoli, Blattkohl, Senf und Grünkohl zu finden. Wenn Sie auf diese Ernährungsweise umstellen, sollten Sie vielleicht erst einmal kleine Schritte unternehmen. Beginnen Sie mit einer vegetarischen Mahlzeit pro Tag. So können Sie sich allmählich auf die verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen und Aromen einer vegetarischen Ernährung einstellen. Wenn Sie sich daran gewöhnt haben, jeden Tag eine vegetarische Mahlzeit zu sich zu nehmen, können Sie langsam eine weitere vegetarische Mahlzeit hinzufügen, bis Sie Ihre Ernährungsweise vollständig geändert haben. Forschungen haben ergeben, dass kleine Änderungen am Ende nachhaltiger sind. Es ist ja kein Wettbewerb. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, und genießen Sie einfach die verschiedenen Arten von vegetarischen Gerichten.

Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But Doable) Animal-Free Recipes for Entertaining and Everyday

by Lauren Ulm

Lauren Ulm is a vegan cook whose star is on the rise. She hosts a popular blog that is read by more than 30,000 a day. She's a 2008 Veggie Awards winner from VegNews magazine who has been featured on The Martha Stewart Show, AOL, and the hippest sites on the web, including and Now she delights her blog fans, as well as millions of vegetarian and vegan enthusiasts, with this sophisticated four-color cookbook filled with original and the most beloved meals from her blog. From appetizers to desserts, breakfasts to dinners, as well as holiday- and company-worthy fare, Ulm proves that vegan food doesn't have to be bland food. It's her love (okay, her obsession!) of making vegan foods exciting that is evident in her creations—recipes that are as artistic as they are quirky. With 90 percent of her ingredients available at any grocery store, her recipes are doable for the average person, and range from comfort-food staples like whoopee pies, macaroni, and blueberry cobbler, to foods with a sophisticated flair like mojito cupcakes, daikon noodle salad, and flaky pizza purse tapas appetizers. Stunning photographs and step-by-step instructions make Vegan Yum Yum an essential resource for any vegan kitchen.

Vegan Yack Attack on the Go!: Plant-Based Recipes for Your Fast-Paced Vegan Lifestyle

by Jackie Sobon

The popular vegan blogger shares quick, easy, and flavorful plant-based recipes deigned to fit delicious, healthy foods into your busy life!Jackie Sobon, the plant-based rock star behind the blog Vegan Yack Attack is your guide to go-to recipes you can prepare easily, make in advance, or take with you. Vegan Yack Attack on the Go! offers beautifully photographed recipes you not only want to eat, but can whip up in any slice of time you can carve out.Following an introduction to vegan cooking that includes pantry necessities, equipment, and tips and tricks, Jackie shares can’t-miss recipes such as:Blueberry Zucchini Breakfast CookiesBerry Rhubarb Chia JamBBQ Tempeh WrapSesame Soba SaladKale Raspberry Grain SaladSummer Stew with Zucchini, Tomatoes & CornButternut Mac and TreesChickpea Tendies & WafflesHearty Skillet CornbreadCampfire Banana Splits

Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock

by Isa Moskowitz

In Vegan with a Vengeance, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, host of the community access vegan cooking show The Post Punk Kitchen, brings the do-it-yourself, community-driven ethos of punk rock into the kitchen. Her cooking philosophy embraces being kind to animals (all recipes are completely animal-product free) and your wallet--while being creative and having fun in the process. She emphasizes staying clear of corporate brand-name foods, and says that cooking should be an innovative, experimental, and completely real experience. This one-of-a-kind cookbook offers 125 recipes for all meals of the day, from stuffed mushrooms to tofu pizza, gingerbread cupcakes to pasta with "alfreda sauce," and is full of tips and tricks on how to keep your diet vegan, inexpensive, and liberated.

Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock

by Isa Chandra Moskowitz

More Vegan. More Vengeance. More Fizzle. Ten years ago a young Brooklyn chef was making a name for herself by dishing up amazing vegan meals--no fuss, no b. s. , just easy, cheap, delicious food. Several books later, the punk rock priestess of all things tasty and animal-free returns to her roots--and we're not just talking tubers. The book that started it all is back, with new recipes, ways to make those awesome favorites even awesome-r, more in-the-kitchen tips with Fizzle--and full-color photos of those amazing dishes throughout.

The Vegan Week: Meal Prep Recipes to Feed Your Future Self [A Cookbook]

by Gena Hamshaw

Prepare for your week with this smart, practical, and delicious guide to vegan meal planning from the Full Helping blogger Gena Hamshaw, author of Power Plates. &“Gena Hamshaw takes the perfection out of meal-planning, making fresh, cozy, plant-based meals accessible—no matter what your week might look like.&”—Kristen Miglore, author of Food52 Genius RecipesHome cooking can be a challenge when life gets busy. Meal prep is the fix for having flavorful, nourishing meals to rely upon all week long. Gena, a longtime vegan with a demanding schedule, prioritizes nutritional balance as well as taste in this hands-on meatless primer. The Vegan Week will teach you how to batch cook varied, colorful, and comforting meals over the weekend, whether you have three, two, or even just one hour of time to spare. Discover new, plant-based favorites like Tangy Cashew Lime Noodle Bowls and Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Greens, as well as classics like Pasta e Ceci and Seitan Goulash. Gena will help you to use your time in the kitchen effectively, so that you create and store filling, flavor-forward recipes—recipes that you'll look forward to as the week goes by. This book is a roadmap to eating vegan food regularly, incorporating it into daily life even when things are hectic. Thanks to meal prep techniques and recipes, you won't have to choose between the demands of your schedule and your desire to prioritize taste, nutrition, and the joy of eating homemade food.

Vegan Vitality: Your Complete Guide to an Active, Healthy, Plant-Based Lifestyle

by Robert Cheeke Karina Inkster

A guide to veganism for active lifestyles-with one hundred delicious recipes.The culture of food in North America is changing-and fast. More than eight million North Americans choose to exclude meat from their diets, and an additional twenty-five million rarely eat meat. Many of these individuals consume no animal products whatsoever. Why do these vegans and vegetarians choose to forgo steak, yogurt, or ice cream? Most commonly, they cite increasing and maintaining personal health. Add to this the steadily growing population of health and fitness enthusiasts who adopt plant-based diets temporarily to meet their performance goals, plus those looking to vegan diets for weight loss, and we've got a full-blown diet and lifestyle movement quickly expanding across the globe.Vegan Vitality is a comprehensive active-living guide and cookbook for current and aspiring vegans and vegetarians interested in making regular physical activity a part of their lives. Karina Inkster motivates and inspires readers to increase the quality (and length!) of their lives by enjoying a whole foods, plant-based diet and engaging in regular exercise. With healthy living advice for everyone from beginners to amateur athletes, as well as a well-rounded collection of one hundred mouthwatering recipes specifically created to fuel active living, this book sets itself apart from existing titles by bridging the gap between diet and fitness, approaching health holistically and as a long-term lifestyle. Also included are interviews with vegan athletes and fitness professionals, each providing their own recipes, top-secret tips, and habits for healthy, active plant-based living.

