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Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement: Stories from the Frontline

by Steven K. Kapp

This open access book marks the first historical overview of the autism rights branch of the neurodiversity movement, describing the activities and rationales of key leaders in their own words since it organized into a unique community in 1992. Sandwiched by editorial chapters that include critical analysis, the book contains 19 chapters by 21 authors about the forming of the autistic community and neurodiversity movement, progress in their influence on the broader autism community and field, and their possible threshold of the advocacy establishment. The actions covered are legendary in the autistic community, including manifestos such as “Don’t Mourn for Us”, mailing lists, websites or webpages, conferences, issue campaigns, academic project and journal, a book, and advisory roles. These actions have shifted the landscape toward viewing autism in social terms of human rights and identity to accept, rather than as a medical collection of deficits and symptoms to cure.

Economy and Disability: A Game Theoretic Approach (Economy and Social Inclusion)

by Akihiko Matsui

Society has developed so that it accommodates the needs of intertwined people, but a question arises as to which people have been accommodated. Has everyone been taken care of in an equal manner? If not, who has fallen into the gap between the institutions that are supposed to accommodate them? This book is a study of these issues of economy and disability using game theory, which has provided a means of analyzing various social phenomena. Part I provides actual cases related to economy and disability, with the stories based on interviews by the author. Part II is geared toward a game theoretic analysis. This book explains disability-related issues by game theory and innovates that theory by deeply contemplating the issues.It is not common that first-rate theorists manage to make their research relevant and applicable to the most pressing problems our society faces these days. This is the remarkable achievement of this book. Akihiko Matsui, an internationally recognized leader in economic theory, succeeds in bringing profound game theoretical insights to the questions of disability, the social norms relating to it, and the ethical and economic problems they raise. The book is a tour de force, brilliantly combining economic and sociology, mathematics and philosophy, to provide us a fresh look at the way we run modern societies.Itzahk Gilboa, Professor, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University and Professor of Economics and Decision Sciences, HEC, ParisThe present world faces a broad range of societal problems such as discrimination against minorities and conflicts between groups. The market mechanism may solve some of these dilemmas, but many others remain. This book targets various societal problems and provides game theoretical approaches to them, stressing the importance of social institutions including the market system and individual interactive attitudes to society. Aki Matsui’s splendid Economy and Disability is indispensable for students and scholars interested in social science, particularly in economic theory, and gives a better understanding of these phenomena and their potential cures.Mamoru Kaneko, Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda UniversityIn this book, Aki Matsui is revealed to be a fully-fledged humanist in the guise of a game theoretician. He beautifully presents game-theoretical ideas while at the same time suggesting how society should relate to the disabled. This unique combination makes Economy and Disability—apart from anything else—a truly moving book.Ariel Rubinstein, Professor of Economics, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University and Professor of Economics, New York University

New Dynamics of Disability and Rehabilitation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Ivan Harsløf Ingrid Poulsen Kristian Larsen

This collection provides a broad coverage of recent changes in medical and vocational rehabilitation in Northern Europe. It presents analyses that cut across health sciences, medical sociology, disability studies and comparative welfare state research. Through this interdisciplinary perspective, the book explores the changing roles of patients, caregivers, professionals and institutions, and the wider implications of these changes for social inequalities in health. What obstacles do different groups of patients encounter when negotiating the complex chains of medical and vocational services? Who decides regarding references to specialized treatments, and the provision of comprehensive and coordinated services, and different types of benefits and material support? What is the importance of the resources that patients and caregivers bring to bear in the rehabilitation process?

Intellectual Disability and Social Policies of Inclusion: Invading Consciousness without Permeability

by David P. Treanor

This book explores why, after forty years of funded policies of social inclusion, persons living with an intellectual disability are still separated from the social fabric of neoliberal societies. David Treanor shows how the nature of the reform process is driven unnecessarily by the economic neoliberal paradigm, the cultural misconceptions of intellectual disability, and the inattention accorded to personal relationships between persons living with and without an intellectual disability. Treanor utilizes John Macmurray’s personalist philosophy, Julia Kristeva’s ontology of disability and Michele Foucault’s concept of bio-power to explain this phenomenon. The concepts in this book challenge current approaches to social inclusion and have radical implications for future practices.

