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No Going Back

by Patrick Flores-Scott

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection"Powerful…. The excellent pacing and heart-wrenching exploration of redemption will sweep readers up." —Kirkus Reviews"[A] page-turning, highly readable story." —Booklist"Time-stamped chapters add urgency, intensity, and excitement as the thrilling plot progresses, making for a page-turning story about forgiveness and personal evolution." —Publishers WeeklyIn this tour de force about one teen&’s quest for redemption from the award-winning author of American Road Trip, Antonio is determined to make amends to the people he hurt most—even if it means breaking the terms of his early release from juvenile detention. It&’s Friday morning, and seventeen-year-old Antonio Sullivan is on the verge of earning his early release from Zephyr Woods Youth Detention Center. Having been incarcerated for the last year and a half for a crime he didn&’t directly commit, he&’s now dedicating himself to his education and his sobriety program. What&’s more, Antonio is driven by a deep need to make amends to the two people he hurt the most: his mom and his lifelong best friend, Maya. The conditions of his early release are clear—Antonio can&’t have any contact with his father or miss his first meeting with his parole officer Monday morning. But a lot can happen between Friday and Monday, especially when the odds are against you. Told through time-stamped chapters that race at a fever pitch over the course of a weekend, this absorbing coming-of-age novel explores what it means to right past wrongs in the face of adversity.PRAISE FOR NO GOING BACK "Fast-paced, poignant, and poetic . . . This is a book of unexpected hope." —Sondra Soderborg, author of Sky Ropes "A deep look into the heart of being misunderstood, told with prose you just can't fake. With honest voices, a flow of poetry, and a satisfying conclusion, this book is a gift with a purpose, the kind you hand to a reader that both wants and needs it." —Sean Beaudoin, author of Welcome Thieves and Wise Young Fool "A gripping and heart-wrenching novel about family, friendship and second chances—will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end." —Betty Culley, author of Three Things I Know are True and The Name She Gave Me "Poetry, resilience, unflinching honesty, a steady undercurrent of hope, plus a wild adventure with a ticking clock, this book packs it all in for a three-day turbulent ride that's full of heart." —Kristin Bartley Lenz, author of The Art of Holding On and Letting Go "A powerful story of the push and pull between doing what&’s right and being there for the people we love." —Katherine Higgs-Coulthard, author of Junkyard Dogs and Hanging with My Peeps "Patrick Flores-Scott delivers a beautiful exploration of familial love, the idea of healthy friendships, and the long-term impacts of trauma." —Rita Shah, author of The Meaning of Rehabilitation and Its Impact on Parole

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

by Philip Flores

From the Foreword: "Addiction is a disorder in self-regulation. Individuals who become dependent on addictive substances cannot regulate their emotions, self-care, self-esteem, and relationships. In this monumental and illuminating text Philip Flores covers all the reasons why this is so. But it is the domain of interpersonal relations that he makes clear why individuals susceptible to substance use disorders (SUDs) are especially vulnerable. His emphasis on addiction as an attachment disorder is principally important because he provides extensive scholarly and clinical insights as to why certain vulnerable individuals so desperately need to substitute chemical solutions and connections for human ones. The strength of Flores's paradigm of addiction as an attachment disorder is that it is a theory that effectively and wisely guides treatment, but at the same time, when properly implemented or practiced, the treatment resonates with and further enhances the theory. Flores's work here is an extraordinary one because, in parsimonious and clear language, he makes a major contribution to the literature and practice of effective psychotherapy in general and effective psychotherapy for the addictions in particular. He fills in all the gaps between theory and practice covering wide and ranging issues of what practice and empirical findings have to teach about the critical ingredients of AA, group therapy, and individual psychotherapy. This is a job well done because it helps students and experienced clinicians alike to always be mindful of how they bring their humanity to the distress and suffering of others. His theory of addiction as an attachment disorder makes it particularly clear how especially important this is for those suffering with addictive disorders. " —Edward J. Khantzian, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Numerología: Aprenda el significado real de los números

