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Showing 6,826 through 6,850 of 6,936 results

Circles of Care

by Ann Cason

"Written from within the experience of caregiving, Circles of Care recognizes that no one person can handle the strain of caregiving alone, giving many fine suggestions on dealing with the irritation, frustration, and fatigue that inevitably arise. It describes the opportunity that caregivers have to know their subjects intimately and creatively, focusing not on weakness but on strength and on making constructive use of the interests and abilities still available in order to channel the tremendous energy that often remains after nearly everything else is gone."

The Slate Book: A Guide to the Slate and Stylus

by Jennifer Dunnam

Dunnam gives a brief history of the braille writing slate, contrasts it to modern technology, then provides a step-by-step instructions for writing effective with this tool--the blind person's equivalent to a pen or pencil.

Loamhedge (Redwall, Book #16)

by Brian Jacques

In which young haremaid Martha Braebuck, wheelchair-bound since infancy, learns that the cure for her condition may be found at the mysterious ancient Abbey of Loamhedge. Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

The Comprehending Hand

by Lilli Nielsen

In this monograph, originally published in 1976, Nielsen sets down the basic premises of her active learning approach toward blind infants. She notes the typical developmental stages of sighted infants and suggests ways to help blind infants achieve the same milestones. Nielsen emphasizes the importance of offering the blind child an environment which is interesting and challenging through touch and sound.

The Eyes That Lead: The Story of Guide Dogs for the Blind

by Michael Tucker

"For anyone who has ever seen a guide dog working, or is in the slightest bit interested in dogs, I recommend they read this book and share in some of the delights of a guide dog-trainer and maybe glean a little of the love and understanding that's shared between blind person and guide dog. " From the foreword by Sheila Hocken, author of the bestselling Emma books. Michael Tucker, the highly successful guide-dog trainer who now runs his own school, here distills twenty years of practical experience to produce a fascinating and wide-ranging account of how both dog and owner are taught their roles. The book describes the choice of dog and the history of the breeds, and follows the arduous traffic training, obstacle tests and temperamental assessments to which each animal is subjected. The author explains the guidance given to the owner in gaining confidence in his or her new companion, from the initial meeting to the difficult road manoeuvres which must all be mastered. This unique and heartwarming study will serve to shatter the myths of the uncanny intelligence of the dogs, and for the first time will explain for the general public and for those more intimately concerned, the full story lying behind every blind person and his guide.

New Moon Rising

by Eugenia Price

Second book in the St. Simon's Trilogy.

First Lady of the Seeing Eye

by Morris Frank Blake Clark

This story written by Morris Frank tells of how he trained in Switzerland with Buddy, the first Seeing Eye dog in America. Also tells of the very early history of The Seeing Eye in Morristown N.J. "Here are adventures that encompass thirty years and countless of miles: the fight to have dog guides admitted to restaurants and hotels, trains and planes; lectures and demonstrations all over the country; meetings with millionaires and Presidents--and with mountaineers and truckdrivers; and the humor and pathos of day-to-day events. The story begins on page 11. Un-numbered pages of photos, described and with captions, are between pages 64 and 65.

Murphy's Boy: He Was a Frightened Boy Who Refused to Speak - Until a Teacher's Love Broke Through the Silence

by Torey L. Hayden

He sounded like a lost case right from the beginning. A fifteen year old boy who had not said a word since he was seven. And that wasn't the worst of it. When therapist Torey Hayden accepted this assignment others had long dismissed as futile, she knew she was in for a major challenge. But when she actually confronted Kevin, an institutionalized, retarded boy on the brink of manhood, who hid under tables, who feared highways and door hinges and spirals on notebooks and odd bits of string, who feared water too much to bathe and nakedness too much to change his clothes, she saw that bringing him back would take a miracle. And when the miracle happened, and Torey managed to penetrate Kevin's terrible silence, it was only to discover, lurking beneath a past littered with violence and mental cruelty, a dreadful secret, made all the worse by the bureaucracy that had recorded it, then filed it away.

Teamwork: A Dog Training Manual for People with Disabilities

by Stewart Nordensson Lydia Kelley

This manual explains the exercises of "sit" "stay" "down" "come, and a varity of more, with ideas on how to train them with a physical disability. This book proves that it is not the "method" that makes the training successful but the trainer and the dog. Topics covered include, equipment, different adaptations, food in training, teaching the "leave it" command. And talks about basic Service dog training.

A Cup of Christmas Tea

by Tom Hegg

A nephew's visit to an elderly great aunt at Christmastime brings him memories of past holidays and the realization of how the human spirit can triumph over adversity.