Vegan Vegetarian Omnivore: Dinner for Everyone at the Table

by Anna Thomas

Can we all sit down and have dinner together? For years, Anna Thomas's fans have cooked from her trailblazing vegetarian cookbooks. Now, Anna turns her thoughts to that larger question. We are eating differently: your daughter is a vegan, or you are but your in-laws don't think it's dinner without meat, or you're hosting Thanksgiving for a mixed group... In this timely and useful new book, Anna offers her solutions for reuniting our divided tables. "My idea is simple," says Anna. "Start with the food everyone eats, design a meal or a dish around that, then expand and elaborate with just the right amounts of the right cheeses, meats, or fish for your omnivores. Everyone feels welcome, and we eat the same meal--but in variations." Anna shows us how to cook for today's table, with over 150 recipes for all tastes, and menus for every occasion. For a casual evening with friends, Farro with Lentils and Lavender served with Ratatouille from the Charcoal Grill makes a beautiful vegan supper--and also pairs wonderfully with garlic-and-herb rubbed lamb chops for the omnivores. Anna's crowd-pleasing Easy Fish Soup begins as a robust vegetable soup, with seafood added five minutes before serving--an ideal two-way dish. A vegetarian Lemon Risotto with Sautéed Fresh Fava Beans is perfect on its own, and can easily take on tender shrimp. For dessert, have vegan Pumpkin Gingerbread and add vanilla ice cream, or serve a delectable Dark Chocolate Almond Bark studded with ginger and dried cherries. Anna's festive "Thanksgiving for Everyone" menu centers on a sumptuous Polenta Torta with Roasted Squash and onion marmalade, surrounded by an array of seasonal vegetables--all pairing equally well with roast turkey for the traditionalists. "Taco Night at Home" allows everyone to design their perfect meal, mixing and matching from a spread of Spicy Black Beans, Poblano Peppers with Portobello Mushrooms, Carnitas, and Guajillo Chile Salsa. Anna's exuberant Mediterranean mezze menu is a relaxed summer party, featuring vegan Roasted Eggplant and Poblano Chile Spread with flatbread, Tabbouleh with Chickpeas and Preserved Lemon, Charred Zucchini with Lemon and Mint, and Baked Lamb Kibbeh Wedges for the omnivores. With dishes inspired by the vibrant produce of farmers' markets, Anna shares her love of cooking and of hospitality. Vegan Vegetarian Omnivore shows us how to navigate a world of change, and bring all our friends and family together at one big, generous table.

Vegan Under Pressure: Perfect Vegan Meals Made Quick And Easy In Your Pressure Cooker

by Jill Nussinow

Vegan cooking made fast, fresh, and flavorful with the convenience of a pressure cooker, including all the essential info for using the appliance safely and effectively, and 175 recipes.

Vegan Treats: Easy vegan bites & bakes

by Emma Hollingsworth

An irresistible selection of sweet vegan treats from hugely popular blogger Mrs Hollingsworth's. From peanut butter chocolate cheesecake to classic banoffee pie, each mouth-watering recipe is totally vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and free from refined sugar.Easy to make, deliciously decadent and using natural, easily available ingredients, Emma Hollingsworth's amazing recipes will transform any plant-based diet. Satisfy every possible sweet tooth craving you could have while avoiding processed snacks and desserts.Chapters cover:· MY SIMPLE STAPLES· GRAB-AND-GO BARS AND BALLS· TRES EASY TRAYBAKES· DROOL-WORTHY COOKIES AND BISCUITS· NO-CHEESE RAW 'CHEESECAKES' AND SLICES· TANTALISING TARTS AND PIES· SERIOUSLY MOREISH CHOCOLATES AND CONFECTIONERY· FIRE UP THE OVEN CAKES AND LOAVES With recipes for easy everyday snacking, crowd-pleasing dinner party desserts as well as impressive special occasion cakes loaded with decorations, Vegan Treats covers every possible sweet recipe you could need or want.Gluten-free, dairy-free and free from refined sugar, as well as plenty of nut-free and raw options, Emma's recipes are sure to please everyone. From Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake Slices and Chocolate Fudge Flapjacks, to classic Banoffee Pie and Carrot Cake, along with recipes for vegan milks, butters, icing and sauces, Emma has your plant-based baking covered with her usual fun and playful style.

