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75 Readings: An Anthology

by Santi V. Buscemi Charlotte Smith

75 Readings introduces students to a range of classic and contemporary essays. The text also exposes them to a variety of rhetorical strategies, writing styles, themes, and topics. At the same time, it retains maximum flexibility for the instructor. These essays provide good structural models for rhetorical techniques and raise complex questions about current and enduring issues.

75 Readings: An Anthology (Eleventh Edition)

by Santi V. Buscemi Charlotte Smith

75 Readings offers an outstanding collection of the most popular essays for first-year writing. The readings represent a wide variety of authors, disciplines, issues, and interests.

75 Quick and Easy Solutions to Common Classroom Disruptions

by Bryan Harris Cassandra Goldberg

This very well organized book is packed with practical solutions to the most common classroom problems – side talk, rude behavior, calling out, students losing focus, and students refusing even to try. Every solution is classroom-tested, highly effective, and quick and easy to implement! Use this book to help make your classroom a happier, more productive learning environment – one in which your students thrive and everyone benefits!

75 Consells per sobreviure als examens (Sèrie 75 #Consells 5)

by María Frisa

Estàs fart d'estudiar? No t'angoixis! El diari més divertit que mai s'ha escrit et porta 75 solucions per fer-te més suportable el mal tràngol dels exàmens Si estàs cansat d'estudiar, si el teu profe és un "motivat" dels exàmens, si vols treure bones notes sense haver d'esforçar-te gaire... ¡Aquí tens la solució! D'acord, de fer els exàmens no te'n lliuraràs, però de ben segur que amb els meus 75 consells aconseguiràs un munt de temps lliure per dedicar a les coses importants de veritat: Internet, la Nintendo, el mòbil, ser popular... Què no t'ho creus? Doncs va, obre aquest llibre i al·lucina!!

75 consells per sobreviure al campament (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 2)

by María Frisa

Per fi arriba la segona entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai!Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS i el BLOG de la Sara...NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU!LA VIDA ALS DOTZE ANYS POT SER BASTANT DIFÍCIL!! Els pares prenen totes les decisions importants per tu i no et consulten res de res. T'obliguen a fer coses absurdes cada dos per tres com ara fer un petó a una persona que et planten al davant, jugar amb els amics dels seus fills, portar-te bé amb els teus germans, obeir una persona qualsevol només perquè és adulta (fins i tot els monitors de menjador)... Però el pitjor del cas és que ni tan sols et deixen decidir què vols fer amb les teves vacances!!! I decideixen que el millor regal per a unes bones notes és un campament d'anglès. No et podrien regalar Tuenti, que és molt més barat? Però, no et preocupis. La Sara ha tornat per donar-te nous consells que t'ajudaran a sobreviure en el campament: com preparar la motxilla «perfecta», com ser popular des del primer dia, com aplicar «l'estratègia de tot el contrari» amb els monitors, com sobreviure a l'hora del menjador i aconseguir provisions... i molts més consells, fins a 75! Llegeix aquest llibre. Hi descobriràs un munt de chibis nous i t'ho passaràs d'allò més bé, encara que estiguis en un campament d'anglès! I NO T'OBLIDIS DE VISITAR EL BLOG DE LA SARA!

75 consells per sobreviure a l'escola: Manual patentat per mi mateixa per fer-te la vida més fàcil (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 1)

by María Frisa

El diari més graciós mai escrit. Un manual divertit i irreverent que t'ajudarà a sortir sana i estàlvia dels embolics de l'escola. Ningú no podrà amb tu! La vida als dotze anys pot ser bastant difícil: la teva mare et castiga sense raó, la teva millor amiga s'enfada amb tu, t'enamores d'un noi que no et convé, fiques la pota amb les populars... Per això he patentat aquest manual, que t'ajudarà a sobreviure en els mals moments. Ah!, i mira al final del llibre; hi he posat el millor: uns consellets per aprendre a dibuixar chibis.

