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French 1: Student Worktext

by Bruce A. Byers Robert D. Loach Susanne B. Anderson

French 1 features the latest updates on French culture and advice relating to French-speaking neighbours in Canada, Europe, and around the world. <p><p>Students will develop an intermediate level of proficiency in French grammar and will learn practical language content, such as greetings and taking leave, asking and answering simple questions to meet survival needs, ordering food, traveling, and relating the gospel in a simple manner, all within the context of real-life situations. French translations of Bible verses introduce each chapter of the textbook.

French: How to Speak and Write It (Dover Language Guides French)

by Joseph Lemaître

Probably the most delightful, useful, and comprehensive elementary book available for learning spoken and written French, either with or without a teacher. Working on the principle that a person learns more quickly by example then by rule, Lemaître has assembled colloquial French conversations on a variety of subjects, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and idiom studies. Index.

Frases en Inglés Para Dummies

by Gail Brenner

Una guía práctica para las personas de habla hispana que desean aprender inglés Escrito para millones de americanos que hablan español y quieren mejorar o aprender inglés. Ingles Frases Para Dummies es un recurso básico para mejorar su comunicación en el mundo de habla inglesa. Escrito por Gail Brenner, un escritor veterano, editor, y traductor con más de treinta años de experiencia, este libro le ayudara a entender lo básico para poder hablar inglés con confianza. Escrito por un experto lingüístico y traductor Ofrece frases comunes en inglés para ayudar a navegar el idioma más fácilmente Incluye ejemplos útiles de que decir en caso de emergencia Con Ingles Frases para Dummies como sú guía, usted puede mejorar su inglés y afinar sus habilidades con el idioma. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A handy guide for Spanish speakers who wish to learn English Written for the millions of Americans who speak Spanish and want to improve or learn English, Ingles Frases Para Dummies is a basic resource for improving your communication in an English speaking world. Written by Gail Brenner, a veteran writer, editor, and translator with more than thirty years of experience, this book will help you understand the basics so you can speak English with confidence. Written by a leading linguistic expert and translator Offers common English phrases and sayings to help you navigate the language easily Includes helpful examples of what to say in case of emergency With Ingles Frases Para Dummies as your guide, you can learn to improve your English and fine tune your language skills.

Fraseología, lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 (Routledge Innovations in Spanish Language Teaching)

by Clara Ureña Tormo

Fraseología, lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 es la primera obra que ofrece una introducción teórica a la fraseología del español desde la perspectiva cognitiva y que proporciona unas bases metodológicas para su enseñanza en el aula. Este libro se apoya en una investigación original galardonada con el Premio ASELE-Routledge 2020. Sus principales características son: presentación de los contenidos en un recorrido que va de lo teórico a lo aplicado y experimental; explicaciones con abundantes ejemplos de unidades fraseológicas en contextos reales de uso; orientaciones metodológicas y estrategias didácticas de corte cognitivo para una aplicación directa en el aula; actividades para enseñar y aprender fraseologismos idiomáticos del español acompañadas de soluciones; estudio empírico sobre una propuesta didáctica de base cognitiva para la adquisición de un conjunto de locuciones del español; glosario bilingüe español-inglés de términos clave de la fraseología y la lingüística cognitiva para acercar estos dos ámbitos hasta los docentes. Lingüistas, fraseólogos, profesores de español y estudiantes de Lingüística y Estudios hispánicos encontrarán en este libro las claves de las principales aportaciones de la lingüística cognitiva al estudio de la fraseología en su vertiente teórica y aplicada a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas. Fraseología, lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 is the first work to offer a theoretical introduction to Spanish phraseology from a cognitive perspective and to provide a methodological basis for its teaching in the classroom. This volume is based on original research awarded the ASELE-Routledge Book Prize 2020. Its main features are: presentation of the contents in a path from the theoretical to the applied and experimental; explanations with abundant examples of phraseological units in real contexts of use; methodological orientations and didactic strategies of a cognitive nature for direct application in the classroom; activities for teaching and learning Spanish idiomatic phraseological idioms accompanied by answer key; empirical study of a cognitive-based didactic proposal for the acquisition of a set of Spanish idioms; a bilingual Spanish-English glossary of key terms in phraseology and cognitive linguistics to bring these two fields closer to teachers. Linguists, phraseologists, teachers of Spanish and students of Linguistics and Hispanic studies will find in this book the keys to the main contributions of cognitive linguistics to the study of phraseology in its theoretical and applied aspects to the teaching-learning of phraseological units.

