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Showing 77,976 through 78,000 of 78,479 results

30 Big-Idea Lessons for Small Groups: The Teaching Framework for ANY Text and EVERY Reader (Corwin Literacy)

by Michael J. Rafferty Colleen A. Morello Paraskevi Rountos

30 Big Idea Lessons for Small Groups provides an amazing framework, with a bank of engagement tools, that gets students interacting with texts. Follow this unique 4-part process to develop students’ literal, inferential, evaluative, and analytical skills: Engage: Before Reading Students use a tactile tool like a topic card or a pyramid Discuss: During Reading Students read and mark up a short text Deep-See Think: After Reading Students re-read and revise their interpretations together Connect: After Reading Students begin to transfer their understandings to other texts

30 Big-Idea Lessons for Small Groups: The Teaching Framework for ANY Text and EVERY Reader (Corwin Literacy)

by Michael J. Rafferty Colleen A. Morello Paraskevi Rountos

30 Big Idea Lessons for Small Groups provides an amazing framework, with a bank of engagement tools, that gets students interacting with texts. Follow this unique 4-part process to develop students’ literal, inferential, evaluative, and analytical skills: Engage: Before Reading Students use a tactile tool like a topic card or a pyramid Discuss: During Reading Students read and mark up a short text Deep-See Think: After Reading Students re-read and revise their interpretations together Connect: After Reading Students begin to transfer their understandings to other texts

3 Shape Fretboard: Guitar Scales and Arpeggios as Variants of 3 Shapes of the Major Scale

by Gareth Evans

“3 Shape Fret-board by Gareth Evans is a thorough workbook for learning to understand and play scales on the guitar. The sheer number of different scales and modes may seem overwhelming, but the knowledge of the three basic shapes and a basic understanding of intervals will help a lot in seeing through the jungle. A tour de force of fret-board and scale knowledge.” Mathias Lang, Guitar Teacher & Composer (Netherlands) 3-Shape Fretboard is for intermediate to advanced guitarists interested in learning how to work out guitar scales and arpeggios for themselves. Being able to create guitar scales and arpeggios yourself can give a better understanding, while knowing the logic behind them can make them more meaningful and therefore easier to learn. - The Major Scale It all starts with the major scale, the basis of music. All other scales and arpeggios can be defined in comparison to this scale. The book reflects this in practical terms by categorising the major scale into three different fundamental shapes, which once understood, can be used as templates to figure out other guitar scales and arpeggios.- The CAGED system This system can help to understand the larger CAGED guitar scale shapes in terms of their single octave components. For example, the five CAGED shapes for the major (or minor) pentatonic scales that each contain twelve notes, can be learned as only two shapes of five notes, which are joined end to end to give us the five full CAGED shapes. - What Else? >> Various 3-Note per string scales can be understood as the same combination of single octave component types. >> See how basic major and minor chords are formed from within scales and look at triad and 7th chord based harmony. >> Each scale and arpeggio type has a question, with the answer at the back of the book in guitar tablature. >> 3-Shape Fretboard contains 600 fretboard diagrams. >> Intervals are grouped together in the context of the scales they are intended for, which can provide a foundation for learning intervals individually on the fretboard. "The 3 pattern approach is very interesting and well documented. There is lot's of good material and I like the approach. Very well organised, complete and clear with plenty of diagrams." Fabien Aubry, Composer, Arranger & Producer (Switzerland)