75 consells per sobreviure a las extraescolars (Sèrie 75 #Consells 4)

by María Frisa

Per fi arriba la quarta entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai! Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS... NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU! «Quan els teus pares et "convencen" perquè t'apuntis a una extraescolar, la vida pot ser força penosa. El problema és que tots els pares del món (fins i tot els milionaris) estan convençuts que les seves vides són molt més dures que les nostres. <P><P> Es pensen que és facilíííííííííííííííííííssim sobreviure a cinquanta mil hores de classe fent veure que escoltes el professor i no adormir-te, o sense que t'enxampin xerrant; o que és tan senzill no matar-te en les acrobàcies que t'obliguen a fer a gimnàs (ai, perdó, Educació Física), o pitjor encara: sobreviure a l'hora del pati, als populars, als milions d'exàmens, a tenir un mòbil marca-no-t'hi-fixis, a la gasòfia del menjador... Com que els teus pares pensen que és súper senzill i mai no en tenen prou, pretenen que en acabar les classe t'apuntis a una extraescolar!!! Tu mires d'explicar-los que l'única extraescolar que vols fer és estirar-te al sofà amb el mòbil, la tablet i la tele, però ells se les saben totes per ser molt però molt convincents.» Si els teus pares tenen un atac de «ganes irresistibles que facis alguna cosa útil» i s'encaparren a apuntar-te a una extraescolar... <P> Ràpid, obre aquest llibre. No tens temps per perdre!!! Dins hi ha un munt de consells i trucs perquè no t'enganyin i acabis en un rotllo o, encara pitjor, en una de les que posen deures per a casa.

75 Consells per celebrar el teu aniversari en gran (Sèrie 75 Consells #3)

by María Frisa

A la fi arriba el tercer volum d'aquesta exitosa sèrie! Vols celebrar l'aniversari on tu desitgis i que els teus pares et diguin que sí# (Ep! Tampoc no ens passem, no s'hi val a demanar Eurodisney!). Doncs, corre, obre el llibre! Si la teva mare comença un PLA D'ESTALVI just quan s'acosta el teu aniversari, segueix els meus consells. Ja veuràs com te'n sortiràs amb la teva i tindràs un GRAN DIA.

75 Consejos para sobrevivir en el colegio (Serie 75 Consejos #Volumen 1)

by María Frisa

75 consejos para sobrevivir en el colegio es probablemente el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE jamás escrito. ¡Y además está pensado para hacerte la vida más fácil! La vida a los 12 años puede ser bastante difícil: tu madre te castiga sin razón, tu mejor amiga se enfada contigo, te enamoras de un chico que no te conviene, metes la pata con las populares... Por eso he patentado este manual, que te ayudará a sobrevivir en los malos momentos. ¡Ah! Y mira al final del libro. Allí he puesto lo mejor: unos consejillos para aprender a dibujar chibis. ¡No van a poder contigo!

75 consejos para sobrevivir en el campamento (Serie 75 Consejos #Volumen 2)

by María Frisa

¡¡Por fin llega la segunda entrega del DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE jamás escrito!! Más CONSEJOS, más CHIBIS y el BLOG de Sara... ¡NO VAN A PODER CONTIGO! ¡¡LA VIDA A LOS 12 AÑOS PUEDE SER BASTANTE DIFÍCIL!! Tus padres toman todas las decisiones importantes sin consultarte y, muchas veces, te obligan a hacer cosas absurdas: besar a alguien a quien te ponen delante, jugar con los hijos de sus amigos, llevarte bien con tus hermanos, obedecer a cualquiera solo porque es un adulto (incluso a monitoras del comedor)... Pero el colmo es que ni siquiera te dejan elegir qué hacer en ¡¡¡tus vacaciones!!! Y deciden que el mejor regalo por unas buenas notas es un campamento de inglés. ¿No podrían regalar Tuenti, que es más barato? Pero no te preocupes que aquí está Sara, otra vez, para darte nuevos consejos que te ayudarán a sobrevivir en el campamento: cómo preparar la mochila "perfecta", cómo ser popular desde el primer día, cómo aplicar "la estrategia de todo lo contrario" con los monitores, cómo sobrevivir a la comida del comedor y conseguir provisiones... y muchos más... hasta 75 consejos. Léete este libro. Descubrirás un montón de chibis nuevos y verás qué bien te lo pasas, aunque estés en un ¡campamento de inglés! ¡NO TE OLVIDES DE VISITAR EL BLOG DE SARA!