by Doreen M. Flores

Si bien está dirigido a principiantes absolutos, los practicantes avanzados descubrirán métodos innovadores de numerología, particularmente el uso de las ecuaciones del tarot, un método inédito que adivina los patrones mismos construidos en el universo. En este libro, aprenderá: •¿Qué es la numerología? •Cómo usar los números para comprender el comportamiento humano •La conexión divina con su personaje •La mejor carrera para usted •Cómo llevarse bien con todos entendiendo su predisposición Y mucho, mucho más . Este libro es una introducción completa a los principios de la numerología. Los números del Camino de VIda que se describen en este libro no solo son fáciles de comprender, sino que también le hacen apreciar cómo debe relacionarse con los demás si quiere vivir en armonía con otras personas.

Mindfulness Through the Stars: A Zodiac Wellness Guide

by Ashley Flores

In this beginner&’s guide for amateur astrologists, learn how to use astrology houses to gain personal insight and cultivate relationships. Overcome insecurities, love your flaws, and shine like a star. Embracing the astrological energy of each unique personality in your world can provide cosmic relief to everyday chaos and noise. As the planets cycle through the houses of the horoscope, so do individual ups and downs. Taking astrology aspects like your sun sign and rising sign into consideration, Mindfulness Through the Stars teaches you to use your personal horoscope for self-knowledge and self-care. All horoscope signs have a good, a bad, and an ugly. And each zodiac personality trait can provide guidance to target improvement and encouragement and become an evolved version of your sign. On this journey of celestial self-development, learn how to take better care of the body, mind, and spirit with topics like astrology compatibility and mindfulness activities. Aries, enjoy a facial with your Leo bestie. Sagittarius, unwind with a little wine and a new book. No matter your sign, it&’s time to listen to the secret language of the stars. &“As someone who&’s curious about astrology but not a huge believer, Ashley&’s book has turned me into a believer.&” —Shingirai Mazengwe, artist and photographer &“Ashley Flores's awesome astrology book adds much-needed diversity and POC perspective to the study of the stars.&” —Cerridwen Greenleaf, author of Moon Spell Magic &“Combines the ancient patterns of starlight with the modern practice of meditation at a time when we need it most. The perfect read for a hectic year!&” —Araminta Star Matthews, co-author of Crystal Intentions: Practices for Manifesting Wellness

La Magia del LEREGO

by Víctor Florencio

¡Estoy verdaderamente emocionado! Finalmente te ofrezco mi primer libro. El cual será tan tuyo como mío, y cuando abras sus páginas sabrás el por qué.Este libro lo vamos a escribir tú y yo, capítulo a capítulo, y juntos descubriremos el poder mágico de mi famoso LEREGO. A través de anécdotas de mi vida, recetas y rituales para toda fe y creencia, te voy a contar por qué me llaman El Niño Prodigio, y te voy a ayudar a LEvantarte, REnovarte y GOzar. Con estos tres sencillos pasos y mis experiencias místicas, te diré cómo dirigir tus energías y cómo cambiar aquello que no te gusta o no te sirve. En la vida hay dificultades que no podemos evitar. Sin embargo, te puedo ayudar a sobrellevarlas gracias a una magia que me transmitieron mis seres de luz: la magia del LEREGO. Ahora mismo, ármate de valor y lee cada página con fe y confianza, sin miedo a lo que puedas descubrir dentro de ti. Resguarda este libro en un lugar especial. Lo podrás consultar cada vez que necesites inspiración y una luz en tu camino. La Magia del LEREGO es la fórmula para aquel que necesite una guía espiritual en la vida. Y tú, ¿estás preparado para progresar? Porque estás a punto de comenzar una aventura que te va a cambiar para siempre… ¡Bienvenido a La Magia del LEREGO!

