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by Wayne Mansfield

Staying in a hotel can be an exciting prospect. You never know who you’ll meet. It certainly never occurred to Eric that he would meet the man of his dreams sitting alone in a chair by the reception desk of the Dorchester Hotel.Jock is handsome, tanned, and distinguished. A man of many talents. When he invites Eric up to his hotel room to continue their conversation, Eric eagerly accepts. They continue to chat for a while, learning more and more about each other.Then things take a bizarre turn. People don’t usually end up doing Reiki half an hour after meeting. Yet, surprisingly, that isn’t the strangest thing to happen. For Eric, the meeting will be like none he has ever had before. Or ever will again.

Guess Who's Coming to Karamu (2018 Advent Calendar - Warmest Wishes)

by Cy Blanca

Grant Cary, a twenty-eight-year-old grad student, has let his Kwanzaa shopping go to the very last minute. In his rush to get home, he quite literally bumps into Will Sheritan, a fortysomething software developer, in the elevator. But luck favors (or curses) the adventurous, because their elevator shuts down due to a blackout. Grant and Will learn about each other’s pasts and find more than just a casual interest. Will has never celebrated Kwanzaa, and he’s reluctant to enter into a relationship, but exploring a new tradition—with a new friend—might brighten his lonely holiday. And if Will accepts Grant’s invitation to join his family for the Karamu feast, Grant might get his Imani gift early.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2018 Advent Calendar "Warmest Wishes."

Guess Again

by Bernard Cooper

Gay-themed short stories.

Guerreira dos Céus

by Addie Thorley

Uma aventura sobre irmandade, rebelião e poderes únicos, num cenário épico que irá maravilhar os fãs de Shadow and Bone. Sou a inimiga n.º 1, a traidora do reino... E sou eu posso libertá-lo da tirania. Estamos em guerra. A discórdia entre Zemya e Ashkar começou há séculos por uma disputa entre deuses e, neste momento, a única hipótese de trazer paz a Ashkar é unindo os vários povos numa revolta contra o rei tirano. Uma tarefa difícil quando se leva de arrasto uma turba de pastores descontentes… mas estes são os primeiros aliados que conseguimos unir à causa. O cenário é negro. Eles não confiam em mim, porque a minha reputação como Enebish, a Destruidora ainda perdura. Mas eu também sou desconfiada, pois é isso que acontece quando se é traído por quem mais gostamos. Apenas confio no Serik, o único que consegue imbuir-me de alguma esperança. Foi ele quem me motivou a percorrer o grande deserto gelado em busca de apoios para esta guerra. E, no entanto, a maior ferida neste conflito é a minha irmã Ghoa, cuja traição me atormenta. Pergunto-me se, depois da minha fuga, ela terá vindo atrás de mim com os seus guerreiros Kalima, ou se teremos de nos enfrentar, cara a cara, na derradeira batalha final. «Fãs de fantasia, mistério e thriller vão ficar a suspirar por mais.» Kirkus Reviews «Uma saga gritante sobre redenção, lealdade e a loucura da guerra.» Shelf Awareness

Guerra, Amore e Sangue - 1: Libro lesbico, romanticismo lesbico

by Kyrian Malone

Livermore Falls, piccola città del Maine di circa 1700 abitanti. Kristen Adams, adolescente di 19 anni morirà presto per mano di Faith Ryan, una giovane donna bella dai tratti insolenti e dall'aspetto carismatico che cattura la sua attenzione dal primo sguardo. Quello che Kristen ignora: Faith è nata nell'anno 936 nella contea di Northumbria ed Inghilterra. Ciò che diventerà: Non lo sa ancora, ma è stata scelta ed il suo ultimo respiro reso nel Maine la conduità a New York dove avrebbe scoperto chi è, o piuttosto, chi è sempre stata. Il primo romanzo fantasy bit-lit scritto da Kyrian e Jamie tra Dublin, Boston, Livermore Falls e Parigi. Un libro che rivisita il mito dei vampiri dalle sue origine fino ai giorni nostri.