Französische Verben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Norbert Berger

Vom Unmöglichen und Möglichen bis zum Blick in die Zukunft Grammatik ist nicht jedermanns Sache und die Konjugation der französischen Verben macht es einem auch nicht immer leicht. Norbert Berger kennt die Nöte der Lernenden und die Tücken der französischen Verben bestens. Leicht verständlich, mit einer Prise Humor und anhand vieler Beispiele erklärt er alles über die verschiedenen Zeiten, das Konditional, den Subjonctif, den Imperativ, Fragestellung und Verneinung. Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels gibt es Übungen, die das Gelernte noch einmal wiederholen. Konjugationstabellen der wichtigsten französischen regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Verben bieten Ihnen einen guten Überblick. So sind Sie für den nächsten Test bestens gerüstet.

Französische Grammatik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Norbert Berger

Steht der nächste Test an, haben Sie französische Kollegen, mit denen Sie sich austauschen wollen, oder möchten Sie in Ihrem Frankreichurlaub mehr als einfach nur "merci" sagen können? Grammatik ist nicht jedermanns Sache und die französische Grammatik macht es einem auch nicht immer leicht. Norbert Berger unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren Französisch. Er kennt die Nöte der Lernenden und die Fallen der französischen Grammatik, in die sie häufig hineintappen. Leicht verständlich, mit einer Prise Humor und anhand vieler Beispiele und Informationen zu Land und Leuten erklärt er alles über Artikel und Pronomen, Adjektive und Adverbien, Fragestellung und Verneinung, die Zeiten und die Satzstellung. Am Ende eines jeden Kapitels gibt es Übungen, die das Gelernte noch einmal wiederholen. Tabellen der wichtigsten französischen Verben bieten ganz Eiligen alle Konjugationen auf einen Blick. So sind Sie für den nächsten Test gerüstet, können mit Ihren französischen Kollegen über zukünftige Projekte sprechen oder einfach nur unbeschwert im Frankreichurlaub parlieren.

Französisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dodi-Katrin Schmidt Michelle M. Williams Malika Filali Nathalie L. Brochard

"Französisch für Dummies" bietet einen leichten und unterhaltsamen Einstieg in die französische Sprache. Zunächst verraten die Autoren, wie Sie französische Wörter richtig aussprechen und betonen und führen Sie auch in die Grundlagen der französischen Grammatik ein. Dann wird es praktisch, denn jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation: Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf Französisch vorstellen, im Restaurant bestellen oder nach dem Weg fragen. Sie finden sich in einer typischen Büroumgebung wieder und vereinbaren Termine, mieten eine Wohnung an oder buchen eine Flugreise. Aber auch Ihre Freizeit kommt nicht zu kurz: Sie gehen mit Freunden aus, kaufen ein, sprechen über Ihre Hobbys und machen Sport. Dabei nehmen Sie immer die jeweils wichtigsten Sätze, Umschreibungen und Begriffe auf und erhalten nebenbei viele Informationen zum Alltag und zur Kultur in Frankreich. Am Ende jedes Kapitels gibt es kleine Übungen, mit denen Sie Ihre erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse prüfen können. Im Anhang des Buches finden Sie Verbtabellen und ein kleines Französisch-Deutsch-/Deutsch-Französisch-Wörterbuch. Auf der beiliegenden CD gibt es die Dialoge aus dem Buch zum Anhören und Nachsprechen.