Why Am I Sick?: How to Find Out What's Really Wrong Using Advanced Clearing Energetics#

by Richard Flook

Have you ever asked, 'Why am I sick?' and found that your doctor can't give you a satisfying answer?Western medicine can rarely answer this question - just look at any medical dictionary, and for 99 per cent of diseases listed, the cause is not known. The question is, how can you cure a disease - permanently - if you don't know what caused it in the first place?In Why Am I Sick? Richard Flook explains how disease really works, revealing how the body has not, in fact, made a mistake, but that there are different types of stressful experiences that can cause specific diseases to occur. He tackles the challenging questions of why cancers develop, how chronic diseases are caused, how allergies start, why our beliefs about bacteria and viruses are flawed, and how our present way of treating disease is in desperate need of updating. This ground-breaking book will challenge your present belief system about disease, and at the same time empower you by finally answering the question: 'Why am I sick?', to put you back in control of your health!

Pandemics, Public Health, and the Regulation of Borders: Lessons from COVID-19

by Colleen M. Flood Y.Y. Brandon Chen Raywat Deonandan Sam Halabi Sophie Thériault

This book examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered a new and challenging environment in which borders drawn around people, places, and social structures have hardened and new ones have emerged.Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, borders closed or became unwelcoming at the international, national, sub-national, and local levels. Debate persists as to whether those countries and territories that tightly managed their borders, like New Zealand, Australia, or Hong Kong, got it ‘right’ compared to those that did not. Without doubt, a majority of those who suffered and died throughout the pandemic have been those from vulnerable populations. Yet on the other hand, efforts taken to manage the spread of the disease, such as through border management, have also disproportionately affected those who are most vulnerable. How then is the right balance to be struck, acknowledging, too, the economic and other imperatives that may dissuade governments from taking public health steps? This book considers how international organizations, countries, and institutions within those countries should conceive of, and manage, borders as the world continues to struggle with COVID-19 and prepares for the next pandemic. Engaging a range of international, and sub-national, examples, the book thematizes the main issues at stake in the control and management of borders in the interests of public health.This book will be of considerable interest to academics in the fields of health law, anthropology, economics, history, medicine, public health, and political science, as well as policymakers and public health planners at national and sub-national levels.

The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide

by Colleen M. Flood Aeyal Gross

Through a comparative global study of countries from all continents representing a diversity of health, legal, political, and economic systems, this book explores the role of health rights to advance greater equality through access to health care. Does health care promote equality, or does it in fact advance the opposite result? Does inserting the idea of "the right to health" into health systems allow the reinsertion of public values into systems that are undergoing privatization? Or does it allow for private claims to be rearticulated as "rights," in a way that actually reinforces inequality? This volume includes studies from countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, The Netherlands, China, and Nigeria, among many others, as well as authors with expertise regarding both the legal and health systems of their countries, making this a seminal study that allows readers to see the differing role of rights in various health systems.

International Health Care Reform: A Legal, Economic and Political Analysis

by Colleen Flood

This book analyses the wave of competition-oriented reform by comparing "internal market reform" (proposed in publicly-funded health care systems) with "managed competition reform" (proposed in systems with a mixture of public/private financing) and the role of "managed care" in each of these reform theories. International Health Care Reform clearl

Reflexology (Idiot's Guides)

by Bill Flocco

Reflexology is a safe and gentle therapy that uses pressure points to combat stress, boost the immune system, and stimulate the natural healing process. Idiot's Guides: Reflexology is geared to the absolute beginner and uses dozens of full-color, step-by-step photographs to teach techniques for the hands, feet, and ears. Readers will learn how to treat specific ailments (headaches, back pain, asthma, and more) by using easy-to-understand, expert methods. Coverage also includes how to read a reflexology chart, how to perform the techniques on children, and more.