75 consejos para sobrevivir a los profes (Serie 75 Consejos #9)

by María Frisa

¡¡Por fin llega el volumen número 9 de la exitosa serie «75 consejos», el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE JAMÁS ESCRITO!! Un completísimo manual cargado de consejos para soportar hasta a los profes más pelmazo. <P><P> ¿Tu vida es superestresante porque tu profe es un viciado de los deberes y los exámenes? ¿Abre la boca y le sale la palabra «castigo»? ¿Te coge manía, aunque tú no hagas ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA? ¿Es un amargado total? Está claro... <P><P>¡¡Necesitas este libro!! Aquí descubrirás cómo sobrevivir a sus millones de rarezas. ¿A qué esperas?¡¡Empieza a leer YAAAAAAAAA!!

75 consejos para sobrevivir a los amigos, enemigos y troles varios (Serie 75 Consejos #Volumen 10)

by María Frisa

Hay días que son una basura por culpa de tus enemigos... ¡y de tus amigos! Normal, porque hay de todo: los que están como una cabra, los que no conoces tan bien como creías, los que en vez de ayudarte a ser el mejor booktuber van a su bola, los que te trolean, los que tienen ideas mejores que las tuyas o los que, ejem, ejem, quieres que sean más que amigos, pero no se enteran... Si a ti también te pasa, tranquilo, yo puedo ayudarte. ¡Venga! ¿A qué esperas? ¡¡¡Empieza a leer ya!!

75 consejos para sobrevir a las redes sociales (Serie 75 Consejos #8)

by María Frisa

¡¡Llega el volumen número 8 de la exitosa serie «75 consejos», el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE JAMÁS ESCRITO!! Y esta vez no querrás perdértelo, porque lo necesitas: ¿cómo sobrevivir cuando las redes sociales se vuelven en tu contra? ¿Alguna vez un «amigo» ha subido una foto o un vídeo tuyo humillante, de esos que a los demás les hacen mucha gracia (porque no salen) y tú has sido el último en enterarte? ¿Quieres saber qué hacer para intentar pararlo (difícil) o, por lo menos, contrarrestarlo? ¡¡No esperes más, ABRE ESTE LIBRO!! ¡Y aprende de mis 75 superconsejos! Bueno, ejem, ejem, también de mis errores... Y recuerda: si hay algo eterno, es lo que subes a un grupo de WhatsApp, (el sol se apagará, las estrellas desaparecerán, la raza humana se extinguirá, pero tu foto seguirá ahí).

75 consejos para ser popular (Serie 75 #Consejos 6)

by María Frisa

¿Quieres ser popular, mucho más popular? ¿Aún no sabes cómo? No te preocupes más, la sexta entrega de «75 Consejos», el DIARIO MÁS TRONCHANTE jamás escrito, es la clave. <P><P>En 75 consejos para ser popular te cuento todo lo que hay que hacer y todo lo que no hay que hacer (y todo lo que yo he hecho y he dejado de hacer) para ser popular. <P>Además, este libro incluye el Manual definitivo para dominar las redes sociales, con 31 maravillosos consejos gratis para no ser un margi o caer en la muerte social inmediata. Y no lo olvides: lo que subes permanece. Tú morirás y tus fotos seguirán ahí. Venga, no esperes más: ¡empieza a leer!

The 75 Biggest Myths about College Admissions

by Jerry Israel

Admissions Secrets Colleges Don?t Want You to Know The college admissions process is incredibly important . . . and incredibly confusing. You have probably heard countless "facts" as to what works, what colleges want to see and how to get into competitive colleges. Don?t believe the hype! Following the wrong college application myths can cost you time, money, and most important, the chance to get accepted into the school of your dreams. The 75 Biggest Myths about College Admissions gives you all the answers you need to approach this important journey correctly-busting all the myths students hear and colleges want you to believe. --Colleges are very choosy about who gets in. --You can find all kinds of students on any campus. --Colleges need to charge an application fee. --Colleges have a well-thought-out financial assistance strategy. --Colleges only know what you tell them about you. By exposing the truth and setting you on the right path, The 75 Biggest Myths about College Admissions gives you the edge you need to avoid wrong turns and wasted time and get a few steps ahead in the application process.