Politicising Polio: Disability, Civil Society and Civic Agency in Sierra Leone

by Diana Szántó

This book examines disability in post-war Sierra Leone. Its protagonists are polio-disabled people living in the nation’s capital of Freetown, organizing themselves as best as they can in a state without welfare. There is little concrete support for people with disabilities in a country where the government is struggling with the competing requirements of the international community, demanding - in exchange for its support - good standards of democracy and the maintenance of a free market economy. To what extent is the Human Rights framework of the disability movement effective in protecting the polio-disabled and what are the limitations of this framework? Diana Szántó’s detailed ethnography reveals, through many real-life examples, the vulnerability of disabled people living in the intersections of poverty, informality and disability activism. At the same time, it also tells about the many ways the polio-disabled community is transforming vulnerability into strength.

From Exploitation to Empowerment: A Socio-Legal Model of Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Intellectually Disabled Children

by Asha Bajpai

This book presents the outcomes of a field action project at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). Project Chunauti (English translation: Project Challenge) focused on a group of intellectually disabled, orphan children who were survivors of abuse, exploitation and neglect, and describes their journey toward empowerment. It offers a vision and a reproducible, adaptable model for rehabilitation that can foster the social re-integration of intellectually disabled orphans at institutions. As the implementation of laws is especially important for vulnerable groups, the book also outlines a socio-legal approach that not only impacts the children directly, but can also bring about policy level reforms.Project Chunauti was born out of the need to explore options for these children and to set standards for their care, protection, rehabilitation and social re-integration. The core objectives of the project were to provide support and services, including counseling, education, life skills and vocational skills training, as well as medical and psychiatric support to help them overcome the trauma of abuse and exploitation. Its further goal was to train the staff of state-run homes and state authorities, helping them prepare and implement care plans and rehabilitation, combat child sexual abuse and malnutrition, employ positive disciplining, and better understand disabilities. The book also draws on the Project team’s experiences of rolling out the replication process in Maharashtra. This book highlights the role of the courts, media and other stakeholders in the journey towards empowerment and justice. It is a combination of social-work methods, application and implementation of law and legal advocacy, as well as best practices for protecting children’s rights and developing rehabilitation and re-integration projects for intellectually disabled, orphaned children in India. The interventions detailed here provide a reproducible, adaptable model of intervention for children in institutional care across the country.

Empowering Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Amanda Webster Joy Cumming Susannah Rowland

This book presents an international research-based framework that has empowered parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to become critical decision makers to actively guide their child's learning and self-advocacy. Parents can use this framework to identify their child's vision and dreams, and to work with educators and service providers to establish specific learning goals and to implement effective interventions and programs that enable their child to achieve those goals and realise their vision for the future. The book begins by reviewing available research on evidence-based practice for children with ASD and outlining the Cycle of Learning decision-making framework for parents and professionals. Throughout the remainder of the book, case studies are presented to illustrate the ways in which different parents have successfully utilised this framework to develop effective plans for their child and to advocate for learning and education programs for both their child and other children with ASD in school and community settings. In addition, it highlights concrete examples of how parents have used the framework to empower their children with ASD to develop their self-awareness and self-determination, and to be able to self-advocate as they move through adolescence and into adult life.

Los increíbles

by Óscar Caro (FIDEC) Diego Rubio

La historia de dos superhéroes de la vida real La vida de Óscar Caro cambió por completo cuando Luis David, su hijo menor, sufrió dos eventos cardiorrespiratorios que le ocasionaron una parálisis cerebral a los seis meses de nacido. Al conocer la historia del Team Hoyt -un equipo en el que un padre corre maratones empujando la silla de ruedas de su hijo-, Luis David le propuso a su papá que persiguieran ese sueño y, así, Óscar decidió convertirse en atleta profesional a los cuarenta años para correr, nadar y pedalear cientos de kilómetros con su hijo al hombro. El Team Caro Wagner, como se hace llamar este equipo de superhéroes de la vida real, ha corrido maratones y triatlones en Colombia y en el exterior, y aunque el esfuerzo de terminar una competencia de estas es monumental, no es nada comparado con el que debe hacer una familia con un miembro en condición de discapacidad. Los Increíbles es el inspirador testimonio de un padre que hace hasta lo imposible por su hijo, y es también una historia que nos demuestra que es posible salir adelante, a pesar de las complicaciones que la vida nos presenta. Al comprar este libro, estás ayudando a los niños de la Fundación FIDEC, Luis David Caro Wagner.

Estrella y Luz

by Roberto Fuentes

El tercer título de Roberto Fuentes protagonizado por Estrella, la viajera intergaláctica Luz es especial. Habla poco y, cuando lo hace, muchas personas no la entienden. Le gusta mirar las estrellas desde su balcón y pasar tardes junto a su familia. Su vida da un giro cuando llega a vivir a la casa de enfrente Estrella, una niña de su misma edad que parece entenderla mejor que nadie.