España hechizada: Brujas, magas y vampiras

by Nekane Flisflisher

Brujas, magas, vampiras y todo tipo de seres malditos, enclaves ocultos y misterios paranormales sin resolver de nuestro país. Después de descubrir las historias más terroríficas y los casos reales más espeluznantes de los misterios más sonados de España, llega un nuevo volumen de la mano de la autora para conocer otros casos relacionados con brujas, vampiras y todas las leyendas mitológicas españolas más aterradoras. Un escalofriante viaje por las leyendas, mitos y criaturas más oscuras de España.

Reverse Your Diabetes in 12 Weeks: The Scientifically Proven Program to Avoid, Control, and Turn Around Your Diabetes

by Royce Flippin George King

A groundbreaking program to avoid, control, and even reverse diabetes through diet and exercise. The research of Dr. George King, chief scientific officer of Harvard Medical School’s Joslin Diabetes Center, is widely recognized in the medical community as the gold standard. In Reverse Your Diabetes in 12 Weeks (previously published in hardcover as The Diabetes Reset), Dr. King transforms the center’s cutting-edge research—including the discovery of brown fat and how it enhances the effects of the body’s own insulin—into a program of eight proven strategies. Foremost is diet—but the real surprise is that the diet that actually works, a modified “rural Asian diet,” derives 70% of its calories from carbohydrates. Dr. King disentangles the myths and confusion surrounding carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fiber, and shows why not all carbs are bad and why sugar is not the root of all evil. Losing weight is also key, but in a very doable way—significant changes happen with a 5 to 7% reduction of body weight. He emphasizes the importance of exercise—it increases the muscles’ glucose-absorbing ability—and gives an easy-to-follow program of aerobic and strength exercises. And he shows why diabetics especially need those seven hours of sleep a night—chronic lack of sleep causes insulin resistance. A twelve-week plan shows how to put all of it into action—to take charge of blood glucose levels and significantly improve your health.

The Practicing Herbalist: Meeting with Clients, Reading the Body

by Margi Flint

The Practicing Herbalist : Meeting with Clients, Reading the Body

Lighter: Create Lasting and Healthy Habits to Lose Weight & Keep It Off for Life Without the Struggle

by Erika Flint

Are you struggling with your weight and tired of feeling so heavy and out of control with food all the time? Are you an emotional eater feeling desperate and stuck with a bunch of bad habits? Do you feel like you know what you should be doing to lose the weight, but find it hard to follow through day after day? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then award-winning hypnotist Erika Flint&’s second book Lighter is right for you.Lighter incorporates insights from helping hundreds of clients finally lose the weight with leading-edge hypno-sis techniques, and makes it easy to implement with 31 tools to get you started feeling lighter right away. This book serves as a reference guide you&’ll return to over and over to keep you on the path of emotional light-ness and weight loss without the struggle. Written in a loving and compassionate voice, readers will appreciate the authors obvious love for her clients and how she helps them achieve lightness in their own life with power-ful tools that work with the mind and body – not against them.Harness the power of your heart and mind and achieve lasting weight loss without the struggle.

Reprogram Your Weight: Stop Thinking about Food All the Time, Regain Control of Your Eating, and Lose the Weight Once and for All

by Erika Flint

Hypnosis techniques to get you to a healthy weight once and for all. In Reprogram Your Weight, award-winning hypnotist Erika Flint combines insightful, leading-edge hypnosis techniques with client success stories of weight loss. She understands that many people don&’t know what to do to lose weight—and often have a hard time consistently following through. Some people feel like there&’s something deeper going on inside that&’s keeping them from achieving their weight loss goal. Here, Flint shows how to bring these issues to the surface and combat them in a healthy, mindful manner. Within these pages lies the roadmap to a healthier, happier you!