The 3 Ms of Fearless Digital Parenting: Proven Tools to Help You Raise Smart and Savvy Online Kids

by Carrie Rogers-Whitehead

How can we protect our kids online—and teach them to protect themselves? Do you feel overwhelmed with technology in your home? Do headlines about this app or that website make you feel anxious and undecided as a parent? Do you get advice from many experts—but still feel unclear on what to do? The book unpacks the &“3 Ms&” of parenting in the digital age, a proven approach used with thousands of parents through the work of Digital Respons-Ability and its founder, Carrie Rogers-Whitehead. When Carrie first started working in the field of digital citizenship, she found significant gaps in how digital parenting was taught. Not only were parents not informed enough around technology, they also didn&’t understand child developmental stages. Parents&’ expectations for their children were unrealistic because they didn&’t know how online responsibility changes at different ages, as children&’s brains change. From this realization, Carrie developed the 3 Ms—three approaches to digital parenting, based on specific age ranges: Model (ages 0-8)Manage (ages 8-13)Monitor (ages 13-18) By teaching parents how to change their approach to digital responsibility based on the developmental stage of their child, she has seen significant success in fostering happier and healthier relationships between parents and kids, as well as safer tech use by kids at all ages. This book presents Carrie&’s approach in an accessible, easy-to-implement manner, giving all parents the opportunity to develop better tech use in their own homes and families, and to parent confidently and without fear.

3 Keys to Keeping Your Teen Alive: Lessons for Surviving the First Year of Driving

by Anne Marie Hayes

Imagine lying awake in bed, waiting to hear the front door open so you’ll know your teen is home safely. But instead, tonight, the doorbell rings. Your heart stops when you see the police officers in the doorway, and you know instantly that your life will never be the same again. Wouldn’t you do ANYTHING to go back and change things? By then it will be too late. The time to prepare your teen to drive and survive is NOW! "3 Keys to Keeping Your Teen Alive" provides a simple step-by-step plan to prepare teens to become safe, responsible drivers. Parents can use it to teach their teens to drive or to make sure they cover all the bases in their practice sessions after the teen has taken a professional driver training course. "3 Keys to Keeping Your Teen Alive" includes: 25 structured driving lessons, great advice from top experts, checklists to follow and other useful tools. There are true stories, quizzes and puzzles to keep your teen interested and reinforce the learning. The companion website ( has additional resources and links to great instructional & informational videos that complement each lesson. The program works with Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Programs. "3 Keys to Keeping Your Teen Alive" is straightforward and easy to follow but will take a lot of time, patience and dedication from both of you--parent and teen. Isn’t it worth it?

3 Espacios esenciales: Familia, trabajo y escuela

by José Ángel Gámez

Cómo generar calidad de vida. El reto que tiene hoy nuestra sociedad es generar progreso. Una manera de lograrlo es que cada nueva generación de individuos sea mejor que la que le precedió, es decir que las mujeres y los hombres que la integren sean cada vez más capaces, mejor informados, más sanos, más responsables, más alegres y felices. José Ángel Gámez Hernández explica la forma para lograrlo. A través de la educación, es como podemos avanzar y mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas. La familia, la escuela y el trabajo son sitios ideales para que sus integrantes se eduquen, aprendan y se formen. Esos tres espacios son crisoles donde niños, jóvenes y adultos se transforman. Es ahí donde en ocasiones se les destruye, no valorándolos, desmotivándolos, humillándolos. Pero si se les aprecia, se les respeta, motivándolos para crecer, entonces pueden potencializar todo su ser. Más que ser tres espacios físicos, son lugares de convivencia, interacción y encuentro humano, que bien conducidos, pueden lograr que niños, mujeres y hombres desplieguen todo su potencial. El autor nos propone un camino comprobado y eficaz para obtener soluciones reales.

3, 2, 1, Go! (I Like to Read)