Franse werkwoorden: 100 vervoegde werkwoorden

by Karibdis

Het boek Frans werkwoorden is speciaal geschreven voor elektronische apparaten. Het geeft een introductie van de samenstelling van Franse werkwoorden in verschillende tijden, alsmede 100 essentiële volledig vervoegde werkwoorden met hun betekenis. In dit boek kan de lezer makkelijk zoeken omdat het alleen goed leesbare tekst is, zonder afbeeldingen.

France/China: Intercultural Imaginings

by Alex Hughes

China has long been an object of fascination for the French, who celebrated theirannee de la Chine in 2004. Symptomatic of that fascination are the movements into China made by groups as diverse as the Jesuits, who arrived inL'Empire du Milieu in the late seventeenth century, and theTel Quel intellectuals, whose will to political pilgrimage took th

France and the International Economy: From Vichy to the Treaty of Rome (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

by Frances Lynch

This is a comprehensive history of a critically formative period in French economic history. Frances Lynch covers topics such as the post-war negotiations for American aid, the reconstruction of a capital market, the modernization of French agriculture, the liberalization of trade in the 1950s and subsequent economic growth.

Framing Languages and Literacies: Socially Situated Views and Perspectives

by Margaret R. Hawkins

In this seminal volume leading language and literacy scholars clearly articulate and explicate major social perspectives and approaches in the fields of language and literacy studies. Each approach draws on distinct bodies of literature and traditions and uses distinct identifiers, labels, and constellations of concepts; each has been taken up across diverse global contexts and is used as rationale and guide for the design of research and of educational policies and practices. Authors discuss the genesis and historical trajectory of the approach with which they are associated; offer their unique perspectives, rationales, and engagements; and investigate implications for understanding language and literacy use in and out of schools. The premise of the book is that understanding concepts, perspectives, and approaches requires knowing the context in which they were created, the rationale or purpose in creating them, and how they have been taken up and applied in communities of practice. Accessible yet theoretically rich, this volume is indispensible for researchers, students, and professionals across the fields of language and literacy studies.


by Catherine J. Allen

Once there was a Quechua folktale. It begins with a trickster fox’s penis with a will of its own and ends with a daughter returning to parents who cannot recognize her until she recounts the uncanny adventures that have befallen her since she ran away from home. Following the strange twists and turnings of this tale, Catherine J. Allen weaves a narrative of Quechua storytelling and story listening that links these arts to others—fabric weaving, in particular—and thereby illuminates enduring Andean strategies for communicating deeply felt cultural values. In this masterful work of literary nonfiction, Allen draws out the connections between two prominent markers of ethnic identity in Andean nations—indigenous language and woven cloth—and makes a convincing case that the connection between language and cloth affects virtually all aspects of expressive culture, including the performing arts. As she explores how a skilled storyteller interweaves traditional tales and stock characters into new stories, just as a skilled weaver combines traditional motifs and colors into new patterns, she demonstrates how Andean storytelling and weaving both embody the same kinds of relationships, the same ideas about how opposites should meet up with each other. By identifying these pervasive patterns, Allen opens up the Quechua cultural world that unites story tellers and listeners, as listeners hear echoes and traces of other stories, layering over each other in a kind of aural palimpsest.

Four Dichotomies in Spanish: Adjective Position, Adjectival Clauses, Ser/Estar, and Preterite/Imperfect

by Luis H. González

Examining four dichotomies in Spanish, this book shows how to reduce the six to ten rules common in textbooks for each contrast to a single binary distinction. That distinction is a form of totality vs. part, easier to see in some of the dichotomies, but present in all of them. Every chapter is example-driven, and many of those examples come from writing by students. Readers can test out for themselves the explanation at work in the examples provided. Then, those examples are explained step by step. In addition to examples from writing by college students, there are examples from RAE (Real Academia Española), from scholars, from writers, from Corpes XXI (RAE), from the Centro Virtual Cervantes, and from the Internet. Many of those examples are presented to the reader as exercises, and answers are provided. This book was written for teachers of Spanish as a second language (L2) and for minors or majors of Spanish as an L2. It will also benefit teachers and learners of other L2s with some of these dichotomies.

Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

by Colin Baker

The fifth edition of this bestselling book provides a comprehensive introduction to bilingualism and bilingual education. In a compact and clear style, its 19 chapters cover all the crucial issues in bilingualism at individual, group and national levels.

Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners: Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice

by Wayne Wright

This comprehensive textbook prepares all teachers to teach English language learners (ELLs). It is widely used in undergraduate and graduate programs, including: - Elementary and secondary teacher education - Literacy and special education - TESOL and bilingual education Wayne Wright's deep respect for educational practitioners and his passion for English language learners' right to a fair and full education are evident in every word he writes. His book and companion website offer a vision and pathway toward fostering dynamic learning communities across schools, teacher education programs, and communities to improve education for ELLs. The rest is up to us. -Nancy H. Hornberger, University of Pennsylvania New to the Third Edition The textbook and companion website are completely updated while retaining the practical features of the first and second editions. Readers will find: - New federal regulations, accountability requirements, and flexibility for ELLs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - A stronger multilingual perspective on ELL education, with attention to new research, theory, and practice on dynamic bilingualism and translanguaging - New research on language, literacy, and content-area instruction for ELLs from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - The integration of new principles by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages for the exemplary teaching of ELLs - New information about the Seal of Biliteracy, now approved by more than 35 states and the District of Columbia

Foundational Principles of Task-Based Language Teaching (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)

by Martin East

This book introduces readers to the concept of task-based language teaching (TBLT), a learner-centred and experiential approach to language teaching and learning. Based on the premise that language learners can enhance their second language acquisition (SLA) through engagement in communicative tasks that compel them to use language for themselves, TBLT stands in contrast to more traditional approaches. Accessible and comprehensive, this book provides a foundational overview of the principles and practice of TBLT and demystifies what TBLT looks like in the classroom. Complete with questions for reflection, pedagogical extensions for application in real classrooms and further reading suggestions in every chapter, this valuable and informative text is vital for anyone interested in TBLT, whether as students, researchers or teachers.

Foundation Norwegian (Michel Thomas Method) - Full course: Learn Norwegian with the Michel Thomas Method

by Michel Thomas Angela Shury-Smith

'The thrill is that you're actually figuring it out on your own. You're engaging with another language, not just parroting it... It's an excellent way to start, and leaves the listener thinking, Hey, Ich kann do dis.' - New Yorker, David Sedaris, humorist and author, on learning German with the Michel Thomas Method Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of weeks, not years? The original no-books, no-homework, no-memorizing method is in tune with the way the brain prefers to receive, store and retrieve information. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. * Pick up Norwegian naturally and unforgettably without strain or stress * Learn from listening and speaking, without the pressure of writing or memorizing * Build up your Norwegian in manageable steps by thinking out answers for yourself WHY IS THE METHOD SO SUCCESSFUL? 'What you understand, you know; and what you know, you don't forget.' - Michel Thomas Before there were algorithms, there was Michel Thomas. For over 50 years he worked on decoding languages by breaking them down into their most essential component parts. These 'building blocks' are introduced to the learner sequentially in such a way that you reconstruct the language for yourself - to form your own sentences, to say what you want, when you want. This unique method draws on the principles of instructional psychology and works with the way your brain prefers to receive, store and retrieve information. Knowledge is structured and organized so that you absorb the language easily and don't forget it. The method is designed to eliminate the stress which prevents you from relaxing and allowing the brain to work in the way which accepts learning in a seemingly painless, very exciting and highly motivating way. HOW DO THE COURSES WORK? 'All stress inhibits true and effective learning' - Michel Thomas During the course, you will join Michel Thomas Method teacher Angela Shury-Smith and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or stress of having to memorize. You will learn at your own pace, pausing and repeating where necessary, and complete the course in about 20-30 hours. By the end of the course, you will understand and have the confidence to speak basic Norwegian. WHAT WILL I ACTUALLY ACHIEVE? 'I am the architect who builds the house. It's up to you to decorate it.' - Michel Thomas The Michel Thomas Method will help you kick-start, continue, and flourish in your Norwegian language learning journey. It is not intended to get you perfectly fluent, but it will get you speaking and using Norwegian, with proper pronunciation, faster than any other method. It is designed to give you a strong foundation and good working knowledge of a language from which you can expand and later 'add decoration' to. It is a rapid method for learning, that requires only concentration on the part of the learner. LEARN ANYWHERE! Reclaim your pockets of free time to learn a new language! Don't be tied to chunky books or your computer, Michel Thomas Method audio courses let you learn whenever and wherever you want, in as little or as much time as you have. WHAT IS NEXT? After Foundation, we recommend doing the Language Builder or Intermediate course. Generally, this is the recommended order for the Michel Thomas Method language courses: 1. Foundation 2. Language Builder 3. Intermediate 4. Vocabulary