Guerra, amor y sangre: Romance lésbico, romance vampírico (Romance lésbico, romance vampírico #1)

by Kyrian Malone

Livermore Falls es una pequeña ciudad de Maine de unos 1700 habitantes. Kristen Adams es una adolescente de diecinueve años que morirá a manos de Faith Ryan, una bella y joven mujer de carácter insolente y carismático que capta su atención a primera vista. Lo que Kristen ignora es que Faith en realidad nació en el año 936 en Northrumbia, Inglaterra. No tiene ni idea de lo que ocurrirá a partir de ahora, lo que sí sabe es que ha sido elegida y tras exhalar su último aliento en Maine, viajará a Nueva York donde descubrirá quién es ella realmente y quién ha sido todo este tiempo. Esta es la primera novela de fantasía y vampiros escrita por Kyrian y Jaime entre ciudades como Dublín, Boston, Livermore Falls y París. Un libro que vuelve al mito del vampiro y nos lo trae adaptado a nuestros tiempos.

Gudsriki (Valhalla #3)

by Ari Bach

Valhalla: Book ThreeThe end of the world has come, leaving Vibeke the sole survivor, alone in the desolation. She perseveres with only one goal in mind: to reunite with Violet, even if it means the destruction of what remains of the planet Earth. But the consequences might be even more catastrophic than Vibeke expects. A faint light still burns in the darkness, though--a last hope for love flickering amidst the atrocities mankind has wrought and the pain still waiting in the future. But it lies at the end of a long and deadly road.

Guarding Mr. Fine

by Helenkay Dimon

In this steamy novel of seduction and international intrigue, two brave men are stripped of their defenses—and exposed to dangers and desires that simmer below the surface. As an agent with the CIA’s special activities division, Seth Lang lives for risk—and yet he’s stuck playing bodyguard to the U.S. consul general in Munich. Although Seth’s last assignment nearly killed him, babysitting some desk jockey in a suit sounds way too easy. But when he lays eyes on the new top man, tactical expert Rick Fine, Seth’s thrilled to see just how hard this job is going to get. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Quiet has a body worth guarding—and he requires hands-on attention day and night. Dispatched to a German consulate to expose the murder of his predecessor, Rick finds himself in an extremely vulnerable position. He needs a man like Seth—in so many ways. This mission will inevitably plunge them both into jeopardy, but each new threat only brings them closer. Rick just hopes that he can keep his deepest, darkest secret hidden—or else risk imperiling a relationship they’re both fighting for their lives to protect. Fall in love with the men of HelenKay Dimon’s thrilling novels: MR. AND MR. SMITH | THE TALENTED MR. RIVERS | GUARDING MR. FINE Includes an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

Guarding January

by Sean Michael

Lord January is at the top of the charts, only comes out at night, and is usually covered in blood. Say what you will, but the man knows how to put on a great show. But when the Vampire King is let out of rehab, the last thing he expects is someone forcing him to eat real food, hang out in the sun, and generally be a human being. Rye Sommers, the best bodyguard in the business, has been hired to babysit a rock star whose biggest threat surprisingly isn't all the hard drugs, desperate groupies, and crazy fans--it's Lord January himself. But the closer Rye gets, the more LJ turns into sweet, gentle, caring Jeff Smart. He may still be the super-skinny, pierced and inked genius Lord January, but he is slowly shaking his death wish as he sheds the loneliness and exhaustion his stage persona saddled him with. But as Rye falls in love with the real Jeff, he finds himself in over his head. He knows he can keep Lord January away from the drugs and the groupies, but saving Jeff might force Jeff to choose between his career as Lord January and his very life.

Guarding His Melody (Enhanced World #4)

by Victoria Sue

A Story from the Enhanced UniverseDeaf since childhood, Sebastian Armitage had a promising musical future until his dreams were shattered when he transformed at twelve years old. In a world where enhanced humans are terrorized and imprisoned, his life shrinks around him even more as he suffers the torment of his father’s experimental research to enable him to hear. Gray Darling—struggling with the scars left by his experience in Afghanistan—agrees to provide short-term personal protection when anonymous threats escalate into assault on those closest to Seb. As the lines between protection and attraction blur, Gray and Seb can’t ignore the intense feelings drawing them together. But secrets and betrayals might prove deadly, unless Gray is willing to risk it all. And Seb must find the strength to make his own future and sing his own song….