by Emily Arnold McCully

Fly into fun with a determined girl engineer named Min who finds a clever way to join her big sister's games. This Level G book is perfect for young readers building their vocabulary and skills! Big Sister Ann and her friend Bess are playing school—and Min wants to join in. But Ann tells Min she's not ready for school. "Here is the line." says Ann, "You may not step over it." Min doesn't give up so easily, though—she finds a rock and a board, some rope and a tube, and builds herself a catapult and rocket. Launching herself into the air and over the line, Min ends up in the middle of the playdate without stepping over the line. Beginning readers will cheer underdog Min's triumphant landing in this easy-to-read book that celebrates ingenuity and perseverance. Detailed watercolor illustrations by Caldecott medalist Emily Arnold McCully showcase the budding engineer's brilliant plan. They'll all play rocket scientists instead! The award-winning I Like to Read® series focuses on guided reading levels A through G, based upon Fountas and Pinnell standards. Acclaimed author-illustrators--including winners of Caldecott, Theodor Seuss Geisel, and Coretta Scott King honors—create original, high quality illustrations that support comprehension of simple text and are fun for kids to read with parents, teachers, or on their own! For early-to-mid first grade readers, Level G books feature more complex storylines than prior levels, and a wider variety of structure and punctuation. Illustrations offer support for decoding the more challenging vocabulary words introduced.

3-2-1: Time for Parachute Fun

by Jane Dippold Clare Beswick

Children love parachute play. They get the chance to move around, be silly, and have fun. But there's more to parachute play than games. The activities in 3-2-1: Time for Parachute Fun are sure to get kids laughing while they're learning to count, cooperate, follow directions, and move their bodies in new ways. With activities that promote social and emotional growth, imaginative play, and listening and communication skills, this fantastic resource provides parents, teachers, and caregivers with plenty of ideas to get children moving and learning. The book is divided into three parts: * The Introduction offers safety tips, information on purchasing a parachute, and ideas for more fun ways to use parachutes. * The chapter "Parachute Games--No Props Necessary" includes activities that only require a parachute, like The Parachute Pokey, Under the Big Top!, and In My Tent. * The last chapter, "Playing Parachute Games with Props," is full of activities that use easy-to-find props, including: Into the Bucket You Go!, Matching Pairs, and All Dressed Up. Each activity includes step-by-step instructions, and many also include ideas for expanding activities to support further learning. Children ages 3-10 will love these easy and fun activities.

3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won't Teach You in School

by Eleanor Hamer Fernando Díez Urdanivia

No matter how much Spanish you study, it’s nearly impossible to fully convince the native-speakers that you’ve got it. Even those estudiantes perfectos who have seemingly mastered speaking a foreign language in a classroom run into problems in real-life situations. 3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won’t Teach You in School goes beyond classroom Spanish by thoroughly explaining expressions, idioms, and quirks used daily by native speakers. This must-have manual also includes information on pronunciation, manners, abbreviations, and culture, making it much more than a phrase book! Learn within these pages everything you need to know to speak colloquial Spanish, including: Translation of common proverbs: like When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Slang: Like ¡Alivianate!— cheer up or get highDual words: like integro and entero—with the same meaning.False cognates: Words that are similar but have very different meanings in English and Spanish So next time you plan a trip or just want to impress your friends, pick up 3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won’t Teach You in School and drop the stuffy high school phrase book!

3: The Numbers of Hope

by Max Lucado

*Now with brand-new content added, one of Max Lucado&’s all-time bestselling books is updated for a new generation!*Sometimes life appears to fall to pieces and can seem irreparable. We&’ve all had our fair share of disappointments, loss, or hardships. But for every challenge there is a breathtaking promise: It&’s going to be okay. How can we know? Because God so loved the world.In 3:16, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado encourages us to study closely the &“Hope Diamond of the Bible&”: John 3:16.Max says of his favorite verse, &“Every time I recall these words, they are fresh and as stunning as my first encounter with them. The mind-bending awareness of God&’s limitless love, his incalculable sacrifice, and the priceless teaching at the core. How can we not review it again and again? I want this generation, and all who come after, to look closely at the key promise of God and choose the gift beyond all gifts.&”Throughout this updated and expanded edition of 3:16, Max will invite you to:Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high God&’s love is for youUnderstand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus&’ death and resurrectionRest in the assurance that salvation is a gift from God, not something you can earnIf you know nothing of the Bible, start here. John 3:16 invites you to know God&’s love deeply and intimately. And once you accept God&’s love, your life will never be the same.If you know everything in the Bible, return here. Let John 3:16 become the banner of your life, so much so that the message of God&’s unending and unbending love overflows from you to others.Each copy of 3:16 also includes a 40-day devotional designed to help you draw closer to your loving Savior.