Somebody Else's Kids: They Were Problems No One Wanted ... Until One Teacher Took Them to Her Heart

by Torey L. Hayden

They were all "just somebody else's kids"-four problem children placed in Torey Hayden's class because nobody knew what else to do with them. They were a motley group of children in great pain: a small boy who echoed other people's words and repeated weather forecasts; a beautiful seven year old girl brain damaged by savage parental beatings; an angry and violent ten year old who had watched his stepmother murder his father; a shy twelve year old who had been cast out of Catholic school when she became pregnant. But they shared one thing in common: a remarkable teacher who would never stop caring-and who would share with them the love and understanding they had never known to help them become a family.

Dear Kilroy: A Dog to Guide Us

by Nora Vitz Harrison

From the Book Jacket: Dear Kilroy reminds us that some of the best teachers in this world have four legs and bark. Nora Vitz Harrison weaves the tender and wise humor of Kilroy and Riley, two canine correspondents, among heart-tugging essays on the magical relationship between people and dogs. The true-life stories follow a few special dogs and the human lives they change. The loss of a loved one or a relentless disease are made more bearable with a tail-wagging companion. Even if you have never been owned by a dog, you will be moved by this joyful yet bittersweet guide to life. NORA VITZ Harrison is a long time volunteer for Guide Dogs for the Blind and active in animal-welfare organizations. She has been a writer for corporate America since 1979. Her human-interest essays have appeared in The Oregonian newspaper and other publications. She lives in Oregon with her husband, Jon, and her dog, Riley. When she is not writing, she loves to hike, which is Riley's favorite hobby, too. Find out more about Nora and her canine friends at "The author of this lovely book is well aware of that spot deep within us that sometimes only dogs can find. The dogs in these stories touch that spot and make it glow." - Betty White actress/author 'As the dogs in Dear Kilroy strive to fulfill their potential, whether to become a guide for the blind or to become the best, most-trusted pet of someone in need, they inspire us to become better human beings. This book will lift your spirits and touch your soul." - Bob Phillips, CEO Guide Dogs for the Blind 'Harrison's delightful book reminds us that dogs serve as guides to the sighted as well as the blind. Open this book and your heart be opened, too." - Nancy Peterson The Humane Society of the United States

Goodbye Hamilton

by Catherine Cookson

A continuation of Maisie's story, and she still feels the need for her imaginary horse Hamilton. Her deformed arm makes it hard for her to defend herself, and it seems that she is destined to have sorrow with a small amount of happiness.

The Story of Esther Costello

by Nicholas Monsarrat

Esther Costello, born on a peasant farm in Ireland, became a deaf-blind-mute after an explosion. She was discovered and saved from her predicament by Mrs. Bannister, a wealthy American. Mrs. Bannister rescued her, and brought her to Boston shortly after the 2nd World War. Mrs. Bannister taught Esther how to communicate by writing letters in her palm. Esther became an overnight success in America and around the world. Then in walks Mr. Bannister, the separated husband, but interested in how Esther can be used as a money-making machine. What happens to Esther and the Bannisters?

White Harnesses

by R. G. Carter

From the book Jacket:: White Harnesses is the story of the dogs that are trained to act as guides for blind people, to enable them to take up work and other interests, and thereby to enlarge their lives. The owner of a Guide Dog also enjoys a remarkable companionship based on mutual dependence and trust. The story of how this movement began, of the discovery of the best breeds, of the testing and choice of puppies, is an absorbing one. The author who is an experienced breeder of dogs, tells how Guide Dogs are fully trained, how each one is matched to a blind owner, and how this team lives and is trained together in a residential centre. The book ends with stories of some of the achievements of the dogs. The photographs, which are in colour and monochrome, include some specially taken of dogs in training at the centres of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, whose Chairman, The Earl of Lanesborough, has written a foreword.

Self Esteem and Adjusting with Blindness, Third Edition

by Dean W. Tuttle Naomi Tuttle

A book about the period of personal adjustments that accompany the loss of vision.

The World Under My Fingers: Personal Reflections on Braille

by Barbara Pierce

Braille: What Is It? What Does It Mean to the Blind?

Freedom for the Blind: The Secret Is Empowerment

by James H. Omvig

Blind rehabilitation.