Till the Fat Lady Slims: Break Free From Food Prison Forever

by Debbie Flint

Liberate yourself from “Food Prison”—with the help of Freedom Eating. In this groundbreaking, encouraging guide, Debbie Flint speaks openly and honestly of her life, including stresses, disappointments—and decades of battles with her weight. Alongside these personal stories, she introduces readers to the concept of Freedom Eating and how it can help you escape Food Prison. Debbie shares, in her very own personable way, how she managed to break free from the habits of a lifetime—habits that so many readers will be able to identify with. Her tale of regaining control is heartwarming and above all, inspirational. The book also includes material covering the dangers of sugar, and information on how to use Debbie’s method alongside traditional dieting. Debbie has taken back control and regained her right to be slim. And so can you with the help of Freedom Eating.

HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

by Adrian Flint

This book explains how issues of governance lie at the heart of understanding and combating the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa. It reviews the debates surrounding the root causes of the pandemic and its continuing proliferation and examines the local and global socio-political forces that have contributed to the spread and impact of the disease.

A Gluten-Free Birthday for Me! (Av2 Fiction Readalong 2015 Ser.)

by Sue Fliess Jennifer Morris

"It's my birthday. . . I can't wait! Time for us to celebrate! House is ready, Set for fun. Cake's the last thing, then we're done. Can't use flour, Can't use wheat. . .That's got gluten! What's to eat?" With bright and charming illustrations and sweet text, A Gluten-Free Birthday for Me! is a celebration of being gluten-free!

How to Train a Tooth Fairy (Magical Creatures and Crafts #9)

by Sue Fliess

What happens when you have a loose tooth, but it's the Tooth Fairy's first day on the job? How will she find you and where will she leave her gifts? In this installation of Sue Fliess and Simona Sanfilippo's Magical Creatures and Crafts series, a group of children wonder what happens if the Tooth Fairy assigned to collect their most recent lost tooth is brand new to her job. How will she know where to find the tooth? What if she goes to the wrong room? To help the Tooth Fairy remember her training, the children devise a plan that will guarantee her success! With the right supplies—colored paper, crayons or pens, scissors, stickers and glitter, and ribbon—young readers who have a wiggly tooth or have recently lost a baby tooth can also help train their Tooth Fairy by making a sign for their bedroom doors similar to the ones the children make in the book. Fliess&’s bouncy read-aloud rhyming text and Sanfilippo&’s energetic, whimsical illustrations will bring joy to young readers as they watch the children create a scene that will direct the little Tooth Fairy to the tooth she seeks. Also included are guides for teachers and parents about the origin and history of the Tooth Fairy, as well as instructions for making the craft featured in the book.

The Meditator's Workbook

by Matthew Flickstein Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

Using hands-on exercises, journal entries, guided meditations, and lively vignettes, The Meditator's Workbook will help you: Live more deeply and joyfully in the moment Uncover the true source of stress Resolve grief Explore and express forgiveness See through the inevitable distortions of the mind Recognize and actualize your goals Find real inner peace and a thoroughgoing well-being Whether your goal is to reduce stress or to gain deeper insight and mastery over your inner life, this simple, straightforward guidebook is the tool to use for learning why and how to meditate. Through its unique workbook-style presentation, The Meditator's Workbook leads you to discover your own starting point, teaches you how to gain mental clarity and remove the obstacles you inevitably encounter, and helps you to identify the insights that are appropriate to each stage of your journey to spiritual and psychological maturity.

A Back and Forth between Tourism and Health: From Medical Tourism to Global Health

by Sebastien Fleuret

Health is an often-overlooked issue in the touristic development of territories. However, the recent pandemic linked to Covid-19, by bringing the tourism sector to a halt, has revealed the importance of health issues for this economic sector.This book deals with the interaction between tourism and health in all its facets and offers a complete overview of the subject, the beginnings of which date back to Antiquity. The arguments presented here are based on a back-and-forth approach between tourism studies and health sciences. Various themes are thus addressed, such as health risks, health issues for travellers linked to tourism practices, medical tourism, health mobility and the global processes that accompany it, as well as the impact of tourism development on public health in destinations.A Back and Forth Between Tourism and Health highlights the need to include the health dimension in tourism planning and invites a paradigm shift in thinking about the tourism sector.