3: Los números de la esperanza

by Max Lucado

¿Está tu alma cansada? ¿Estás agotado por las exigencias de la vida, los reveses decepcionantes o los días abatidos? Si es así, ponte bajo la cascada del amor inagotable de Dios y empápate de la promesa de que Dios nunca te abandonará.«Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo...» Este versículo nos detiene en nuestro camino: «Espera, ¿este mundo? ¿Con los que rompen el corazón, los que roban la esperanza y los que socavan los sueños?». Sí. Y Dios ama tanto a este mundo que nos dio el precioso regalo de sí mismo. Max Lucado, el autor y pastor del best seller del New York Times, nos invita a sumergirnos en la afirmación de Juan 3:16, que nos hace vibrar el corazón y la mente.En este libro, Max te ayudará aDescansar en el hecho de que no hay nada que puedas hacer para ganar la salvación.Comprender más plenamente la esperanza viva que tienes a través de la resurrección de Jesús.Asombrarte de lo profundo, amplio, largo y elevado que es el amor de Dios por ti.No esperes ni un minuto más para conocer al Dios que inventó el tiempo. No vivas ni un segundo más sin acercarte al Dios que es la vida misma. Hoy, entra con confianza en la mayor noticia que jamás recibirás.3:16Is your soul weary? Are you worn out by the demands of life, disappointing setbacks, or downcast days? If so, stand under the waterfall of God&’s unfailing love and soak in the promise that God will never let you go.&“For God so loved the world…&” This verse stops us in our tracks: &“Wait, this world? With heartbreakers, hope-snatchers, and dream-dousers?&” Yes. And God loves this world so much that he gave us the precious gift of himself. New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to dive deep into the heart-stilling, mind-bending, deal-making claim of John 3:16.In this book, Max will help you:Rest in the fact that there is nothing you can do to earn salvation.Understand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus&’ resurrection.Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high God&’s love is for you.Don&’t wait another minute to get to know the God who invented time. Don&’t live another second without growing close to the God who is life itself. Today, step confidently into the greatest news you&’ll ever receive.

3: The Numbers of Hope

by Max Lucado

*Entirely rewritten and re-filmed for a more focused and deeply personal study of the most-loved verse in the Bible—John 3:16.In this updated classic Bible study (video streaming included), bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado pulls back the curtain on his favorite Bible passage to move you to a profound awareness of God's limitless love, His incalculable sacrifice, and the certainty of His offer of eternal life."For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This passage is a twenty-six-word parade of hope. A verse brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment...and solid enough to weather 2,000 years of storms and questions.With deeply personal accounts of the way this verse shaped Max's own faith journey, this study will reveal the gospel story surrounding the promise and unpack God's plan of restoration from the human problems of sin and death. If you know nothing about the Bible, the promise of John 3:16 is where to start.This video study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itself—with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader's guide.An individual access code to stream all five video sessions online (you don't need to buy a DVD!).It's time to live as if you've been "born again", as if you've already been redeemed. It's time to live into the promise, to trust it—so much that this message of God's unending love overflows from you to the world.Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud

by Lorna Uden I-Hsien Ting Hsin-Chang Yang Yu-Hui Tao

Proceedings from the 2013 LTEC conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The papers examine diverse aspects of Learning Technology for Education in Cloud environments, including social, technical and infrastructure implications. Also addressed is the question of how cloud computing can be used to design applications to support real time on demand learning using technologies. The workshop proceedings provide opportunities for delegates to discuss the latest research in TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) and its impacts for learners and institutions, using cloud technologies.