75 Arguments: An Anthology

by Alan Ainsworth

A collection of seventy-five extensively taught arguments--on national security, technology, marriage, race, economics, the environment, and globalization--is sure to engage students and inspire them to think critically and write well.

70 Years of Opening-up in China’s Education

by Xiaobing Sun

This book gives a panoramic review and summary on the opening up of China’s education to the outside world. Firstly, it introduces the connotation of international education, the development history of international education in China, national legislation and vital released documents. It also provides a general view of historical actuality and classic cases interpretation on the principal components of China’s international education, namely overseas studying, international students studying in China, Sino-foreign cooperative education, overseas school running, cultural exchanges with other countries, multilateral exchanges, “the Belt and Road” educational actions and macro-management departments of international education. This book is bilingual in both Chinese and English and is an essential guidebook for readers to understand how international education has developed in China

70 Play Activities For Better Thinking, Self-regulation, Learning & Behavior

by Lynne Kenney Rebecca Comizio

Packed with worksheets, handouts, and guided scripts with step-by-step directions, this definitive resource will put you to the top of your play game. With over 70 activities designed to improve thinking, self-regulation, learning and behavior, your tool kit will be full and your creative brain will be inspired to craft your own meaningful exercises. Play now, Play later. . . with 70 Play Activities for better brain function and learning. Based on years of clinical experience and educational work, Harvard-trained psychologist, Lynne Kenney, PsyD, and school psychologist, Rebecca Comizio MA, MA-Ed, NCSP have created fun, imaginative, and brain-based exercises for children and adolescents to develop attention, planning, executive function and mood management skills. Featuring:* Musical Thinking* Physical Activities* Social Interaction Games* Art making* Perfect for the classroom, clinic or home

70 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know

by Matthew Richard Schlimm

The basic message of the Bible can be understood in any language. At the same time, many biblical texts are hard to understand because they don’t quite make sense when translated into English. Something is missing. Quite frequently, what readers miss has been lost in translation. Maybe there is a pun or wordplay in the original. Sometimes names like Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Eden just seem like names to us but have meanings that are essential to the story. Many Hebrew words have multiple meanings, but the English translators have to just pick one (for example, the same Hebrew word can mean both hear and obey). Even more common are Hebrew words that have much wider meanings than their English translations. A few examples are the Hebrew words rendered as remember, covenant, walk, gates, love, cleanliness, holiness, glory, wisdom, and fear. The original language allows various parts to click together like well-constructed puzzle pieces. With Hebrew in mind, interpreters see new details they didn’t realize were missing before. They make new connections. They immerse themselves in scripture more fully. That’s where this book comes in. Learning a language is like learning a worldview. Those who learn Biblical Hebrew can better understand not only what biblical authors wrote, but also how they thought. Unfortunately, those insights come only after years of study. This book is about getting right to the important, exciting insights. It’s an opportunity to be transformed by the renewing of our minds as we better understand how biblical authors used their language to express their experience of God and the world. If you are just beginning to study Hebrew and want the insights and motivation to continue or if you have no intention of learning biblical Hebrew but want to better understand the Bible, this book is for you!

70 Activities for Tutor Groups

by Peter Davies

The pressure on contact time with students and the results required from it are constantly increasing - which means that tutors have to be more and more creative in how they approach their work. This book provides some solutions. 70 Activities for Tutor Groups explores the many and varied ways in which tutors can provoke and encourage meaningful, constructive and focused discussion among their students. It takes the form of a classified and cross-referenced manual of groupwork activities. For ease of use each activity is presented in a common format: ¢ In a nutshell ¢ Aims ¢ What is needed ¢ Time needed ¢ How it works ¢ Good example in action ¢ Diagram ¢ Advantages of this activity ¢ Potential problem(s) ¢ Main learning outcome ¢ Variation. The practical, 'low-tech' approach taken by Peter Davies means that these activities (which have all been trialled and are known to work) can be used easily by all tutors, at any level, and in any subject. If you are committed to improving the effectiveness of your work with groups you need look no further!