Todo marcha sobre ruedas: Testimonio de un renacer

by María Paz Díaz

Testimonio de superación de la ex tenista paralímpica y modelo María Paz Díaz. A los dieciocho años, cuando regresaba de una fiesta, María Paz Díaz recibió un impacto de bala a la altura de la cintura que dañó parte de su médula espinal. El autor del disparo fue un gendarme que portaba su arma de servicio. «¿Por qué lo hizo?» es la gran pregunta que ella y sus familiares se hicieron, y que hasta el día de hoy se mantiene sin respuesta. Esa misma noche, y mientras luchaba por mantenerse con vida en el hospital de Talca, Marita supo que no volvería a caminar. Pese al dolor y a la impotencia, pese a las innumerables dificultades y sinsabores que tuvo que enfrentar, esta mujer, que ahora tiene 31 años, no se rindió y luchó cada día por tener una existencia luminosa y cumplir sus sueños. Con esfuerzo y tenacidad recobró su independencia, fue tenista paralímpica, modelo sobre ruedas y logró viajar por el mundo recogiendo experiencias. Ahora, a trece años de su accidente, ha decidido contar toda su verdad en este libro.


by Martin Gruenberg

Es necesario dejar llorar a nuestro hijo para que aprenda a dormir? En este libro el doctor Martín Gruenberg, médico pediatra y apasionado investigador de los problemas del sueño infantil, explica que dejar llorar a un niño para enseñarle a dormir es una herramienta que, utilizada de manera inadecuada, puede resultar contraproducente. También nos enseña a reconocer las distintas etapas madurativas por las que puede estar atravesando nuestro hijo y cómo resolver los trastornos de sueño asociados a ellas, respetando sus necesidades afectivas y emocionales. Con ejemplos y sugerencias prácticas ofrece distintas soluciones para otros temas relacionados con el sueño, como el ronquido y la enuresis, y nos sorprende con consejos útiles y aplicables para poner límites claros de acuerdo a la edad de cada niño.

The Social, Cultural, and Political Discourses of Autism (Education, Equity, Economy #9)

by Jessica Nina Lester Michelle O'Reilly

Taking up a social constructionist position, this book illustrates the social and cultural construction of autism as made visible in everyday, educational, institutional and historical discourses, alongside a careful consideration of the bodily and material realities of embodied differences. The authors highlight the economic consequences of a disabling culture, and explore how autism fits within broader arguments related to normality, abnormality and stigma. To do this, they provide a theoretically and historically grounded discussion of autism—one designed to layer and complicate the discussions that surround autism and disability in schools, health clinics, and society writ large. In addition, they locate this discussion across two contexts – the US and the UK – and draw upon empirical examples to illustrate the key points. Located at the intersection of critical disability studies and discourse studies, the book offers a critical reframing of autism and childhood mental health disorders more generally.

Lawyers Making Meaning....

by Jan M. Broekman Larry Catà Backer

This book present a structure for understanding and exploring the semiotic character of law and law systems. Cultivating a deep understanding for the ways in which lawyers make meaning--the way in which they help make the world and are made, in turn by the world they create --can provide a basis for consciously engaging in the work of the law and in the production of meaning. The book first introduces the reader to the idea of semiotics in general and legal semiotics in particular, as well as to the major actors and shapers of the field, and to the heart of the matter: signs. The second part studies the development of the strains of thinking that together now define semiotics, with attention being paid to the pragmatics, psychology and language of legal semiotics. A third part examines the link between legal theory and semiotics, the practice of law, the critical legal studies movement in the USA, the semiotics of politics and structuralism. The last part of the book ties the different strands of legal semiotics together, and closely looks at semiotics in the lawyer's toolkit--such as: text, name and meaning.

Futures of Reproduction: Bioethics and Biopolitics

by Catherine Mills

Issues in reproductive ethics, such as the capacity of parents to 'choose children', present challenges to philosophical ideas of freedom, responsibility and harm. This book responds to these challenges by proposing a new framework for thinking about the ethics of reproduction that emphasizes the ways that social norms affect decisions about who is born. The book provides clear and thorough discussions of some of the dominant problems in reproductive ethics - human enhancement and the notion of the normal, reproductive liberty and procreative beneficence, the principle of harm and discrimination against disability - while also proposing new ways of addressing these. The author draws upon the work of Michel Foucault, especially his discussions of biopolitics and norms, and later work on ethics, alongside feminist theorists of embodiment to argue for a new bioethics that is responsive to social norms, human vulnerability and the relational context of freedom and responsibility. This is done through compelling discussions of new technologies and practices, including the debate on liberal eugenics and human enhancement, the deliberate selection of disabilities, PGD and obstetric ultrasound.