2nd Grade at Home: A Parent's Guide with Lessons & Activities to Support Your Child's Learning (Math & Reading Skills) (Learn at Home)

by The Princeton Review

Learn at home with help from the education experts at The Princeton Review! 2ND GRADE AT HOME provides simple, guided lessons and activities that parents can use to help keep 2nd graders on track this year.Anxious about remote learning and hybrid schooling? Worried that the unique circumstances around coronavirus and education might keep your child from getting the help they need in class this year? Want to help support your child's schooling, but not sure where to start?You're not alone! 2ND GRADE AT HOME is a parent guide to supporting your child's learning, with help you can undertake from home. It provides: · Guided help for key 2nd grade reading and math topics· Skills broken into short, easy-to-accomplish lessons· Explanations for parents, plus independent question sets for kids· Fun at-home learning activities for each skill that use common household items· Parent tips, review sections, and challenge activities seeded throughout the bookThe perfect mix of parent guidance, practical lessons, and hands-on activities to keep kids engaged and up-to-date, 2ND GRADE AT HOME covers key grade-appropriate topics including:· early reading comprehension · context & understanding· event order· fiction & nonfiction· place value· addition and subtraction· multiplication· patterns and shapes· charts & graphs· likelihoood ... and more!

2D Game Development with Unity

by Franz Lanzinger

This book teaches beginners and aspiring game developers how to develop 2D games with Unity. Thousands of commercial games have been built with Unity. The reader will learn the complete process of 2D game development, step by step. The theory behind each step is fully explained. This book contains numerous color illustrations and access to all source code and companion videos. Key Features: Fully detailed game projects from scratch. Beginners can do the steps and create games right away. No coding experience is necessary. Numerous examples take a raw beginner toward professional coding proficiency in C# and Unity. Includes a thorough introduction to Unity 2020, including 2D game development, prefabs, cameras, animation, character controllers, lighting, and sound. Includes a step-by-step introduction to Unity 2019.3. Extensive coverage of GIMP, Audacity, and MuseScore for the creation of 2D graphics, sound effects, and music. All required software is free to use for any purpose including commercial applications and games. Franz Lanzinger is the owner and chief game developer of Lanzinger Studio, an independent game development and music studio in Sunnyvale, California. He started his career in game programming in 1982 at Atari Games, Inc., where he designed and programmed the classic arcade game Crystal Castles. In 1989, he joined Tengen, where he was a programmer and designer for Ms. Pac-Man and Toobin' on the NES. He co-founded Bitmasters, where he designed and coded games including Rampart and Championship Pool for the NES and SNES, and NCAA Final Four Basketball for the SNES and Sega Genesis. In 1996, he founded Actual Entertainment, publisher and developer of the Gubble video game series. He has a B.Sc. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame and attended graduate school in mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a former world record holder on Centipede and Burgertime. He is a professional author, game developer, accompanist, and piano teacher. He is currently working on remaking the original Gubble game in Unity and Blender.

27 Técnicas de persuasión: Estrategias para convencer y ganar aliados

by Chris St. Hilaire

Es posible que los demás olviden lo que usted les ha dicho, pero no cómo les ha hecho sentir. Este es el secreto de la auténtica persuasión. La auténtica persuasión se basa en la capacidad para comprender a la audiencia que uno tiene delante, ya se trate de una persona o de un millón, y en crear un mensaje que esté en línea con lo que piensan de antemano. Chris St. Hilaire le enseña a persuadir sin avasallar, a identificarse con su audiencia y a utilizar un lenguaje que logre que la gente se ponga de su lado, en sus propios términos. Con provocadores ejemplos procedentes tanto del entorno político como empresarial, 27 técnicas de persuasión proporciona estrategias eficaces que se pueden poner en práctica de forma inmediata en cualquier situación. Reseñas:«Este libro contiene las mejores herramientas que le permitirán comunicarse de forma mucho más eficaz. Aplíquelas y ganará inmediatamente influencia sobre los demás.»James W. Robinson, vicepresidente, Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos «27 técnicas de persuasión ofrece unos sólidos consejos para lograr que los demás le sigan a usted.»CNBC «Empleando las estrategias que propone 27 técnicas de persuasión usted llegará a ser un comunicador mucho más efectivo en los negocios y en la vida.»Hadi Makarechian, Consejo Rector, Universidad de California