Kid Smoothies: Smoothie Recipes Kids Will Love to Make

by Erin Fletter

A healthy kids&’ cookbook of fun, easy smoothie recipes that teaches kids basic kitchen skills without using a stove or tons of equipment!Dragon&’s Laire Cocoa Smoothie, Vanilla Bean Dream Delight, Pineapple Paradise, Strawberry Lemonade Stand Pops—these are just some of the yummy, kid-approved recipes you&’ll find in Kid Smoothies by Erin Fletter, co-founder of Sticky Fingers Cooking. In this book, kids ages 6 to 9 will gain confidence in the kitchen as they take charge making delicious smoothies from start to finish. They&’ll learn to handle basic tools and equipment and prep like a pro—cutting fruit, zesting citrus, operating a blender, and more. Filled with recipes for refreshing, creamy, and fruity smoothies, smoothie bowls, and smoothie pops, there is a fresh and healthy treat for everyone in the family to enjoy. 40+ BEGINNER-FRIENDLY RECIPES: Kids can practice their kitchen skills with abundant and fun smoothie, smoothie bowl, or smoothie pop recipesEASY INTRODUCTORY COOKBOOK: With simple instructions, age-appropriate guidance, and minimal equipment, these no-cook recipes are ideal for teaching kitchen fundamentals to aspiring kid chefs BEAUTIFUL COLORFUL PHOTOS: Spark creativity with visuals of inspiring smoothie creations, garnishes, and toppingsTRY ALL THE COLORS: Encourages healthy eating with tips and pointers on nutrition—a fun and playful invitation to adventurous eating CREATE YOUR OWN SMOOTHIE: Young chefs can create their own smoothie creations and favorite combinations with easy, fill-in the blank recipes

Mindful Hypnobirthing: Hypnosis and Mindfulness Techniques for a Calm and Confident Birth

by Sophie Fletcher

Hypnotherapist and experienced doula Sophie Fletcher shares with you the secrets to having a safe and positive birth experience. Using a powerful combination of mindfulness, hypnosis and relaxation techniques, Sophie will ensure you feel genuinely excited and completely prepared for birth.With stories from women who have successfully used the tools in this book, and downloadable hypnosis and relaxation tracks, discover how to:- use your mind and body together to stay focused and in control- draw on visualisation and breathing techniques to help birth progress- feel positive and empowered, before, during and after you give birthReassuring, practical and based entirely on what works, Mindful Hypnobirthing is your essential guide to having a calm and confident birth experience.

Mindful Hypnobirthing: Hypnosis and Mindfulness Techniques for a Calm and Confident Birth

by Sophie Fletcher

Hypnotherapist and experienced doula Sophie Fletcher shares with you the secrets to having a safe, natural and positive birth. Using a powerful combination of mindfulness, hypnosis and relaxation techniques, Sophie will ensure you feel genuinely excited and completely prepared for birth.With stories from women who have successfully used the tools in this book, and downloadable hypnosis and relaxation tracks, discover how to:- use your mind and body together to stay focused and in control- draw on visualisation and breathing techniques to help birth progress- feel positive and empowered, before, during and after you give birthReassuring, practical and based entirely on what works, Mindful Hypnobirthing is your essential guide to giving birth the way you want to.

Mindful Mamma: Mindfulness and Hypnosis Techniques for a Calm and Confident First Year

by Sophie Fletcher

Feel calm and confident throughout your baby’s first year Mindful Mamma is a reassuring and practical guide to help you to navigate the life-changing first year of motherhood. Using simple mindfulness and hypnosis techniques alongside MP3 tracks, you’ll learn to: · Create moments of calm whenever you need it – even at 4am with a restless baby · Tackle challenges, such as fatigue and anxiety, and build mental resilience · Connect with your baby and tune in to their worldWhether this is your first or fourth baby, Mindful Mamma is your essential toolkit to manage the physical, emotional and joyful chaos of motherhood.

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