Inner Views from My Culture

by Audrey Abell

Authors Introduction: I wrote this book because my High School requires everyone to do a senior project to graduate. I decided to interview other teenagers and young people I know that have a disability because I have cerebral palsy and have had it my whole life. I'm hoping this book will help to raise awareness for those that are not disabled by helping them to understand what we go through day to day in the life of a young person with CP. I wanted it to be from the strong heart of my generation. I collected the information by email, in person and phone conversations that were recorded. For the interviews I asked everyone forty-one questions and they answered only the ones they wanted to. Each person has his or her own chapter. It ended up that the majority of everyone in this book has cerebral palsy of some kind. Some of the people I knew already and some I found by word of mouth and on the internet. The questions I asked my friends were inspired by my own life and what I deal with on a daily basis. The people who participated in this book chose to be anonymous because some of the questions are very personal and that way it could be private. Everyone who contributed to the book will get their own copy to share with whomever they want, in their lives and communities. Hopefully after people read the information it will give them more insight and they'll have more understanding. Like most people in the book I am the only one at my school in a power chair and that has cp. I've been the only one my whole life so I'm used to that. I think my being at school has made some people more aware. I think the problem is that people don't understand those with disabilities have the same feelings and think the same. When someone does "get it" they just treat me like a normal person, speak directly to me normally, without extra loudness or slowness or the other big one is they don't talk to me like I'm a baby. In the interview I talk about other important issues. I hope you enjoy this book and that it changes your perspective on us, our world, and our culture. I also hope that it helps all the young writers who participated, feel better to know about what each other is going through and that we share a lot of the same feelings and can learn and help each other. That goes for people with disabilities everywhere too.

Barrayar (Cordelia Naismith #2)

by Lois Mcmaster Bujold

Sequel to Shards of Honor, chronicling the events leading up to Miles Naismith Vorkosigan's birth.<P><P> Cordelia Vorkosigan's plans for a peaceful married life (after all the bloodshed and trials recounted in SHARDS OF HONOR) are shattered when a poison gas attack, intended for her husband Aral, leaves her ill and her unborn child damaged. Resisting enormous pressure to abort her son, Cordelia struggles to keep her unborn child--transferred to a uterine replicator--alive while thwarting plans by a ruthless opponent to murder the young emperor and assume absolute power over all of Barrayar. Once again Cordelia displays her courage and her remarkable combat and leadership skills.<P> Winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel.

The Kingdom Within

by Genevieve Caulfield

Genevieve Caulfield became blind as an infant, and was educated at the Perkins and Overbrook Schools for the Blind before attending college. When she was seventeen she became passionately interested in Japan, and determined to work there as a teacher. This memoir describes her long and careful preparations for her move to Japan, and her 14 years there as a teacher of English. In 1937, as Japan went to war in Manchuria and its relations with the United States deteriorated, Caulfield relocated to Thailand, where she established that nation's first school for blind children. Along the way Caulfield made innumerable friends, adopted a Japanese daughter, and raised her twin grandchildren after her daughter's tragic death. Life in Thailand during World War II is vividly portrayed in this memoir. This is a straightforward account by a woman of enormous determination and ability.

A Place for Grace

by Jean Davies Okimoto

<P>Grace is a little dog with big dreams. She longs to be a seeing-eye dog, but is disappointed when she finds that she is too small for guide dog school. Grace isn't discouraged for long, though. She's discovered by Charlie, a deaf man who sees her perform a remarkable rescue and who knows a way she can use her eagerness and courage to help other people. <P>Charlie takes Grace to a hearing dog program, where she learns the skills dogs need to assist the hearing impaired throughout the day. School is difficult for Grace, but thanks to the flexibility of Mrs. Lombardi, the program director, and Charlie's encouragement, Grace finally succeeds in her own inimitable way. <P>A Place for Grace introduces children to the challenges of the hearing impaired and gives them the opportunity to see how people communicate through American Sign Language. Charlie uses some creative problem-solving to help Grace complete the hearing dog program; her struggles, hard work, and ultimate triumph make Grace an inspiring model for children facing obstacles in school and family life.


by Edward Bloor

Paul Fischer is not excited about moving to Florida with his family. And he is not happy about living the "Erik Fisher football dream" like his father is. Paul tries to sign up to play soccer at his new middle school but because of his Vision impairment is denied. But when a sink hole opens up beneath his school, he is given a new chance at Tangerine Middle School where be becomes a substitute but still can take pride in being a War Eagle. In the meantime, things in their new housing development are becoming difficult. Home owners complain about insects, robberies, a muck fire that will not go out, and the death of two people in the town. One by accident, he was being struck by lightning and another under shady circumstances. Paul sees things going on that his mom and dad are blind or or don't want to see. Can he get up the courage to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even if it will make his life at home very difficult? Great story for anyone interested in the underdog.

A Teachers' Guide to the Special Educational Needs of Blind and Visually Handicapped Children

by Sally S. Mangold

Suggestions and ideas from educational officials on how to provide additional support to blind students in the classroom setting.

Over My Head

by Claudia L. Osborn

From the Book: A Doctor's own story of head injury from the inside looking out.

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