Divyangoni Duniya: દિવ્યાંગોની દુનિયા

by Prof. Dr. Ashwin Jansari

આ પુસ્તક નો હેતુ દિવ્યાંગ બાળકો અને વ્યક્તિઓની મુશ્કેલીઓ અને સમસ્યાઓ અંગે જાણકારી મેળવવાનો છે. તેઓ કેવી રીતે સમાયોજન મેળવી શકે, વિવિધ યોજનાઓ અને અન્ય બાબતો અંગેના લેખો દ્વારા જાણવા મળે છે.

Andheron Ka Aadhar: अंधेरों का आधार

by Dr Ghanshyam Asudani

"अंधेरों का आधार" 15 हिंदी लघु कथाओं का संग्रह है। पुस्तक "विकलांगता प्रवचन" की उभरती हुई साहित्यिक शैली की आकाशगंगा में नवीनतम सितारा है। कहानियां पारिवारिक जीवन, प्रेम संबंध, रोजगार, समाज द्वारा उपेक्षा, आर्थिक समस्याओं आदि सहित जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर दृष्टिबाधित जीवन का गहराई से विश्लेषण करती हैं। लेखक ने वर्तमान परिदृश्य में दृष्टिबाधित व्यक्ति के जीवन का एक व्यापक चित्र प्रस्तुत किया है। उच्च साहित्यिक मूल्य होने के साथ-साथ यह पुस्तक "विकलांगता प्रवचन" शोध के लिए एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण और उपयोगी संसाधन है।

Melting Barriers: Advance Skills for Persons with Visual Impairment

by Dr Akashdeep Arora

This book aims to empower persons with visual impairment by equipping them with the magic wand of life skills and assistive technologies. The author Dr. Akashdeep Arora despite being totally blind is MA gold medallist, Ph.D in psychology and he is presently working as Rajasthan Administrative Services officer. The life skills imparted through this book are technique and activity based and various simple and effective tools are given by using which with consistency one can make them a part of their life. Every chapter of life skills also contains assignments which are to be practiced by the readers in his daily life. Beside this the book also contains Modern concept of disability, over view of assistive technologies for VI persons and interviews of highly empowered persons with disabilities. At the end the author shares his own journey of life, a journey from ignorance to awareness, from exclusion to inclusion, from helplessness to meaning and purpose in life. In a nutshell the book not only gives inspiration to the readers but it also equips them with tools and techniques for creating a life of empowerment and inclusion.

Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia: Essential Concepts and Programs for Improvement

by J.P. Das

Previously, dyslexia was defined as primarily a deficit at the word reading level. When the original edition of this book was published, the core deficit was thought to be phonological coding. The search for a single factor for dyslexia is no longer pursued. However, we must explore why approximately 15 per cent of school children have difficulties in learning to read or doing math. This updated edition offers an explanation based on contemporary developments in the study of cognition and neuroscience. It also studies the impact of poverty on learning, a relatively new but extremely important area of interest. Going beyond a simple view of reading and math, Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia discusses distal factors such as cognitive flexibility and attentional control. A distinguishing feature of this book is that it presents intervention programmes, based on the distal factors, which can greatly improve word decoding and comprehension, and enhance number sense.

Inclusive Education Across Cultures: Crossing Boundaries, Sharing Ideas

by Mithu Alur Vianne Timmons

This comprehensive collection provides a global perspective on inclusive education. The existing literature delves into whether inclusive practice is about educating children with disabilities or children from diverse backgrounds. The articles in this compilation assert that it is both. Inclusive Education Across Cultures: Crossing Boundaries, Sharing Ideas brings together multiple perspectives to present a compelling case for inclusive practice in different areas of inclusive education, ranging from policy initiatives to practices on the ground level, and advocating and creating awareness. The articles present examples that are explicitly disability-focussed and at the same time present a vision of inclusion that is about societal reform. These articles provide a voice to the people living with disabilities and enable us to learn from their stories. They not only provide theoretical information, but also connect theory and practice by discussing implemented models and practical resources. This work will be a valuable resource material for all those involved in the study of education, social work and psychology.

Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Manual for Therapists, Parents and Community Workers

by Archie Hinchcliffe

A large number of children in developing countries are born with or develop cerebral palsy. The problem is made worse by inadequate knowledge and treatment facilities. As a result, thousands of children with cerebral palsy live in burdensome dependence upon their families. This tragic situation can be avoided to a great extent by giving treatment early in the child′s life and also by guiding families on how to manage the children in ways that help them become independent. This book is a practical guide designed to help therapists and community workers understand and effectively treat children with cerebral palsy. It focuses on: - adequately assessing children with cerebral palsy - designing treatment programmes that can be carried out in partnership with parents and community workers - assessing and managing eating and drinking difficulties - making simple and cost-effective equipment - designing appropriate play activities during therapy - evaluating and dealing with sensory integration problems in children with cerebral palsy - closer integration of theory and practical skills.

Perspectives on Learning Disabilities in India: Current Practices and Prospects

by Komilla Thapa Geerdina M. Van Der Aalsvoort Janak Pandey

Learning disabilities (LDs) remain one of the least understood and most debated disabling conditions that affect children. Perspective on Learning Disabilities in India: Current Practices and Prospects showcases how researchers and practitioners in the country have evolved strategies to resolve the fundamental questions related to LDs, while focusing on marginalized and disadvantaged groups. It not only highlights the basic issues and controversies in this field but also presents innovative, theory-driven approaches to the assessment and remediation of LDs. It also emphasizes the role of teachers—a useful resource in the absence of trained professionals—in the identification of LDs in children. The book offers a rich overview of ways to proceed in case of LDs, thus making it a must-read for researchers, experts, and professionals associated with this field. The expert contributors to this volume provide heuristic insights that can facilitate the formulation of a research agenda and services for people with LDs in India, where research and practice in the field is still at a nascent stage.

Global Report on Assistive Technology

by World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund

This Global Report on Assistive Technology captures for the first time a global snapshot illustrating the need, access to and the preparedness of countries to support assistive technology. More than 2.5 billion people require one or more assistive products, and this is expected to grow to over 3.5 billion by 2050 as the global population ages. The Report also features many stories illustrating the profound impact that assistive products such as spectacles, hearing aids, communication devices and wheelchairs can have on people’s lives. There is also evidence of the economic and social return on investment in assistive technology. And yet, despite the benefits, many people do not have access to assistive technology, with the gaps greatest in low- and middle-income countries. This global inequity requires urgent collective attention and action.

But You Don't Look Autistic at All

by Bianca Toeps

Autism – that's being able to count matches really fast and knowing that 7 August 1984 was a Tuesday, right? Well, no. In this book, Bianca Toeps explains in great detail what life is like when you're autistic. She does this by looking at what science says about autism (and why some theories can go straight in the bin), but also by telling her own story and interviewing other people with autism. Bianca talks in a refreshing and sometimes hilarious way about different situations autistic people encounter in daily life. She has some useful tips for non-autistic people too: what you should do if someone prefers not to look you in the eye, why it is sometimes better to communicate by email, and, most important of all, why it is not a compliment if you say: "But you don't look autistic at all!"

Zorg voor de verstandelijk gehandicapte: Basiswerken verpleging en verzorging

by Yvonne van de Ven

Behandelt de meest voorkomende onderwerpen en begrippen.<P><P> Koppelt de theorie aan de praktijk door middel van casussen.<P> Behandelt naast de beperkingen ook de mogelijkheden tot ondersteuning.<P> Gaat verder dan de basisprincipes.<P> Zorg voor de verstandelijke gehandicapte laat zien hoe veelzijdig begeleiding aan mensen met een verstandelijke beperking is. Alle onderwerpen en begrippen die regelmatig voorkomen in deze zorg, komen aan bod. Om de theorie dicht bij de praktijk te brengen, is deze gekoppeld aan een casus. Dat maakt het boek aansprekend en goed leesbaar. Ook onderwerpen als wetgeving en kwaliteit blijven op deze manier dicht bij het werk van de verzorgende. De ondersteuning aan mensen met een verstandelijke beperking vindt zo veel mogelijk in de maatschappij plaats. Dit vergt van de verzorgende een aanpassing in houding en begeleiding. Het boek behandelt, naast de beperkingen, de mogelijkheden tot ondersteuning. Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking ervaren vaak beperkingen op lichamelijk, psychisch en sociaal gebied. De combinatie hiervan maakt het noodzakelijk om vanuit een breed perspectief naar cliënten te kijken. Het boek maakt duidelijk dat de rol van de verzorgende centraal staat in de multidisciplinaire begeleiding. Om problemen op tijd te signaleren, is observatie op basis van voldoende basiskennis noodzakelijk. Deze kennis biedt dit boek.

Early Learning Step by Step

by Lilli Nielsen

This is Dr. Lilli Nielsen's work describing how multi handicapped children learn, and how then can be taught. This is a must for parents, teachers, and caregivers of multi handicapped blind children.

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