Found in Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives and Transforms the World

by Nataly Kelly Jost Zetzsche

A lively look at the surprising role that translation plays all around us. Worth an estimated 31 billion dollars, translation is one of the biggest industries that goes largely unnoticed. Nataly Kelly and Jost Zetzsche are two veteran translators who have show how translation affects the daily life of millions of people. From hurricane warnings to holy books, from poetry to peace treaties, this is an illustration of how translation spreads culture and fuels the global economy.

Foucault and Postmodern Conceptions of Reason

by Laurence Barry

​For decades Foucault was mostly known for his diagnosis of modernity as a form of entrapment, both in our modes of thought and our behaviors. This book argues that Foucault's reappraisal of modernity occurs with the 1978 and 1979 lectures, in which he sketches modern power as governmentality and neoliberalism. From this perspective, Foucault’s once surprising studies on the Greeks' constitution of the ‘self’ can be seen as a continuation of his diagnosis of late modernity, and as an attempt to retrieve a form of autonomy for our modern selves. One finds in the late Foucault a postmodern conception of reason and not a destruction of reason; but this is possible only if postmodernity is seen as a critical exercise of reason in the analysis of norms.

Formal Approaches to Languages of South America

by Cilene Rodrigues Andrés Saab

This book analyzes the linguistic diversity of South America based on approaches deeply rooted in the tradition of formal grammar. The chapters brought together in this contributed volume consider native languages all kinds of languages used in the region, including sign languages, indigenous languages and the romance languages (Portuguese and Spanish) originally introduced by European colonizers which underwent processes of transformation giving rise to new, local grammars. One fourth of the language families of the world are located in South America, but the majority of languages in the region are still understudied and out of the radar of theoretical linguistics mostly because their grammars are not well-known by international researchers. This book aims to fill this gap by bringing together studies rooted in the formal grammar approach first developed by Noam Chomsky, which sees language not only as mere corpora attested in oral and written production, but also as expressions of systems of thought and language production which are essential parts of human cognition. The book is divided in three parts – sign languages, romance languages and indigenous languages –, and brings together studies of the following South American languages: Brazilian Sign Language (Libras - Língua Brasileira de Sinais)Argentinian Sign Language (LSA - Lengua de Señas Argentina)Peruvian Sign Language (LSP- Lengua de Señas Peruana)Brazilian PortugueseChilean and Argentinian SpanishQuechuaParaguayan GuaraniA’ingaeMacro-Jê languages Formal Approaches to the Languages of South America will be an invaluable resource both for theoretical linguists and cognitive scientists by providing access to top quality research on understudied languages and enabling these languages to be incorporated into comparative studies that can contribute to advance the knowledge of general principles governing all human languages.