The 250 Power Words That Sell: The Words You Need to Get the Sale, Beat Your Quota, and Boost Your Commission

by Stephan Schiffman

Game-changing terms every salesperson should knowWouldn't you like your prospects to know that you can help them develop new solutions, create substantial efficiencies, and improve profit margins? In order for them to even give you the time of day, though, you'll need to be prepared with the words and phrases that will get you in the door.Stephan Schiffman, America's number-one corporate sales trainer, has gathered a powerful list of words and phrases that every successful salesperson needs in order to gain the competitive edge, leave a lasting and positive impression, and ultimately make a sale. Pulled from his sessions and key discussion points, these important terms will help you:Turn leads into prospects.Learn more about your clients' needs.Convey the ability to meet your clients' demands.Overcome objections during negotiations. With The 250 Power Words That Sell, you will watch your performance soar as you beat out the competition and surpass quota every quarter!

25 Years of Transformations of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: Reform And Continuity (Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education)

by Isak Froumin Jeroen Huisman Anna Smolentseva

This open access book is a result of the first ever study of the transformations of the higher education institutional landscape in fifteen former USSR countries after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. It explores how the single Soviet model that developed across the vast and diverse territory of the Soviet Union over several decades has evolved into fifteen unique national systems, systems that have responded to national and global developments while still bearing some traces of the past. <P><P>The book is distinctive as it presents a comprehensive analysis of the reforms and transformations in the region in the last 25 years; and it focuses on institutional landscape through the evolution of the institutional types established and developed in Pre-Soviet, Soviet and Post-Soviet time. It also embraces all fifteen countries of the former USSR, and provides a comparative analysis of transformations of institutional landscape across Post-Soviet systems. It will be highly relevant for students and researchers in the fields of higher education and and sociology, particularly those with an interest in historical and comparative studies.

25 Years of Ed Tech (Issues in Distance Education)

by Martin Weller

In this lively and approachable volume based on his popular blog series, Martin Weller demonstrates a rich history of innovation and effective implementation of ed tech across higher education. From Bulletin Board Systems to blockchain, Weller follows the trajectory of education by focusing each chapter on a technology, theory, or concept that has influenced each year since 1994. Calling for both caution and enthusiasm, Weller advocates for a critical and research-based approach to new technologies, particularly in light of disinformation, the impact of social media on politics, and data surveillance trends. A concise and necessary retrospective, this book will be valuable to educators, ed tech practitioners, and higher education administrators, as well as students.

25 Wacky and Wonderful Stories That Boost Vocabulary

by Dan Greenberg

No more ho-hum, forgettable vocabulary lessons! These reproducible, funny stories will grab your students' attention and help them remember the prefixes, suffixes, and roots they need to know so they can become better readers and writers. A great way to boost standardized test scores!

25 Powerful Promises From God: Proclamations for Supernatural Transformation

by Mike Shreve

God Never Breaks His Promises There are 7,487 promises in God&’s Word—unbending pledges He has made to His covenant people that are designed to give you victory in every circumstance. In this unique book, you will discover 25 primary promises that open the door to the supernatural power of God, miraculous breakthroughs and real spiritual transformation in your life. Some of the promises include:Impartation of divine revelationAngelic interventionHealing for your body, soul and spiritThe hundredfold returnInheriting God&’s kingdomTurning curses into blessingsDreams, visions and the gift of prophecyHow to move the mountains in your lifeWeapons of warfare that are mighty through GodAnd much more! Once you realize the commitments God has already made, you will be praising Him in advance for the fulfillment of His promises, instead of reminding Him of the problems you are facing. This is the most powerful and effective way to pray and live!