The Guardians: Winning at Any Cost

by Edward Kendrick

Companion story to A Shattered LifeTwo men, bitter enemies.One is Roger Nielson. He works security for Phoenix Rising under the auspices of Greg Merrick. He also has a second job, working for a covert organization run by the Old Man. Its mandate is to help those who in need of its services. Roger is gay and often uses the fact effectively to get close to those who have to be eliminated.The second man is Rico Ferranti. Straight as an arrow, he earned Roger's hatred when they worked a job together while he was undercover for the DEA, although Roger didn't know he was. In the process, Rico's showboating almost caused Roger's death.They are brought together again when a gangster Greg helped put in prison is released and comes after him. With the help of Giuli Salvaggi, who also works for Greg, they are able to deal with the man -- permanently. In the aftermath, Roger suggests he wouldn't mind screwing Rico for tension release and Rico explodes. In the back of his mind, however, he wonders what it would be like.Then, Robin Seawood, who works for the Old Man, recruits both Giuli and Rico into the operation, much to Roger's consternation.From there, things explode when the trio is given the job of stopping the head of a Mafia family deep into drug dealing. When Roger is almost beaten to death in the process, Rico must come to terms with his feelings for the man while helping him recover.Can two opposites become friends ... and more? Only time will tell.NOTE: This was previously published but has been re-written and re-edited.

The Guardian's Destiny

by Fil Preis

Jarmal has been the Guardian of Scryer's Well for three decades. Romantic liaisons with the warriors and wizards who come to the Well for mystical insight no longer satisfy a man who has grown old alone. His forty-seventh birthday is a hard reminder that he has not yet chosen a successor, and he's never been granted a vision by the Well he's spent his life guarding. Fortunately, Jarmal receives a distraction in the form of the handsome foreign magician Tariq. Though Tariq's beautiful body stirs Jarmal's lust, his inexperience and tender affections move Jarmal's heart. But Tariq is seeking the Well's guidance as part of a quest to free his homeland from evil, and although Jarmal thinks he's finally found someone he'd like to spend his life with, he can no more ask Tariq to stay with him than he can leave the Well to be with Tariq. The Well offers him a glimpse of his destiny, but no easy answers.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2015 Daily Dose package "Never Too Late."

Guardians (The Woodmen Chronicles #2)

by A. M. Burns

The Woodmen Chronicles: Book TwoThom Woodmen is a bigfoot, although he prefers to be called an Oh-Mah. When it comes time for the Oh-Mah biannual gathering, he's excited to go with Ben Steele, the human he bonded with. To Thom's surprise, he is offered a place among the Guardians, the leaders of the Oh-Mah. But since he grew up half in the human world, he can't make a decision before he finds out more about these Guardians. When an Oh-Mah is killed by a human, the growing anti-human sentiment runs rampant through the gathering. Thom's family swears to help protect Ben, but when some of the Guardians join the anti-human faction, they aren't sure they can live up to their promise. Even when Ben is kidnapped, Thom doesn't know what to say when the Guardians demand his answer. Thom feels like he's not only being forced to choose between the Oh-Mah and the human world, but also between a life with or without Ben.

The Guardian of Whitechapel

by Leska Beikircher

Sequel to The Witches of WhitechapelHallowe’en, Samhain, the night when worlds collide, when travel from this world to the next is possible ...Detective Inspector Simon Stark asks himself whether people are inherently insane that night, or if things from other worlds possess us. This year, something may have crossed over, terrorizing Whitechapel, and it is up to Simon and his husband to make sure the horror stops now.

The Guardian of Machu Llaqta

by Ariel Tachna

Professor Victor Itoua has two passions: the legend of Philli-philli… and PhD candidate Jordan Harris. But while ethics rules and his own doubts keep him from admitting, much less acting on, his feelings for Jordan, nothing can stop him from researching the Philli-philli. Even if it means the torture of spending six months in the Peruvian rainforest, searching for an elusive, possibly mythical guardian with the man he loves and can’t have. For Jordan, with his history of abuse and abandonment, Victor is the one good, constant thing in his life. When Victor asks him to come to Peru, Jordan packs his bag, prepared to follow Victor anywhere the legends take them. Then, in a remote village, Jordan and Victor meet T’ukri. T’ukri is shaken when he realizes who the outsiders are and what they are looking for. Though he agrees to guide them on their quest, he is drawn by a deeper calling. But the more he shares with Victor and Jordan, the more questions they have—questions whose answers require him to reveal secrets that could mean his death should the men he is falling in love with betray his trust….