Vegan Tacos: Authentic & Inspired Recipes for Mexico's Favorite Street Food

by Jason Wyrick

Plant-based homemade tacos (and more) from the New York Times–bestselling author of Vegan Mexico, with plenty of pro tips and photos. Celebrated chef Jason Wyrick showcases exciting Mexican flavors and textures with recipes for traditional and creative tacos—including your own homemade tortillas, salsas, and condiments. You&’ll make tacos de asador, tacos cazuela, tacos dorados, and many more based on recipes gathered from across Mexico—and learn how to make them using plant-based ingredients. The long-time publisher of the Vegan Culinary Experience (now points the way to making your own taco components from scratch, while also providing quick options with store-bought ingredients. In your own home taquería, make such tantalizing recipes as: Tacos Mole with Seared Zucchini, Wilted Chard, and PepitasTacos with Pintos Borrachos and Vegan Queso FrescoTacos Dorados with Plantains, Black Beans, and Roasted GarlicBaja Tacos with Lobster MushroomsBreakfast Tacos with Rajas, Mojo Scramble, and PintosCinnamon Tortilla Tacos with Spicy Cajeta Apples, Pecans, and Agave Crema Also featured are sections on taco culture and history; essential ingredients; helpful shortcuts; beverage recipes such as Mango Lime Agua Fresca, Sweet Tamarind Tea, and Desert Sage Spritzer; desserts and sides; and how to host a taquiza (taco party).

The Vegan Stoner Cookbook 2: Over 100 Easy and Healthy Recipes to Munch

by Sarah Conrique Graham I. Haynes

The authors of the cult favorite The Vegan Stoner Cookbook are back with new vegan recipes so simple even a stoner can make them, now featuring a greater focus on whole foods, plus gluten-free and soy-free options.Cooking vegan doesn't have to be hard! The Vegan Stoners, Sarah Conrique and Graham I. Haynes, are back with another batch of foolproof vegan dishes. This time, the yummy, fresh recipes highlight even more whole foods and fresh produce for modern vegan meals that take you beyond the pantry and into the farmers market, with an added focus on gluten- and soy-free options.This highly illustrated, irreverent cookbook (and its cast of eccentric vegetable characters) presents easy instructions and simple, line-drawing ingredient lists that help busy home cooks and hungry slackers alike whip together filling vegan meals with minimal time and effort. With recipes like Butternut-chos, Jackfruit "Toona" Salad, and Shroom Paella, you'll find flexible plant-based recipes that satisfy your cravings.

The Vegan Stoner Cookbook: 100 Easy Vegan Recipes to Munch

by Graham I. Haynes Sarah Conrique

A collection of vegan recipes so simple to make that even a stoner could prepare them, this highly illustrated cookbook from the creators of The Vegan Stoner food blog proves that going vegan can be fun, cheap, and easy.The Vegan Stoners, Sarah Conrique and Graham Haynes, write, cook, and illustrate in a world filled with eccentric--and slightly uncouth--vegetable characters. Now they invite home cooks into this universe of indie veganism, presenting foolproof recipes that will be a hit with every slacker, penny-pincher, and hipster on the block. With easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and munchies, this is a gateway cookbook for anyone who wants to eat fewer animal products and more veggies.

The Vegan Starter Kit: Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Eating

by Neal D Barnard

Leading medical authority Neal Barnard, MD, FACC, shows you how to put the power of a vegan diet to work with an easy, step-by-step approach.Many are looking to adopt a more healthful diet but may have questions, like: How do I plan a vegan meal? Is protein an issue? How do I make it work if I don't cook? Which are the best choices at restaurants? In THE VEGAN STARTER KIT Dr. Neal Barnard, perhaps the world's most respected authority on vegan diets, answers your questions and gives you everything you need to put vegan power to work. You'll learn how to ensure complete nutrition, and get quick-reference charts for calcium sources, tips for modifying your favorite recipes, and examples of quick and easy meals. Everything you need for permanent weight control and dramatically better health is presented. THE VEGAN STARTER KIT also includes information on healthy eating in childhood, pregnancy, and other stages of life, and a complete set of basic meals, holiday feasts, snacks, among many other features.