25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying

by Elizabeth K. Englander

Learn the truth about bullying in the 21st century: what to look for, and how to cope with the social problems facing today’s kids. Whether dealing with bullying issues or worrying that they might occur, parents are faced with more challenges than ever before. In the age of the internet and social media, traditional approaches to bullying haven’t kept pace with new realities, and new problems like cyberbullying have emerged. Parents searching for ways to prevent or cope with bullying are flooded by a deluge of advice, opinions, and strategies—often conflicting or, even worse, potentially harmful. 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying helps parents understand the causes and consequences of bullying, determine if something is truly a problem, and effectively deal with problems when they arise. This practical guide enables parents to appreciate how modern digital environments impact a young person’s communication and relationships, recognize the most prevalent types of psychological bullying and cyberbullying, and know when and how to intervene. The author dispels common myths related to the confronting of bullies, victims seeking revenge on bullies, keeping kids off their phones and computers to prevent cyberbullying, the links between bullying and suicide, and many others. Backed by the most recent work in bullying and cyberbullying research, this book helps parents: Understand what causes, prevents, and stops bullying and cyberbullying Tell the difference between bullying issues and normal ‘growing pains’ Recognize the signs and effects of psychological bullying Know when intervening is helpful, and when it can be destructive Reduce social anxieties and the potential for bullying issues in children and young adults 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying is an important resource for parents of school-age children and young adults, as well as staff in educational environments.

The 25 Minute Meeting: Half the Time, Double the Impact

by Donna McGeorge

Sharpen your focus and tighten your time frames to get more done in less time The 25 Minute Meeting goes beyond “cut to the chase” and shows you how to take back your work day with smarter planning and more productive action. Meetings have become a de facto way of working, and as they pile up and stretch to interminable lengths, they eat up our days and sink productivity—if they are poorly planned and run. Done well, meetings are short, sharp, productive affairs that provide critical time and space for the interactions that drive business forward. This book shows you how to effectively and efficiently recover your time with a roadmap to the 25-minute meeting. A clear framework walks you through the entire meeting process, with emphasis on timing and focus, with illustrative case studies showing how real-world meetings have transformed from painful to purposeful with a few simple changes. From purging the invite list, to shutting down irrelevant tangents and facilitating more efficient communication, this book can help you reclaim your lost hours without sacrificing collaboration. Learn the art and science of conducting short, useful, purposeful meetings Follow a clear framework for meeting planning, preparation, and participation Assess your meetings’ effectiveness using helpful checkpoints in each chapter Boost your meetings’ impact with variety and visuals—without adding unnecessary time A well-run meeting is a goldmine of opportunity for Getting Things Done; it is where the diverse set of talents on your team come together into a whole of achievement—it is your most valuable commodity. It’s time to leave dusty, boring, time-sucking meetings in the past and revolutionize the way we come together. The 25 Minute Meeting shows you a fresh, more productive approach to working, cooperating, collaborating, and communicating the 21st century way.

25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst: From Graduate School to Chief Executive Officer

by Jon Bailey Mary Burch

This second edition of Bailey and Burch’s best-selling 25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst is an invaluable guide to the professional skills required in the rapidly growing field of applied behavior analysis. The demands on professional behavior analysts, BCBAs and BCBA-Ds, are constantly increasing such that several new skills are required to keep up with new developments. Each chapter has been thoroughly updated and seven new chapters address recognizing the need to understand client advocacy, cultural responsiveness, and the movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field. The authors present five basic skills and strategy areas which each behavior analyst need to acquire: essential professional skills, basic behavioral repertoire, applying behavioral knowledge, vital work habits, and advanced skills. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics.

25 Essential Skills and Strategies for the Professional Behavior Analyst: Expert Tips for Maximizing Consulting Effectiveness

by Jon Bailey Mary Burch

25 Essential Skills & Strategies for the Professional Behavior Analyst is a much needed guidebook for behavior analysts who want to become successful at consulting. Jon Bailey and Mary Burch present five basic skills and strategy areas that professional behavior analysts need to acquire. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics. Every behavior analyst, whether seasoned or beginning, should have this book.

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