Guardian Angels (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Geneva Vand

One snowy evening, a car wreck in front of his toy store triggers terrible memories for Jake. Suddenly, he is in the midst of another winter storm--and another accident, one that not everyone walked away from. When he returns to the present, Jake is on the ground, being watched over by a guardian angel in the form of a kind man named Eli. Eli is no stranger to panic attacks and PTSD, and he's happy to help Jake get home--where the weather forces him to remain for the night. For Jake, it could be the first step toward a life free from fear and loneliness.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Guardian Angel (Jimmy Mcswain Files Ser. #Vol. 4)

by Adam Carpenter

The dual forces of good and evil take center stage in this, the fourth installment in the Jimmy McSwain Files, which finds the tortured, sexy detective battling an unforeseen enemy: happiness. Yet murder will soon rear its desperate chill, hurtling Jimmy into the highest society and the lowest of lives.Winter is nearly upon Manhattan, the holidays right around the corner. Jimmy is hired to escort the infamous tabloid favorite Serena Carson to a charity benefit, intent on guarding her from an abusive ex. Yet the job takes a brutal turn as Henderson Carlyle, the privileged, spoiled lothario, is found sliced to death outside of Serena’s brownstone. The cops warn Jimmy away from the case, including his former lover, Captain Francis X. Frisano. Jimmy has his hands full anyway, as his visiting cousin Kellan was found beaten by one-time family friend, Mickey Dean, a Hell’s Kitchen thug with a dark past and even darker threat.As the snow falls and answers remain buried, Jimmy finds himself thrown into the midst of two conflicting cases, one of which will expose a dormant clue to the long unsolved murder of his NYPD cop, Joseph McSwain. Complicating matters is a new man in Jimmy’s life, who promises Jimmy security and safety, neither word easy for him to accept. When fate sends Jimmy’s world into turmoil, he realizes there’s a devil at work in a season usually owned by angels.

The Guardian

by Mary Calmes

Jude Shea's life is turned upside down when he rescues a dog he names Joe. Even though Jude has enough trouble taking care of himself--he doesn't even have a job--he can't resist the animal that needs him. Then one night, a man shows up on his doorstep looking to claim Jude's new companion. As they run from a surprise attack, Jude finds out that "Joe" is not what he seems. Eoin Thral is a guardian from an alternate dimension, and once he leads Jude through the veil that separates their worlds, he transforms into a handsome hulk of a man known for his fighting skills, not the capacity for love. Jude finds himself immersed in Eoin's world, and he's faced with the fight of his life to secure a happy future for them both.

Guardian: Guardian (Aisling Trilogy #1)

by Carole Cummings

Aisling Trilogy: Book OneAs he pursues a man who is not what he seems, Constable Dallin Brayden learns the lines between enemy and ally, truth and deception, and conscience and obedience are not only blurred, but malleable. Constable Dallin Brayden knows who he is, what he’s about, and he doesn’t believe in Fate. “Wilfred Calder” has no idea who he is or what he’s about, and he’s been running from Fate for as long as he can remember. When Wil flees after witnessing a murder, it’s Dallin’s job to pursue him. Along the way, he’s pulled into a maelstrom of ancient myth, fanatical religion, and the delicate politics of a shaky truce between two perpetually warring countries—all of which rests on the slender shoulders of the man he knows is not Wilfred Calder. Even Dallin’s success proves a hollow victory. Wil is vengeful, rebellious, and lethal, and his tale of magic and betrayal rocks the carefully constructed foundations of Dallin’s world. Suspicious and only half believing, Dallin must question not only his own integrity and his half-forgotten past, but the morality and motives of everyone around him—including those who hold his own country’s fate in their hands.

The Guardian (Touchstone #2)

by MC Lee

Sequel to The TouchstoneSuperpowered teen Sam, and his boyfriend, Harry, are already struggling to navigate being gifted in a normal world, and their problems are about to get deadlier. Their oldest enemy, Caleb Reed, will stop at nothing to capture Sam and force him to use his abilities for Reed’s benefit. Though their team of friends and allies steps up to watch their backs, Reed sneaks past their defenses time and time again, leading Sam to wonder if one of their own has betrayed them. When Reed threatens the life of a friend, Sam is forced to make the most difficult decision of his life—one with consequences he can’t even imagine.