The Vegan Spiralizer Cookbook: Creative, Delicious, Easy Recipes for Every Meal

by Barb Musick

Refreshing spin on plant-based eating—spiralizers go vegan. The Vegan Spiralizer Cookbook is your how-to guide for vegan dishes with a twist—literally. It serves up 101 recipes that can be prepared with a spiralizer, making it easy and fun to eat more plant-based meals and create delicious, healthy options where fruits and veggies are the star, not just a sideshow. Whether you're completely vegan, trying to cut back on calories, or just want to sneak some more vegetables onto your loved ones' plates, this spiralizer cookbook can change the way you cook. No vegan or spiralizer experience required. The Vegan Spiralizer Cookbook offers: Beyond the zoodle—A huge variety of flavor-packed recipes for every meal, including pancakes, soups, and even fancy drinks! No spiralizer? No problem—This complete spiralizer cookbook gives the rundown on how to purchase, maintain, and safely use both hand crank and hourglass spiralizers. Charts and tips—Find handy references for what to spiralize, how to spiralize it, and how to cook it—plus lists of other kitchen tools to keep on hand. Discover how creative vegan cooking can be with The Vegan Spiralizer Cookbook.

The Vegan Sourcebook

by Joanne Stepaniak

Increasing numbers of people--including actress Drew Barrymore, pop star Moby, and actor Alec Baldwin--are embracing veganism, a lifestyle that entails avoiding all animal-based products and behaving ethically and conscientiously within our surroundings. In "The Vegan Sourcebook", long-time activist Joanne Stepaniak further explores and illuminates the principles and practical aspects of compassionate living.

Vegan Soups and Hearty Stews for All Seasons

by Nava Atlas

From hearty stews to refreshing desserts, Nava Atlas ladles out 120-plus imaginative, low-in-fat-but-rich-in-flavor meatless delights to suit every taste, in this veganized version of her bestselling Vegetarian Soups for All Seasons. To highlight the best produce available at any time of year, Nava has arranged the book by season, with spring soups like Leek and Mushroom Bisque and Okra-Rice Gumbo; Cool Ratatouille and Zesty Green Gazpacho for summer; savory Baked Onion Soup and Orange-Butternut Squash Soup for autumn; and hearty Curried Millet-Spinach Soup and Vegetarian Goulash for winter. There's also a scrumptious selection of dessert soups, including Chilled Cantaloupe Soup, and a tempting selection of accompaniments such as quick breads, dumplings, muffins, and scones. With exotic international offerings, basic comfort soups, delicate broths, and plenty of soups and stews that can serve as one-dish meals, this cookbook is a must for vegan kitchens everywhere.

Vegan Soups: Over 100 recipes for soups, sprinkles, toppings & twists

by Amber Locke

Celebrate the glory of vegetables all year round with these spectacularly tasty vegan soups. From a refreshing Watermelon Gazpacho, perfect for a summer's afternoon, to a chunky, wholesome Black-Eyed Bean Chilli stew to warm you up on a cold winter's night, soup is not just incredibly versatile but is also an easy way to make the most of fresh, seasonal ingredients. Try Curried Greens and Coconut, Butternut Noodle, Sparkling Pineapple soup, and many more.Featuring more than 100 recipes, including extra toppings and twists to transform your bowl, Vegan Soups has something for everyone.

Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African-American Cuisine

by Bryant Terry

The mere mention of soul food brings thoughts of greasy fare and clogged arteries. Bryant Terry offers recipes that leave out heavy salt and refined sugar, "bad” fats, and unhealthy cooking techniques, and leave in the down-home flavor. Vegan Soul Kitchen recipes use fresh, whole, high-quality, healthy ingredients and cooking methods with a focus on local, seasonal, sustainably raised food. Terry’s new recipes have been conceived through the prism of the African Diaspora-cutting, pasting, reworking, and remixing African, Caribbean, African-American, Native American, and European staples, cooking techniques, and distinctive dishes to create something familiar, comforting, and deliciously unique. Reinterpreting popular dishes from African and Caribbean countries as well as his favorite childhood dishes, Terry reinvents African-American and Southern cuisine-capitalizing on the complex flavors of the tradition, without the animal products. Includes recipes for: Double Mustard Greens & Roasted Yam Soup; Cajun-Creole-Spiced Tempeh Pieces with Creamy Grits; Caramelized Grapefruit, Avocado, and Watercress Salad with Grapefruit Vinaigrette; and Sweet Cornmeal-Coconut Butter Drop Biscuits.

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