Formación de palabras y enseñanza del español LE/L2 (Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching)

by David Serrano-Dolader

Formación de palabras y enseñanza del español LE/L2 offers a unique combination of theory and practice that guides the reader through the main processes of word formation in Spanish. It provides a detailed analysis of the role of lexical creation in the acquisition of L2 Spanish vocabulary, as well as over a hundred practical self-reflection activities. Key features: • Comprehensive theoretical explanations of word formation, including theoretical and pedagogical principles and their implementation in the teaching of L2 Spanish; • Step-by-step pedagogical introductions to the full range of lexical creation mechanisms in Spanish language, including prefixation, emotive and nonemotive suffixation and composition; • Carefully-chosen lists of relevant issues on lexical morphology with immediate applicability to the teaching of L2 Spanish; • Guided activities with an answer key, which helps the reader to connect theory with practice and to become familiar with the key aspects of Spanish lexical morphology; • Guidelines on how to tackle the teaching of Spanish word formation and vocabulary in an effective and engaging way. Written in a clear and accessible manner, Formación de palabras y enseñanza del español LE/L2 is an essential resource for teachers of Spanish at all levels. It is also an excellent reference book for language teachers who wish to integrate word formation into the teaching of the Spanish language.

Form-Meaning Connections in Second Language Acquisition (Second Language Acquisition Research Series)

by Jessica Williams Bill VanPatten Susanne Rott Mark Overstreet

Form-Meaning Connections in Second Language Acquisition is an interdisciplinary and timely edited book of essays and empirical studies, most of which are based on the papers presented at the Form and Meaning Conference held in Chicago in 2002. The goal of the conference and now of the book is to present linguistic and cognitive approaches to second language acquisition, attempting to integrate external and internal issues in interlanguage development, while outlining directions for future research. The editors address questions, such as: What is the nature and sequence of the form-meaning mapping process? How are these connections made? How are these connections used to construct grammars and lexicons? And, how can conditions and external factors be manipulated to improve the chances of making these form-meaning connections?Contributors to this volume include such second language acquisition scholars as Susan Gass, Nick Ellis, Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Catherine Doughty, and Diane Larsen-Freeman. They address these form-meaning issues from a variety of settings and from multiple perspectives.Researchers and graduate students in applied linguistics, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and language pedagogy will find this volume to be an important resource.

Forget to Remember Level 5 Upper-intermediate

by Alan Maley

Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. 'Hello. Kate. This is Jan. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come down to Mother's. We've got to talk. I can't go on like this. It's becoming impossible. I know you're always busy but you'll have to come, Kate. I can't manage with Mother any more. Please call me back as soon as you can.' Two sisters struggle to come to terms with their mother's illness and its effect on their lives. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CDs including complete text recordings from the book.

The Foreigner’s Guide to German Universities: Origin, Meaning, and Use of Terms and Expressions in Everyday University Life

by Albrecht Behmel Kelly Neudorfer

Figuring out the many new terms confronting international students at German-language universities can be difficult. Even if the degree program is in English, most administrative work has to be done in German, and the bureaucratic university jargon is a language in and of itself. This guide aims to help international students and researchers understand the structures and organization of German universities by providing in-depth descriptions of terms and their origins, allowing for easier integration into the host university and its culture.

Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment: Theory, Curricula, Institutional Structures (Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Cultures #6)

by Charlotte Ann Melin

At a time when environmental humanities and sustainability studies are creating new opportunities for curricular innovation, this volume examines factors key to successful implementation of cross-curricular initiatives in language programs. Contributors discuss theoretical issues pertinent to combining sustainability studies with foreign languages, describe curricular models transferable to a range of instructional contexts, and introduce program structures supportive of teaching cultures and languages across the curriculum. Exploring the intersection of ecocritical theory, second language acquisition research, and disciplinary fields, these essays demonstrate ways in which progressive language departments are being reconceived as relevant and viable programs of cross-disciplinary studies. They provide an introduction to teaching sustainability and environmental humanities topics in language, literature, and culture courses as well as a wide range of resources for teachers and diverse stakeholders in areas related to foreign language education.

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