El Guardián

by Jorge Medina Mary Calmes

La vida de Jude Shea se da la vuelta cuando rescata un perro al que llama Joe. A pesar de que Jude tiene demasiados problemas cuidándo de sí mismo... ni siquiera tiene empleo... no puede resistirse al un animal que lo necesita. Entonces, una noche, un hombre aparece en su puerta tratando de reclamar al nuevo compañero de Jude. Mientras corren escapando a un ataque sorpresa, Jude descubre que "Joe" no es lo que parece. Eoin Thral es un guardián de una dimensión alternativa, y una vez que conduce a Jude a través del velo que separa sus mundos, se transforma en un hermoso e inmenso hombre conocido por sus habilidades en el combate, pero no por su capacidad de amar. Jude se encuentra inmerso en el mundo de Eoin, y tendrá que luchar la batalla de su vida para asegurar un futuro feliz para ambos.

The Guardian

by Pelaam

Summoned by an aunt he didn’t know he had, Edison Jones heads to a small Welsh village. He’s met by Gavril, the local blacksmith, and the men quickly become good friends. Gavril takes him to Mam Eira. Their kinship is real; she only asks for his presence and help.Encouraged to work in the local copper mine, Edison meets Bleddyn, the man of his dreams. However, it isn’t long before he’s drawn into a web of mystery and magic where people are not always what they seem. Bleddyn is The Guardian of the mine, set there to watch over an ancient, and deadly, adversary.When evil is unleashed, Bleddyn is taken prisoner and Edison must face an age-old evil and rescue the man he loves.

Guardia e ladri (Delitti e disastri)

by Rhys Ford

Un racconto della serie Delitti e disastriSi ride e si scherza finché non ci si imbatte nel corpo di un uomo morto. La vita di Alex Martin è piuttosto ordinaria. Dal Planet X Comics, il suo negozio di fumetti, passano i geek e gli strambi, ma ormai lui non fa più caso alle loro stranezze. Tutto cambia il giorno in cui apre il negozio e trova un cadavere sul pavimento. A indagare viene chiamato il detective James Castillo. Alex non sa se vorrebbe abbarbicarsi all’uomo oppure stargli alla larga ma, per fortuna, anche il detective si mostra interessato ad Alex… perché sospetta proprio di lui.

El guardaespaldas y el heredero

by Cs Luis

Dejar la milicia por un trabajo menos peligroso como guardaespaldas, era todo lo que Nathan Mason buscaba. El duro y a veces arrogante Nathan pronto se dio cuenta de que estaba involucrado en una difícil situación de la que no podría salir. Contratado por el poderoso Arthur Madison, un gigante de la industria farmacéutica, fue puesto a cargo del mayor bien de Arthur: proteger a su único hijo, Christian, el heredero de la fortuna de Madison. Un ataque en la mansión del heredero pronto pone su vida y la de Christian en peligro. Ahora Nathan debe poner todo su entrenamiento y habilidades a prueba para salvar al heredero. Aun cuando Nathan es capaz y esta preparado, son sus emociones y el afecto que siente por el joven lo que seguramente lo aniquilarán. Debe poner de lado estos sentimientos, si quiere salvar a Christian, que es quien ha robado su corazón.


by Saleem Haddad

A debut novel that tells the story of Rasa, a young gay man coming of age in the Middle East Set over the course of twenty-four hours, Guapa follows Rasa, a gay man living in an unnamed Arab country, as he tries to carve out a life for himself in the midst of political and social upheaval. Rasa spends his days translating for Western journalists and pining for the nights when he can sneak his lover, Taymour, into his room. One night Rasa's grandmother -- the woman who raised him -- catches them in bed together. The following day Rasa is consumed by the search for his best friend Maj, a fiery activist and drag queen star of the underground bar, Guapa, who has been arrested by the police. Ashamed to go home and face his grandmother, and reeling from the potential loss of the three most important people in his life, Rasa roams the city's slums and prisons, the lavish weddings of the country's elite, and the bars where outcasts and intellectuals drink to a long-lost revolution. Each new encounter leads him closer to confronting his own identity, as he revisits his childhood and probes the secrets that haunt his family. As Rasa confronts the simultaneous collapse of political hope and his closest personal relationships, he is forced to discover the roots of his alienation and try to re-emerge into a society that may never accept him.

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