7 X 9 = Trouble!

by Claudia Mills

Wilson Williams worries about passing his times-table tests Wilson has a hard time with math, especially with Mrs. Porter's timed multiplication tests. If only he were as quick as Laura Vicks, the smartest kid in third grade, or as quick as his brother, Kipper - a kindergartner. Wilson's mother and father try to help, but Wilson doesn't appreciate having to do practice tests on a play date. Fortunately, his friend Josh Hernandez is a comfort, as is Squiggles, the class hamster. Wilson is sure that with his own little animal squeaking and cuddling beside him, he could learn anything. But his mom doesn't like pets. So Wilson bravely struggles on, hoping that one day in the not-too-distant future he'll pass all his times-table tests. Then, surprisingly, Kipper comes to the rescue. With sensitivity and gentle humor, Claudia Mills examines a common childhood fear and a common family experience. G. Brian Karas provides tender, funny pictures.

7 Ways to Transform the Lives of Wounded Students

by Joe Hendershott

7 Ways to Transform the Lives of Wounded Students provides a wealth of strategies and ideas for teachers and principals who work with wounded students—those who are beyond the point of "at-risk" and have experienced trauma in their lives. Sharing stories and examples from real schools and students, this inspirational book examines the seven key strategies necessary for changing school culture to transform the lives of individual students. Recognizing the power of effective leadership and empathy in creating a sense of community and safety for wounded students, Hendershott offers a valuable resource to help educators redesign their school environment to meet the needs of children and empower educators to direct students on a path to academic and life success.

7 Ways of Teaching the Bible to Children: Includes 25 Lessons, Plus Activities That Satisfy Different Learning Styles

by Barbara Bruce

There are seven distinct ways of teaching and learning: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. In 7 Ways of Teaching the Bible to Children, Barbara Bruce uses these seven learning styles to show you how to meet the various learning needs of each child in your classroom. The 25 Old and New Testament lessons which are included feature warm-up exercises, scripture readings, activities, and options for tailoring the lesson to all your students' individual learning needs. Practical advice for discovering each child's learning preferences, reproducible patterns and handouts, and a teacher training session are also included. The Bible story lessons can be used independently or with existing class curriculum.

7 Ways of Teaching the Bible to Adults: Using Our Multiple Intelligences to Build Faith

by Barbara Bruce

This book shows teachers of adults how to use styles of learning to enhance the student's experience and enrich their own teaching. A chapter is devoted to each of the seven styles: verbal, independent, social, visual, physical, musical and logical. Each chapter includes: suggestions for blending the style into lessons, questions to help teachers determine their own preferences, a lesson focusing on the learning style, and a prayer demonstrating the style. A bibliography, appendices and a self-discovery sheet are included. Appropriate for group or individual study and teacher training.

The 7 Transdisciplinary Cognitive Skills for Creative Education

by Danah Henriksen

​This book focuses on rethinking creativity for 21st century education. The specific emphasis examines the way that creativity spans disciplines, through a set of common thinking skills that the most accomplished thinkers in any field use. These seven transdisciplinary thinking skills are rooted in historical exemplars of creativity across disciplines. We examine these skills in more detail, chapter by chapter, to offer examples of what each skill looks like in disciplines ranging from art to science, or music to math, and beyond. This set of thinking skills reflects the way that creativity may look different across fields, yet there are common paths of creative thinking that cut across disciplinary boundaries. Beyond this each chapter also considers applications for such skills in 21st century educational contexts, with an eye toward creative teaching and technology. In all of this, the book weaves together broad cultural examples of creativity and the seven transdisciplinary skills, alongside specific application-based examples from technology and teacher education.

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